Future Decoded Mumbai CEO Summit

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Mumbai, CEO. Summit. To. Kick off the conversation. Please. Welcome Microsoft. India's, Anant, Mahesh, Shree. At. The back it, is so. Awesome to see everybody. Here our. Business, model is to, make you succeed and therefore it's just amazing, to see all of you in, the room here just, to to. Give you a very quick sense of what the event is we've. Got more than 150. CEOs, in. The room here we, are right now online across. A number of social, media channels a number, of TV channels, are broadcasting. This live I just heard, about 5-10. Minutes back that 30,000. People were online viewing this already, and, that traffic is going to pick up in, a little while so it's just an amazing experience to have this. Group together. I, would like you I'd, like to welcome all of you to future decoded, 2020, it's a short event we'll have a couple, of sessions after this and, then we will close with, lunch so, first. Up a big, big, big, THANK, YOU that, I would have for each one of you the. Work that we do with you is, just tremendous, because that's what takes us forward it's, a partnership you are solving some of the biggest challenges, you, are solving the, the big digital transformation. Opportunities, that are in each of your businesses, and you throw those challenges, back at us I can, I cannot stop telling you how much we value those, challenges, coming, to us because, that's what makes us better that's that's what keeps, us to be the. Platform company, that, we are I would. Like to thank you for leading the transformation. Thank, you for leading, the way now. As I was thinking about the. 5-7 minutes that I would spend with, you before we kick off the session there. Were three, words that kept coming in the brief to. Me and those, three words were, lead, India. And digital. All, of, you in the room are leaders. All of you are driving, the, biggest challenges. In digital, and of course India, is the place where, we are making it happen so, these three words have, been used a lot they have many different contexts. There, are lots of inspirational. Stories thousands, of them that one can count with, these three words and what they mean to, different people, it, drives, core sectors, like agriculture, like, education. Healthcare and also the businesses, that you drive in banking, and financial services, in retail, in manufacturing. And so on, this. Challenge. And impact is from, individual, consumers to, the b2b models, that, you're driving the digital stories of India encompass, all of these three words so I'm just going to use these three words over the next five, minutes. If. You just look at India, India. Leads. Digital. And this, is global scale leadership. 560. Million Internet. Users. That. Is all of, the, intelligent, cloud. 460. Million and rising smartphone. Users, that. Is the, intelligent, tech edge the. Data loop that this is creating, is amongst. The largest and growing the fastest, across, the world and that. Creates, tremendous, opportunity. For India. To influence, the world and influence. Where, digital goes in its, in its journey across, industries. It. Is throwing, diverse challenges but. It is also unique, growth, opportunities. And at. One, level it's an equalizer, it's, something, that brings everything. To, to, a user. Experience, which, is very very common across, different. Capabilities. That all of you have so this, equalizing. Momentum, that we have in India is a unique, opportunity and, that's something that we'll talk through over the next hour. Moving. These words around a little bit, Digital. Does. Lead, India and I. Have, to start with the IT industry, it's. Something, that all of us are proud of it is something that is, a, calling card for India, across.

The World one hundred eighty billion dollars roughly. About seven to eight percent of the GDP, is a, signature from, from the country at the same time we, have the, third largest startup. Ecosystem, in the world and again growing very. If, you take these two ends of the spectrum we, are part, of leading, the. India, transformation. From both ends the services. Side from, the IT services, and the innovation, that's happening in, startups a quick, one there that I would just call out is, the software. As service models. That are coming up in the. Startup. Economy, eight thousand. Plus SAS, startups. 3x. Growth in just, the last five, years so. Software, as a service, is just growing rapidly in, the country and that itself will, drive a lot of innovation, going forward, where. Are they coming in from, last mile to, the deep analytics, inside, your businesses. Microsoft. Is really, really proud to be associated at, both ends, of this spectrum with the IT services, companies, and the, startups and that, innovation power that we are creating at both ends is something, that we can then bring to the wider ecosystem that we, play I. Take. The, next play, of these words and see. How, we, lead digital. India. 4.2. Million, professional. Developers, in the country it is. Trending, to be the, largest, developer. Pool across. The world and if the entire world is going digital, this, professional, developer, pool is going, to be a unique advantage, as we. Go forward, but, India has something else that's unique. 650. Million people, who, are less than the age of 25, and now all of you and your businesses, think about these numbers in very different ways the. Way we. Think about this number is that. Today, there, is a capability, to create an application, for every individual, whether, they learn software coding, or not you can do it on your mobile you. Can create an application without knowing. Software. It is low code no. Code and with, people who, are natively digital, they, are born digital. 650, million people who will start creating that, capability, as we. Go along so, take, the 4.2, million developers, which again puts us at the cutting edge of what is software development, in the world and this. Low, code no code 650-million. Emerging. Developer. Pool which. May not be professional, development, but using tools to, create applications. We. Are truly moving forward, at a pace, that nobody, can really predict it will increase, in, terms of how digital drives. India it will therefore, also affect, the world as we. Go forward I just, get energized, with the energy, and the ideas that I see across, the board now. These are all numbers that, you knew and. I was just trying to provide a context, of these three words around. These three numbers here's. The last set of numbers that I do want to share with you which, kind of have an impact. On business. And how you think about what, to do going, forward our. Latest, analytics. Help. Us understand, that. 70%. Of the large companies. In India are. Already, on the, public cloud, it's. No longer a decision. If. You get onto the public cloud, what. All of you and your peer group outside of this room and those who are watching, are. Really, grappling, with is, how. Fast, what. Do you get onto the public cloud and how. Do you leverage it to create opportunities. With, customers, with employees, with, operations. And with any of the new product innovation, that, you're driving that's really, the question. The. Interesting, fact that is emerging, is as, we look at all the AI use.

Cases That, are being done, in India and now these are not in tens and twenties they definitely move, past the hundreds, and are trending to be in the thousands now very soon so. If you just look at that signal, of various. AI getting, deployed, in the. Businesses. It's. Very interesting to see that. 70%, of the companies, who are driving AI use cases right now are, SMBs. And. That. Forces. The question that. How. Are they picking this up much. Faster, and, and. Driving, a lot of capability, because it's creating, competitive advantage as, they. Deploy AI solutions. In their, smaller. Businesses, than the businesses, of the folks in this, room, and. To me that that, just throws, up the two different sides, of this equation that when, people look at infrastructure. And how you drive a lot of the capabilities, of the cloud whether, it is in process. Then, a lot. Of the enterprises, have taken the call and the rest which are not they are moving very quickly but. You look at where the AI signal, is coming from, that's. A lot of, coming. Coming from some of the smaller more, nimble companies, who, don't. Have the, scale which. They typically, have to think about before creating the AI you spaces. So. These are the numbers and these are the thoughts that I wanted to just kick off this session before. We. Get into deeper, discussion, I will, introduce, the two sessions in, a little while I. Do. Want once again acknowledge, the fact that we are a platform, and an ecosystem player, and, the. The work that we are doing in, India, with. More. Than three hundred thousand. Three lakh companies. Who, are our customers, in, the country the, more than, 9700. Partners, who, are our primary. Route to market how. We work with them is how, this whole ecosystem comes, together so. How do we truly drive the power of that ecosystem for. You in driving. The next level, of innovation. And that's, something that we think about every. Day it is empowering your. Capabilities, it is empowering your, digital transformation.

It Is empowering your. Customers, to do more and that brings me to the. Thing that drives us every day. The, thing that I wake up to every morning and it makes me go is the. Mission statement for Microsoft. To empower, every. Person, and every, organization on this planet to, achieve more so. With, that I once. Again want to welcome you all to, future decoded, 2020, we. Will start. With, the first session right after and. That is a. Quick, fireside, chat between two leaders who, have a very good perspective of, how, the, digital transformation is. Being driven across. The world across all, the sectors that. You play in and it's. It's a bit of pride also to see one. Of the Indian players really leading, it across, the world so, I would, like to invite Rajesh. Gopinath and CEO. Of TCS, and, jokes. Business. Across, the world in driving. You. View, this morning India for decor in India and. Thank you so much for taking the time flying in and in a tell me session this is my pleasure a privilege to have on stage a very. Good friend of Microsoft, from mine Rajesh. Gopinath. On a sea of TCS, not a great customer, but also fantastic partner, not, just in India but, globally. If. I may Rajesh, I'd like to open. A dialogue and vice, versa to, really share some foods on the way you. See again technology, Claudia. And more, transforming. Did. You see India by the world and I'm gonna start with your own company if I may when. I think about this years and the vision you've been projecting. With TCS, agile, 20/20. Vision, oh is. It coming together because, I know you've been thinking about changing, the. Culture the way people work so is it happening. This. Opportunity, to have. This session with you as. I said agile, has, been a fundamental bet the TCS has made I think, it's, coming together at just the right time where, more. And more customers want. Fast throughput, from technology the. Era of technology, projects being multi-year, projects, is way behind us and we, believe that as. A development, methodology, and as. An enterprise mindset. Agile is the right way to go so about three, years back we took a very big bit and committed. That this. Year's will, attempt. To go to 100%, agile, by, 2020. That. Was a big bold. Bit yeah and as with all big bold bits here. About. Two-thirds. Of the way there a about, 59 percent of all our developers, yes, now working on agile ideas. But. It. Wouldn't have come together and. If it wouldn't have been possible we, couldn't do what we call location independent agile which leverages a lot of these collaboration. Technologies, that, have. Been brought to bear we. Use, teams a lot as you know. Combine. That with standard. Communication. Technologies. Areas. Like github. Changes, the whole way that developer, communities, were quite elaborate. Masoom. What, we call location, independent, agile projects we. Are really pushing the boundary on and challenging. The myth that agile means colocation. Your. Customers, where we are using almost, 90 percent remote, located, teams working. In a fully agile, mode so, it's a huge transformation, and, I believe the, way that. Technology. Will. Get both, consumed, in. Future we, suddenly delighted, to see this year's adopting, teens as a collaboration, platform it actually as an engagement an, application, platform as well for innovation, now, what do you think about Millennials. I mean Anant, was sharing this of course, fascinating. Data point on, India. Youth part, of the workforce I think. Every year you bring thousands. Of new. Hires, very. Young fresh so. Everything but those Millennials, would, say, adaptation. To, your work environment in the context of that collaboration, agile. Platform. You. Know it's interesting. That Millennials, seemed such so, fresh just. A few years back and, already, they are looking, like you, know part. Of the older workforce because, we are typically talking about people with 30, years with, maybe, 10 15 years of experience. Again. We. Believe that with the speed of change, in technology. Enterprises. Need to value, inherent. Skills available. With their own workforce because, they have built up contextual, knowledge and we, need to be able to layer them with incremental technology, skills so. That is the big. Aspect, of you, know dealing, with the Millennials, that they, have a phenomenal knowledge. Pool how, can we use technology to, layer. Them with incremental technology, skills. And. There what. We found is that this. Cohort. Is. In. Many ways very, very digital II adapt and therefore. They are very fast learners, yeah if you make the knowledge. Available to them in, a manner in which they can consume. So we, essentially. Completely. Reimagined, there were learning systems we. Looked at the content we, broke it down into nano content, we, massively. Leveraged cloud internally. To. Make this available, on and, always on, any. Device kind of a platform link. That with, a social collaboration platform.

Internally, And gave. Me fired it so that this whole process of learning. Becomes. Attractive. Incremental. Step and, collaborative, mechanism. And. Our experience, has been very positive. We. Find that as, I said this cohort they are inherently. Multitaskers. Inherently. Quick learners and, once, you have made the content. And, the. Environment, available to them the. Consumption, rates are very high yeah, and I, think that's, in the heart of you. Know when people talk about. Winning. The talent war in technology. We. Believe that there is too much of emphasis, on external talent, and, not enough on internal, our bet is how, do you take the talent that is in-house and. Significantly. Enhance. It and that. Drives retention, also yes, so and. By the, way to win the talent war is to win it inside rather, than outside. That's. Been our experience with, the Millennials. But. You. Yourself have been at the forefront. Of this whole technology. Change. What. Is your experience in terms of technology. Trends and, transformation. Agendas that you are saying and where. Do you think this whole fits in yes as, I travel the world the, Russia sharing across many, different economies. And different, types of industries as well we. Definitely see what, such would, call. Tech. Intensity, in. Intensifying. Getting. Getting, actually. Deeper, broader, well, we what. We mean, and what we, actually imply, by tech intensity, is, kind. Of two tales of an equation one, is actually, three with. Kind of a exponential. Factor. The first ways we attack adoption, of cloud. Which. Is which. Is really, pervasive. Across the world including government, as well we see that happening, the, second one is really creating unique, capabilities, IP the. Partners, like SES do with, some large clients, to, create a unique, digital. Differentiation. That, we create, a, platform, play, for such companies you. Know in healthcare, and retail, in transnational services, and more and they, fail the term is really this exponential, factor, which is trust by, the end of the day I think as as. Any kind I see the world transforming their business they, need to bet on a platform where they understand, that they. Actually build. Unique web bodies that are going to be there as a person player and, not be commoditized, by some data aggregators, and so that versus Cree and as we. Fry the discussion. We see three big trends that. I'm sure we we, share together one, is, massive. Adoption, of habit, clouds an, edge, in. The sense of this. Amazing, uplink Pro which is available now across the world in terms of cloud asked to, be actually, in, a way, credit. Related at, the edge and, we see that both in India and globally, we, are having a meze discussion, this morning talking. About enabling, farmers. Enabling. I was actually talking this morning with social entrepreneurs, on on fish. Farmers, as well and. We can enable, them on the edge of, what. They do actually, and and so how are we competing, with. Some of the innovation, we being bring to the market like as your arc which is a, basically. Management. Capability, across multi-cloud. And unprimed believe, all that i think the second big betrayal. Is really.

Connecting, In a way to your own internal. Control summation, but, we see that as well with more traditional, companies. Is, what we call the first line workers transformation where. We see. Factories. Manufacturing, companies. Retailers, and, others having. To reinvent the, work of their first line people. Services. People and, so this is where the. Power, automation. Tools for. Looker. To know card developers, we call them of the. Poorer platform. And teams combined, together the, neighbor potentially. Heard as amazed as people to. Have a very different impact, on their jobs and different impact on bottom. Line with the companies and we see that at scale happening, and, is burst and upskilling, opportunity. For the workers but it's also pretty cute above here for them for the businesses and the last one of course has everything, to do as new is data in AI which. Is the the name of the game every. Company that wants to become digital wants. To master, if data is that, platform, and. And we see that globally. It was actually pretty. Fascinating. Data. Point. Saying. That by. 2030, to, be an additional, 16. Trillion, dollars of the GDP economy worldwide, brought. By AI which is massive. And, I think India your Minister, of. Industry. And Commerce, recently. Talked, about one trillion dollars just for India by. 2035. So we see the same we. See a lot of, enabling. Opportunities. Open. Up by. World. In, fact I was also fascinated by the numbers, that are not shared with 70%, cloud adoption, enterprise. Level I think as, I said cloud. Hybrid, cloud, plus the edge cloud is, a fascinating, fabric. For. Distributing. Capabilities. Across a wide ecosystem. And, I'm very sure that that will be a huge one yes but I want to take you up on AI because, locally. There's, a lot of talk a lot of fear that, is a net, deflator, for. Services. Heavy for, a workforce heavy economy, like India or, a really. A transformative. You've seen both. Sides of the spectrum you have seen. Economies. Where labor, shortage, exists and you see an economy's. Dividend. Where. Do you think if it's in into this whole transformation. Is. A great question that suddenly we engage, on everywhere, in the world. And to us I mean the AI is about, an, opportunity, to. Empower developers, on. One end of course Soleimani, to enable, and empower organization. Which i talked about but the last one is even more opponents, is in the policy to enable. Them poor people, citizens, and, I would, say all, those, who have some. Worries potentially, about AI and so we. See clearly. The people at the center of AI, transformation. And we, see a role as a tech company and working empowering, with you as well to. Contribute, to the I would say a is killing. Revolution, of linear countries I need to put some perspective, just. Last week actually in Mexico, we announced a pretty significant, investments, of our hyper scale core, infrastructure. Welding. New data centers in Mexico, in excess of 1 billion dollars investments, but the key of that investment, was not about that billion dollars of data centers it, was all about the way we are connecting, together the. Largest the. Companies, in, Mexico, all, the way from the pen ax and bimbo, and then, Liverpool. And others while. Going through massive, differences, nation of their businesses, with. The government with, the President and law in the country, we, zoom we are partnering, to actually, enable. Through, the tough, top 10 Academy universities. In Mexico, AI. School. Actually, for. A lot of kids to democratize. AI at scale in Mexico, so, in a way we see a role as, helping. And powering these countries to. Really. Raise. The bar, until, the skilling, so, that everyone, can contribute to that and the, last aspect of that rajesh which I was excited actually this morning to to, connect with is is the way I can translate, for. Society. Needs and coaches, what we call a I for good you, can see some of those actually. Naming is on the wall coming in for, good and tech for good now, this morning I was really pleased to meet with three social, entrepreneurs, in India, where. One, of them was in, charge Chile Australia pretty, amazing on ization enabling. Primary, health care in the most remote places in India another. One is, really. Has developed, a set of services, for fish farmers a well, using AI to. Have obviously. Freshwater. Fishes, detection, but, also have an IOT, services. Fabrics. Put. Together to. Enable, achillea. Much stronger, with. Services. And quality, of, fish. Development. For. The farmers, for the benefit of the farmers so that the small farmers who had, no tech abilities, at all we'd. Be able to make a much better living of that by. Leveraging, such, technologies, so that's to me those are great examples where. We. Take. Companies, with larger prize can. Connect and partner with the smallest, I, would. Say NGO, social enterprise in the world to. Do some right we have together don't. If you see the same as well we. Do in fact our. Chairman has also recently come, out with a book called Bridget L which kind, of builds on you said about the, power of AI to.

Significantly. Change the skilling, element. And, especially. If you think about the Indian context, where, this phenomenal, demand but, access, is limited and. There. Is a huge dumbbell. Shape skill spectrum. How, do we fill in the middle using, AI as a mechanism to upskill. People. In areas like health care and. Aspects. Of even and manufacturing, how, do we significantly up, skill is, a big I think a huge opportunity for economies, like India no, I think we are very much aligned we shall rise well on this vision in terms of, the digitisation of India, the issue is Rajesh I think love. To ask you the impact that your business, teaches. Business 4.0. Has. Been bringing to your customers, policy engagement in. Because there it's been a big big bed as well you've done as a company so, there's been a lot. Of talk about digital and digital strategy. And I, think the first few years we, were more, focused on the technology pillars, of digital, agile. Cloud, analytics. Intelligence. But. We. Were all looking at it as individual, pieces I, think, what, business brought out or did is to put it together into, a transmitter framework, and focused. On the key elements, of the business, transformation. That, digital champions do whether, it be approach to mass personalization, ecosystems. That you and a nonetheless book, about approach. To a risk so. Bring. It together into, a holistic framework and. Use. That, the business, transformation, as the, primary. Reason on rather. Than the technology, as the imperative, for the change and, that has been a very. Successful engagement. Model, and, not just in India globally. Also in, fact we are partnering only, with you, in areas, like transforming. Healthcare in. The US with that. We're doing yes. But. I think what customers. Are looking for the, two operative, words are holistic and, transmitted, that. It, is not just about one technology or one business element, can we put it together holistically. And, will. It be transformative, to their industry. And that's, been where I think our partnership, has been most valuable. Because. They see in both of us, common. Approach. To having a full portfolio and, a, very open partnering. Ecosystem, but. Most importantly, a long term vision and, ability. To stay with, the customer over that journey. And. You. Have seen as I said larger. Spectrum, yes. What, would you agree that that's been. Very. Great study actually about our, growing. Exciting partnership. Obviously. Rajesh. As you know, our. Partnership, goes along way back by the way for decades, it's. Just a Microsoft, we, decided, more than, to. Go after a big bald or kind of vision together and, as a result we've. Been really keen in investing. With TCS. To build a master business unit which. Really span, across all, of, our cloud. Capabilities. Or so all across the modern workplace when, we talked, about teams. Collaboration. The pourer platform, as well all. The way to of course the actual. Capabilities. I asked pass us, all together as, well and all the way to dynamics. And data. Enablement. Of our customers, and I'm very excited to see the way is, growing, globally. And, for sure you, know recent, joint. Success, we, are shipping together vibrance, is a fantastic, example of that, massive. Transformation, which, seven establish, well-known, player, Walgreens. And, which, is really pivoting. Completely, on as a digital player. To. Have this patient. Centric. Approach and, a full. Stack so, but if you want to comment on that and the perspective, maybe to finish on all on. A vision going forward together. As. I said it is about the full stack and, having. A common vision on thinking. About it together so, from, a Microsoft side we love, the the, stack it comes together both from the infrastructure, layer all the way into applications, the workplace and the, data and the analytics part, and being. Able to be. Able to deal with it as a single step and to constantly, invest in putting it together from. Our side also we. Have been investing, in building a full staff from a services perspective so. That because. Enterprises. Need. To live in a heterogeneous environment, you spoke about a hybrid cloud that's. True for all forms of technology in an enterprise and how, do we. Linked. It together I think, that is the future it is not about the incremental, technology, it. Is about making the technology work and. I think there again. There, is a commonality of that vision that how do we make technology work for, individuals. For. Enterprises. For society as a whole and that.

Vision Is, vision I think that on the foundation of which a partnership, is built so, thank you for that thank. You so much Rodgers I think it's time for us to wrap it up so lucky, and to thank a lot rajesh. TCS, team. To, be such a great, honor with, Microsoft, and then, what I want to thank you as well for your attention and I wish you a very, exciting. Next. Session to come actually was an exciting, speaker thank, you so much. Lots. Of topics cover it there we, spoke about agile. We spoke about Millennials. And the new talent spoke, about aiai for good and most importantly, the, transformation. That we are driving together globally. There's so many unique. Examples, that TCS and Microsoft, are doing globally for, the biggest companies around, the planet and I won't stay on stage for too long just introduce the next speaker I won't, give an introduction also please welcome Satya. Thank. You so much it's, great to be back in India and Mumbai today, and. Especially. I was thinking about this as the start of a new decade. It's, actually a great opportunity for, us to reflect what. Happened in the last 10 years and, what's likely to happen in fact what perhaps we can do to proactively, shape, what happens in the next 10 years there's. No question, if you look back the. Last 10 years our, tremendous, in, terms of its impact, you know the mobile revolution fully. Came to bear. Consumer. Internet, or change, lives, but. If there's one criticism, I would say it's pretty. Narrow, right. I mean a consumer, economy is important, but it's not the only economy. So. And if in fact you look at it. The. Profit. That was, derived. From, all that progress was even more limited in other words the business model, that was most successful, was, the aggregate, of business model or the marketplaces. Is, that, enough. Clearly, not so, when you look out to the next 10 years we. Need broader. Productivity. Broad, across, sectoral. Impact, of digital sector technology, in other words for, sure the next 10 years are going to be defined by digital technology but, the only question is how, can we make it much more broad how. Can we make it much more cut across all sectors small, businesses. Large businesses both. Benefit, that's what I want to talk about now. The good news is from a secular, perspective. Technology. And digital, technology, is just getting embedded, in the world right so pretty, much everywhere. Every. Place whether, it's a home whether, it's our, offices. Whether it's hospitals. Whether it's stadiums. Every. Industry whether, it is energy or. Retail. Or, agriculture. Or fence of, every. Profession this is fascinating, it's not just about knowledge work anymore it's even first line workers, it can, be public, sector, or professionals. It's the c-suite, and the front line and everything. Whether it's a car, refrigerator. Or, any, machinery, everything. Is getting embedded, with computing, right that's the, real change.

That. Is going to be in full force now. We, describe, this world as the. Era of. Intelligent. Cloud and intelligent, edge and. You. Really are gonna see, a ubiquitous, computing, fabric. That, is distributed, you're. Going to have intelligence. That is ambient, you're. Gonna have experiences. That are no longer bound to, any one single device you're gonna basically have, experiences. That span, devices. Span, senses. That's, the richness of, the world and, to. Me, it comes down to how every, organization. Here in India. Can. Ride, this, wave and by. That. I mean build. Their, own tech intensity. There. Are two I would say key. Considerations. For every decision-maker, one, is how. Quickly, are. You able to adopt the, latest, technology. And make. It part and parcel, of your organization's. Tech capability. Right the last thing you want to do at a time of such rapid, change is be, stuck. Reinventing. The wheel you want evergreen. World-class. Technology. As just a factor of production. Inside. Your, enterprise, as quickly. As possible and keep it evergreen so that's I would call it the tech adoption, cycle but. The most interesting important. Consideration. Is you. Have to build your own tech, capability. Whenever, I sort of talk to peer CEOs, in particular in, other, industries. I always. Say you'll never be cool by association, right, just because you do a press release with us you're not going to be cool you, have, to build your own tech, capability. That's, what's, going to be perhaps one of the most defining things, in the next decade now. In. Fact when, you build tech intensity. You also need, to consider, especially. In, a country like India how. Is what. You are doing with digital technology. Driving, more inclusive, economic, growth right, we live in a multi constituent, world steak order the capitalism, is the thing. That all of us are going to be dependent, on so, the question is how inclusive is the growth so of course you're gonna have productivity, growth economic, growth but how inclusive is it is that, core, trust, in, technology right. Whether it's privacy, ethics, around AI cyber, that's, going to be a huge consideration, and lastly it's, about is the world, that.

Is Driving all this economic growth going to be sustainable, so I think every one of us has a role to play in ensuring that, we build a more sustainable world, now. For, us at Microsoft. That's the, world view an intelligent. Cloud intelligent. Edge world, that. Really, is grounded. In creating tech intensity. That's our mission our mission to, empower every, person, and every organization on. The. Planet to achieve more. Fundamentally. Comes down to helping. Each and, every, one of you to. Build your own tech intensity. In, fact I sometimes. Describe, it as how can we help you create, more. Independence. Not dependence. On us but, more, independence. As your. Own tech, company, and your, with your own tech capability. That's at the fundamental. Primary, mission, for us as a company, now. What. I want to do for the rest of the time is to just take perhaps a bit of a constructionist. View and give you a feel for each. Layer of the tech stack so effectively, what we are trying to do is build. A tech, stack in fact as a commodity, input. Into. Or your, efforts, and then. We, want to package this up as a set of solutions, ultimately. To. Help you transform the, outcomes, you care about when people talk about digital transformation. Ultimately. It's about the outcomes, right how is it reshaping, how you engage your customers, or how you optimize your operations. In fact how are you able to create new businesses, and new business models those. Are the outcomes but, what I want, to spend a little bit of time today is give you a, of a flavor for, the. Tech stack and how, it is evolving, and perhaps the implications. Of that technology. As its applied to. Your industry, to your business, now. The. Place. To start is with. The, raw infrastructure. Or what we describe it what we have in our case a sure now. The two statistics, which probably best. Motivate. What. Is happening, at the infrastructure. Layer is, 50. Billion, and a, hundred and seventy five zero, bytes 50. Billion, is the, number, of devices. That are going to be connected. By, 2030. Right I mean think about it there are a billion users or Windows there's.

A Billion users of iOS a couple of billion users of Android but there, are going to be 50. Billion, connected, devices right. Far. Dwarfing. What is today's. Could. You know basically consumer, operating, systems so. That's the. Infrastructure. Need and in fact it's best perhaps. Understood. When, you look at the data right today we have around 45 zero bytes of data that's, going to be a hundred and seventy-five, zero bytes of data by. 2025. So. What's the infrastructure. That's going to help us navigate, this, world and that's what we're sort of building. A show, for as the world's, computer. We. Have 57. Data, center, regions, around the world in. Fact one of our core goals, has been how. Do we meet the, real-world needs, of the. World and that. Means having data. Center regions, everywhere, but also having all the certifications. By industry. By region, having. The openness, of the stack its Linux, and Windows its sequel, and my, sequel, it's every, layer, its, dotnet, and Java, so in some sense how do we build the most open. Infrastructure. Again to, help it meet the real world needs but. It's not just stopping, with the 54, set you know 57, regions it's. Going all the way to the edge right so when we talk about computing. Getting em in the real world it's. In that hospital that you will need compute, it's, in that Stadium, it's in that manufacturing. Plant and for, that we have really built a. Consistent. Edge and, called model, when it comes to development, models deployment, models management, and security, in fact we the only public, cloud vendor who sort of had that vision the, distributed. Computing will. Always, remain distributed. And so therefore we from day one built, for what people described as hybrid and today, interestingly enough, you know compute, migrates. To where data is getting generated and an increasingly, data gets generated, at the edge and so that's the computing, fabric, that we are building now. In fact. We see even in India some fantastic, examples of people who are already using this a pyramid. Glass for example took, all the IOT, sensors, and put it throughout their entire production line so they have a feedback, loop for quality. Control from. Right, from where the raw material, enters, to when the piece of glass packaging, goes out right so you now think because of the IOT fabric, they have connected, to the cloud in real, time monitoring, everything, that's a great example of course, we have all the unicorns. We're cloud native, right we have Myntra. Who is sort of revolutionising. Fashion, hitting records, in each one of the seasons, in terms of the volume they do in, mobi, is taking, an approach to advertising, just not in India at worldwide, which. Is revolutionary. New dance bill perhaps one of the fastest. Business-to-business. Marketplace. All, are not all on Azure so this is an another example of how new, companies, are getting started, scaling, fast, with, the efficient, frontier of, cloud, economics. And that's fantastic, to see now. So that's the, first layer of. Technology. The next layer is, the. Limitless data, estate, because when we talk about 175. Terabytes, of data the. Fundamental. Need, for any. Data. Infrastructure. Is that it's gotta be limitless that means the variety. The volume, the velocity. Of data you're going to generate is something, that you need to be able to handle and we built that our, data estate so, that we can scale with your data needs think about all those IOT, sensors, generating, real-time streams or data that need to be analyzed that's the type of infrastructure. You will need to provision, now. Of, course. The, limitless data estate and by the way the analytics, capability. That is real-time is perhaps one of the key things right if there's one currency. Going. Forward, it's your ability to take all this data and make sense of it in real time that's going to define what happens, in the next ten years and that's, what leads you to AI if, you. Look at the breakthroughs, in AI. Perhaps. Starting, in 2014. 2012. Maybe that's, when the first imagenet soro data started coming out it's. Been it's, been remarkable, when it comes to speech we set the world record first, in, terms of the error rates same, thing around image processing, and, object recognition, but.

Lately, What has been happening in natural, language it's just stunning and this is something that we've been very very passionate has been bills ah you. Know the, thing that is always dreamed off is how do I really, in real time make sense of, language. And turn it into representation. And so we have really got amazing. Breakthroughs. In both natural language, representation, but, lately in fact just two weeks ago we announced a, 17, billion parameter. And LG. Model which is a natural, language generation, model, right you feed it some data it'll, generate so it's kind of like I could have really done well in GRE if, I had this right so which is I could have just had it all complete, my reading comprehension for, me but, that's it's eerie, to think of all the, things that one can start doing with. This level of an natural, language, capability. But. For, us it's not about celebrating, any big one milestone from, a company, like ours it's the question is can be democratize. It, can. We make it such, that the infrastructure. Whether it's FPGA, GPU. Whether it's in the cloud whether it's in the edge he's available like a commodity, so that you can create your own AI are, all, the frameworks. Open in fact when we even did the 17 billion parameter. Model. What we did is we even had, thing called the deep seed library, that was you know open sourced in github so that it's available to the next person who is able to take it and then build on it right, so I'll be making the frameworks, in the tool chain, around it all such. That you can create your own AI that's the real price right which is how do you make it easy for anyone to make sense order data and create their own AI now. Again. Multiple, examples one, of the things that we were very thrilled to see is Microsoft, Research working, locally. On. Driver safety after, all driver safety and road safety in. India is going to be a massive, issue by. Taking essentially, a camera, taking. The front-facing camera. Of the, the back facing, camera of the accelerometer, so, think of it as multiple, sensors, that are there in any amarte phone and turning, it into. Road. Safety so it's not a football it can even give you a driver's test so. It can monitor, you but, more importantly, can give you the nod juice so that you're driving safely, so that's an AI project. In fact Ola is looking at that and seeing. How if they can scale it out in, fact use it even as a way, for them to decide whether to lease a car to, you or not so, we're very excited about how real-world, application, of AI using. Even effectively. Sensors. On a phone can be so effective. Another. Example is what eros now is doing by, effectively, building. Out, their. Media, production. Facility. On Azure but more interestingly using. AI for to change, how, people interact. How speech, is introduced. In. All of that content as an interface, so again real, world applications. Of some of this cutting-edge. Technology such. That it sort of changes the trajectory of interaction. For. There's these properties, now. One, of the things that was very excited to read about is Apollo, hospitals and what they're doing with, AI because, here's the issue with cardiac. Sort. Of models up to now mostly. The data was data, from, sort of the rest, it, never sort, of was representative, of South Asians, so. The accuracy of the models around whether you are prone to any cardiac issues, has been just low. What, Apollo. Has been able to do is to take the clinical, data they have and convert. It into a much, more accurate model, in fact it's twice, as accurate. As. The models, that review so far and, that's sort of again a classic, case of how you can start democratizing. The benefits, of AI where. The benefits, of AI go to the people contributing. The. Data and so I just wanted to give you a flavor for it by rolling a video so. That you can hear directly from one.

Of The doctors who worked on it. We. Have three million heart attacks which are happening every year in our country heart. Diseases are almost like an epidemic in India to. Prevent, the disease you require some card across scores which, tells the probability. Of getting, a heart attack in next, 10 years most. Of the risk scores are developed either in US or in Europe so, when we are trying to apply those risk scores, on our population. The, outcomes are not satisfactory. Apollo. And Microsoft. We partnered, and we use the machine learning to develop the artificial intelligence powered score, at, the end of it we have a non-biased. Prevent, - cardiac risk over our Indian population and initial, results are extremely, encouraging, the. Accuracy. Of this model is almost double, the existing, model this, helps, me in prioritizing. My, patients, and we, can start preventing the disease at much earlier stages it's. About saving lives and that's. What motivates me. You. Know the. Lick. The. Lair about, this. Would, be trust, now. As I said earlier on without sort, of core trust, in technology, that. You all create, whether, you're a retailer, or a help you know a, health care company an. Energy, company you will need to create trust and Trust comes down to a set of core. Attributes. Right it's about trust around, privacy, it's. Trust, in AI that, you apply. Privacy. Has to be a human right AI has to be ethical but one of the things that. I want to talk about is cyber security one, of the most. Stunning issues, of our times is the amount of money that is lost in, our economy, because of because of cyber right it's a approximated. To around one trillion, dollars so. One of the areas, we have focused a lot on is building, out both. The, security. Products. But more importantly. The, operational. Security, posture. That we have in real time right. Where we see. Trillions. Of data signals, each day and we, go to work so that we can protect all of your. Infrastructure. Applications. And devices, so effectively, what we have is a pretty comprehensive, security.

Harness. Starting. With the devices, going. All the way to your. Right image starting with identity, to devices to your applications. To your infrastructure. But backing, it up not just with the products, that fundamentally. Help secure your, data. And your applications. But also bring. This operational, security now. A good example of, this is because if you think about the attackers, nowadays, right. They're not about it's, not the things that actually are in the headlines the. Attacks, like. Just, micro-targeting, in advertising, are being targeted at specifically. Small. Most. Vulnerable populations. In fact this is an example I just came across and I thought I'll talk about this which is in northern. India there. Was a target of approximately. 11,000. You. For. Bitcoin mining right so essentially co-opting. 11,000. Users computer cycles for. Bitcoin mining so it's just that so, that means there is some organization out there that is able to say okay we're gonna go run that operation, so, what happens then the question is our, operation, security posture. Gives us that early warning signal and then, we go inoculate. These 11,000, users using something in this case Microsoft Defender, so that ability, in real time to see, as an attack happens and then to be able to remediate it is that combination, of. Both, the security, product, but the operational, security posture, both coming together and, we. Are very sort, of thrilled to sort of bring more and more capability. To. All of you now. They, layer about this when. We talk about tech intensity. Perhaps. One. Of the most important. Investments, you're going to make in the next decade, is. Around. The software, engineers, that you yourself, are going to employ, in. Fact, 72. Percent of the, jobs, for. Software, engineers, in, India, as we, speak are outside. What is considered the tech industry, right. I mean this is LinkedIn data and that. Means and this by the way the crossover, happened, in 2017. And, forever. All time to come this is going to be true there will be more software engineers, in the knot we're, gonna be employed outside, of the tech industry so, the question is how. Productive. Are these. Developers. When they get employed by you and this, is something that we are very focused, on for us in fact Microsoft, in 1975. Got started. As a tools. Company, so this is not some side, business, for us it's not a means to some other end in fact we are very focused on bringing the, best. Toolchain, right, Visual. Studio code, in fact is the tool that's used by facebook engineers. Github. Is used by every open source developer. And. So be as your DevOps so bringing all of these. Things together so that your developers, that you employ as a bank, as a, hospital. As an energy company as a retailer, are being. Most productive. And so we're very thrilled about it in fact github just, launched, their hub in India, you. Know it's route of one of the blood obviously as of second to the United States the most number of software engineers, who are contributing to open sources here we want to really encourage a lot, more of that activity and so we're very thrilled to have github. Have its own operations, here but nevertheless we, are very focused on making. Every, software engineer, who works across every. Industry are very. Very productive and, have the right experimentation. Harness the right tool chain now. The, interesting thing is it's. Not just. These. Professional. Software, engineers who, have perhaps, a computer science degree if. We are to. Make progress, in. This next era we. Will need to take every. Domain expert. Out there and make. Them productive. Developers. And so. That means the citizen, developer, in fact if anything the next era is probably going to be defined by domain experts, and citizen developers in fact 500. Million, plus apps are going to get created, by. 2023, that's, more than what was created in the last 40, years so. If that's going to be the speed and pace and scale, then. We need to make domain experts, really.

Productive, In being able to turn that domain expertise, into digital artifacts, and digital applications, if you could build a spreadsheet you, should be able to build an application that's, sort of the basic, way we are approaching it and we're built power platform, which is a citizen. Developer, platform everything, from power apps to power bi to. Power automate, which is robotic, process automation, so. That you can as domain. Experts, turn, that into, applications. And we see again great examples, one of the things that I was, very inspired to read about is couple, of employees in Trivandrum in sand State Bank of India sort, of notice that they were if they, could do a much better job of, helping their, frontline sellers. Manage, all the relationships. And they were able to use power apps in fact they went out to YouTube learnt how, to build power apps and then came back built, this application and now it's being rolled. Across, 200, plus branches, that's a great example of couple, of employees taking the initiative, to change business, process, workflow in. Fact Narayana, held, you. Know dr.. David Shetty is always, you, know thought about how technology, can change, the. Frontier, of healthcare, if, you think about the amount, of cost, in healthcare that, is actually. Unfortunately. Lost because of workflow right. We talk a lot about sort of the new miracle drugs and breakthroughs, but a lot of the cost in health care is in workflow and in, that case they're using everything from the analytics, like in power bi to the workflow tools to, change the, frontier, of healthcare that is better health outcomes, lower cost and it's great to see those. Examples, now. The. The next area. Of the stack I want to talk about is our, business applications. Or dynamics 365, now. The. Statistic. That perhaps, best motivates, how one should even think about business process automation going, forward, is the, fact that. 73%. Of the. Data, that. You today have inside. Your organization is. Just, goes unused in other words it's not analyzed, right we talked about how the. Currency, going, forward, is the ability to analyze all, the, data that you have and convert, it into predictive. Power or into. Insights, right those are the two outcomes that you want to drive out of your data and whereas. Today 73%, of it is just goes waste and so the question is how, can you do that and that's what we're building dynamics 365. Basically. Enabling, you to build these feedback, loops go. From being reactive. To proactive in. Fact I define an AI first, company, as a company. That knows how to take data from one. System and, change. The outcome, of an another system because if all you're doing is closed-loop in one system where the data is that's. Really, not that may be you, know good analytics, but that's not the, ability to think about the, capability. You need in order to be an AI first company so that means you have to really pull an strapped away the data asset, from, the application. And. That's going to be one of the key architectural. Changes. That needs to be done, in the next decade, to be successful. And that's what we're building across. Dynamics, 365, and you see great early science in fact you know. Royal. Enfield has deployed Dynamics all the way from their manufacturing. And supply chain operations to their dealer systems, right, so that end-to-end, ability. To. Manage business process, our Eureka Forbes which has of the sales force that is calling door-to-door, and their, productivity, across multiple product, lines is being all orchestrated. Through. A CRM, system and. A customer, facing system, so these are examples, of how you go from being reactive. To proactive when. It comes to business process. Now. Another, area I want to talk about is. LinkedIn. You. Know with LinkedIn, our mission. Is to, enable. Every. Member, of the global workforce to, find their economic, opportunity, and skilling, is becomes the most important thing 54, percent of the, people who are employed today are, gonna have to go through rescaling I mean gone are the days when you go to school you graduate. And then you have employment, based, on the skills you learned in school for life I mean you have to rescale, and, one. Of the biggest issues with rescaling, programs, has always been, what's. The comic. Connection, between the, jobs the, skills, and the curriculum and the, idea that now you have the ability to have a digital feedback loop between all, three of these that's, what we want to inspire through the work we're doing with LinkedIn, in, fact LinkedIn is about bringing the right talent, giving, you good insights, on that talent and.

Then Ultimately also, helping, you by the way reach business. Customers, because LinkedIn is the largest business social, network so, those are the two challenges, that, we are trying to help with and, we see great traction even inside of in. India we now have you know Novartis, and. Sterlite. Genpact. All using. For a variety sometimes, for recruiting, sometimes, for learning sometimes for marketing, and the broad spectral. You, of. Linkedin. Is very encouraging, part to see, the. Last piece. That I want to talk about is. Microsoft. 365, and, to motivate this I want. To talk about two statistics, which are pretty stunning to me one. Is twenty five minutes and forty. Percent so, it, takes, 25. Minutes to. Get back on, task if, you, get distracted and. The. Amount of productivity, that is lost today. Because. Of the. Distractions. Which, are digitally, mediated is, 40% and, that's one of the fundamental, challenges I sort of sometimes think that as we. Have more computing, in our life what. Is scarce, is human. Attention so. The question, is how, can, we in fact how, you you, know use the power of computing, in our lives to bring back that, notional. Deep work, focus. On. Things that matter the most it's. Going to be one of the challenges I mean its challenges I think it's a challenge in our consumer, life for sure but, it's going to be also a challenge, for us at work and that's fundamentally, what motivates, us with Microsoft, 365, right and it's a design choice by the way right today a lot of consumer products are all driven by let's, create more engagement. Sometimes. Creating. More engagement, may not be a goal. Sometimes. It's about getting things done is a goal and if you don't have that distinction, you. Really pick the wrong design point to optimize, around and so what we have done is we've said let's take the person. And start. Building the experience. For. The person, I people. First for, things that matter the most to them with their time right. That means people. Their relationships. With other people their organizational. Context, the world carta facts that pass how. Do we start creating new computers. And new devices and new device categories. To, new applications. Even. Cortana, one of the things that saves me every day, is I send a mail off to, somebody and. I say I'll follow up and I forget, Cortana, wakes up every morning and sort of checks all the commitment, are made and tells, me have you done these things and that sort of you know saves me from a lot of embarrassment, and so, the ability to have all, the digital tools in your life work, to. Help you stay on top of things without distracting, you I think is going to be super you know super, critical, and one of the tools that has had a real breakthrough in fact just in the last I would say 18, months, is Microsoft, teams Microsoft. Teams is actually a hub for, multiple. Things of course, it's a messaging, tool it helps. You with meetings, you, collaborate. With on, the closest, projects, for example whenever I'm getting ready for, I'm climbing wall directly, in any project, even my earnings calls we're always in a team's channel working, collaboratively, on it but the most interesting, thing is, it's not just about you. Know, collaboration. Around office, documents, it's, even business process, if you're a sales person it's, around CRM, if, you're in supply chain it can be around your inventory, management, so the ability to terminate. After all business, communications. Doesn't. Happen in isolation in. Fact it happens, when some business process, has an exception, and so, to bring messaging. Bring. Collaboration. In the context. Of business processes, workflow, it's probably been one of the biggest breakthroughs, in. Teams and again, here, we see many examples in, the case of MindTree they're using teams and teams channel for all the employees they hire they, have a team's channel, as a way to onboard, them, mahindra, is or rolling this out again, broadly across the hunt I you. Know consortium. Of companies that they manage, so that they have one common. Tool, for. All of their collaboration, and, communication so again good examples, that. We see now. To. Close out I want to talk about. Reliance. In fact Mukesh, is here and. We've. Been working with Reliance, across. The entire, stack. Right, everything, from what, they're going to be in fact doing with Azure in their own data centers, and. How they will extend it how they're using it to build new soon oceans for, their, own industries. And then take it to market what, they're doing with SMEs. Interestingly. Enough for us they're, also one of the biggest customers, of how to use LinkedIn to develop. You, know internally.

Better Skills, better learning better hiring, practices. So. It's sort of a great. Example, of a, business leader and a. Company, which is in very diverse sectors, to. Take, a platform, approach to. Use technology. To create more, technology, right after all reliance today has many software, engineers, built for building you. Know very cutting-edge technology. From what they're doing on the network side to retail side interestingly. Enough they're also using, the world-class technology to, create all of that so I thought it'll be a great way to sort of end this keynote by having Mukesh, join. Me on stage and. Have a brief conversation so, please help me welcome location. Bye. So. Mukesh I thought perhaps. We, can start I know I've heard you speak very. Passionately. About. Just. India's. Potential. And. Especially since we were having a conversation about what can the next 10 years represent. You. Can share like you've talked about like how Indian economy, will grow and, how digital will be a big part of it maybe share your thoughts on how you see, perhaps. This. Economy, thrive, in, the next 10 years. Absolutely. Before, I answer, that Satya, on behalf, of all of us a very warm welcome to, India. And Mumbai, and I. Can. Tell. You that I, wanted. To warmly congratulate you, on your leadership. And, the. Transformation. And the success of Microsoft, over the last. Many. Years and, I. Think, every, Indian effect, is very very proud. What. I admire. About and. What I learn in, terms. Of saying that if. In. Your leadership style what, you've demonstrated that. If you have, empathy. If you rely on. Partnerships. And build. Trusts. And relationships. And. If. You. Think, about every. Mistake as a learning opportunity, and. If you believe. That. It's. Not products, or profit but. Really people and, their. Continuous. Reinvention. Of capability. That's. The strength of the organization I, think. All of us in India Inc are, inspired, and thank, you for all, your leadership. Personally. I am very. Committed. And I am very privileged, satya that you have. Committed. To India on a scale. That. I never. Anticipated that. Multinational. Will and we are very excited about the partnership that. Geo and Microsoft, will, have and I think that. That. Will be as we. Look at this decade, will. Be a defining, partnership, so. Thank, you for your commitment to India absolute thank you. Now. Let. Me answer, your, question I. Think. That as. We. Are. Speaking, President. Trump has arrived. In Ahmedabad, and.

The. India, that he. Will see in. 2020. It is, very different, from. The India that either. President, Carter, saw or Clinton. Saw when he came in 2020, or even Obama. We. Are having. Millions, of people on the street each. One of them having. Their own personal, experience, in with. Their phones and. The. Network's strong enough and I think like I can, easily say, that the mobile networks, in India now are, better. Or at par with anybody. Else in the world and. That's. The big. Change when, you when. He reaches the stadium and. You talked about stadium, the, infrastructure. In that stadium, in terms of digital is. Better. Than any other place in the world so. That is. The. India as we start in. 2020. If, you then. Even think about you. Know your own journey and think, about, 1992. When you may join, Microsoft. Right India. Was 300, billion dollars. Today. India. Is 3, trillion dollars and. Fundamentally. This. Whole. Progress. Right in, a, certain way has happened, on the back of technology, in. The early days it was, radiations. TCS, Infosys. You. Know and all, of them who drove. Technology. In India and. That. Really, kick-started with. The financial. With all the economic reforms, kick-started. This whole growth paradigm. It. Was, supercharged. In, 2014. When. Prime Minister. Gave. Us the. Vision. Of digital, India and. If. You then see what. Followed, and, I. Was, again privileged, to play a, very. Small role in, it, in terms of with the launch of Geo and. Just. To share with you and the audience. Pre. Geo. We. Had. 256. Kbps, which, we called broadband, in India and post. You we. Now have 21. Mbps. On mobile data as the average speed available. In every single village in India. That's. Amazing. Please. Pre. Geo price, of data in, this. Country, was between. 300. And 500 rupees, and for. The, poorest of poor right, who used to G the, price was as high as ten thousand rupees a GP. Post. Geo the. Prices between. 12 and 14 rupees, a GP, and. The. Usage. And. A, lot of like what, geo is achieved, in. The. Last, three. Years is. 38. Crore, people. 380, million customers. Have, migrated, to, this 4G, technology and, that, tells, you the. Enthusiasm. In. The. Youth of India the enthusiasm, in, consumption, in India and, the. Enthusiasm. Even. In my mother who, is 85, years old and the, amount of time she spends. Right so, in your language, she has the, greatest. Tech intensity. And I. Think. That's really, what. Has happened so consumption, has, also, gone. Gone up and this has really become. People's. Movement, and. When. You then, talk, about the financial. Sector. We. Just introduced. UPI, and. Big. Digitization. In December, right, we had 100 percent growth and total. UPI transactions. In this country digitally, for 2 lakh crores so. What has happened is, that because. We've got infrastructure. We. Are. Accelerating. And, we, are just at the beginning of, this. Whole journey one. Of the things I was gonna ask you because in, some sense all, of what you've done in laying out the network capability. You talked about what that has led to this, you know people being empowered. Consuming. More using. More and what, I mean you have the best rates, and connectivity.

Today, Now. You also have an ambition, to, say what can you, do for small, businesses, medium businesses lots, because you're now even saying ok how, do we in fact our partnership, in some sense is about how do you take what I talked about, combine. It with your domain expertise. Your


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