Opening Ceremony and Keynotes

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Hi. Welcome. Please. Have a seat. They. Have seats available. I come. In come in there. Are seats right, there. Don't. Be shy. Good. Morning my name is Abdullah for iam the operation, manager of Lemuria, Noumea I like first to welcome you all and I. Wish, you a good conference during this week I won't, take long it will take only 1. Or 2 minutes we. Just I will just talk about fire, and safety so. In. The event that. We. Would face, anything. Similar to fire and an. Alarm will ring in. This, specific. Room you, can see at least one. Two three, four. Five six, seven, green, sign and all, the signs can be used to exit, the property. We. Have true assembly, area where, wherever you will follow, the, different step to go outside, one, is nearby the parking, and the, second one is at. The other extremity of the property, which is nearby, the beach at. A restaurant. Called Farah so that would be our two assembly. Point. This. V, scenario, will only occur, if you'll. Hear, the alarm of the, hotel asking, to exit the property so. That's the main safety. Point that I would like to share. With you there, is an over to which. I. There. Is very, little chance that can, occur, once. In a while we get a little bit of earthquake, here, a bit very. So. Far for a couple of years I've been here it's we. Can feel them but it's, not very dangerous, in. The event that you will feel that. You. May just find a chair or a table and go underneath but. We would not be asked to exit the property. Allah. One. More would. Be a cyclone, but, cyclone, is not during this period, of a year would be more in March or efferent so you don't need to share that with you so, at the end I will show again a good. Conference during this week and enjoy. Your day thank you. Thank. You. Welcome. Bienvenue, my pleasure to be your master of ceremony, today. First. Things first. Mr., go up but. I couldn't, make it to New. Caledonia, so, we'll hear a little, greetings. By do from him. Let's. Go for you. I'm. Going. Well. You. Know the chair of opt NC. Well. Sue Felipe, jelly, no director, of opt and see my. Fellow opinion, EC members invitees. To this conference and all. Conference, attendees, mozu. And good morning welcome. To ap 946 I am. Father, the chair of the opinion Security Council, first. Of all apologies. For not being there in person and, thank you everyone who had joined us from far and wide. We. Are deeply honored to have this meeting in the Mia hosted, by opt, and see Gail. Philippe, and the entire NOPD team has been great friends of a pinning for many years so, we are really glad to be here on that home turf thank. You once again on behalf of the entire pinic community, towards, the continued, support to. The. Opt, NC family. Personally. This will be the first time in 16 years that I missed an APD meeting in person but. On the positive side this, gives me first. An experience, of re more participation, mechanisms. In, fact yesterday we had an all-day EC meeting that I conducted, remotely, and I, didn't feel most different because, I was able to get, along with the banter that goes in these meetings and so. I plan, to personally. Attend the. Next three days and figure. Out what, works and what doesn't work, hopefully. Everything works because. This. Is one of the best locations to test this strong an. Island, on the Pacific, one, of the areas of the world with the most challenges, in connectivity and. About which you'll hear from Jonathan briga our keynote speaker very soon. Back. To EC business one, of the main items this week will be the release, of our survey, report it, will be available on the website today and survey. Matters our survey. Managers, will present, it during the AMM. Thank. You to all of you who participated in, the survey for. The tremendous responses. And I. Would like to assume you on behalf of the EC that we'll, take very. Careful look at all the feedback and incorporate. Those in our, planning activities. For, the future years, now. Before I end. I. Had. Been planning for this trip for a long time. Actually. In December, when I got the tickets and so. I've been looking around and researching, about New Caledonia, quite a bit and.

It's Quite amazing, that for a country with about you, know 40, million people there. Is almost 75,000. Internet connections, which means almost hundred percent of the households, are connected at. The same time opt, also has 100% mobile coverage, with. Almost, 85% of the populous and enjoying 4G, speeds I hope, some of you have got the SIM cards and I'm actually enjoying it, if not do it now, this. Is all quite amazing, for, me. I come, from Nepal, a fairly. Small geography. But with 28 million people and, you know the the. The. Comparisons, are quite hard, I think. The, investment that opt and see and the government, of New Caledonia made, on the submarine cable connecting, to Australia, has already paid off in, terms of bringing this connectivity, to. The people here and. All. The other socio-economic, benefits that, it brings, in. The head before. I end the. Event would not have been successful or, possible. Without, the, support of our host staff. And most importantly, the sponsors. Special. Call out to our platinum sponsors, interior and address we, have a huge local sponsorship, support in New Caledonia, and thank, you to all of our regular, and new. Sponsors, hopefully. We'll, see you again and again. Enjoy. The rest, of the week as, I said I'll be online and virtually. Attending for, now thank, you and oh wha. Many. Thanks to go rob will, miss him. Let. Me, introduce. You to, mr. Galliano. Who's president, of the Congress of New Caledonia as well as chair, of OPTN, see mr.. Yano. Madam. Jami's Shirley mom, of the committe executive. Latnok. Madam. Jami's she reminisced. Arizona. Governor mo given. You a to diesel. Otunga. Sam. Wha dan. Shin. Megami. Maysville. Ciento. De Bourgh. Excuse. A. Filmer. President. Governor. Model an oval Caledonia, a. Barnard. Via MIDI. GU Geronimo, on, shelves. The economy, numeric key. Nepal Marie, Osmond, at rock reason Oh Audrey, Avenue. Present. Hey Doc Liz institutions. De la nouvelle Caledonia, otaku. Resident. You can gray Gilligan. Legislative. Literate. Wow. No. The to evoke reason toda la nouvelle colony, de cría, lab Nick. Anime. On, caesium Edison. And. Seeker. Lee. Twice, on account. Participant. They, don't cut repeat lesson as a Pacific. Resolution. Osmo to. Particular, mo Li. Mo mo the P dollars. On Oceanian, no visa a. Personnel. Immediate, and. As. You are mostly. English-speaking. I just like to tell. You few words in English and I. Want to wish. You. Because. You come from a, lot, of all over the world and all, over this, Asian. And South, Pacific region. And I like really. Very. Kindly to. Welcome. You in New Caledonia, on behalf. Of the Congress of New Caledonia and on behalf of all. The. Official, authorities of this. Small. French. Territory. Of the. South Pacific. Annual. Caledonia, party, cannot Dossett. Ecosystem, intl. Original. Ed, way to vay supplies. Say. Two lessons days action the, diplomacy, economic. A Dorian. Mo regional. Party. Portal to our yellow. Numeric, it applie. Ie. Contribute. An. American. Horribly. And all. Asansol. Come. Cheap Oh da model alternative. Development. De, la nouvelle Kalani, dr.. Joe sector. Economy. Creo. Sante. Education. Modernization. Administration, mitrice, the. Deepens public -. Tom vo a new, Palestine particular, population, easily. La. Barriada Milt res la. Plan strategic, Paula, Konami numeric report. Genre. The, said nouvelle economy. Yael. Technology. Economy. In America solely Mizpah sector. De technologie donna formation, a de, comunicación. In. Future Ooty so, the. Telecommunication. The. Loggia, visual. Jealousy. CL the, latter net. Electric. Utility. Honker. Super. Low. Activity. Said. Novella Konami code cable the mania significative. Adri entire. Grid, is, equations.

LK. The, nouvelle soceity. A de. Novo sampler. The. Nouvelle wishes. The. Nouveau service, Ignacio. De, novo geezers, la. Nouvelle kalarani, modernist. Sun, administration. Paulo. Hand uncle, is accessible. Via, Lamas. Oh PLAs de, servicio, benefice de Caledonia. Yawl, is almost a population, a. Geological. Numeric afonya. Uses. A party. Create, Oprah's. Association. Less. Routine SSA a la developer. Despise. Eagleman. Residence. Administration. The, roof is a post a telecommunication. Renewal Caledonia, key. Vote. Owed local. Establishment. Public a, monopole. Solitaire. Communication. Loop. Et NC, L a menage à la nouvelle Caledonia. Amateur. Reso, fix a mobile. The. Connectivity. Numeric domestic. International. The. Result on a biometry, numeric mode, in a photo progress, from the, users. Ultra, demon owns a diamond this with a so. True motto CP, q, p8, Reconnective, come, still exist uncle the, thought mark. The. Progress IAM la. Fille a numeric Caledonian OPOs, la créme, electrocommunication. Dole. Office de post a telecommunication. Present. Bo-zone. Lucifer. De faire pour. Upon, a seasonal. La. Nouvelle Caledonian, hace una, Trudeau, deafening. La. Strategy, the telecommunication. Es. Para DubLi lapa. Numeric, Johnson, Kadri interior, good set. Idea proceeded, wha. Supposin. Reduce. Weight and caboose. Amenia, Hey. Eagleman, in, planar I use it to. Set. Current caesium addition, the, lab Nick. Thank. You very much mister, yeah no. Let. Me introduce, you, to mr. Philip, Giovanni know who's. Charman, of OPG, New Caledonia. Sorry. Sorry. Die. Taja no. Thank. You. I'll, try to do my best in English. London. Has asked, me to do the speech in English so I. Apologize. For the the mistakes, or wrong. Accent, ladies, and gentlemen. Member. Of the a picnic Executive Committee. Honorable. Minister, and, government, representative. Of Vanuatu. Cook. Islands, Tonga. Sanwa. India. And China dear. Participants. By. Supporting, the evolution, of Internet, and responding. To local development needs, for more than 20, years opt. Confirm, its role as a digital, implementer. Of the territory, serving. New caledonia public. Policies. Populations. Businesses. And, communities. Opt. Contributes. Every day to develop the economy tourism. Health. Education. And accessibility. It. Does, promote, the, attractiveness. Of the territory, but also contribute. To New Caledonia's, place in its regional. Environment. This. Digital, program, consume very high-speed, Internet, networks. Mobile and, fixed. And submarine. Cable, had the, pleasure to present you the, Altos, project, in 2014. During the a picnic 38, in Brisbane, at, this time it was a PowerPoint. Program, but today those project, have seen been. Implemented. First. Of all I will speak about very, high-speed mobile the, expansion, of the existing network has continued, for the past. Four, years to. The nearly, eighty, ninety. Eight percent of the population accede. To the mobile network through nearly three, hundred and eighty mobile. Site and nearly. 75. Percent of the network is in 4G and half, of the population is, using, mobile. Internet, also. A major challenge, for new caledonia, is the, very high speed fixed, network the, deployment, of optical, fiber began. Three years ago and it. Will take it's a long journey from. Ten to twelve years to be completed. This. Program aims. To migrate, from copper to fiber the, old network at no, additional cost for the customers, and the. Caledonian, people today. Nearly ten thousand people are connected, to connected, to the fiber more. Than fifteen percent of homes and, businesses. Finally. At. The end of this year opt, will choose the, supplier for the second. International and, domestic, submarine. Cable, which, will be deployed in 2020. This. Objective, is to secure, our traffic. Internet. That, doubles, every 18. Months. Opt. Is an ethnic member, seasons in. 1929. And, a. Faithful partner, for the past five years selected. In. 2013. To organize the APNIC 38, we, unfortunately had. To decline, because of logistic. Constraints. But, the, team, still was motivated. And persevering, so, we have again, submitted, an application and. New caledonia has been selected, to us this. 46th. Edition, and finally. We did it and finally, you're all here thank. You all of you on behalf. Of all our, partners on, behalf, also, of my, teams and very, happy and very proud. To welcome you to this conference and also, I hope that you'll get the opportunity, to extend. New Year's, Day to discover our beautiful, island, the Avenue enjoy. Your conference enjoy. You stay merci, beaucoup thank. You, very much Philippe and. Now. Let, me introduce you, to Paul, with Wilson. A picnic, director-general. Thank. You merci, Bienvenue. To, the moon that's. Welcome all to to, ethnic 46. Especially. Welcome to Galliano, the chair of OPTN see our. Old friend also, Phillipe Giovanni, Avellino. The, CEO. Others. At opt. A older Center and and other staff. Thank. You so much for. Supporting this, event I think. We know you worked really hard over quite a few years to.

Make This a success, to bring us here and that's really, hugely appreciated. Thank. You to the sponsors of AP, Nick for t6 as well including. The government of New, Caledonia we, have 23. Sponsors, here and ten of them local which is a great number so. Without that support as well we, certainly couldn't be here, so, merci. Ap. That comes pretty often to the Pacific, and this event I think shows why we've, got delegates here from 12 different Pacific, Island, countries and. More, than 80 percent of our fellows are from, the Pacific region, it's. Really just wonderful to see this level of interest and enthusiasm from. The local people it's. Also really great to be able to bring, others, to give others the opportunity to. Be here to see this incredibly, beautiful part, of the world. It's. Also really great timing because these. Are pretty exciting times for the internet in the Pacific, for, Internet infrastructure, and its development here there. Are more submarine, optic. Fibre cables, being, deployed here. In the Pacific than anywhere else in the world and also, two places that I think a few years ago would, never have been expected, to receive Kable at all not. Only that but we're hearing about second, cable now, being being. In demand. There. Are also new satellite services, coming in to compete with the cables, new. Technologies coming over. The horizon literally. And, those. New, technologies are also going to make a huge difference, there. Is a lot of local, access infrastructure, mobile and and, cable, fixed line access, services. There's. Other Internet, infrastructure. Essential, things like ixps, and data centers. CDN. Caches, as well, and. Also important, community, initiatives, like certs and Nog's. Like pac nog. Governments. Are responding with regulations, and reforms from telecom. Sector, liberalisation to. National, broadband and cyber security policies. And the. Thing is that these are all the things that you see in. Established. Internet. Market so nor, coming fairly, rapidly into the Pacific. So. With all of this extra bandwidth, and connectivity, and, competition, and community. I'm. Sure that the services, are getting, better and more reliable and also cheaper, for all Pacific Islanders, and that's, what ap, Nick works for in fact for, an open global stable. And secure internet that serves the whole region. So. As the. Internet grows, and matures, anywhere. In the world we know that cyber security is a priority, ap, Nick has been very active in this in this area in. The AP region as a whole but also in the Pacific and I'm really, proud of the role that a benek played in establishing, three, new certs here, in the Pacific that's Sertoma. Back in 2016. The. PNG cert just in January, this year and, certain, Watteau in. June, we're. Actually joined here in. This meeting by 13, ICT. And security staff from different.

Countries Of the region joining. Security workshops, and these are the people who are going to be spreading the serv message, back, at home to get things started or to keep them growing in. Their own countries, and I want to give a special welcome to, all, of those people. Developing. Cybersecurity amongst. Non-technical. People, just as important, for, managers and policy makers and law enforcement. For. Schools. And for NGOs as, a key to strengthening the whole, region's. Cybersecurity. And cyber safety, so, we're working with governments and we're encouraging, an inclusive. So-called. Multi-stakeholder. Approach to cybersecurity from, the start because. We, know. Most. Of us know that, this. Kind. Of model is the model that'll best serve the Internet community and the, industry, as it does in other parts of the world and. Talking about governance so last month actually is, the second time ap Nick has been at, specific. Meetings, in the last month last month the, asia-pacific regional, IGF, was hosted in Vanuatu for, the first time and that, built on an earlier Pacific, IGF, and there, was really an excellent turnout, there with participants, from, all over the region again, which made it a really world-class, event, and it was followed with a resolution to form a Vanuatu. IGF, and so that's yet, another component. Of a healthy, Internet. Governance. Infrastructure, which I'd really encourage all, of you to watch. So. For such a relaxed, laid-back, place, we're seeing a lot of action in the Pacific, and I really. Encourage everyone, here at a peat Nick 46, to approach this meeting in the same way with a sort, of friendly energy. And engagement, please, do get involved the discussions, from. The technical, to the cooperation, to the operational, to the policy, meetings, meet. People meet. AP NIC people to please there's quite a few of us here and we're here to serve all members of the community and, do. Make most of your time here as. Much in the rooms as on the beach I hope, so. So thanks again for coming and I really do wish you a productive and, enjoyable time, thanks Jesse. Thank. You very much and. Now. For, something, completely different. Let, me, introduce you to, a group from, leaf, ooh it, was a small island not far from noumea. Really. Yes. Sorry my mistake, so. It's time for. VIP. Gets exchanged and. Please. The. Official. Party, come, to a group, photo please on, the. On the stage. Thank. You very much, we. Are setting up the stage for the performers. This. Time for. Something completely different they. Are from leaf ooh which, is small island from Noumea please. Make. Some noise for. Neighbors. The. Souffle never got, a. Kylie, so, ladies, you can. Last all new so you. Do Colonel, all get. Who. Killed, all these two. See. My thoughts to. Serve. All that. At. All. Shoo, kiss netiquette. Is ballet, the. Conclusion. Remember lancome. Aunty, call. Me to kneel to, the claw machine. Dead. Ooh. Goswami. See. Hanako, Elite, Eights you solji, buddy, to. Calm it up push it up. So. Soldier, sell it to you. Oh. Hey. See. They've I stated on the, mouth again. OCS. His shape kinder, whoops, media. Dude is that. The. Key. This is. Meaning. I can't be. We. Mainly like. No. Nigger. Daddy. My, cheesy. Nina. Nina. You lose, you lose you. Lose II, put. It there. Yeah. See. See. Like. Your. Time. Like. Wait. Okay. Ladies. And gentlemen, a ruse some. More claps for Neos. Okay. I think it's. Time for, so. Our first, keynote today we look at the internet security, challenges, facing. All of us Raja. As Reena Raja, Othman is, one of the founders, on Malaysians. Computer, emergency response. Team, my, cert. The. Former, CTO, for cyber security manages. Digital. Forensics, lab and an, experienced. Security. Adviser to, many large telcos. I'm looking. Forward to hearing this talk please. Welcome, as, Reena. Can. You see me.

Right. Oh. First. Of all thank you for the, introduction. And. Thank. You. To. The organizer. A panic for having. Me here. Thank. You to the representatives. From the government and their many, participants, from. Various, economies. That. Are here today so. I've, been task yeah, to cover, on, on. Cyber. Security I'm. Not sure if this is comfortable. Okay. I'll. Try and. Try. To stand, taller right. I'd, like to. Recall. Here. One. Of the belief, that I have is that. In. Moving, forward we need to know where, we were where, we are now and where, we want to be so. I'm borrowing. Concept. Here. To. Give us a bit of an understanding, on, where. The. Development. Of the, computing, and networking has. Progressed. Now. It, began, with, the standalone. Computing, back in the. 80s. And later, evolved, in, the 90s. Better. In. The 90s, where, we actually have further. Advancement. In networking. In, the 90s we, were actively. Connecting. Economies. I remember. Back then Malaysia, we. Started connected, to connecting, to the United. States and Japan back. In the late. 80s. Now. In the. 2000. Early 2000, there. Was a breakthrough of, killer. Application. Asians on, social, media everyone. Became, publishers. Right, so. The. Web technology. Stabilized. And, became. Very. Much a. Household. Item. So. That's. Where the browser comes in. It becomes, very. Natural, application. In UI, now. That's what we called the, third. Platform. Moving. On now, we, are seeing. Instances. Pockets. Of. What. We, foresee, in future would, be what, they call the Omni connected. Will now. Here. We foresee, that there will be more. Interconnectivity. Of IOT, s--. Sensors. Connected. To back-end system, with AI and, machine, learning, and various, technology, that, what, it does is basically. Predict. Your. Wants, and needs of the, people, right. So. So. In terms of cyber. Security the, development. Has also. Progressed. Ok, I not. Such in a good way though ok so. Wonderful. Right. So. In. Cybersecurity. The. Development. Has been, in such a way that, the. The, a voltage, evolution. Of threat has. Progressed, towards. A different level so it, before we are seeing, penetration. Hacking. For. The mere. Joy. And. Resulting. In annoyance, to the victims now, we are seeing more, stealthy. Manner. Of attacks more, persistent, and, ones. That will remain residing. On your, machine unknown, to you for over 200, days okay. And. Without. The user even realizing. That, their infestation. And infection. On your computer, and. This. Is purely. Designed. Okay. In such a way that, your computing. Facilities, your, identities, your. Information, and privileged access are, being. Mined. Collected. Harvested. Used, in such, a way that it, benefits, other, parties, right, so. That's, the reality of. The. Current situation, now. What. Does that mean to, us in. Understanding. The threat how do we prepare ourselves. So. There's various, development. In cybersecurity and, one. In which I'd like to quote here is the, one initiated, by NIS T United. States they have come up with what, they called a cyber security framework no this is not something new but. It's actually, an incident, response. Steps. That. We've been following for over two decades and. What. It's does is has done is basically break, up the controls, the, security controls, that we park, we implement, into. Our solutions, into, various types. And functions. So. One is to identify the, assets, what are the assets that we're trying to protect, secondly. What, are the, mechanisms, that were using to, tank these. Assets, and thirdly. How do we identify, and detect, malicious, and, anomalous, activities, in the network, now. The. Good thing about, this, is that there, are various, technology, out there in the market currently that. Can, help. You in, identifying. The first in addressing, the first three stages okay. Unfortunately. What, happens is that in the response and recovery we, are still, very much dependent, on human, interventions, right, now. One. Of the the, four items, that I want to highlight the challenges that we face in security, is. That the. The. Challenge, of taking. Down domains. Or hosts, okay. Now. One of the things that I've discovered. Is that over the years I mean I've been doing certain, for the last twenty years I find. That now we, are still doing it the same way in, domain. Takedowns okay. So, I face, situations. Where financial. Institutions. Come. To, me and say that they've been reporting. Requesting. For domain takedowns for weeks but. Nothing. Has been done, now. What do we do we notified, the registrar, we notify, the sirs the local says the countries, where, the.

Offending. Entity. Is reciting. Still. It's. Depending. Very much on the cooperation of these, various entities, to. Initiate, those takedowns. Now. Secondly. The, fact that it's dealing, with cross border makes, it even more difficult because we are dealing with different time zones now. The last two challenges, that, I find. And. A, change. A shift. From. What we had before. We, have cases. Like blaster worm dealing. With 18 year old creating. Malware's okay, and I've, been, found. Given. Jail terms over, 18. Years but. Now we're dealing with more. Organized. Okay. Criminals. So, we have, if. You are reading headlines you, will notice that the last few days there's been announcement. Of. News. On the. Charges. That been put against. A North Korean for. The outbreak of one a crime, okay, now. This has been associated to, state-sponsored, attacks, now, that becomes, difficult because, by, putting. One person, behind bars may not actually stop. The, activity, because this. Is a. Well-organized. And well-funded activity. So. The. Last challenge, we have is the, fact that. When. Ten. Or twenty. Years back when, we deal with C, and C or what we call the command control service, these are servers that basically. Control botnets. Our. Objective. Is actually to take down the census, now, what we are seeing there. Are initiatives by, commercial. Entities, to take over these, cncs. Why. Is that important, because when, you take over or you take down a C&C server you gather a lot of information pertaining. To the victims yeah. It, is an advantage okay. And these. Are concerns, that, among. The security fraternities. How. Do we deal with such. Development. Now. One of the research, that I did with. A, few, other researchers. Is, on is one. That, relates to. Phishing. Domains now. I'm sure all of us are very, familiar with phishing. And spamming, and in. Any economy that, are well connected you. Will definitely. Come across such, threat now. I was. Actually trying. To understand, why. Is it that it was a, futile. Effort that, every. Time we take down a horse, or. Domain. Another, one pops up right. Now. We. Collect the data based. On known, fishing sites that are blacklisted, over. 500, domains we, queried, them for three months on a daily. Basis, and, it. Was an. Eye-opener. For me and, it took me aback -. I -, know that, what. Was. Found, is that there was a very organised. Attempt. To. Put - to. Organize, information in, such a way that the domains pertaining, to certain, areas for. Example the spams that you get on pharmaceutical. They. Are actually, resolving, to, dedicate. That name service, name. Service, okay. So. When. We look at this data, we. Learn, that. By, taking down the, domains it's, not enough we, need to take down the name service, by. Killing name service we, basically are. Crippling. The. Domains the, other spokes. From. Resolving. Right. So. These, are things. That we learn along the way and, this. Is a research, that we did in 2012, and we. Find I can. And there, are other researchers, that are also pursuing, on. Fast flux. Research. Because. It gives you a better insight and, more, strategic, response. As. To how to deal with fishing. Gain, and spamming. Now. In. Another. Context, of technology okay, while. We deal, with all. These trends there are multi-layered. But, terms that we need to invest. In we. Need to put in effort to, design solutions. In, infrastructure. That we deploy. Now. We. Are very excited, about IOT. Unfortunately. The, trend. Is that they. Come with. Vulnerabilities. And with. That we, need to understand, how, do we deal with technologies. And when, we look at them, for security controls, it, boils down to one of its three it's. The technology is either a whitelisting, technology, whether, it's a learning analytics, technology. Or it's, a blacklisting, technology, it can be a combination of, two, or all three of, these, now. The, challenge is these, technologies. Can be applied at the gateways it can be applied at the host level it can be applied at the applications, level yeah but eventually. It. Needs to be designed in such a way that it works harmony. In harmony. Together it, should not be in conflict. It should not work against, each other and that's, where you get in efficiency, performance. And performance. Is one. Of the enemy, of security. Because, if. You. Have performance, issue. The. First thing that will go is security, people will start poking holes in your, operations, just, to get things going and it. Will weaken the security, so. In balancing. Ease-of-use. Functionality. And. Performance. You, need to also balance out the security, to. Ensure that you have it covered. Finally. What. I'd like to have. You as, a. Food. For thought is that, how. Can we do better how. Can we, design. Better, infrastructure. For. Someone that come, over. 20 years ago, implementing.

Internet In Malaysia we. Learn throughout. The way for. New york economies. New countries, that, are jumping. Into the bandwagon, adopting. New technology, you, can learn. And not to repeat the mistakes that we did okay, and you, can do better okay. So. Interconnectedness. Is not something, that we can, push. A site it will, come. And it is something we need to embrace however. We, need to understand, the, threats that comes with it the, security, requirements. The privacy, and importantly. We, are talking about physical security. Physical. Systems, and when, we're talking about physical systems how it, ties, up is, the. IOT, and although, we think that this, is a small economy we're, not into IOT, so much. Where. And behold the. CCTV. That you're using the. Condition. He HVAC, system, that you're using the, dam operations. The port. Operations. That you have the, systems, that you have the. Traffic light systems, they, are all based. On IOT, and, these. Are the ones. That needs, a proper, design. To. Incorporate, the security, requirement, and lastly I'd like to highlight the, importance, of. Ensuring. That when. You. Do development, whether, it's technology, or just software solutions. Design. It from, its, design. Security from. Start from. The requirement, stage if you cover the first three steps that I have down there, the. Testing. And the coding will, be much more, smoother, and faster. And this, is not at the radical that. Formula. That I've picked up from some, textbook is, something, that I've developed along. The way and tested. It and I, find that the development, that we did for, two years in software development where we spent more, time in, the design and, requirements. It. Makes it much easier when we do the coding. Although. I must say for among. Software, developers, and coders yeah. Security, is not second. Nature to them you. Have to work, with them security. Practitioners, need to work with multi-discipline, in order, to make it. Understanding. That input, validation must. Always be there when. You design develop. Coding, you, need to plant, plan out and ensure. You, embed the, security. Controls basic. Things like input validation, how, you handle credentials, storage. And all, now. Having. Done that when, you do the testing, and iteration it will be very minimal and it, will be very. Efficient. So. Hope. I, hope that this will be a big, way for, you. To consider, as, some. Of the. Future. Projects. That you might be, involved in thank, you again for your attention and. I'm. Very, appreciative. Of having me. Here today thank you. Thank. You Serena I would like to invite. Paul. On stage. Our, second, keynote, today. Our, keynote speaker is Jonathan, brewer Jonathan, is a consulting. Network, consulting. Network engineer with, well known to many in this community as an experienced, trainer his, arrears of interest, include, radio, spectrum wide, area networks, the Internet, of Things and, Internet, research. Including. A strong focus on researching. Connectivity. In the Pacific which. You will talk about today. Please, welcome, Jonathan. Hello. And thank, you everyone and thank you, AP Nick for having me here today it, was great to meet I, think. A hundred of you over the last couple of days in the training workshops, I think they went off really well so. We're. Going to talk, about networking, in the Pacific but first we're gonna talk about getting. Here to New Caledonia. Consider. Pompey and Noumea. Pompey and the Federated States of. Micronesia. It's. A little over three, thousand three hundred kilometers, between. Them but you, can't get there from here. This is a. Map. Of all of the flights that were available for, you to get here, in time for this talk this morning all, the possible, flights and connections sorted, by shortest. Duration, is. The network meeting so I'm going to call this the lowest latency, path. First. You fly to Chuck, and. Stay, on the plane because then you're going to Guam, hey.

University, Of Guam guys thanks for coming today then, you head up to Tokyo and. Because. All of the air kalyan flights from, Tokyo. To knowmia were sold out you, go to Sydney like. Matt did yesterday, and then, finally, you, get to know Mia and the lowest latency path, on this, route if you, wanted to get here in time for this talk, it was 34, hours long to. Go, 3,300. Kilometers now, their shortest distance, paths. Like. The air Kaelin flight from Tokyo to no Mia but they, were congested. There, out of capacity just like some of the submarine cables, we're going to talk about in. The next few minutes so. Here's a review, of, pacific cables from. 2000, because we had a couple of important things happen, to. 2018. Most, of the important things happen in the, last couple of years but number. One most important, cable for the Pacific is the Southern Cross and, I, think it was commissioned, in late. 2000, early 2001, it, was the first all optical. Cable, to connect Australia, Fiji New, Zealand to the United States there. Was an optical, submarine, cable before called, pack rim Packer. I made the mistake of putting electrical. Repeaters, in between. Their spans of optical cable, so, it crippled, that cable, and made it so it would never go faster, than about a gigabit, per second, a gigabit. Per second isn't much anymore I have that in my house in New Zealand because that's just how fiber-to-the-home works. So. A. Quick. Note here none of the operators, that built this cable, I believe. They were Telecom, New Zealand Optus and what's. Now verizon, none of these are. Called Telstra, next. Important, cable however was mostly, Telstra, and that's the Australia, Japan cable, which stopped. In Guam to. Sydney's. Second, modern fiber optic cable happening, just around the same time as Southern Cross, Telstra. Was a 40% owner, in this cable now. After this we have the, Australia. PNG, to cable. And I. Spoke. A moment ago about the pack REM cable, which was, kind, of badly planned, electrical. Repeaters, well it was, so. Unusual. That it, was decommissioned after, less, than 12 years in service and bits. Of that cable were cut up and used for other projects, for example for, Port Moresby so, a section. Of the cable from the south of Guam was, cut. Up and dragged. Down into, Port. Moresby harbor and then, it was joined up to the north bound cable terminating, in Sydney, a, PNG. Is, a. 1.1. Gigabit, per second cable, still, in use today and, it's still the primary, connectivity. For important Wars be to Sydney which. May change any day now with some new satellite, stuff they've been, working on for the APEC meeting. We. Jump all the way to 2008. Before anything really happens, so we've gone from 2001. To 2008. Nothing, happening in the Pacific and. Then, I think, by this point Telstra's. Us-bound traffic, had, grown to the point that leasing, capacity, on Southern Cross was, no longer economical. And. Was. More. Expensive than actually building their own cable, so, Telstra, built themselves a cable to Hawaii and they. Were gain able, to gain from there a number of paths to the US and some. Redundancy. For their links to Japan and Guam and probably. A lot of negotiating, power because. A lot of companies. All over the world really wanted to get to Australia so they're able to trade rights on their new, cable with other people, who had connectivity. Other places. Next. We've got the, most important, cable for us here today and. The. First cable specifically, to a Pacific, island not. Just passing, by like Fiji, but directly to Pacific, Island and that's gone 101. That. Was financed. By. Opt. 42, million euro deal, with Alcatel to build the cable assume, the government. Of New Caledonia paid, for this in the end. Unrepeated. Extensions, to some of the small islands, including, where I think our singers came from I think, they have a domestic, cable, so, this, is a fantastic, cable, now and I expect it to be a fantastic cable, for the next 15 to 20 years. Now. We get to. 2009. 2009. We, have the ash cable, the American samel Hawaii cable just. Like, the. PNG. Cable, this, is a segment, of pakaram, that, they cut up and they, hauled into, the harbor and I've. Got a funny Side Story here I know, the path that. It took to get hauled into Pago Pago Harbor because. The tracks. Of the ship laying. The cable were. Included. In one, of those documents that Edward Snowden released, to the Internet. Interesting. Interesting, so. Ashe, cable. Has been live since 2009. It was almost immediately. Out of capacity, because. American. Samoa has, relatively. Advanced, market for the Pacific, and people. Use the Internet. It's. Life is almost over because. Honestly at one gigabit per second. There's. Just too much contention. So. At, the same time as ash a new cable was laid between American, Samoa and sawa and this. One didn't have those same, restrictions, it. Didn't have any electrical. Repeaters, in fact I don't think it has any repeaters, at all.

The. Result of this is they started, running the cable at two-and-a-half gigabits. Per second, but, when they launched it they. Thought well this cable has a capacity of 160. Gigabits per second, but, honestly today if you were to put new equipment on the end of it it would probably run at a terabit, without any problem so single. Pieces of fiber-optic cable from one place to another with no repeaters, very, very easy to make them run as fast, as you'll ever need. Now. Asia, America, gateway was the first cable to connect, the US, and the Pacific, to Southeast, Asia led. By a Malaysia telecom, who. Wanted, connectivity. To the US wanted. Better connectivity, to the US the cable eventually, picked up 18, partner. Telco, so there are a lot of people who really like and use this cable including. Two of the Philippine, carriers, PLDT n globe, in. My experience, a AG, is now the, most. Popular. And common, carrier, for. Telcos. From the South Pacific if, they're inter connecting and qualm they're jumping, on a AG either to go to Asia. To Hong, Kong to Singapore, or to go to California. Next. Up we have PPC. One PPC. One wasn't new connectivity, but remember. We had Telstra, with that Telstra endeavour cable, and telecom, New Zealand and Optus, with the other cable to Sydney. Not. A lot of competition. There so prices were very very high. PPC. One was founded, to build a cable from Sydney to Guam to, compete to, offer competitive, bandwidth. At competitive rates, when. The cable was designed they did have some quite. Big ideas, they built a branch unit that was facing, New Zealand a branch, unit facing, Brisbane, a branch in at facing Port Moresby at a branch unit facing, Madang unfortunately. They were unable to, get their commercials, right they were unable to get anyone, to connect up to the cable except for telecom PNG, who. Had a bit of a geography problem, now you see they. Have a cable already what are they doing getting another cable, just how, many years later like three, years later second. Cable, here's. The problem you, you. Can't get from medina to Port Moresby, just. Just like you can't get from pone paid to New Caledonia, you can't get there easily you can get up on some microwave, towers and go across on a long and convoluted and, difficult to, access and, maintain path but. Honestly, the least complex, way of doing it is while, PPC, one was going. By putting, a very short branch into the dange sending. All of your traffic between, madonna. And leigh and the northern part of PNG to. Port, Moresby via. Sydney. Ok. 2010. Now we have, a single fiber pair built, from, Guam, to Kwajalein for a very, special, customer. And. Yeah. Quadlin has a thousand, people so I'm gonna call that the smallest. Island, ever connected, in the smallest island that ever will be connected, by a major, submarine. Cable a second. Pair was laid in the same sheath fortunately. And that, has some bridge units at home and Kwajalein. And branches. Off to majora, and that, enables, civilian. Telecommunications. Use of the cable for, providers, in federated. States of micronesia, and Republic. Of the Marshall Islands. Yeah. This, is the hen through one cable and that terminates in Guam where. A. Lot, of the bandwidth jumps straight to either Tokyo. Or California, without really interconnecting. Other places. Hana. Toa was French, Polynesia's, French, Polynesia's, answer, to New. Caledonia, and Gondwana. Initially. Lit at ten gigabits per second. Went. Into an old AT&T, landing station, in Hawaii. And had. Some real problems getting, out to the rest of the world from there because, of ownership of the cable landing station and access. For interconnection. Enough. That there was a lawsuit, that if, you ever need help, sleeping. You can start reading some of these legal documents about. Denying. Access to the cable landing station but it's an interesting story and it shows that even though a cable goes somewhere it doesn't mean it's useful, so, when. I visited. When. I visited French Polynesia three years ago at that point they were still sending all of their traffic straight to California, without leaving the cable landing station and they, were just moving, from ten gigabits a second. To 40 gigabits a second.

Tonga. Suva is. Another, one of these direct, Island cables. And it's yes it's called Tonga, Suva but really, it. Should be called Suva Tonga because sue is the important part here it's the tongue as they want to get to suva. However. They don't get Suva. They. Sort. Of get to suva I mean they get close but. Because, of some peculiarities. In, Fijian. Telco. Regulation. Thank You Commerce Commission of Fiji there's, a massive, tax for, any bandwidth, that crosses. Part. Of a room in the landing station, if. You. Want to bring bandwidth, into Fiji. Which means move from one side of the cable landing, station to the other were the domestic, interconnections. Happen you need to pay a tax a very, large tax which equals around 25, US, dollars per megabit. Yes. For incoming traffic, now. That's, high because in California right now I can buy Internet, traffic at 15, cents, a megabits. So. What happens with Tonga's Suva traffic except, if it's within the digital network for, the most part it actually goes, out to, California, via Southern Cross, or. Oregon, via Southern Cross straight from straight. From the landing. We, got another one here interchange, one now. Tonga, Suva was the tongue of cable corporation, and some, development, financing, and. It's. Run, as a. Separate. Entity that whole sales bandwidth. Interchange. Is different, it was funded, between. A partnership, between an, entrepreneur. And the government of Vanuatu. Now. What's happened here is the government's, stake has the. Government's stake has led them to expect a return on their investment, they, invested. In this cable they want to have money coming out and. So. Their expectation. Of return on, their investment, has caused a bit of trouble, last. Year, the Prime, Minister, fired. The regulator, and. This. Was mainly to do with issues, about regulating. The cable and monopoly, prices on the cable the, PM was unhappy about that because the money wasn't coming in this. Is only two years after the. Prime, Minister's office fired, the entire office of the regulator, 14, people in Vanuatu so. They. Have turbulence, there now last this year about two months ago three months ago the, Supreme, Court Ivana wah - reinstated.

The, Regulator. So she has her job back and. I'm not sure what the situation is, now but, the case merits, a serious, discussion. What. Happens when global, connectivity from, a small island is. Looked. Upon by. The. Government as, a revenue. Source and not, as a way of connecting its country, to the global Internet not. As a development, exercise, I mean. The the analog, here is building. A fancy airport, and then making it so expensive that nobody, uses the airport. So. For the moment interchanges, Vanuatu's only cable link to the world but that. Could potentially, change soon. The. Interchange, company is now in contract. To build a second cable from Vanuatu called. Interchange, 2 and that's supposed to connect Vanuatu, to the Solomon Islands and they're in contract to build the cable but I have no idea if they have an anchor tenant or if anybody really wants to pay for bandwidth. From fatimata. - to the Solomons especially. Since the Solomons has just been offered a free submarine, cable from the Australian government, complicated. Stuff. Now. We have tasman global access. From. 2001. Until. 2017. New. Zealand had one link to the rest of the world since. I'm based in Wellington this was a concern, to me and pretty, much everyone else we, had very high submarine, cable prices for a very long time and they. Changed, in, 2013. When, this project was sort. Of brought up by the. Telecom. New Zealand house spark and. Vodafone. And. At the time Telstra, was going to be involved in the cable so. Just. The announcement, that there was gonna be a second cable from New. Zealand to Australia, caused, pricing. On the Southern Cross cable to drop, precipitously and. A lot of good long term deals were made and prices. Have continued, to drop and drop and drop so, I love it it's great. Here. We are it's connecting, a small. Town called Raglan, outside, of Auckland to Sydney, as very nice simple, fast cable. Next. Up we've got an. Interesting, deal, that came together starting. And I think starting in 2014, a new. Empire. Funded. By. Guys. In Connecticut, funny. Enough they live in Norwalk near my parents I have, no idea who they are but they're calling themselves Ram telecommunications. National and they started putting together deals. With, telcos, to, have, a Guam, hub, network. Of cables and the first piece, of that was, the, Southeast Asian US cable which, was when, it started a link, from the. South of the Philippines, and the. Far. East of Indonesia, to the. US via, Hawaii, and Guam and really, were landing in Hawaii to get, electricity. To regenerate, the signal and we're. Landing in Guam. Mainly. For the same reason however we've, got some hubs we've got some potential cables, that are gonna go both south and north from there to interconnect with but, this, wasn't, just a. Southeast. Asia to the u.s. cable as we'll see in the next couple of slides it, has turned into more than that but, I'm gonna talk about the, Philippines, just for a moment. Because. It's sort of a Pacific island. Actually. It's sort of 6,000, Pacific Islands a 7,000. But only 6,000, are inhabited, spread. Across a vast area it, shares, a lot of problems. That the Pacific Islands have and I'll, call attention to the sea us landing because of the, nine, submarine. Cable landings, in the Philippines. The. Sea us landing, in Davao is the, only one that's significantly. South of Manila and. While. There are some domestic submarine, cables, and microwave, links connecting. Means now and devour, the major city there to, the north they're. All owned by the incumbent, a company, called Philippine, long-distance, telephone, or. PLDT, and they're, not really known, for playing nicely with other telcos, so if your name isn't PLDT, you have a very, very difficult time, getting from. Manila, to to, Val. So. It's likely that for globe who are the, major, Philippine, partner in see us getting, their traffic, from, Davao, to Manila, is less. Costly and less complex, sending, it through Guam, than it is sending, through domestic. Connections. All. Right what happened with see us but, a couple. Of Pacific. Island said hey there's a cable going by, let's. Connect up so, a spur from see us two crore is Palau. First, submarine. Cable. Financed. With a twenty, five million dollar loan from the, Asian Development Bank. Palau. Has contracted, with globe to get some bandwidth they've, paid globe without three million dollars for the pleasure of connecting, to Guam. Palau. Has twenty-one thousand, five hundred people and the, cost of this project is such, that.

They're. Going to be charging four hundred and thirty US. Dollars a megabit, for connectivity on this cable I, think. That's gonna be a bit hard for them to actually, get the use up that way. We'll. See what happens. We, have an even, smaller place, Yap which is part of. FSM. And. Eleven. Thousand, four hundred people. First. Submarine cable to pass anywhere, near Yap Federated, States of Micronesia is crazy. Huge it's like two, thousand kilometers across with, a population, of I don't know high, tens of thousands low hundreds of thousands, spread, with thousands, of kilometers between anywhere, so, when a cable came by it was an opportunity not to miss it. Really, was just connected, in I, want to say July cape. Cable went live at the end of June so. There's. Really exciting, for the, people in Yap. Now. We have the the, last big, project in, the Pacific, and one that was. Fermented. For a number of years before things got going, and. That's to Assam on now. American, Samoa had this cable on Ash but that cable has been congested, since day one it's been very expensive. Sam. Was objective, as a country. In building, this new cable was to break free of the chains of, the high prices of ash on which, is PS were and still are paying. $1500. Per megabits. For, access. That's. 10,000, times the cost of high-capacity, connectivity. In California, so. When, Sam Willa planned this cable the nearest interconnection, point to the global internets was, Fiji. Suba so, they said right we're gonna build a cable to Fiji. We're gonna dump all of our bandwidth in Fiji, and, because. Of that problem with VG's, Commerce Commission and the fact that it's really expensive to cross that border of the cable landing station in Fiji they said right away we're, gonna do a deal with Southern Cross and we're, gonna buy a circuit. To Los Angeles, straight. From Fiji, so. They did that and now everyone. Who goes on this cable from Samoa. Goes. From Samoa, to Fiji, - funny. Enough Oregon, because that's where that part of the Southern Cross cable lands and then down the coast Los Angeles. Went. Live in March 2018. And. Some. Of the providers in Samoa are using, it. Possibly. Not all the. First good thing that this cable did aside from bring more bandwidth lower-cost, bandwidth was connect. Savai'i, so. There, had been microwave, links from the top of a volcano I have my laser pointer don't I sweet. So there's like there's a nice volcano, here and there's a couple of hills here so you went from Athiya up here and then over this rim, of the volcano and then over to to, a cv to get. Bandwidth, and that, bandwidth was you know running out because microwave, is good for hundreds. Of megabits low gigabits, but. Not much more so, now they have a fiber. Cable. And unlimited, capacity, next. Up we, have Wallis. And Futuna, so. They, presumably, purchased. Capacity. Direct to Los, Angeles at least that's what my measurements, show. And we'll talk about those in a bit they, financed their Spurs separately. To the main project, and they went live in April of this year. Vanilla. Levo was, another. Sort of side project, to tui. Cable and World. Bank's. International. Bank for Reconstruction and. Development put. In six, and a half million dollars to help, the. Recovery of Avenue. Olavo after, the cyclone. By. Giving them bandwidth, and, this really. Really eased up the huge pressure on the, microwave. Links between the two islands because Fiji is after, Hawaii the biggest place in the Pacific by far and they. Have good connectivity to, both Sydney and, the. United States and so they really don't have the huge bandwidth problems, that the rest of the. Pacific, Islands do. So. People really got used to using their, mobile 4G, in in.

The Big cities and they get out to Sava, Tsavo and vanila Levu and it, was super slow so having, this new fiber cable, is allowing, the carrier's, there to really increase their capacity. Now. After. 18 years with, a single, cable from New Zealand to the, US and a, single cable that actually, went all the way from, Australia. To. The west, coast New, Zealand and Australia finally. Gains some, direct. Diversity, through Howey key which went live in July. Of this year if. You noticed, a te sub. Comp in, the harbour here in town. That's. The ship that's on standby, to maintain. The Howey key cable and that ship. Or one like it will be around for the next 25, years which, is how long the the cable is contracted, for maintenance. How, ie key provides, not, a big ring like Southern, Cross but a very direct route with a few Spurs. Very. Low latency and inexpensive. And they're, very special because how he doesn't, have any ownership, of any government. No. Ownership from any telco, it's, a completely, private, cable. No, telcos no governments the, anchor, tenant for how EE key was Amazon. We. Don't know if we have anybody from Amazon, here. Today but thank you Amazon, this great wonderful, of you and. A lot of the ISPs, and telcos, have jumped on to gain additional, capacity. And diversity, in the case that something, happens to Southern Cross. One. Of the great things that Hawaii, key did was, helped, us out with our ash cable, in American, Samoa and. The. Anchor tenant there was a Stuka, and a Stuka was the, very first to, sign up with a leaky cable because. Asticus. Competitor, in American Samoa blue, sky owned the Ashe cable, and asked to hated having to pay them for access. To the internet so, as. Touka, has increased, the, capacity of, their connection, to the global Internet vastly. Probably, by 10 times on day one and. Has allowed them to give up the use of the expensive, Ashe cable. Now. I'm just gonna talk about Hawaii, for a minute because. One. Of the special things about how a Ikki cable it's the first, cable to go into Hawaii in, a. Neutral. Cable, landing station, that means the cable landing station isn't owned by, a tea or Hawaii, telecom, or Verizon. Or. Telecom. New Zealand spark you know or Telstra, whatever. For. The longest, time carriers. In Australia, and New Zealand have wanted, to get to the. Honolulu peering, exchange and, every. Other cable, you land you go from Sydney to Honolulu. Or Auckland Honolulu. It, costs, you say. $2. A megabit, and then to get that last 10, kilometres, into town it costs to $20, a megabit. Because. Access. To all of those landing stations is restricted, to the people who own the cable and those, people are the local telcos and their, partners, and now how easy is the very first cable to land in Hawaii that. Is in a neutral landing, station anybody, can bring their own fiber, in and I, expect, that the, research. And education, network in. Hawaii. The. Internet two components, out there is probably going to be connecting, to that landing station very very soon and, there'll be the first of many to bring their own fiber to get, around the monopolist. Practices, of the existing telcos. Last. One and. Apologies. Sunny our organizer. Here because I didn't turn in my slides until 90 minutes ago and. That's. Because, we had a few new things happen one, of those new things was the Australia, Singapore cable, and, that. Got turned on last week unexpectedly. In several months early. The. Western half of Australia. Has had one route of connectivity, to the global internet for the past. I don't, know 18 years and that. Has been a cable called see me we three. Built. Around the same time of Southern Cross C mu e 3 has been notoriously. Unreliable. And, has had cable, breaks around. Indonesia, for a very long time so. This. Helps both Australia, and the rest of the Pacific, potentially, get to Singapore. Southeast. Asia and South East and South Asia on a, more direct route than the, northern route that most cables take. Ok. We've got a few countries here that are still unconnected.

And I've. Put them up there and yes some of the EC care brush twice that's, how big. Kira Bosch is it's just like FSM, is just gigantic so, they. Are still unconnected. Some. Of these places like, Solomon's, knew a Cook, Islands they have either, cables, funded, or cables, under construction, I'm not going to talk about anything that's not finished, because, there was a cable. Going at Guam called goki that was expected to go live in 2013. It didn't go live until the end of 2017. You never know what submarine cable projects, if they're gonna finish until, they actually finish. So. That's, the end of the submarine cable section, because we've, got another thing going on here satellites, take just as long to plan and just as much money to fund in some cases as. Submarine. Cables but, once. They're launched up into this into, the air they can quickly deliver, coverage. Over quite, a large region, so, that makes satellites. Pretty special. When. It comes to geostationary. Satellites, has been very very quiet in the Pacific, you know satellites are so easy it seems like a home run and yet over the last 10 years we've only had. Ten years eight new. Satellites. With. The potential, to cover the Pacific, and of. Those, satellites. They're nearly, all dedicated, to, Australia. Japan and Indonesia. Only. Two of those satellites are interesting, to us in the Pacific, and. Note. The area east of Tokelau, where I put that 10 years of satellite title. I put, that there because there's, nothing there there, have been no new satellites. Over that entire area in 10 years. All. Right satellite one we're interested in is JC Sat 14, Japan, Skyy perfect corporation. In-service, July, 2016. Around, the time of the launch, they. Mentioned, they had a partnership, with a Pacific. Focused. Satellite. ISP. And. That seems to have fallen through because. They. Talked. About it at a PETA meeting and the, satellite is not doing anything since, then I mean it's doing plenty for Japan but nothing for the Pacific it could however figure. Into the plans of the savvy operator, here. Next. We have you till sad or I tell sat 170, to be. Newest. Satellite, to cover the Pacific, and its. Main. Purpose in life is to provide, in-flight. Broadband, for the tens. Of thousands, of air. Passengers every day, it. Is making, an impact on the islands, but not the ones we care about so. Far the only operator, to announce, a deal for the auto set 170 to be is bamboo.

Who Are covering the Philippines. Now. We have something different a medium Earth orbit network and this is the one that has made a huge impact on the Pacific it's called a3b networks they. Are the Pacific success, story, I cannot. Even count the amount of n terminals, in the Pacific 403b. Network. Has been live since 2014. But, they put another four satellites, which meant another 96, gigabits per second of capacity, into service this year. That's. More capacity that, is in use by all. Of, these new island projects. That we just talked about, together. Heaps. Of capacity, Oh 3b, is is really really an, outstanding project. And I understand, that. PNG. Has just, taken on a whole bunch more o3 Quebec both Ruby capacity, in Port. Moresby that. They're going to use until, they get their new submarine, cable, here's. A picture of 3b. And, traffic. From the Cook Islands which are still on o3b lens and Hawaii that's our our. Link on the right here Kooks to Hawaii and then traffic, from Port. Moresby lands in Australia. And these guys was around this guy every, sort of a, couple. Of hours or so they, they make a rotation, so that's it for the connectivity, part I'm. Gonna spend five minutes on metrics and then we're done I, did. Promise some metrics so. I do, need to deliver on that we're. Gonna talk about pick, on Wallis. And Futuna today, who, turn on their new submarine, cable in April, as. Part of my project. That, I've been working on for the last three years I do. Some, measurements, of submarine, cables, and performance. Of networks in the Pacific from various places and in this case I've got 700. Days of measurements, up on the screen, representing. Around 4 million, pings, from, servers. Around. The world and we've. Got Auckland, and Honolulu. Los Angeles Seattle Singapore. Represented. And it. Shows that on the 17th, of April. Right there. Woloson, foo tuna had a bit of a change. Our. End result is that Los Angeles is 130, milliseconds, which is great I mean it's a great latency, for someone, in the Pacific, Honolulu's. A bit higher than Seattle in Singapore in Auckland, look at that though. Auckland. Was the fastest, prior to the change and. Now Auckland's, the slowest. Something's. Something's wrong here. This, is the actual set of Layton sees from. Wallace, to Honolulu. Los. Angeles Auckland, and Singapore. And. Now. Here's. What it would look like if. Wellis was connected to the Howey cable, at american, samoa. We. Should be sitting at 54 milliseconds, here 102, here 51. Here and 150. There, what. Is happening is that, Wallace, is taking, to Esau Moya to Fiji, and then. Through. The Samoa. Submarine, cable, corporations, Southern. Cross bandwidth they're taking, the Southern Cross up to, Oregon, because Southern, Cross is, a big loop and when. You buy bandwidth you usually stay on the same segment so, they're going up to Oregon. And then back down the coast to LA which, is resulting, in 150, milliseconds, and then to get to Honolulu, they're, coming back because. Samoa, submarine, cable didn't, buy a multi drop on Southern.

Cross So they can't get off it, they. Have to keep going they, got to keep going keep going keep going all the way back here and guess what to get to Auckland yeah, they got to keep going keep going all the way to Los Angeles and then, somehow their routes are not just going to Los Angeles but, they're going back to Sydney, and then, to Auckland, again. Singapore's. Faster, than Auckland. So. How. Do we fix this this. Is a problem we're not going to fix this problem soon, because. They probably have some long-term bandwidth, contracted. But, what. I am doing is, working on these problems with the support of the information. Society's Asia fund a Pina canned the network start of resource center and I. Have a website the link will be next which is my final slide where. You can find out more about the. Networks. In the Pacific, Pacific, island economies, where connectivity. Is important, for them and. A. Bit about why people aren't, peering and interconnecting, and how we can start to fix some of those problems so that, is my. Last slide here. There's. The link there's, a QR code if you like doing that there's, more information on me and I thank you for being. Patient with me on this talk I can't, wait to talk to the rest of you for the next couple of days. Thank. You so much. Yeah, gamers know what latency, means when it comes to online. Gaming. So. That's. All folks. I invite. You to, lunch. Break and I hope that you will enjoy the rest of the


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