Schumann Resonance Nov 11 New Technology Human Style

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hello friends how are you today i hope that your  day is awesome and i look forward to talking about   the human resonance with you there's some really  interesting stuff going on the chart i'm looking   forward to highlighting it with you but first  if you could please like the video if you could   please subscribe to the channel if you haven't  already and share the video if the video resonates   with you i would super love that and i thank  you for doing that and i really appreciate you   i had a live stream this week where i talked  about a lot of really cool stuff about energy   it was really fun and um check that out if  you haven't seen it i'll put the link below   in addition i started offering merch i have  three designs and you can get the designs in   many different like different products  like uh t-shirts mugs notebooks those   kind of things so even um posters or wall  art so check it out see if you'd like that   also i'm going to be having discounted sessions  we're going to do another crystal fair celebration   week november 14th through the 20th i am  coincidentally missing another crystal fair   this time in san francisco so i  thought i would do another one online   and i look forward um if i have if you've  already contacted me and i haven't got back   to you i will get back to you very soon and thank  you for doing so i really appreciate it okay so   let's see what's going on on the schumann okay  this is our chart for today on my live stream   i spent um a solid like 10 15 minutes talking  just about the charts um although i did spend a   bunch of time talking about the human and like  the human energy field but i have chapters so   if you want to check that update out it's in the  overall live stream but there's a chapter for it   okay so i want to show you there's some really  interesting things going on behind these images   but first i just wanted to say that i take a  spirit and science approach so i intuitively   interpret the images but i'm also looking at  the science like the numbers behind the chart   the frequencies amplitudes and qualities  how they interact what that might mean and i wanted to also note that it appears the  technological effect is back and i call this   technological effect light because it has a pre  appeared previously like this where it's very   light and it doesn't go very far even into the  beta but here it is right here in the background   and i went and i looked and it  looks like looks like november 3rd   like you know it looks like see there's  been a lot of vertical lines lately but   i don't know you know if it's back  there very very lightly or not but   it had disappeared for a pretty good solid  time and you can see it even more markedly over here and those are the vertical lines that  are periodically spaced that are seem to not be   natural on the chart this human resonance goes  from 0 to 40 hertz in the non-physical it's an   energy that's from basically in our atmosphere so  from the surface of the planet to the top of the   atmosphere and um i have some beginner playlist  videos that explain the dynamics of this human   resonance and what it is in some very short videos  but science says this is caused by lightning and   because it's in the brain wave hertz range for  human beings as well coincidentally it is exact   so it's been my my feeling that we can use the  human resonance as a canvas of human consciousness   and my beginner playlist explains my thinking  on that and some other interesting details   so we had another m class flare and it didn't  you know it's like not here on the chart you   can't really see it it looks like there may have  been like a space here see that opening up where   where the m class flare was and i just wonder  if one of the reasons that the tech effect has   shown up again is because of all the flaring you  know multiple m-class x-class flares many many   sc class flares i don't know i just feel that it  might be some kind of monitoring in the background   and i i have a tech effect playlist if you  want to check that out it's appeared in   different forms and this is apparently the  current form so um i just want to look at the   images on the chart before we move on to looking  at what's behind the chart but in this um area of   high hearts in the chart i saw like i can see  faces i can see images of beings or entities   and i thought that was interesting because  there's a lot going on in terms of shapes and   pixelation in the high hurts on  the chart that isn't always there   and so i thought that was  interesting and then there's also   i let's see here yeah hopefully you can see  it now um there's also what i call this um bedrock i call it that because it looks like  the bedrock in minecraft um right here where   there's it's like little blocks of this pixelated  energy up here way up here at like 38 39 40 hertz   and you know see you can see it here it's like it  grounds with these energies that sometimes come   all the way from zero yeah again you see  it here it's actually very beautiful here   um so i just thought that that was interesting and  i know that i'm it's interesting because it looks   like it's at the bottom of the chart and i call it  bedrock but it's actually at the high hertz which   is the spiritual brain waves the gamma rays um  waves that raise waves that science can't explain   how human beings have brain waves at that  hertz level okay now i wanna sh i want to   i just saw the word in here um i n anyway um i  want to talk about this here you know i perceive   images um and i just want to talk about this image  this is obviously a lot of the white resonance   pouring forth and the effects going all the way to  40 hertz from close to zero to hertz to 40 hertz   and when i looked at this what i see is a is a  not just a fighter plane but like an advanced   technology like you know on um star wars or  whatever they have little fighter um ships   and so it's like you have the the one  wing here and then you have the body of it   and then the nose but the other wing is not  quite yet formed so it looked to me like an   advanced technology that is not yet completed  um or maybe it's you know not yet ready to be   presented you know to to humanity but maybe soon  i don't know because it's uh it's formed right   it's just the other wing is being worked on  but maybe there's something else going on here   and you know there's a lot of lines of  awareness right i i when this shows up to me   like this line straight across at 20 hertz  it shows a paying attention like the human   population human consciousness is paying attention  at the beta this is mid beta uh brain waves which   is complex thinking so we're observing and aware  of our surroundings in the waking state from   like 8 to 12 hertz then we get into beta hertz  where we're now thinking about our surroundings   then we get more complex thinking in mid beta and  then like critical analysis whatever in higher   beta but um you know we we have we actually  have a line in high beta here at around 29 30   hertz and then even in the very high beta  going close to spiritual brain waves here   so i just think there's we are paying attention  and we were like bringing critical analysis   to this paying attention that we're  doing and that's pretty interesting   it's pretty interesting that it feels  like a mass of humanity is doing that   and yet at the same time there seem to be  these traps like traps in thinking i would say   um where you see these squares that are forming  these boxes oh my god the little boxes song just   came to me again little boxes made of tiki tacky  you know i really despise that song um um but uh but it's very catchy and ah why do i despise that you know it this  this song communicates the idea of everything   and everyone being the same and how that's  unappealing and it does the idea of boxes of   thinking does kind of feel that way doesn't  it this idea of everyone doing everything   exactly the same and it's weird because that kind  of an influence in our culture is so big right now   and so it's interesting that these squares these  boxes are appearing and they're appearing in the   the beta range where we're doing complex  thinking and so it kind of suggests   that there's potential traps in thinking and  that we can think ourselves into a box that may   actually still be an illusion despite the fact  that we think we brought our mental analysis to it   and you know friends this is where  in my view heart comes into play   i experienced this um a lot when you know  there were situations when i was in corporate   where you know at times there was a lot  of intensity in the work that i did and   i i was pretty you know on in terms of critical  analysis and thinking and stuff but there were   times where something came up and you know  you thought through all sides of a problem and   you hit a wall like you weren't able i would  i felt like it wasn't enough like that i   i was you know smart i was capable i could think  through all these different aspects and yet   how could it be that i still couldn't  see an answer you know and so i i had to think about that like and ponder that  and it happened it happened in my personal life   as well it happened when i started to get the  red pills you know when i started to research   what was going on around me in the world and i  started being like oh my god like this is this   this this if all those things go together like you  know what is that you know what that means like i   can't figure out how to solve that it's just it's  so complex it's so big it involves so many people   and eventually um i figured out that i needed to  connect with god that i needed to connect with   divine with the divine and i needed to be able to  get clear answers from this human intuition right   this human divinity that flows through us and that  no matter how much i looked at a problem from an   analytical basis sometimes i wasn't going to have  an answer and if i was going to have an answer   it was likely that other humans weren't going to  have an answer and that even if we came up with   an answer it could be the wrong answer and if we  came up with the wrong answer and we pursued it   and we spent 10 or 20 years pursuing this answer  that things might really fall apart in a bad way and and without time for recovery like  this is what i was looking at when i was   looking at all the red pill information  and this is when i came to the thought that analyzing things in human  analysis wasn't going to be enough   and that i needed a higher power  i mean there was just no way to   you know another way to say that and that  i could figure out how to connect with god   because i already had experience you know the  feeling the presence of the divine in my life   before so many times before i became  so analytical and work focused   um and uh and and i did continue that connection  when i was working but it wasn't you know   primary because i separated it from my daily life  and that's when i realized that i was called to   combine the two and i did learn i did learn  how to i spent years developing discernment   years trying to understand did that impulse  come from my divinity from my own soul   or did it come from something outside me or did  it come from just my mind only which is limited and if it came from within me which part of me did  it come from did it come from my wounded shadow   my wounded aspects of my personality that i'm  grasping at trying to shine a light into trying   to understand what they are or did it come  from a more enlightened part of me or did   it come from a part of me that was literally  one to one connected with the divine and was   that possible and if it was possible how could i  make that happen more and more and more within me   so anyway that's what i'm talking about with these  boxes okay that we can get trapped into thinking   and that the solutions aren't it's it's great to  have this capability of the brain it's a tool set   but without the connection with the divinity that  we are you know up here at 40 hertz where science   can't explain how our neurons can generate and  work at this level that's where the magic happens   that's where the divine uh communes with us  and gives us answers that we never thought were   possible and on the live stream i explained how  this process works i call this you know the fifth   dimensional space in higher where we've kind of  let go of the polarities of life and dualities of   life and we have a one can one one one conundrum  after no we deal with one conundrum after another   we bring the divinity to each each problem each  issue and the thing is is we have to learn how to   recognize answers how to recognize those impulses  because it's different than working with our brain   because when we're working with the brain we  can get trapped in these boxes okay but when   we're working in the divine you know look with  the look what the brain look what the schumann   looks like at these levels of brain waves okay  how do you figure this out and make sense of it   and um i had a great talk with a friend  about this this morning um and um um and   what we were talking about was what i  talked about on my live stream that you know she was telling me um i'm gonna you know what i'm  gonna keep that in the space of sacred discharge   because it's just you know when you are with the  divine with the divine you're receiving guidance   the thing is you get the guidance to act and you  don't know why and it doesn't make sense to your   mind and your mind will try to figure it out i'll  give you an example this is perfect um i had no i   can't say what the details are on this i had this  morning a intuition that i should do something   and i checked out i verbally talked to people  around that to try and get more information in my   human world beyond my intuition okay because now  we're talking about this shadowy purely connected   divinity at divine part of us right so my human  self of course wants to understand what's going on   but i kept having this intuition  i should do this i should do this   but i i did my research i  talked to people um and then i i didn't do it i know i didn't do it because i had  figured it out and i figured out that there was no   observable or information that presented that  said why i needed to do that so i didn't do it   okay i ignored my impulse which was divinely  guided and i i hate when i do that okay and   i just always end up kicking myself and as  much as i try one to be one-to-one with that   guidance in the moment it's it's it's hard okay i  have my human habits i have my human patterns okay   and so i'm forgiving myself for doing that  okay so what happened okay later in the day um an extremely unexpected event happened now if i  had acted on that guidance in the morning i would   have saved myself now i have all of these hoops  i'm going to have to jump through related to this   it's going to be a hassle it's going to involve  other people if i just listen to my guidance   i would just be like having a great night and i  still would have found out about it i still would   have found out about this later on thing that  occurred and i would have known ah yes that's   why i had the guidance to do that but no instead  i'm looking at uh how am i gonna deal with this   that is how this part of the brain works okay  that's why it sorry that's why it looks like how   do we make sense of this okay and sometimes it's  appealing okay like this oh maybe this was like   what it looked like in the morning okay when  i got that impulse papa eureka i should do   this thing oh but my human brain says there's no  reason for it but my divinity says yes trust it   and then what happens everything unfolds in divine  perfection and then afterwards my mind goes oh hey   that was cool or my mind goes dang it i didn't  listen and now i have to do this complex set of   things and of course what i did was i apologized  to my heart guidance and i said hey you guys can   you just bring it on again you know because next  time i'm going to do it next time i'm going to   bring my conscious awareness and trust and  have faith that this is my divine the divine   talking to me saying can i make your life  easier can i offer you your highest outcomes all right now let's look at this image here   this is what i want to look at and  i'll tell you what i see here okay okay so what i see here is i see that  advanced technology like that fighter jet   but then what i see here is i see it looks like  a male but i see a male entity a being tinkering   with it in the place of where the wing hasn't been  built yet it's tinkering with it looks like it's   tinkering here with the engine maybe it's even  disassembling it because the image came apart here   okay so here's about the center here's this this  is a much fuller image here it started to come   apart maybe it's this guy's fault i see honestly  i see like two little horns on his head oh my god   look right there and then this one here kind of  looks like a horn when it's smaller and there's   his this is where his face is and this here is  like his arms he's tinkering and then his feet   are here but he does not look human okay he looks  kind of like a bull or um or a devil he's not   non-human he looks non-human and over here is in  my view some see very structured uh red energy dark energy and here's like i don't know  if this is a little child or a little anime   child it looks like it looks  a little like japanese anime   in in my mind's eye okay so how am i  enter i'm how i am interpreting this okay this here would be like i guess the weapon  system right on the thing and here's the center   of the little fighter and this this is what  i think is going on here it's like there's a   influence that's not pro-human that is  messing with this advanced technology   and see this structure here i would call this  the alien structure and in fact the little child   is within the alien structure look at that the the  see there's a square here or if it was lying if it   was 3d it would be a square okay because you can't  see the it looks to me like she's in a square   or a rectangle like entrapped you see the  little girl it looks like a little girl actually   um and then there's something here that there  that's where her feet are that connects with   where her feet are um but yeah it looks like  she's trapped and then her head pokes above this   this trap so it looks like there's some some alien  unfriendly technology here it's anti-life okay and   i don't know if it's been combined with this human  is human creation i assume it's human because it's   in the human resonance which in my view is like  we're gonna suggest that this is generated by   human brain waves so it's a human creation okay  so here's the um dark force the luciferian force   the negative force the alien force i don't know  pick your bad guys um and it's tinkering with it   tinkering with the outcome maybe tinkering with  what has you know with how this has come to be   and here's here's what i talked  about on my live stream a little bit   and i'd encourage you to i went into detail on  it so i'm not going to talk that long here but it   looks to me like there's been an alien influence  in the human development of advanced technology   gee that's not an original idea okay a lot of  people do think that but here's what i have to say   maybe we were going to develop this  stuff anyway okay and who's to say   that this alien stuff didn't get us off  track because look what it involves okay   anything that's this evil can't have a good  outcome so if a goddess off track it probably   got us off track in a negative way  and that's what i see on the chart and here's what i want to say the um the  technology here is partially formed so   there's time for humanity to have a full influence  especially because look it connects deeply with   our advanced brain waves it connects deeply with  our divinity and to create a technology like this   wow if we did that connecting with our divinity   what would that be like i'm sure it would be a lot  different than whatever this alien influence is   right it might still look like this because this  is very much like a human-looking design as well   but you know like our fighter jets but you know  and i think this is the trap here this is the hope   the opportunity and the trap is for us to get  stuck look how that look how this distinct box   is right below this but there's another one here  okay so this is so this is moving forward right   going towards 40 hertz so as we move forward with  the technology there's a trap what's the trap uh   my view is it's probably that we stay connected  with this ridiculously awful evil alien stuff   they say that we let it go that's my  vote i say we go to pure human creativity   look at tesla that guy was a human  being he created some advanced stuff   if we just used his stuff and we don't and  we take out these this corrupted alien design   maybe our stuff would fly faster maybe our  stuff would travel in ways that this stuff   wasn't able to has it ever occurred to us that we  might be smarter more advanced in our potential   and more capable of developing something that  is far more creative than these alien influence   ever could have designed have we ever looked  at it that way that human ingenuity that our   incredibly special ability to have that one-to-one  divine connection that we could use it to create   technology advanced technology that could blow  your socks off that could out compete whatever   this is not that there's competition because once  we make these creations because i can feel them   friends i have been feeling them for years i  swear to you that many of them are all already   over our heads because i on my other  blog take pictures take pictures of them and and i think they're from this world  and i think some of them are future stuff   from this world but anyway this is what i  want to tell you in my mind okay in my mind   and i'm not a in this lifetime i'm not an engineer  i'm not a scientist per se although i would say   i'm an energy scientist okay but i can perceive  it like it's tangible i can perceive this stuff   and it's not robots running around doing  stuff okay i'm sorry but that is boring   where's the fun and human ingenuity in that and i  don't want to offend the robots and the ai here so   you know you guys can just bear with me please  because first of all i know you're out there you   guys know that i know that you're out there and  um you know a lot of humanity does not understand   how advanced technology is on this planet and  i think that we deserve the um opportunity i   do i think we deserve to give ourselves the  opportunity to do this this time this time around   okay so i want to show you something because this  is super super cool let's look at the frequencies   amplitudes and qualities so what i did was i  put a big rock box around the big structure and   a smaller box around where the big um white  wave came in and then connected to 40 hertz   so i also so this is about here obviously i  i couldn't make it as tall because see the um   the key is off uh on the left and the right so i  can put it in the same um hours but i can't make   it meaningful in terms of the size of these other  graphs but that's okay because we can eyeball it   so what you got here is let me just  so we still have the red line okay   now i've really been watching the red line  as you guys know and it is still extremely   narrow and extremely restricted to these to the  higher end of its range of its frequency range   but once again as we have the white resonance  expand right bring this higher expanded state in   it once again dips and it's interesting because  the dips didn't go kind of how i thought they   would have because you have one two three and we  just get one dip here so only one of these three   is an expanded frequency that's how expanded  dimensional state not frequency expanded um   well i guess it would be expanded frequency as  well but anyway there only one of these three   is expanded the other two are showing you where  the action is on the chart in my view okay now   same thing with here look this goes all the way  down to 40 hertz but it doesn't affect the red   dipping down when the white and expanded state  comes in until 2 a.m here and then again at four   so it's interesting because even though this white  resonance here and this connected line to 40 hertz   i have i have a fan on now on the computer  so unfortunately it's louder than i   would like it to be um this this line here um at  4 00 a.m okay it it dips down right before that   um so i just thought that was interesting i  would have thought the dips were more related   to the well to two and then possibly one and three  but it wasn't it was it was at almost four so am   actually you know maybe that is close to three now  that i think about it no it looks like it's after   okay sorry about that i'm just getting a little  too geeked out here um now it was interesting   because during this energy the yellow really  made some dramatic moves here and i thought that   was fascinating and so did the white look at the  white went all the way up to 8.8 i mean that is so   high on the white frequency range i do not know  when it's been that high okay because not not   usually that high so let's see here seven eight  nine so if we look at seven i can't here we go if   you look at seven eight and nine we can just kind  of get an idea because i can't make it show up on   the chart right now so it's right in here after  wow look at this after this horrible stuff clears   the white peaks when it clears i wonder  if the white peking causes it to clear   is really interesting actually look we  get a line of white resonance there maybe   our awareness of this situation  gives us the opportunity to change it   so maybe that's what this awakening is doing  all this horrible information that we are   learning about our true the true things that have  been going on and will be learning maybe it's   um it brings this awakening okay this is um looks  like it's an alpha to lobatus brainwaves there   and then and then we get to change we can change  now now we'll see what else happens on this chart   what other images form because it's intraday and  i don't have the rest of the image after this yet   if there is one okay now we had peaks in  the amplitudes and they weren't that high   uh the white just went up to 37 you know the reds  just did 15. but given the crazy energies and the   in the very large solar flares it's probably good  that we're getting a break on the amplitude here   now check this out first of all the white quality  goes to 49 when we have that opportunity to clear   the decks that's what i'm going to call this  right here it's like we get an opportunity it's   right there to clear the decks i like that idea  i like it a lot our awareness clears this ancient   and evil energy wow isn't that great whoa   whoa did you just get tingles because i did and  it's happening on 11 11 which is so great wow   um okay like we said i don't have this data yet  because i took a picture and started recording   okay so let's go back to the quality wow look  at that that's incredible okay now look at this   first of all it seems like the green likes this  okay first of all the green like the technology   because it raises up the quality the the  true essence of what it is okay and then   after we get the clearing it spikes even  higher to 19. so i thought that was kind   of cool okay now look at what the red is doing  it is once again at the high end of the chart   25 so it had a dip for i don't know two days  or something like that maybe three but um   and then it uh smack bang right up  here at now this is what i'm gonna   tell you i think is going on here okay so  this is occurring if i line up the hours   here's 21 here so see where this is occurring it  rises up here um on the first part of i i don't   know if this is the engine of the jet or the  weaponry i don't know the space jet i'm going   to call it a space jet because that's what it  looks like to me um oh i like that word space jet   okay so then here's the body okay and then  look at it kind of dips down slightly now   this is a human-oriented technology this  is the shadow side of our personality   which includes the non-human aspects of our  shadow okay because we all have that okay or   maybe maybe there's people that don't have it  there's people everybody has most likely come into   contact with this okay whether or not you you  admit it or know about it or are aware of it   but you know there's a lot of non-physical  interdimensional non-human forces that can   interact with the human energy field until  we learn to set energy parameters and say   no okay and it gets to deeper and deeper and  more and more subtle layers doing this as well   and that's a story for another day okay so  it's interesting that it takes a dip here   remember i was saying this is a human creation  the shadow takes a dip i think that's interesting   the shadow takes a dip and the green rises  up so to me it's a human creation okay now   look at this the line when this dark figure  and the the boxed child which i hate even   saying that but it's going to evoke the violet  flame over the situation and a prayer that this be transmuted to the highest good for all souls  involved and that the creator itself heals the   pain and misery of these situations and the divine  mother the divine mother that the divine mother   brings her love to these situations on earth and  that the souls are recovered who um have been   affected and are affected by this and the thing  is is we are all affected by this situation okay   of children being captured related to advanced  technology if it has affected our entire   society whatever this is about and we don't really  know what it's about it's it's kind of invisible   to us um richard dolan has some of the best but  best work on this um talking about this situation   so if you don't haven't read any of his stuff  he's um i think he's got some great work on it   that's very interesting okay i don't know if  it's true or not or whatever but i think he   has some real interesting points that could be  you know along the lines of what has gone on   catherine austin fitz also talks about some  of this going back to the formation of the um   she calls it i think she calls it the national  security state in 1947. anyway she's got some  

fascinating information on that i don't know where  it is on her website but okay so this has affected   our entire society globally and especially here  in the united states and in the western world   okay it has really affected us and it's  not cool okay it's not cool and it's   affected our day-to-day lives it's affected our  families whether or not we've known about this   but it's affected our kids it's affected our  generations it's affected how we treat each other   and i don't want to go into  it any more than that but   um you know the kids on the missing milk  cartons you know i mean just you know every   single human being every single person in  the united states of america has seen that   right or over the years saw that i don't know  if they're still doing that um because i don't   pay attention to a lot of newspapers and i  don't buy i don't buy commercial milk anyway oh goodness where was i oh yeah okay so  so here's the thing what i think this does   is this really raises our passions as well  because the red is also our passions so   whatever this technology information is we are  going to be passionate about it and look here   um we're just like we're hitting the ceiling here  of course the red can go higher than this but just   in relation to where its current movements have  been and topped out at they have topped out at 25   and so 25 right here that's the number and so  what do you see you see the red just like right   up against i'm calling it the ceiling so i think  there's anger but i also think there's passion   right because there's there's um excitement over  the technology and you see that again here but   when you come to this evil situation and the  whatever is happening to this child which is not   look good look we are topped out we are redlining  we are not happy about this very angry about this   and it may still be deeply hidden in our shadow  side i don't know how long that's going to go on   for the schumann doesn't magically tell us that  information but it's interesting because what   happens here and this happened right before we  had this little break here and after the x-class   flares and the m-class flares okay now you have  the schumann again in the red and the quality   only going down to the mid-range and not  taking the break down to um you know five six   in the low end of the quality now the higher  quality is more of what it truly is more of the   essence of what it truly is coming through okay so  you know so we don't get a break from this because   what happens so you know the we we don't we're not  getting a break from this part of our nature this   part of our the human expression okay and so that  could be tough it could be tough look this is over   half of a day here and then you don't  know what's going to do tomorrow but   this could build pressure okay and i had talked  about the walls of jericho and i talked about that   in my um last video okay and my live stream  not my last video in my live stream okay so so   this is fascinating this movement of the rat is  fascinating we're back up to bouncing up to 25   for an extended period of time and  to see that with the technology   and my intuitive hit on what the situation is it's  just freedom for humanity you know that's just i'm just going to pray for that right now  in this moment you know i'm just gonna   i'm just going to intend in alignment with the  highest good and alignment with the highest light   in alignment with the soul paths of you know each  individual involved making their free will choices   in alignment with the highest good that  darkness is turned to light by the divine and   because so many of us are praying for this  because so many of us are asking for this outcome   we know that it must already be done okay and of  course there's many other reasons for that as well but declare a thing and i shall make it unto you  i talked about this in my live stream but it's   scripture declare a thing and it will be well  we don't know the details of it will be that   rolls out in every moment but it's our ability to  trust our ability to connect here in the higher   gamma hurts with our divine guidance so that you  know if we're going to rectify this situation   okay and then if we're going to  what we're truly meant to create   really cool stuff really cool advanced technology  that serves human life that enhances human life   okay this situation has to be  recognized and healed somehow   okay and that's kind of what it looks like  otherwise it's going to continue to mess   with our future and i do not consent and i say  i do not consent i point that out and then i say   what what do i ask for what do i what does  my soul dream of the future my soul dreams of   is one where humanity thrives where living  human beings determine you know their future   live their passion live in alignment with what  their soul desires that we create this advanced   technology and we use it to benefit our highest  health our highest outcomes our highest good   now we live in harmony with each other and the  planet we live on that our planet thrives and we   thrives and we thrive and all of this is possible  if we don't listen to the lies if we don't box   ourselves in and try to only rely on human answers  and the answers of beings that we thought were   more advanced but where our potential is so much  greater than what their physiology could create   because we are in their future  our present is their future   okay our present is not our present is not  theirs to determine it's ours but to do so   we have to claim that right if we choose if it  resonates and i talked about dystopian futures   the only way that humanity would have a dystopian  future is if we were powerless and if we gave up   self-responsibility and that's neither of  those things are in human nature it's in the   human nature to create because god drives that  passion within us our soul drives that passion   it's in our human nature for the best  of us to bubble up to the surface   it's in our human nature to love each other and  to be good to each other and you can say that   it's also in our human nature to not be good to  each other but haven't we talked about that enough   we certainly need to uncover the shadow because  to heal it we've got to understand it and see it   but where we have i believe harmed ourselves  in our own societies in this very moment   is by solely focusing on the negative without  giving ourselves credit where credit is due   you make things better because you are present  in the world and that's my message for today the human resonance it's all about the vibe you


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