Session 34 Planning for a SUNY Oswego Women in Technology

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and welcome uh everyone that's here uh including i have a couple of guests with me uh holly heller ross who is a former cio and the uh a librarian at suny plattsburgh and who has uh started this idea of getting the women in technology group together and i have sue chichester with us from geneseo and she kicked off her uh women in technology group in um at geneseo yesterday and i look forward to hearing how that went with her and actually sue holly and i are gonna do a session together at um at cit next week but as i sent out the email last week uh you know to put together this session and just to um advertise it and let people know that we were thinking of it i have to say that the response i have received has been overwhelming in terms of the number of people uh and women and uh and a couple men actually have reached out i see candace joined us so uh yes thanks candace uh but it is incr i say i receive more than 20 emails of people going oh i want to be involved including uh actually just before we started jen knapp sent me a note instead of the new whoever's taking over in theater is going to be interested in in joining so i can tell that there's really a lot of interest in it and i will say the one thing that i was looking for was that we think about women in technology in a very broad sense and technology does go and touch everything and i guess i'm looking more for beyond just um you know the people that do i.t support i'm looking at you know and judging by the responses i receive you know the faculty that go and implement technology and are going and teaching teaching it and you know dealing with the students and i received emails from the graphic designers kara and rebecca had both reached out to me to go to do it so the art the art group was doing it too so it is very broad and needed so i guess uh um holly had started with this list at plattsburgh when they got together so when i look about who is interested i see that there's tremendous interest from all over then i think of like how do we want to hope to accomplish what we think of people identifying i already said my vision what would we want from a suny wide wit organization but i'm really focusing on what would we want at oswego and how would we want to go and to support one another we do talk about how we would have male identifying allies and who to invite to another meeting and then how we want to operate so i guess i'm gonna uh you know that's kind of my opening spiel and see what would um the people have thoughts how we would want to operate how they would want to be involved uh the commitment that we've made is that you know we'll have this session today but we'll really get rolling in the fall so i'm open to thoughts from this broad and diverse group that we have here well i just sent you an email so you can officially count me as interested okay that's good and uh yeah it's it's amazing the response that i've received um like i guess how would uh like and i'm thinking we'd get together in early fall to really kind of go and to kick it off what would people uh see as how they would want to work together and how we would want to move move forward and to break the silence i could i can say that yeah go ahead and um i don't want to dominate the conversation but um i think i think a big role could be to demystify or do something to reach out to young women to show that technology is not and science are not scary pursuits and really uh we can bring more people into these disciplines uh to show them that there's a world out there that could be for them i think to piggyback on what ann just said is i think we need to be very clear what we mean by women in technology and it doesn't only mean women that are you know a lot of people just think this is women in the it field well it's not and as you said anne definitely women in the stem fields um because of the because of the integration of technology into our teaching practices into our work practices regardless of what the field is i think it's just just because it says women in technology is just making sure that we put the message out there this is very broad that it's you know it you know somebody in theater is using various technologies um using in the various liberal arts courses like history i just remember working with marat and we talked about you know um one of his courses he was developing and i you know i know candace is very much working on the digital humanities so how does all of that integrate into technology and i think that's one thing there may be a lot of uncertainty about and i think it's just really just explaining what this is and how it's everyone could benefit from being part of this organization yeah i agree with what um teresa is saying because everybody within this organization is using technology in different ways like here in the international education office we're using slate um more than we have before and we didn't know um the different ways that we can use automation with it and integrate it into banner and um it's women in our office that are using it and not our male counterparts and but we have our um male allies that are helping us integrate different pieces um but we would never have known the great things about slate had we not been integrated into these different systems and there's so many different systems that can be um integrated with each other so i think having something like this is really nice and it um it's kind of like how we can use those micro credentials that we're getting and i think stu students need to know about that especially with that new integrative professional studies how that is showing integration and how automation is happening around all different walks of professions oh there's thoughts in the chat okay sue sue asked maybe we can go and introduce ourselves and i will go i have to go switch to back to my um gallery view and we can just go kristen kristen croyle hi there i'm kristen cory i'm dean in liberal arts and sciences and i'm a psychologist theresa gilliard cook um hi everyone i'm teresa gilliard cook i'm the senior instructional designer here at suny oswego i am also a former it worker um i worked in i.t for 15 years in a prior life and of course the integration of technology and education is a great place for me to be as an instructional designer and carolee hi i'm associate professor in physics i embed aspects of computational physics and thus technology in almost all of my courses thanks barb say michelle hi michael sam michelle michelle yes she's canadian i have canadian roots yes i'm in campus life and there are two major pieces of software that we work with one of which is laker life and the other is ems for reservations and both of those interface with banner among other things and so it's really important for our students in terms of involvement and their ability to find space for events on campus as well as well as faculty and staff yeah carrie hi my name is carrie mozick i'm one of the instructional designers working under theresa and we're always um looking at new technologies um so yeah and then we've got candace hawk who is also canadian yeah hi guys um my internet really sucks right now and i'm regretting being home for this um can you hear me we can yeah yeah so i'll just say everyone's kind of frozen okay candace is a uh worked a historian and she is working the digital humanities she's just about to get a new lab in uh mahar too as well so we'll get working on that real soon and she's a u of t grad as well as from northern british columbia i know that so there you go and then mary i'll skip you holly marianne hi i'm marianne preston and i work in the institutional research and assessment office and prior to working in higher ed i worked in like biostats in clinical trials yeah and then sue's next to me on the screen and she is the cio at geneseo i'll let you go and then murat who's also a canadian kind of wannabe there we go hi everyone that is true uh and i am an associate dean in class also professor of history yeah okay and he's a grad of uit which is why i yeah star hi i'm star madison i'm an assistant professor in the career and technical educator prep department and my background is in technology education and pre-engineering thanks and amy wallace hi i'm amy wallace and i'm the office manager in international education and programs okay and then i'll get to two librarians next uh laura harris oh people actually there's three of us um so now yeah yeah um i'm laura harris i'm the web services and distance uh learning librarian uh i prior to coming to oswego i did tech support and training for a library focused vendor and before that i was also doing web stuff at a different academic library and i had a very brief career as a computer science major aaron hi i'm aaron kovalsky i'm the access services librarian at penfield um i oversee the unit that circulates all of our equipment and i also am very involved with our library management software so i make sure that all of our users can access materials and resources here and catherine hello everybody i'm catherine johns madison i'm the systems and special collections librarian so i use a lot of the different systems prior to those that position i was the electronic resources librarian and prior to being at oswego i also was electronic resources librarian for about four years so hello everyone and nicole decker good morning nicole decker i am in the central ied department here at oswego and associate director for client support and communication with roots in the infrastructure side starting out with coding programming system administration and networking thanks uh naja hi everyone my name is naja zaid i'm in the department of health promotion and wellness um i teach health technology um in person and online so i might dab dabble with technology in general so hence why yeah and john's with us too he's at all the sessions but john is a great ally too and a tremendous user of technology i'm just going to say i don't know if john's actually there or not because he runs from session to session but oh he's there we're both here okay that's great uh and anna croyle is there too when i hear that so and actually i'm just looking in the chat again uh that candice is doing a session i know at one o'clock today on yoga in the classroom which i'm signed up for on that one too uh so there you have the um you know a good you see what a broad view it is uh sue and holly that we have that we have here and i guess my next question for people and i know we're getting down to the last four minutes in this uh you know quick in the 20-minute sessions is um how we would want to operate and how we would want to get rolling in terms of you know our meetings i think my goal would be to set something up for september i think and probably meet monthly but i'm open to other options too if anyone has any ideas uh i want to make other comments i plugged your one o'clock yoga session while you were gone kim thank you um i i just want to put in a couple of words um because i'm on my phone and i think you can hear me now um it would be really great to uh do some like special talks with the women's uh group on on campus um so we're talking directly to the female students and i know the history department's uh enrollment for majors is uh low and we need more women and i think um the the best way to get new fresh female blood in our department for our students is to look at women uh with technology because it's so employable not just in history uh but outside of history but it would also be great because um dh the the digital humanities initiative on campus has primarily been um you know pushed forward by by female faculty there's of course um allies like marat but most of us are are women so i think we can try to make ourselves more visible on campus to students show our research um and sorry i just threw all that at you guys yeah no that's great so i think one of the things you're suggesting is that we highlight some of the things that we're do that women are doing inside technology go and have maybe like a speaker session and um and i really like your idea in terms of going and uh getting students you know doing something to and which really goes back to what and you were talking about too uh to go in to highlight for students opportunities which there are many so i'm just gonna ask if sue like i don't know if you i i know you had a meeting yesterday at geneseo and i'm sorry to put you on the spot like this did you want to highlight any of the things from your conversations yesterday um i think that um it was a lot of like what you talked about we well the way i started out is i actually just brought together the women in my own i.t department and then we did brainstorm who outside of it we wanted to invite to our second meeting and it was a lot of people coming from places like you talked about that's kind of why i was interested i wanted to make sure we weren't missing anybody and then we were we talked about more of a broader invitation that would include students as well we talked a lot about students and and careers and raising awareness of careers for our students um that was a real big topic for us um we did talk about um maybe coming up some with some ways that we could do some things with that around professional development uh we did talk about how we would be looking for professional development maybe from suny or some help with with some of that as well and we were also interested in um like having some experience with other chapters you know so that's why the sunni would play and you know we want to talk to other other campuses that are doing something we talked about um like possibly a mentorship program we talked about having a suny list serve that we for this that we could uh kind of all talk to each other we talked about job postings how we could highlight jobs we actually talked about how having a wit on our campus could help help us attract women to our positions because we're finding in i.t anyway that we don't even get very many women apply um i i advertise for a support services director position i got one woman to apply everyone else was a man um i was kind of astounded by that um we talked about having a social media presence um coming up with a hashtag and using that uh kind of off of some of our existing social media stuff that we have set up so um you know that was kind of in a nutshell what i want to hold you guys up there's a lot there a good uh good idea i'm just going to ask uh wit list holly i'm going to give you a chance to say something i know we're at time uh but uh you are um this is kind of like you're you're the driving force and i'm so happy we have such great response here on campus oh my gosh yeah this is very inspiring and i know our own uh sort of interest group here at suny plattsburgh includes faculty librarians and uh professional offices business offices on campus uh and you know the institutional research offices instructional designers you're all so critical to the way technology works or doesn't work on campus human resources for recruiting and then the student experience and everything that you've said are things that that we've talked about but i do want to let you know that we you know we're going to have an overarching sunni organization that's going to be helping like connect chapters run on all sunni list serve set up sessions and tracks at existing conferences advocate for you know a cio you know women woman of the of the year kind of award a library uh award and acknowledgement and sunni uh office of diversity equity and inclusion is going to be our system home and they are going to also help us with creating a data snapshot of the status of women in technology in sunni and the fact that we are defining women as anyone who identifies as a woman to me i think that's so critical and all of the allies and then we're also identifying writ large the way it permeates all of our lives and every facet and it shouldn't be a scary thing and it should be a wonderful exciting thing for our students so yeah i'm really happy that you are already starting and look forward to more supports as you create a chapter in the fall and thanks to sean for launching this at oswego and sue for launching this at geneseo it's gonna be wonderful okay thanks a lot my time is up and actually i'm three minutes over uh so anna is gonna be cutting me off in a minute but as i i just go back and say


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