Samsung Galaxy S24 | S24 + | S24 FE Tips and Tricks & Hidden Features!!

Samsung Galaxy S24 | S24 + | S24 FE Tips and Tricks & Hidden Features!!

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let's take a look at the best tips and tricks  for the Samsung s24 Series phones in this   comprehensive guide I'll explain how to harness  its AI capabilities privacy settings optimization   and customization options to get the most out of  your device drop a thumbs up and subscribe also   make sure you save this video for later let's  start with adding the settings icon to our home   screen to do that swipe up look for the settings  icon if you don't see it search for settings once   you see the icon hold down on the icon and tap  add to home if you want to move it to a different   screen just hold down on the icon again and move  it to the left or right side of the screen this   will flip to other sections of home screens use  the same method to add more icons and customize   your home screen with apps you use the most  another way to quickly enter settings is if   you swipe down from the top you will see a gear  icon you can tap there for another quick way to   enter settings before moving further I recommend  updating your phone if there are any updates and   then updating all your apps to ensure your phone  and your apps are optimized as well as having   access to latest features especially Samsung's  AI features to update your phone go to settings   software update and tap download and install if  there's an update available the update may take a   little time so wait for it to finish downloading  downloading the update fixes any security flaws   and additional UI updates if there is an OS update  this is where you will get it I always recommend   checking this section every month for updates it  is important to the device so make sure you update   all of these on day one because if you don't  do this there could be security issues and also   you might not have access to some AI features next  head to the Google Play Store and tap your profile   icon in the top right corner select manage apps  and devices then tap update all to make sure all   your apps are up toate updating your apps from  Play Store gives you feature and security fixes   you can also set the to auto update over wi-fi  for the Samsung store which appears like this   and in the bottom right corner you'll see this red  dot here next to the menu just tap on that and you   can see the updates I recommend coming here once  a month and updating all for the user experience   security and feature updates let's rename your  phone go to settings scroll down to about phone   and tap rename renaming your phone can make it  easier to identify in settings like Bluetooth   connections Wi-Fi networks or file sharing apps I  do recommend renaming it to something less obvious   such as red or bare so people won't know it's  your phone without you telling them navigating   through your phone is the most important setting  you will want to change by default you have the   three navigation buttons at the bottom which  takes some screen real estate but some people   prefer gesture navigation to easily navigate  through the phone and have more screen real   estate to switch switch to gesture navigation if  you prefer go to settings display navigation bar   and select swipe gestures play around with this  if you don't like it you can always switch the   settings back let's set up Biometrics properly go  into settings scroll down to security and privacy   and under that section you'll find Biometrics  when you set it up for the first time you likely   only registered one fingerprint I highly recommend  registering multiple fingerprints use the thumb on   your dominant hand your first finger and also the  thumb on your non-dominant hand so you can easily   unlock your phone with both hands to do this tap  add finger print and scan the Finger by tapping on   and off the sensor make sure to change the angle  of your finger as you go to capture the edges and   tips of your fingerprint once you've done that  you can add another fingerprint by tapping add another if you want a faster way of unlocking  your phone try using face recognition in settings   go back into security and privacy Biometrics and  then select face recognition in good lighting Face   Unlock is quick and convenient follow the prompts  to scan your face if you wear a mask grow a beard   or wear makeup you can also add an alternative  appearance to improve recognition additionally   I recommend to enable the choir eyes open option  for added security to help reduce eye strain I   recommend using the eye Comfort Shield when  activated it adds a warm Hue to the display   which reduces the amount of blue light emitted  from the screen blue light especially in the   evening can interfere with your sleep quality  and may even contribute to headaches for some   people by turning on eye Comfort Shield you  limit exposure to Blue Light making it more   comfortable for extended screen use personally  I recommend keeping this feature on most of the   time especially during the evening or when  reading however if you're editing photos or   videos it's best to turn it off since the feat  Alters the color temperature of the display it   will affect color accuracy you can also turn  on ey Comfort shield from the Quick Settings   menu by swiping down twice from the top of your  phone now let's customize your wallpaper this   might be a small change but it's one of the first  things many people want to do you can either hold   your finger down on the home screen and select  wallpaper and style or go to settings wallpaper   and style one cool feature on Galaxy devices  is the AI wall paper generator if you scroll   down to the AI section you can create a unique  wallpaper by using text prompts for example you   could start with a Terrain template and modify  the keywords and hit generate you'll be shown a   few different images to choose from and you can  keep adjusting until you find the perfect one   once you've selected it you can tap set and choose  it as your lock screen and home screen wallpaper   once you click on next you can still swipe to see  what the other AI generated variations look like   once you're happy with your selection you can tap  done using a dark wallpaper can significantly save   battery the way the screens work is by lighting up  individual pixels so black pixels are essentially   turned off consuming less battery the more blacker  dark areas in the wallpaper the less battery the   screen uses on top of using a dark wallpaper use  dark mode your entire system interface will be in   dark mode reducing eye strain and saving battery  by reducing the number of pix that are on you can   also schedule dark mode to automatically switch on  at specific times like at Sunset you can quickly   toggle dark mode from the Quick Settings menu  or go to setting display dark mode settings option give the new photo ambient  feature a try this adds weather   effects to your wallpaper un lock  screen such as rain or snow based   on the current weather to use this go  to change wallpaper scroll down a photo   ambient and select try now choose the wallpaper  you want to apply this effect to press the play   button to test it out you'll see water droplets  running down the screen for rain snow or sun rays use the color palette feature this  will sync your system UI to match your   wallpaper go to settings than wallpaper  in style enable color palette and your   phone will suggest color schemes for  system UI based on your wall wallpaper   try using the apply palettes to  icons option for a more cohesive look let's customize the lock screen hold your  finger down on an empty space go to wallpaper   and style and then here on the left side is  your lock screen so if you just tap on that you   will see faint lines around the areas that can be  customized for for example if I tap the clock here   you'll see you get a bunch of different options  when it comes to the fonts and if you grab one of   the Dots here you can actually resize the clock  as well and at the bottom if you want to you can   customize the color of the clock I do recommend  you choose a color that stands out against the   background you can also choose a custom color  or use the Spectrum to change the color the next   thing is to customize widgets underneath the  clock you will see in faint writing the word   widgets if you hit the plus there you can add  some useful tools for example you might want to   add the Samsung Health widget or battery health  widget take a look at all widgets available and   customize this with the most important information  just in case you ever lose your phone and someone   finds it I recommend adding contact information  to the lock screen scroll down to the bottom of   the lock screen settings where you'll see the  contact information field tap the plus icon and   you you can add a message with your backup email  address or phone number this way if someone finds   your phone they can contact you easily be sure to  add some contact details here for Peace of Mind   lastly there are two shortcuts on the lock screen  by default the left one is for the phone app and   the right one is for the camera however you can  customize these shortcuts to suit your preferences   for example if you want quick access to the torch  or flashlight you can change one of the shortcuts   to that you can also assign any other app on your  phone like Samsung wallet or voice recorder remap   the side button for quick access to customize  the side button for quick actions go to settings   advanced settings s key you can change the default  press and hold action from opening Bixby to   showing the power menu which is especially useful  for turning the phone off or accessing emergency   info you can also set the double press action to  open your wallet for quick payments or pick the   app that you think would be the most useful or the  app you use the most to open with a double press   such as Google fit in settings battery you will  have an option to toggle on power saving using   power saving mode helps extend battery life  by reducing background activity limiting app   processes and lowering energy intensive functions  like screen brightness and CPU usage it prevents   excessive battery drain and can be a lifesaver  in emergencies when you need your phone to last   longer if you click into power saving you can  toggle on or off for further customization if   you are having issues with Bluetooth connectivity  or need full CPU and GPU power or other features   you can disable this when needed maintaining good  battery health is key to ensuring your battery   lasts longer especially if you plan to keep your  phone for the full seven years of OS updates one   great way to help preserve battery health is  by using a feature called battery protection   to enable it go into your phone's settings scroll  down to device care and tap on the battery icon   from here you can activate battery protection and  choose from several options I personally recommend   using the maximum option as I use it daily without  any issues if you're going on a road trip or   traveling and need that extra 20% of battery life  you can always switch it on temporarily however   if the maximum option doesn't suit your needs  try switching to the Adaptive setting which is   the next best option for conserving battery life  one of the most effective ways to save battery   life is by custom izing your notifications the  number of notifications you receive throughout   the day not only impacts your battery but can  also take a toll on your mental health to fix   this go into your phone's Settings app then scroll  down to notifications and tap on app notifications   here you'll see a list of all your apps each  with the option to turn notifications on or off   my advice is to narrow down the total number of  notifications you get going from say 100 per day   to 50 can make a significant difference each time  a notification arrives your phone screen lights   up the vibration motor activates and the speaker  could be used to play a sound all of which drain   your battery it can be difficult to reach the top  corners of the screen to respond to messages or   perform other tasks one-handed mode is a great  solution to this problem allowing you to shrink   the display for easier one-handed use to enable  it simply go to settings scroll down to Advanced   features and toggle on one-handed mode once  activated you can easily trigger the feature   by swiping down along the bottom of your screen  this will shrink the display to about 50% of its   original size making it much easier to reach those  top corners or the far end of the keyboard when   typing a message you can quickly switch sides by  taing the arrow icon Additionally you can adjust   the height of the shrunk screen using a bar at the  top to make it more comfortable for your hand when   you're finished and want to return to the full  screen display simply repeat the same swipe down   gesture and the screen will return to its normal  size one-handed mode is a practical feature that   makes it much easier to navigate your phone when  you're using it with just one hand especially   when you're on the go Additionally you can click  into one-handed mode to select if you want to use   gesture or button to activate one-handed mode in  setting display scroll to screen timeout and set   how soon you want your screen to go off I set  mine to 1 minute if I'm going out for privacy   and security reasons set it to 15 seconds if  you're having issues with legibility under   display scroll to font size and style here you  can adjust the font and increase the size of the   font displayed throughout the phone for better  legibility let's optimize sound and vibration   in settings tap on sounds and vibration scroll  down to system vibration and then tap vibration   intensity here you can change the vibration  intensity depending on what is coming in so   for example if my phone goes off for something  important like a call like a notification I want   that vibration to be more intense making it more  easy to feel say when my phone is in my pocket   but then if it is a system notification or it's  perhaps media I don't want the vibration to be as   prominent this way I can distinguish between the  two types of notifications this is really useful   when you feel your phone going off you will  know immediately from the vibration whether   it's something important or something that you can  ignore in settings tap on sounds and vibration we   have sound quality and effects and this will  allow us to enable Dolby Atmos not all media   will be Dolby Atmos supported however a lot of  content these days is whether you're streaming   from Spotify Apple music or YouTube this will  give you a broader range of frequencies and   better listening experience so whenever whenever  it is available I do recommend you turn this on   Additionally you can also set an EQ so if you  prefer to have a little bit more base you can   actually fully customize the EQ or you can have  it set to certain presets go into settings scroll   down to where we find lock screen and aod here we  have the option to either activate or deactivate   the aod but then if we tap into this menu we  can actually customize this further you also   have the option to show or hide your music  information the most crucial or I think most   important setting in this menu is when to show  you're always on display if we tap into here you   can choose when to aod I recommend tapping Auto  you're always on display will be on as you can see   however if your phone is in your pocket turns  aod off so it does not waste battery but when   it's on your desk it's going to turn on I think  Auto is a really good middle ground also tap to   show is also great or it'll be black unless you  double tap the screen to activate there's always   which will truly keep your always on display  on optimize your home screen grid for a more   efficient home screen consider adjusting the  grid size hold down on an empty area of your   home screen and go to home screen settings by  default it's set to 4X 6 but you can increase it   to 5X six for more app icons per page this reduces  the need to scroll through multiple screens next   let's take a look at managing home screen widgets  to add a widget to your home screen press and hold   anywhere on home then tap on widgets and here you  can choose which widget to add I'm going to choose   the screen time widget and hold on the widget and  now it's added to your home screen you can press   and hold on it to move it to a different place  you can resize it by dragging these white dots   now here is the new feature creating widget Stacks  press and hold on the widget and tap create stack   so you can have multiple widgets layers in one  tile which makes your screen cleaner while having   access to more information you can swipe on the  widget to see the Stacked widgets additionally   if you hold down on the widget and tap settings  you can choose light or dark mode and adjust the   background transparency to take a screenshot  on your Samsung Galaxy s24 you have a couple   of options press and hold the volume down button  and the power button or side button simultaneously   quickly release both buttons you should see in  Flash and the screenshot will be saved to your   gallery another way is to use Palm gesture swipe  the edge of your hand pinky side across the screen   from left to right or right to left if this is  not working for you go to settings advanc features   motions and Gestures make sure Palm swipe to  capture is turned on to see all your apps swipe up   from the bottom but you'll notice that they're in  no particular order they're all over the place the   phone tries to predict what apps you might want  to use next but I find it's hard to actually find   apps you are looking for to sort it alphabetically  tap the the three dots in the top right corner and   go to sort and change it to alphabetical order  now next time when you swipe up for your app   everything will be where it's supposed to be and  you will find it much more faster to personalize   your quick settings swipe down from the top  of your screen you'll see the Quick Settings   menu with several system toggles to customize  these tap the pencil icon left corner this will   open the customization options allowing you to  modify both the top row of icons and the full   Quick Settings menu start by focusing on the full  Quick Settings menu here you'll see two sections   the top half shows the toggles currently in  your menu and the lower half shows the available   options you can add for instance if you'd like  to add flashlight for easy access simply tap on   it and it will appear in your menu you can also  rearrange the toggles by dragging them around if   you want to remove an option just tap the minus  icon next to it when organizing your toggles I   recommend placing your most used options in  the top row as they'll be the most visible   after arranging everything to your liking tap  done to save your changes now let's move on   to customizing the top row here you'll want to  prioritize the toggles you use most frequently   such as Wi-Fi airplane mode or Bluetooth once  you're satisfied with your layout tap done again let's take a look at the new Edge panel this  is the faint line at the side here when you swipe   that out you get a bunch of tools now I recommend  you use this for is the AI tools that the phone   has and also less used apps that you think will  be useful from time to time but don't really need   to be on the home screen to customize tap the  pen in the bottom right corner then you'll see   the little minus sign next to the apps that exist  uh remove the ones you don't want now can choose   apps to add um for example apps like the notes  app from Samsung this is incredibly useful the   voice recorder um again a very powerful tool now  I'm going to leave one space because I do want to   show you one of the superior tips on the Galaxy  devices let's say you want to watch a video and   have it playing in the background whilst taking  notes you can do this on the Galaxy the way in   which you do this is by creating an app pair so  here's how you do that you can swipe up from the   bottom or tap on the three bars icon and you'll  see the option to open in split screen view and   at the bottom you can choose the other the app  that you want to split another way to do this   is to swipe out the edge panel and drag an app on  top of the existing app and now you have a split   screen set up now that you set up an app pair that  you like if you want to you can hit the three dots   in the center hit the star here and then add it to  the edge panel so now when we swipe out the edge   panel we have that saved app pair and you do get  the option to add it to the home screen as well if   you prefer now before we move on from Edge panels  there is one more thing I want to show you which   is very useful if you swipe it out at the bottom  left corner here very briefly you get the settings   when you swipe out the edge panel bottom here  you'll see settings and this opens up the library   of edge panels that can be added behind the first  one to the defaults so I'm going to add that so   now when we swipe out the edge panel and swipe  again we've got the tasks Compass tool and we've   also got the weather tool as well so definitely  play around with the edge panel setup the tools   that would be most useful for you now let's move  on to security features and privacy features go   into the settings and scroll down to security and  privacy as soon as you enter you will see that it   does a bunch of scanning on the device one of  the the things is Switched Off by default is   the app security so if you tap on that go to app  security and switch it on this just adds an extra   layer on top of the Google Play Store scanning  of apps this is useful if you're downloading   apks outside of the Google Play Store make sure  you you scan the device to see if any flagged   apps are already installed to turn on secure Wi-Fi  go to settings and tap security and privacy more   security settings and tap protect secure Wi-Fi  is essentially is a free VPN on Samsung devices   it does have some limitations but it's very useful  for when connecting to public hotspots you get one   gig for free per month with this service you can  pay and have more if you want to or you could of   course get a third-party VPN but you might as well  make the use of this one if you're really worried   about your data being stolen on unknown Wi-Fi  network you can enable the autoprotect and you   do need to set it to allow all the time if you're  interested in how much it costs to use the premium   Services just tap on protection plan here and go  to upgrade and here is how much they would charge   per month for unlimited usage and then there's  also a 24-hour option as well let's talk about   safety and emergency tips go into your settings  scroll down to safety and emergency here you   can fill out your emergency info and here you can  also add emergency contacts so you can set up your   local emergency service or family members who live  nearby for example and will come help if there   happens to be an emergency SOS situation when you  tap PN emergency SOS if you tap the side key five   times when you're in an emergency situation it  will automatically call the emergency services   but if you tick this box here at the bottom you  can send an SOS message to your eer Mercy contacts   and this will send your location and a default  message that will let them know that you're in   trouble under settings security and privacy more  security settings there's a new Option here for   Theft Protection this is designed specifically for  if someone grabs your phone out of your hand while   you're walking down the street and tries to run  away with it so with this enabled it will detect   if the phone has been snatched and is moving very  quickly away from you if that happens the phone   will autol Lock And if you want to you can switch  it to offline device lock as well there's also   the remote lock feature I also recommend turning  on the remote lock feature to lock your phone if   your phone is stolen let's move on to the useful  tips with Galaxy AI the first setting you might   want to look at when it comes to AI is if you  scroll down to the Galaxy AI section for privacy   reasons you might not be comfortable with sharing  data online you can enable process data only on   device this will limit some of the AI features you  can do if you swipe up diagonally from the bottom   right corner you can use Gemini as your assistant  it's way more intelligent than it's ever been you   can harness the power of AI to brainstorm ideas  and even just have a conversation here's another   powerful tool when you're browsing the internet  and something catches your attention and you want   to know more about it hold your finger down on  either the home button or the line at the bottom   of the screen now you can now Circle to search  any that's on screen the screen will light up now   you can draw around the area you want to search  it will give you results so Circle to search is   very useful and I do recommend you make the most  of it within the Samsung gallery app if you open   up a photo here's a silly one I took earlier if  you tap on the photo at the bottom you'll see the   AI sparkling Stars tap the icon then tap portrait  studio you can turn this image into a comic style   image 3D cartoon sketch or watercolor painting  you can save a copy of these to your device have   fun with this and make your pictures even better  with AI I have a feeling you will have a lot of   fun with these AI Generations in gallery if you  tap the AI sparkling Stars at the bottom of the   image again this time tap sketch to image now we  can actually draw something on this image and it   doesn't even need to be a great drawing for this  to work so I'm just going to draw another flower and it's actually added several different  flowers I can pick from and it looks real   use your imagination to make your pictures even  better use AI image editor tap the AI sparkling   stars for me I want to delete the yellow flower  just press and hold on the item you want to delete   or move around AI automatically selects the item  now I'm going to tap on the Eraser icon and tap   generate AI is going to fill in the image for me  tap generate to see the results I can also make my   selection bigger rotate it move it around and the  AI will fill in the gaps for me and it looks real   and Blended in nicely let's use AI recorder  if we swipe out the edge panel and open the   recorder app straight away the first time you  use it it's going to show you what it can now   do you can actually record lectures or meetings  if you wanted to and transcribe them into words   and then summarize them into bullet points this  is an incredibly useful tool so once you have   recorded something tap into the recording  itself you can transcribe it immediately   into text it's usually very fast depending on how  long your recording is now you have a nice clear   transcription of everything if you tap summary  then uses AI to summarize everything that was   said in that transcription this is an amazingly  useful tool here's another very powerful Galaxy   AI tool in regards to generating text I'm just  going to open up a blank email so within a text   field you will see the AI Stars here on the left  side if you tap that um you have a few options   composer will literally write something for you  so let's say I need to write an email to have a   meeting at 9:00 a.m. with some colleagues this is  so useful for getting work done quicker let's say   you've written your text and you want to improve  Pro it or change the style if you highlight that   text and then hit the AI Stars again you  can go to writing styles and you'll have   a bunch of different options to choose from like  social media posts casual or professional in the   Samsung internet app there is a very powerful  AI tool within the Samsung browser app you have   an article that you want to grab core information  from if you tap the AI Stars at the bottom of that   web page you then get the option to summarize that  page into bullet points so tap summarize it reads   the entire page for you and gives you nice concise  bullet points and you can actually expand on this   if you tap the button here and tap detailed it  will just add more information to those bullet   points this is a great tool for researching okay  here's another AI tool from The Edge panel swipe   to open the edge panel you will see this little  pen icon this is a tool that allows you to draw   anything from scratch and and then use AI to  generate it this works like sketch to image   uh except there's no image this time I'll draw a  flower and Butterfly once you've drawn your image   you can use the little drop- down menu here to  choose what kind of style you want it to be let's   go illustration and hit generate this is just a  good example of how bad your drawing skills can be   and how good they can end up looking and you get  a few different options you can choose from the   other tool that exists on the edge p pannel is the  Smart select tool so you can draw around anything   that's on screen similar to the circle to search  feature but this actually allows you to download   what you've selected to your gallery you can also  share it from here or copy information from this   selection for example so if you hit the text  tool here it highlights all of the text that's   within that window and then you can add that to  a note or just copy it to a clipboard so it's a   powerful tool for extracting information or saving  screenshots but not the entire screen just part of   the screen let's take a look at camera tips let's  start with single take mode scroll to more and tap   single take now tap on the shutter and the phone  is going to produce the different shots of the   videos and the photos automatically this saves so  much time especially if uploading to social media   you can select what options you would like as well  so select what works for you I use this mode quite   often and saves me a lot of time and effort next  is the Dual recording mode so this mode allows   you to record videos from the selfie camera and  from the rear camera at the same time and you can   still select the lenses if you want to use for  example you can select the front lens but you   can also select the wide lens or telephoto lens in  this mode you will see picture and picture and you   can save the videos in separate files recording  reactions is so useful to capture content and   your own reactions to that content the last tip  is optimizing your phone I recommend using Auto   optimization to turn this on go to settings device  care and tap Auto optimization Auto optimization   this will be switched off by default if you set  it to restart when needed if your phone starts   running too hot and it's being overworked it  will reboot to refresh the phone and you can   actually set it to restart on schedule if you  want the restart will not happen while you're   using the phone it will typically happen at  night that's it please subscribe for more   tips like and share this video with anyone  who may find this helpful if you have any  

2025-01-05 17:29

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