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to yourself do it to yourself trial and test get it done they will not give a timeline of two month they will give 15 days 20 days time so in that time you have to spend 15 days 20 days means already we are working we have to manage with this extra means we it will take a time instead if you are already familiar with that it will not take much time to just get into that getting my point yes so this is the again coming back just an introduction why this course how this course uh duration and what is the life of that let me know again any questions if you have it no sir no sir okay now coming to this part okay let me share the screen let me know if you are able to see it okay are you able to see that sir yes sir my um Microsoft Windows paint is is it visible yes sir great okay now I am coming to this are you able to see this Google page yes okay great so we are learning computer parts it Hardware okay it Hardware this is what the it Hardware this why I'm giving this picture I can directly go with my own slide but why I'm coming to this point because you need to understand of course in my class you have to do the some homework I I'm giving some assignments you have to do it without assignment next class will not be continued because I want to know where you are standing based on your understanding I have to just I'm getting a payment for the course and you are just doing course that doesn't make any sense so I will like a school teacher so you have to work on it you have to show the result then only we will move to the next topic it is delayed but it is required okay now this is the picture of the computer parts coming to this part so here this is the introduction now in the class two uh we are starting with it Hardware it Hardware intruction sorry okay here what we are learning parts of computer are you aware of it yes yes okay types of printers types of computers right next um uh we can use a word called as peripher then we coming like um troubleshooting question AR already I told you in the yesterday session there will like two different job roles what are the two different job roles I yesterday given like in the PDF file also two different job roles will come when you're completing this course could you just name it it support Okay and like admin it admin system admin whatever like experience SC we can say so when you are learning you'll get an idea like based on your uh understanding based on your expose your experience experience means it's not like a work experience it's like Al also we can say like a self experience I don't have work experience but I am familiar with the technology that is called as self- experience at least if we have self experience of course still we can get into that getting my point so it's like similar life suppose I I may not get to this uh like a driving CL school but I still I know driving because my friend has taught me my father has taught me I'm familiar with that just I need a little bit like a professional way that called a self uh understanding or we can say self- experience similar to that here so trouble based on troubleshooting part your job role varies now parts of computer already you know it this is the again the laptop uh only the in the laptop desktop what is much difference whatever we are seeing here monitor keyboard mouse that will be and including CPU which one that's coming this all together all four parts okay all these four parts together will come not four this monitor keyboard speaker Mouse CPU okay this is CPU all together come in one particular pack that we can compact we can say what is that one laptop I can in upper part what is the next level apart from this we will have one more called as tablet tablet is like touchbase where there's no keyboard test SC itself work like as uh keyboard come Mouse correct similar to that mobile is also one of the device it's not a part of computer we can say similar to that works like similar to like computer but because most of our task will be done through mobile only so coming to this part these are the basic types this is like we are again categorizing yesterday when we are dealing with the computers we are dealing with personal computers as well as as well as industry level computers industry level where we are seeing like server computers personal computers are desktop laptop tablets we are using for personal purpose one user two users or like 10 users we can say when we are connecting or when we are handling set of customers it may be a bank employee it may be company employees or it may be customers then we are dealing with the to set up all our infrastructure we are using a server Hardware that I yesterday I discussed like one is a cloud today also we discussed one is on premise server one more is Cloud Server but generally how the servers are there server Hardware just give because you have to Google it why I'm telling you to Google because you need to do homework so this is how the server Hardware so this is whatever you are seeing this is called as data center okay now coming to this homework part you have to note it down so you have to uh come up with tomorrow what do you mean by Data Center what it is so you have to do homework Center okay uh what is the role of data center whatever let you Google it but at least you learn it and uh what are the what like say components are um devices included in the data center what are what is the data center uh comes with what is the data center belong to means what are things are included in the data center what is exactly and types of data centers what it is what is the role of data center why we use data center why what are the devices are included in the data center and what are the types these are the four questions this your homework we come up with this Windows server one minute sorry now coming this this is the data center now we are coming to the like a we have to break into pieces we cannot go in the directly like high technology we have to go break into smaller part we'll come in with like uh server Hardware components server again Hardware has the almost the same component but usually what is how the server looks server Hardware examples and say physical server Cloud Server those are there how actually appearance how the they looks like getting mind these are like boxes are there you can see here this is the Box this box itself that's correct server but as we can see this is the CPU getting my point this is the CPU I'll comeing to this point this is the CPU this CPU is replaced by this one okay getting my point same getting so this is the CPU again for this again monitor keyboard mouse you can connect to that this internal part will come to that part okay now question two server Hardware what it is why it's used or what is the role I told you but you have to brief out don't do copy paste somewhere you'll do copy paste that copy paste doesn't do it you have to manually read it you have to agregate you have to explain in a simple term what what exactly do and what are the types of Hardwares server hardare different types are there examples we can say types or examples because you need to know because they want to know where you are standing in the job what you are uh which type of because you are learning server you are learning aure you need to know server Hardware whether you are physically handling or whether you are handling with the in the cloud and infrastructure but you need to have the server did you write did you write write it down mayang yes sir sir okay let's come into this part now third part is this is personal and one is premises like a infrastructure server now types of computer again same like desktop laptop those are there earlier what we were using that we can Google it like so many old computers are there like a what we call like a tower model we can say or like a CRT monitor we have like where is like a CRT monitor this is like a Olden TV this is like CRT monitor okay nowadays we have flat screen flat screen means what TFT monitor this is flator Yes again again TF has two divide two division one is a LCD monitor one more is a LED monitor LED monitor LCD LED what is much difference when you are seeing LCD means what directly can see or we can see LCD works like similar to like IPS uh screen in your mobile what is the role of ips screen in your mobile how does it work when you are seeing in the front picture you can see it but when you are uh like suppose if you turned the screen in this pattern on the corner Edge you will you'll find a blur means it the picture is not completely clear here getting my point yes but in the LED no matter whether you turn to the any direction the clarity of the screen is clear that is one small difference I say I'm telling you again like uh CRT monitors LC now coming to the monitor types similar to the computer will come CRT monitor is there means of course the computer again keyboard mouse will be again separate like similar to this it will come when it's coming to the laptop part laptop how does it works laptop monitor like a flat screen for the laptop again you can connect externally on uh this type of uh flat screen monitor or you can connect extra one CRT monitor that is second but by default laptop comes with this LCD monitor or LED monitor so if the monitor has a LCD monitor then we can say that LCD computer or LED computer or we can say shortly like a laptops tablets or we can say desktop desktop nothing but a CRT monitor yeah getting my point so now coming to this part types of computers again like a personal computer server computers again laptops tablets again same types will comes just we need to understand some terminology then we'll go into the deeper picture what do you mean by peripherals so you this word will comes into the whenever as in now we were using peripherals nothing but the devices or components connected to the computer external these are called as external not the internal external devices or components connected to the computer now in this picture what are the external devices connected to the computer computer means what monitor keyboard mouse if this is a desktop point of view if it's a laptop point of view let's coming to this pict this is the laptop uh which is the laptop Okay one minute okay for this laptop what are the external device you can able to connect keyboard keyboard already is there Bo H you can connect keyboard what type of again different types of keyboard you can able to connect this is the keyboard is there so we can say like uh I will connect giving an example I want to connect a keyboard okay keyboard types wied keyboard or we can say like a USB keyboard earlier there were like a comport comport comport keyboard is there but we were not at all using this is out at it comport keyboard comport keyboard how does it looks let's Google why we have to Google everything we cannot learn instead of searching it we have to learn this comport keyboard how does it look this is like a round picture it will come this is comport getting M the round circle you are finding here which one this this is comes under keyboard part you can see serial p are I'll tell you this picture let me I'll draw it let me know if you are able to see it this is called as ah this is called as comp port or we can say serial Port this were using earlier but now nowhere we were see in earlier means which year earlier nothing but it's like just 10 years before 20 years before they were using still they existent but it is rarely used but in the general technology we are using wired keyboard or less wireless keyboard what are the examples of wireless wireless keyboard it may be a Bluetooth keyboard Bluetooth or Wi-Fi keyboard Wii keyboard generally for gaming purpose we use or sometimes I suppose I was sitting in front of the projector so I am demonstrating myself sitting in the distance location so we can go with the Wii so this again peripherals coming to the part so what are the different type again examples uh I'll coming to this previous picture Okay laptop okay what are the other device we can connect to this laptop apart from keyboard mouse I want to take a print so I can connect the printer okay so examples like Mouse same like Wired Mouse wireless mouse we can connect external monitor to this to the laptop we can connect uh um printer again same monitor types same I told you CRT monitors LED monitors LCD monitor printer printer is personal printer or single printer one more is like multifunction printer they are shortly called as mfp multi function printer what what is mean by multifunction like it it the printer itself can perform more than one task what is more than one task printing scanning and one more is copying or we can say like zero zero scanning means what convert the physical picture into the image suppose you're capturing one photo photo itself is nothing but you scanning the picture you are capturing one photo of uh one particular location we can say or like suppose you want to capture one photo of your friend so your physical friend is available in the form of scanned picture that's a photo that's a scanning part so those things suppose I want to take a scanning of the one of the document let's consider it like a certificates just comes under you are uh uh placing that paper into this this multifunction printer you just click on scan that will take a scanning so this is called a printer part again again this personal or multifunction printer comes under one more types like network printer what is the yesterday we discuss what do you mean by network printer sh yes yes sir H yes what do you mean by network printer yesterday we have discussed this part suppose I I will give you an example again I'll again uh reiterate uh I am visiting a bank I'll give a scenario again you have to explain it me in a word I'm entering into the bank to deposit a check the bank itself has like a 20 25 counters uh the printer is connected to the 10th counter I at the first counter and uh in every counter there is a computer and there is a uh Bank employer or we can say like a operator operat yeah you we need to be familiar with the different like terminologies when you are dealing with a technology coming to this terminology okay so if the person who is employe sitting in the first counter he is giving a print and the print is taken place yesterday you have told us that's correct what is happening here there the printer is shared among the multiple computers with the help of network network connecting each other network we are using generally also in the technology point of in the technology point point of view we will say the computer network in the general Network in the general terminology we will use the word network called like a social network we are socially connected each other how for examp we are using a social sites for example Facebook Facebook is a platform which will connects different uh uh mindset of the people LinkedIn is a social site Facebook WhatsApp Twitter where we are posting our message with whom with our known people or with Unknown People means we are sharing the what we can say like our own resource or we can say like our own thought our own memories with or our own ideas we can say we are sharing it with multiple people whom we are connected we what we are doing we are sending a high request if you'll accept he's a part of your network if he is not Network he's not a part of your network so Network means what you are generally Network the meaning is connecting each other if the computers are connected that we'll say there like a computer network if the it devices are connected that's called it network but it Network we we won't use the word we'll say only computer network yeah so people Network where we are using in the social sites in The Social Network terminology people site means if we are connected suppose in one group WhatsApp group uh I want to send a like a set one common message to the group of people what do you do are you aware of the grouping of the sending a message to the uh group of users yes or no hello yes sir are you aware of the sending the group uh uh one single message to the group of users are you aware of it no suppose in the Gmail form what you do you will add all their email IDs into uh section you'll one send one one common email to the set of users are you aware of this suppose I have consider my just doing an example my Gmail ID is for uh one Gmail your email add is myang my20 and Sir has Neil sh2 so four email IDs are there you are you are from your ID you are sending to the three people you add all three email idies in the two section we sending an email are you getting my point yes sir yes sir okay are you aware of sending the emails yes no if no no problem if you don't know no no worries here here nothing is you are here because you don't know simple we we will learn it nothing to worry we but you don't give like false information what will happen if we will already cross half of the journey again if in the in the between if you say I'm I I'm not sure I don't know then again you have to come back in thee again from the scratch means that half Journey G gone for toss that time has been lost so that's what I want to say if you don't know fine no problem we'll take time sir I have bit information but not clear okay we will explain in that context getting my point okay now coming to this uh similar to that in the WhatsApp there's an option to add multiple numbers and send the message to the group of people so there we are using social network socially we are connected similar to the same Network Technology comes here network printer coming to the same point one printer is connected to the multiple and with the help of this network no matter whether the person is sitting in the first uh print computer or the seventh computer still he can take a print means why why they are using a network printer again it infrastructure majorly concern with cost which how much cost you can reduce to the uh customers and how Ben how you can give the benefits to the customer that's how it depends on it industry if you are giving same service suppose you cannot say that see I have five computers means I cannot go with the five computers five different printers cost will be increased what you are giving extra you are with the help of Technology you are giving a service in such a way that you are reducing the cost of the uh your client at the same time you are giving a delivering excellent service for example uh you are a laborer uh for example just giving an example uh okay I am a electrician giving just giving an example at the same time I know how to do a plumbing part at the same time I know additional uh other uh construction work so one person itself can do three task with the same salary getting my point this is extra work same task same concept applies here that already I told yesterday everywhere every now and then we are used to the services we are used to the technology but we are not sure how they are actually implementing just because hearing the new word we think that yeah this is May maybe the new word which I may not aware of it that's the reason I'm learning it no that doesn't work we are using Services yesterday I given an example I I use the example called as DNS server where I'll just Ty the website will open up but what will is happening in the back end there the website address convert into the IP address one of the secure network and again it will convert it will taken the task will be taken care in the back end but the service will be given to the customer he customer want to open the Facebook Facebook you can open up we are used to that we are using dscp service but the dscp word we never heard it that's the reason we think that yeah DP might it's a new word which I'm aware which I'm not aware of it might be that's the reason I'm learning the course no no no you are aware of because you are the every company sorry home has one uh Wi-Fi router we are the router what we are doing internet we are sharing there also again sharing comes similar to the network printer one internet shared among computers tablets mobiles my whenever my I'm entering to the house my Mobile automatic connects to the internet means we have set up it means there we are IP address is automatically allocated one address will be allocated the network will be shared getting point so that there we are using the DSP means automatically IP address are allocating the resource are utilizing why the IP address are allocating similar to that again giving General example you are purchasing one bike on car so along with the car what will come name plate you will get a name plate yeah what is what is the name plate included number number plate why the number plate issued for identification purpose because every car tataa for example one uh what bench car is there but bench car model so many car there are so many colors are there but how will you recognize we cannot open like a engine and we can open it we can like simple terminal we will use a name plate name plate are assigned to identify similarly similarly when the computer is connected to the when the uh computer or the mobile or any device connected to the internet means they will allocate the IP address IP address is nothing but identification address why the IP address that you learn in the later part just now understand IP address is nothing but a one identification address that will be allotted based on the network terminology point of view in the network terminology the address will be uh named terminology uh terminology they have used as IP address I IP means identification address you can see just for understanding point of view okay now here here the network printer is shared among set of computers so that instead of buying five different or 10 different printers one printer is we are buying it we are sharing among the set of computers getting my point yes sir okay now if the no matter again the printer again types again I'm coming to the same part suppose single personal printer itself can be shared between two or three printers that you learn in The Print Service point but as of now one single printer let's give you example of the printer types printers personal printer personal printer again are the types are LED printer Deskjet printer inkjet printer those type printer types comes here personal printer see the single printer itself we can shared among the this type of printer we can say like a desk Che printer this is a commonly we are using in the most of like Banks or we can like wherever the billing option is there again so many printers are the bilding printer is also used where we are using billing printer bilding printer is using for bilding purpose it may be like a rest where we are using best example for bilding printer is like ATM machine where you are generating a mini statement are you generating Min statement or else whenever you draw money the slip will comes up yeah boss this is the amount you have taken it out that the ATM machine itself has a ATM machine itself a computer ATM machine itself a computer what type of machine is called it's called as kiosk machine getting my point the ATM machine what we are using that is called as a kiosk machine kiosk machine has what which has included with which has included with billing printer it will give the information getting my point it will give the information what is the amount this is the amount the slip they will generate but how they will generate that is included as a part of computer now coming back to the same technology here kiosk machines is comes up with the it is also one of the computer we can here add it here not here desktop laptop tablet or we can like kosk but we are not generally using it that's the reason we are not using this term everywhere ATM machine we can say like a kios machine like again different companies will be using the chaos machine different context some machines are there suppose if you uh uh like um coin automatically the machine will opens up and you'll give the equivalent of product for example I want to buy one chocolate I will uh equal amount of one coin we will add it we will put it in the that droplet ultimately the chocolate will comes up or we have to press that number I want press one one for chocolate press two for for uh cake press three for uh some uh cold drinks or hot drinks that particular op anywhere did you experience yes sir like most of the time we will find in the like a small hotels or we can like malls we can find it so those are kiosk machine kiosk machine that's itself a computer again the different like bilding will be separate coming to this part again coming to the main part network printer getting my point okay now you need to tell me in a words in a sentence like what do you mean by network printer what did you understand you need to take your time write if you are unable to make up make up a sentence write it down and let me know I'll wait once you ready just tell me I'm ready I will just unmute myself done sh my yes sir okay let me know uh just it's not required to be exact I just want to know what you understood that's it tell me what did you understand from the network printer what is the meaning of network printer it connect little bit speak bit loudly it connects it connect to the computer and print okay multiple computers fine why it's used what is the [Music] role Can it can reduce the cost in reduce the cost good point next what is the other Advantage I not told you but uh just you can uh use some logic suppose you are going to the one Xerox machine uh available any shops suppose you want to take a copy of the page what you have to do you have to manually go to that particular uh nearby machine you me they have to place a paper then you have to take a uh copy but here sitting on the first counter no matter how long it is still the if it is a 10 m distance still you can take a print means here manually or physically you are not at all standing next to the printer and taking a print it's ease of work means easily you are sitting in on the first printer still you can take a print suppose I want to print the same copy sitting on the 10th printer 10th counter still you can take it getting my point so Network printers major concern is cost instead of buying a five different printers one single printer shared among the multiple computers or multiple users we can say now this is the coming shared now again again some more examples speakers these are there again speaker same same like personal print uh or a small speakers or we can say some more like a Dolby speakers getting my point Yes again some more examples what are the extra things are there keyboard mouse printer scanners next what did you call what what are the extra things you you are implementing you can say like BYOD devices somewhat like examples USB stake that is also one of the peripheral getting my point yeah okay like devices we can say USB device CD device those all comes comes for pereral externally you are able to connect it okay now if you are connecting transferring any uh photos from Mobile to computer in that time mobile itself in that time only during that time mobile works like a peripheral because you are externally connecting additionally connecting that's called as peripherals now in this IT industry you'll come across some of the terminology called as users operators and administrators Engineers service task and um okay these are some of the terminology come some will come across whenever used to it users what is the meaning of user the person or any person one or you one your person or 10 person whatever the person any person who use the computer is called a user what type of computer if I'm using a kiosk machine kiosk machine itself a computer I'm also user if I'm using a laptop computer still I'm user if I'm using a tablet still I'm user whether I'm using it for personal purpose whether I'm using for office work or whether I'm using for a company purpose or whether I'm a employee or whether I'm a customer anyone who use the computer is called a user getting my point this is the general part now coming to this operator customer operator that's what I told in the when we are entering to the bank the person who is working on particular task and he's performing some uh his own task for example I am uh want to print a bill I will build the the bill but there I work act like a operator but generally I'm a user I'm also used to the computer but I operator there I'm performing task again I yesterday I told you administrator engineer engineer like a basic level or it may be like experience level that we will use depends on like uh scenario based it will use but generally you can say engineer like just giving example point it engineer or like system admin or service TK service task yesterday I uh discussed like some of the small like uh uh small information uh where I use the word called as titing tool are you aware hello titing ticketing yesterday I shared one PDF file did you go through with that ticketing to tool we you use what is ticketing again give you an example coming back to the same point I am a here um like a mobile network I'm using airel network here airel Network I'm using I have I have some issues with the network where my I'm not getting a airel network to my near my location I'll call up the customer customer will say that welcome to airel customer care I'm happy to help you he will give like a a greeting then he will start what is the issue what are the whatever we have explained he will note it down and he will share at the end what he will share he will share one complaint request number what we'll call it as service request number or we can say like Sr number Sr number is service request number adding my point service that's called as complaint number but question arise like how he is generating where he is generating how it is happening it is all happening in the ticketing tool in the ticketing tool he will ask information what the information I ask sir kindly confirm your first name and last name first name last name kindly confirm your mobile number okay tell me uh what is the issue issue what's the concern you have it why you called for us okay how long this issue is happening okay now uh okay now did you earlier called for this uh issue earlier did you earlier called for means how many times you have called us means they will look for old tickets old service request numbers and at the end say okay we have already uh uh he will tell you two things either I resolved it or else he will say that okay unfortunately it's happened we will escalate to the next level resolve or escalate escalate escalate means what he will send it to the next level what he will do after entering all this information he will save the information save means why he has say he has to track it because how you they will get know that this particular customer called for 10 times or 100 times or five times they will have the records records means records in the form of service request numbers or we can say tickets records in the form of tickets tickets ticket number or we can say like a Sr number service request numbers number I'll shortly call use the word as hash sign pound sign this word this is the meaning of number this is the meaning of number okay now after saving that all document all entering all information he will save the document and it will generate a Sr number or it generate a ticket number the service test is ticketing tool is one of the part of the service tesk in the service task the the service task itself a big uh what like what service task you need to learn it why I see this is the you service task part where you will get to know that when you are coming to the mock interview the interviewer may ask what do you mean by service test I already told you explained in the different Ro yesterday like it support engineer as a beginner level when you are entering they will give like a different names one is a text support engineer one is comes like it h desk engineer sorry it h desk Engineers one like a service tesk I shared yesterday file service task engineer or some somebody will say like EST or Enterprise Service Test means you are supporting the customers of global customers means either you are capable to handle the customers through voice email chat yesterday I have told when you are responding to the customer concerns through email then you are in email support when you are responding through chats that's called as chat support they have their own uh chat softwares that is second that you learn to it when you are working with that particular product or when you're working with that company if you are answering if I'm answering your query I'm in the voice customer care suppose Air customer you're giving a customer care number you are giving a call Customer Care executive will tell you explain you he will provide you the information that's called as voice support again some more roles comes like a customer support in here though it may be technical but the in that company they will give like a customer service executive the name will be different task will similar same so there will different roles are there among that one of the role is also service task engineer okay now you need to Google it off what do you mean by this what it is what is service task okay why it is implemented of course you learn through this later part here you will get one picture called as it will come means it's a industry standard language everything is based on industry one there is a one common standard is there now coming back suppose uh do you use uh what type of food products you use for example for oil you use uh standards like ISO are you aware of it yes sir okay why this ISO required safety safety means it's ensure that this is the iso standard is already tested proven that we can use it if there is no ISO Mark then sometime we may think that we can uh we will uh second thought will come into the our picture in in Indian somewhere like using eggar somewhere it's there eggar ISO similar to that we will have a it itl is a standard used in the IT industry getting my point it is a standard use in the IT industry in order to run any of the infr structure support any of the infrastructure troubleshooting in order to deal with the from the customer dealing point of to till end of the service that all comes under itl what it is consider I have a small uh hotel or we can small coffee shop uh where my day-to-day customers we can say like 500 customers or let let just consider 100 customers I have a 10 computers with uh some of the operators we a building we can say somebody will be just maintaining the records or else if I have a own Lodge hotel come Lodge where the boarding and lodging facility is there that hotel is used for uh uh what we can say like a Travelers are coming if anybody's booking any location like that I already told in the beginning of the session suppose you are a travel uh ticketing tool or travel app where they are using make my trip for example I want to visit a Singapore Singapore one location is there but again there is one hotel or Resorts will be there from that Resort they will pick up and drop means again that hotel itself connect with multiple services like pickup and drop again services like boarding services like lodging other extra things depends on the that particular hotel or the restaurant will provide the service so they will all maintain in the records again they have their own infrastructure so what they will do instead of they will hire the engineers infrastructure what they will they will give the contract to the someone else boss this is our infrastructure this is our the customers this is our uh our company our day-to-day task and you have to do these all things everything you have to take care we will only give the money mean they will come up with one standard contract from the cost point of view means how means being a VR service provider means if I am providing all IT services they they will uh like either you can procure the computers for them or they will procure it that is again the second type of contract now coming to the like a general ter terminology point of like customers are there they will provide a service they will provide what type service we are offering to the customers our own customer cust so what are the technology we are using this is all things we need we need a computer or we need a set of network we need a internet our customers we are giving a free of Internet we are using a billing we are using other services but for these all so you have to explain from the cost this is the for these many customers this m cost will come these many computers we are implementing these many computers operators are included Engineers are there this is the customer care number this is the email ID blah blah blah all things are there again this these for this is the contract is for six month or one month one year this is all contract or already I told yesterday one way like a subscription based model those all comes under this I I has their own standard based on the standard what type of service we are offering to the customers what are the different type of services we are offering and what extent we are provide service whether it's a critical service or it's like a manageable service again so many priorities will come P1 P2 P3 P4 those all comes so in the homework part you need to come up with this question it is itself ISO egg Mark standard okay similar to that so you need to make a homework what is this I getting my point so as of now we have discussed about parts of computer types of computers peripherals peripherals again keep adding it it's keep keep on continue if I'm using a gaming uh computer again the extra we can say do you aware of this word Xbox what is this Xbox let's Google it problem I don't know we will learn it Xbox it's a Microsoft product it's using for gaming purpose do you use this word are you aware yes sir we gaming purpose okay next one more example projector are you aware yes yes sir projector is also one of the type of monitor itself monitor what it do it will showcase the information whatever information data you have it shows on the screen multi screen single screen movie screen movie screen itself a monor is also one of the monitor movie screen again has like a multi screens single screen that is secondary but movie screen if they are movie screen of course they are also again using technology again computers printers again uh movie screens so many uh backend technology again they will have technology again we are our life uh means our requirement is there also so don't ever uh underestimate your that our own our industry is only limited software development industry may be limited but our industry is ever train even the like a customers of 50 customers still we are uh we are our requirement is there if it is a customer of 500 or 5,000 our requirement is there but development is not like that one time you'll build a product you are just deliver to that apart from just like small maintenance work but the development part is over hardly they can go for little bit upgrade here and there but maintenance of service maintenance of infrastructure is is required at all time because everybody is not familiar with the technology they need to be dependent on someone so instead of they are hiring they will give a contract to someone else you might heard the word called as coming to this part [Music] one minute one minute sorry to interrupt you um here I was service TK so we are available for available we the engineers or admins system admins it admins are available for 50 customers as well as 5,000 customers are you getting my point yes sir our importance our requirement is there depends on the type of customers our scale our pack pack or we can salary varies but our requirement will be there our life will be there as long as comp company or the person individual dependent on computer internet Network or mobiles getting my point so till now whatever we discussed let me know if you have any concerns I'll just get a glass of water you just let know excuse me any any concerns any queries no sir no sir okay now whatever things we have discussed so far this much kindly just write it down in your notebook or any notes book tomorrow I will again ask questions on that you need to be prepared straight to answer it okay it's just like a we can say agenda what are the things we discussed I will not go the deeper part of the what the different types of printers are there how printers working monitor working speaker working no no no no we are not going in the deeper part we will only deal based on the interview concept point of because if we will be keep learning spending time for this it hardware and networking that itself takes like a months of time we cannot waste time for the basic part basic part will Google it and work it but B depends on the next course for Server course or Cloud course or Powershell course what are the common Hardware Network Technologies are used that we need to be aware of it for example common examples like wherever you go server you go Cloud you go or go with the PO shell common terminals comes like CPU processor RAM storage uh some like uh printer those basic things are coming those basic things we will cover based on the interview point of view because we need to crack the interview also we know the entire course so from the interview point of view that from the course point of you will just go with the like brush up knowledge apart from that you will have enough videos that you'll get to use to but sorry for trouble cost that we will learn it whatever is possible I will just give a homework that you need to do it on yourself then only you'll understand the concept this much you write it down and homework home did you uh completed the homework part okay we do homework is only 1 2 3 this is [Music] what is this itl y understanding of it what you learned from this it summary it is a big concept again it has their own certifications beginner level we cannot like uh push so much information on your on you because little bit information if you know it that's fine certification like added Advantage but again it includes the cost it include it needs time also already you are investing five months of time means additionally that doesn't uh means it will take extra time instead of that you can work on it once you familiar with that you can get the idea then you'll do a certification window certification that's like added Advantage like addon booster package similar to that Windows Powershell anyway you're doing similar to that certification like added advantage for sh so the parts of computer no matter is the person or server computer laptop internal and external parts are there these external parts are called as peripherals external devices or external Parts internal parts we will learn it internal parts as as I told you RAM storage processor or processing like extent like motherboard ports connectors this all comes again it will again types comes up external parts of computer externally whatever we are connecting periperal is also one of the component we can also say externally what are the parts again connection again we are using port or we can s connection Point PL point you can say peripherals also com see whenever I'm using a port if you come across Port don't get complication port mean generally where we ising what is the port you might heard the word c Port why the ports are used ports are what ports are meant for what ports in the ports what they are using they have a dockets or like a Parcels any my point they will what they will do it's like a delivery point from one location to other location getting my point correct similarly technology Port are the same technology port or we say like computer port nothing but what it's the connection Point connection point between will shortly between as b/w or BW between peripherals and internal parts of computer why to perform the function what type of function I want to display a picture that is one function I want to type one word I want to select one one picture any task I want to listen to the song I want to play a movie that's one Function One task to perform the task Port is required then only one device can connect to the another device directly cable can connect but cable has to be connected to one of the connection point that connection point we are calling the word as Port it's like we can say like it's a bridging between internal parts of computer and external parts of computer again there are like so so many ports are there one of the example I told here in the keyboard part serial Port parall Port USB port what is mean by Port the design varies here design varies USB port how does it looks again USB types are there USB a usbb USB C type getting my point yes sir so you can find the USB port in the mobile mobile connection Port is there C type mobile is there C type charger is there b type charger is there a type charger is there again types are there depend why the types are given given depends on types size varies speed [Music] varies one of the port is serial Port USB port parallel port is there where it is used parallel port used in the printers personal printer we are also using parallel ports serial ports again in the server hard Hardware also that server Hardware will called as like physical box words will be used depends on our uh like Comfort we use but but we are using physical box like a server Hardware it works like it looks like a box I think this much is enough for the today's session let me know if you have any questions any concerns the next part we'll again explain on the internal parts then we'll coming coming back with this external parts okay sir are you there yes let me give a call to him one minute okay e I just spoke with the sir he said that we can wind up the class those till 10 minutes are there but just I want to know any concerns any queries you have it let me know I will explain it whatever discussed yesterday whatever discussed today you need to write it down note it down the PDF file is already shared you just write down in your own uh understanding tomorrow you come up with question don't know ask so that I will explain it in the beginning of the session or the mid of the session whenever you will remember it but beginning of session is good

2025-01-09 23:59

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