Seamless DeFi Banking - EQIFI AMA

Seamless DeFi Banking - EQIFI AMA

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today we're going to have equify on now this  is a really really promising d5 project if you   don't know what echofi is you're going to learn a  lot about it today and you're also going to learn   probably about echo bank fat candle really excited  to have you guys here welcome jason and brad   awesome to have you guys um and talk about echifi  and honestly it's mind-blowing the stuff that you   guys have told me um and i think that it's gonna  be really important for you guys to listen into   why you may not even need to have a bank welcome  guys uh it's awesome to have you here thank you   for having us my pleasure so i guess the  first question is what is equify and maybe   let's start with what is echiban because i know  echo bank good friend of mine tim frost ceo of   yield app um also a co-founder with you jason so  i've known about echobank for quite some time i   found out it was like fully uh you could like 180  countries uh you could basically can use it it's a   digital bank it's licensed it's regulated tell  us more about this echibank was formed in 2015   the team itself has 250 years experience of  running some of the biggest banks in the world   so we quickly accelerated and we now provide  uh bank accounts to more than 180 countries   around the world we bank a lot of the big crypto  exchanges a lot of big otc houses and we have more   products um to more countries than any other  digital bank in the world so we're very very   pleased with our progress and myself and brad came  up with this amazing vision a couple of years ago   about linking a regulated and licensed bank to  d5 empowering a d5 platform for the first time   we're light years ahead of any other bank and  obviously that enables us to provide enormous   interoperability between people wanting to  get into d5 using d5 products but also having   to use some atm cards accounting variety of  currencies custody otc etc so that's the level   of interoperability that eq5 provides so basically  they can use echifi as a bank you'll have a you'll   be able to have a card you'll be able to spend  your money as you please can i take my money out   whenever i want like do i have to tell you hey man  i need to take my money out like is please can i   have my money or how does that work well we have  one of the best capital adequacy ratio and step   stress test ratios in the world because we do not  lend a single dollar from our own balance sheet   so if every client comes to us today some of the  big insurance companies some of the big funds   uh some of the large crypto exchanges we can  give everybody their money back uh immediately   because we don't lend their money to other people  we're one of the few banks in the world that does   that so it provides 100 assurance for for all of  our clients so guys so you guys can understand   equibank is going to give people the ability to  go in and out of crypto into fiat in and out of   in and out of different types of fiat in the  different types of crypto very seamlessly   without having any issues at all yeah and it's  ready today i mean a lot of projects joel as you   know talk about soon come soon come we've been  running this for six years highly successful   we've been voted a top ten global digital bank to  watch as long ago as 2018 and 2019 so we have the   apple esque model we don't talk about products  we don't talk about solutions until they're   ready to go into the market and as people can see  bank website we have everything that they need   multi-currency accounts credit cards debit cards  loans custody otc and even wealth management so uh   that's the power that we bring to equify straight  away these guys built a whole entire platform   that also links into banking so imagine if you  could take your defy gains and automatically   put them into your bank you could actually  get cash and spend it on your card   it seamlessly this is what you're saying right  yeah that's exactly what we're saying and it   obviously took a long time for us to work with  our regulators on something as initiative as   as expansive as this and we've managed to launch  extremely successfully and as i say the bank's   been running for six years running beautifully  and we believe that d5 is the next step for   for banking we believe that existing banks face  an existential threat because of d5 so we want   to get ahead of the path ahead of the path and and  jump into that space now and that's why brad and   i have almost without question the most exciting  d5 company on the planet well let's hear about how   equify is going to make d5 seamless because  they basically are doing what i was talking   about in terms of wallets but for defense really  super cool the access to d5 is still limited by   one's technical knowledge with ekify we're we're  trying to change that completely and create this   platform that's a bridge between digital banking  and defy as a whole not just our own products but   the whole ecosystem because enkify is a blockchain  agnostic we are very friendly with other products   we see cooperation before any competition  and what we want to do is create this gateway   into d5 for all these people who are hearing about  four or five percent returns on money even 10   20 they're hearing about peer-to-peer lending and  they have no way of experiencing it just because   they're not tech savvy and if we can bridge  that gap i think we will we will truly make   a difference in the world and connect the  two and allow d5 users to have the proper   banking facilities they need and have the banking  clients have access to d5 in a safe regulated   manner that doesn't require a lot of  technological know-how and and education   yeah i think that's the the gap for a lot of  people like for for our parents and our aunts   and our uncles and stuff it's just like where do  we get started we have money in the bank and it's   like okay try to connect to this and maybe you  get accrued by coinbase and ukyc it's like there's   so many steps to everything the average person is  like totally turned off by that because it's just   risk the whole thing is a risk and it's too much  for the average user where they're happy making   ten percent they're great my mom's happy making  eight to eight to ten percent even though she   can make 20. she's happy with that so if we give  them an easier way and we say hey yeah you you can   just open a bank account here it's more insured  than actually your normal money mom so you should   probably put it in there and actually they'll make  you money too so you should probably put that so   this is the stuff that i will even be telling my  parents like and i will be doing right because why   do you need a bank account with this and then even  better if you don't know how to get into crypto   great make an account at a bank and you can have  access to d5 this is basically what you're doing   right yes this is the connection i think a lot of  people watching you have to connect these things   these are big things this is not small this is a  big thing because everyone talks about oh wells   fargo they don't want to let people do crypto and  this guy doesn't want to these guys are the place   to do it and they're regulated in 180 countries so  as long as you're not sanctioned from north korea   you know it's probably going to be okay to make  an account echo bank you can probably do it uh and   the beautiful part is you get the access to all of  this d5 beautiful platforms which you don't have   to do a lot of work yeah that's exactly what we're  doing i mean also basically more products than   than any other d5 platform at the moment we have  a fixed term lending product a fixed rate lending   product we have a variable market yield aggregator  proprietary system there and we've got interest   rate swaps and our objective is to bring in a lot  of institutional monies uh from the traditional   banking world i mean you only need to look at the  numbers the traditional banking facilities have   a total asset base of 134 trillion dollars and  obviously a few dollars so we would like to put   a lot of that into buy and frankly we're probably  going to do that at this point whilst also meeting   the needs of our amazing crypto community and  giving them so many more functions so many more   uh attributes and of course not only is echibang  licensed and regulated for many years now but   ekifi is a licensed and approved manager so  we have that as a very unique feature as well   how does maybe explain that go into  that the manager part because i think   a lot of people are looking for ways to put money  into you know certain products that are less   it may not make as much but they're just less  work you see so a lot of defy and crypto projects   start with a really good idea which again  i believe jason and i came up with a   very valid uh solution to what we were seeing and  then they start building it and then they build it   and they launch it and then only after launching  someone comes and knocks on their shoulder and   says hey so where is um your license from where  where did you get approval to do this activity   because it's a regulated activity and then they  scramble to try to find the jurisdiction to   fit what they built and fit their stakeholders  needs and then they get in trouble we took the   exact opposite approach where we looked at  what's going to be needed to be compliant   license regulated in everything we do  when jason says we have a manager license   we got that to cover a product that we're going  to offer and every product every feature we add   we have a solid compliance team a kick-ass legal  team and they work day and night to ensure that if   we're building something we're compliant with our  regulators and we have all the licensure we need   to launch it in the the right way and it's going  to be a safe environment they don't have to worry   about it same thing on the banking side because we  have the highest expectations of kycaml when we uh   on board crypto entrepreneurs funds businesses we  know that that's that's going to be okay we're not   going to pull a wells fargo since you mentioned  it and close someone's account you know a few   months into it just because they're successful  and they're using the banking facilities because   that's just um that's just unfair yeah and there's  a lot to be said for unfair banking which is   probably why you guys started equity okay like it  seems like that's usually the the people's drift   into crypto is like they see stuff they don't like  it the way it's been done and everyone's like it's   just done this way and you're like screw that  and you build something better right and that's   that's what i feel like that's kind of where the  the ecu bank and the echo fi kind of comes from   but you guys have all these products you said  that other people don't have the same types of   products right can you talk about those like  what types of things will people be able to do   with the money that they have on the platform  that maybe they can't do on ave or compound we   have four four products all launching uh next  week which is tremendous we have a fixed uh   rate uh lending product so people know exactly  how much they're going to have to pay when they   uh stake their bitcoin and variety with the  currencies we have a variable rate so people   want to come in and out of the variable rate  that's actually fantastic as well with our own   aggregator which enables people to basically park  funds with us and we provide an approved manager   facility to invest in a whole variety of product  sets and then we have a great swap product the   first one to go out there into the ecosystem and  that enables basically people to hedge their risks   maybe they're in a fixed term fixed rate product  but they want access to their money so they swap   it into a variable rate product or maybe  they're in a variable but rate product   on our platform or anybody else's and they feel  that they want the security of having a fixed   rate on that so these are the kind of products  that really drive the attention of funds john   the institution absolutely the interest  rate swap market is 500 trillion dollars   so i think it's a it's a problem and a market  worth fixing yeah i would absolutely agree   those are some great products are you guys going  to offer all the other products i guess that   people um normally see on a lot of the  other lending and borrowing platforms   well the four products were launching straight  away but obviously people can come in and out   because bank accounts credit cards debit cards  custody and otc there's our major drive for now   and i don't want to give too much away but  we've got very excited further announcements   in september yeah i think uh there's a  lot of excitement around here like i know   personally like people were kind of scratching  and clawing to get in everyone wanted to be a   part of this so basically you guys are trying  to restart the banking industry the right way   and instead of being like no crypto bad you're  like crypto good no d5 that no d5 good but the   i think the real kicker here for a lot of  people watching is you can do all of that   and at any point take your money put it into your  bank and take it and spend it you don't you don't   even have to take anything anywhere it's one  platform and you have your bank and you have   your d5 platform and it's seamless everything  you need yeah i mean you you need access to the   wealth you created in in your local currency there  you go we have a solution for that if you want to   take your hard-earned cash and get exposure to  all of defy not just one pool that you heard   about from your cousin's friend who maybe created  that pool and you don't know how trustworthy that   is he's just like oh this this is a really great  uh you know uni swap pool and you're like okay let   me try and then boom money is gone but no for for  us we want to analyze the defy ecosystem for you   we want to pick different types of products  with the yield aggregator whether your risk   tolerance is low medium or high and present  those to you and then because we do the heavy   lifting we do the analysis both from a financial  but also uh code and technological perspective   at least you have the peace of mind that some  third party who's not related to that specific   pool looked at it said yeah you know there's  there's obviously a risk in everything but   this looks good for this risk profile and has done  all the homework for you so you just click and   deploy your funds we want to make it as simple as  a few clicks for any product to be used i think   that will bring a lot of big big funds to crypto  like i think that's what they're waiting on this   is the product i think this is why so many funds  were really excited about echofi this is coming   to you that's the thing i think that is the big  kicker with equify is it's coming to everybody   like regular everyday people will be able to  access the stuff that they couldn't access before   but you can also get a bank and you don't have  to worry about them running away with your money   you're great and now you can use these amazing  products which are tied to the bank which makes   everything easier all the problems you have with  coinbase what are the 99 of people tell me oh i   have to wait two days oh i have to wait a week oh  it sucks now i missed the opportunity to buy well   guess what that doesn't happen here oh you want  to buy cool your banks connected to your crypto   connected to your d5 connected to everything  right so what do you have to worry about now the   one question i have is is there going to be a way  for people to exchange as well on your platform   yes we already do it now we do an enormous amount  of otc work today and it's growing exponentially   i think our otc desk is growing at about 15 to  20 percent a month and we have a phenomenal team   that can help today perfect so i mean this is  a product now when you guys launch it give give   people the the if you guys want to do research i  i highly suggest you do it because it's just fun   it's just fun to realize the stuff that was  right here in front of your face so long and   actually accessible and now you're like wow  they have d5 products and it all connects so   yeah where do people learn more how  do they find out more about echofi   we're launching on august 6th so uh very  excited about that it's it's been a long   journey although in grand scheme of things we've  did a phenomenal build in in uh in under a year   but still the ideation the licensure i  mean the work jason and his team did to   properly form the foundations of this project  were six years in the making if people want   to get more information about the project i  think the best source is our website   they can go there they can whitelist to use the  platform they can learn about uh the few remaining   tokens we have to sell before the before  we open it up to everyone uh and then   if they want really up-to-date information  they want to have conversations our telegram   uh channel is the best uh you know spot to just  have conversations because the team is there   a lot of our early backers strategic partners are  there and the whole community is there and they're   15 000 strong so come in and say hi if you're  interested amazing you said ido was that was that   something is is there a platform that you guys  are launching on um we're doing two launch pads   uh one with the bsc pad and one with mantra dial  and then uh we're doing a uh direct offering on   our platform as soon as it's live so we want  everyone who's interested in the project   wants to get exposure to have access to tokens and  and be able to join just because the tokens play   uh such an integral role on our platform i mean  they unlock futures they raise limits they give   better rates and the staking rewards are not bad  either so we want to make sure that if someone   comes to the platform and they see the opportunity  to go to a higher tier uh they're able to do that   without any friction if i like if i'm gonna invest  after you launch what what how many tokens would i   have to buy just just out of curiosity because you  said that it comes with a bank account right and i   think personally like a lot of people i know would  probably want to get that tier so you know even if   you're watching now i'm sure people are that that  watch me are like yeah i would love a bank account   that was fully regulated and licensed that lets me  take my money out whenever i want you guys can't   speculate on price we're not looking to do that  we're looking to say okay like this let's say if   token price is 10 cents now um you know how  many tokens do i need to have if if it stays   at 10 cents uh on the tier structure is it tier  structure on how many tokens i have to have   the tier structure is on token so i i was just  going to say we hope that everyone who wants to   be in higher tiers gets in early and locks in the  best possible price because it's going to depend   if the tokens are at 10 cents you're going to  need a different amount than if it's at 25 cents   if it's at a dollar and and what we want to do is  we want to be inclusive with our tiers and and the   modeling behind it so if at any point one tier  becomes inaccessible because of the token price   we're gonna make the uh necessary adjustments to  bring as many people who want to be in that tier   as possible into that range let's say you  know for simple math let's say tier three   is ten thousand dollars in tokens and the token  is ten cents so you you need a hundred thousand   tokens now let's say the token price becomes ten  dollars now a hundred thousand tokens becomes a   million dollars that's not our intention  we're not trying to create unreachable   exclusive tiers just because someone held on to  the tokens although we welcome anyone who wants to   hold our tokens long term and see the long-term  benefits but then we would readjust it here   to you know reflect what the original intent was  to to hold some tokens support the platform and in   return get you know a bank account better rates  more access why don't we just go one place that   actually helped me make money and i can actually  be confident that i can do everything i want to do   without them right and and this is the whole point  of crypto i think you guys are you're solidifying   the whole point uh yes you guys are centralized  sure we need that i guess in some ways of course   but you're solidifying the you don't need the  traditional way of doing finance which is the   broken system in my opinion which is why you guys  left it something something you said really stuck   with me um you can't go from a centralized fully  fully centralized and and heavily regulated model   to a decentralized autonomous organization in one  jump i mean do we want to empower our community   and stakeholders absolutely is it going to be  tomorrow no i mean we need to go through the steps   of decentralization you know we take a centralized  model we take a bank then we add decentralized   financial products that's our first step so that's  good once everyone gets comfortable with that   and that includes governments counterparties  regulators we will decentralize some of the   governance because that's has always been our  goal and hopefully eventually in the future when   the regulatory framework catches up with the dao  model and they there is a framework that we can   uh apply to this uh organization will go more  and more decentralized because that's our vision   i mean we believe in decentralization yes as much  as you can say oh decentralized or whatever oh   yeah well decentralized kyc there's only so much  decentralization you can have and then there's no   benefit as at some point for someone who has a lot  of money you don't want to sit there and be like   oh yeah someone could rob me because i have my  treasure on me today and i'm losing a bunch of but   like that's crazy if you're in crypto and you have  problems with banking which is like i think most   of america uh this is a solution for you really  it's actually a solution uh can canadians as well   are also having some issues with banks some of  them you guys that's the solution uk we've seen   this already in the news a few times they're  having issues so echibank is a global digital   bank has been since 2016 and we can provide  facilities to 180 countries around the world   and most digital banks like n26 and revolut  only focus on particular national market so   yeah we provide more accounts to more countries  than any other digital bank going into ecu bank   and going in equify is going like for me into  what the future really looks like for banking   and how banking and defining crypto kind of will  marry they're already there though like everyone   else is like oh we're building it bank of america  oh we have patents you know all these who cares   who actually has something right now you guys  have it right now and you didn't go and say oh   we're gonna make it and it's going to be awesome  and it's going to revolutionize crypto and it's   going to decentralize this new industry you  said now we'll just build something that's   cool and then now it's here so here it's here you  want a bank done you want to engage with d5 done   you don't understand wallets no problem you want  to access all the farms and see what the apys are   and see if you can actually access them done it's  here but that's my my thoughts my final thoughts   are this is going to be absolutely massive and if  you don't believe me go do your research there's   gonna be links below so guys you're watching hit  the links below go do your research read about it   because everyone talks in crypto and you guys know  i i don't really back a ton of projects recently i   only back real legit projects this is one that  when the market was down i was happy to throw   money at tons of money at why because i think  it's the future i've told you guys i've invested   in yield why banking so i'm investing in banking  here invested in block bank and an advisor there   uh you guys see the point here right so i want  you to all really take this in because it's   not launched yet so i'm excited man like this  should be exciting for everyone watching you   should be ready because you know jason has this  smirk on his face like you guys don't even know   you gotta see his little smirk on his and i love that stuff man so yeah  really looking forward to this is like   way longer ama than i usually do  but honestly the information is   super amazing and i think all you guys will have  learned a lot and go learn more do it yourself   anyways thank you so much jason thank you so much  brad for coming on uh it was great to have you i   want to have you guys on again after launch once  i come back from the us um so in about a month   let's do it again and let's see where you're at  and if there's any big announcements and stuff   uh we'll talk about those then so i know  there's something coming that was good   thank you for having me it's great having  you guys man that kiddo kiddo fat kiddle huge

2021-08-06 18:19

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