Invest in or Not - FLOW -

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so well focusing vertical proximately as i told you guys then also new dabs coming on problems right now today the investment review for the flow token code is also flow okay so let's start so as usual this is my performance strategy so i only archive my assets to the bitcoin and the old alcohol which is related to g6 categories and if you want to deepen your understanding about my portfolio please check out my other video about my portfolio strategy okay and in today's flow matching cavity first one is number five here burst this is their major product positioning and also they're gonna take the vodka product strategy so that is why other matching calories here about number one doubts especially b2c side because flow is focused on gaming burst project okay and as usual i'm going to apply the six anaka points so starting for the pain points products team execution power token economy and hype cycle and for each i set the 5.0 point here so the total score is 30.30 okay and if you want to deepen your understanding about how i'm going to analyze about each point please check out my other video about my altcoin investment strategy again and then number one pain point analysis then here's one pain point related to proverbs so dabs needs births for product development in their early stages let me tell you the background so current internet infrastructure is controlled by tech giant such as apple amazon google and facebook while building p2b based crowd company resources requires insanity tough work for dapps player because in adapts means blockchain applications so once we're gonna run applications on top of the centralized cloud this is not adapts this is just a normal applications dapps means all the computer resources to run these applications including token economic stuff running on p2p network which means that brochure network for the dapps perspective to aggregate to build their own p2p company resources to run the applications is it's quite tough work because they have to take care of not about you know computer resources but also the active user-based development stuff marketing you know gross hacking stuff they have to take the variety of things that is why if the birth products provide these in computer resources in these centers fashions it's pretty helpful and we have great analogy for the internet we call it's computing big bang it happened in 2006 to 2007. okay and it

and we had two major innovation happen here first one is amazon nfs the other one is apple ios and the bros project is pretty similar to amazon rfs because before the aws older developer who wants to develop their own applications have to rely on the data center they have to run the data scientist services so every month they have to pay at a minimum level like 3000 to 5000 per month it's quite expensive but what the amazing work done by airfares if your user base is still pretty small let's say hundreds or one thousand you active user business or something you only need to pay 30 dollars or fifty dollars extremely cheaper than data center solutions that because of this a lot of developers motivate to develop their own applications and eventually we're gonna experience this computer big bang second massive growth space of its internal history so completely same things happening by burst project and blockchain space okay and then last second topic product analysis and before moving to detail sets let's check out the history overview of the flow this project funded in february 2018 so that beloveds is leading player on the fro bus project and this company was spanned out of the axiom then venture studio based in canada and in september 2019 they announced 11 medium in funding and development of flow in september 2020 one year later they partner with binance which allows developer building the flow to permissionlessly integrate busd the binance matching stablecoin project into their adapts flow depths okay and in april 2020 same timing they also partner with dm by facebook in this partnership pro blockchain adapted dm's move move is a dm's unique programming language on the brass product as its virtual machine while dm could utilize dapper's own programming language caddis okay now here is you know flow bros overview pretty close to ethereum 2.0 here is p2p computing resources their firmwares aggregate these computer resources and they're going to provide these computer resources for the dapps developer to run these applications then their blockchain feature is public based one also pure proof of stake based one which is pretty close to ethereum 2.0 only from this you know perspective that flow blockchain from bros project is pretty similar to ethereum 2.0 again and then one more things i want to understand here about critical difference between centros cloud and decentralized cloud when we call the centros crowd they mainly have three components transactional system who's going to process user transactions such as sending message or running payment transactions stretch store all those transaction data here then once user wants to use some kind of you know search engines or recommended functions with these you know storage data they need an article engine here okay so these three components the mineral requirements for the center of the crowd then decentralized cloud actually burst means here transactional system cure why because blockchain technology is a transactional system blockchain is not for stretch broker is not for analytics one only transaction system so from the bros business perspective they need to scale up from this functionality here to strategy area and also analytics area here in long term since these centers crowd have to compete with the centros crowd so this scalability issue is another component pretty critical ones they have to take care of it in long term okay and then value curve proportion analysis so here's whoa and the three major brass project ethereum eos and tron okay the first things i want to pay attention to here that ethereum is a world first bus project so they can take fast movement advantage here other player flow you're strong cannot take that advantage and the second things i want to pay attention to here eos try to differentiate from ethereum they already have these two major functionality of the centros crowd storage system and analysis system okay other things we need to pay attention to proof of stake model here eos and tron take the dpos model they're thinking about more distributed faster model as bus project pure pos model like ethereum 2.0 and the

flow is much more scalable here but to build the free scalable proof of stake model it takes time so that's why i set the b score here okay and about scaling solutions kind of same thing still then compared with ethereum one of the critical differentiation point the fraud tried to build is here own dapps also nfd focus no other brass player focus on nft flow is so seriously focused on an empty space then i'm going to tell the detail how they're going to effectively take vodka product strategy so as you can see here for ethereum for example they don't have any kind of owned apps but flow has their own dapps application here first one is cryptokitties one of the successful blockchain game ever and currently they focus on top shot welcome with nba national basketball associations i'm a little bit curious about you know cryptic kitties here because you know it's going to be helping you understand about the potential of the frog boss project so this one so cryptokitties is a genesis of nfd games so cryptic it is a game built on the ethereum blockchain and each crypto kit is one of a kind and a hundred percent owned by the user so this is made nft or no fuzzier token technology ever in their history and it had more than 11 of the total ethereum volume in the dates of following the release it's a huge success and it was about 100 million in volume within 24 hours and by the end of 2017 and it got amounted to 12 over the total transactions on the ether network simply say cryptokitty is a fast huge success in the nfd game and a flow brush itself run by this team diaper loves who gonna incubate it and scare off crypto kitties then why they decided build their own burst project because transition cost of the ets 2.0 it's pretty high each transaction of an nft much smaller than you know major crypto asset transactions such as the ethereum or abe or compound unit swap because nfd is single game virtual good to something like 50 or 100 or something that is why the four boroughs have to seriously focus on about micro payment transaction bros model on their in platform to me it's fully convincing facts that why that beloveds finally decided to develop their own birth project because of high ethereum transaction fee okay but also focusing on nfd has a huge potential in the blockchain space why because of this dynamic nft so these slides come from chain link they are the incubator of the dynam nfd and nft is a huge potential on a blockchain space including defy perspective let me tell you a good example from this slide in this case study so they pick up you know football game here boxing baseball nft best one all this game as we know that we have actual you know soccer ball leagues such a premium league or something usually those football game you can use actual football player here in this game right but their tractions or players status dynamically changing all the time so from the user perspective you want to play with the latest status of each player here and in dynamic nfd through chanting network is technically allow us to play more real-time and dynamic you know playing model here on the broaching game so the chain link oracle provide real-time data into this blockchain game and every single time you can apply the actual data status so which means that the each nft value of this blockchain game suckable game like one your favorite player or something also dynamically changing it's pretty exciting one here right and then we can apply these functionality to the default space too like esports each player each game player you know can maximize their investment return on the game playing staff with dynamic nfd2 and we can apply this concept of dynamic nfd not only about the game but also other fields like the digital arts or real estate or like your every single asset that you're going to hold in your house or something so it's pretty huge potential but in its inceptions focus on gaming space it's pretty ideal because all the things is completely on gaming space no critical regulations unlike financial space like u.s states or you know stock trading stuff that's why from the flow you know business perspective it has huge potential okay then in long term my expectation for the flow bros is this one oasis for the blockchain game and this is one of my favorite movie in the areo it's ready player one and inside there it's pretty scarable and an amazing game zone they call it oasis inside oasis they have unique gaming zone like universe like space system and then one of the amazing things you can carry your character you're going to grow up in a swiss game zone to different gaming zone then this character just like nft what i expected fro is once they're gonna realize these type of you know gaming zone like oasis wine in a brochure space it's gonna be a huge success but there are two major issues they have to face and solve it in long term first one is this one cross chain transaction with eth 2.0 for nfd5 i don't think it's a good idea that flow bros itself to develop their own defy ecosystem or own defy solutions like tron because it's completely different animal nft gaming business stuff defy stuff is completely different animal as we know that ethereum is a dominant player on d5 so what i expect to you know fro bros in long term once they can leverage these their nfd gaming ecosystem and to help the user to make money by using defined solutions on ethereum you can experience its exponential growth and one of the effective solutions that flow birds can apply is use broadcast intel operative software like polka dots once flow bros join the ecosystem and try to connect the ether network to the product and blockchain interpretive software that kind of things what i expect expected them to develop the more scalable and effective you know nfd defy solutions for the game user on phobos okay then here is another issue second one stacking dilemma on the east 2.0 currently ethrome is a huge success as a burst project it's a great success it's a kind of legend on russian industry but they are in a kind of critical dilemma to scare off is 2.0 because is 3.0 focus on proof of stake

model as i told you guys the previous slide each is holder you know ethereum expectations to stake the is token on their ethereum platform then down mechanism also proof of stake in software governance scarity is much more stable one but ethereum also dominant player in a defined space so they have a bunch of amazing defined products such as abe unit swap nexus mutual wi-fi megadyle you know that kind of things they also provide these unique features for users to make money like liquidity mining yield farming stuff liquidity mining eating farming also requires kind of staking because you need to set asset rock up to use these solutions to make money on this defy so once you can rock up your east token to here you cannot join staking of the east 2.0 this is kind of a critical issue for the east 2.0 in its long-term sustainability my suggestion is to apply the double ease like a double eth model for this taking solutions but probably it's required a certain level of technical you know developing stuff but i'm talking about the focus here so if the flow burst with the combination of the staking solutions you know froze taking solutions with the user side for example like you know once you're going to stake your flow token on a flow burst model then you can carry an ft token to break through the game on top of the flow browse platform it's one of the effective solutions that scalable and a stable bus platform of the proof of stake model on the bus project of the you know flow bus nft tokenized model nft token economy is closely connected with that these proof based model in the flow bus model it's going to be so scalable solution for them to maximize their network effects at the birth products okay and the next one keem analysis and then these are the sixth key member all member is dapper rabbs and a rohan he's a co-founder ceo of the department and he also the founding partner at axiom then in canada based venture studio and he got the master degree of the biological science at the stanford at a theater cto x-chief software arctic at axiom them so they got to work together which is actually pretty good also he's an ex-senior software engineer and apple and he got the bs of the computer science at university of waterloo it's good anime carl another co-founder and a chief business officer he's also board member at axiom zam and he's also used to be a president of the animoka brands mobile game publisher so great game experts here and benny founding member and product ex-product marketing lead at the dapper labs and co-founder and ex-product grows at toby fifth guy mickey svp of partnership ex head of the global sales of ads at unity technologies unity is one of successful gaming platform so it's great fit for this project an arthur head of the product of nba top shots you know current applications currently dapper has focused on then his ex products and engineering at axum them he's also usually a ceo of the toby so benny and arthur used to work together the plus they have a hundred member simply say it's pretty well focused on team for game birth it's pretty good then number four execution power analysis so while focusing vertical proxy as i told you guys then also new dabs coming on from bros right now so moto gp star girls and we are waiting for these items too about this point they have pretty high potential as you can see here they already you know partner with ufc or ubisoft or genesis dr seuss wanna music group all player has a strong brand on a gaming space so the upper labs proactively help them out to publish nft based blockchain game with their existing gaming title which is also quite attractive model for the flow bros to scale up the transaction in a short period of time because each game title has their specific amount of active user base with the existing brand from the business perspective it's huge potential but in plural as i told you they got a partner with existing blockchain players such as dm by facebook vusd by binance smart chat the key point is why they wanted this partnership from pro business perspective i'm going to tell you the reason why it's this one it's about stable coin strategy because ethereum has make it out make it all die stable coin it's huge success on the defined space it's a dominant player from the birth business perspective stable coin business is one of the critical projects for them because in long term all the time they're thinking about to mass adaptation on a daily payment network so stable coin business is one of the key projects here okay but on my analysis of course interface vdm or violence bsd not that bad but here's another great potential partnership from the flow business perspective is this one origin stable coin ousd why this one because in an origin protocol currently focus on shopify solutions to compete with centralized e-commerce player amazon to scale up their shopify solutions they call this shop kindly they focus on nft for example a crane museum 3 law launches fast nfd rom on origin d shop these shop solutions is e-commerce layer so pretty close to daily payment transactions of course nft is pretty attractive products for financial investment vehicle perspective but the same time once we're going to look at you know gaming space daily transactions to trade some virtual gaming items inside of the major game title there it's also pretty active so for the pro business perspective wacom is origin protocol to scare up more nft payment transactions staff put a bachelor gaming goods in a transitional staff on a daily live like for the especially east post player or regular like no game player to me it's pretty scarable solutions that's why okay and then number five token economy analysis token economy design matrix which i made and a major matching category here and here bros blockchain os and dapps because for our business taking bad car products once this year and here's network effective flow so starting point this one as i told you blockchain game developers will prefer cheaper gas cost for nft transactions because ethereum 2.0 gas costs it's pretty

expensive right now then they can attract certain level gaming item on their platform so they can build the active user traffic here then as the next step oasis for blockchain game shared nft on all gaming on fro is amazing user experiences then they're gonna move to next step here so more selection blockchain games with less switching costs to carry out the each nft items to play every single game on flow burst which can provide a better customer experiences here so they can gain active depth growth here this isn't a first gross mechanism and then we're going to move to second and gross mechanism here about dow and asset growth my expectation to them that once they got a build effective staking solution combined with shared nft model which also required certain able to define a combination staff provide a huge success for them to realize more limited supply for speculator the fraud token on the market economy and plus which can also provide a stable proof of stake solutions on the software governance that is why stable asset value grows it's going to happen on a fraud token by itself then which is also amazing you know better customer experiences for normal user we're going to make money or if we're going to play the game on a fro burst project okay so these two you know gross engine is quality letting each other help each other to maximize the network effect model or the phobos but they have not designed and implement this network effect model yet but as far as i analyze their team capability i think it's going to be possible to realize this one or the similar model like this way yeah and about governance down very critical because ethereum is well developing right now and number six hype cycle analysis so gartner hype circle analysis as usual blockchain technology 2021 and the major matching category of the flow burst is here here and here first one is blockchain purse because they're gonna directly compete with ethereum and the second one is this one decentralized applications because they're gonna take the particle product strategy and the third one is blockchain asset tokenization it's kind of direct matching category here but as i told you that once for birth can leverage define solutions integrated with the nfd token huge potential there for their exploitation growth that's why then about these two major matching categories i see the certain level of success of the you know frog team because their team capability is pretty high okay and a total squad and about pain points without any questions it's 5.0 because birth is a critical industry layer in the blockchain space and products 4.0 still their product itself is under development phase but thinking about their you know each future or barcode strategy like anyway top shelf stuff is pretty good product so 4.0 about team it's pretty well focused and a specialized scheme for the gaming space or gaming bus space so 4.5 execution power 4.5

it's great tractions already we can confirm with the enemy tough shot or any other great gaming title coming to fro burst that's why 4.5 token economy still under developments but i see the saturn level capability that they can design and implement effective token economy model so 4.0 hive cycle kind of same things they focus on a bus market it's pretty high cooperation out there especially you know eastern is pretty powerful player but you know their particular product strategy is quite successful right now so 4.0 so the total score is 26 points

so my minimum investment criteria is over 25 points so from this perspective i'm going to recommend investment in fraud token okay so that is all this time so i'm going to make this video for the educational purpose so i cannot guarantee you any kind of certain liberty investment outcome with this video or any other video that i make but i truly hope that my video will probably help you guys understand about the high potential of the crypto and blockchain space so i'm going to make a lot to make this video on the crypto blockchain space so thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe my channel bye [Music] you


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