School of Information May 2019 Commencement

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Welcome. Please, please be seated. Welcome. To, the 2019. Commencement. For the UC Berkeley School of Information I'm on, o saxenian. I'm, the Dean of the AI school and I'm, really delighted, to, welcome all of you here today to, celebrate the class of 2019. First. Bright. Light first a warm welcome to all of you in the audience the, partners, families, and friends of today's, graduates we. Want you all to know how much we appreciate your contributions. To, the success of these graduates, at, the same time that we honor their hard. Work and accomplishments, let's give the family, and friends around of applause. I. Also. Want to acknowledge that, many many. People today, our. Graduates, as well as their families, and friends have traveled very long distances, to. Join, us I'm sure this is not a complete, list but. We're aware of some of you have traveled from as far as Brazil, India. Mexico, Singapore. Spain, and the UK. As. Well of course as many states across the u.s. thank. You and welcome to Berkeley Rainie, Berkeley, I. Also. Want to welcome the iSchool faculty, who. Are our intellectual, core and foundation, thank. You to the faculty as well as the staff who. Are all around us today and quite literally keep everything running smoothly in South, Hall we're, really fortunate to have such an outstanding faculty, and staff they. Embody the excellence that we aspire to at Berkeley, so, let's give them a big hand to. I. Also. Want, to welcome. A very special guest, today but, the Chancellor of UC Berkeley Carol, Chris. Carroll. Has made time in her busy schedule to, join us for today's celebration I. Think, I'm, not alone when saying that she's my role model and I suspect for many women on the Berkeley campus I. Will say more about what she's done for Berkeley shortly. Last. But not least I'm really delighted to welcome and recognize the iSchool graduating, class of 2019. There, are 144. Students, graduating, today and, 919. Of you are here today welcome. I. Just. Break this down there are three of you who are earning PhDs. 49. Students, from our master of information management, and, systems, or MEMS program, and, 67. Students, from our master of information and data science, or mids program. Out. Of that 67. Out of a graduating, cohort of 92. Biggest. Cohort, that we've had yet in this program. Congratulations. To every one of you for your hard work and for the accomplishments, that bring you here today, we're. Also proud, that one third of our graduating, class today. Are women that. Includes one-quarter of our data science, graduates, a third, of our PhDs, and half. Of our information, management graduates. We. Still have a lot of work to do in achieving, our diversity, goals but I think this is a moment to appreciate a good performance, as a science, a STEM program. Well. This. Is a really, special commencement. For me because. It's the last one as dean of the School of Information it. Has been such, a privilege, to serve as dean of the high school for the past 15, years I've, been, fortunate to work with incredibly, talented and committed group of students, faculty. And staff and I'm, so proud of what we've accomplished, together, this. Has been a scent. A period of tremendous growth, in the I school to. Give you a sense of the scale of change as recently. As 10 years ago in 2009. I presided. Over a commencement, with, a graduating, class of 29, students, so. Today, we're graduating. 144. Students. When. I became Dean, we had one master's, degree and a very small ph.d, program today. We have three professional, master's degrees, and a significantly, larger, ph.d, program. We've. We've also weathered. A major, recession, in 2008. And. University. Budget cuts in all, but one or two of the past 15, years. Change. Can be really you, know change like this can be really disruptive. And disorienting. And, I'm proud I'm really proud that, despite, the dislocations. Of this growth which have been very real for all of us.

We've. Preserved our commitment, to, the school's vision, of educating. Professionals and scholars to design, and build technologies. And to, do so with deep understanding of, human, users and of, the institutional, and social factors that shape technology. The. Students who are graduating today all, of you work. With the latest tools and technologies, from machine learning to. Natural language processing to. Data visualization. Artificial. Intelligence, at. The same time they. Understand. That the shape of Technology evolution, is not predetermined. Or inevitable. That technology, doesn't have its, own intent, or, by itself can't change the world but. Rather that it must be developed with care and deliberation, because, it can be a very powerful amplifier. Whether, for good or for ill, they. Also recognized that technology, technological, change, I should say is not, equivalent, to human progress, progress. Requires careful thought about. Our values and our priorities, about. Our connections, to others into our natural environment, and the commitment. To serve not just our own needs but, the needs of others including future, generations. I, see. This commitment every day at the iSchool and I'm, so proud of it our. Students, are prepared to ask what. Is information, or. Is, information, processing, the best metaphor for understanding the human mind. They. Understand, that there's no such, thing as raw data, that. There are always people making, choices about how the data is collected how. Its aggregated, and how its classified. They. Think about how to embed values, such as privacy, into, the technologies, they design rather, than trying to fix them after the fact. They. Fight for transparency. And legibility, and the algorithms, that are being deployed. Willy-nilly, throughout, society, today and. They're. Developing ways to detect and prevent the, risks and harms from misinformation. Surveillance. And cyber theft, in. Short they care about understanding. And addressing the needs of users. Especially. Those with disabilities, without access, to resources, or political, voice those, left behind as much, as they care about optimizing. For. Any things. Like processing, speed and power, or for ad revenues, more, than I should say you'll. See as, we go forward in this ceremony in, the work that we celebrate, today that. These graduates. Really do embody the, core commitments, of the I school the, commitment to being, sensitive, both to users and to history, social. And institutional context. In. Which technology, is deployed, these. Students, all of you you give me hope for the future you're. The kind of professionals, that we need to develop our collective, future. You're. Thinking about what we need as a society. Not just what will click on you're. Helping us to diversify. The technology, workforce, and challenge. It's deep-seated, biases. You will question the misuse of data and the adoption, of black box algorithms. And. You will help us to develop policy, that helps preserve our democratic. Commitments, I'm, really, regularly. And have been regularly. Blown away by the breadth of the vision, and the commitments, that you that, you put, into the projects, that you present to us in your classes, in your capstone, projects, in some of the projects. That we will give, awards to today. So. You our graduates will be going on to. Jobs, in the private sector, the public sector or, nonprofits. Some, of you will be working in. Jobs, that directly address these pressing, issues issues, of privacy. Information. Security, technology. Policy. Some, will do research on, the. Future of technology and, democracy, or big data and development, the, majority, of you will be working in important.

Jobs As product managers, user, experience, designers, data scientist, software. Engineers, consultants. But, all of you will bring the values, and commitments, that. You gained at the iSchool and that's, really the key, there. Are now 1,400. Close to 1,400, I school alums around, the world one. Of the most gratifying. Experiences. Of my tenure has. Been watching. The. ISchool alums grow, the community and return. To, us to Berkeley year after year often to, recruit. The next generation of ISIL graduates, this. Is a very powerful Network and I urge you to take. Advantage of, it and join it and, sustain. The commitments. And. Relationships, that you've built here and spread. Them well beyond Berkeley California. So. To the graduating, class of 2019 I am, so grateful for the support you've given me and one, another I'm, optimistic about the future because. You're a reflection of the values that have given the ice such a focus, and direction, I'm, also very, future about the few very, optimistic, about the, future of the iSchool which, will be in the hey table hands of my colleague John Chuang and I'm. Delighted that I'll be returning to join the I school faculty after, a year of sabbatical, so thank you all. It. Gives me real pleasure now to announce our 2019. Commencement, speaker Geoffrey. Nunberg number. Is a, linguist a researcher, and currently, an adjunct full, professor, at the school of information, prior. To coming to Berkeley he served as a principal scientist, at Xerox, PARC where. He worked on the development of linguistic, technologies, he. Also has, also taught at UCLA, the University of, Rome the, University, of Naples and Stanford, University's. Nunberg. Has written on a wide range of topics on. Semantics. And pragmatics, text, classification. Normative. Grammar grammar. Written. Language, structure and the social and political social. And cultural implications, of, digital technologies. Most. Recently, he's, written about the use of tableau, language like slurs and vulgarities. He's. Written many books about language. Including, the way we talk now, going. Nucular, which. Was named one of the best ten best non-fiction books of 2004. By., and, one of the ten best books of the year by San Jose Mercury. His. 2006. Book with talking. Right how, conservatives, turned liberalism, into a tax raising latte-drinking sushi, eating Volvo, driving, New York Times reading, body-piercing Hollywood. Loving left-wing freak show. Was. Named one of the best ten best books of the Year by the Washington, Monthly. His. 2009. Book the, years of talking dangerously. Was, selected, as a notable Book of the Year by the San Francisco, Chronicle and, his most recent book ascent, of the a word was released, in 2012, and colleague. Of ours at Stanford, described. It as a satisfying, blend of great scholarship, wit, and splendid, logic, I think, as you note, when you hear from him today that reflects. All of Jeff's, work, he. Has. Well. Known to many of us for his regular and very entertaining, features, on language, on the NPR program, fresh, air and last. But definitely not least Jeff. Is a wonderful, colleague and a member of the iSchool community, he teaches two outstanding. Is in the iSchool both with paul do good an. Undergraduate. Course on the history of information, and a graduate class on concepts. Of information, please, join me and warmly welcome Jeff number. Thank. You don't. We little oh look fly. I'm. Very, honored to. Be asked to do this I've been privileged, to be associated, with, the. ISchool for over 15 years from around the time on Oh took. Over as Dean as you, no doubt know already, you're. Gonna get called, on a lot to explain to people what. A school of information, is. So. I want to share with you my take about what, makes this place exceptional. And how, that makes you exceptional, not, not just for your benefit, but, for the benefit, of all the family, and friends and partners who supported, you of course they already know you're exceptional. But I want, them to know what this place has to do with that. And. I'll really be bee just. Enlarging. On the remarks that Otto made if you're, looking for a concise picture, of what. The school of information is about and how it got that way you, might check out the video of a, talk that Otto gave a couple of weeks ago to recount her 15, year tenure, as Dean actually. My only quibble with. The talk is that it wasn't sufficiently. Immodest. When. When on Oh took on the deanship this. Was a smallish, school with there was just beginning to spread its wings and she, had a huge role not just in expanding, the programs, but. When endowing, it with the two features that to my mind make it exceptional, first, broadening. The faculty, to, include people doing ethnography.

Sociology. Public policy, history. Linguistics. And so forth and second. By creating. The, culture, of community, which. Is what alumni, are always pointing to when you ask him what the most memorable feature of this place was. Now. I tend, to see the world through the lens of language, and I'll be making a few points, here about words for. Starters I'm never sure how to describe, our program, are we interdisciplinary. Cross-disciplinary. Transdisciplinary. Multidisciplinary. Or, I had, the idea once of describing the, iSchool as diversify, marry but, that. Was not my greatest creation. There's. This new management, buzzword, crossed silo, the, next time somebody asks you what the iSchool is about you could say oh we do a lot of cross silo, thinking. For. My part when people ask me that question I say well we're sort of eclectic. Whether. You call it a collective system or interdisciplinarity. Or whatever the, important, thing to understand, is that its intrinsic, to what we do a, geologist. Can team up with people from other disciplines but, it's not necessary, there's nothing in the nature of a rock that, requires, you to think about it from different points of view but. Information isn't, something you can study through a single window it lives two lives it. Has a material, life it accumulates, on servers, and networks and software, and databases on, cellphones. And surveillance, cameras, and an MRIs, and, and it survives in printed, documents, that, still have cultural, weight like, books and ballets and parking tickets, oh and, diplomas. You. I take it you would not want to come up here and have Auto hand you a USB. Drive with a PDF, of your degree. Maybe. Next year's master's project. But. Information also has a social, life to, quote the title of a classic, book by John Seely Brown and Paul do-good which I know many of you have read governments. And corporations sweep, it up kids text, it furtively, in the classroom, democracies. Die without it so. Any school of information is, going to be anchored in to. Disciplinary, polls there the formal disciplines, that study the way information is stored processed. And transmitted, CS statistics data science, and so on and. There are the disciplines that touch the context. Where, information takes, on meaning the culture the market public, life people. Usually come, to the Icicle with a background in, in one or the other of these polls but, the idea is to make everybody kind of buy dialectal. You, wanted. Students to lose their native accents, so to speak so, you can't tell by listening to somebody what their undergraduate, major was. The water. But. The relation, between those poles is binary, but not quite symmetrical. The. Transit that transitions, easier in one direction than another let, me tell you a story I heard from Brian Smith a computer. Scientist, and philosopher, who's. Now, at the University of Toronto back, in the 1960s. Brian, was an undergraduate, at Oberlin majoring, in physics body. Was also a gifted, amateur, musician. And he got very interested, in computer. Generated music which was then in its formative. Stages now. Oberlin, also has a famous music conservatory. And after, awhile the composition, students sort. Of took over the computer music project. There, were two reasons for that Brian says on the, one hand the software, just became more versatile, and accessible, and. Then two as brian says it turns, out to be a lot harder to. Turn a geek into a musician, than to turn a musician, into a geek. Brian. Told me that story back in the 1980s, when we were colleagues at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, the legendary. Xerox, PARC as the press is always referring to it John.

Seely Brown was running Park back then and he, was bringing in social scientists, and artists and philosophers and, people like Paul do Gooden and me the, idea being that if you understood, the context. And aesthetics, of technology. Use that. Understanding. Would, somehow infuse, the technology, itself. I think of what Ari Matisse once said a colorist. Makes, his presence, known in a charcoal sketch that. Idea did get through to a lot of technologists. At Parc but, it wasn't an easy sell, one. Of the hardest, things in the world is to, recognize, rigor in disciplines. That are more discursive. Or subjective, than your own wherever you're starting from mathematical. Logicians. Think, philosophers, of logic are woolly-headed, the, fight psychopharmacologist. Roll, their eyes at the psychoanalyst, and it, takes a huge leap of faith for a hard-nosed, coder to imagine, that ethnography. Or philosophical, ethics could, be anything more than just airy-fairy gobbledygook. So. Most people most tech people didn't get why Park was doing that and if even 15 years later when the. Social life of information, was, published, a lot, of people took the title to be making just a silly claim, but. That title doesn't. Seem so preposterous anymore. But the new understanding, was it was unsubbed up very nicely by Doug cutting it was another former. Part colleague, who went. On to create the Hadoop framework which, a lot of you know as, he put it the, biggest problems, of technology. Today are not, technical. That's. What gives rise to a. Pervasive. Algorithm. Anxiety, as I call it 25. Years ago algorithm. Was a word you only ran into in the technical, literature and it just referred to a recipe, for getting an optimal, result like, alphabetizing. A list of names or managing machine memory or whatever now. The media, are full of stories about algorithms, usually, to point out how biased and fallible, they are I have a whole file of, headlines. Like how recommendation. Algorithms, run the world and the violence of the algorithm, and one, I saw in the New York Times a couple of months ago the algorithm. Fication of human experience. Algorithm. Of occasion there's an expression that deserves to die horribly. Ideally. In a head-on collision with with cross silo thinking. So. People in tech are saying we really have to do something about all these problems of a bias and abuse and privacy, and misinformation and toxic content, and so on, engineers. Being engineers, their, first instinct, is to see these as essentially, technical, problems and keep, throwing more. Cycles. At them and. These. Are very hard a eye problems. And it's clear that the algorithms, lead a lot need a lot more tuning, why, should I trust Facebook. To get hate speech right when. They have other algorithms, that are telling that it me that my interest include beauty pageants, the band journey and the professional, wrestling hall of fame, true. But. Tech people tend to struggle more with the conceptual, issues how do you define the problem and what would an optimal solution look, like they, rarely give any sign of having learned the lesson that Brian learned that Oberland in the 60s, that Park was evangelizing.

For In the, 80s or that the I school has been teaching for several decades now and, engineers. Being engineers, once again their instinct, here is to, attack these questions, is pure deductive, exercises. Hey, we're smart we, can just reason this out how hard could it be take. Information. And propaganda now, this is a topic I've worked on in fact, I just finished an article on the history of those notions for, a forthcoming companion. To the history of information, that that Princeton University Press is doing so. I was particularly interested in a slick, video that Facebook, put out last year about, its efforts to fight fake news at, one point the data manager, for news feed integrity, is defining, these notions so he draws a Venn diagram on, the whiteboard that partitions. The whole space, of digital content according. To two features, everything. Anybody, ever says is either true or false and either, deceptive, or sincere, so, up here on the left this. Quadrant, is the true but deceptive, of a place where propaganda, lives and down, here in the false and deceptive quadrant, is where fake news lives and here, on the other side as the false but sincere stuff which is just being wrong and so on and. I'm thinking you know the city you're trying to police has a lot more precincts. Than that. He's. Clearly well-intentioned, but he. Seems to have no idea how many terabytes. Of philosophy, and history and sociology have. Been dedicated, to mapping the landscape, of public discourse. It's. Basically what I think I was dorm room epistemology. The. Kind of thing you come up in these, redbull, fueled, dorm, room bull sessions, when you're on when you're at college the. Problem, here is that you don't see that you're putting yourself at the mercy of ordinary, language I mean the ordinary language the everyday vocabulary that. We use to talk about these things and the everyday assumptions. That pass, for common sense which are both, saturated. With hidden ideology. And cultural, preconceptions. As the, philosopher Paul demand said there's, nothing more theoretical. Than the language of the street, these. Dorm-room theories, are pervasive, in the tech world jenna, Burrell and Alisa O'Reilly of the I school have written about the myths of what you could call dorm. Room theories, of development like. The idea you can just sprinkle these rural in low-income populations. With mobile phones and an efficient market will sprout up like geraniums. Or. Think of the people at the iSchool here, who are concerned about the fairness of hiring algorithms. And they. Have to contend with the sorts of dorm-room theories, about the tech gender, gap that, were exemplified, in the screed that that google engineer, posted. A couple of years ago that haven't had everybody up in the arms or. If you've been watching the NBA playoffs, which I assume you've all been doing, you. May have seen the one-minute TV ad that Apple has been running to tout the privacy. Features. Of the new iPhone as a stream of about 25, brief. Images, that, are meant to connote privacy, in one way or another a teenager's slamming, the door to her bedroom to, a room with keep-out written on it a guy, in a public bathroom walking, down to the last urinal, so he isn't near anybody else, somebody's, shredding a document, drawing the blinds and so on and then, the text comes on the screen if privacy.

Matters In your life it should, matter to the phone your life is owned now. To my mind the. Privacy, features, I'm looking for in a cell phone are not quite the same as the ones I want to find in a public bathroom so. So. I sent, a link to that ad - Deirdre Mulligan, and asked, her just how many conceptions. Of privacy, it was Avoca, she. Came up with half a dozen or so privacy, as property, privacy is boundary negotiation, privacy, is freedom from an intrusion and so, on I love being in a place where it where I have colleagues like Dierdre I can Cola now. Of course this is just apples ad agency, trying to whip up a souffle, of feelings, to sell a phone, but. It gives you a sense of what a tangle, set of notions, the word privacy, evokes, in our conversations. About technology, and about, the challenges, that people like dear jennchris Hoofnagle, face, when, they try to operationalize. Or code up codify, them now. This sort, of thinking is depressingly, endemic, in the tech world but. My sense is that most of the students who come out of the high school are more, or less inoculated. Against it when, you look at the work our students are doing at whatever level the, Masters. Mids. Mix whatever you, usually pick up a much more nuanced, sense of both the social context, and the, ethical, implications of, the project, in fact, Brian Smith was wrong about geeks. And musicians, coders. And designers, and data analysts don't have to become full feathered ethnographers, or ethicist, or whatever they just have to know what it would be like to, be one of those things they, have to realize that these problems are difficult and not intuitive, they might call for specialized, expertise, or they might require the, capacity, to step back and extract yourself from the everyday language and preconceptions, that cloud, the way you see the world, whatever. Work, you wind up doing your capacity. For that kind of insight, is going, to confer huge benefits, for your organization. For society. And by the by for you it's a competitive advantage in your career that's, more important, than your technical, skills or, just raw intelligence. Which is something that young people in particular tend, to put pretty much weight on Google. Job interviewers, used to be famous for posting, these idiotic brain teasers, like estimate, how many tennis, balls can fit in an airplane I can't. Imagine wanting to work with a person who asked that question or the person who thought it had an answer. Now. If I were interviewing job candidates, at for Google or Facebook I might ask them something like how would you define privacy, or, fairness, or merit or trust or whatever I'm pulling words out of recent, masters projects my, guess is that the first nine people I asked about any of those words would, come up with more or less the same answer and it, would always be wrong the, tenth would say something like oh boy, that's really complicated can, I get back to you on that one that's. The person I'd want to talk to and I like to think that person, would be you, so. Congratulations. If the past is any guide most. Of you will go on to successful, and fulfilling careers, and we'd, like to hear about your progress because. The success of our alumni, redounds. To the reputation of their alma mater, in. That connection. Let me recall that alma mater is Latin. For nurturing, mother, so. Let me close with the four words that, every, mother says to her offspring as they, go out to, make their way in the world don't.

Forget, To write. Thank. You. Well. I couldn't, be more delighted now, to introduce our special guest today Carol, Chancellor, Carol Crist, Carol. Is the 11th Chancellor, of the University of California, Berkeley she's. Also the first woman to hold that position, she. Is a celebrated. Scholar of Victorian, literature and, she's also well known as an advocate for. Quality accessible. Public, higher education a, proponent. Of the value of a broad education, in the Liberal Arts and Sciences a champion. Of women's issues, and diversity, on college campuses, and as. I said before she's a role model and an inspiration to, women. Faculty and administrators, on the Berkeley campus and, beyond, I'll. Just say a few words about her biography, because, she. Can speak for herself she. Spent more than three decades as a professor and senior administrator, here and then, she became president of Smith College which. She ran. For ten years and now, Berkeley is benefitting from the experience, that she gained both at Berkeley previously, and at Smith as she, has returned. Here to direct the center Center for studies of higher education, was, appointed, interim executive, vice chancellor and provost and then, became named Chancellor, in March 2017. Thank you Carol for joining us today and, for what you've done for Berkeley. Thank. You Dean sexy nyan for the opportunity, to address this year's graduating, class, first. I'd like to echo the many congratulations, as, you've heard today you. All have completed. A just. Completed, a demanding, course of study at, one of the nation's leading information schools. And I, want to acknowledge your diligence. Your perseverance, and your resilience, you've. Undoubtedly made, sacrifices, you've. Dedicated days, of nights and weekends, to your academics, perhaps. You juggled school alongside, a full-time job or. Completed, your coursework while you were starting a family and now. At the end of your studies here you're, likely experiencing. A mix of relief, elation. Wonder, and apprehension. But. In addition to all that I hope you also have a keen sense of, accomplishment. I've. Been speaking at a handful, of commencement, ceremonies, this spring, and one. Of the things that's been on my mind as I. Watched students, graduate, is the. Privilege, and responsibility, that. Comes with obtaining. A Berkeley degree I, have. Now no, doubt that you armed, with your masters, and doctorates, from our information, school are apt, to thrive in the information, age you've. Learned how to build and interpret. Statistical. Models, how, to think critically about data, how. To use Python and, tensorflow and, spark, and all. Sorts, of other tools of your trade, you're. At the forefront, of how people, interact, with information, and, technology, and information. And Technology are embedded, in so. So much of the, modern human experience. You're. In high demand by, startups, established. Companies, universities think. Tanks, and governments. In short. Through. Your experience, in your studies you've gained great, power and in. A bit of wisdom that has been attributed, sometimes. To Voltaire and sometimes. To spider-man, with. Great power comes great, responsibility. Given. Your skills knowledge, and credentials. You. Will be put in positions, of leadership. That, will have you shaping, the relationship. Between, humans, and information. In society, and you. Will need to draw on everything, you've learned and experienced. For. As we've seen over the last few years this. Relationship. Is critical. Contentious. And constantly. Changing how. Can we reinvent democratic. Decision-making, in. A world of pervasive, connectivity and. Technologically. Enabled. Concentration. Of power and wealth, what. Kind of privacy, are we owed in digital environments. How. Should we form train raise and deploy. Intelligent. Systems. How. Will assistive, technologies. Cognitive. Technologies. And other, human.

Machine Interfaces. Alter, our lives and our, very humanity. The. Icicles, human, centric, approach to information, and data science, education, has, I think made. You the kind of leaders we need to, take on these questions and, I. Know you're up to the task because, you already have, just. Looking through some of your capstone, final. Projects, shows, your careful, attention to, issues, that matter, you. Looked at using natural, language processing, to. Stop Hospital, billing errors, you. Built a communication. Assistant, for people with speech disorders, you. Examine, the impact, of polling. Place closures. On voter, turnout, you. Created, a system to detect rumors, spreading. On Twitter you. Developed, a tool to help police deploy, resources effectively, and, without, discrimination bias, you. Built systems, to, improve the enrollment, process of, public schools in the Bay Area I could, go on and on this. Kind of creative thoughtful. Problem-solving. Infused. With an understanding, of people's needs and attentive. Attention. To issues of justice, and equality is, exactly. What you will need to solve the great intractable, problems. Of our time in. 1966. Robert, Kennedy gave a speech, at the Greek theater here, in Berkeley. I'll quote his words all. Of us have. The right to dissipate, our energies, and our talents, in any, way that we wish, but. Those who are serious about the future have. The obligation, to direct their energies, and their talents, toward. Concrete, objectives. Consistent. With the ideals, that they profess, in your. Hands, not. With presidents. Or other leaders is the. Future of your world and the, best fulfillment. Of the, qualities, of your own spirit. Thank. You and now in the few minutes I have left I also, want to take this opportunity, to thank a person who, has been so pivotal in the life of the school of information, for, much of its 24, year history and that person is your Dean and a 16 Ian as. You likely know Anna. Will step down this summer and return to her faculty, position, after. Having served as the leader of the iSchool for three terms or a decade, and a half it. Would be difficult to overstate, the influence, that she's had in her time here upon. Taking up the deanship she, led efforts, to refocus, the school and its academics, as well, as give it a new name and, a, new mission, she. Then led the school through a period of remarkable, growth more. Than doubling, the size of its faculty and, establishing. Its first faculty chair, doubling. The size of its ph.d, program and, introducing. An array of fellowships, to support graduate students. She. Spearheaded the creation of two professional. Online masters. Programs, mids. And the master, of information and, cybersecurity, which. Have allowed the school to expand, its reach and impact tremendously. While. There were fewer than 100. Students, enrolled, when Anna began her tenure today, the school enrolls more, than 700. Across its programmes in, addition. To this growth, Anna also helped, establish the I schools, two interdisciplinary. Research, centres the, Centre for long term cyber security, and the Centre, for technology, society. And policy, she. Launched the annual data Edgecumbe for which draws leading, scholars, and data, science, professionals.

To Campus, to, assess the implications of, the data revolution. On every aspect, of our lives, beyond. All this anno has been an incredibly, important, role model, as one, of the first women Dean's on the UC Berkeley campus and, has, led an array of iSchool, initiatives, that, aim to increase the number of students, from background, and faculty. From, backgrounds, historically, underrepresented, in. Tech her. Success, has, been tremendous, this, coming fall half of I school PhD, students, will be women Mims. Enrolls, more than 50% women, and has, done so since this past fall mids. Has gone from 20% women, to 30%. In four years and women. Comprise, 38%. Of the iSchool faculty, a fair, amount higher than the campus of 31%. Ana's, leadership, as well, as her counsel, and wisdom and friendship, will, be sorely missed I'm grateful. That will, continue, we'll continue to have her on campus as a faculty member, of the ice as. A faculty, member as the iSchool enters its latest chapter, as part, of the division. Of data science, and information. Congratulations. To all our graduates, please join me in extending, my, deep gratitude to, honor for. All that she has done for our campus, and for, shepherding, the iSchool into, an exciting, new era. Like. Thank you so much thank, you as. I said it's been I'm. Just embarrassed so. It's. Been such a rewarding. Part of my life I will always remember all of, you for. What we've done together. So. Thank you Thank You Carol and thank you Jeff. Now. We've been speaking, about our students for a long time but, they're here today and they can speak for themselves so, I'd like to start with. The first of our three student, speakers and invites, our ava's Pro Chemical, to come up and speak for the mem students. First. Of all I, appreciate, my classmate, for taking, the risk of having. Me as a snare speaker. My. Name is Sarah vez and I'd, like to start off by thanking our, Dean and I know our. Dedicated faculty the. Whole I school community, and our. Esteemed guests, it's, such an honor to be here in front of all of you this morning on, behalf. Of Mims 19 thanks to all the staff and Career Service for their support and guidance and sorry. We'll make sure to submit, our student, satisfaction survey, form, in time. So. To the family members of Mims students, who. Are here today or otherwise, thank. You for your patience your hidden, labor keep of keeping us sane, throughout the program shall not go and acknowledged. For. All of those who are expecting, some kind of machine, generated speech, from me I'm sorry to disappoint. In. Fact I tried I, ran, a recurrent, neural network, text generator trained, by past memes speeches and the, only legible thing that, it could generate is I quote you, all, our information, and. It's. Time my, fellow class of 2019. What. A riot thanks. For always staying positive even. Upon receiving emails, with a subject, thank you for applying. Thanks. For always signing up to be each other's pilot testers, half. Of high school projects wouldn't have succeeded without all of your consent, and. Also, thanks. For deep hanging out and I, really, enjoy the deep conversations, to be had not, only because it's fun but, because anything, that begins with the word deep, sounds. Much more intelligent these, days. And. To the class of 2020. You're, a cool bunch to hang out with and. It's going to be sad to leave you, there's. Something special about 2020. It's often the year that some kind of organization. II, created visions, a promise to come true whether. It's zero waste zero, emissions, zero. Irrelevant, slack, such as on announcement. Global. So. If 2020, is a mouse turn for positive change. 2019. Is like one of those nights before the deadline. And it's. It's, time they realized that we might not be able to make it in time so I, do have high hopes for you our twenties. At. This point in speech I should turn to address the.

Identity, Crisis, that every MEMS graduate, faced which, is what, does it mean to hold a master's in information. Management. And systems. Instead. Of joking about recruiters, reaction, upon seeing, our degree on a resume, I choose, to take a different path through, fiction, and speculation. Throughout. Time askew has been called the school of librarianship, the school of Library, and Information studies. And then, today the iSchool. Extrapolating. On his trend it would not be such a surprise that someday, we might come up with a different name so. Please bear with my fan, fiction of, the, future of high school. What. If someday we are we're. Called school, of computational. Empathy, as. Well as the world's need computer science it needs us to. Make sure empathy, is built into the machines. And. For those of us who. Are more designed inclined empathy. Is already at the heart of our practice, and for, those of us who are more analytical, minded what. Is the act of data crunching anyway, if not a way to understand, someone. Who is not like us in, a computational. Way. You. Might wonder what's the point of bringing up fiction, just now. Commencement. Is a great chance to talk about the future but. What types of future really is it. The, probable, plausible. Or preferable, future and. Without. Friction is often hard to imagine a. Future, that's different, from, what from, where we were heading so. Let's imagine what, kind of world, could, the school of computational. Empathy be and. Would. It be a world where venmo transactions. Are not public, by default a. World. Where our websites, have, HTTPS, a, world. Where web developer, have to testify in front of Congress for. Overusing, cookies a. World. Where Alexa, insists, that. A. World. Where there is truth serum to. Fake news or, a world. Where Yoda is licensed, under the public Commons, and the public domain or. A world, where there is really diversity. In tech I, don't. Really have an answer but. I do believe in all of you graduates, let's.

Go Out and shape, a future that does not sound like an episode of black mirror, thank. You and congratulations. Thanks. So much sir off now, I'd like to invite our mid student, speaker Christina papademetriou. Thank. You Dean saxenian, good, morning my. Name is Christina, Papadimitriou, and I'm so honored to be here right now representing. The master of information and, data science, graduating. Class of spring and 2019. Congratulations. To my fellow graduates, we. Did it thank. You to everyone for traveling, from all over the country and the world to join us today in celebrating, our accomplishments. Thank. You to Dean Anna saxenian, for her leadership and for launching, and growing the MIT's program, thank. You to sue Young and the entire, staff at the school of information for. Guiding us and helping us succeed, thank. You to our amazing faculty, for, being our mentors, and for, giving us so much invaluable knowledge and, thank. You to our families, and friends for their unconditional love. And support we. Couldn't have done it without you. I want. To start by giving our families, and friends and insight into the mids program mids. Is an online degree in data science but, it is not what you would typically expect of, an online program we. Meet with video and audio in small classrooms, and we engage in interesting, discussions, we code together we, use white bar screens to draw math formulas, or really, confusing, matrix, shapes if you took 266, you know what I'm talking about, we. Go to office hours we have study sessions group, project meetings and sometimes, we engage, in long conversations on slack and we just talk about life or any, other topic, of common interest, MIT. Students are really brave and impressive, and I can prove it to you please. Raise your hand, if you had a baby or have been raising kids during, this program. Now. Raise. Your hand if you had a full or part-time job, while completing, this degree. Now. Raise it if you move to a different apartment. House or city in the middle of a semester. And. Lastly. Raise, your hand if you attended class from 1 to 6 a.m. because of the time difference in your country. If, that's not fashion, for knowledge then what is.

You. Should all be proud of yourselves for taking on this challenge and reaching the finish line, now. I want to talk about what, distinguishes, this program the most it is, it's incredible, vibrant, and active community, one. Of my favorite quotes is if, you want to go fast go. Alone if you, want to go far go together, in. The mids everyone, is so passionate and engaged on, slack and in the classroom, we, learn from each other and sometimes we fail together but. In the end we, always succeed, because we stand by and help each other how. Many times has this happened to you during the MIT's program you're, stuck on a homework problem on one line of code and it feels nearly impossible to solve and then, you decide to ask for help from a classmate and they immediately respond, and they make it their goal to help you solve your problem, that's. What maze is all about and that's, how we've gone to this finish line we did it because we work together and I'm. So thankful to each and every one of you for everything that you taught me and even. If we forget everything. That we learned in this degree which we hopefully want the, friendships, that we have formed we last a lifetime, now. I want to share with you a piece of advice that Joyce, and my capstone instructor, shared with us during. The last class she. Said stop reflect. And continue. So. Let's take a moment to, stop and reflect on what we have learned and accomplished, during this program, let's. Go back to our very first class where we started some. Of us didn't, know how to code in Python or how to use github and had no idea what to look for when exploring, like large data sets today. We know how to build data pipelines, machine, learning and statistical, models field, experiments, natural, language processing algorithms. Hybrid, neural networks how, to deal with really big data sets and how, to build a product from start to finish so. How. Do we continue from now on this. Is a very exciting time to be data scientist, data, scientists, are making some of the biggest advances, in our society, from, image and speak recognition, to, recommender systems, machine, translation, and many others our professor. Professor, is instrumental, in driving change and, it, is so critically, important, to do this work with an ethical responsibility towards. Our communities, to. Do it with care and empathy and to be fair because. There are people behind the datasets I also. Want to encourage you to, dare great greatly, and get out of your comfort zones, Socrates. Once said the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing, one. Should we be willing to change his or her views, to. Learn and and learn and only, then they will be truly successful data. Science, is challenging, the way things are done in some of the largest organizations, today I want, to urge you to challenge the way things are done in your organization, and make people uncomfortable, because. We need to be uncomfortable first. In order to be comfortable with change but. Data. Science is not the only movement that is changing the world right now there. Are other really big and important, movements, black. Lives matter me, too trans, lives matter. These. Are movements that I hope will change our communities, and make the world a better place as, we, go out into the world we, should amplify, each other's voices demands. It's for women people of color and, all marginalized. People at every, table where decisions are made, lastly. Let's leave this place United and stay connected years, from now let's, work together as, a group of alumni as we progress in our careers to forge a better future thank. You. And. Last but not least I'd like to invite Elaine sudden Berg to speak for the PhD students. Hello. Fellow graduates, today. We celebrate, obtaining, a degree from one of the top universities, in the entire world. Congratulations. Before. Getting to the pomp and circumstances, of our collective achievements. I too would, like to take a moment to celebrate and acknowledge a know as she ends her tenure as our Dean, automaidan. Academic, career studying entrepreneurs. And innovation. So, it is hardly surprising she herself exhibits. These same qualities and, brought them here to the iSchool academic, community, we, have been so lucky to have her thank you so much ah no. Today. I'm going to reflect on two themes. Perseverance. And gratitude. Completing. A PhD is akin to running a marathon except. You run one after another after, another for five or six years and then you reach a mountain and then you climb that.

Every. PhD, journey is different but one thing all PhDs, have in common is that you learn to rapidly, adapt to challenges, both unexpected. And perfunctory, I imagine. Similar to what you all faced during your masters except, a bit more protracted, we. Become expert, problem solvers and adapters my, colleagues here with me today Raza, and Neil are no exceptions. They, change schools midway, through and joined our community in 2016. The, sudden change of path undoubtedly. Came with challenges, but, we were so lucky to have them come here with us. Every. PhD in this room knows how individually. Hard it is to. Complete this journey this, is the tacit, understanding, that all PhD, is share. One. Thing I learned throughout this very long process. Is an unintuitive, truth. Often. When you feel your most helpless and, disenfranchised. You, are actually, your most powerful self, this. Is true both for us personally as well as, when we gaze around the world and identify, the many and a qualities and injustice is before, us I believe. There is a special, kind of power that can only come from feeling, like we've hit rock bottom it is, only from this place that we can catalyze, the type of real change in, our lives in society, that comes with great risk and persistent. Action, in, these, times it's hard to know where to start one. Of my favorite, writers once wrote that sometimes all you know is a resounding, not, this. Beginning. With this simple acknowledgement is the sometimes. Is the only thing that you know for sure is that the status quo is unacceptable it. Is, a surprisingly. Formidable. Yet simple place to begin, as. Ice coolers we study and confront difficult, truths about our world the collision, between technology. Society. And the people behind the data these. Tehsils, come with great consequences. Those, from the past some. On this morning's New York Times and some, that we see manifesting. In our future we. Hold interdisciplinary. Skills and deep expertise. Unmatched, by our colleagues, and other disciplines, we. Are trained to see and address the great promise, and perils, of Technology, this. Is why we as Berkeley high schoolers are exactly, what the world needs right now, even. If the only place to begin is and not this. This. Is a process, we will continually, cycle through for the rest of our lives and careers and I, stand before you today knowing, every, single person. In this audience is capable, and empowered, to do the job before us even.

When You can't help but feel powerless below, the magnitude, of the circumstances. We. Are all brave, enough. To face the challenges, ahead and, walking. Across this stage today, is evidence, enough. To. Get to this point we've all made individual, sacrifices. And taken risks our mid, students, often worked while completing their degrees online and, our mims made big life adjustments, to return to graduate school we. Should be tremendously. Proud of ourselves, but. Also none of us got here alone and you as part would get me. Looking, around this audience, I see proud, families, partners. Friends, and colleagues looking. Into. Our respective paths I see a network of educators, and mentors starting. In our childhoods, who made this path possible for, each of us many years ago. During. The hardest moments, of this PhD, one, of the most humbling, and powerful, realizations. Was when I paused, long, enough to look around me and recognize, who, was still in my life even. When it wasn't particularly glamorous. Or Instagram, Abal this. Is a gift from our challenging, times and inevitably. When we stumble, into our next life transition, or slide back into places, where we feel vulnerable and lost look, around you the. People there may not always be the people you expected, but, take a moment to appreciate the persistent, helpers, in your life there. Are several people in this audience and on this stage without whom I wouldn't be standing before you today you. All know who you are and I am so deeply thankful, each of you is in my life this. Has been quite an adventure as, a Golden Bear and I know we will all take a little piece of Berkeley, with us wherever we go thank you and congratulations. Now. I would, like to invite the co-presidents. Of the information, management Student, Association who. Preside over the EMSA Awards Mina Cao Sheikh and Daniel Rin Khan. We're. Doing this like Oscar style, so. But. Before. We announce their awards on behalf of the class of 2020, I just want to thank you guys 19. So you've been great. Well feeling us making us feel welcome in the program helping. Us go through the journey so thank you very much and congratulations to, you again. So. The, awards, are. Have. Been voted by, mints and PhD, students. So. I'll go ahead and read the first award which is distinguished, faculty. So. The distinguished faculty award is given to an outstanding, high school faculty member, who, was heavily involved in the academic life of students, demonstrated. Leadership and, provided, superior academic, or, professional, guidance, and advice. Absolutely. Contagious, in genuine, enthusiasm, he. Teaches in a way that, makes difficult topics, more approachable by. Relating them to something more familiar and, encouraging, people to ask questions, and/or challenge. Concepts, perhaps, with the exception of how cute rabbits, are. His. Passion, and humor motivates, people to, take classes, that they, might have otherwise shaped shied away from it, makes, him feel welcome and valued in, and out of the classroom, his. Ability, to combine a healthy, amount of rabbit, pictures, stock. Photos, of people eating salad, and Game, of Thrones references. In his lectures, while. Unpacking, complex, to statistics. And social psychology concepts. Is a testament. To his ability to make nuanced topics, fun engaging. And, memorable. So. This year's distinguished. Faculty. Award goes to. Coy. Chester. Sorry. Professor course, yes sir. Okay. Our second award this morning is the outstanding TA, teaching. Assistant. So. The outstanding teaching, assistant, award is giving, to a member of the graduating class, who.

Showed That unique or struttin extraordinary, commitment, to facilitating. The learning of students in one. Or more high, school classes they, serve it as a graduate, student instructor. So. This, year we have toured recipients. So. The first this is the no particular order the first we, both had the opportunity, to class that he was a TA for and. Every time he spoke in class it was with overflowing, excitement. He would mention small points, that made a massive difference, in making complex, topics more relevant, and understandable. I remember. The first time he was showing us how to use a coding, language that was new to a lot of us and he started by saying by, no means, was he an expert that, he only knew the bare minimum, and that Stack Overflow might, be a better teacher for anything beyond the bounds of that class, his. Honesty, humility and, friendliness made us all feel comfortable to ask him questions and, he would somehow respond no matter the time, also. He reminded us to have fun from making hip-hop beats to jumping, on the dance floor or singing karaoke. Our. Second, she, is sharp and kind. Insightful. And inspiring, humble. And confident, I have the tremendous, privilege of having her the TA this year she, provided incredibly, thoughtful and, constructive critique, in, class and on our assignments, who demonstrated, her commitment to, students learning and growth I found. Myself in Oz she would spend most of the time listening, intently, before, providing her perspective, and when, she did provide her perspective, it was in a way that acknowledged, and appreciated where, someone was coming from, while provoking, further thinking or suggesting, alternative, directions. Her, keen and curious eye reminds all of us to see the world a little differently to, observe reflect. And question, to, say critical and perhaps even a little whimsical. So. These years Awards go, to. Jake. Man, wearing and Joyce. Lee. So. Third, and last award this morning is the, Mims Spirit. Award. The. Mims spirit award is giving to a member, of the graduating class, who. Demonstrated, significant. Support in academics, and or, Career Guidance, outstanding.

Outreach, And leadership. With first-year students, and a, strong bond with the iSchool community, both inside, and outside South, Hall. There. Was a tie for this one too so. The. First while accomplishing, multiple, UX design, and research projects. She was also always continually. Studying, the ethics and issue that came along with the techno technological, innovations. Besides. Her academic, achievements she is one of the warmest, people you. Can find in the program constantly. Caring for other people and their well-being I mean she's, a type of person that when she asked how are you doing she actually wants, to hear the answer, she. Her inspiring work ethic and social perspective, as well as her eagerness to help or listen makes her a true embodiment of the MEMS spirit, for. A second, his. Warmth, and readiness to help immediately, puts people at ease and feel like they belong to, quote a Mims 20, I remember. Instantly, feeling like we were brothers both, because he was extremely helpful and because. He teased me within the first few minutes he. Is the kind of person who is quick to jump on the dance floor or help talk through a machine learning or linear algebra, homework. Problem his, fun-loving. Easygoing, and down-to-earth nature, coupled, with his strong work ethics, a reminder, to consider the impact of her work clearly demonstrates, the men spirit. Easier Zords go to. Michelle. Chen and Mahmoud. Hamsa. So, that concludes our awards but, to know all of your very award-worthy. It's. Been an absolute. Pleasure getting, to know all of you we are so grateful for your advice and, your support, your, humor and perhaps most of all your friendship well. We'll miss seeing you in South Hall or around campus we, know that the world can definitely use your vision your talent, and your spirits, so congratulations. Cheers. And we can't wait to see where our paths might cross again. Okay. My. Pleasure now to announce. The two winning teams for, the 2019, James R Chen Awards, these. Awards are given annually, to the most outstanding capstone. Project, teams in honor, of James Chen a research. Computer, scientist, who worked in the area of personalized, information retrieval. We're, actually delighted, to have Lily Chang his wife here with us today. So. Since there are two awards, I'm gonna announce one and, tell. You about it and then announce the other one can, I ask that you don't applaud. And tell and/or come up until I finish describing, the project I know you're gonna want to but I want to describe the projects, you okay, so the first James R Chen award goes to.

Improving. The enrollment experience, for families okay. You can clap okay. This. Ghost of our scene Chandra. Chandra. Kennison Raja. Raja Steve Desai and keshiki, priam. This. Project, aims to make the process of enrollment, in the public schools in the San Francisco Bay Area more. Understandable, for the parents, it was done this project was done in collaboration with, the San Francisco Unified School, District, and Jenna, Burrell was the advisors join me in congratulating. Now. You can come get your reward. The, second of 2019. James archana, Ward goes. To a project called, skin. Death of. Devon. Wong Daphne, John Monica, Kemp armature, Geoffrey Qi and chuan you, skin. Dex is an AI, powered, and personalized, search and discovery platform that. Allows users to find skincare, and cosmetic, products that are compatible with their skin and their, faculty advisor is John's Fong please come, up. It's. Now my honor to, announce, the myth, teaching. Awards. The. Mids, distinguished, faculty, award this year goes to Maia Miller Fadem lecturer, for data science w, 261, machine. Learning at scale, unfortunately. Maya isn't here to accept the award and. The mids best ta award, goes to Chrissy John Fort, unfortunately. Unfortunately, Chrissy isn't here either, but let's give them both a round of applause. Okay. Last but by, far not least the, hell are very and mids capstone. Awards this, prize is given in honor of how Varian the founding dean of the school of information for. The most outstanding capstone. Project. Competition. For this prize is very tough because we have such large graduating. Cohorts. This. Year the hell are very an award for goes. To. Sound. Flux a sound baseball detection. System, you. Can. Rhondella. Monsanto that sailin and Mike frizzy me sound. Flux is an amazing project it is a sound based fall detection system that uses, a neural network trained from simulated, human falls along, with millions of open-source sounds, to, provide effective low-cost. Unintrusive. And privacy, sensitive peace of mind for, their elderly and their loved ones, congratulations. Okay. We. Are now at the point that you've all been waiting for when. We will confer. The degrees. I just. Want to once again congratulate. All of you for, how far you've come and I really look forward to how far you will go in. The future I'd. Like to call up John Chuang to, read the names of the men students. Before. The, name reading begins I want you to remind you to pause briefly. When. They went when. They shake Mike when you shake my hand look, at the photographer, for, a picture some people just get. I. Oh. Honey, mushroom. Matt. Bailey. Mirinda. Singh. Bhatia. Bow. Friend. Timothy. States. Bug. Virginie. Chandrakanth. I'm. Michelle. Chen. Honey. Erica, chain. Scission. Die. Don't. You see the, sign. Not. Fidel. Gee. How fan. Dylan. Our Fox. Mahmud. Hem, shoe. Amy. Wong. Devin, wah. Connor. James. Human. Demetrios. Ichiro. Daphne. John. Rohan. Kapoor. TIA. Rohan. Car, a. Pretty. Cow. Joyce. As, Lee. Winnie. Lee. Alisa. Lee. Each. An Lin. Chen. Yi Lin. Lily. II Lynne. Motion. Jake. Man, wearing. Neha. Mattar. Evelyn. You owe me one. Od. Naka. Monique. Pamita. A. New. Panda. Michelle. And parrots. Tommy. Are people, honor. Say. You pop. It. Siravo's. Pakka. Makka Moo. Keshiki. For, you. Anuj. Ramakrishna. Chevy. Are rusted. Surya. Sendou. Joshan. Song. Ashisu. Jingzhong. Pay. Young. Chin. Jeffrey. Citroen. You. Congratulations. To all the rims 19, and now I'd like to yes. And, I'd, like to invite Alex Hughes like to, read. The names of the mid students. So. For the mid students, I'll read your names once, you come past that way we're clapping while you're in front of auto. And. Bring, your kids if you've brought them. Jean. On. Pascha. Anjou. Rom. Balasubrahmanyam. James. Matthew, BEC. Julia. And Buffington. Jesse. Llamas cavia. Felipe. Campos. Cheng. Cheng. Chris. Dennis H. Saref. Data. King. Souk maitre. Zachary read Merritt. So. Hug Desai. Arturo. Esqueda. Luke. Evans. Ronnie. Fields. F. Michael, franzine, e. Bollocky. Nation. Kevin, Scott Gifford. Mark. Jin. Sung-hoon. Homme. David. Harding. Richard. A Hitchens. Simon. Hodgkinson. Before. It met Matthew. Randall homes and crew. Lindt. Ron. Rich. On. Nishant. Vella Caputi. Jeffrey. Su. Sorrow. Of Jeju. Tiffany. Victorine Jaya. Kelvin. Cow. Daniel. Theodore Lane Kent.

April. Kim. Bo. Brannock Kramer. Pavan. Kumar karpati. Alice. Shem, Ling lamb. Noah. William, Levy. Michelle. You. Ellison. Walker. Laura. Williams. Arvin. Jennison. A. Near. Adama tall. Jacksie. Workman. Tn. House you. Joning. You. King. Zhuang. Anisha. Moon jewellery. James. Win. Christina. Papadimitriou. John. Pat. Melvin. Boovie co2. Matthew. Aaron pots. Anthony. Ramirez. And. A. My cocina. Suda. Subramanyam. One. More round of applause for all the maids of graduates please. And. You, know PhDs, are all used to waiting for a long time and taking everything, takes a long time well, now it's your chance to come up and be awarded your degrees I'm gonna ask a Chester to come up and read the names and, they'll be hooded as is, appropriate, for a PhD. All. Right, phd's. Neal, Kerrigan. Kelleher. His. Dissertation entitled economic. Indicators, and social networks new, approaches, to measuring poverty, prices, and impacts, of Technology, ah. Hooded. By Paul Dugan his, head, advisor professor. Joshua, blumenstock. Mohamad, raza khan. His. Dissertation entitled, machine. Learning, for the developing world using, mobile communication. Metadata. He. Will be hooded by professor. Joshua, blumenstock. And. Last. But not least. Elaine. M Seidenberg. Her. Dissertation, entitled public. Interests, private. Data bioessence, data consumed, and shared for research purposes, hooded. By her, co advisors, professors John, Shuang and Deirdre Mulligan. Thank. You to Kauai and congratulations. Again to the PhDs, and their children. We're. About at the end of the ceremony I want to thank all of the family and friends who've come here from far and near for your support, of these students, out of the school and I. Especially want to thank the staff of the iSchool for your hard work and once, again doing such a wonderful job, with graduation. Please, give them a round of applause. To, all the 2019, graduates, like. He said, don't. Forget to write stay, in touch with us and, with one another and with us and now you're all invited back to South Hall for a reception, I look forward to seeing you there. You.


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