Closing the loop From plastics to products

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So hello and welcome everybody thank you all for joining us today for closing, the loop from plastics, to products, my, name is Yvonne Ricci and I am a project coordinator here, at the creaminess school fund and today's. Webinar is the final, webinar in our series on plastic, waste management, solutions for Canadian Municipalities. This. Webinar series is offered, to you by the Federation. Of Canadian Municipalities through. Their green municipal fund so. Before I hand things over to today's speakers, I'd like to take just a few more minutes to, provide some context, on the green municipal fund for you. The. Federation of Canadian Municipalities has. Been the national voice of municipal governments in Canada since, 1901, and. We offer diverse programs, and services that are designed to support municipalities, such, as many that you were connecting with today one. Of these programs is the green municipal fund which was established in, 2000. After an endowment by the Government of Canada. The. Fund has a double mission to, support municipal, initiatives, in sustainable, development through its funding, as well as to be able to share knowledge and lessons learned through, online resources, and tools through. Training opportunities, networking. Opportunities, and peer learning as well the. Green municipal fund is available for projects in five different sectors including, transportation. Water, performance, energy, performance, brownfields. And of course waste reduction. The. Funding is available to all municipal, governments and their partners for plans studies, pilot projects and for capital projects and since, its inception the green municipal fund has funded more than 1,400, initiatives, in over 500 communities, across Canada. If. You go to our website you can access our approved, projects database which, has a series of resources on our funded projects including. Key studies reports, contact information, and more so. We'll send a link to that in, the chat box that you're welcome to use for reference but of course you can always search for that on your own time as well I would. Also encourage you to sign up for our weekly newsletter FCM, connect to. Get all the latest updates on what we have to offer including other webinars, workshops and, programs that support Canadian, municipalities and, lastly. We'll also be sharing the link to the yet to the webinar recording so, that the first two webinars that we did in the series are now available online and the others are going to be posted shortly as well so you can find those directly on our web page as well as on our youtube channel if, you. Do have to step away at any point you have colleagues who are missing today's webinar the session is of course also being recorded and will be online in a few weeks so. Over, the last five weeks we've been joined by many, of you from all over Canada it's, been fantastic just to see the level of interest in these topics and we, kind of really excellent questions, and engagement, throughout so so welcome to everybody whether you're joining us from all the way up in Whitehorse and Yellowknife.

From St. John's a few. People even from the states as well which is which is great to see and. We have a really diverse group of people on the line as well I'm, really showing the level of passion that you have if it's either you're. Working as a waste management advisor, and been in this topic for four, years or if you're a community volunteer who's, just really passionate about the topic it's great to have you all on the line and. By. Joining us virtually today, we've estimated that we are saving about, 110,000. Kilograms of co2 as. Well a little over a thousand, kilograms of waste just, looking at flights alone not to mention all the other resources, that might be used if you were staying in hotels and that kind of thing so, thank you all for your online presence today that really, does, help us that use. The technology, to to contribute to warrants and sustainable, initiatives. So. To provide some context for today's session these, webinars are intended, to demonstrate and, showcase the many ways in which plastic, waste is being addressed by municipalities, across Canada through. Past webinars, we've seen significant, efforts globally and nationally to, stem the flow Plastics leaking out of the economy and into the environment and. We have also explored some of the specific, responses, that municipalities. Are taking to address the challenges the plastic waste management in Canada. Today's. Webinar will explore innovative technologies, for processing, and using plastic waste after has been collected, ultimately. Helping to foster the local economy and circular economy, in. Particular we'll be examining a case study of a partnership between. A municipality in Quebec and a startup company to, tackle some of the challenges of plastics that are traditionally not being recycled. So. Without further ado is my pleasure to introduce, our speakers for today's webinar first. We have Maggie ice who, is an environmental advisor for the city of Salaberry to Valleyfield, Maggie.

Is A biologist, by training with a specialization, in ecology, and also, holds an MBA in project management she. Has more than 15 years, been experienced in the environment and sustainable development for, municipal organizations, her. Academic, and professional experience. And her leadership have been instrumental in developing various policy mechanisms, and gaining community support helping, to aint attain ambitious, goals and build a more sustainable community. Over. The course of her career she has initiated many innovative projects with the city of Salaberry de Valle field including. The recovery of residential, polystyrene, by pure wave incorporated, a local, technology and development business and. So. Maggie is also joined today by Val, Shinobu CF who, is the vice president of communications marketing. And government relations at Pyrrha wave now, Jeanne has numerous years of experience in strategic council and management in communications, and public affairs functions, including. In the environmental, and manufacturing, areas, she. Holds a BA in communications. And in political science as well, as an MBA, she. Also served as director of communications, and public affairs at equal wanted a please kbecque a private, nonprofit organization representing. Companies that place containers, packaging, and printed matter on the Quebec market, her. Unique experience, with various stakeholders in the recycling ecosystem, brand, owners and government and private institutions as well as her ability to build strong partnerships bring, significant, value to pure away strategy, to move innovative, technology, for recycling plastics onto local and international markets. So. Maggie and Mail Jeanne thank you both so much for joining us I will. Now have things over to you so. You should now control just lies and you'll have about 30 minutes for your presentation. After. Which we'll have maybe 20 minutes for questions to wrap it up. Thank. You hi everybody. It's. A pleasure to be here with you today and share, experience, with the pilot project for polystyrene. Recycling. It's. A Maggie. Speaking it's, my first webinar in English so I will do my desk the. Pleasure to presume, that plan, it, would be first. The location of this city and. After. The polystyrene. General, information. The, partnership, between, solidarity. Valises and far away the.

Description, Of the pilot, a pilot project and the key figures, details. About the Paris, technology, and the, transportation. Stability, finally. We will talk about the, success. Factors. Improvements. To be made and the next step of, the project, pilot, so. We'll have a joint presentation so. My D and I will be sharing. The device and, alternate. So just. To walk you through the project. So. First I. Will present you a sarah.billick, Valleyfield, is as a regional. City, featuring, more, than sports. 40000, citizen. Surrounded. By, water, and lucky, to the next to Montreal just at. 25. Kilometers west. Of the metropolitan, island flows from Ontario, and United, States so. A Sarah. Barrett valley filled the. Features. And. Unique. Lifestyles. In the natural, and urban environment. For the citizen, and up fighting road. Access, arbor, and enter. Model station, for the industries. And, we. Have a. Diversified. Economy, strong industrial, and institutional, and. Commercial operation. In. Recent years the salivation Valley field has been booming thanks. To a new and vibrant economy. With. Eden. Identified. Four main development, streams, is, dancing. Sizeable, opportunities. And fostering, networking. Opportunities. Between existing. Industries. Chemical. Metalworking. Transportation. And tur model and logistic. And the. Last one its, environment. And recycling. One of the main business area. For environment. Remains waste, management. So. When we. Have a. Sustainable. Development action. Plan that you can consult, add this, link that you can show and. A. Culture, fostering, with new technologies. Like the. Partnership with Ferrari. So. Today's presentation. We tackle, polystyrene. So plastic number six which, is a plastic that was not widely recycled. Up until now. Polystyrene, is a key packaging. Material. For especially, for the food industry. Because, of its, great. Characteristics. Such as insulation. Sustainability. And low, weight features. We. Also know that the use of plastic has been multiplied, by 20, over the past 50 years and, it, should double in the next 20 years so it's all the more important, that we, find innovative solutions, to recycle, those plastics.

So. This fight is wide use. The. End of life cycle, of. Polystyrene as plastics, in general is an issue and. There. Is a you. Know some recycling, made through mechanical recycling, but, it has its limitations. In. Terms of polystyrene recycling. And to. The point that it became, public. Enemy number 6 like we like to call it, so, that's where the Pyrex chemical. Recycling technology. Kicks in as. It helps regenerate. Polystyrene, to the state of molecular. Similar. To the virgin, material, that, makes other PS, endlessly. So. This is a new local technology, which has been developed, in Quebec after 8 years of R&D and, is. Not an operation in. A, pilot plant inside a Bekaa Valley field so, that's, why it was natural, for us to to. Develop, this partnership this, partnership, with the city so I'll be talking a little bit more about the technology later, in the presentation but, now I'll turn it over to to. Maggie to talk to you about how the partnership was born. So. The, partnership, was, born, first. By, a citizen. Diamond. There. Is an organism. Initiative. In, Philadelphia. Do volunteers. Drop all the TS in Ontario, because, it. Was a recover, at the industry, province, and, it, was not the recover in Quebec so. This. Doesn't, make some. Some. Oppression. On the. Elected. Official, to. To. Take, action. To recover the, police, theorem so. We. Add, a Advisory. Committee, and Aphrodite, Valley field and a, decision was taken, 2016. To, look, for innovative. Alternatives. To. Recovery. The the, police theorem so. The, research, we. Research with, the Polytechnic, to have a solution. For this problematic, and in. 2016. Period a few Ariza, came. Here and Sarah del Valle field and. Exposure. In the, industrial, part so. The discussion, between far. Away than the city holidays, Valley still the start in 2017. And. Project. The pilot project, start at in a. Thousand. 18 the. The. Far away for partnerships. And for a province-wide. Issue, so. The recovery. Of the PSP. The. Main purpose, of the. Pilot. Project, is to access, access the, visibility, of the recovering, of police theorem from. Citizen, and the, industry, commercial, and institution. On salad el valle fills the territory, for, treatment, to the thyroid, glands there. Are five, components, to the project, and share responsibilities, between the partners, and so. The collection the transportation. The treatment. Awareness. And, cognitions. With the population, and the cost evaluation. So. The city of salivary Valley food is responsible. Of the, collection, transportation. And communication. Arrays. In charge of the processing, and we. Share responsibilities. Of the keep a, KPI. And, post. Evaluation. The. Project, pilot the, term is, about, one, year. The. Main issue is, that expanded. PS is, a material. Made up of the 90%. Of air its, low density as. A system. The impact, on cost of transportation, to, processing, centers, and therefore. Human, society, recovered, this material, so, the solution, to this recovery problem, is to have a single, drop-off, location, and we, choose vehicle center because it's a location where citizen, already, bring their material, with, more than thirty, thousand, entries a year. When. Despotism come, to the call center with. Their police theorem the. Staff reception, it then, is I identify. Island after, a first, sort of material, you can see the. Place and, the. Store in a marine container. After. Recovery. Of plastic, big. Bag yet transparent, bags and, each. Week the new spells, staff ship the power raised to power, raised four, to five bags of three hundred to, three thousand. Eight, hundred liters, and. Actually. The capacity, of para waves is about. The twenty, five bags or week. To. Make sure police theorem gets to the echo center we need a good, communication. Strategy, and this. Communication, strategy. Is to, streamline the, message and speak language, that people can understand, so. We don't use the technical term police.

Theorem We. Instead, use the term to reform, as you. Can see. In. Addition. We. Are using a mean meaning, full visual, because the challenge, is, the high rate of the functional, illiterate, in our cam. Hosting. Condition. Tools on various, platform. And social. Media newspaper, movies. Video, televisions. Social. Media and others. And. Finally. Engaging. In the population, and selecting, a meaningful drop-off. Location, based on citizen, patterns. Like. The eco center. So. In terms of that if styrofoam, items, that are accepted. Through. The pilot project, and is, a place. Irene expanded, the, extruded. Rigid. Or standards that we can think of food packaging. Place. Utensils. Picnic. Cups, insulating. Materials, yogurt, cups, place. For meat or fish and protective. Materials, and packaging and well those, are all accepted, in a vehicle, center. A. Few, words about Huayra waves so fire is a clean tech was developed, an innovative technology, of chemical, recycling for, mixed plastics, thanks. To microwave, depolymerization, i'll, tell you a bit more about the, process later on in the presentation. The, innovation, is a scientific, breakthrough stemming. From three engineers from Polytechnic, Montreal, which. Has been recognized, by the scientific. Community through. Numerous, prizes. To. Name a few of the innovation, prize from the ultra. Decision, Yan the Quebec that. We received last year. We. Had a first prize for the world award of industrial. Chemistry last year as well and were named among the 50, clean tech to watch, so. I probably there's a team of engineers and, experienced. Professionals that, are supported, by a Board, of Directors with an. Extensive experience, in. Petrochemical. And recycling, market. So. To, understand how power, wave works you, have to understand how plastic is made and it's, like Lego blocks and the, Lego blocks or the monomers, so. What we do is we break the Lego blocks using, microwaves, that break, the links between these blocks to, bring them back into monomers. Once. This is done these. Blocks or monomers can, be reassembled. Into. The same items or into. Other products, so. In terms of, Lea. The demarcus for for, the monomers, and that are reassembled, so we can think about making, you food packaging, or new packaging. Are also, rubber. So, synthetic, tires. For, example, so. Those are all markets. For for. Those monomers, that are recycled. So. What para wave that does and what the chemical, recycling does is a true plastic circular, economy, so. From the vallecula Co Center, the. Polystyrene is shipped to pyro ways and then, we break it down we. Break down the polymer chain so the Lego blocks, and. Then dust treatment is called a polymerization. So. What produces. An oil which. Is a 90 percent monomer rich, and is. Then sent to a petrochemical, company, that remember, rim manufactures. New polystyrene. Regime which, is identical, to virgin, Rison drug regime. So. The. Benefits, of this, type of recycling. Is that, we generate, 2 times less greenhouse, gas by, reusing recycled. Plastics, rather, than extracting, new fossae materials, from the earth in. Addition, to new products this process also makes it possible to, women, we manufacture new, food packaging, materials, since. The feedstock is, completely, free of all organic, and inorganic contaminants, so. We can create food, grade packaging, from, that resign the. Recycling, process can be repeated endless, endlessly, as it brings the material back to its original state. And. Therefore decreases. Our dependency, to oil so. That's those are the fundamentals, of circular, economy. And. It's done locally. So. The technology. Itself. Is a modular. Technology. That fits the size of a small container. It. Consumes, 10 times less energy than Virgin, PS, and the. Energy that is generated through. The process, can be recovered, to heat the building as. I mentioned, the. The. Performance. Of the process, is very high so it's up to 90 percent of monomers, that are, collected. Through the process, and. The processing, capacity is, between, 100 and 200 kilograms. And. So. Each, process, ton. Of polystyrene. Avoids. Releasing, more than two tons of ghe. So. We. Can increase the treatment, to the capacity, if we add if. We add in more, modules, so that's one. Way to increase, the. Capacity and only, those. Modules should be located where the supply, is or close, to a strategic location where, volumes, of polystyrene can, be concentrated. So. Here in valley field is that there's, a port so it's very convenient to for. The company, to grow its activities, and operations. Now. That we've talked about the, technology, K figures, let's talk about the project key figures the first since.

November. 2018. The, rollout of the pilot, project, we, weighed process, to date is then. More. Than nine hundred, um. And. All. The PS, await, at the factory, of Paris. We. Noticed an important, rejection rate, of twenty three person, this is something, that we have to serve seriously. Work on with. The company, and with. The citizens, in. The last month the citizens, engaged, engagement. Is about, two. Thousand. Entries, a two, hundred entries, led, to the police tier to, the police tyrants at the. Epicenter, from. January, 29, to a February February, twenty. Three year, 2019. You, can see in the image a picture of the form from the database, that we using. As the Eco center the. Time, required. For the efficient, management and, transportation it's. About two hours a, week so. It's an hour at coast evaluation. With. This project we get a lot of testimonials. Positive. Testimonials. This student marginally. Satisfied. And proud of the other greener and innovative. City by presenting this, partnership, with with the power racism. We. Also get, some. Recommendation. One of them proposed, to multiply, the drop-off, station to, the supermarket. This. Recommendation. Suppose. That we will be here for that, it will be easier, for the citizen to recover the PS and, their. Project, the pilot project, will analyze, seriously. Reception. But. There. Must require, frequent, questions. Are could, it eventually, be, possible, to recycle, by using the. Blue bin, collection. And, will. The waste gas used, to bring quantity. Of PS at the eco center will pollute more, than truing, it directly. Away so. We. Try. To answer this question, Virginia. Having, already discussed, by a part, of the subject, and the technology, key figures but. Here, you can see that we calculate, the PS Transportation's. Of stability and, according, to the assumption. For, example, the TSA, car shipment force from. Siberia. Valley filled water into. An average, distance, of 15. Kilometres. -, from the echo, center to power raised by trucks will, depress table, if around 1 kilograms, of TSR dropped to. The Eco center. So. To. Figure. Out what, is 1. Kilograms. Of PS. You, can see, it's a big bag with all the. Different. Kind of material, of forest ramp description. To have a profitable, transport. To the Eco centuries, the, citizen, doesn't have 1, kilogram is. To bring all the exits of materials, and Delta, are travel at the find the same time. So. That's the solution our. Communication. Strategy. Now. About. The success, factors, our access. To technology. Streamline. Collection. And sorting, criteria for. Citizens. And employees the. Precious. Helps, the recycled. Ts6. Indefinitely. Whereas. It is the, first seen as problematic by, our society, it. Is part of a real circular, economy states. Of mine like Virginia, told you before, the. Implementation, of, a process, for recycling, forester and improved the environmental. Image of users, so. The generator, and manufacturer. Of recycled. Polyester impreza and all the communication. The, engagement. Of Paris. And the unified. So. Now, the improvement. To be made them.

Identify. The match, the, matter at the eco center instead, of only, at the power wave plant, and, decrease, the contamination. Rate. Because, to date it's about 23%. But. There, is a little mistake here and. It. Will be decreased. By employees. Training, and. Increase. Awareness of, citizen, and what is not membership. So. If. We look at the next step for the pilot project I will continue, until, the end of the year to follow up the KPIs. On a quarterly basis, so, that includes sunnahs the rate of participation, the. Cost. Contamination. Levels, as. We discussed will also try. To spend the pilot project, to engage. IC, i and citizens, of surrounding, municipalities. Attending. The eco center. After. The, the. Comments, we had on social, media and, will. Also explore compensation. As part of the EPR. Compensation. Program for criseyde recycling, municipal, services. And. Also, create. A. An. Update report. For. The first the first. Year of the project in, November 2000 19 and that. Report, should include, or. Keep the eyes as well as success factors, and will. Make it available for. For. Upon. Request on our websites, as well. So. That, concludes our presentation, of, the pilot project. I want. To thank the. Federation. Of Canadian, Municipalities. For, their invitation. To, take part in the webinar and I thank you for your attention and I, will be answering some questions for. The next few minutes. Okay, thank you so much both to to, you Maggie and then Val shiney to, both of you for an excellent presentation a really, really fascinating topic, and it's. Been very interesting to just to learn more about this partnership and how it unfolded, not, to mention some of the the great feedback. That you've gotten from your community and, really. Just hearing more about that the innovative technology, that you've implemented here so. We do have lots of time for questions I see that. We. Do have a lot that have come in already so that's great we'll, work through as many as we can of course if, we can't get to everything we'll, do our best and you're of course welcome to follow up with. Maggie or Vania, if you if you have more, questions at the end so. To start us off we. Had a question that was coming in asking about a, great. Sound process, of the plastics, so every. Time that the plastic, is recycled, does the plastic become, less durable, each time that it's broken down and then manufactured, into something else oh, that's. A very good question the. Answer is no it's, really an endless, process, as we bring the, polystyrene. Back to its original. Molecule. Which is the monomer, so, the, only thing that is lost through the process is the contamination, so. We're, able to bring the. Really. To break down the length of the molecules, back to their original, monomer. Up. To 90% so that's, a very high yield, and. After. That we can put. Those chains back together. With. The help of a petrochemical. Company, and create. New, resign. That's identical, to the Virgin so there's no loss it's not like the fibers, which, lose their they. Get shorter and shorter after, each process, that's different with plastic. Because it's a chemical process and, it's, a chemical reaction so that's why it's different and it's endlessly, recyclable.

Well, That's great and really does speak to that sort of the importance of circular economy there really is an, endless loop, in. Terms of continuing. On the vein, of operational. Questions there, was also some questions around energy. Use, and and emissions, so I'll start with the emissions, piece are. There any sort of emissions that are released, from breaking, down the monomers using microwaves. Everything. Is in a closed loop so we, we. Collect. Carbon. As a residue. Of the the. Process and this is sold and. The. Heat is recovered to, heat the building. So. There's not a lot of polystyrene, is quite, an easy. Component. Chemical, components. So there's not a lot of residues, so. The contaminants. Are broken. Down into carbon. Once they, go through the process and we can sell their, waxes, and the oils afterward, okay. Great, um how. About the the energy input requirements of pyro wave compared. To something like a chemical, the, polymerization technology. That loop industries use this is an example I. Don't. Think, the analysis, to compare. Polystyrene. What I can say slicer is made of one monomer, and it's the only plastic, resigner. That is, such a simple assemble. Assemble of. Cadeaux siddhis and we have a molecule. So. It. Does require some energy. But. To break it down as a simple, monomer. If. I compared to a Phe plastic for instance there's or two monomers, resulting. Of a. Developer, ization so, there's a bit more energy. Intensive. But I'm not a chemist so I'm. Gonna stick to what I know best which is chemic. Agent and marketing but. That. I know that my crash course in chemistry has, taught me that. Okay. Not a problem that's a great answer. We've. Also had a number of questions coming in about the. Cleanliness of the material, and you did mention contamination. Rates of course but can you speak to how clean, the material needs to be in order for it to go through this process. Yes. Of course in, terms of the technology. We. Can accept a. Certain. Level of contamination, because, for. Example organic. Contamination, is not an issue for this technology, itself, because. It's totally. Purified. Throughout the process, but. Of course we. We. Appreciate, the best quality, possible--, so that's in terms of the technology, but now you can speak about the. The. ADI echo center yes, because, a vehicle, center is really. Important, to remember that, there. Is people who work with the materials, so we. Necessity, a kind of, high. Level of solid, salubrious, the breach is fallible key Sagar. Bertie yes very pretty. Yeah. Because we. We. Have people who have to. Take. The material put, it in the bags and ship. It to the. Para, wave plant and at. The. Factory. They, have to put it on. Density. In the densification, so, there. Is a lot of manual manipulation. And, by, human so, we. Ask, at the population, to bring them material. Really. Clean. And. The. Changing, tack a little bit because. This is such an innovative technology there's. Some people who are wondering it can you speak it all about whether, or not there are other communities, in Quebec, or across Canada that are also looking, at polystyrene. Is this really that sort of the first, pilot. Of this of this nature and that you know of or are there other communities getting involved as well. There. Are two. Startups. That. Do a recycling. A polystyrene. Through. Innovation. And they're, all in Quebec so they're police to that as well. So. I know there's a project in Montreal. To. That effect as well, but in terms of to, look worldwide. The. Innovation. Is really stemming, from from. Quebec. Canada. We. Are in discussions, with, worldwide. Petrochemical. Companies, and brand owners. And. Polystyrenes. Innovation. Is really stemming, from from, Quebec and to. That effect. We, were actually in Paris last. February, Deneuve. And a forum, on the, innovative, recycling. Technology, for plastics, that was organized by the organization. In Quebec and a concept whisky Beck and his counterpart, and friends Ciccio and, they. They. Went to. A search around the world for all the startups that had it innovative solution, and among. The 12 that were. Presented. That three were were, from Quebec so I can, see that here in Canada, we have we. Have a lot of creativity. And, a lot of technology. To, bring, solutions that, are that, could have an interest for export, for. Instance and. Canada. Supported. Tackling. Plastic, challenges. Through the g7, Charter for plastics, in the ocean so.

There's A great support of all levels of government to to. Foster. The the. Deployment. And emergence, of those clean tech that are that. Are really. Emerging. Right now. Okay. That's great thank you to. Follow up on that a number, of people also I think are quite interested, in learning more about you, know how other, municipalities, might be able to get involved in something like this and you can, you speak it all about the. Growth model and and, and. How collaboration, between other, municipalities. Might be something that could could. Emerge around around hi, Roy. Yes. Sir I. Think the pilot project, that is currently a. Undergoing. Is a is going to be very. Very. Educated. For us to in terms of. Identifying. A. Key success factor, as well as you. Know their IEP is to reproduce and expand to a greater scale that kind of project and so that if I were really proud to work with the, city of Santa Bonita Valley field I think that you. Know we're, very lucky to have such a great partner and I think we need the collaboration. Of the whole value chain to. To. Make this work because, we all know that the. You. Know the recycling, industry has been. Under. Pressure with their closing of the Chinese markets, to exportation, so I think, we we. Need to find more of those local. Solutions, and. For that you know the whole value chain is, needs to be mobilized, so we're we're very lucky to work with a partner, that is so committed and. You. Know in terms of the demand we. Already have supply, agreements, with petrochemical. Companies, that, are worldwide players for. The next two years so there is a demand for, sure. On. A worldwide scale for, recycle. Design and, polystyrene. In particular. I. Think brand, owners are also under pressure to, find. Solutions, so they have a hundred percent recycled, content for, their packaging, so, I think we we, bring solutions, through, innovation, that. Bring. Up new possibilities so. But. For that you know to I think that project will help us identify the, key success factors, and I. Think one of them is to have quality. Material, we. Also need to have a concentration, of volumes, so, that's why to have the. Port in scilab editor valley to can be a very strategic location. As we. Can bring in some supply, material.

As Well as, we. Have an open route to Marcus. From the Great Lakes and the East. Coast the United States and even, through Europe so. This, is a strategic location. And. I think those, those, areas, like this can can. Be a good ground to to. Develop some class, for, a mixed, plastic recycling. For example, and bring a higher value. To, something, that was once waste. I don't. Know if Maggie would like to add some some words in terms of. You. Know the partnership, and you. Know working together. Yes, and, working. Together is, a key because a start-up. Like a pure, Rayz a solution. To. A problem, of, the. Community. So we have to work. Together and the city. Assistant. Will. Benefit, a start-up, like a pure, wave so here. Instead of a embellishes we have some. Big. Some. Premises. Tax. Credit, or support. To business development, like. We do now and it's. A key. To to. Find the solution. And including. It in the, the. Loop. Of the economy, so that's. A that's, the way that, we developed, the partnership, with the pah-wraiths and other startup. And our, territory. That's. Great thank you and maybe. To elaborate, a little bit on the partnership did. You experience any any challenges, and being able to develop us in the first time anything that. Made it difficult or has it been fairly fairly smooth sailing since the beginning. We. Had some challenge. At, the, before. The beginning of, the pilot. Project, and the. One of them is to. Because. Far, away it says startup, was to. Find the the, best. Moment, to start the project and. Because. We, we. Had a kind. Of. Uncertainty. About, the. Quantity, of the material. We, can bring as the the, plan so a. Power. Wave in. Search. And development, have some. Some. Preparation. Before to, take, our materials, so, that's. Our. Major. Main. Challenge. To find the. Good. Moment to start the project so that's. Why we, start the discussion in. 2017. And the, project. Starts, in November to. 2018. And. I think the great commitment of the city. Facilitated. Our ramping. Up and our. Studying. Up in the in the industrial. Park has currently. Helped accelerate the. Deployment. Of, the technology as, well, and. Maybe I would like to add one thing that I I might not have been clear, on when. We I was asked about the what we do with Gaza mission. Just. To mention that we burned the you know as I said it's a closed loop so there. Are some gases, that are some. Gases or produced. In the process that are burned so. That's what we do to, that effect. Okay. Thank you thanks. For adding on addition as well. Keeping. Kind of on the vein of the partnership, and community. Involvement would. You be able to speak to some of the communication. Tactics that have been used to, promote, to the public to participate in, this program for. Example do they do this the public receive incentives, or anything like that to, participate. Especially businesses. And. To. Communicate. To the the, population, we. Multiply. Eight all the platforms so, and we. Start with the. Press. And. Casinos, will contrast our friends yes and. We. Put a lot of little. Movie, that, and. Inspect. The population, to the action. In. Our, media. Socio. And social. Media and. We. Simplify. All the message, to the population. And, as. You can see in the presentation, we. Had a. Strategy. Of communication. In the movie. So. There. Is I. Always. The the same, the. Same visceral at. All in all the platforms so, we, multiply, eight this. Everywhere. And, we. Had a lot, of interview. At, the radio at the television, and. We. Made, it circulate, in the social. Media, and on TV, on radio so. That's. Why the population. Is well, my, beliefs right. Okay. Great in, terms of sort, of the final product if we know what the the products are being made. From classic that originates, from the community but what is that what happens to the to the end result is it is it sold back to local. Businesses, or does it is it sold to larger corporations. Our. Buyer is typically local, or or what are they for it from international. Markets we're. Talking about the oil that is produced. Yes. The bio product yeah yes, yes the oil that is rich, in monomer is sold to a. Devolution. Which, is a subsidy. Of in a US and, it's located, in Sarnia Ontario and, we already. Have like a two year supply. Agreement, with them as. I mentioned, before there's, a great demand for recyclables. Resign. The. Polystyrene industries, looking for solutions, to create a 100% recycled content for, their food. Packaging, and other packaging, so the demand is there we. Also have. Seen. Many. Reports, in, the last months, especially. McKinsey. Issued a report and the smart security Institute, in, Ottawa issued a report to. To. Explain, that chemical. Recycling. And. Recycle. Design is an expansion and will, be a greater and greater demand, in the forecast. In the coming years, so. We're, very optimistic. That the. Solution. You. Know we already have those agreements with, the petrochemicals, so we know first, hand that there's. A demand and also to bring higher. Value, to a, waste, product that is.

Traditionally. A cost center when it's sent to landfill, because it's a, right. Now seen as a contaminant, so. It's really transforming. A cusp, enter into a profit, center and high value material, and. Also decoupling. Plastics. From the petrol, the crude oil is. Also key in the business, model. So. I think, it's a good example circular. Economy also, because there's a highly. Skilled jobs, attached. To the technology, and, expanding. This this model, another. Green job as well and as, we said there's an export. Potential, so I think it has a lot of. You. Know the factors that we look into when we talk about circular, economy. Okay. Great thank you, would. You also be able to speak to whether. Or not any other types of plastics are able to be recycled using this technology a few, examples, people have mentioned that like black plastic. From. Meat packaging that kind of thing that it would necessarily be, the. Number. Six but would still be similarly. Difficult to recycle. Yes. Um as. You. Know we're ramping up we. We want to tackle plastic. Number six first o polystyrene. But. Then microwave technology and, the polymerization, process. That can be used also in plastic number two four and five so. We're, talking about, a meat miss a mid-term, horizon--. To. Implement, this technology on you, know mix plastics, but, yeah. We want to make sure that the, technology is robust, to start with with. Plastic number six but we'll, definitely, look, into mix plastics in the in the near future. Okay. That's great. And, it's maybe a question more for Maggie, as well but does. The city have any character kinds of programs about, either. Extended, producer responsibility or. Even just education, around actually. Discouraging, the use of polystyrene. To begin with rather than the. Recycling process is of course a great feature but it's. Reducing before the recycling, it's always an important, feature as well I. Could. You repeat the question please, I'm not sure, are. There any programs or, education. Initiatives. At the city that focus. On reducing. The use of polystyrene. To inglis. Yes. That of course. And. The. Governments. Policy. There. Is. The. 3rz. Er. Archie, so, the, first it is, reduced. So, of course in all the education. Of the population. That's. The first thing that we. We. Ask at the population, we. Do. A lot of sensible, Asian and the. Waste. Management. Communication. Strategy, is, start. With the reduction, so. When. We. We. We are talking. We are talking, at large. Of waste, management, the, first thing that we. Call. To action to the population, is to a. Direct. Reflection, when, they are in front of. The. Wrapping, of their. Food, or of, the project, to to. Don't, have. This. This. Material to have to. Decide. If it's going to. Recycling. Or to. The. The. Elimination. And. It's. Um it's. Major because it's about. Our. Environmental. Performance. A DM. Oh. That's. Great thank you as. A follow-up, to that some. Municipalities have also discussed, the idea of actually banning, single-use. Plastics, and that kind of thing and for. Vale Shaney, would, have been how would a ban on those plastics actually impact your use of this technology for. Your for your for, purify, Royce. Well. I think you know I, wear. The same wavelength as an ID in terms of you know, we. Need to first manage the consumption, at the source I. Know. For, having visited, many sorting, centers that those small items can be a real nightmare for. The conveyors, and the optical sorters. So. You know I think, where the, plastic. Challenge. Is a very, complex, and we need a portfolio, of solutions to, tackle it so we're. Here to do one part and I think we need many solutions, and there's, room for for, an area, solutions, to tackle, the challenge that is immense, you know so, for.

The, Polystyrene, if, we talk about yogurt. Yogurt. For. Example, packaging, yeah you. Know the that's. The kind of food, packaging, that is, a it's. An industry that is looking for alternatives. And to. Reduce their environmental footprint. So that, that, kind of technology, can bring you a real solution, to. To. That challenge. But, you know there's there are many solutions and, we need, to look into many of those too to really tackle this complex issue. And now maybe one other question for Maggie were, there any concerns about favoring, a particular company through this partnership based on municipal. Procurement, rules. Could. You repeat a question please. Were. There any concerns at. Your municipality about. Favoring. A particular company so having this partnership with Pyrrha Pyrrha wave based. On the sort, of the rules, of the missile procurement, rules. With. Your municipality. These. Are shot police said. There. Is, there, is no. No. Competition, between, other, business. And the territory. Or in Quebec. In general because, at, first. There. Is two two company para, rave and police, survived and the. Perim. Was, just start. The. The. Possibility, to take. The material from. Other. Other. Producer. Than the the. Contact that the the, company have and police. Eval was, saturated, with, the. The. Other pilot. Project, in other. Municipalities. So. To. Put, this pilot, project in. In. Place it was really. Easy to to go directly, with para, rave and there is no no. Other problem. Problem, at second and this, way. It's. A pilot project so it's not you. Know we don't have a formal. Agreement it's, really to to, document, like the idea of the project is to document, at a kpi's. And. Then, there'll be an. Analysis. After that and you. Know so. That that was the goal of the pilot project, so there, was no formal. Contractual. Agreement, if. I may express, it like that it was very a pilot project to to. Document. A. New. Way of recycling. Polystyrene. Okay. Great thank you and I'll move back to as some more operational, questions as I understand, these ins are a little bit a little bit harder to answer. So. In. Terms of them the. Technology, itself, what. Is the minimum size. Of module. That's possible, if, you were working with on, a mid scale like if you wanted to implement this at a commercial warehouse, or in an institution, with something like that be possible as well. Well. That's another, good question. I do we you know the the modular. Component. Of the technology. Is to deal. With, small. Small, volumes. Where, the supply is but. If you add on module. Then you can increase the capacity the treatment capacity. So. It's. It's. All based on an analysis, of where the supply is and, you know how much volume can be brought. In through, you know a specific location. So there's not a single answer to this it's really a a.

Tailored. Approach that, we'll. Have to take once, you, know to, deploy the technology elsewhere. But. In the short term our our objective. Is to increase. The, number of modules here, inside, I buried a valley filled and. Trait. Ultimately. A cluster. For chemical, recycling for. Mix plastics, through, you, know all the transportation. Modes that, are available to us including. The. Port. That. Gives us access to a lot of market, and. You. Know and and also that. Can be optimized, through logistics. Transportation logistics. Perfect. Thank you. And could, you also just a quick clarification question, could you tell us what the capacity of the plant is for, example in tons per, day. Or week. Well. Right now it's a hundred, to 200 kilograms. An hour so, we can say it's about a thousand. Kilograms per day, for. One module. So. That's the capacity, and. And. That's on one shift. So you know eventually, we could increase the number of shares and and so on, according. To some. Study in Quebec. By. Jessica. Back in. 2010. The, potential. Of a. Territory. Like us to. To. Produce. A, policy on it's about. 0.73. Person, so. For. 40,000. 40,000. A citizen. It's about. 150. Tons. Here. So, I can. Give, you a kind. Of scale, by. In Quebec we generate. 22,000. Tons of, polystyrene, a year, but. Also we can get supply that both consumer. Supply. And then, there's post industrial supply. So look at all the dairy. Industry for, example and. We can also. Rely. On supply. From. From. Ontario. Or the Great Lakes area even. The eastern. To. The east coast of the United States so they're you know there's, a market out there for. Police. And recycling, that is that. Is. Looking. For solutions, so. So the polystyrene that is right now that is sent to landfill is turned into a. High-value. Material. Great. Thank you so much and. Being conscious of time I I wanted, to give you both an opportunity if you had any final key. Takeaways, or. Larger. Messages, that you would want to share with. The audience before we close out anything anything. Kind of to wrap it up and bring it home with everybody, well.

Thank You yes first. Of all I think we're really i privileged. I, part. Ways to to, have such a great partner as the city of Sun of Anita Valley field so I think that is a you. Know a key, a, key. A success, factor, to to. Underline. And then you know there's a really committed, city I, think, also that module. Ization of the, citizens, is key and C has been a great job to get, that I. Think. Yeah communication. Is key and, innovation. So I think that those are important, factors to, to. Success. For such a pilot. Project but, I, think, the. The might be of the whole value chain is, is. The entire. Amount importance, and. You. Know we need, to look at a different. Way. To. Define solutions, and how, we will develop, our infrastructures. In the future and align. The whole supply, chain to. Get there to get to the real circular, economy so. I. Think we all look forward to the conclusion. Of the the project to to look. At the the, lessons learned and be able to extend the project to a greater scale. Great. If there's nothing else then I'd, like to take the opportunity just, so thank you both again so much for taking the time to to, share your work with us and. A big kudos to you both for, those of you on the line that Maggie. And Val Schnee also presented, in this morning in French so I'm sure they're they've. Had a point, quite a workout today in terms of getting resumes so. Really, really big thanks to both of you and we. Really appreciate the the expertise, that you brought to the table, the, work you're doing is so exciting that we're just thrilled that you were here and you could share with us today. Thank. You thank. You. I'd. Also like to thank the the participants. As well for, your active engagement in the webinar and for your questions and comments throughout it. Always really helps when we've got some good. Good fodder for questions, at the end and we certainly did today. So, before you sign off we would, love to hear from you and have your feedback so we we, do have a survey. An. Evaluation form that should open in, a pop-up window when, you when you exit the webinar so, this is your chance to let us know what, would help you to better manage your plastic waste and, integrate a circular. Economy approach. And. So thank. You all once again that this is the last webinar of our series, they all have all now been recorded, and will be up on the FCM, s YouTube channel and our website in. A few weeks so. Thank you all especially, those of you who joined us for each and every webinar it's been a pleasure to have you on board with us and we. Think it was a great success thanks to your. Involvement so so thank you so much and. Have a great your day.


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