Group Coaching x Nature & Technology - Unlikely Partnerships x Finlay Anderson & Brian D Souza

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okay it's starting to live stream hello everybody welcome welcome to all our members of spa professional skills and welcome welcome to all and to those of you who are um not members of spa professional skills still welcome and we hope to have you on board as members of our growing and learning community so as per usual oh you see lorato's already she's shout out from botswana okay so as per usual everybody let's get started with um because there are some new people on today your name the name of your spa salon and then also for our two international guests today what country you are from so so far we know we have lorato from botswana so hello and then also everybody your word your startup your your welcome word so how are you feeling right now so go into the chat box let's get started like that as we wait for people to log on and let's all hear your name what country you're from and a word to describe how you're feeling so there we go we've got nungo from sunny louis trihard in limpopo south africa nice nunga what's your word what's your word for today let's hear from the rest of you come everybody get tapping get tapping let's see there we go samantha the spa at yellow resort in lusaka zambia i am sick today flu oh sorry sam but very happy that you could make it to this so that's good hopefully we'll make you feel a bit happier suryata from dione lifestyle in brackenfell that's in cape town she's excited danae in cape town she's overwhelmed with the days that are too short that's quite funny tonight that is really funny and wait till summer comes your days are going to be super long okay here we have somebody else logging in okay nungo nostalgic because it's been so long okay well you're back anna joburg south africa barato is a spa owner at boho garden spa she's very excited hoping to learn a lot ivette is from the uk but she's living in south africa also flew like oh no if it's so sorry man okay dominique northwest in south africa she's feeling positive that's fantastic i think we seem to have a bit of a flu flew south africa at the moment i don't know what's happening on your side for me if it's the same no we're uh middle of summer here so i think uh yeah okay so not too fluid and brian on your side oh yes uh hi hi everyone um i have actually just been suffering from flu but i'm fully recovered happy to say so okay good good awesome awesome okay so everybody have you all introduced yourself we still have a few to go um we have heather online heather let us know where you're from um sam has evitas i think everybody else has too huh joyce is feeling great okay awesome fabulous fabulous okay so while we've got some other people logging on we are live on facebook as well i'm going to introduce you to our two guest speakers shortly but when i was chatting to finley about hosting this session for us today he said or he put some topics forward to me and one of them just blew my mind and i'll tell you why so for those of you who know me well and have um been on a on your on your development um journey with me you keep hearing that i keep saying find ways to personalize your treatments in fact stop calling them treatments and call them experiences because that's ultimately what we want to do right is we want to give everybody that we come into contact with an unforgettable experience and why because it keeps them coming back anyway finley said okay he wants to do this a little bit differently and he says and he knows this guy called brian so as i usually do i look people up anyway i mean needless to say brian is an award-winning dj and i am like an ultra or tomorrowland freak so that just i just thought oh my gosh okay we need this we so need this because i wouldn't even know where to start and i'm going to tell you a little um funny story and those of you who know the story will laugh with me is um in the spas everybody always has these um tibetan bowls you know to make ding dong sounds and i thought well let's get a little bit more creative and do something a bit different and i wasn't quite sure what to do so i went and i bought some kids instruments and i got this triangle you know that little triangle that they go ting ting ting on and we started to introduce it to some treatments at a spa that we busy training the therapist there and what is the common denominator that every client who has that triangle say to the therapist is that is so different i've never had that before it really got me i don't know thinking a bit differently instead of always listening to whale music and i don't know trees and water flowing and all the rest of it so that's why this is totally up my alley i can't wait to hear what the two of you are going to share with us so a little bit to tell you about the two of them and then they can elaborate if they like but finley anderson is the area spa and leisure director of the intercontinental hotel group in the uk he has 20 years experience in spain leisure across all levels of spa he definitely has a passion for peering nature and technology to create and here comes the word unique experiences for both hotel and spa guests and he's also been awarded professional beauty spa leader of the year and then we have brian de souza who is founder and ceo of open ear co-founder of open mind award-winning dj and music producer love that and scottish album of the year winner so let's hand over to youtube so excited thank you very much hello everybody um my word of the moment i think is nervous so just please bear with me i'm also very conscious that you're talking to two scottish guys with fairly strong accents so i will try and be fairly slow and fairly clear we love it so we we just wanted to tell you a little bit about some of the the projects that we've been doing have done recently and they came together to us a desire to innovate to to create things new for a guest just very conscious that we want to give the guests do everything that we can whether it's torch sound aromatherapy and experiences to great get that effect for them that we owe them when they come to us and give us their time and their money that we do everything we can to try and get that so it's using whatever we could do to do that um and i think a lot of it stemmed out of walk down you know very conscious from a family point of view that if we didn't get out and into nature and have at least an hour's walk then the dynamic and in the mood of our house was slightly different if we didn't do it to when we did it so that very much brought it home and then start to see a lot of athletes and different people that you wouldn't expect to but certainly part of their training schedule is forest bathing or sound therapy or time in the garden and so that made me start to think about nature and started to have a look and i think one of the the big sort of stats was that 70 of the population by 2050 will live in a built-up urban area and so i grew up and let me just start my slide show for you hopefully this will work it will work there we go gorgeous we can see it so the the picture on the left hand side is basically the end of where my parents drive stopped so that's where i grew up up to about 16 so the thought of 70 percent of the populations are being living in and built up urban areas with very little nature very little greenery scared me a little bit so part of that was how that we can as a hotel chain as a spa so i helped to counteract that especially in our city center properties and then i the the sort of reliance on music to get me through walk down the long days being in a hotel myself running thousands of taps to keep water moving um and by ha by chance of brian did a lot of work for the the hotel and providing our music and then um we got chatting one day and again probably because we both had a lot of time in our hands at that point that we we started talking about music and the power of music and brian revealed to me that he'd studied psychology of music and sounds and that's what he was into and at that point time that was definitely what he'd what i wanted to look at and but one thing that that so we had to bear in mind is we didn't know what we're up not to so what sort of budgets what sort of teams would we have to to facilitate the ideas and the dreams that we we had um and also that the uk and especially scotland maybe the demographic is slightly more reserved and and hasn't opened up to to spaz and and some and of the less mainstream treatments so how we could bring that into mainstream and and make people buy into it and also we just wanted something new and exciting our team was coming back from a hard time and walked down what could we do to to give them new things to try and to do well was my side gonna move so then we we thought we would go with the power of sound and for me and a couple of the the the google searches that i did looking at what music what sound can do in my own personal experience you know when you're sad what you listen to when you're happy up be what you listen to and what it does to you and then looking a little bit about biophilia and nature and nature sounds and then brian so blew my mind with all the all the the facts and all that the things that he knew and he was coming up with so i'll let brian take over and talk to you a little bit more about the technical aspect of it thanks finley thanks marissa thanks everyone for for tuning in um hopefully you can hear me okay um so yeah i i think the conversation really started as finley described um with a shared passion for for music and i think that's probably something that i imagine everyone on this this call shares as well you know we have a relationship with music and we all probably play music in our spa environments and um have music throughout our lives but oftentimes we don't necessarily think about the impact that that's having you know on our on our behavior or our mood and what i've been interested in you know since i studied the music psychology university and since i had started my earliest dj gigs in my teenage years was just this this impact both on our conscious and our subconscious that music and sound has and it's often something that we don't ever really think about it's just such an omnipresent and ubiquitous thing in our lives you know we're filled with music the radio you know when we wake up you know music to work out to music when we're reading dinner music when we're entertaining and stuff and i think we're just so saturated with with music and sound that we don't often really think about like what what it's doing to us so i started a company um mercy say i can't wear with her music yeah exactly and but that's contentious and it's subjective and i think that's something we recognize as well as some people can some people can't it's often down to you know you know what works for you as as you know your working environment etc so i started a company um alongside my dj career it's called open your music and we're music consultancy we work with you know thousands of brands across the world in terms of trying to help them find the right music for their their businesses and as finley um mentioned in lockdown really we wanted to take that conversation um in a slightly different direction or from the tangent which was like how music and sound can be used um for the good of someone's health um and the obvious route for us was to look at you know where there's a health aspect of of delivering an experience and that was you know obviously in spas you know and um as an industry this bad industry is it's really making this great transition from from you know a beauty-led experience into a more of a well-being-led experience and and that's great i think for that to really fully realize itself you know harnessing the power the the you know of that experience through all senses is really important and and you know sound is one of these things that as i said before is can be often overlooked but it's so so powerful if you get it right so through lockdown i studied um sound therapy and i thought it was a fantastic discipline to really kind of understand a little bit more because sound therapy therapy for me really kind of like unpacks like what music does to you so you know marissa mentioned how she goes to festivals tomorrowland etc you have a communal crowd all you know dancing in the same uh rhythm well most people at least um you know to the same beats and we are this sort of you know we we have this you know communal kind of experience and it's non-verbal it's cross language it's cross-cultural you know we we're all at the mercy of this it's almost like a religious experience where you know a dj or a band will be playing something and we're all we're all moving in tandem to that that sound sound therapy is is very much the same as that um it's electric um but sound therapy works almost as a as an inverse to to a dj set a dj set is all about bringing you up to a point of euphoria you know it's excitement it's electric as you said whereas sound therapy is doing the opposite on your body it's it's bringing you to state deep relaxation you know that could be in a communal experience where you're you're in a sound bath or a gong bath i don't know if many of you in the call have experienced that yourselves fantastically uh fantastic experience you mentioned the singing bowls um and and and these kind of um healing instruments are often you know um artifacts in the spa but maybe not necessarily used in the spa experience as much as what they can be um but if used correctly and through a trained sound therapist you can really activate these different states of mind and state you know motive states within the listener they can really help to then lead to a healing experience so things that we've listed here activating this parasympathetic nervous system so getting away from the flight and flight into the more like rest and digest um aspects of the nervous system lowering heart rate um decreasing brainwave state which i think is really interesting you know this this this move for mark in a very active beta brainwave state into a more kind of like alpha theta and even delta which is sleep and using sound in ways that helps really kind of trigger these emotive responses etc to create relaxation and transport the listener into a safe space in essence that then they're more available to accept that healing process whether that's a massage or whether there's another form of treatment as well can be very good in terms of a complementary kind of um um part of a realistic experience for the listeners so if we move on to the next slide um you know we were familiar with this with the spa market because effectively we worked with this by market and companies like isg and with finley for for for 10 years plus with open ear and we really knew that some of the problems that the spa market kind of were contending with when it comes to when it comes to sound so typically you know playing generic music you mentioned the whale music the classic kind of chill out compilations etc poor quality sound you know maybe not the investment in some sound systems and and deliverables in terms of how the sound could be could be to be delivered in in a way that's going to have a positive impact on the listener and then maybe not as experienced as tailored so just really just background you know not really thinking about the type of treatment um the nature of the experience the type of uh you know subjective taste that the listener might have and then the other point that we recognized was a lot of pseudoscience you know you can go on instagram as many you might have done and there's a lot of kind of stuff around sound and magic healing frequencies and and 432 hertz and so federal this based on ancient greeks and everything else and and you can get quite mired down in in the pseudoscience and it's i guess one of our objectives was to try and you know char a pathway through that by really kind of like you know you know working with with organizations that could test scientifically like the actual impacts and then report back to us in terms of how sound could be used and activated you know for you know with real kind of like a weight of evidence and empirical data that kind of like helps to inform what we're doing and what we came out with was a company called swell mercy you mentioned open mind but actually open mind was was was our working title um but we've we've morphed into a company called swell and swell launched a few months ago um if you're interested what we do swell is our website and if we go to the next slide we'll see the kind of the three key pillars of what we're doing um in terms of swell from a sound perspective perfect if i can just jump and for one second but i think just to elaborate on a couple of points i think i probably you know drove brian up the wall with it the sound quality and i think you know throughout every industry but especially spot and wellness so many things are written off because somebody has tried an inferior product or a weaker dose product or an oil you know that that's very very poor or a poorly done treatment and i think that that was one of my fears that we'd create an amazing sound therapy and brian would do his thing and then we'd try and play it through an ipad or a kindle in a room and and just things wouldn't work and so i think yeah i probably you know every time brian spoke to me i went but but what what headphones what speakers do we need it needs to be this it needs to be that and then i think you know you you probably missed it off brian because it's what you do but i think too many times it's lacking somebody with that knowledge to train the team and the guys on the ground don't have that knowledge when the guests talk to them or ask them questions and and they don't know so part of why it's so good as we've got brian and brian's doing zooms with the team are coming up and talking to the team and actually not just about the guest experience but what they'll experience and and how it all works and i think that's one of the things that's sort of hasn't let us down has really helped us progress and having that education piece with it as well sorry brian i'll shut it up again no absolutely all valid points and i just add to that that you know this is not about a massive amount of increased spend because one of the questions the conversation we had finley was about how does how can this be cost effective for the spy you know we fully understand the pressures that all industries are under and this was a case of saying well can we achieve some of the benefits that for example some people receive from going to a sound therapy experience or sound bath but deliver it in a way in which you don't need to invest in the space you know the room the sound therapist that's in the room at the time you know could this be delivered on a digital setup with a with an iphone or an ipad or a device that we already have could this hook onto the existing sound system could we look at sound systems that aren't going to break the bank um but still give us a a ladder up from where we're kind of currently at and and you know this these are the kind of questions that we we tested out and you know really kind of like that was a litmus test for us was like can we deliver on on a speaker system that is going to be affordable you can spend tens of thousands of dollars or pounds on on our loudspeaker system um but that's just not going to be practical for you and everyday life in your spas especially when you've got multiple treatment rooms you're gonna you multiply that cost up multiple times so i think what we've done is we've found a really good balance that sometimes is delivered on headphones sometimes just bluetooth speakers has been effective and sometimes you know a nice you know middle tier kind of um stereo speaker pair that we've got running in finley's bison square in glasgow has worked very nicely so it's really up to you you know you know often with sound it can be very polar in terms of how you deliver it you know like if you get it right it's going to have really a lot of positive impacts and benefits for your your your spy your experience your customers etc if you get it wrong it can have the opposite you know so that's the kind of balance you've got to you've got to trade carefully but if you're going to play sound the music of any some you know sort of type that's going to be listened to by your audience that's going to be one of the things that's creating their experience so you've got to think about it in my opinion in terms of how you can make the most of that and work within obviously the budgets you kind of you know you can currently have so we did a lot of testing we spent a couple of years like working on this this approach that we would take and we we borrowed from a lot of different disciplines the first and we went on a real journey with us was was going for bathing and really kind of understanding nature-based therapy um the power of nature the power of the sound of nature and there's a lot of research out there in terms of like you know finley mentioned it just from his his own personal experience there's a lot of kind of science and evidence back that up you know being in nature's nest is good for us um and even if you can't be in nature and listening to the sounds of nature is good for us so that was one of our first pillars the second pillar um was in essence music you know music composition we all know and you know throughout human history music is existence you know it goes back to the very you know foundations in our earliest um uh you know versions of man mankind and you know we've always had music it's very intrinsic to to our society our humanity and over generations we've really developed very sophisticated ways in which music can be composed to affect your emotions to affect your mood state to tell your story to have that level of communication that then brings you on a journey or or makes you feel in a certain way so we don't want to deny any of that stuff we want to bring that into this process and the third part was as i described a little bit before but this this discipline of sound therapy which i find fascinating that's the way i look at it is it's really unpacking music down to his frequency components you know it's it's about like how you can harness different elements of sound to then affect the listener in different ways you know and really the intention is to bring them into a very kind of you know state of deep relaxation um a place where they're ready to just receive treatments like i said before so through this kind of work and research we combined these three disciplines and we created effectively what we do as well which is create swell sound treatments maybe we should call them sound experiences marissa as per your advice um and we we also created an app to deliver this um so if finley goes to the next slide you'll see yeah i think the app was was quite a key thing for me because we you know some of the initial conversations brian talked about gong bats and things and i said this is glasgow i don't know if that will translate here and we're coming out of covid and i don't know if the gms will let us recruit somebody just to be a a sound treatment person or singing bulls or gong bats and then we started talking about technology um and again that that can be an absolute nightmare when you have 12 15 treatment rooms with complicated systems on and it's about to start and somebody can't get logged in or the app freezes or it's just not a very counter-intuitive um system so it was you know over to brian to make it as simplistic as uncomplicated as possible and as cheap as possible as well and being a business and and and then this sort of app app has materialized and it's done everything that we we've asked them to do so i'll uh i'll hand back what you talk about brian well that's it you've described it very well i mean the name of the game was making this as as inclusive as is easy to use you know we would feel understand that no one wants to mess about with technology going to try to deliver customer experience this is as simple to use as we could possibly make it has a different range of different sound treatments that we're calling that match up to different uh uh skin care brands or different brands that are used in the spas that we're working with or um the actual you know the the treatment itself and that could be done by durations there's various different durations and you know a future version of this will be allowing those durations and that type of experience in terms of how the sound is delivered to be very personalized for each of the different spas or treatments or whatever you needed to do so that's what we're working on right now very exciting ai machine learning sort of technology that we're building and that should be coming you know moving into next year which is which is really exciting but the moment you know we're having great success great feedback from customers experiencing this it also has a range of curated playlists you know we don't deny you know the the the need for that in in this bar setting and biofuel excitement which essentially is a you know lots of different beautiful nature sound recordings very high high-end equipment that we can also deliver um so i think like it would be good to talk you through a few of the different projects that findlay and i have worked on um because i think this will bring what we're talking about to life a little bit so the first was sean bavaro handed it to findlay to explain yeah champ revere was was a lot of fun we we were just opening the hotels back up i've been speaking to one of the gm's all about nature and being out in nature um it's a very city center hotel business area we do have a nice garden and square out the front it was how can we bring that into the hotels and can we have a bit of fun but also can we we we really sort of drill into it does it work our guests gonna get an effect what will happen so we created lashon river we we partnered up with a cbd um project house and uh brian um to to give us the sounds they gave us the experience and uh us a local plant specialist and what we absolutely filled a room with plants it was it was amazing and brian created the the field recordings he was out in his garden recording the birds and and all of these sorts of amazing things so then we said right you know we will use the room we'll ask people to to come and stay but let's let's do something a bit different so we had an identical room in the floor below that we just left as a bedroom the guests stayed in that bedroom had dinner stayed overnight up the next day they filled out a short sort of feedback form for us and then we moved them up to the chamber of air they had their cbd um non-alcoholic cocktail on arrival they had some treatment spend about time down in the spa and then spent some time in in la sean revere and going through listening to brian's recordings and just spending the night in the room and then we did it did a survey on the next day and he you know it undoubtedly i'm not you know didn't not everybody loved it and some people about oh i'm not sure but the the vast majority just felt that close of decompression just relaxation and a much better sense of well-being and as they came out the room and i think looking at it the the types of people that we had actually the people that were getting the most out of it were people that had less exposure to nature so i think there's a very marked difference from the people working in the city center because some of the people that we invited were already big on biophilly and nature enforced um so we didn't think that they got um as much out of it but the people that were city center some of the editors some of the influencers that that were and so fast-paced loving definitely and for the room yeah we did did it as an upgrade for the suite once we finished the project it remained for about three months after as an upgrade for the suite um and and it was just an amazing sort of thing and it definitely brought us a lot of pr as well it was an absolute amazing project it just captured the imagination of all the the editors influencers it was massively instagramable so um we ended up in pretty much every publication i managed to get my ugly mug in gq magazine which is uh absolutely amazing for a biophilia room in glasgow and but that was the our first sort of furry into bringing nature in as such now in the hotel the main restaurant breakfast area we have uh what is it about six meter by four meter biophilic wall and so when you're having your dinner you're having breakfast you've got this massive biofil at wall we're installing one down in the spa um lounge and eating area as well just because we we love it so much we've had so many great results from the biophilia in the room and that was the the first hearing the power of brian's recordings and the bird noises as you lay back in the bed you know surrounded by all these plants and just listen to you could have been anywhere you weren't just city center glasgow when you looked actually when you looked out the window you looked onto us a big office block and things but when you're lying back in the bed it just felt like you're in the middle of nowhere yeah so and that's that's a good segue into this next project that we worked on i guess taking it to the next level and it's all about the transportative nature of sounds and finley and isg used a product called ishka as their skincare treatment in all the spas and ishka is uh is a scottish skincare brand it's based on on one of the northern islands the outer hebrides it's called and it's very remote and if the the word is derived from the traditional gay like is is the word for water so water is very intrinsic to it they use seaweed there and they've got a special method of harvesting the seaweed and extracting the goodness and the nutrients from that to create the skincare product and really what we were looking to do was collaborate with both ishka and it's gene [Music] to create a kind of sound experience that would match up or inform the ishka massage experience in the spa treatment room and to be able to do this i said well firstly you have to be authentic so you know went up to the hebrides you know yeah it's a flight a boat you know it's quite quite quite a mission together a full day trip to get there and we spent you know a week recording the sounds of the islands you know not just the field recordings but also the traditional instruments we've worked with a lot of local musicians and we've got a great palette of sounds that then we were able to use to create this sort of sound treatment this therapeutic um sound escape that readiness match up to the massage treatments that were being uh delivered in the hotel and um we created a 30 minute and 60 minute and 90 minute sound treatment and worked with ishka and their massage therapist to create a special massage that would coordinate itself with the sounds so essentially you know when there's a wave sound coming coming in you know the therapist would massage the the the body and you know in time to that which just creates this like very kind of like full sensory um holistic experience for for the listener for the receiver with the patient and for the customer and um yeah we've had a great response so far it's been live for the last three months in a variety of different spas in the uk and it's it's it really just um it really just shows you the power of sound especially when it's it's delivered properly in these spa environments um uh you know there's there's a revenue driving element to this so some of the spas we've worked with have up sold this as an add-on um so you know you potentially can can you know it pays for itself um and yeah it's as i've mentioned the options there already yeah i i think um again i sound quite demanding but i i said to brian you know we want something that that we can create multiple revenue streams multiple experiences from so ishka and brian collaborated to create the massage that you know just flows with the sounds with the soundscapes the the therapists absolutely love it it's just you know next level for them and and it's it's so interesting and i you know for being a spas and a spa director i don't always relax doing the treatment the touch isn't always um as comfortable for me but absolutely when you have that soundscape in the background you just drop so deep into that relaxation that would normally take me 25 minutes to start feeling relaxed just drops you you straight down and you're just so receptive and to the massage which you know sometimes makes it quite difficult when brian was sending me these soundscapes to look at you find yourself starting to nod off after five minutes of listening to it but you know it's uh it's sort of doing doing what you want so we said combining it with treatments with a massage we also said i wanted as sort of an add-on so the guests would have their treatment they would go into our relaxation room and then they would have 20 or 40 minutes of sound therapy as a paid add-on for um for the their sort of experience and also as a stand-alone so as we would have guests that came in from the hotel came in from outside just for a stand-alone sound treatment obviously um it's it's a bonus because it's not therapist led so you you don't have that that sort of cost to it so as a clear sort of profit center and i and it just adds to that experience and again you know with the power of touch the smell the relaxation and the thermals the heat the cold and then it's the final part of that 360 is the sound therapy and the relaxation so it's give given us a lot of options and and some of our spas it's the add-on and we're about to launch in and i see we're about to launch the the massage coordinated and and the rest of them um and then in one of our ones as of sort of two weeks ago we have launched a specific sound wellness room and we had a room that was probably just a little bit too small for doing treatments in and what to do with that so we got our heads together and we'd say that we'd do a sound as a standalone sound treatment room um and then we we did a bit of research and we found a bed that when you connect up to your your sound source not only does it heat you do a little bit chroma therapy but actually as well as being in the headphones the music comes up through the bed and you have the the sensation of the music and the bass and everything um coming up through you and it's just such a relaxed state to be in and again there's there's no um therapist cost to it so for your financial controllers your gms it's an absolute winner and again you know we all have team issues at some point there's sickness you get double bookings that sort of thing so it gives you another revenue that sorry we can still get your treatment let's get you in let's do our our sound therapy room so we launched that a couple of weeks ago and we we've had great feedback and from the set of editors the first one we had then i was obviously absolutely nervous so i'll meet you afterwards we'll go for a coffee we'll have a chat and should yeah yeah let's do that and then at the end of it says i i can't i'll phone you tomorrow i need to just go and relax i'm absolutely zoned out so i was like that's an absolute winner and from that so when we we do that as a standalone treatment we with charlotte square will will create different packages for it so as a stand-alone treatment we'll probably launch it at about 45 pounds just because as much as then we want everyone to try it the guests to try it and to spread the word and then we'll package it up with the thermal experience as well well so start off with the thermal experience do the thermal journey and then finish off with with your sound therapy and there's a few more ideas that i want to progress with it and i'll come to in a minute and i don't know if brian's seen them all so he'll probably uh have a better freak out at me when i i see what we're gonna do but we'll uh we'll go through that in a second i think there was a question there about binaural i think that's interesting um [Music] yeah we're we're actually working on a normal project right now um for a different company um these sound tubes weren't mixed by normally but very much could be and when we recorded a lot of the healing instruments we've made sure to record in a bernoulli setup so we have that capacity so yeah certainly in future we will be looking at delivering um binaurally can you can you tell us a bit what that is because i actually have no idea what it is all right okay so you know there's a there's a little bit of a movement called binaural beats and it's this you can look up youtube and there's countless videos you know binaural beats and helping you against relocation and sleep and a lot of people find it very helpful um essentially it's it's it's it's it's playing um music at two different frequencies on two different sides of of of your year so you've got two years you're hearing and then by doing so slight variation creates this third frequency and you know some people might think that that's a nice way of unlocking various chakras if you want to get very spiritual in this but ultimately you know there's there's a lot of um uh i guess evidence of feedback to say from people that it can affect your mental state it kind of brings that place of relaxation so you know for us to record binaurally we make sure that you get that full stereo um um you know in-ear essence of what that instrument does and how it's played um so yeah it's it's it's it's quite an interesting one as well i'm trying to get that balance between keeping it grounding keeping it traditional and then how much should you do technology even back to the or sean revere it was how much tech did we put in the room to play brian's sounds to to get the feedback from the guests we were oh we'll do it do a survey on an ipad then we'll actually know we want to move away from that and away from technology and that set setting so it's quite interesting that they're trying to balance out what technology you use what you're doing and how you keep it i'm so grounded there's some of the other things that we have on the horizon and i think the the sound therapy for us is multiple um avenues but the let's say the massage choreographed with them the music and with treatments stand-alone treatments sound treatments as our aftercare and we have a bath house in several of our our spas and eska like we've said means water so they have a bathing experience where you have a seaweed bath with amazing detox effects but actually now we'll combine that so when you're in the bathing experience you will have that sound therapy playing we're refirming one of our pills at the moment so we're actually putting um speakers under the the water so as when you lie back one of the the loungers will create inside the pool and your ears go below the water you'll then hear the sound therapy as well that will work on and do different sections of small sound therapy under the water from a hotel perspective looking for an in-room amenity so as part of your sort of amenity west you can phone down and we will bring up the ipad the swell app headphones so you can be in your room after a hard day and go through that sound therapy and you don't need to be down and uh in the spa and i think all hotels have some rooms that you tend to sell last or don't have a great view or different things so in some of our sites we are looking at the upgrade to the room is actually it's getting amazing or a good sound system in it it's very clear so you can have that sound therapy so instead of discounting the room or are jazzing it up we're actually going to make it as an upgraded option so as you have the sound therapy and i said that decompression nature rooms sensory rooms that we're starting to see and hotels grasping and creating those so in the hotel there is a room not to do with a spa not to do with your bedroom just a room that you can go to whether there's a biophilic element to it the sound therapy uh we're working on some sort of videos of the hebrides combined with brian's soundtrack so you can lie back and and so have that sense of experience and just clear your mind um from a hard day's sort of um work or travel and then looking at that post visit so ultimately you know with aromatherapy candles products you know do we put a qr code on them that when you light the candle you can then qr code and through your phone or your your home ipad you can have a short 10 minute um soundscape from from brian's swell up so there's there's some unlimited possibilities um as far as i can see hence the reason i get quite excited about sound therapy and what it can do you know the for the guests to give them that experience to get them results for the team to give them new and exciting things for the revenue unlimited revenue and for those of us that are still struggling with team coming back and and therapist shortages throughout europe we've got at the moment that we can still do treatments while we're we don't up to full capacity with our therapists fantastic and just the final slide is you know we've been getting lots of press on this which is nice to point out yeah it is absolutely captured the the imagination of the the press i think that there's you know it's so different for them and so interesting and then the influencers it's so much instagramable um content so they they've absolutely grasped on to it as well so it's been an absolute win-win from a pr point of view um as much as it has been from revenue from guest experience all of those different things which is always a bonus and that's us yeah thanks very much everyone i mean as i mentioned if you're interested in what we do spell is our website and um happy to share my email if you'd like to get such as brian at studio please put it and brian do you mind putting it in the chat box can you put it all in the chat and then everybody can copy it and then i don't suppose you have something for us to hear like a 30 second clip or something i'm like i'm desperate uh well i mean does finley have something there because i don't want time on the wrong way could we could we send something out with with the this sort of link and send you an email to send round with a bit of a question ah that will be stunning maybe send that and then all the details of of um your email addresses and and all of that because it sounds unbelievable and then um anybody on the team do you have any questions to ask is there anything um that you want to know i mean um my mind's already racing so you're both going to hear from me in a while um there was something i wanted to ask you here oh you answered it i wanted to find out what was biofuelexa um finley what i want to ask you is um with this sound therapy and i know you covered it briefly when you are introducing i'm getting uh uh music in the background is that coming from you brian no brian's muted for me oh there we go are we good have you still got music where that's coming from maybe it's that's your third year perhaps i was going to say the third frequency i love it so um when you're introducing this now let's say we're all brand new to this right because everybody's playing whale music and whatever whatever do you start by um introducing a separate treatment just like some advice to us that's called sound therapy giving it its benefits or do you start by a tiny upgrade to each treatment in cost that says look if you add an extra let's say ten dollars um how would you go about it yeah we we in this we've kicked off because it's so new and new to the team and we're still learning and all about it we've kicked it off it's about an upgrade um just so as we can get feedback as well so the 20 minute 40 minute upgrades off the back of the treatments then we'll we'll go with the smartphone and then we'll start bracketing into packages as well so treatment thermals um sound treatment and then lunch that sort of thing and more packaging all off so at the moment it we've launched these upgrades more for our learning just to to make sure that everything's smooth and and we get all the feedback for we launch it as a stand-alone way okay and then um somebody's asking could this be used in a flotation tank i'm assuming yes i would love i would love to do that i would love to collaborate with the saltation tank um yeah and then um brian in terms of the app just a question that i'm sure other people are thinking as well do you constantly like update um or do you only add by request so only if somebody says okay i want a flotation tank soundtrack or whatever how does that work yeah that's a very good question and if everyone's interested in trying the app just send me an email i put my email on the chat and i'm happy to offer a free trial you can listen to some sounds there in their entirety rather than just a couple of minutes sample or whatever test about your spas for us would just love for people to experience this and to to to feedback to us you know we're learning as we go and um and and as we said before everyone is subjective with their listening so it's great to get everyone to to feedback from your different countries that you're in in different perspectives but in an answer to your question very much we are the intention with the app is to create tools in which the experience can be updated personalized and really like simplistic to use for each spas because one of the obviously the big challenges is having to listen to the same stuff with the same playlist every day or the same types of sounds so one of the solutions that we're working on at the moment is this this ai very kind of algorithmically generated technology we're working with amazing university to that's pioneering you know in a global kind of sense the way in which ai can be used to kind of create um soundtracks and sound treatments that will be personalized to the the treatments you're doing but also updated with new content so we can continually feed in new content new sounds new field recordings and um and different musical elements that then can keep the the you know keep you from string into this kind of listener fatigue thing where you get the therapist just constantly the same thing it's really demotivating for them so that's a big part of our development plan so that'll be coming soon at the moment just answer your question fully you know it would be on a on a pair um how do you phrase it like this per project basis um but but but there's there's options there that we can talk about so happy to talk to anyone unbelievable okay so i don't know if anybody else has any questions i'll be getting hold of the two of you because i have lots of ideas my mind is racing i love it okay anybody else have any questions for the two genes i mean this is like i don't know it's blown my mind but um totally how sound can affect your mood like you said um yeah so no more questions okay well then let's have your checkout words everyone so just a word how are you feeling right now as we say goodbye to the two genes thank you so much for your time both of you i really really really appreciate it i hope i get to meet you one day in person thank you very much for having us on it's been brilliant i'm going to um if you don't mind with your permission recommend you to professional beauty because i speak there every year at the spa convention and one of the things that i spoke about in my talk this year when i went was again the whole personalizing thing because i'm such a freak about it and i spoke about music i said how we have to stop this monotonous music that is driving me insane when i go to the spas and so now i have somebody to recommend to them that can do just that so if that's okay with the two of you i'm gonna i'm going to chat to mark about it i think it's excellent to add to the to the speaker lineup okay so steph from um greece he joined us a little bit later nice to have you on stavros yes it's a total game changer i agree with you i am i'm totally like blown away so this is totally up my alley so denise is interesting dominique says thank you for an interesting session gail says thank you it was wonderful hearing your wonderful ideas yvette's is so refreshing i feel energized i feel like i need to not go to a low i feel like i need to go to a high actually um danae says thank you very interesting we'll love a change in the normal spa music i know it's just incredible okay jeans thank you so much and we'll keep in touch and i really do hope to meet you soon okay thank you thank you very much and to everybody we'll chat soon thanks for joining us and to those of you on facebook we'll chat soon if you did miss the recording you can get it on our youtube channel cheers everyone


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