Asian Institute of Technology Wikipedia audio article

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The. Asian, Institute of Technology. 8 founded. In 1959. Is an international. Institution for, higher education in, Quang luang thailand, it. Specializes, in engineering. Advanced, technologies. Sustainable. Development, and management. And planning its. Aim is to promote. Technological. Change and sustainable, development. In, the asia-pacific region, through, higher education, research. And outreach. Topic. History. And mission. Founded. In 1959. As SE ato Graduate, School of Engineering with, a mission to develop highly, qualified and, committed professionals, to foster sustainable development. Of the region and its integration, into the global economy it receives, funding, from organizations. And governments, around the world initially. From se ATO members. In. 1972. It was described, as an excellent. Example of, not only the initiative, and organization. Of a Technical, University but. Also of the success, of a foreign aid program. In. 2006. Eight claimed that it has, become a leading regional, postgraduate. Institute. And is actively, working with public, and private sector, partners throughout, the region, and with some of the top universities in. The world. It. Sees itself as being recognized. For its multinational. Multicultural, ethos. 8, celebrated. Its Golden Jubilee in 2009. On the 21st, of October, 2011 a eyeties, campus, was inundated by 2 meter, high floodwaters. Since. Then it has resumed, operations. At its campus. Topic. Governance. Due. To its international, standing. And global support 8 has been administered, by a high-ranking Board, of Governors since its beginning. Traditionally. A high-ranking. Thai citizen, has been the chairman of its board of trustees. At, present, the chairman, of the eighth Board of Trustees, is former, Minister, of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, a cheater. Sub in pink iron. Ambassadors. Of 13, countries Bangladesh. Cambodia, China. France, India, Indonesia, Korea, Lao, PDR, Pakistan. Philippines, Sri. Lanka, Sweden, and Vietnam, are members, of the eighth Board of Trustees. Ambassadors, of two countries, Japan, an ambassador, of EU have observer, status in the eight board. Topic. Ranking. 8. Has been consistently. Ranked the top university. In the world for its international. Orientation. It, was ranked the top international, university. By you multi, ranked for two consecutive years in 2015. And 2016. In. 2016. It was the only university, from Asia to get a perfect, score in international. Orientation though. Eight is based in Thailand, only thirty percent local students, are from Thailand and seventy percent of its students, come from abroad it. Was the only University. In Asia among, the top 41 universities. In the world to receive full scores under international. Orientation. Earning. Straight-a. Grades. For student mobility international. Academic. Staff international. Joint publications. And international. Doctorate degrees eight programs have been ranked globally, and regionally. Three. Of its programs, were listed in the global top 100. By edgy reversal, best masters, ranking, while five of its programs, were among the top in Southeast, Asia, these. Eight programs have been ranked as best in Thailand, Asian Institute of Technology. Received, a four, star rating from, Q s with strong performance, in several, areas eight. Achieved, an outstanding, performance, by reaching a five, star, rating. In teaching. Internationalization. And facilities. The. Employability, and research categories. Earned four star ratings. Topic. Location. 8. Operates, as a self-contained, international.

Community, At its campus in pathum, thani province, some. 40 kilometres 25 miles, north, of Bangkok Thailand. Besides. Laboratories. And academic, buildings, the main campus, includes, housing sports. And medical, facilities a, conference, centre and a library, with over. 230,000. Volumes and 830. Print, and online periodicals. 8. Was hosted, by the Faculty, of engineering, Chulalongkorn. University Thailand. Before it moved to its present campus, in November, 1973. 8. Has a remote campus, called eighth Center in Vietnam AIT, CV. It. Was established in 1993. Under, the memorandum of understanding between. The Vietnam Ministry of Education and. Training in, the 8th at. That time AIT CV, was the first international, institution. In Vietnam, and the first 8 campus, outside Thailand. Topic. Student. Body. AIT. Student. Body comes from 58, countries with Thailand, contributing. About 1/3, it. Has always been international. With international. Donors offering, scholarships to, 8 students, for capacity-building. Topic. Scholarships. 8. Has received, scholarships. From donors and countries, current. Scholarships, include, the hem kings scholarships. And hem queens scholarships. Loom nam kong pj GMS, AR n scholarships. Nu 8 fellowship, scheme RTG. Fellowship, japanese, government scholarships. For August 2014, intake, da-ad, German. Academic exchange, service, scholarships. For Nationals, of Cambodia, law PDR, Myanmar. And Vietnam BJC. Regional. Scholarships, at 8 for MBA for, Vietnamese and my my students, adb, JSP. Selection, guidelines, joint, japan world bank graduate, scholarship, program di k TI scholarships. For indonesian, lecturers, ka ad 8 scholarship. Program Ford, Foundation, international, fellowships program. IFP, through the Asian scholarship foundation in, Thailand. Eh scholarship. Program, consortium. Of development, studies in Southeast, Asia CD, SSC a scholarship. For gender and Development, Studies Prix, a scholarships, at 8:40 national, in January, 2015, in, take and the type scholarship. A date for Cambodian, Nationals. Topic. Transition. To intergovernmental. Organization. Status. Topic. Approval. Of new charter. In. August 2010, a new charter. Of the Asian, Institute of Technology. 8 was. Adopted, and signed by the Ministry, of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. Signatories. To the new charter included, Seychelles, Cambodia. Japan Sri. Lanka Nepal, Pakistan, Sweden. Timor-leste. Bangladesh. Philippines. India, and uni fim, the. New charter, came into force on the 30th, of January, 2012, as Sweden Japan India. Sri Lanka, Pakistan Bangladesh. And. Nepal deposited. Their instruments, of ratification with. The Ministry, of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. Topic. Difficulties. And return to old charter. In. 2012. Thailand, declined to ratify, the new charter, with the effect that the operations, of aid under the new intergovernmental. Charter resulted, in the issuance of, potentially, invalid, degrees, in. December 2012. 8 opted, to return to its previous national, charter, and ceased operating, as an intergovernmental, university. The. Degrees issued by eight under the new charter, were reissued under the old charter, to avoid the risk of being unrecognized. Under Thai law, however. It seems that the charter. Of the Asian, Institute of Technology. Eight, remains. Legally, enforced without Thailand's. Participation. And is in dormant status. Topic. Listed. Among international. Organizations. By Thai government. 8. Is listed, among international. Organizations. By the Ministry, of Foreign Affairs Royal. Thai government. Topic. Structure. 8. Consists, of three schools at its mother campus. School. Of Engineering and, Technology set. School. Of environment, resources. And development, se Rd. School. Of Management some. Besides, the above schools, 8 has a wing called 8 solutions, and 8 extension. Which provides, professional, education, short, course training and consultancy.

Services. As, mentioned. Above under location. 8 has a campus, in Vietnam that offers academic programs, and short-term training. Topic. Host, to international. Organizations. The. Campus of Asian Institute of Technology, is host to several international. And non-governmental, organizations. Including. The asia-pacific headquarters. Of telecoms, Sans Frontiers. Www. Tsf org, the UN ap environment. Assessment, for regional, Resource Centre in Asia and the Pacific, un EPR RC app. Wwr. Capn. Org, and the regional, integrated, multi hazard early warning system, for Africa, and Asia Rimes. Wwr. I'm student. It. Also hosts, the global secretariat, of the international. Partnership for expanding, waste management. Services of local authorities, I PLA, while, the regional, Secretariat, is hosted, by UN habitat. For. UN agencies, three international, donors, and five national, governments, are part of IPO a8 has tied up with Nobel laureate, Muhammad Yunus to create a Yunus, Center at eight with an objective to. Contribute, to poverty alleviation by. Enabling rural. People to handle and be in control of improving, their own livelihoods. The. Center was launched, on the 8th of September, 2009. Topic. Academic. Programs. Asian. Institute of Technology. Offers masters. Doctoral, diploma, and certificate courses. Among. The programs, offered include regular, masters, and doctoral programs professional. Masters. Dual degree programs, joint, degree programs, Erasmus. Mundus programs. Exchange, programs, and unified, bachelor, master programs, unified, international bachelor. Master degree, program. Topic. Erasmus. Mundus programs. Eight, is associated. With several Erasmus. Mundus academic. Cooperation. Programs, offered, by the European, Union, they. Include, MMO, MMA, HEV, a M euro-asia, bridging, the gap european, master advanced. Robotics, program, EMA, ro Erasmus. Mundus joint, doctorate, at a cost three environmental. Technologies. For contaminated, solids, soils, and sediments and, Erasmus, Mundus master's. Program, in industrial, ecology. Topic. School. Of Engineering and. Technology set. The. School of Engineering & Technology offers. Master's, degrees maying, MSC. Professional. Master's, degree programs, doctoral, degrees dang DTE. CHCs. PhD. And certificates. Of Advanced, Studies, it. Is divided, into three departments. Topic. Department. Of civil and infrastructure. Engineering. Construction. Engineering. And infrastructure, management. CAIM. Geotechnical. And earth Resources, engineering GTE. Geo. Systems, exploration, and, petroleum, geo engineering GE. PG, structural. Engineering, scent, transportation. Engineering, tre water engineering, and managed when. Topic. Department. Of industrial systems. Engineering. Mechatronics. MSC. Micro. Electronics, mic nanotechnology. Industrial. And manufacturing engineering. IME. Topic. Department. Of information and, communications. Technologies. Computer. Science, CS, information. Management IM remote, sensing and geographic information, systems. RS, GIS, software, engineering. SC. Telecommunications. TC. Topic. Interdisciplinary. Programs. Information. And communications. Technologies. ICT. Disaster. Preparedness, mitigation, and, management, DPM, M offshore, technology and, management otm. Topic. School, of environment. Resources. And development, SC, rd. The. School of environment, resources. And development, offers, master's degrees, maying, MSC. Professional. Master's, degree programs, doctoral, degrees ding, DTE, CHCs, PhD. And certificate. Of Advanced, Studies. The. School is divided into three departments. Topic. Department, of food agriculture. And virus, sources, this includes, the following programs, agribusiness. Management ABM. Agricultural. Systems, engineering, ase, aquaculture. And aquatic, resources, management, aar. M and food engineering and bioprocess, technology F, EBT. Topic. Department, of Energy Environment and. Climate change, this includes, the following programs. Energy, environmental. Engineering, and management, EEM climate, change in sustained, development.

CCSD. Energy, business and urban water engineering, and management. Topic. Department of Development and sustainability this. Includes, the following programs. Disaster. Preparedness, mitigation, and, management, DPM, M gender, and Development, Studies GDS. Natural, Resources Management, n RM regional, and rural development planning. Our our DP urban, environment, management uem. Topic. Interdisciplinary. Programs. Agribusiness. Management cleaner. Production, disaster. Preparedness, mitigation, and, management, DPM, M integrated. Tropical, coastal zone management wetland. And aquatic, resources, management. Topic. School, of Management. The. School of Management Psalm, was established, in 1987. It. Has graduated, more, than 3,000. MBA students. It's alumni network, is found in over 40, countries and, faculty. Members come from 30, countries. The. School has developed an extensive network, of strategic, partnerships, around the world with leading European, and Asian business, schools. Some. Offers the following courses Master. Of Business Administration, MBA. Executive. MBA MBA. International. Executive MBA, ie, MBA, Vietnam. Offered, at Hanoi Ho, Chi Minh City dong, nigh vung tau PhD. Doctor, of business administration DBA. Topic. Awards. Topic. Ramon. Magsaysay award. In. 1989. 8 received, a ramon magsaysay award, for, peace and international understanding. For. Shaping a new generation, of engineers, and managers committed. To asia in an atmosphere of, academic. Excellence and regional, camaraderie. In. 2009. An alumnus, of 8u Chirag Inge was also awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award. The. Citation. Creditor date and it said, you. Fell in love with nature early on having, been raised in Union a province, of amazing, beauty and home to three of the largest rivers in the world New, Yangtze, and Mekong. His. Interest, in the environment was, cultivated. During a stint in the Yunnan Academy, of Social Sciences and was further deepened, when he attended, the Asian Institute of Technology. Where he earned a master's degree in, watershed, management. Topic. Friendship. Order of Vietnam. The. Government, of Vietnam awarded. The friendship, order to eight in 2006. It. Is the highest award given in the area of international relations. And is presented, to foreign institutions. And persons, that have contributed to human resource training for Vietnam and to the development of friendly, relations between Vietnam. And other countries. Topic. Other Awards. Eight. Received, the science and technology for, development award from USAID. And National Research Council in 1987. In. 1994. It won the development, management award from the Asian management, Awards while in 1996. It was awarded, by the Danube a tree or Association. And manufacturing. Da AM international. Vienna Austria, in. 20, 16-8 won the gold medal from the Thai Research Fund trf, for bagging the most perfect, scores seven scores of five each among, all universities in. Thailand. Topic. Facts. And figures. Two. Thousand, three hundred plus students, from 47, plus countries, territories. Nineteen. Thousand, plus alumni from, 80 countries territories. Twenty-eight, thousand, plus short-term trainees, from seventy, plus countries, territories. 130. World class faculty from, 20 plus countries. One. Thousand plus courses. Thirty-two. Fields, of study. Three. Schools. 15. Research, and outreach centers. 468. Research, and support staff from about 30 countries. About. 450. Sponsored, research projects. 1330. Partners. 33. Board of Trustees, members from 19, countries. Topic. Sports. The. Eight field was host to world women's t20, tournament, held in 2015. Where eight countries played, ten matches it. Is one of the three cricket, fields in Thailand, where Thailand's, premier league matches are played the. Eight cricket, team has won the Bangkok, cricket league at Division, two times during the past three years it has a nine hole golf course in a swimming pool the. Campus, offers facilities, for badminton takraw. Table, tennis tennis, basketball, and. Volleyball.

Topic. Ships. Greater. Mekong, sub-region, academic. And research network GM sa RN. La. O TSE, an international. Network of leading universities. In Europe and Asia. Erasmus. Mundus Erasmus. Mundus programs. Association. Of Southeast institutions. Of higher learning, asai, HL, asai, HL. Topic. People. Topic. Students. 70%. Of the students, come from outside of Thailand, as an, institute, that prides in its international, orientation, students, at aid come from all over the world in. August 2018. It had 1,800, students, from 45, countries. The. Institute admitted, students, from 25, countries from. North America Europe, Oceania. Asia and, Africa. Asian. Students, constitute, the majority of, the student, body with Southeast, Asia Thailand. And Vietnam and. South Asia India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri. Lanka, usually, contributing, the majority, of students. Topic. Presidents. The. Present, incumbent, dr. Eden Y wound assumed, office on the 1st of September 2018. Succeeding. Professor, Walsh. At can ignore coach I previous. Presidents, include professor, Milton E bender jr. from USA, professor, Harold, E whole shirt from USA, professor. Robert B banks, from USA, professor, Alastair, M north from Scotland, Professor Roger G H donor Island, Canada, professor, jean-louis, Armand, from France professor. Said Iran distfromorigin. And professor, Walsh at Kanak knuckle chai from Thailand. Prior. To the Institute becoming, 8 its predecessor. The SE ato Graduate. School of Engineering had, three Dean's professor, Thomas H Evans, professor, Robert Holcomb, and professor, Milton E bender jr. who also became the first president, of aid. Topic. Alumni. Prominent. Alumni include. Jen Boone's, rhenium, prey dirt former, Thai army chief mouch, Ikuo, premier, of Taiwan, you sharo ging winner of Ramon, Magsaysay Award, in, Tia's Golani provisional. Minister of Education for. The government, of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and, Bindu Lohani, former, vice president, of Asian Development Bank. Topic. Notable. Alumni. Topic. Th, domain. 8. Administered. Th. The country code top-level domain for Thailand, until, 2007. When the administration. Was transferred, to the Thai Network, Information. Center Foundation.


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