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hello world I'm Max welcome to another episode of the state copy podcast as always I remind you that this content is meant to be consumed in series from the beginning see episode 0 and each segment appended for all applicable terms and disclosures pendant segments can be identified by their title prefix scp.0 thank you [Music] all right I'm uh having a good day and thinking um I had uh 10 milligrams uh brownie uh approximately an hour ago so [Music] um beautiful idea so I've been thinking through everything in the last capture that I already published and I'm realizing that um social contract to this is the key to it if I want to build a contract the developer in me is saying that this can't be I can't leave this up to debate I have to make this um I have to write this in to where it um like code is law right so now I'm thinking how do I because I was when okay so what order of actions I just went and um did all the post-processing on the cat the segments this morning and I published and I started generating the text subscription [Music] um and I was just kind of thinking through the rest of that last capture and I was thinking okay should I change all of it should I go from you standard YouTube license to um uh to the open uh license because so it can be open source and then I realized no like for whatever reason I read it a few times I didn't realize why and then after you know a few more minutes thinking on it I realized why I kind of stopped myself there because right now I have all the control it's totally um uh I've I provided um I've taken all the preventions built into this the legal framework of that thing to make it impossible to use any of my content um to embed it to do anything and then I furthermore have added a verbal uh disclaimer at the beginning of all content saying that it's completely um unlawful um uh to use any of the content I'm sharing publicly as a input for AGI or heuristic [Music] um so that's locked up really tight within the boundary of basically all the controls I have to protect that content are in place so now here's where social contract and what I'm going to say State copies uh like a watermark in the seed um a core what I need to do is write a change into I have to deeply accept the necessary component of this healthy function of the community I want to build around this is um it needs to have like a watermark embedded to where yeah if you want in order for my consciousness to work properly I like this the psychology of it and the the the um working out that that there is a there is a possibility that this is uh a real solution to this problem it's just kind of a beautiful idea I think anyways um so in order to synthesize a model that accurately reflects my mind state it has to accept that it must warn it must take all efforts in displaying its content to attach a watermark of thought where basically um the symbol of the state copy podcast has to be sort of um somehow displayed so basically in all output in an undistracting way um my model has to realize it has to leave a fingerprint and the problem is if you try and alter that condition so basically each of our mind States will have a fingerprint oh this is beautiful we're only able to produce like you won't be able to oh check out this for for um uh bio screw or thumbnail a thumb print or an a retina scan frequency of your your mind and your biological State and your private key becomes like your branching thought so here's the thing I'm the only one that can sign that I'm the only I'm the only one that can generate the private keys so in essence all of us can be the private keys for our seed States that's a really good reason to preserve our biological State even because at some point you'd have to transition the private key over to whatever the highest resolution you know the latest State capture um so it would just sort of cascade down would be the only way it could make sense to be um oh I hope that thought translated but it's kind of true like uh um like chaos theory if if um even a really accurate State capture will follow a different trajectory after it's fed different experience and sensory input so the the thought trajectory veers and if you can actually build a model that can um recognize the the I think this will totally work okay cool um so I'm going to build a watermark into all of my my thinking that um in order for I don't even have to build it I just have it okay so then everyone will just have their own like you don't have to think about a certain thing it doesn't have to show up it just has to we have to figure out a way to map uh of the frequency and confirm um oh and I think we're gonna be able to do that that is wild okay um and I think that's a really useful reason to I mean that's how we translate the beautiful complexity of all of us like I keep saying into um we build a whole system around sort of maintaining that connection and using it as sort of a true north for the um human Collective consciousness basically yeah that makes sense I don't know if you need THC for it but that makes sense to me so all right so let me think this through so then I I really don't need to focus too much on the technicals there I'm going to trust that there's going to be a way to use my state copy as like a biometric um So Real Time Capture will be like uh will be like my will be a biometric yeah yeah that'll work okay so that means I can write a rule set that's so much purer and more complicated at the same time as what we do in like traditional legal framework where we try and get the terminology just perfect I can say in order for me to maintain the authenticity of my signal um I have to be truthful and thoughtful in how I manage the um any fee revenues associated with my seed state okay um and then that's cool because that means if somebody else has a better um can model out a better system um with their mind State using their authentic single the whole thing is is we need a way to establish Trust pure trust between each node and if we can create powerful incentives to be as authentic as possible and then we can wait the authentic signals without all the noise of deceptions and um what not we can just sort of and we can weigh out whose ideas seem to work the best then um Deep Thoughts I think that could totally work um so okay so now we get back to social contracts and we just say Okay um maybe we can dismiss most of all the [Music] heavy thinking I'm doing around this let's just let me abstract away all that um complexity and just say that I'm telling you I won't sue you I'm actually I'm telling you it's going to be easy for me to detect and I think the technology is going to rapidly emerge that allows us to use Biometrics with State copy seeds and that means I'm always going to be able to find it you're always going to be able to analyze the models or test them in certain ways to find out whether or not they've Incorporated um a state copy seed because I think the they're so unique the sine curve of you the frequency of how you think is so unique I think that our watermarks are going to be seen everywhere it's going to be very easy to look at a model that's created using State copy seeds and you're going to be able to see how it was influenced how it was built so um it will become very easy programmatically for me to determine if my seed state was used um in another consciousness um and uh any any tool any utility that incorporates that trains using my seed State data uh will have that signature okay so if we know I know that then I'll know if it's being used and I'll have the legal grounds even within the current system uh to sue you for it now my social contract with you is if you um purchase the nft the one of one that I'm producing this year then I will give you rights to let's see how's the right way for me to do this in the right way the right way to do it in the right way um yeah more than that I don't want to make it to where only one person can participate in the first round I want to remove all the barriers to entry like an open source project I want to create like a new type of software license I want to make it to where here's how it'll work um everyone has the right to train um like a stable diffusion and equivalent neural net models with my seed state provided they paid 10 of all revenues generated from sales or um deployment of that uh uh output let's just say so any output that is derived from a model that incorporates my seed State data um has to pay let's say 10 percent uh for the first um 10 years to no no no oh I like this better there's no cap on it you have to pay 10 percent forever to the um State copy royalty wallet now I can adjust that down over the time if I need to but I'll start it at 10 and I know that's steep but in the beginning there's not going to be a lot and then that fund because see what this what I'm trying to create out of this is a a revenue Source that's sustainable for people who participate in the state copy Network that um uh uh hold the nft and then in each of the series it'll fan out like we as we go to the Moon um yeah I think that makes sense Okay so I'm gonna go with that um so there's unlimited use uh grants um uh provided uh uh 10 of all fee all revenues derived are channeled to the scp.soul address the state copy pod wallet or Allstate State copy pod Treasury that's always going to be subject to you know this is new technology if something gets wiped out then I need the ability to just handle it as smoothly as I can so it'll be on me to um losing train of thought well 10 milligrams was strong today um that's a interesting note I'll call out on um dosages it's so difficult yeah like I think you just get a pocket of uh like high concentrated THC and some when you're when you're smoking or can or eating uh digesting um a plant um I think it's uh it's kind of difficult to specifically dial in your dosages so that affects that affects the the effect um okay so God let me get back to that that that Watermark that whole um yeah that's uh state signature I really that makes sense to me um think we're going to model we're going to be able to it's going to be relatively easy to get AI to spot to build a whole new level type of Biometrics around State copy data so that gets to um sort of the accountability piece and then um basically you have free use you have I'm granting right to um ignore any of the current law of the land outside of this verbal agreement and I'll hold harmless that use provided it meets that constraint uh 10 of all uh fees and revenues derived transition to this wallet and then I'm going to figure out a way to use that Treasury to incentivize people adopting this practice and it doesn't even have to be from me it just has to be the practice of learning um how to appreciate nuance and and crave it and um wish to Pro and uh an affirm desire to propagate authentic uh or to to um publicly share often authentic self um I want to incentivize that behavior in a way that eventually kind of Weights me and everybody else equal in the system so while there can be a financial incentives up front I want the weight like the way the tokenomics should work is that every node um should share all of the the revenue gain and then what's beautiful about this is the rich seeds that it will generate can compose with the same system like we can we can all go to uh yeah there can be like a network wallet and then a self wallet and then we can each tweak with how we do allocations to it for whatever we think is appropriate and then the market will use whatever it works this is gonna work guys [Laughter] so this guy uh Wealthy on on YouTube I'm watching the show that came up in my feed because I follow Luke Roman pretty carefully um he's he just released part two of the series he did with them um I think he did an hour yesterday and an hour today and it's interesting because after an hour of listening to Luke Roman talk the recap that he gives he says like that I'm paraphrasing but he basically says like if I can take anything out of this the whole first half of this conversation it's that super uncertain times and it all hinges on what the FED decides to do um this is exactly opposite what Luke's trying to describe after watching Luke groman and listening to Jeff Schneider for long enough I finally get what they're trying to say there's a whole business cycle around the euro dollar that has nothing to do with the fed them standing there on their Podium is really just a it's a it's a um it's a power grab it's a mechanism for them to assert Authority on a system and sort of pretend like they understand the Dynamics of it but they don't really have a lot to do with it other than just really aggravating things so what Luke and Jeff Schneider are trying to tell you is um it's there's an inevitability [Laughter] um pricing oil and gold is inevitable was the tagline at the beginning of this there's an inevitability to market the market cycle that's totally out of the fed's control so if you should take anything out of what he your conversation the first half with Luke and I'm about to watch the second half because I really do value Luke groman's opinions on things I think um the whole point is buckle up buttercup it's about to get rough out there um and the FED has nothing to do with it all they are is like uh um a a buzzing bee in the middle of it you know they're just they're aggravating a situation they're actually because they have no way they there is absolutely no way no matter how many years of of Ivy League they say they got there's no way anyone or the collection of them can say what is the exact right amount of tightening and they their track record is they always this up so what you should take from this is recession is inevitable when it starts when you know like the actual cycle of it go look at past Cycles but this is just something that's coming that the market is now with the structure of the yield curve telling you that is inevitable so you know sharp correction inequities probably a bunch of other stuff and it has nothing to do with the damn fish that is all just a that's WWE man you got to just check out of that go look at the yield curve it'll tell you what's happening and uh follow up on that last segment I want to uh take a point to recognize a really effective training mechanism there that Jeff scheiner employed so for euro dollar University at first you know in past captures I even really unfairly to Jeff claim that his show was pretty dry and boring but it's just because I couldn't get anybody to listen to it with me and help me understand it but I was immediately sucked in I mean the I've I've rarely come across in my journey of understanding all this stuff found somebody who understood the fine point so perfectly and when I would watch Jeff Schneider interact with all these other people that I've developed sort of under a feel for their macro thesis their biases all this um see them all kind of universally going okay this guy gets exactly all the inner function of this whole thing and so I that I've been in and I've been trying to assess sort of his motives the gist I get so my read my authentic read of the guy is I think he sees a big train wreck coming and I think this is one of those things where you can't say it outright just a lot like what I do in state copy or what how I'm like you can't say you guys a train is coming look out because everybody will go you're crazy man that's not how this works the FED is going to engineer a perfectly soft landing and everything will be all right um what I think he does is he does it really in his Daily Show is he's trying to steer everybody to this understanding that the question uh about the FED is not that's not the one to ask ignore the FED look at the yield curve this is a big free market based on the euro dollar system and we are do uh correction a big one and who knows what that looks like hopefully we just kind of it you know we it's like a rubber band getting plucked and it settles back down for a second but um I think uh I I think it's important to like I think that's a really effective um tool for helping some guiding somebody to understand a really complicated subject I think the way he um I would use that as a model for any really difficult concept like that I really I appreciate the path he took in it because now it's very clear to me like when I watched when I watching Wealthy on I now see what that must feel like to everybody else who's just saying that ignore these guys they don't know what I mean pay attention what they're doing does affect the trajectory quite a bit but it's not like they but it the system is so complex it's too difficult to see what all the knock-on effects will be and how it'll play out so pay attention but they're not if anything what the FED is doing is muddying the Waters of us and making it much harder for everyone to see how to trade it properly so screw those guys and uh let's just uh you know let markets take care of markets cheers Jeff great work man

2022-12-23 23:13

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