Samsung TU8500 vs Sony X900H: Dynamic Crystal UHD vs Triluminos

Samsung TU8500 vs Sony X900H: Dynamic Crystal UHD vs Triluminos

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Hi, I hope you are doing great In this video I am bringing to you the side by side comparison between the Smart TVs Samsung TU8500 Dynaminc Crystal UHD Dual LED, and the Sony X900H also known as X90H, X907H, etc., with Triluminos color technology Both TVs have LCD VA panel, the TU8500 has this panel in the sizes of 50" and 55" (the one on this video), and the X900H in all sizes has LCD VA panel Something important to mention is that the Sony X900H supports Full-Array and Local Dimming (FALD) and the TU8500 does not, but even so the TU8500 shows very good black colors and an almost imperceptible Clouding effect You may think that this is a crazy and pointless comparison because you might be thinking: "why is this guy comparing a low budget TV (TU8500) vs an almost High-end TV (X900H)" But keep in mind that the main reason of this comparison is for you guys to know if is worth to pay almost twice the price for the X900H Because at least here in Colombia the 55" model of the X900H is about $1000 USD and the 55" model of the TU8500 goes from $500 and $550 USD So, at the end of this video you will know my personal opinions and I will tell you which one is better option for you according to what you are going to use your TV the most: gaming, TV shows, Streaming Apps, another smart functions, etc. First of all here is the design of their Remotes. As you can see the Remote of the X900H is extremely big and Not confortable at all especially for people with small hands. It has a lot of keys but it is extremely unconfortable And the Remote of the TU8500 is smaller, has few keys more than enough for practically everything, is a very ergonomic Remote. Both TVs remotes support microphone for voice commands The Sony has Android TV as OS and its Remote has the button for the Google Assistant while the Samsung TV does Not support this This is the design of the Main Menu on both TVs. The Smoothness of the OS on both TVs is good, but I have to say that is slightly better on the Sony at the right The Apps Store of the TU8500 is the one of the Tizen OS by Samsung, and the Sony has the Google Play Store because its OS is Android TV On both TVs you can find a lot of Apps including the most popular such as Netflix, youtube, Amazon Prime, Disney+, HBO GO, Apple TC, Directv GO, among others The Apps catalogue is a little bit wider on the Sony for obvious reasons, but the Samsung TV has not a lot to envy in this area The Storage on the TU8500 at the left is 3.82 GB, and on the X900H at the right is 4.4 GB. On both cases the storage is more than enough

The Screen Mirroring on both TVs is possible. However, the TU8500 at the left has the advantage of the Multi View functionality as you can see With the Multi View you can see your Smartphone screen and also something connected to some HDMI input. However you cannot accomplish this: (Smartphone & TV App) nor (HDMI input & TV App) So, it is only possible to see the Smartphone screen and something connected to a HDMI input as you can see And on the X900H this function is not available With the Multi View on the TU8500 you can select one screen if you want, and go back to the Multi View which is very useful for some people Talking about their Web Browsers, The TU8500 has only one which is the one of the Tizen OS by Samsung, and the X900H has the posibility to install more web browsers, but I am using the one already installed from the factory The searching by voice commands is possible on both TVs, however in Spanish language this is not possible yet in some countries And the navigation is normal on both TVs, is at least not stressful And of course both TVs Web Browsers can reproduce multimedia content from different websites of Anime, Adult Films, Regular Films, etc., without any problem Let´s go now with the picture quality comparison starting first with their Black uniformity results And here is where I consider that the Local Dimming set on "high" on the X900H at the right is extremely necesary, because otherwise you will notice a lot of Cloudinig and extremely grayish black colors So, I am showing how the X900H at the right looks with the Local Dimming set on "NO" (too much Clouding and grayish black colors), and also when set on "HIGH" (better black colors and less Clouding effect) Keep in mind that the TU8500 at the left does Not support Full-Array nor Local Dimming, but even so as you can see, its black unifromity is extremly good and the Clouding effect is almost imperceptible But Imust say that the black uniformity on the X900H is better only when the local dimming is set on "high". However, this causes some slight Blooming effect which is notorious in some scenes but I consider this problem something NOT so annoying When on the screen there are vivid colors, the Blooming effect on the X900H is almost imperceptible The native contrast ratio of this Samsung TU8500 of 55" with VA panel, according to some web sites, is about 6900:1 And the native contrast ratio of this Sony X900H is 4267:1 and with the local dimming is about 4786:1 So, if you want a low budget TV with a good contrast ratio and good black uniformity without the necessity of having Full-Array nor Local Dimming, the TU8500 might be a very good choice With this type of HDR (HIgh Dynamic Range) content with a lot of vivid colors, the difference is very notorious especially in terms of clarity or brightness Look, I am not a huge fan of having a high amount of brightness, however I think that the combination of brightness, contrast and the Triluminos color technology on the Sony is extremely good, I liked its results a lot And I am not saying that the TU8500 does a bad job. In fact I considered this TU8500 as the best low-budget TV of 2020 for several reasons. And Yes, the TU8500 is a low-budget TV, is the High-end of the 2020 Samsung low-budget TVs

In every picture mode I think that the Sony at the right does a much better job with this combination of contrast, brightness and color technology (Triluminos) I think that the TU8500 is for people with a low bidget who want a very decent Tv in terms of colors, with a very good contrast ratio, and if the low brightness is Not a problem The HDR Peak of Brightness of the TU8500 is about 330 nits and on the X900H is about 556 nits And with this SDR (Standard Dynamic Range) content the difference in terms of brightness are alittle bit less notorious because the TU8500 has also 330 nits and the X900H has less nits (493) compared to its HDR Peak of brightness So, if you want a higher amount of brightness and more realistic colors, go for the X900H. And if you want more contrast and colors a little bit more saturated and of course you dont mind having less amount of brightness, then go for the TU8500 Keep in mind that the TU8500 of 50" and 55" (the one on the left) have VA panels, and the rest of the sizes have some kind of IPS panel apparently known as PLS which shows more Clouding and grayish black colors But remember that this version with VA panel of the TU8500 has a very good black uniformity and a Clouding effect almost imperceptible as you noticed In terms of Motion Handling when watching content through Streaming Apps such as Netflix, Youtube, Amazon Primer, etc., is surprisingly better on the TU8500 at the left The TU8500 in every picture mode has the Auto Motion Pro settings and when you set this parameter on "Automatic" it shows an almost perfect job most of the time with No judder nor stutter problems On the X900H when you set the MotionFlow "Auto" it won´t show the best results, and this is why I recommend to set it on "custom" and increasing the Smoothness up to max. and decreasing the Sharpness until min.

And this was the only way I could reach better results in term of Motion Handling on the X900H, the Stutter and Judder are Not so annoying althoug these problems appear once in a while for a few ms, but at least are much less annoying And as i already said, on the TU8500 when set this Auto Motion Plus on "Automatic", the results are almost perfect. Although you can try set this on "custom" if you want to experiment The Image upscaling with low resolution content (480p, 720p) the job is practically the same on both TVs. Maybe the X900H for being 10" bigger may not show the better results I expected with low resolution content However, keep in mind that all the current 4K TVs won´t show a good Image Upscaling with low resolution content, you will see some slight "pixelation" With 1080p (full HD) content the Image Upscaling on both TVs is very good, in fact the content sometimes looks like if ti had more resolution With 1440p content the Image Upscaling on both TVs is great, the content sometimes looks like if it had 4K resolution And of course both TVs can reproduce native 4K content on SDR and HDR without any problems The Reflections Handling is slightly better on the X900H because it has lower contrast ratio and a higher amount of brightness, so is a better option for bright rooms However, I think that the difference is Not huge between these 2 TVs, and the TU8500 is at least a very decent low-budget choice for bright rooms too The results on both TVs are Not so terrible when compared with TVs with IPS panels which have better reflections handling at least in theory The Viewing Angles on both TVs are terrible but this is normal on TVs with VA panels and high contrast ratio. The colors start to look whitish when the viewing angle is wide However, even if the X900H has lower contrast ratio the viewing angles were expected to be at least a little better, but the results are the same compared to the TU8500 So, these TVs are only recommended if you always are going to be facing their ​screens or at least Not watching them from a very wide angle Before I continue with the Gaming comparison, I will show a slight performance of their Sound Systems. It is more powerful on the X900H (also comparing side by side same sizes the results will be on favor of the Sony always) In terms of Sound technologies, The X900H supports Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital and DTS, and the TU8500 supports these too excepto DTS The Sound system is more powerful on the Sony X900H (also comparing side by side same sizes the results will be on favor of the Sony always) So, here is their performance Let´s go now with the gaming comparison starting first with their Input Lag times The TU8500 has an Input Lag time of 10 ms for video games at 4K at 60Hz with HDR, and for the X900H is 15,1 ms, and it also has Input Lag at 4K up to 120Hz of 6,7 ms on its HDMI 2.1 ports I think that the Input Lag times on both TVs are very decent even for demanding gamers if we keep in mind these are relatively big screens (Smart TVs of 55" and 65") In terms of gaming technologies the TU8500 does Not support VRR, Freesync, HDMI 2.1 nor Gsync, but it does support ALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) and 60Hz up to 4K

And the X900H surprisingly does Not support VRR, Freesync or Gsync either, but it does support ALLM and also HDMI 2.1 for 120Hz up to 4K However, the fact that the X900H does Not support VRR won't let this TV to reach the same Smoothness as for example a TV with VRR might reach So, if for example a video game lower its FPS lets say from 120 to 119, then the X900H won´t be able to match exactly these drop and then will lower its Hz from 120 until 110 or maybe until 90 because it does Not support VRR And this is the main reason why this X900H (X90H) has recieved a lot of bad comments the latest months, and in fact on the web site this TV is Not considered anymore as a good option for this new generation of consoles (PS5 & Xbox Series X) or a super powerful PC Graphics Card The heating on screen after 1 hour of cotinues use with gaming is about 33 °C (91.4 °F) to 34 °C (93.2 °F) on the TU8500, and from 34 °C (93.2 °F) to 35 °C (95 °F) and almost 36 °C (96.8 °F) on the X900H The temperature on the X900H is a little bit higher maybe because of the Full-Array and because it has a higher amount of brightness In both cases these temperatures are considered as normal So, which one might be the best choice for you guys, and which are the Pros and Cons of these TVs You already saw that the TU8500 despite of Not supporting Full-Array nor Local Dimming, it shows a very good job in terms of black uniformity, very close to the results on the X900H However, the Black unifromity with HDR content is a little bit better on the X900H when you set the Local Dimming on "High", althgoug you might percdieve some slight but Not so annoying Blooming effect in some dark scenes But remember that the TU8500 with its technology called UHD Dimming does a very good job too in this area Keep in mind that a TV with a relatively high amount of brightness must support Full-Array and Local Dimming in order to decrease the intensity of the annoying Clouding Effect And on Low-budget TVs with no Full-Array nor Local Dimming support must have a lower amount of brightness in order to decrease the intensity of the annoying Clouding effect In terms of the Smart functionalities, the TU8500 supports the Multi View which might be very useful for some people. This option is Not available on the X900H In terms of brightness and clarity the differences es very notorious, so if you like having more brightness then you might be considering getting the X900H if your budget allows However, if in your countries the price difference is almost twice being the X900H much more expensive (as it occur here in Colombia), then I will tell tou that the X900H is Not worth it unless you have a lot of money There are more affordable options in the low-budget and mid-range Tvs with a good amount of brightness if that is what you are mainly looking for, as for example the Hisense H8G or the H9G Nevertheless, in terms of Motion Handling, this TU8500 at the left as I showed you, surprisingly performs better compared to the X900H and also compared to the aforementioned Hisense TVs (H8G and H9G), especially when watching content througout Netflix, Youtube, etc. On the TU8500 you won´t notice Judder or Stutter, while on the X900H you will see some slight intensity of these problems even by applying some settings, although the intensity of these problems won´t be super annoying Keep in mind that the VRR (VAriable REfresh Rate) is NOT available yet on the X900H. Sony has been promising this update since the last year, but so far this TVs does Not support yet this important tehcnology, so keep that in mind

It does support 2 HDMI 2.1 ports while the TU8500 does Not support HDMI 2.1 ports, but without VRR the X900H will lower its 120Hz until 110Hz or maybe 90Hz So, in terms of last generation gaming experience I might say that this X900H is NOt worth it yet, at least no until this TV gets the update including the important VRR There are other options which support all the gaming technologies including of course the VRR, as for example the Samsung Q70T and Q80T from 2020, and the Neo QLED and QLED TVs of this 2021 So, in terms of smoothness when gaming at 4K up to 60 FPS, you won´t notice differences between these 2 TVs, the results are practically the same And in terms of graphics both TVs also do a very good and similar job And in terms of colors the TU8500 shows more intense and saturated colors, and the X900H shows more natural and realistic colors, this is very subjective, and I personally prefer the job on the X900H So, if you are looking for a low-budget TV for an average use (TV shows, Apps, gaming) with a high contrast ratio, intense colors, good black unifromity, decent sound power (knowing that is higher on the X900H), and if you don´t mind having less amount of brightness, then the TU8500 is an excellent choice But if you want more sound power and more brightness, so is up to you guys if your budget allows to buy the X900H Keeping in mind that there are cheaper and perhaps better options in some specs as for example the Hisense H8G and H9G, and the Samsung Q80T, Q70T and the models of this 2021 Please support me by becoming a PATREON. Hit Like, Share, Subscribe and Turn on Notifications. Until next time

2021-04-25 11:17

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