Schumann Resonance July 28 LARGE GATEWAY - Human Energy Field UPLEVELS

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hello friends how are you today i hope  that you are doing well and that you are having some joy in your life or finding something  to enjoy well today's chart is interesting   i want to talk about the second gateway  and the interesting changes on the chart   there's some interesting stuff here before  i do that would you please like the video   would you subscribe if you haven't  subscribed and would you please share it   that really is super awesome when you  guys do that thank you very much also   if you'd like to learn more um i have a  couple of recent very interesting videos   one is about past lives and past life healing  that's the red-haired girl the other is the live   stream where i talk about other potential effects  that come together to create this human resonance   images and that might affect the energies that was  really cool and that was in the last live stream   and then the the other one is that's integral to  this video is my last video on the first gateway   so i'm gonna talk about this as if you've seen  that video it's very short so um if you haven't   seen it i think it would add something to to  today's message okay so let's look at the key   things here what i want to discuss is this huge  wave right here and this gateway right so you   have a vertical bar of energy here you have a  big vertical bar of energy here and this huge   um wave of energy so that's first thing um  i'll discuss that in a moment the second was   this really kind of strange looking  image um not very common to see this   it just seemed like it to me it felt like it had  a lot of angst what i'm looking at when i see this   is i'm looking at this as like the chakras the  head the throat the heart um the lower chakras   here and then going into the legs and stuff  and there's a lot of yellow and red energy   so there it just seems to be a lot of agitation  and then it's almost like it breaks open here   see all the dark uh deep dark red even brown  um but it's like the space just breaks open   but it doesn't feel like it breaks open easily and  then see here i know this this vertical line again   this look at this energy it just was really  interesting um and it doesn't like feel that good   so i want to talk about this energy now the next  thing have you already seen it look up here and   this is amazing because i was i was thinking  about i've been thinking about making a video   on the technology technological effect what i  call those vertical lines and i was thinking   i should show what the chart look like before  because it's been so long that it was on the   chart and this is what happens this is what the  chart it looked like before okay without it just you know where you can just really see the  energies and in contrast this is the chart   with the vertical lines here that i've called  the technological effect because it seems like   maybe it's technological i don't know um i have  a playlist on that now in here we had no data   that was really interesting because there's been a  huge wave of energy right here okay so one wonders   did that somehow blow out the technological effect  did it turn it off did it turn off for some reason   we just don't know the other thing that's  happened is solar activity has increased   um there was somewhere in here there was a  c-class flare and at the end of this chart   because right now this is the current chart  up till here 1 30-ish or 1 pm-ish in tomsk   but uh there there are some geomagnetic  disturbances in the atmosphere right now   in it for the globe so now this is the intraday  chart so this data just hasn't landed yet   we'll see that hopefully in the morning or  in my morning um let's see what i'm going to   talk about first okay so i want to go back  and look at the chart from the last video   i added on here because i really  appreciate the people who asked about   i don't want to talk about this in detail  let's just call it people taking to the streets over the weekend okay so what i did was i i  kind of pegged it at noon on both days of the   weekend that's my estimate because i don't  know exactly what time those events started   around the world and the other thing that's going  on in the background here is massive flooding   right in different parts of the world and the  other thing with that is it actually occurred   the week before this chart um and maybe even  the week before that but it's just it's kind   of been ongoing so i haven't nailed down you  know what days and times that that's occurred   but in general it's going on in the background  and it's in multiple places on the earth   but very very huge like it's it's just tremendous  a lot of people are a lot of people are   you know passing away from this effect of the the  massive flooding it's um you know blessings and   prayers for all of us around this okay now here's  the gateway that we talked about in the last video   i just really quickly want to review because it's  important um and i'm i'm going to just talk about   energy themes i might talk a little bit about the  numbers but i'm really more want to communicate   the what i see as the message of the image in  this video of the images so here we said that   there were people who weren't able to go through  these gateways which have an essence of divinity   to them right that's my view because they're  expanded they're they're expanded in consciousness   they go the full length why do i say that because  they go the full length of the chart they go from   0 to 40 plus hertz and which mirrors human brain  waves down here is our unconscious up here is our   spiritual consciousness so that's why i'm saying  that these have an element of divinity to them   and so these are people that can't get up  there you know they really can't operate   at at 40 ish hertz and there's a big divide  and i explained how there's this big rift here   in the pattern of the energy it's almost like  a triangle here um but that by a miraculous   um occurrence right some amount of these people um  are able to jump up or up level in consciousness   in their embodiment in their human embodiment   could be as they pass on also because  we have had a lot of people passing on that were where you know beyond the normal  rate it would seem like from natural disasters   i'm just guessing so so i talked about that  okay so then the next gateway is like bam   just even a greater expansion that that really  like all of us participate in because it goes on   for hours and hours and it's from the very low  hertz to 40 plus for an extended period of time   i mean this was a huge impactful energy now here's  to me here's what was important these people down   here if this mid-level upgrade hadn't happened  they they wouldn't have been able to participate   here but because it did they were able to sort of  stair step here here and then here if that's in   alignment with their soul path that's what that's  how i'm reading this okay now what are some things   that could have caused this so um on a recent  video i talked about the mars venus conjunction   and that to me what the energies were talking  about was brothers and sisters helping each other   so now i want to just add to that brothers  and sisters helping each other i think is   also partly here oops the people who were taking  to the streets they're helping each other and in   doing so raising the consciousness and just these  instances alone could have been enough to take   some people from here to here okay and probably  the ones that were there you know um or that   witnessed it from their i don't know from their  apartment buildings or however that went okay   and then maybe they even made having had that or  that initial like oh my gosh look what's going on   it's not too hard to get to an even more expanded  state you know when you get on the internet   you do some research you talk to people or you  think about things now in a in a shadow aspect   um just meaning it's a more hidden aspect the  same thing could be happening with the people   who have been in the floods both the people who  have survived the floods in literally i mean   there's numerous countries um obviously china  germany turkey i'm sure there are others um   recently but those are the three that i've read  about so you have massive numbers of people   that are witnessing these events and surviving   and then massive numbers of people or large  numbers of people um who are sorry that's my that's my notifications massive numbers of people  who are um departing together okay and i kind of   see this as those who are leaving like maybe it's  in the hundreds maybe it's thousands it could be   tens of thousands based on videos i've been  watching and i do not know what the facts are   but this is the range of um estimates that i've  seen so so to me what you're seeing here what was   if you have a mass departure of souls  together okay you could see them as   in a way a soul family a group brothers  and sisters crossing over together   and in doing so you might think we could  think that uh that there might be um that they might be able to assist each other okay so that's why i'm saying it's it's a shadow  element it's not a happy positive element we   think of it as sad because people are passing away  but for all we know this is the choice of when   these people attempted to exit and i don't want to  go into a philosophical discussion on this but um but it just is what is happening okay it just is  what is happening there might be bells going off   for a little bit in the background and maybe  it's you know like angel angel energy right   because i when i hear bells i always think of  angels attending us in this conversation okay so   so so right so here's the brother and sister  energy and i feel that this brother and sister   energy all comes together and it flows into  um create the creation of these gateways   and then the huge energy wave which is like a huge  expansion in consciousness and you see that here   where you have the big dips um at the  gateways and then the big dips here   in the frequencies when the frequency energy  dips it seems to be from a more expanded state   and that's really anecdotal it's just my  assessment of the nature of the energy   because sometimes the big waves of white  energy can indicate something that's not   necessarily an expanded state but shows where  the activity is happening on the chart okay so um   so when it dips it seems like it  tends to be from a more expanded state   now okay here's our amplitudes were very high  to see the strength of the amplitudes it just   it just built strength as it went on so you were  you built strength from here to here to here to   here just peeking peaking peaking peaking okay so  this was a big deal and i explained as well that   you know we had the big we had the peaks  in actually i'm gonna go to where am i here we had the peaks in energy of um   the qualities as well let me see if it's on  here no it's not okay well anyway the the the   green essence strongly peaked in quality and to  me what happened is is that we touched in right   as human beings when the quality levels peaked it  represents us touching in with our true essence   and really sensing that and i do feel that  that then boosted these gateways happening now   what i felt like here was this opening of the  chakra and it it's it seems like it there's angst   there's difficulty and this angst and difficulty  came together to assist in opening the chakras   the throat chakras to assist in helping people  speak about whatever they are experiencing   because we have a range of things that people  are experiencing now the interesting thing   about the data coming back here that we can see  is there's no technological effect right so we   can see at least from this small bit of data  returning that that is the case okay now do do   that is what's going on in this chart i'm at  16 minutes and i want to show you something   very quickly that is like phenomenal because  i want to explain the nature of these gateways   from the perspective of what does this mean for  an individual human being and um for the for us   in our human energy field like how does  it affect our field what are we talking   about like how can we correlate it and i  have images to show you that are so cool okay the first thing that i want to show you  is this image um that's the artist did an   amazing job okay and you obviously have the  contrast here between the gateway to heaven   and then you have the the depths of kind of  purgatory in here and then going even denser   um into um you know the fiery realms um and what's  interesting about this image that i thought was   such an interesting point it matches what i  was saying about the people who miraculously   jump up in consciousness do you see here that that  at these fiery levels down here there's no way   to get up to this bridge upon that you'd have to  walk right you start walking on the stairs to get   to begin to approach the gates of heaven right  from um hell and purgato and then purgatory so   it's there's no there's no visible path up  is there it's a miraculous jump up to go from   the denser levels up to the higher levels it's  something that is achieved by the divine within   us and it could be because of our free will  choice to make a significant change in our lives   it could be by divine grace it could be um that  the creator just lifts us up and places us there but for whatever reason that this happens  there's an element of essentially grace   that that lifts us out of the darkness and puts  us on this path to re um igniting our connection   with heaven with the divine that that  we are that is our birth rate you know   that is ultimately our birth rate however long  it takes us to get there if we if we choose but i   i believe everyone returns home just me okay  so now i'm going to show you something else   what i did was i took a slice of this image  it worked it's just amazing watch this   okay now here is the drawing that i like to  use to represent the human energy field oopsie   i'm gonna fix this here okay there we go oh i see  what i did anyway okay so now here we are this is   what we're going to do is this is the soul  connection this would be the individual human who   i don't have an image of yet but the body would  be here and here's the energy field that emits   in a sphere around the physical body this is  the soul light shining okay so um now what   i'm going to do is i am going to put this will  be the example here's the body here's the head   okay and there's a soul light emanating from the  heart i'm not going to draw the rest of the body   right now but you can imagine those arms right  legs you can use the sunbeam to think of those   now here is the slice of the drawing  okay so this is what i want to show you   that here let me put the rest of this here okay  so this is how the gateways work in my mind   okay and how our our choices from the human  energy field function what it looks like in a way   what the energy could look like in our field it's  a metaphor for that okay so the gateway to heaven   right one could say that that is equivalent  with the door of the the open door of the heart   that allows us to connect with the portal of the  soul within the human heart okay and that these uh   this stretch of energy here represents the range  of choices okay that we can make as an individual   human okay so we can live kind of at the edge  of our field here and i'm gonna use this to just so i could live at the i could have  my awareness at the edge of my field here   okay so there's my my mind my awareness is here  okay and then i feel like it feels like purgatory   right it feels like separated from the true self  i could put my awareness here and then i feel   more like i could be in touch with my true self  maybe sometimes i feel the energy coming through   this gate okay ultimately i could live making  the choice to walk through the gate okay um   to to walk through the gate experience a spiritual  transformation in doing so and live from my center   as an energetic soul-connected being embodying  the truth of who i am and the fullness of my   own soul in my body and my energy field okay  so this is the range of choices and what the   energy would look like right so what i'm saying is  people talk about experiencing hell on earth okay   in general when this is happening they may be  making a conscious choice to extend themselves   so far away from the light of their true being and  their true nature that they're basically kind of   flexing and warping their field to live at  the very edge here in in hell on earth okay   and you can you can imagine what that  would be like now i'm not talking about   i'm not talking about um you know surprises  or accidents or tornadoes or you know   very these various things happen what i'm talking  about right now the context of this discussion   is conscious and unconscious choices in the way we  live our lives not the external factors that may   also be occurring okay but that given the external  factors these are the choices that we make right   in general so that's really interesting isn't  it and now can i show you something isn't this   interesting doesn't this look like an eye okay so  and even the person inside looks like an and i the   letter i for in the letter i for individual okay  um so there's an aspect here of reclaiming our   symbols okay reclaiming our symbols because um  it is stated the eye is the window to the soul   okay and which part of the eye do you think  is the window to the soul the very center   which in this video represents the place  of heart connection with the soul um now now when a person is choosing to live okay now  if this person is choosing to live here okay um   they're really only going to want to relate  with other people who live there and why is that it has to do with what we  talked about with this gateway   if you're here right in in so far away from a  fully connected spiritual experience if someone   is living at this sort of level of energy see  the the gap there's not really a way to connect   or there's probably not even a desire to connect  it's like living in two different worlds right   it's like living at this part of um reality versus  um this kind of expanded version of reality where   there's a significant experience in the higher  hurts as well in the spiritually connected hurts so the other thing about when people  are making the decision to live out here   okay really kind of warped their field is warped  now right because they're going so far from the   center what happens is somewhere out here what  happens is is that the person will usually have a   layer of energy that is very thick over the heart  they and usually they won't be able to feel their   connection with the divine their own light that's  why i also covered over the gateway to heaven they   they usually won't be able to even be aware of how  do i even find that okay but you see it's there   okay it's it these things are there they're just  covered over they're covered over by you know it   could be a combination of things it could  be results of choices but it could also be   trauma from from growing up from  certain incidences that have happened   and the fact is is um a person may not be  choosing choices in the realm of chaos to   feel like they're out here okay now i'm going to  bring in the um the other aspect that it it could   be life circumstances that have happened and that  that threw them out of their their field their   center and they just feel like so outside  themselves okay so um and disconnected so a person in this state may not even be  able to feel positive emotions or love so there is hope and recovery you can fully recover  from the state but what i want to say is that so   so if you are observing people who are making  choices in groups that you cannot understand   right it doesn't align with facts that you may  have researched it just makes no sense to you   and they're just they're just making  statements that they're choosing to believe and   aligning on these well what  that what you're looking at is what you are then looking at is people living  out here okay and see they're connecting here   this way of living these the mentality that  goes with it because it's not really as deeply   emotional right because there's not the ability to  deeply connect it becomes almost like a religion it becomes it's in place of a religion  it's in place of an emotional connection   because this being is this person is so far  outside of the field their own field and their own   ability to connect with the truth of who they  are that all they really feel comfortable doing   is connecting with people of literally like  mind the mind does not have to make sense as   long as they're making statements or using words  that fit with whatever has made them comfortable   and a lot of cases this is just going to be like  propaganda type information right where there's   not a lot of depth to it it's just going to be  cult-like statements actually cult-like behavior and so that's that's why they're that's  why there's an appeal to that way of living   because it's the way that this person living way  the heck out here in their field you can't see it   like this you might be able to sense it about a  person or recognize the behavior right because   it may appear a certain way to you so anyway  i really wanted to explain this to you because it matches so well with what is  going on in the chart right now both   the experience of the gateways that we've had and  the experience of people kind of cracking open   and they're you know this throw chalk or just  suddenly light comes to it and someone's just like   they're finally speaking okay or  they're finally becoming aware and in doing so maybe you know this  aspect became uncovered for them   maybe they had a heart opening and this is what in  a way more i say miraculously allowed the person   to up level right to where they could sense  the light within and that correlates with the   big spikes in the green resonance quality up to  29 and 28 that i talked about on the last video   where where in general and for extended period of  hours we came into contact with sort of the high   end the typical high end of that range so it's  not surprising that many people may have made this   up level and they may have made it not just  in the human body but on the astral plane   as they passed in the or as they trend you know as  they were about to transition to the higher realms   somehow okay i don't know i haven't chatted with  i i don't have an insight into that right now so   haven't chatted or had any insights versions or  anything into that but it's just my sense because   of um i'm actually guided not to look at it it's  just not my area to look at right now but i wanted   to share this with you because i thought that  this was so cool and that these concepts this   this concept of explaining the energy field i've  been working on it for a while and it just seemed   like the perfect moment to share it with you and  so thank you for being here thanks for listening   you know bless you and  remember the light that you are


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