Satan The Force Behind World Leaders Cabal

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Sorry there, really are people out there who worship, Lucifer and some, of them are, working at, the highest levels, of our government today, it's. Firmly convinced, the people who control the media in the United States and Asia gentlemen, are there is a central, control over, the media and they don't want the American people to understand, the spiritual, battle over involved, in the, satanic, and who's the variant forces that are out there the, fact that there is an organized, effort to poison, the American, people with all sorts of foods, is not allowed in other countries and, widely, circulated here. In America, the, last thing they want American. People to understand, is we're under attack not, only physically, but psychologically but. Most of all spiritually. And there, is a conscious, effort to destroy, America and as the people don't wake up to what's going on why, the dream. That was America, will I fear soon become a nightmare. When. Sin entered human. History, through. Man's disobedience, to, the command of God one simple, command. There. Was at that moment and I can't really explain how this happened but there was a transference. Of rulership. From, man to, the serpent, that had deceived them and I say the serpent because later on revelation, 12:9 he tells us that the serpent, is also devil, the devil and Satan, so, it's I don't know apparently. The, serpent, was actually, Satan, incarnated. Into an animal form at least that's a guest that we have but. Jesus twice noted, this fact when he said in John 12 and again John, 1216, that Satan, was now the ruler, of this world in, Luke. 4 5 in fact he Satan, makes. That statement forthright he says the devil led Jesus up into a high place and showed him in the instant all the kingdoms of the world and, he, said to him I will give you all, authority. And splendor for it has been given, to me and I can give it to anyone, I want, to if. You, worship Me. Ironically. That has. Been the motive force behind a lot of efforts. To become world leaders is, the. Idea, that I will worship the, Satan in order, to get what I want something. That is little-known. And certainly rarely, spoken about is the. Fact that Karl Marx the founder, of communism, was. Also, an avowed Satan, worshipper with, a shrine in his own house that he bowed down and worship the devil and, this. Is the kind of thing we need to understand, that Satan basically, says if you worship Me I will give you the kingdom of the world he. Has the right to give them, the. Same Satan. Is the author of, the evil, that we see in the world so that when people say well I don't understand why a good God would allow that evil, to be in the world it's. Because mankind, gave, up Dominion, surrendered. It into the hands of the serpent, and he's been ringing and ruling, as a serpent, ever since. That's. Why Paul is our reading this morning so told us that our struggle, is not against, flesh and blood and want to drive this home as is as intensely, as I can, it's. Not against, flesh and blood it's but, it's against rulers, and authorities and, powers of this dark world and spiritual, forces of evil which. Most commentators, believe is really, the, the hierarchy. Of the demonic, world the, devilish, world that there is this power, force, in the world this invisible. Presence, that is driving, the agenda that the, world is pursuing, after. Creating. The death and destruction the. Famine the disease the pestilence is all the other things and we, need to understand that our battle isn't ultimately against. The personalities. That hold positions, of power. So. That when we say well I hate, this politician, or a dislike this politician you have to understand they are merely pawns being, played by, the demons, of darkness, when. Jesus said to. Those who who crucified and, father forgive them for they do not know what they're doing I would echo that and say neither do these know, what they're doing, they.

Have No clue that they're, being, moved they believe, that they're pursuing, a greater good. Yet. In the end of the day. They. Will be accountable, to God, that's. Why Paul said to the Corinthians he, said for although we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. You. Know we don't fight fire with fire we, fight fire with faith. We. Fight with our prayers, he says the weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world on the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. Let. Me ask you this question when's, the last time you prayed for your nation. When's. The last time you played for the leaders of our nation. And. I would bet that only a handful of you have, even thought of doing that. And. Yet we're. Trying to fight it with our argumentation. And our. Orientations. And all these cuttings we realized that way we change the world as we pray that God, would, deal with these men but. You see the real enemy, the real conspirator. In this whole thing if they're and people say well these conspiracy. Theories well there, are conspiracies, it's only a theory if you can't show that it's real this is a, bearsy it's it's right out in the open in fact if I get to it today some of the very key, players in this process, openly. Admit. That. They are part of a cabal, of a conspiracy. To. Bring about one-world, government. Readily. Admit it. But. The real power and force behind that the motivation, the inspiration. The insight, the, power and capacity to, accomplish, what they do to, accumulate, the wealth and the power that they can use to bring these things to pass comes, from Lucifer. From the devil from these demonic. Minions, that serve. His, purpose of, world domination. That. His goal is to dethrone the, church to, dehumanize, mankind, to dominate, us by lust, and an evil, thinking, in ways and ultimately. To destroy mankind, in an, effort to affront God. Who. Says we were created in His image. That. He literally wants to smudge, and smear that, image, so that we no longer bear, any resemblance in. Character. Or morality, but we look more like the devil himself. This. Was Satan's agenda from the very beginning when we read in Isaiah 14:14. When he stands up and says I will make myself like, the Most High, the first, sin that was ever committed, was Lucifer, was Satan, when he exalted. Himself and, he introduced, this same pattern and behavior. And temptation. Into our world through tempting Eve in the garden. But. Having failed that a constant attempt because, later on Jesus says Luke 10 that he says I saw Satan fall like lightning from, heaven, but. Having failed to exalt himself his. Work now was one driven. By envy, and vengeance. Against, God and against. Anybody, that God cares, about, that. When God says he loves his people and when, God says he loves the, Jews he loves Israel the. Hatred, of the devil is directed. Towards, those. People in particular. He. Hates whomever, God hates. And. So. When we talk about these vents events my whole prayer, is that you will view them from a, heavenly, perspective and.

Not Just a political or. Governmental. Or power, issue. Perspective. The. Effects of man's fall, and Satan's rulership, that, became very quickly manifested. In the book of Revelation, we go from the fall in chapter 3 to in chapter 4 where we find murder polygamy, and eventually, warfare, and conquest, that, evil, begins to prevail and evil, men wax worse and worse so, that when we get to chapter 5 of Genesis, God gives this synopsis. Of humanity, he says the Lord saw how great man's wickedness was on the earth and that every, intent. Of. The thoughts of, his heart was only evil all, the time in. Other words they become completely, depraved, and the. Earth was corrupt in God's sight he says and was full of violence, there. Was only one exception we find and that was a man by the name of Noah and, we're. Told because he was a righteous, man he was blameless among, the people of his time and most importantly it said he walked with, God. God. Destroyed the earth with a flood and and, then. Adda or Noah began to repopulate, the earth it world and it's interesting that with only within only three generations. From Noah Noah's, great grandson. We. Find a man, by the name of Nimrod. Leads, an effort, to establish what, we believe was the first expression, of one-world government by. Building, the Tower of Babel in, rebellion. Against God in, other. Words God, destroyed, the world with a flood we're gonna build a tower so high that they can't reach us. It's. A stupid point. Of view well granted, but. Mankind. Has been filled with us you know there was a guy some years ago he said he was going to build an empire that was gonna last for a thousand, years it, lasted 12. And. It wasn't that problem with just bad math. But. It goes on in Genesis 11 tells as men moved eastward, they settled. And and he goes on to say they, said to themselves come, let us build ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens so, that we may make a name for ourselves and, not be a turd, make. A name for ourselves we, will create our own glory, in our own identity. You, see this is a great temptation that, we all face, as. Billy Graham once said so famously, years ago there are three things that we should never touch we should never touch the gold we should never touch the gals and we should never touch the glory, essentially. That drive for glory drove, men like Nimrod and those around him and, God. Simply said if they begin to do this, nothing. They, plan to do will be impossible, for them in, other deserts we'll be right back to where we were before the flood took place upon. The earth. Since. Then human, history has been marked by a number, of would-be Nimrods. Pharaohs. And kings and emperors and conquerors, and cons, and, caliphs.

Megalomaniacs. Like Alexander. The Great or Julius. Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte. It's. Interesting you can't really say that in France I found. Genghis. Kahn. Adil. Of the Hun, Stalin. Hitler. They. Were just 20th, century manifestations. Of bad behavior. This has been going on since the beginnings of time their, moment, at that moment in which they are a power they seemed unstoppable, and yet every one of them overreached. They were ignorant of the very warning that God gives him proper seven-way, says do, not be exceedingly. Wicked or, excessively, wicked, and die. Before your time, they all died before their time, the. Greatest of them all Alexander. The Great was, only 33, years when his day his life ended. What. Their character, and their actions belied was. An underlying devilish, drive a, demonically. Fueled ambition. To. Prove God wrong by building, their own, individual. Everlasting. Global, Empire. To. Restore, the Eden, that they, had never seen I. Often. Think about how Paul. Had warned the Romans he said you know that these, people are professing, themselves to be wise and, yet they. Became fools, it's. Not these people weren't talented or weren't intellectually. A adept, or are brilliant. But. The problem is that there's a difference between being, smart. And having, wisdom and. God. Says what they missed because they looked at life through the lens of their own ambitions, and their own glory they. Began to act foolishly the, wisest, way you can live your life is to live it for God's glory and not your own deliver. For God's praise and not. Your own because. When you live and follow that plan you will find that God will do glorious, things through you. But. You'll be tempted not tempted, to touch the glory and act as if it's you. It. Was Daniel the Statesman prophet, who first, began to outline the flow of human history as a succession. Of Empires, it's. Important to know that nobody else that ever looked. At the world in that way until, Daniel wrote it in his prophecies, and, particularly. In chapters 2 and again in Chapter 7 he identified, for, historical. Empires he forecast them coming, into the world and sure enough they, fit in perfect, order in his own day was a Babylonian.

Empire He said befall followed, by a lesser. Kingdom. Called a Persian Empire and then came the Grecian, Empire and, lastly, the Roman Empire. But. This fourth Empire, would. Be in full force when Christ came into the world and in a way it'll. Be basically Roman, Empire 4.2. That. Will be in force in the world when Christ comes the second time as well it's, I don't know if this is just purely coincidence, or God's wonderful, sense of humours and rhythm. But. The power of Rome will manifest itself once again in a new metastasized. Form. And. That. Kingdom will be destroyed, at, the second coming of Christ when he comes and sets up his, third. Or us a, fifth and final. Kingdom, they'll govern over the earth, Daniel. Tells us of in the time of those kings, the. God of heaven will be set will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed and it, will crush, all those, kingdoms, and bring them to an end but. Itself. Will endure. Forever. An. Everlasting. Kingdom. Revelation. Reveals. That. Before, the fall and destruction, of this final beast. Like Empire. It. Would continue in power for a period of seven years that's called the Great Tribulation of, the Tribulation, Period actually. The tribulation, is divided, in two parts to three-and-a-half year periods the first half is called the, tribulation, the last three and half years are called the Great, Tribulation for, reasons that become fairly obvious, when you read through revelation. But. Basically, he's going to rule politically, where it says in Revelation. It says who can make war against, him, he. Is his, governance, power is so great that there's no one who can confront, his power, economically. We're told that no one can buy or sell unless he, has the mark which, is the name of the beast or the number of his name in, a, few weeks I'm going to tell you exactly what. That is so don't miss that one oh. I. Tell you now it's, a mark, anyway. But. Also thirdly, religiously. When he tells us in Revelation, 13 men. Worshipped, the dragon because he had been given authority to the beast and they. Also worshiped the Beast and asked who is like the Beast and, he. Says he causes, all who refused, to worship the image to be killed so. If, you won't worship you won't much, like ancient Rome that required. Allegiance, to the Emperor and if you didn't offer sacrifice. As an evidence of your allegiance the emperor you were killed. So. Also it will be the in the days of the Antichrist, that those. Who refused to submit to his authority because, that's what the worship comes down to absolute total, domination and authority. Will, be executed. It's. Interesting when you hear people talk about the New World Order. Biblically. It's. The old world order just. In new wardrobe. Nothing. Really changes, because mankind, hasn't, changed so we can rearrange, the, did that the chairs on the deck of the Titanic but, it's still going to sink you. May have a good view you, may be perched in a place where you can watch it go down better. Than anybody else but, no, it's still going down and so. This New World Order is really just a rehashing. A reconfiguration. Of the Old World Order but nonetheless they believe that because they put new in front of it it makes them feel like they're doing something new. But. Probably the most influential, effective, proponent, of one world government is billionaire. Banker David Rockefeller, who just passed away a couple of years ago. Because. Not only did he donate the land that the United Nations sets on today the United Nation headquarter built on land prime, real estate in Manhattan that he gave to the United Nations to build, their their headquarters. But. He also founded, a thing called the Council, on Foreign Relations. As. Well as another group called the trilateral, commission and he. Was a key, player in what's, called the Bilderberger, group. All. Three, of these are fiercely. Committed to. Bringing about one, world government in. Fact. Most. People don't know anything about the Bilderbergers, because, it's a highly, secretive, organization, the only thing I can say to use it, is a meeting, that happens annually, that. No, information. Or notes or records or kept journalists, are not allowed in unless, they're part of the organization. And then they vow to keep, silence, and not to advertise what's, discussed, but. You name it it's a who's who of kings, and princes, and governors and. And and prime ministers, senators. Corporate. Heads of government, and corporate, heads of business the heads, of academia as well, as the, heads of media I need it's a grouping, of people that.

Are The elite of the most elite of the planet, Earth who, come together and, what they discuss, we're told is how, to create, one, global. Kingdom. That, will, end all war and bring peace into the world, the. Council of Foreign Relations we, know a lot more about in, fact it. Was founded, by again by David Rockefeller. And. In. Nineteen fifty one of its members James Warburg, whose father was a founding member of it stood. Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and made the following statement he, said we, shall have world, government, whether. Or no you'll like it by, conquest, or, consent. He. Said the trilateral commission is intended, to be the vehicle for multinational. Consolidation. Of the. Commercial, and banking interests, by seizing, control of the political government, of the United States, so. When we talk about deep State, this. Is essentially what he's talking about, the. Trilateral, commission represents, a skillful and coordinated the effort to seize controlling, and solid eight the four centers of power. So. Essentially, it, is an effort to basically, transition. Us from a republic, into, something. That is more controllable, a socialist. Form of government now, most people don't understand, and I hear so many young people saying yeah socialism, such a great deal what you don't realize is what socialism, is always represented, with Marxist, socialism Soviet. Socialism, Chinese, socialism. Yeah. British socialism, you know always been the same not only does it not work, and impoverished the general population. But. The problem, is it gives all power, and control over the most important parts of our life to, governmental, entities, and more importantly, bureaucrats. Bureaucrats. David. Rockefeller left us with no question as to how he felt about one-world government when, he said, the. World is now prepared, to march towards, a world government a. Supra. National. Sovereignty. In other words beyond. Nationality. To become the nationality, of mankind. The. Super, and sovereignty, of an intellectual. Elite. And world bankers, is, surely. Preferable to, the National auto-determination. Pact. Practiced, in, past centuries you, and auto-determination is it's a code word for democracy. Everybody. Understands the most efficient, inefficient, form of government is democracy. Let's be honest we, look at our Congress and they become locked, in these silly debates it's all about power and control and so forth it's. A very inefficient way of governing, my. Personal, view is the more inefficient, government is the more freedom I have but. The pointless government, shutdowns don't scare me probably, because I don't get check from the government but nonetheless. We. Understand that what he's saying is government's. Are inefficient, inherently. The more patrol that you give over the individual. Citizens. And therefore. We need to put all of that power and control the hands of an intellectual, elite. People. Like himself. Who. Can take control and govern, in. His memoirs, in fact he sets something, most astounding on page 405 of his memoirs if you wanted a fact, check he. Says some even, believe speaking. Of his family, that we are part of a secret, cabal. Working. Against, the best interests of the United States. Characterizing. My family, and me as internationalists. And of conspiring, these others around the world to build a more integrated. Global political and economic, structure, one, world if you will, if. That's. The charge I stand. Guilty and I am proud of it I mean. This is an amazing admission. As this man's coming the last days of his life and he said I've, been working on this my entire life. You. See you wonder why would American politicians, get behind this well because they believed. That they, as Americans, would be running this world government. That's. The only reason they wanted the map first moment they can't run it they don't want it it.

Is But. What ultimately will, be that one-world government, probably. Isn't. Even visible to us today because. Remember what Daniel said it will be different, it. Will be different our problem, is we always try to understand, things based upon our past experience. He. Said there's gonna come something, different something that they will say this, is a new, thing a new world order, this. Is the answer this will solve all the problems. We'll. Move past nationalism. We'll. Be done with patriotism. And all the, extremes, as Prime. Minister of macron said it creates. Actually. Nationalism, is what defeated. Tribalism, and brought an end to conflict but nonetheless the whole different discussion. But. Last, of all night with a few moments I have left I just want to throw this in there because I like to throw something that makes. Somebody who listens online, upset. Let's. Not fall into the trap of thinking that, the answer is a political, one. Don't, let's follow the trap thing well this guy's done good things and he'll continue to good things and because. All. These men aren't their heart are narcissistic. Some sociopathic. Certainly. Megalomaniacs. Who love power and authority and control. And. We. Have to realize that our hope is in Christ our. Hope is in his kingdom. On here. You.


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