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hello no able to hear me I think this guy yeah I can hear you I I know when only no have some problem I just asking him I know you guys to hear me thanks yeah thanks again uh uh okay uh that's fine so I see Babu also joined Babu uh do you mind to introduce yourself yeah hi myself B I from Andra Pradesh what total experience uh total experience I'm having the four years of SCM okay great you're already working onm but currently I'm not working last two and a half months onwards [Music] I so but you have knowledge on accm correct yes yes little bit actually I'm learning the SCM but when I'm joining in the company project the my project had moved into the some other technology that's what I forgot everything you know Ian too right Evan ah yeah ianti yeah yeah yeah ianti I'm working on the ianti up to the one year long back I'm working in that's what I'm come back to and in tune I want to learn okay great thanks bab yeah thanks yeah thank you uh thanks guys uh let's start okay I'll just uh start with my introduction and then we'll go forward uh myself RAM have been working on multiple companies and uh from last 15 years my core Technologies are secm in tune and M365 uh I also have a very good experience in scom and Scorch also are family of system CER uh I've been teaching uhm from last eight years for different uh instit so for this particular Institute I've been teaching from last three years uh so that's about me uh I have done at least 20 plus implementations on SCCM how for new organizations and new projects up to scale of three lakh computer management so I have done the architecture I have done the implementation and The Bu Support also that's majorly about me uh so today's uh uh let's start about accm or configuration manager or mecm whatever you want to name it the familiar name is SSM as you know already uh so I'll just go a little bit of history and then I'll come back what we going to discuss and everything okay so history is secm or mecm is a product of Microsoft so this was introduced late '90s 1998 or 97 uh to be exact 97 September October time and it was not called as secm it was called as SMS system management server the primary focus of this was uh to manage or deploy an application to multiple computers so that is the purpose of my the purpose of SMS which Microsoft introduced so they initially want to do uh a reduce a burden for a system administrator to doing it for multiple computer at a time by introducing this two and there was a little bit of inventory which they introduced uh that's where the initial SMS is released by Microsoft later part it was it was SMS 1.0 and 2.0 okay till year 2006 and 7 so it was called as SMS only SMS 1.0 is a primary version SMS 2.0 is a last version of SMS oh there was 3.0 also which is not not successful but that it was released by Microsoft but 2. 2.0 is

a major version of SMS which is largely successful so later 2006 after 2006 onwards Microsoft renamed this SMS as system center configuration manager s CCF and the version also they didn't go for 3.0 they called it for 2007 okay so I'll just uh write it here so you can see initially it was SMS and you have one point I don't know why it's yep sorry guys SMS 1.0 comma SMS 2.0 is the initial version later it was SCM 2007 and thenm 2007 to secm 2012 it was introduced in the year of 2012 only uh if I'm I if I'm wrong if I'm not wrong it's released August end of August so the the production version and after 2012 it was not again the Microsoft again changed the name uh to CB current Branch current config manager config MGR current Branch MGR only it's config MGR CB stands for current branch and which was 1511 so the naming convention starts 15 is a year the in first two letters are year and the next is month so in the year of 2015 11th month hello yeah hello actually your screen I think got stuck I can see the only uh module overview introduction of Microsoft onepoint overview configuration manager this window I can see are you typ mean writing something in the dashboard I yes is any anyone else have a same problem yeah yeah me also I cannot see even I have joined two time disconnected join okay okay let me reare now I can see okay fine fine so you can see this right so in the year 2015 11th month CB current Branch so okay I'll just write it here CB stands for current Branch so that was released uh again Microsoft renamed that to CB 151 of after that every four months a new version ofm will be released so after 1511 next 4 months which is 12 sorry 163 next you just add 1607 and then 16 sorry 1701 1704 so it goes on the the convention is not changed okay but in the year 2020 they changed the name as config manager only so 2020 sorry sorry sorry 2020 it was config manager only config manager then later again Microsoft changed the naming convention to uh after 2022 again they called as Microsoft system mm Microsoft endpoint configuration manager and the latest version again so this is year 23 so 23 uh we have 01 01 also there zero I'm not sure 04 4 yeah so 2023 if you just add the four four months every to every you can just get to this number so me CM stands for Microsoft endpoint configuration manager okay so do you really need to remember all these things no not required but you have to know that that's the only thing so you don't need to worry about if you don't remember these naming convention this number way the year SSM version is released so there is one fundamental thing changed from 2007 2012 from 2012 to the current version so most of the things whatever there if you take SCM as a as a tool so the basis of SCM Still Remains same even till today but the Futures ofm is changed so what is the basic uh Futures secm can do is patching OSD application deployment inventory reports so these particular things never changed from the version SCM 2007 till date these are the functions which SCM is offering and continues to do so so if there is anything which is improved across the years and till today is how you do it and what you do it and the futures of it so let's say patching we had a limitations initially in 2007 now if you see there there was no ADR when ADR main automatic deployment rules I'll go through in detail when we when we have a session uh in DET when we have patching session separately so this patching is still same patching but the Futures the the reachability the uh what the additional features as ADR maintenance Windows development and all those things increase the same way all these particular features of SCM still remain same from 2007 to till date but there's a advanced development in those functionalities that's it okay one major change you need to remember in 2007 there was inm 2007 sorry SCM 200 2007 there was only primary side concept I'll tell you what is primary side secondary site don't worry about it but later secm 2012 there was introduction as cash I think in 2007 also we have cash but that's that's not used wisely so there was Cash in SSM 2012 which is Central Administration site cash stand for again we'll go in detail what what cash is what primary site is what secondary ID is and everything in detail this is just intruction to know the terminologies that's it later uh 2021 sorry 22 Yeah well it's early 2022 so they removed cash concept now there is no cash so again as I said right I I'll go in detail what is GH what is no what what when you require a cash envirment so Central Administration s envirment when you don't need it I'll go in detail while while we discussing about the part that particular section okay just as of now just remember this uh okay uh before I go further anyone have any questions are you're okay with the pace of which I'm going or you want me to little go slower faster is it okay yeah it's fine it's very good okay thank you any other yeah no issues it's fine okay thanks guys fine okay let's jump into SSM so this particular course we are going to cover about everything so the section which SCM installation step by step method uh we may not able to do practical but uh after that everything can be practical but let's say uh we can't do practical because there is there is a physical lab availability not there so what the lab we are going to do a discussion about SCM is virtual only which comes with a builtin so which when I say builtin it comes with a SSM installed things very so preite installation SQL configurations all those things by default will be there but if anybody have a laptab where you can have where we can install SCM I I'm happy to show you how SCM can be installed step by step also we can we can arrange that if anybody want to know in detail I can do that so this uh course contains SCM what is SCM and functionality ofm how to install SCM how to post installation configurations how to do it and each functions of SCM patching OSD application deployment maintenance Windows everything you name it collections reports everything will discussed so after that uh so each session if you have any questions troubleshooting information required and any help required can be done so that's overall what we're going to cover okay so without uh any delay let's start the first module which is Introduction to configuration manager I could see there are few people in this who already knows what is secm so I'll just bit uh go faster okay so overv of configuration manager if you have attended the demo I don't know how many of you attended the demo class but this is the overview of configuation manager what contribution manager does orm does or MCM so one more thing I just want to make a Clarity so I'm going to continue this course as secm instead of mecm or some other name or config manager or something else so because that's a familiar name and I just want to stick with that I mean if you want me to go with a different name I'm perfectly fine with that too so this particular section I already discussed in in a demo class but I I'll still run through the uh slide little bit uh in detail so these are the capabilities of SCM okay so what SCM can do to your environment basically uh you can manage if a device is a Windows operating system device as in it could be a server it could be a desktop it could be a laptop or if you if you have Mac device also can be managed so when I say device a device which contains largely it contains with a Windows operating system so what you can manage under a Windows operating system withm is asset management where you can see what is a computer name what is configured inside the computer number of hard drives number of what is a ram type what is a Ram size what is a processor installed what is a key keyboard connected to what is application installed in this machine what is a version of installed application so those are the things comes under Asset Management there is Hardware inventory where you you see within a computer including motherboard all those things hardware for physical part to get an information only with a CM that called Hardware inventory and software inventory there this software inventory also again as I said right we'll go in detail when we discussing that particular topic this is just an overview only so software inventory is the application which is installed in a user machine with the versions when it is installed who is the manufacturer of the application is it failed to install so all those information comes under software inventory and there's a deployment as as I mention right application deployment patch deployment so this application management comes under deployment so installation uninstallation also covers in there are different ways to deploy an application again we'll discuss in detail software update management nothing but patching how to install patches how to schedule what is ADR uh so all those things comes under software update management operating system as a name suggested installing an operating system upgrading an operating system to one version to another version comes under operating system so these content man management I'll go in detail uh later part when we are finished SSM in setup then I'll go in detail content management this lot of things in content management not only distribution point and distributing a package or application there uh more into content management we'll go in detail okay so that's under deployment uh under compliance management so to manage device which is which Mets certain requirements and to get to know a computer have certain things or not let's say computer have a bit Locker enabled let's say computer have a particular C drive location is contains or not so those kind of information to comes under compliance management power management when you want to shut down number of computers at the same point of time let's say you everybody leaves from your organization uh after 6 p.m. so you want to shut down computers after 6 p.m. or you want to do uh pack ing or any application installation or any troubleshooting post Business Awards where user machine is shut down you want to try to wake it up and then try to work on and fix that issue whatever user having comes under power management client health is e client Health whether it's talking to SCM is there any challenges withm or client is communicating with is there ports opening how frequently is contacting your your your SCM server all those comes under client health again troubleshooting of a client and everything comes under client Health that is what offers largely withm and this is security this is what you want to manage within your team let's say you want to restrict some access to a team member or you want to uh give L1 level team some access customize access to L1 team members some some manager level access you want to give L3 level access to some people so those comes under role based Administration production is not no longer available this is uh this this was a third party tool sorry my bad this is the Microsoft antivirus solution not semantic in point production this is Microsoft uh antivirus solution which was had a future to integrate with SCM but now it's no longer available because this nant production is renamed or remodified as Microsoft Defender so Microsoft Defender having its own uh portal now so it's no longer with SCM no longer you can integrate withm so that's the reason it's out out of out of scope and this uh reporting and monitoring so reporting uh so by default SSM offerss I think 400 reports approximately uh these are inbu reports you can also create your own reports depends depending on your requirement by writing a SQL query by creating a wql query or by just downloading a templates from internet and RDL files download it and inut into your environment and get your report so that's that's what it is so monitoring monitoring is uh SCM what you have done inm let's say you done deployment you distributed a Content you uninstall application you want to see how it is going so those are the things comes under monitoring it comes few more things things also like how is yourm infrastructure is your primary side is working or not your clients communicating back or not your distribution Point able to distribute successfully so all this come all these things comes under monitoring I was bit fast because I already discussed this and most of you guys already know so I'll just uh move uh forward okay so I took an environment so the right side one is no longer available but I'll still explain to get you understand so this particular architecture is no longer available I'll tell you okay so give me a second yeah so in SCM so this is the hierarchy ofm how SCM looks like basically I can't it's got Okay so what is hierarchy technical term hierarchy is how your any particular infrastructure now in this case it's SSM hierarchy means how you can design this okay so in this case how you design your SSM so what you need to design so basically you need to plan your infrastructure let's say let's take an example you're in a company so your company asked okay we don't have any any tool as of now so we want to go with secm we want to install SSM for our organization to manage computers okay so what what you do so you have to plan right how to install SCM so what things needed to install SCM okay let's say you you you have things to install so you have to plan where to install which server to install which role to install it depends on what your company wanted to let's say your company wanted to do only patching withm so what you need is you need one particular SCM server and report and Su software update point but it depends on what your organization needs let's say your organization needs operating system deployment patching and application management also by default application management you don't need to configure anything comes as is so by default comes it have a capability without configuring anything so so depends on that you will plan so that planning once you plan okay I need a a reporting server I need a software operate point I need a primary server so that called as planning your hierarchy SCM hierarchy okay that's a a structure of your SCM so this is there are two types now it's only one in MCM uh the latest version you have only this particular section only this this one is not there but I still explain this also okay so to install SCM you need the least component install is maximum sorry uh a minimum component must component you can say is a primary site without specifically selecting it primary site has to install if you want to have a SCF okay so why primary site that's by Design By Design as in by the software as in nature when you install SCM executable it has to if you want to use a CM primary server has to install or primary site has to install they both are same so that's a minimum thing depends on your requirement you can have a secondary site okay so where I can install primary site or where I can install secondary site so primary site supports 1.5 lakhs number of laakh number of

devices 1.5 lakh number of devices could be laptops I mean client operating system Windows 10 Windows 11 Windows that's only not Windows 7 Windows 7 is no longer supported so or could be your Windows Server operating system 2019 2012 server 2019 server 2019 so this and also it can include Mac computers as well so 1.5 lakh is a maximum number of devices supported by a primary side single primary site let's say you have an organization where you want to manage 60,000 devices you can have primary site let's say you have an organization where you want to manage 5,000 devic only you still need to install primary site okay if it is more than one if it is equal to or more than 1.5 lakhs okay you need additional primary site let's keep that separate I I'll get back to that so that's a minimum number of devices a primary site can support okay one primary site can contain 250 secondary site that again by default it comes in you just need to install secondary site that's it so there is no licensing cost for that but primary site there's a licensing cost for buying a primary site but for secondary side it comes as free of cost it comes with the installation itself so you buy one primary side your skin again got a stuck it's in this uh what you seeing I'm saying your I think it seems to me your screen got stuck at the in a diagram uh you are in the diagram uh page right now correct okay okay but you are just explaining the how many secondary side we can configure under primary side so I think I thought you are writing some somewhere no no okay yeah yeah okay fine fine yeah so I have that in detail here so that is the reason I'm not writing it I'll share this uh detailed information so this is the side slides I'm explaining but I'm explaining from this particular slide itself so you have a detailed information for Central site primary site and everything you have already have it I'll share this uh PDF file okay so let's get back so one primary site can have 250 secondary sites it depends on your organization requirement okay so before we sort out how many we need it let's let's understand what is a secondary site a secondary site is a site where let let me put this this way so you need a secondary site when you your company have a bandwidth problem when I say A bandwidth problem so you have a office in let's get back to our paint let's say you have office one office another another office and one more office and you have one more office let's take so this this off is in let's take C wise so let's take this is in Bangalore and this is in p this is in Hyderabad and this is in us okay so basically within this office when if you want me to go for a little less complicated I can still do that uh so basically this is a two-way thing let's say you have your primary site under Bangalore okay and you want to install uh you want to manage devices okay what I'll do is I think I going do yeah it's fine so you want to manage device under us also which is not directly connected means you don't have a a direct land cable to manage those devices so this particular uh devices are sorry these particular three offices are let's say in India and these are internally connected so via Lan or some some the internet providers give you uh a local connectivity where the bandwidth is okay between bangal to Pune you have 1 gbps link and Bangalore to Hyderabad you have 1 gbps link but in years if you want to buy if you want to buy 1 gbps link from between Bangalore or between India to us it's expensive so what you say like okay I can can only afford 256 MVPs link I can't afford 1 gbps so your your transmission fast is limited to 256 so your bandwidth is limited to 256 MVPs let's write that yeah 256 em yes and this one 1 GPS and this is also one GPS so the this this is a a strong link right so this is you can have a DAT transformation between these two sides this between these three sides it the communication is fast and your devices can communicate and reach to uh communicate and reach each site within within a limited bandwidth where your device can be managed in a sufficient time and a sufficient speed but whereas in your us devices or us office having a limited bandwidth so it might you may it's not limited when I'm saying I said 256 it's not mandatory it's company to company in a real time environment you might have a actual 1gbps link also I'm just taking an example okay so it's it's up to a company what they can afford and what they want to buy and how how the connectivity they want to go in in my example I've took India to a Bangalore office to years office the speed is limited so let's say I have 2,000 computers here sorry okay so and so you have 2,000 computers 2,000 computer receiving an information are transmitting whatever the SCM required information uh so the approximate a per device transformation is 1 mb per device okay so if it is 2,000 devices 2,000 into 1 is equal almost 1.8 gbps link or 1.8 gbps of data transformation required but you you have a you have a link which is 256 mbbs only so in this case what if can do is you put a secondary site under this particular location so what secondary site does is it will receive instead of sending one Mbps to directly to Bangalore this secondary side will receive information from this 2,000 devices all this 200 whatever 2,000 MVPs MB data and it will compress this data to a limit so let's say from 2,000 Mbps to 200 MB sorry not MVPs MB so 2,00 to 200 it compress it it filter out and compress it and send the information to primary side where your bandwidth utilization can be managed so that is where you need a secondary site where you do the simple uh when if if anybody ask you when you plan secondary site at what circumstances you plan your secondary site if a site is in a remote location where my bandwidth is not enough to reach or manage computers in a remote location so that's where I'll put a secondary s so that it will reduce the bandwidth to communicate back to a primary side so that's that simple it is the major functionality or major requirement to have a secondary site is uh your bandwidth okay that's second reason okay uh again in detail we'll go and discuss while we configuring everything don't worry about it so so this is again as I said we have only this is this is this is no longer available but I'll just explain so in in my previous example in this example I mentioned one primary set can manage 1.5

lakh devices correct so what if you have an organization where your number of devices is 2 lakhs so having one primary site will not justify the requirement correct you still need another SCM so can you buy two license ofm and install one SCM here and one in another another location to manage two two lakh devices no so there was a concept called Central Administration site uh so coming back to pre the example so to manage two lak devices you need two primary sites correct so two primary sites you can have in the same domain or a same for same company or same location whatever you want to mention so same Forest is a correct example but I don't know how many of you understand Forest means so that is the reason I'm just putting in a normal uh terminology as of now so if a you can have a two primary to manage yeah one primary can support up to 175,000 devices right or is it that includes mobile device also oh okay yeah yeah if we can say 1.75 but that include mobile devic also but nobody manages mobile devices with CM that's the reason I I will stick with 1.5 and there is Linux device also which is again which is completely new future of SSM but nobody's managing again yeah okay so let's get back so in our example so two two lakhs you want to manage you can't manage with a single primary site you need a second second primary site so additional primary site I would say so to to manage this additional primary site you need to install a central Administration site which is a short form is Cash C Central Administration site which is required when you have more than one primary site okay in this example in this scenario the primary site is the first site you have to install in your SSM setup in this example Central Administration site is a first site you have to install to manage this primary site or this is the first site you have to install Okay so again from here it's same so 250 secondary sites for per primary site uh yeah each primary set I mean to say but again as I mentioned this setup is no longer applicable or available with Microsoft they changed they removed a concept of concept of uh cash so now multip you can have multiple Primary in in previous cases before 2022 so you cannot have multiple primary sites without cash that was by Design not possible okay but Prim now you can have multiple primary side without cash that's the only thing changed nothing changed so we instead of cash we don't we don't need cash okay now the the first primary site which you which are whichever you're installing will become your cash but we don't call it as a cash but it becomes a parent site kind of is it clear anybody have any questions we more than one primary yes from after 202022 sorry not 20 2022 okay okay yeah so they they have there are Microsoft so and one more thing I want to mention there is no redundancy for SCM when I say redundancy I don't know how many of you understand uh if you understand a cluster environment or or high availability so there is no high availability for SSM means uh let's say I have one primary site basically get back to the powerpo so let's say this is one server and this is another identical server okay so basically this is server a and server B so basically so in server here you have a a database SQL database just understand this as sqas so server B you don't have anything so but you can put them if you put them both of both of them in high availability basically in a cluster the the exact name is cluster so basically your database will be here when the server goes down the database will automatically move to server B Ser a goes down if a server B goes down it will go to server a if two goes down there's no there's no availability so to maintain High availability in a case where server server might go down and performance May reduce or something happens so for that reason you there's a concept in a server so I don't know how many of you know servers the concept called clustering or high availability if you take applications so high availability we don't have our we don't have in SCM that high availability but Microsoft what I heard from Microsoft is they're working on the high availability concept for SCM since it's it's mostly used across the world I think 50% of the world use World it use SSM as a tool as on date almost 15 I think it's 48% if I'm not wrong uh but you you may Google it I don't know I I check long back so uh ACR 40 48% to 58 50% of the organization a larger Enterprises use SCM to manage their devices so Microsoft is thinking to have a a failover situation what if mym Ser goes down I need I need to have a failover situation so that concept as on Dat not introduced but what Microsoft said when when they removed cash is so the the clients which are reporting let's say you have primary just just assume for a minute this is not there so this is one this is another primary site if this primary site goes down so the second primary site or another primary site which is there in your hierarchy should take over the clients which are reporting to your failed primary site to this primary site so if this goes down this client will directly come back to here that's what Microsoft working on by by Design as on Dat that's not possible yet but Microsoft said they're working on it I don't know where where it stands but it's coming okay uh any questions uh no okay thank you anyone else mm is not concept of this G already mentioned right so so yeah so how is how is managing the more than primary set without gas so see uh basically uh to answer your question I need to tell you about cash so cash when cash sorry sorry top of that organization right correct so no I want to tell you about cash functionalities so cash is a server does nothing in your hierarchy if you have a cash enrollment okay when I say does nothing means me to man basically what is what is the function of functionality ofm is to manage a client computer or to install something on a client computer to deploy something to a client computer that's a functionality of correct okay yeah cash GH by Design doesn't involve any anything on this I'll just give you uh okay I'll I'll show you that later so cash only have so uh by the design cash need to have a particular database I mean this the dedicated database to cash and also it only receive information from primary servers and store in dat that's it okay and there is nothing you can do from a cash when I say you nothing you can do means you can't deploy an an application it's you can openm console but basically when you deply something to your end points let's say you you have your deployment patches to your devices 10,000 devices let's say so the deployment policy will go from Prim respect to primary side not from cash oh okay okay only work processing everything is a primary side correct so everything is the work whatever had to done or the manage things whatever has to be done by Microsoft sorry primary side only not cash so cash only receive information so when a primary deplo the patches to 10,000 machines primary side will say hey cash I I I just deployed uh this patches to this that's it that's information but primary set actually goes and communicates to all 10,000 devices hey you have a deployment okay okay so it just yeah so I have an example but I don't want to tell uh the example is you have a team lead uh you have a team lead team team member manager so your your clients are uh your clients are let's say your team members your primary side your team lead and your cash is your manager who does nothing your most of the things done by team lead and as team member follows so so now Microsoft said yeah this particular cash is doing a lot of feedback given to Microsoft by lot of people because you need to have you need to have a a dedicated database so if you take data Bas license SQL license it's it's it's costly right and you need to buy that licensing uh separately so if if it is doing nothing what is the meaning of I I be spending a money on this you need to have a separate server for this I need to have a separate SQL server for this I need to have a SQL license for this I need to manage this also and there were uh too much complications also if you if you need in detail so there's a uh concept called uh database locking database going to maintenance mode because of cash there's lot of worst thing happen because of cash being there so example I'll tell you I don't know how many how many of you understand but I'll just tell you let's say there there is a change you have made in this particular server change as in let's say one client setting you changed you enable one particular reporting in this particular server so and This Server you didn't do it only for this you did it what does what it tell is so it will update cash as part of the communication say like I have done the modification so what cash will do is it will go and ask hey do you have this modification and it will say I don't have a modification so then cash say I I don't trust you means I don't know you if you don't my envirment should be identical so you I don't you don't you are lacking some information so I don't trust you so it lock this database which is a it is a initial days it was improved of course this is this is level of issues happen when they introduced gas and it went so after this database go to maintenance mode so basically yourm is down and since it is down and it say hey I I this this there a situation when we had uh 11 primary science and one cast 11 primary database went to uh went to maintenance including cast to recover we took at most uh total 13 days to recover the maint from maintenance mod to outside so that there are situations where cash was causing more problems than the the uses of cash that is the reason Microsoft replaced I believe okay yeah okay yeah so so this is again so when what is actually a cash is so cash what exactly required for cash so it's required to use multi side hierarchy when you have multiple primary site you need a cash so it must be a first server to installed and it is for administration and Reporting when I say Administration there's nothing I would say there are client settings you can change those are the only administ administrative settings you can do and Reporting yes uh so you generate cash label reports when when you want to have multiple primary site related information you can have in cash and it requires a SQL database and it doesn't process any client information it doesn't support any client assignment and it has so and it also have a limited number of site system roles when I say side system roles uh software update point is a side system role pxc is side system role reporting point is service is a service side system role so these are side system roles so it cash will support two only that is Al limited so the the one is asset management inventory so these two things was supported by cash and nothing else so and similar explanation I have it for primary set as well so if you have a cash environment you can just read this so to use config manager orm or mgcm you must have at least one primary site mandatory without primary site installation you can't have anything because it is the only site who who talks to C client and who give the information to client and not none inm environment I mean cash secondary Server doesn't directly communicate with the C client so when I say client ASM client so it can be chiled in a relationship when you have a cash environment but if you don't have a cash envirment this is the site the the single primary site we call it as and it cannot be chaed to another primary site you cannot have a primary site under primary site there is no no primary site when I say that so let's say this is a primary site so this is a second site only possible you can't put another primary site contact into this by Design it's not possible and it manages a well connected Network when when I say well connected means when there is a enough bandwidth availability so if there is no bandwidth availability you need to have a secondary site so it requires SQL database licensed there's no Express Edition there's no free free watch can use you need a license SQL Ser SQL database server and whatever the information received it will replicate received from client it will replicate that information to cash if cash is part of your hierarchy so supports client assignment and it contains all the site system roles majority of the site system roles inm and this is secondary side I'll just explain this slide I I'll open for questions and then we'll stop for today uh and then we'll take it next class a secondly side it's optional why it is optional because when you have a well connected Network where you where your bandwidth is okay across the world if you want to manage across one particular location whatever your your company uh spread across is so if you have well well uh good bandwidth Network you don't need second site directly ruled off that's the reason it's optional you have a challenges in your bandwidth you need a secondary site I hope that is clear so it must be a CH relation to a primary site as again as I said so it must be means this is the only way possible a primary site and secondary site and it used a net it used when Network bandwidth UCS needs to be controlled means when you have a limited bandwidth is available you need a secondary site and requir SQL Server Express so which is a a free you don't need a license to manage second server secondary site so I forgot to tell you one thing so by in if you're installing a primary server or primary site or cash you need to have a you need to install and configure SQL database but for secondary site when you're installing second site you install remote you don't need to do it it automatically install required secondly site uh SQL version and it replicates whatever the data it is collected by client computer to its parent using a file uh file based replication I'll tell you what is replication I think that's our this slide so we'll go there no problem so what what is what is replicate means transferring data or communicating data whatever received data to and next parent side which is a primary site and does not any client assignment and it consist of no s system Ro actually uh but if you want to install management point and software update point and uh you can install in secondary site but again as I said it doesn't manage it your primary site is the one who managed that uh we'll go in detail a later part when we're installing and configuring the SSM infrastructure I'll explain what is what is what we can or what we can't do okay so that's about uh I I want to stop it here if anybody have any questions because uh as uh Amit said there are few people who who supposed to join so that is the reason we want to limit it limit this for a one hour session uh we can continue from for for next class uh for the remaining things if you have any question please let me know can you tell us that license rate how is using the license can you tell that the part of the license uh okay so you you want to knowm licensing is it that's what your question yeah yeah yeah correct uh I can't uh I mean you need me to explain or you want the information where you can find information just know that just know that how I think uh I don't have the information handy you know what I can do is I can give you uh I'll give you the link where you can get this information but I can tell you what license information how the license information is so it's a onetime buy license means you don't need to once you buy a license you don't to renew every year so for example we have a multiple primary set more than five or five or six so it's we are buy the one or five one each primary site each license you required or one license is by we can use the five primary site the same license uh no one primary site license if you have if you have one Prim what I understand from your question is you have one primary site can I use it can I install uh four four more primary answer is no yeah you cannot so yeah so for that you need to understand licensing how it works so uhm license is onetime license one once you buy that's it you don't need to renew every year once you buy it comes so that's a perpet license correct P yeah that's a exact Perpetual license is the exact term and it is based on number of devices it's a device base license so let's say you bought it for one one lakh devices you can only manage one lakh devices and you you yeah if you if you want to install uh I think the latest license uh I I didn't gone through actually but the late latest lat sorry about that the latest license is uh uh you can have multiple let's say you you bought it for one lakh and you can have multiple primary setes as well okay so but but again I I'm I've not sure I've I have heard that somebody said I didn't read through the Microsoft portal actually but it might be possible so uh but in in previous licensing structure once you have the uh if you buy the license for one primary site for managing one L that's it you should only install one primary site if can have secondary site but not another primary site since they changed their design they they said like they modify their licensing also I need to check on that so that secondary SI we don't require the license right no it's a free comes with a primary okay yeah thank you thank you okay anything else anyone any questions no Ram okay uh thank you uh if that uh is the case we'll uh confirm uh I think Amit will reach out to you guys for the next session thank you so when would be the next session Ram uh actually it was supposed to have supposed to be tomorrow but tomorrow I have some uh family function uh which was uh unplanned actually so that happened so I'll just uh but the next session would be if you guys okay Monday if you don't I mean if you guys all are fine with a particular time it be Monday or next weekend only uh next weekend okay okay yeah yeah yeah next weekend should be fine even on Monday it should be fine but again sorry so you can just actually we canot join Monday because we are working day so we are yeah Saturday to Sunday yeah perfectly fine that's what I'm telling so if everybody is available to Monday we can have it because Sunday session is not happening or let's say if you don't if you're any one of you is not comfortable on Monday we can do Saturday Sunday no problem make sense yeah that's fine yep yeah okay we will get update on WhatsApp chat right correct every section is the same time you started or same time uh when because I in my my office is the alternative Saturday so probably that's next Saturday I'm working day okay okay that's fine I can I can join in my office no yeah sure okay thank you yeah thank you guys bye thank you R yeah thanks bye bye bye byebye bye bye


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