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I hope everyone can see my screen so uh I'll just introduce myself and then and then we'll proceed for the technical part okay uh myself Ram I have 15 years of experience in it and uh most of my experience with system center are now with in tune and 365 as well so have been working on secm uh or mm whatever you want to call it as so that almost plus years I'm working on I have implemented SCM for larger larger you know Enterprises where the the environment had cash environment also i' been I've been teaching uhm from last 7 to or 7 and a half years to the to people the uh with a different uh platform and that's about me uh so basically today we are going to have a demo session how the how we going to teach SSM and how it will be uh delivered to you so so uh I'll just complete the uh how the course uh structure will be so we can have uh second sorry guys we can have a week days or weekends according to batches according to the people's availability and suitable time uh so that's one point number one and you will be provided your own lab uh that that will be your own so we try to arrange a lab for your with an isure so you'll be you can do your lab and that will be 30 days there's a 30 days free lab available if you create your own aure account um so that's that's you will be doing it uh I mean I I of course will be teaching you how to do and what to do and then the practice you have a lab available and so so that's about lab uh yeah so this codes my May depends whether it's a daily or it's a weekly or it's monthly what are availab based on availability is take 25 to 30 classes approximately if it is if a class include if you assume a class as a 1 hour session so that's that's pretty much we looking it may go down it may go up depends on the people in the batch people's understanding people's having number of issues number of questions it may go down it may go up also that's not a fixed STS so uh yeah that's about uh it uh before we start anybody have any questions or anything please uh let let's understand about the how the course will be conducted and and uh if everything is good we'll start can I take that as a not or no questions okay uh is it going to be a first class it's not going to be a first class so hold mod the same person asking question now this is just a demo class how how the code will be and how the ques what we are going to cover in the this this course and how the session which I'm going to tell you and what's my exper to understand my experience to understand the way I've I've been explaining the codes to you is it fine or you know to basically understand each other in this that's that's a that is this this session is all about it's not a first class okay got it good so so let's uh so the codes uh I'll tell you how how uh what we going to cover on the codes content okay uh high level I'm not going in detail but high level we are going to so we'll be uh I'll be explaining what ismr mecm so so including the how is the versions and all those things what is the history of mm I'm keeping saying SCM because I'm old school I'm I'm still believe it's SCM so yeah my preferred way to say mm ASM only so I hope people don't mind you you can understand that I think so yeah what is uh mecm and how it has been introduced and you know and then what is required to install a museum or what is the components prerequisites how to install and what is the configurations need to be done to install SCM so once we do that uh we'll be discussing so this is the this particular installation of prerequisites and everything is is pretty much a theoretical class from after this there will be everything as practical so how to configure SCM you know uh what is what is boundaries hierarchy configurations boundaries distribution points everything so that will be discussed that's high level on configuration Discovery methods after that so application deployment as a package AS application how you deploy how you create how you distribute and then patching uh again same how you how you configure your WSS or your Su and uh how do you deploy patches what is maintenance Windows collections everything will be discussed so that's after that the operating system deployment so this this whatever I'm saying uh after SSM installation right everything includes practical so again as I said you have your own lab and you'll be doing in your own lab but I'll be teaching I'll be showing on lab okay so excuse me so the yeah after uh few questions also there give me a second please sorry yeah you're right Ashish so uh that's and and you know what is how to integrate with a cloud ha your Cloud you know what is what is the new latest feature how to up grm from one version to another version will be also covered in this class okay so that's that's a high level so if we can go we can go in detail also so I hope uh you guys you guys have some idea about uh mum if you don't have idea also that's fine okay and also I I'll answer basic questions before we start so basic questions are I'm not I don't have any CCM experience or mecm experience I don't I'm new to it can I learn is it possible do I need to have a previous experience so so all those things you don't need to have a previous experience just pretty much how you understand technology it's user friendly and very uh I would say 100% graphical interface only you can just understand it just you have everything uh which you can read understand and then troubleshoot even if it a troubleshooting cons so so that wouldn't be any problem freshers can learn experience people also can learn SCM so it's not a problem so if you are a different domain still can learn SCM that's that's not an issue uh see it might take an extra day for a people who doesn't have any knowledge on it environment but I hope everybody's from here from from at least have a job and working okay if if it is completely new and still you can still do that it's not a problem so we can also have batches uh for the people who are from from scratch starting to learn technology or they have L1 L2 L3 there's architect level also which I can I can teach you so that's shouldn't be any problem for anybody so that's that's one more question so yeah so you'll be getting a recording of each and every session uh after the class so I think that is also covered so yeah any other questions before we move on okay uh I'll just give one high level so before I talk to this about talk about this slide okay I'll just give one what is what is mecm or secm so or what is configuration manager so why do you why do you need it so if you don't have a configuration manager what happens if you don't learn what happens how is the market let's let's get so so configuration manager orm or mm so I I'll stick with with SCM hope everybody understand that so uh it's a tool by uh Microsoft which who is who is the product owner or product developer product design uh people so it is introduced around 2000 I would say 1998 or 97 okay so but it was not called as you know SCM and there was no intention of whatever you're seeing as a capability ofm that was not the case so this particular technology configuration manager ormr SMS so you know was released to manage application deployment manage when I say manage to install application deployment remotely to the multiple people multiple machines or multiple endpoint devices so that is a intention Microsoft created a tool which they named it as as SMS system management service so so that is that there is this SMS I think 97 December or October there they the the the release this and it was not in production early 2000 uh it was SMS 1.0 and then it it became 2.0 and then secm so that's a that's a history ofm so from till SMS 1 0 2.0 it's not a I would say it's not a major success uh uh in market for Microsoft but it was there so after they they introduced this secm uh 2007 in the Year 2007 that that went that picked up a market for Microsoft okay and that's where it is successful from there it is successful so there are there are companies who was very few okay I can just can just count on the numbers so still using SSM 2007 for some some company requirement some so they they're paying some extra money for to to you know support from Microsoft if there is any issue so that that successful tool it ISM 2007 that was introduced 2007 and then after that 2012 is the next version ofm after that uh again so and then CB CB came into picture 1511 came into picture and then now whatever you're seeing mecm current Branch version is like depends on your month and your year so let's say now you can see 151 is introduced in 2015 now November so that's how they they named it so it was the naming convention was changed quite a bit uh if you if you ask me from from last three say last three years it was CB current branch and then they went back to SCM and then they they made it um configuration manager only config manager only after that they again came back and say like now it will be MCM so now I think Microsoft stick with that uh uh name so that now it is me Microsoft endpoint configuration manager okay what does it do so it accm as a tool have a four I would say four major capabilities which is vastly used in uh in in the market the first one is management of devices in terms of inventory in terms of reporting in terms of uh uh remote desktop you can still manage so that that's that's a uh one one section and other section is deployment deployment includes again three major major roles which is application deployment in which is uh same as installing a software on a machine patch deployment again installing a security patches it depends what you have you can install multiple type of patches but security P just taking a general name so security patches on a end point and the major another successful feature ofm is operating system deployment which is installing your OS on a computer remotely so this particular task as a as a system administrator if you take a desktop administrator SL system administrator his roles and responsibility are basically whatever I said as of now right but he'll be doing it one machine or two machines manually with his own efforts so to let's say you to install an application in 100 machines manually so you need a people okay I'm talking about a situation before power if if anybody comes and say like you know I can do the I can deploy to install software and 100 100 Mission with the power script yeah you can still do that but so so that capability of HCM is to install a same software in 100 machines at the same point of time where if you want to do that as a manually so you it's a physical job and you need four five resources or four five Engineers to do that job so that's pretty much uh SCM so to simplify an administrative job or and execute a task for multiple machines or multiple devices at the same point of time this is what it does so it's not only an application it could be patches it could be operating system it could be inventory so these are the basic features of uh SCM so this is what SCM does so there is a detailed you know steps and that this this is high level what it can do if you go in detail so there are uh detailed manner like to to install an application on a user machine how you customize it and how user feels it how you how user has to see the installation user user should not be interrupted while the installation is going on it has to install in the back end so those are the customization you can still do that when we go deep into that we'll do that I'll just pause here if you have any questions is it any uh no questions or people are not able to speak fine um I hope you guys able to understand so everything what I'm telling okay so as a so how do you do it and what do what what are this I'm sharing a slide right so uh you can see few things like Asset Management deployment compliance security I'll just run through each and every particular step here so basically after this slide you so this is I think 40 or 50 slid up if this completely module one this is I think 40 slides I'll just run through this particular side it'll take another 15 20 minutes so you you'll get a fair understanding of what is you're going to learn what technology you're what is a technology are going to run particular for desktop support or network support this is not for Network support guy 100% but this is for desktop support uh desktop support you can say this is I I I wouldn't say that this is a a desktop support this is a next level for a desktop support engineer yeah but if if it is is a network engineer this is completely different track okay so what is asset management and what how secm or MCM will manage this particular section okay I'll just run through there's so Asset Management means um so what is an asset so if you're working for a company a company and company gave you a laptop up with a mouse keyboard charger so all those four are asset of a company okay so that so to manage that those asset information with SCM is what asset management called are the the the number of things we call it as inventory I think that's a just general English word right so inventory so there is you can manage Hardware inventory and software inventory okay so there is a limitation in Hardware inventory but there's no limitation in software inventory so Hardware inventory uh so it can it can tell you uh motherboard motherboard details hard disk detail number of uh processes details and cdrom other details but external keyboard connected or not what is the type of it will still there's there very very few Hardware limitation which is it doesn't have some of the hardware uh uh components which is is installed in your you know uh laptop if you go in detail but in a high level you have cdrom hard disk motherboard keyboard version layout and everything you can still get those information there's very few limitation in so basically so so and and I just uh want to tell before I going deep right so this is a agent based tool so you have to install a particular software which is we called as secm client mm client or client in general terms so there's a software which given by Microsoft so you need to install that in a uh end user uh machine where which you want to manage withm so that particular agent will give all this information without that nothing is possible whatever you're seeing in this screen it's not possible okay so that particular agent will collect the information like so Hardware I told you the example software like what software installed what version of a software installed what what are the uh uh places it is installed like which directories it is installed when it is installed so is it what you say license of a software is expired or not so that information will give you and will be collected from a machine and provided to provided in a form of a report to SCM administrator so this is this is about inventory okay so and there is a remote desktop I think the remote desktop means so let's say user have a problem you're working as an administrator and user have a problem of one one particular application is not opening so you have to connect to his machine to to see what's going on to what's the problem so that is remotely managing you're remotely managing the problematic user machine right so that's a remote manage so that's still possible so basically Enterprises will use the uh third party tools like uh Team Viewer uh DMW uh what is it nesk so those are the those are the things right so those are remoting tools but with this you can you can still access uh endpoint user machines you can do that software monitoring is again license licensing managing or maintaining managing and maintaining of a a software licensing uh things okay that's Asset Management that comes under so deployment I already covered this so application management nothing but installation and installation of of a particular application so there are different forms there is a package there is application so you can install almost whatever the major uh executable files you can install ex. exe file MSI file do

you can start application from app yeah Apple Store from Google Play Store so that's pretty much possible so there's virtual applications also you can install so you can install for a specific user or specific computer for specific department so the all that possible again install uninstall also possible and if I want to say upgrade also possible it's one version to another version so software update management which is we call a technical term is patching so security patching now you you you understand almost um I would say 80% of uh endpoint Management in the world is managed bym or mecm and whatever the 80% will be whether they use other other functions or not they will use software update management or patching with is that successful is it gives you so much uh you know indepth uh knowledge and in-depth reporting and in in depth troubleshooting information for the machines which are not able to install and you understand the current world how important to patch your machine upgrade your machines uh so because digital world is like growing like anything crazy and you have to be up to date to catch up the know made the hackers what you say so to avoid the hackers I would say so that's software update management so by default Microsoft will release patches on every second Tuesday of a month so and then the patches will come to ASM there's some configuration technical things we have to do but on High level so second Tuesday you can pretty much deploy those those patches there are types of patches critical patches security batches cumulative updates so drivers so those also those are the different categories of patches will be available so that's software update management or patch management so next operating system so uh so we have to install operating system on so basically to in let's say you bought a laptop it will come with an operating system but for that's your personal laptop so if you if a Enterprise or your company has to buy a laptop they can't use the operating system which is provided with the laptop why they can't use it because that is not a company standards there are some every company have their own standards some security Baseline it has to meet some security things and it has to join to domain have latest update latest drivers so some some group policies lot of lot of things actually there is so for what happens is every Enterprise will create their own custom image and then that that image will be deployed to the end user missiones which is provided to the company employees so that customization will be coming under that particular step that particular process is called as operating system deployment R OSD R OE so OSD operating deployment s standard operating system environment deployment so and whatever you say that's terminology is different but process is same so which includes upgrading operating system one version to another version let's say Windows 7 to Windows 10 just no longer in case but the real time example is Windows 10 to Windows 11 okay so that's operating system deployment upgrade and maintenance if you have if you want to manage it know latest software latest drivers deploy bias update all those things can be done for operating system deployment that's that's uh that comes under operating deployment so and content management now I I will not I will not be discussing on this in this call because that's that's something which you have to uh do off after off of your codes off after completing of let's say 30 40 40 to 45% of completion of your course if I say now you don't understand a bit so I'll just skip that so compliance uh power management Health client Health come coming under I even reporting and monitoring comes under compliance management compliance management is to comply According to some particular restrictions or some particular settings as per a company so what is what could be a compliant let's say you're using a mobile device and if you if your company want to manage your mobile device your personal mobile device or your your company Mobile whatever so you take it so you can't just use uh without anything right so you can't just browse you know something malicious and you know it may impact your your company Network once once Mia software entered into your laptop your your mobile or any any device once you connected to your company Network or access some company resource it will automatically get it to their Network and it'll just corrupt it so corrupt the complete company you know so to avoid that company will Define hey I can only allow you or your mission your mobile your your OS whatever the computers you have if you met these particular conditions so that's conditions we call under comes under compliances so you have to have antivirus software installed you have to have a typical whatever the password which is a lengthy of so so and so on number of characters and Alpha numerics all those settings will be defined so if if you're your device match that uh settings or requirement your device is called as a compliant divide then it is allowed to access your company resources so those compliant settings will be will be managed uh and power management let's say you're using you have you're working for a company and you have a desktop or uh laptop whatever you take laptop is not great example but I I'll take this stop as example so your shift is 9 to6 and this CM team want to uh install patches and you after when you're going to when you are going at 6:00 leaving your office at 6:00 you should done your computer what happens if if a security uh ifm administrator or somebody want to install uh some patches or update your your system so he'll be sitting somewhere and your machine is shut down so you can't access it so there ISM have capability to to power on those machines remotely uh so there's some some Networks things need to be configured but you basically can sit at your computer you can turn on the machine which is which is somewhere else and then you can do whatever you want to I mean whatever in the sense like you can deploy application deploy upgrade operating system and install patches or install drivers whatever you want to do as part of your Administration so that comes under power management the there's a the technical term which is called as won land so through landan you can just W wake that up particular machine which you want to do a update or upgrade whatever you want so uh report client heal is again hm client I told you right it's an agent Health to monitor how how many number of missiones are active how many number of missiones are not active to trouble shoot all those things comes under so reporting so reporting um spy default secm have or mecm have 400 approximately 400 390 3 or 394 some defers environment moment so approximately 400 default reports available so what what what is these reports especially like your deployed application for th000 missiones you want to see how many successful how many failure and what is the reason for failure so how many will get it after today or how many are restart pending so those kind of things that's not only that's one example okay so I'm talking about 400 default report almost 400 report default available and if you want to customize your own report also you can still do that so SSM uses data so there is a database Tas to it for SCM so that is a SQL based so you can write your own SQL queries and you can get reports also there is something called wql query also again you don't understand a bit now but when you go in deep you can you can that you can do that so so there's w query can write and get a report you can write a SQL query and report and again you may have a question like do I need to learn SQL not required don't don't need to worry about SQL so that there SQL administrator DB administrator DB administrator will be there they'll be taken care of that so that's about reporting so monitoring again to just to monitor you did something or you deployed patch or you deployed application or operating system or you want to you you you have a task which is running and you want to see so you can whatever you let's say you ANM administrator you have a full members team and you can see everything what the other three members are doing so pretty much so you can you can monitor everything in detail uh and each I would say Manu details also you can you can you can see under monitoring or inm as a technology right they have you can capture a mind say somebody right clicked somebody launched SCM console he can still do it and somebody deleted something can still do it still find out who who has done it of course uh it takes its own time investigation and time but there's a possib there's a a data available if you want to know okay uh uh anybody have any questions okay uh I'll take the as no and then I'll just complete this and then can wind it up here so security so there this is not the security of a machine okay this is not a security of a device so uh I don't know how many of you aware of it there was there's there's a a Microsoft antivirus which is now it is renamed as Defender it was endpoint production previous ly so now it is it's Defender so Defender can be integrated with SCM for better Administration for reporting and also Defender now nowadays Defender is coming with M365 license which is a cloudbased solution also coming so uh you can just say this endpoint production uh so Microsoft pretty much looking at the cloud-based only so this this this is you can say after a year or two it completely moves to cloud and again I said it's renamed as Defender so role based Administration so what is role based Administration let's say it's just like enabling SCM access for different people let's say you have a four member team or uh as a previous example right so out of four somebody somebody know some some part of SCM very well somebody know some part ofm or somebody know everything when I say somebody body knows some part of and I say let's say you have four four member there a team lead and there are three more team members team lead may know hism end to end and the new there's a new new guy joined that two years experience he can only do patching or he knows only patching and there's another guy who can do application I app software deployment plus patching one guy may know only operating system deployment so you can't provide the access to the all three rest of the three people with the same level of access or you can't give the full access to them that's not or you can you can put this the same example for L1 team L2 team L3 team also have L1 team who should have a basic read access L2 team who should have access at certain level only L3 team should have full access so whatever the example you want to take it so you to customizing the access part for that particular team or particular team member called as a role based Administration depends on what is capable of that particular resource he'll be assigning the permission that's a default default 40 different permissions available you can just uh enable whatever if you want to customize something you can still do that so that's about uh the SCM as a technology or mbcm as a technology that what you can do if you learn this codes uh so again you may you may have a question like if I learn this can I do can I go and perform in my current job I can't guarantee you that because it's depends on company what they want to do and what they are doing it so I hope uh you understand that part yeah uh with that I want to uh stop and if you have any questions or anything we can I'll take it uh yeah please let me know if anybody have any questions uh is it uh mute is it uh am is it muted for everybody or uh I think you can you can unmute the lineid I can do it is it okay I'll do one thing yeah you I you guys able to unmute and talk right okay fine yeah you have a question yeah hello yeah hi yeah yeah is it un premises configuration manager or cloud based manager okay so I I don't know how many of you aware of that there is only one configuration manager okay so the the one you're talking about is right the cloudbased is a uh tool name called it's not a tool it's a SAS solution or Microsoft Cloud solution which is in tune which is not a configuration manager okay so unpr configuration manager what we are talking about accm so and you should not we cannot say it's an anpr solution because you can pretty much manage Azure Azure VMS also not server operating it's a server operating system it's a client operating system which is in cloud or which is in on premise you can still manage that so this particular solution what we are talking about is not limited that but so the how how to manage managing of these devices is it true through cloud or web cons Cloud Web console or from normal uh you know the traditional the traditional console is uh this is this is SCM so SCM is you can have your physical console where you have to install the uh application are executable and then access it whereas in tune have also Microsoft Cloud solution which is a cloudbased you have to access that from a web there are there is a a big difference in InTune andm very big difference so SCM is 20 years old tool and I would say more than 20 so and inun is also like 8 to n years old but there's a lot of thing in has to do so both are Microsoft Technologies by Microsoft uh tools only yeah so this is me in your understanding this is on premise as per your understanding but this is not limited to anything hope you understand yes good is it complete Codes free of uh no this is not a free course this is cost based course all right uh anyone have any questions is it I am I am that good or you guys are not able don't want any ask any question I don't understand anything I don't see any talking so either my experience is so good or you guys didn't understand a bit okay we don't have any questions that's fine yeah what are the prequests to learn this s uh could you come again so what are the prir for for [Music] learn as I told initially so there is no prerequisite anybody can learn SSM it's basically a gra gii based so there's no scripting required there's no previous experience required see uh if you're completely a fresher to an it also you can still learn s but uh thing is that it'll take a little bit more time for you that's that's the only thing I mean if somebody is able to let's say if you take a Windows administrator okay or desktop administrator or system engineer so they will capture each step let's say they will take two hours to learn some some particular topic okay if I say something like let's say active directory they might have already aware of it but the people who are starting from scratch they don't know what is active directory so I just need to tell them this is active directory so that is an additional step that's it that's how only difference it makes anything else hello hi hi I told that we can able to run application through SCM in user system in the same way way we can able to run script through SCM system yes we can if if any a power cell or VB you can do it okay okay I if I I want to run a bad script means we can able to push through we can able to yes yes there are multiple ways to do it okay thank you yeah not only one yeah uh I would like like to know the SCM ports which are mandatory uh uh mandatory so so the question is actually I would say uh speaks a lot actually so there's lot of lot of Port numers if you take HTTP https which are mandatory 80 for 43 that's mandatory Port 135 for SMB and you you need if you if you're configuring uh DH CPU for uh operating system deployment again 67 57 55 61 63 and there is support for SQL 143 2202 for SQL broker and P number 139 U for uh remote communication and and 85 85 85031 8503 8305 sorry yeah 853 uh not 03 sorry 31 and 31 and 30 85 0 31 and 30 is for WCS to sync with your client so there's a lot of ports if you ask me uh but there there are mandatory ports HTTP https it your question is Mo uh I would say I need more information so if it is between management point to client or is it between Su to client or is it between SCM console orm manm primary server to database or is it is it uh a data SMS provider to SCM client your question is to to to to big question basically yeah so I hope you understand in which one do you recommend uh good question uh I would say my recommendation okay I'll I'll tell you you I don't want to answer that because I know both so I so you in future you may need both also so but I'll tell you it's uh to answer your question is that is it what is what is you wanted okay if you have a company which is which is majorly running on on promises or let's say uh on promise ad and you have lot of uh machines and point laptops which will be used uh and uh 90% companies will move for SCM and my recommendation to move a company I'm an architect as well so I'm I'm a solution architector as well I design a lot of things so my recommendation go for SCM but I can't tell you to learn s because it's up to you what you want to be so okay I Al add few more things to that so learning in tune is a limited uh thing okay because if you want to learn in June it's not stopping there no other no company with if you say I only know in tune there's very few companies need a resource who knows in tune you should know as your active directory you should know in tune you should know M365 some of the can you go on mute yeah thank you so yeah so it's but if you know if you learn accm only accm you have you have a career you can continue to do a good things okay with one single SCM you can have a career but in tune it's limited okay uh so it's it's another five years still learning SCM I don't know how what is a plan after after five years uh of a Microsoft uh I don't know basically so but I can guarantee you for five years SCM is again a leading technology for the endpoint management 100% I can guarantee you that so there were people who said uh in is going to replace in going to replace SCM for sure but that's not happening I'm 100% sure about that so every four months you'll get an update ofm there's there's a new version ofm comes in every four months so Microsoft still investing lot of lot of money and lot of research and things onmm is not going to going anywhere but if you learn secm in is piece of cake for you just a piece of cake because you know more more things in very the I would say in tune is not at all a mature tool as of now as on date so it's if you if you are InTune administrator you you seeing something today and you may not see the same thing tomorrow so it's it's it's completely to answer exactly to answer your question completely what you want to be what is a requirement and which company you're working for a company is looking for a cloud-based solution or unpr based solution how L is if it is a very small company there is no there is no uh meaning of you know having their own data center or managing managing things but end of the day they should have and a small company most of the small companies let say below th th000 user based companies they don't want to spend on infrastructure basically but end of the they should have their own computer of course laptop I mean to say to connect to to do something right so they don't want to go for an on premises so they directly purchase services in Azure and they'll manage it from Azure and the in comes comes in with that both single license as well mt65 just buy M365 license or M3 whatever the E3 E5 whatever licensees depends on your thing so you can still get that so it's a long question but answer is my recommendation is what you want where you're working and where you want to work in so yeah that's that that is that defines you which which want to learn okay do we have knowledge on scripting for SCM no you don't need to it's not mandatory any other questions I hello yeah uh suddenly I have requirement to install application new application for 10 machines means uh if I pushing the application in the user system means how how many minutes it will take to install in apply in Cent system it depends on the size of application but it should not take more than 15 to 20 minutes okay okay yeah okay thank you but if it a size let's say if it's a big application let's say if it a s sap application or Microsoft whole Microsoft Office whole bunch which is like three three gigs of application it may take more than 30 minutes 30 minutes or more than 30 minutes but user doesn't see that okay you can you can customize that uh you user cannot see and it won't interrupt an existing application let's say you are upgrading MS Office in a user machine and US user is using Outlook teams and you know word and everything so you can config you can deploy an application next version of MS Office to a same user machine where application used application being used while while application being used you can it can uh upgrade in back end you can customize that so it depends how how you want it and you can still do that so it's not a problem it won't interrupt any user time yeah okay noway everyone is working on a in Cloud which to I have to learn either SCM or in tune if if I think I hope I answer that question on a pretty much extension level sh so it it's everyone is everyone is working on cloud everyone is working on cloud but it's not every company has to be in Cloud so it it depends on a company it's see again I'm telling you the SSM is not limited to on premises again for everybody it's not limited to on premises it is or it can manage Azure VMS also or if you have your complete infrastructure is let's say your your production servers your servers everything is is there in Azure or AWS or some other Cloud solution still SSM can manage that what is the matter you can still you can still learn uh we can able to control user computer in work from home through SCM you can okay if you have E3 E5 Cloud licenses what are the services can AV inm uh zero uh uh answer is zero because um question is incorrect I would say I mean I would not say incorrect but question is if we have E3 E5 CL Cloud license what are the services can AV inm there's no relation between your licensing and yourm so question is uh not correctly mentioned so E3 E5 license are for for Microsoft Services which are MS Office all the office applications Microsoft teams and power apps power automate so those are the things those is two different licenses so you're comparing two different licenses it's not uh yeah I hope you understand okay we have two more minutes and if anybody have any other questions let me know otherwise we can just wind up uh thank you guys so if we have any questions please email back and circle back to us we we'll hope we can answer we have any more questions thank you this speak last last question yeah yeah what about for tomorrow session for next sessions yeah actually we have joined through Linkedin L only about for the next sessions you just get back link okay hold on uh Amit I think he's can I please share my number to everyone yeah so you can just put it in your here in this chat yeah is sharing his number you can just get back to that that mobile number and you'll have information or uh you can get write back to an email also from where you received or we have LinkedIn uh uh page and you have uh uh you just put your email address as well our email address as well yeah so you can you can get back to that uh email address or to that mobile number thank you okay guys bye


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