Planning and Growth Management Committee - July 5 2018 - Part 1 of 2

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You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. Good. Morning with the members of the Planning & growth management, committee please report to committee room one for quorum. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. You. Good. Morning. Welcome. To meeting 31, of the planning and growth management, committee welcome, to members of the committee and to other members of the public in attendance, and to. The members, watching. Us. At. WWF. Or slash council. For. Those in the room with us the screen at the back of the room provides real-time updates, concerning, where we are, and. The. Items that are coming up next. Finding. A growth management committee gratefully, acknowledges, it is meeting on the traditional territory the Mississauga's, a new credit first nation the Hassan II the, Heron when dad and home to many diverse indigenous, people. We. Have. Lengthy. Agenda today because we have a lot of, deputations. On Midtown, and focus that, is scheduled. For, a little, bit later this morning. At. 11:30. But. At the start of the meeting well we have more of the staff here and people are here I just, did want to take, a minute to thank all the city staff and I'm talking, about our planning staff our. Building, staff our, clerk staff and, our, legal staff who we always have Brian and his crew around keeping an eye on us to make sure, we do things. In. A, proper manner just. To. Take a moment to thank everybody. This. Term of counsel for me has been quite unique I. Accepted. The responsibilities. To work with my great colleagues, over here on this, committee and charit and thought at the beginning as I've said in private to a few people great you, got ten meetings a year they drop some stuff on the agenda we go through it we approve it and we go on and little. Did I realize how. Much it involved, not just the Planning, Division at. The building division and our legal staff in trying to deal with so many applications, that have been appealed and the issues we, have in trying to deal with the development, in the city, and. I really, have to say I've had the opportunity to, chair, and be, part of many committees. And agencies, of the city. The years I've been in service here and you really, are I think one of the if not the greatest group that's there your, dedication, your, hard work your understanding. All of you in. Every division in every. Quarter. Of the city where. We've got the different districts, I think is just phenomenal, but the hard work that you all do and trying. To wrestle with the, tremendous. Tremendous.

Pressures, The city's under in the way of growth the. Tremendous public pressures that we have and. The way that i issue 'he's come through both our committee, and the, major issues and through. City council, from our, districts, is phenomenal, i think, that to. All of you and i'm, sure it's from all of my members, here because we speak all the time a real, heartfelt thanks, for all your dedication hard. Work and, wonderful. Wonderful. Ways that you attack, these great, problems that we have and make them seem so little to people when we and, and try and help so many times through it so, you've done an absolutely wonderful job but i just wanted to express that at the beginning of the meeting when you're here and in, particular to, my colleagues, here on the committee also. Thanks, to them because, it is a collective, group that works here I think from councillors making recommendations. To City. Council and I think you've all done a pretty. Darn good job over the last four years of dealing with that as well so thank, you very much all of you. We. Have an agenda to deal with here oh. The. First, item, on the agenda, which. Is scheduled for 9:45 which. I've hit, is, the technical, amendments, to the zoning, bylaw five six nine two zero one three and the, zoning bylaws of the former municipalities. I don't have any speakers, so, we can just deal with that if there's a motion on oh. I. Have to give you one minute, the. Clerk's clock is different than that okay. PG. Thirty-one, point two. Is. For ten o'clock. PG. 31.3. Is for 1015. PG. 31.4. Second. Units official, plan amendment, final recommendations. I do, not have any listed speakers. But. That's for 1030. PG. 31.5. Is for 1115. PG. 31.6. Is for 1115. PG. 31.7. Is. For 11:30. TG. 31.8. City Planning Division study, work program, update. We. Can deal with that one now. And. There. Are some motions, on it and. Some. Questions, so, the motions are from staff. So. Can you let, the committee know what the motions are and then we can ask questions. These. Are some staff recommend, emotions can you put them up on the screen. So. There are some amendments, to the work plan for the Heritage Conservation districts. So. Questions, of staff counselor. Perks oh. We. Have a motion Oh. Councillor. Fletcher questions of staff I. Just. Wanted to clarify yesterday. We had a. Good. Conversation and, motions at Toronto East York Community Council and I want to clarify through, the chief planner that. Indeed, our Complete, Streets. This. We can be looking at Complete Streets you have enough capacity for, that that. For. The Danforth that. The. Girard car law which is a smart track station, that, we'll be able to proceed that that's all in the work plan fairly. Large. Chunks. Of work that I know planning staff will be involved, in and in. The case of the. Gerard. Carlos. Smart track station, will, be leading. Through. The through, the chair yes the. Danforth phase. To work yes, listed, in attachment. Three as active as active, and so. Again. This was written probably. Finalized. Eight. Weeks ago so it's a moment. In time a moment, in time but as, we, proceed with the work program.

It. Will. Be advanced, in accordance with the direction from committee. And. Council. And. I am looking. Quickly to confirm that Dundas, the. Gerard Carla work, I. Don't. Know if staff can like for me if, it's, captured, in there or not but. In. General, the smart track station work is. Captured, in the major, transit, station area work program okay. Well I would consider that to be captured, over Dolph yeah, okay great thank you very much. Sorry. Before I go on with more questions the clerk has reminded me that I was supposed to check there, were any declarations, of interest. Seeing. None, confirmation. Of the minutes. Moved. By Councillor to Cheon Oh all. Those in favor opposed, and carry them so, now we can go on with questions. Councillor. Purse um. Thank, you I first. On this amendment, this, looks like we're dropping a number of heritage conservation studies. Just. Deleting them altogether through. The chair actually we're not, we. Inadvertently, placed. Those items. On both attachments, to an attachment, three, they. Haven't started, yet they're starting. 2019. And beyond where, attachment, 2 indicates, matters that, have been initiated, and, will be completed, so, we don't it's. Cleaning it up for clarity, and not to confuse anyone the. Same thing with attachment. Three those. Two items have actually, started, and they're reflected, on both attachments, so we. Duplicated. Them in error so we're just trying, to clean it up to be consistent, to reflect the work underway, okay. So thank you. In. Looking. Through the ones that are on hold there are a whole, whack, and big number of them that are heritage. Studies, that are on hold. Is. This just a capacity, issue or. Well. I'll start and maybe Muslim Bacchus can add. The. The. The. Experience, that we're having. Is. Is. That. They tend they, are tending to take longer than we had anticipated first. Of all so they're they're. Stretching out, we. Got, a number that, have been adopted and, are at the L Pat now three, major ones of, significance. So that's taking, staff. Resources, away because, they're. In mediations, with the Saint Lawrence HCD the, King. Spadina will be next and the Yonge Street HCD. And. The the experience, of starting. Them through the study process and, then into the plan process, so, all told it's. Perhaps. An overly, ambitious, work. Program, where. The, study work program is the, full inventory of what. We've got on the docket and we, are getting to. Them as quickly as we can with. Given. Given the the, amount of staff that we staff resources that we had to accommodate. The work I don't, know Kerry, if you want to add to that I think, the, chief planner correctly, reflected, some of the challenges, we've had and, and, I'll, just add one additional. Point, which. This committee is very familiar with, with. The, constant. Churn. That we experienced, with staff at times. We, have to fill positions and, then we, have gaps in our staff a, to. Get up and running on some of our studies. I. Looking. Through this I see that we have some challenges coming, because of, proposed. Or, changes. At the province, and who knows what's gonna happen with that but with. The new major transit, study like. New. Rules around made transit, nodes the. New. Affordable. Housing requirements and. The. New. Standard, for what. We have to do to be appeal proof under the L Pat I mean, that's. Some those just, those three do. We have to go and redo, a whole lot of studies, that we've already done it I.

Didn't. Hear the last point sorry. So. I'm thinking for example I, have an Avenue study. That. Is near a major transit, network and but. It's eight years old so do we have to go and redo all that work. So. We we have an through, the chair sorry we, have a number of challenges first our. First challenge is with, the new growth plan coming into effect in June of 2017. It, requires, any matters. Coming forward to conform with it it's, a little bit of a challenge of having a new, plan coming forward and expecting, everything to conform. Simultaneously. So, as we, go forward with our applications. And with our studies we look to see how. We can best conform, on an individual, or area, basis, with, the new growth plan part. Of the 2019. Work program though will be to initiate and. A report will be coming forward to committee as to. What, is going to be required, and entailed, in terms of the new five-year. Review and. Says work. With respect, to inclusionary. Zoning so, it is going to be an ambitious, work program, where we're going to have to be directing. A number of our resources, to, completing, those in a quick, and timely fashion. Well. I guess, I'm I have to be very specific so there's, a property in my ward we. Didn't have a new study Bloor Dundas, based. On the Avenue study a development, application, at bluer and Dundas was turned down at the OMB, now. That the new growth plan changes. The rules. There's. A new owner of the site and they. Came, and saw me and what they want to apply for even more than what the OMB turned down they say thanks to the new rules they'll be able to get it so my, question I guess is more. Like. We. Have I don't know a hundred Avenue, studies that were done are. They. All sort of up in the air until we can nail down to, do new, growth plan requirements, or are a large portion of them up in the air, through. The chair I would say that the matters. That are in effect are in effect as we, go forward on all applications and, you would have noted on the. Community. Council agendas, where we were being. Far, more explicit. With respect, to how a matter conforms, or, doesn't conform with the growth plan because. We haven't done our conformity. Exercise, yet. Doesn't. Mean a matter doesn't, conform with the growth plan so, each application, will have to address the growth plan, requirements. I would. Just supplement, that in, the. Evaluation. And it's 100 I think there's a roughly. 160. Major. Transit. Station, areas to assess so we will go through that due, diligence and look. At the, the. Way the growth plan. Requires. Density. Minimums, for example, and other areas of conformity. And. There'll be a sifting. Process where. Some. Work that has been done so for, example Midtown and focus teok or, various. Reviews, of avenues, we. May already be just. Fine. The minimum density requirements. Of the growth plan and. In other areas we may find that we are, we.

Have To reassess, the, planning permission, in that area so. It's a sifting exercise, we've, begun that exercise, in order to ultimately, be. Able to bring forward recommendations. For conformity, with the growth plan overall, and we. Have begun that assessment and we'll be proceeding, with that work in 2019, I'll. Come back to you if you want counter. To channel you had some questions yeah. Thank you and it's just for, clarification on. I guess your motion be, in. The work plan. The. Junction. HCD, is in there twice as we've heard. On. One side on attachment, 2. It's. It's, in there but an attachment 3 it says hold so we're taking your motion, takes it out of attachment. 3 is that correct. Through. The chair that's correct okay. So. Is. When does that. Heritage. Study, begin. My. Understanding, is heritage will be reporting, out on the matter in, 2019. Q4. When. You say reporting, out on the matter that means bringing us a final, report, yes. In. 2019. That's, correct okay thank. You. I. Have, just a brief question, for confirmation, the Sheppard, Avenue, East, study, wasn't. Listed in here see, the through, the chair of the date of the report. Reflects. In, fact, data collection, that took place some, weeks before that so it would not have captured, the, final. Perhaps. The final one or two meetings, of community council in this committee so if there have been, more. Recent. Motions. To add to the work program, that, will be that, is being tracked by staff and will be added in in in the next report that we make on the work oh I, know, that mr. nanos is here, well, is it one that will be started. In 2019. Yes. Thank. You that's so you're referring to Shepherd shepherd shepherd yes. Counselor. Perks you had more questions. Yeah. So. All. The work that we're gonna have to do the. Sifting, exercise, you described. None. Of that's caught none of that's chargeable. To development. Fees that's all. Just. Tax, based stuff right yes. So there's, a we're, gonna have a very large new workload. It. Would seem to me on the, tax based side and. I'm. I. Guess. I'm just gonna be, watching, when. We should. I be lucky enough to be here next year about. Whether we're allocating enough, resources, to handle this, very. Childlike what I see just from my. Ward very challenging, and substantial, new, piece of work when, we're already struggling, just to keep up, so. Through, the chair my only comment on that would be that's. Good that you'll be watching. The. The. The. The. Work program shifts, overtime on a five or ten year cycle so for. Example the city has been through a, municipal. Comprehensive, review and there. Have been, strategic. Initiatives staff allocated. To getting that done we're. Still at the L pad on various matters but it's coming to. A conclusion over the next year or so and some. Of that stuff can be, utilized. To, shift. On to the next work. Program, items around MT. Essays which, is a comprehensive, piece, of policy, work, it. May, be however. That. We have, to for, example have. Or. Consider and ask for Zoning. Staff. Because. Ultimately. The. Growth plan calls for implementing. Zoning and we. Don't always take, our study, work to its fullest extent, which, is an implementing, zoning bylaw. My, preference would be and, we. Have done this in the past on Sinclair. In. King Parliament, in King Spadina and various other avenues, where we actually implement. The full package the. Opie the guidelines, and the zoning so. That we have a full, up-to-date. Conforming.

Understanding. Of what the of. What the, development. Parameters should be which brings certainty to the marketplace and. Puts, council in a much better position, to conform, under. The new rules of the bill 139, and. I think at the end of the day allows. Council to make decisions. Responsible. Decisions. Accountable. Decisions. But. Decisions that. Won't be appealed so. It ultimately, you. Know I think this if. We invest in this type of work. Program approach, well. Well. You. Know, be. A much better way to go about planning the city. Thank. You there any of the questions of staff. Not. Seeing any I am. Going to make a suggestion, to my colleagues, I, would. Like, to hold this down and. To. Send, it forward with a motion, that will support. What. We've seen here as a committee, over the last four years it. Was actually because of this committee that we have these reports coming, here it didn't, come before to committee or council what the work plan was and, it, was something that we asked for we now have. Even. Based on the questions, at our Hill here between bill 139. Which is substantial, changes, between, the development review initiative, that we're undergoing. The. New government, being at the province, which we don't know how, it's gonna, take, twists or turns as. Go, forward, the l-pad that's here I, think. And and there's. An issue with staffing and I know councillor, perks always. Brings. That up but. When we deal with that with a finance, department they also talk to us about the number of vacancies, that are in place because a difficulty. That. There and filling the vacancies, so I, think it's important, that, when. The new year comes and at the end of the first quarter there be a review, as to the. Staffing levels, to be sure that they're in place to manage the work that's being required, of the division, and if. There's anything else that has to be added to the budget process it'd be considered, now as part of the budget process and. We. Also have to find, a way to, encourage. Our. Resources. Through. Human resources, to. Advance the, job that's really needed to replace the staff as if we, put a position, out or open up a new position and. Someone internally applies we. Haven't added anybody we've simply moved somebody up the ladder and we continue, to have the vacancies, that. We have seen, reoccurring. And I think, Greg, the, last time that we talked with finance they had talked about twenty-four, vacant, positions, and planners, alone I know there's substantial now, still and it's, nothing, to do with the planning department it's. Just the way the process takes and I think we have to find a way to fix. That process, and get the staff in place that, we're budgeting for and make sure they're budgeting right so when. Mr. Jeronimo, gets down here I can't know he was stuck in a meeting I'm gonna discuss it with him and I will draft a motion for you, all to consider at, that time to support this and put, it forward if there's no other speakers. Or. Questions, we can deal with it then but my motion will be just to hold, this down and, then. We'll deal with it a little bit later. Okay. Getting. To one item that we haven't finished. We. Have come are, enough alone to deal with the 945, item which. Is PG. 31.1. Technical. Amendment to the zoning bylaw, five six nine two and three in the general zoning bylaws of the former municipalities. There. Are no speakers on that is. There a mover of that. The. Campbell. I'm. Glad that you have the time to read that. Item. Number one PG, 31.1. Technical. Amendments the zoning bylaw five six nine two and three moved by Councillor Campbell all, those in favor. Any. Opposed. That is carried. Now. Item PG. 31.2. 721. Eastern, Avenue I know, our, colleague. Is here in regards to that. There. Are some supplementary, materials, that are here in front of us. Councillor. Fletcher is this the one that you wanted to bring a motion to us as well yes. So mr. chair there's motions, that are being prepared, now and I do a chance. To be public. Hearing are there any speakers, that wish to speak to this. Well. Hear them now we'll have your motion and then well-well, hold it down for your motion thank you thank you mr., chair and members of committee good morning I'm Jane for piano and I'm the lawyer.

For, GM. General Motors of Canada the, applicant, here we. Support. Virtually. All of the staff report as, the counselor has noted there's some last-minute tweaks we've been working very closely with her and with, your planning staff I simply. Wish to say on behalf of Jam that. We join, what. We what you started the meeting with in. Offering, and extending, huge thanks, to the councillor in tears. There, have been many many months of very close work on this issue and. On this development, it, promises. The ability, to spark, and catalyze. Economic. Employment. Development for, the East End of south of of, Eastern to, bookend the Unilever development, and we. Just wanted to say thank you and we're. Looking forward to seeing the draft, resolutions. In the final tweaks and a supplementary, report thank you. Thank, you miss Peppino. Wonderful. To have you here saying nice. Boarding of completely. Watch. That tape. Are, there any other public speakers, I don't, see any we'll, bring it in -. Ma'am. Non members, of committee, do. You just want to ask. Us to hold it down for you. Want to speak because, there are a number of motions still coming that are pretty significant. And the whole section 37, so, when that's already and I've gone, over it carefully then and be able to make that motion later today so with the committee's permission, we'll move to hold this down and, we'll come back to it when our colleague has the motions prepared and circulation, to us yes, then we'll deal with it although so much cheaper OHS, that's carried, so we're holding that down. Okay. So. Item. Number nine how does the city grow our, update, and we. Have a presentation, I think we can have for that. So. We have the time and there's a presentation. I think available, who's going to give it to us. Good. Sure that would be Michael right from, our. Strategic. Initiatives unit. And the presentations. Being handed. Out currently, but. All. Right and just before Michael you begin. Item. Number. 10. Official. Planner review further proposed, transportation. Policy direction, for consultations. There. Are no speakers and we can deal with that if that's okay with the committee. See. Remover of the item. Item. Number 10:30 1.10, we can deal with it. We. Gonna clear. Off the other ones that there's no one that wants to deal with them well. Michael's getting set out. You. Have questions then. I'll hold it down. Item. Number 11, Opa indicators. If. You wish to hold it it's fine if you don't then we'll just deal with it. To. Adopt this at the motion. There. Is a motion to adopt the recommendations. There's no questions, of my colleagues. All. Those in favor, any. Opposed that's carried, and PG. 31.1. Two secondary, suites as well there's no speakers, are. There any members of committee that wish to hold it if not we. Can deal with that one as well moved, by, Councillor. Dixiano, staff. Recommendations. All those in favor any. Opposed, that's carried. So. Now we are back to Michael. You ready for us yes. We're. Dealing with nine right now. Gopher. Eric. Remembers the committee ladies and gentlemen good morning I'm, Michael Wright the manager of research and information in, the City Planning Division my. Colleague, Kate. Hill Montague and I are going to summarize the remarkable trends and development activity in the city over, the past five years we're. Gonna start by looking backwards. Over the past twenty. According. To CMHC, there's been a steady upward trend, in housing starts and completions, over the past 20 years up, to that remarkable, peak of almost 31,000, units in 2015. Settling. Back down to about 14,000. Units in 2017. Which, is just about the average rate of units built within the city over the past 15, years this, represents, a particularly strong, housing, market. Since. The 1990s. The housing completions, in the city have stepped up words by, an additional, 15,000.

Units On average, in, every five year period up to the last five years now, totaling, over 85,000. Units built, the. Bulk of the city's supply is in the form of mid rise and high-rise apartment, units and consequently. An increasing, proportion of the development activity is, happening within the city as compared, to the GTA now. Over, one third of the units built. Based. On the magnitude, at the development, pipeline that, that growth is likely to continue. Over. The last five years there have been 2400, projects, going on within the city and taken. Together they proposed a total, of three hundred and seventy-six thousand, four hundred and eighty residential, units. If. All of that potential were realized and occupied, at the average, occupancy rate of mid rise and high-rise apartments, in, per the 2016, census, it would add over seven hundred and fifty thousand people to, the city's population it, would be the equivalent of adding the City of Mississauga to. The city's population plus. Another thirty thousand people, the. Pipeline also contains, non-residential, projects, that are proposing, for the first time over 10 million square meters of non-residential, space if, realized, that would be the equivalent of adding about 50 first Canadian places, to the total non-residential, space, within the city, those. Development, projects, are at various, points, and stages within the city's, development approvals, processes, on, the residential, side there's about one hundred and forty six thousand, units and, development. Proposals, which have been received and are still under review there's. Another one hundred and forty four thousand. Units in projects, there. Are various, stages of approval, both planning, and buildings and, there's another roughly, eighty four thousand, four hundred units, that are ready for occupancy, or that were completed, within, that five-year period from 2013. To 2017, the. Pipeline provides a five-year, moving window a snapshot, of the flow of development, activity, through the city's approvals, processes, and construction. The. City and stakeholders, continue, to do their part in, order to advance development, proposals, through the city's. Approvals, processes, in that, the number of units. Within planning. Projects, that have received at least their first planning approval, and are continuing, through the approvals, has outpaced, the number of housing units started in each of the last five years.

The. Impact of all of this potential housing is significant, if, we, take the number of dwelling. Units that were on the ground per census day and the. Number of units that were built in roughly the 18-month, period between mid year 2016, and year end 2017. Together that. Represents, just over 1.2, million dwelling, units within, the city. The. Pipeline contains, another roughly, one hundred ninety, thousand, units of housing potential. If all of those units realized, it, would increase the city's total housing stock by almost one quarter. We. Can use this information or to assess the city's progress with respect to the growth plan forecast. According. To the past household, forecasts supporting, the provincial, growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe it anticipated. That the city would need to accommodate some three hundred and ninety-nine thousand, households in, the city over the forty year period to 2040, one according. To CMHC, over, half of those units have already been built, in. The development pipeline there's, another one hundred and forty four thousand, units or about 36%, of, the required units, which have their first planning approval, and are still moving through the approvals, process, taken. Together this, is about three hundred and seventy thousand, units or ninety three percent of the units required to accommodate the forecasted, growth that are already in hand in the, first 16, years of the forty year forecast period, it, will take some time for that housing to be realized but it's a significant, component in, addition, there's another one hundred and forty six thousand units and applications. That are still in the review not, all development, proposals, are approved and not, all approved projects, are built but this is a strong, indication that the, city has on the order of one hundred and twenty nine percent, of, the total supply, required, to accommodate that forecasted, growth if. We take into account an. Estimated, demolition, rate to realize this new housing, we would still have a surplus, of about sixteen percent above. The required units so Toronto, was well on its way to housing, the population, growth forecasted, by the growth plan. Next. We turn our attention to citywide, development, activities. Looking. At residential development, in the city over, eighty six thousand units across the city have already been built in the five-year period there's. An additional one hundred and forty four thousand units in active projects, and these are projects which have had their initial planning approval but are still moving through the approvals process and are not yet built and. Further. 146,000. Residential, it's under review and these are projects for which there's not they have not yet been approved or refused or under appeal, altogether. This accounts for 1,500. Residential, projects, proposing, over 36,000. Residential, units in about, 3.5. Million square meters of residential. Gross boiler area the. Projects are concentrated, in the downtown in central waterfront, area within, the center's and along the avenues with particular concentrations. Along the Eglinton and Sheppard corridors for transit has been built. For. The first time since amalgamation, and our tracking of development, in the city over. Ten million square meters of non-residential. Gfa is proposed in the development pipeline. Non-residential. Projects, are those that contain industrial, office retail or institutional, gfa there's. 2.6 Square million, square meters of non-residential, space built over the five-year period with. An additional 3.6, million square meters of non-residential, space that has received an initial planning, approval but is still moving through the approvals process.

And. That. Has not yet been built, there's. An additional 4.1, million square meters of non-residential. Gfa, still under review 40%, of which are located, in the designated employment, lands demonstrating. A market demand and need to preserve the city's employment, lands for business and future job growth. Altogether. This accounts for 1,400, non-residential, projects, accounting, for over 10 million square meters of non-residential, GFA 30, percent of which are located in the employment areas. Next. We turn our attention to the Official Plan geography. The. Development, pipeline provides, an important metric for assessing, the success, of the Official Plan policies, the. Development, pipeline indicates, that a large majority of, the proposed development in, the pipeline is in areas targeted for growth by the official plan over. 83% of, the residential units in the pipeline are proposed in growth areas with, concentrations, in the downtown the center's along the avenues and within mixed use areas throughout the city, 87%. Of the non-residential, gross. Floor area in, the development pipeline is located in growth management, areas 28%. Of which are, women areas. Downtown. Is changing rapidly the. Downtown and central waterfront area contain the largest proportion of development, in the city and account for 37 percent of the residential units and over 40% of the non-residential, GFA the. Area between Queen Street and the waterfront hasn't attracted, increasingly, large residential. Development. The. Secondary plan areas are part of the city's growth management, framework, and they manage growth within a local context. 36%, of the projects, in the development pipeline are covered by, a secondary plan area and this, map shows that 869. Development, projects are located in a secondary plan area this, represents, 64%. Of the residential units and over half of the non-residential, gross, floor area in. The city the. Most recent addition to the city's secondary, plan areas is the downtown plan and this, secondary plan area was adopted, by council in May of this year and is unique as a local and national economic hub is the largest secondary, plan area in the city and it contains 440. Development, projects within its borders. Finally. The employment areas continue to provide an attractive location, for employment related, development. Projects the current pipeline contains, over 850. Thousand meters square of industrial, gross floor area over. 80% of which are located in the employment areas with, a notable, concentration, in the core employment areas this. Strong development activity, is matched by employment, growth over the last five years our Toronto, Employment Survey shows that there's been an increase in employment in both the core in general employment areas adding, over 32,000. Jobs in, the last five years in general. The official plan is working growth, is occurring in accordance with council policy, there's. A great deal of development activity, happening within the city both residential, and non-residential, the, pattern tends to reflect the city's urban structure, the, concentrations. Within the city emphasize the importance, of continuing to promote employment and, mixed-use, development, across the city as well, as the corresponding infrastructure. In order to implement it thank, you for your time and attention. Questions. Councillor. Fillion the. There's. A statement on page. 14. Of this document. That says non-residential. Development, activity. The Centers is strongest, in North York Center, and I was just. Baffled. By that because. We, haven't had an office building, built. In North York Center, in. Many. Years, we've had a gazillion, condos. And, we've been trying.

To Get commercial, development, and not getting, it. The. Development. Pipeline sorry, through the chair the, development. Pipeline summarizes. The flow through of development, projects of various stages in the approvals, process so, the project might not have been completed, but, in table three of the Bolton on page four there's, a summary, of the non-residential, projects, at North York Center. Contains. 40%, of. The total proposed, non-residential. Space so it might not have happened recently. But. It's over a period of time that the activity, would be realized I don't. Know what you mean do you mean approved, but not built yet as. Represents. 40. Like. I could only think of one project. Which the. Person. Who has the approval, is. Inclined. Not to build other. Than that I can't think of anything, these. Through, the chair these represent, the projects, that were in the pipeline over, the five years between, 2013. And 2017, at, various stages of approval, so, there is non-residential, gfa that was built in those five years other. Projects, that are still going through the approvals, process and, those. Which are still under review the total is a hundred, and ten thousand, square meters. Right. And, I. You. Know I guess I'll take this offline I just think that's incorrect. I don't, know but what. You could possibly be counting. Through. The chair we can provide you with a list of the projects, at that would be okay and this this will be going to council correct. Then, I'd like. To I. Kind. Of questioned, some of this data and I guess, I would like to hold. It down till I get that, information. Does I can't imagine what it could, be so. I'm. Fine. With you getting data today but can, you clarify exactly. What you're asking the, staff anybody, it paints, a picture here, is if North. York. Center. Is the booming, area for, non residential, development. And that would. Be. Very. Good news to, the, local councillor, we're that true, if. So, I. Would love to be shown that it's true I highly. Skeptical. You're. Asking them to bring forward where they got the data from yes, yes. Because. It's this, is a report, on data that you've been provided, am i correct, the. Chair it's information, that we have collected, through monitoring, the development approvals process so. That we keep track of all the applications. Of, port sites, across the city and we gather them together into, projects.

That Represent a single site so, we're keeping track of all that information so, will you be able to get that information for my colleague to see if we stand this down so, he can understand where you got it from where attention. I'm. Trying to understand how to satisfy the console, and be if, it was just information. That didn't. Matter. To anything. I guess I'd say okay let's talk about it later but. This. Kind of information, does matter, to things, like Ontario. Municipal Board hearings that are upcoming. On. You. Know sites, where we're proposing offices. And other, people, and. The applicants, are not. So. Suggestions. I, might suggest through, the chair that we. Do. That line by line review. And. We. If we find an error we can post an addendum, after consulting with you we, can post, an addendum, this is an online document. It's, an information document, that, as you know will be in the public domain and we want it to be correct so, we. Will look again at those projects. And if we determine that there is wrong. Information, we'll correct it and post a correction. I'm. Not. Aware I'm. Not aware of without. Looking at it we. Can't sir why, don't you just draft, I don't mind a motion that asked, for that was clicks down for staff to review that and with, and consult, with a local councillor, in the area and post. Any. Modifications. To the plan as, necessary, I think. We can try and write a motion like that for you that'll deal with it okay. My, second. Question I. Guess. Every I'll take, extra time because I interrupted, your yeah second, question to the chief planner that. We. I, think it's unless. You disagree with the statement the premise, is that we have. Kind. Of extreme, over development in some, areas. And. I'm. Sure there are others and. Fairly. Extreme, under. Development, in, some. Other, areas, like avenues. Where we would like to see development if, that statement. Is correct, what. Can we do about that I. Mean I would agree with you that that statement is generally correct it actually in the indicators, report we, identify, how, we're doing these VD growth plan minimum, targets, so, in North York, in.

Yonge. And Eglinton End, at, downtown, work downtown were close to meeting, them Yonge and Eglinton and North were exceeding, and Etobicoke, and Scarborough were, below. Avenues. Some. Area avenues, are. We're. Seeing more development, others I. Think. You. Know zoning, and Official Plan policy, is not a panacea for. Distributing. That growth we have a structure plan and you can see through the data eighty, more, than eighty percent of the growth is happening where the where we intended to happen so. Overall that's a good thing it's. The, plan is structured to, to. Unite, our, land use strategy, and our transportation strategy, both existing, and proposed. Transportation. So fundamentally. We're growing in the right way but, we are growing unevenly, and, we. We look to other devices to encourage, and stimulate the, growth in those areas I would put, a lot of emphasis on, the transportation, network building. Enhancing. The bus LRT, subway. Smart. Track all of that that was sweet of Transportation, changes is essential, to bringing, growth. And opportunity, to other areas of the city that aren't experiencing. That growth and change so a good example that is right in Weston where we have new, new. Development. Happening that hasn't happened in the past. Related. To new. Transportation, infrastructure. The. Other thing is you know is. Incentives, and. Making. You know finding. A finding, a way to, through. Through development but also through, other financial. Incentives to bring. Development to areas, like Etobicoke, or, North. York or Scarborough, where. Through. The through, the I met Grant and through other. Efforts. That we can make to to, nudge the marketplace, and to create confidence in those locations I think, fundamentally we're, trying to we're trying to develop. Mixed, use areas where people can work. And live an. Experience life in that, area and don't have to move around but, we need to create more of those kinds. Of locations, around the city. But. I would agree with your overall comment, that it's a it's a challenge it's a fundamental, challenge really that you're articulating, about. How, how. Uneven. Their. Growth is with which, with such. A hot market really in some areas of the city and a, flat market in in other areas of the city have another question, related to that would you like me to ask endow or come back, let's. Come. Back we'll go around with these other questions. So. Can, i I do can you help me with the. Population. You had, with. A number of units in 2000. The. Number of units now, the. Number of units. And. Our. Population. With. What's on the books because, I found that a little bit scary. Chair. Is this the slide that you were thinking of anyone. I was looking at it and trying to figure out where we were where we are and where we're going to. In. Response to your question, the. Large. Blue bar represents. The total number of dwelling units reported, by the 2016.

Census, So. These were the total, number of dwelling units in the city on the ground on census, day which is roughly, in May of 2016. So. That's 1.2. Million units. Just under 1.2, million where were we in. 2000. There. Abouts. What. Number that you have can give me a historical. Reference, because. You're telling me that we're with what's in the pipeline you're. Gonna add another. Over. 300,000. Units. In. Response to your question, I would, need to review, the census, data for the nearest, census, would be 2000, what do none of your charts go back and show how, much we've grown it not not. In terms of dwelling. Units total dwelling, units on the ground no the, number of dwelling units as reported, by the census, in each census, year has reflects. The total development activity, and occupancy of those units and the. Numbers have been on the order in 2001. On the order of 979. Thousand, I can't hear you the, number of dwelling units on the ground in. In. The census years as I recall in. 2001. Would be on the order of 979, thousand, you but I have to confirm, that figure by checking the census numbers okay. So that's close, enough so then this. Is then. Dealing with the concern you were, under a million. Fifteen, years ago just under and. Your. 1.1, we've got about two hundred thousand units in the last fifteen, years, you're. Showing me now in the pipeline is how many units. About. A hundred, and ninety thousand, units in total including, those, which are in, the approvals, process and those which are still under review. You've. Got numbers here 143, 140, the, 140. 3858. Represents. Units, and projects, which, are still in the planning approvals, process they have for their initial planning approval but, are still continuing through other approvals as well as building. Permit application, stages and the. Units. The last column, the 146. Thousand units are in, projects, that are still under review which may not be approved in the 23,000, and the, 23,000. Represents, CMHC's. Housing, completions, for the 18 months between. Roughly, mid year 2016. And year end 2017. So, in order to get an equivalent total. Relative. To the the pipeline endpoint we've, added, together the units reported, by the census, total dwelling units and added on the sea meets he's completions, since that time Oh. Roughly. Speaking from. 2001. To 2016. 200,000. New units in the city I would. Have to confirm, that 9001, figure in the, pipeline that. We already have is over 3. Some. Of those units were, built within the pipeline period, and thus they're included, larger. And, since the 2016. Census, the. Last two years what's in the pipeline or what's been built is three hundred and thirteen thousand, units. You. Ever take a few. Close. Well. You got 143, 146. And 23 so. I'm adding them together to say what was built since 2016. What's, been approved in that built in what's in the pipeline, that. First, figure the hundred and forty three thousand is, already. In sorry the eighty-six, thousand, four hundred units. That, weren't are the unit's built those, were built within the pipeline period, so we can't add those in that would be double counting the units that were on the ground the, 1.2, million total. Drawing units on the ground as of year in 2017. So, that's why we've only added in these two two. Remaining components, of the pipeline which. Are the units which are proposed, and still under the view and the, unit's still going through the approvals, process so. The intent here is to avoid any double count okay. Thank you. Counts. And filling you had more questions. Yes. Just. You. Know related to. Over. Development in certain. Areas, so and we've. Talked about lack, of transportation. Infrastructure, which, is seems. To be our big concern, but. There's. Also to pick one that we have no control over. School. Infrastructure. You, know child care infrastructure, parts infrastructure. Community. Center infrastructure. And. At. What, point, if. At, all under. The new planning, regime. Which. Gives. Us a little bit more. Say. Can. We say you know what this I, know. The official plan might allow more development, here but it's just proceeding. Too. Quickly and, the. Community. There's, there's just isn't. The social, or. Physical, infrastructure.

To, Absorb, any, more, people, until that catches, up and what point. Can we say we're just putting a hold on everything. Through. The chair so how, much is too much I think is the question and, certainly. It's. Relevant. When you consider how the committee has, been. Looking. At over, the last four, years, various. Planning frameworks and other planning frameworks coming through community council and, the idea with that is to. With, the underpinning, of the growth plan is to calibrate a. Growth, projection. With with, hard and soft infrastructure, needs. Assessment, if you will, so. That we can better align, what. We feel we need to maintain, livability. And sustainability. Overall. And. And. Make a closer connection between, the pace of growth and, the provision, of infrastructure, I think, over the years. The. Growth may have used up. Excess. Infrastructure. Certainly, piped infrastructure. And we've crossed a line where we're now hearing. More and more about Toronto water issues for example than, we ever did in the past but. We, have to be in the new regime, I think we have to be more rigorous, and dutiful about. Developing. Policy, that. You. Know monitors, and watches that growth application. By application, and. Support. It with infrastructure, strategies, which we have in front of you for the various planning frameworks, so. That we know how many community centers we know you know in a rough global. Kind of way we know how many community centers. Even. Even, if they're for things that we don't control, we. We, we go after the agencies, that may control them the outside agencies, for example the school board to make sure that they're aware of, the growth projection, and they can, plan well. In advance for. Those schools and that's. The that's the overall gambit, is to make sure that we're doing a better job of, aligning growth in. Infrastructure. Planning, my question, was really about where. We have areas. Where we've, clearly. Passed the tipping point there's just already. Too. Much for, the. Services. To absorb. Is. There. A point at which. We. Can, say we're, putting a freeze on because, some. Of these things to, build, school. Capacity. To, build childcare, capacity. It. Takes, years. So. At, what point can we say. Were. Yes. We will approve your development, if it conforms, to the Official Plan but we're putting a hold on it because the area could, not absorb any Lord does the new, does. The new planning, regime give us the ability to, do that no not in the sense of a global, freeze but we we've, always had the ability to use the holding provisions of the planning act we. We. Have, used, those provisions. In the waterfront, for example, where we don't have the infrastructure. There. In place in Regent Park as Regent Park goes through various phases the. Holes get released as we, get the infrastructure, answers, resolved. The. Approach has, been used even in Yonge and Eglinton so. I, think we're going to increasingly, see that as a tool so. That we moderate. The pace of growth and. To. Your point make. Sure that we've done the. Infrastructure, planning, which, does can, take years. More. In advance with, the agencies, that are responsible for that info so, I have one council, meeting left how do I ensure that this happens in North York North. York Center yes well. I think the, the. Baseline. Condition. For North York Center and, you you, know you've experienced, it I, respect. The fact that you've experienced, it for a number of years and councillor, shiner so. You. May. Well know better than I about what those pressures, are but, I would I would say that we need a good baseline. Assessment, of where we are with the growth and where we are with the provision of infrastructure, from a data point of view so it's defensible if. We chose to start using holds, and then, we undertake, a review of the plan so. That we are in a better position, going, forward to. Approve.

Or Not approve development. I have, a much clearer idea of what new, infrastructure, gets needs. To get developed, to, support the next tranche of growth that one. Could forecast for the soft sites that are up in North York Center eventually, it will be built out but I would imagine there are a number of sites that. Are that, are still in. The offing. Okay. I won't ask any more about that now but I would like to discuss. It further in. The next week or so or enough. So. We, don't have any open counsel a camel questions so I'd like to just follow up in that so. Um. What criteria I know it has to do with infrastructure, how. Many how, many elements, of criteria have to be in place for, a whole to be issued. Generally. Speaking your, the, whole provisions, relate, to. Through. The Planning Act in our official plan can. Relate to a number of matters. Generally. Speaking hard, and soft infrastructure, or other matters, that that. Support. Are necessary, to support the development so, you can establish the principle, of development, through the zoning bylaw amendment and then you you put an H on it and until and if, those, matters are are. In place in councils satisfied. You. You, cannot utilize that. Zoning permit and if a hold is put in place what. Sorry. It's usually done on a on a master. Plan area basis, or a or, a site-specific, basis. So if a hold is put in place what recourse, then does a developer have, to overturn it today do they go through the courts do they go to through, you know they BL patter how how. Can how would they fight at a whole well I don't, know that I mean our experience, has been that we would adopt a zoning bylaw amendment, for example in Regent Park the. Area that, hasn't been developed has, a zoning, bylaw amendment, with permission, but, an H attached. To it and, then as we come to that next phase we. Ask the developer, to provide us with an update on the provision of infrastructure, and. If. We can give advice to counsel that all of that infrastructure, is in place or, what's going to be provided, in a reasonable way then. We give advice to counsel to release, the hold so the the applicant, can debate. That but it, it, comes down to what. Metrics and data points you've got and in what grounds, they've got to. To, object to the, use of that that, device it can, get quite specific. Which I think is beneficial for, both sides because you know what you're dealing with so, the, TTC is infrastructure. Could. Councillor Fillion argue that there should be no more development, in the North York Center because people can't go on the subway well I think that's that's, certainly one area that we we haven't broached with, the use of polls.

And That's a much I think a much bigger, decision, because as councillor Fillion noted it's a longer term need. We've, got strategy. Strategies. That. Are ongoing and, evolutionary, with building, up, ridership, capacity. In these areas. But. We. Have yet to to, reach a point where we we've. You. Know as a council, or a staff, we've. We. Have yet to reach a point where we're willing quite, honestly to stand up and say no more development, because of you can't because you can't get on the TDC so I'm just gonna change. Approaches. Another. Topic, the the province brought in attacks on foreign ownership foreign. Ownership purchases. Of, real. Estate, do. We keep track of. Foreign. Ownership of all of these units that have been developed that have been developed and purchased in the last like, do we have a means by which we keep track of for inertia I. Lanning. Does not I. Don't. Believe that anybody. Maintains. That information. There. Is some private sector work that's being done in trying to track foreign ownership it's, not fully comprehensive, but. We could get you that if you I don't know I don't need it I just wanted to know cuz I was wondering if we'd if we can we we, don't do that basically, we don't we don't we don't know how many of these are units. Are bought on speculation, or how many are being bought and, purchased by you know end-users, we don't have that kind of information okay. That's just my question thank you. There. Any other questions, of staff. So. Then are there speakers on the item up. My. Apologies, that's. So. I. Find. This stuff useful but what I there's, a piece of it I don't see, which. Is. How. Much how, many units do we have. Our. Affordable. Using, the different metrics that we use. Right. Because there's the the 30 percent and the 50. Percent do we, does, that get reported somewhere, else or I. Believe. We, I, mean the the the. Essence. Of this report is admittedly, high-level it doesn't go down to the next level of different. Data points but a completely. Legitimate question. And I'm looking. At the staff I mean, we we. Report, through. Overall. On on. The housing or the Affordable Housing Committee on production but. You're, looking for a more global picture of yes, we are on the affordable how tell. You how many units that we approved through an affordable, housing project that, number I know you, want what I don't know is what the supply. Public. Private, the, whole market, supply of affordable, housing. He. Wouldn't know to, the inclusionary. Zoning. Powers. And bringing, forward an official see I don't think that's gonna help with no no no no but I'm gonna say in. Order to do that the regulations, require, a housing needs assessment, so. We are, embarking. On that and Carey can explain how that process will probably reveal, the, snapshot, the entity through, the chair just answered the first question what we do keep track of is how many rental, replacements. When. We have demolitions. That, we keep track, off but, we don't keep track of the additional, information you're, asking, I think on a go-forward basis. Certainly it's. A priority to, the city the entire spectrum, of housing. And we've been working with other divisions, to, have a say. More fulsome and representative. Picture so that as we report out to Council you have a better understanding of, the. Size of units the breakdown, in terms of affordable, ownership, a, rental, but, we don't have such a report to date. Yeah. Okay, so but we're going to need to prepare. That to be eligible for the eyes that if it actually happens, with respect to the eyes it there is a tremendous, amount of background in supporting, documentation, that's. Required and, that's what we're currently pulling. Together to, determine. What do we what do we have internally, what can we obtain from our, colleagues. And what do we need to hire, consultant, to, gather information for, us thank you. So. Following. Up on that I. Guess. To. You great if, we asked. And decided to send this to Council. To. Try and bring the matters to greater attention of council and asked for the, number.

Of Units constructed. Over. The. Last 10, years if. We. Looked for them the number of those that were rental, or ownership. And. If we then look to see the number of units that are still approved, not constructed. Under construction, under review and, then we asked to. Give us into those breakdowns the number of affordable, housing units on a yearly basis. No. But I'd like to see the number of portal housing that we've approved any yearly basis the, number of affordable housing units that, are. In the applications. That are here. And. If I wrote that up properly is. That information that you have and you could provide to us. See. A slight. Look of concern. If. Not, that what, I'm trying to do is to get a snapshot, over. A, 10-year, period of what's. Been built and. Of. That, how much rental. And how. Much. Ownership. And how much affordable, because. That's the picture that keeps running around so I was just choosing. Some categories. Here if not, that is there. Information that, you could provide similar, to that that is data that we currently have, without. Having to create new data so. In through, the chair. We. Can get. The number of units constructed. Because we would work with our colleagues. And built Toronto buildings to obtain that information that. Breakdown. Of. Affordable. And. Rental. Will, be the challenge because. We, don't maintain stats. On, market. Rental. So. The. Number of units constructed. You could deal. With. Act. And then the number of units that are in the approve, not built under. Approval, or. Applications. Are in under review you can provide, correct, and then the number of affordable housing units. Is. Available, from the affordable, housing office, is it not. We. Can obtain. The information that, our colleagues. In the affordable, housing, office. Has. Like. If if I move to simple motion, that said, to. Ask you to, send this to counsel ask that you give. Us a snapshot of. The. Number of the units. That have been constructed or, are. To be constructed. It's. Simple in the city, and. Also. The. Number of affordable, housing units that have been constructed, over a 10-year. Period than you could put something together that. We can do a. Snapshot, but it'll be a high level but. We can do that oh. That. Was a question. It's. Not a motion, yet councillor, perks you have, a question, or a sigh, of something. Well. I'm. Trying to yeah I understand what you're trying to do mr. chair I just if you have a better sense yes I have a worry so. We, get these reports. All. The time about how many units, of affordable housing, we, have constructed. What. That and. That gives an impression that, were. Somehow, making things better I, would. Contend, that the, number, of private market, affordable. Units that I have seen disappear. From affordability, in, Parkdale alone, is, larger. Than, the number of affordable, units that, we have built citywide. So. When, we get these reports saying we built x y&z, it gives people the impression that. Somehow. We're getting. We're trending, in the right direction on, affordable, housing without. The information about. What. The overall market. Looks like for affordable, housing it's, actually misleading to get reports talking about what we've built and. I. I'd you, know i empathize. Leaing sounds we're doing questions so is there a way to. Ascertain. The number of units that were lost, well short, of providing, Carey, with a big whack of consulting, money I can't. Like off the top of my head I don't know how to do it. Okay. So. We're, leaving it go are there speakers on the items. Are. There speakers on the item. So. Councillor Fillion to speak and, then. I'll. Speak after and we'll deal with them. And. It's just taking. This suggestion, to. Review. And update the, table. Of required. Okay. Did, you want to speak any further to the item are you okay no no that's, good. Councillor, perks did you want us councillor, perks. Did. You want to speak did you want to speak on this item. No. This is the council feelings motion he's pretty him do you want to speak on the item it's, in, front of us so, do you want to speak no. Oh. Lots. Of us will tell you what you should say. But. That probably won't help. That's. Counselor, Phil Ian's motion teaches people that which role fibers. Do. You want to move a motion I'll. Speak to kill time then. If. You want I was, gonna speak as well and I can do that while you can else your first time yeah counselor, did you know did you guys want to speak at all or not. So. If I if I could just give. So. If. I could make some comments, on this, I. Find. These. Charts, and graphs very scary, I. Do. That because I see a concentration. Of residential. Development in, a few pockets, and. Along some of the existing public. Transportation. Corridors, and, I don't see it only out reaches where many of our colleagues and Scarborough and a public another say we, could use some intensification, and they're not talking about 30 40 50 storey buildings necessarily, they're talking about intensification, a rejuvenation, of the areas and there's a mismatch.

We. Have, a new planning, framework, and new responsibilities. With changes to the act where we might be able to start to, move this around and. We also have a review of the development, process which is ongoing which might help. Us do that to understand, where it is what we want and how, you encourage, development, in different parts of the. City, but. I find scary. How. Many new units, are being built in the city without any. Major. Infrastructure. Improvements. It's what we hear on a constant. Basis, from the people that we represent, across. The city where, is that infrastructure, number, one where's public, transit, are you, going to move people because. You got to subway lines and a little stub way up and Shepherd which, has to be completed and nothing much else that's in place and even what's going in on a Tintin Avenue is not a subway. It's. It's it's an LRT, it's. Rapid transit but it's not a subway, line it that's it. Doesn't have the capacity of that and the, questions you all raised where. Is the infrastructure, the transportation. Infrastructure, the parks infrastructure. School infrastructure, the hospitals, the water wastewater, infrastructure. The childcare hi, Jovie it comes up on every, single development. That's going in people ask the same questions, and those. Maps scare. Me. Because. If you try to get, around the city now you, see what's already happening. In so many areas where, development, has honed in to deal with the demand th


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