S24 Ultra vs S23 Ultra Peak Performance Minimum Heat

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hey guys it's TECHOSAUR and in this video we'll  be comparing the Pure Performance of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra with its Snapdragon 8 GEN 3  against its predecessor the S23 ultra which packs Snapdragon 8 GEN 2 we'll be looking and  analyze performance of different benchmarks and stress tests side by side whether it's for CPU,  GPU and even some interesting AI benchmarks that will spotlight where the new Snapdragon 8  GEN 3 NPU shines in addition to checking performance we'll be closely measuring surface  temperature after every single test in order to understand what to expect from each device when  it comes to how it's going to cool itself down, especially with Samsung including this year a  bigger vapor chamber by 92% on the S24 ultra so we got many apps to try out starting from  the top left PASSMARK Benchmark GEEKBENCH AI Benchmark BURNOUT Benchmark GFX AiTuTu and  AnTuTu and finally 3DMark they're are all going to help us to get a comprehensive idea  about the performance difference of those two awesome devices I can't contain how excited I  am to share with you guys the surprises I also found along the way so grab your snack and relax  and let's get started first with AnTuTu Benchmark and here we are S24 Ultra scored 1773135 while S23 Ultra got 1474728 which translate to about 17%  difference now we'll uncover each section to see what we got here so for CPU we  got a 15% difference with the CPU multicore score showing the biggest uplift among the  three tests done here for CPU mathematical operations and common algorithms scores are  higher on S24 Ultra but less significantly than the multicore one which appears to be the  main factor contributing to the uplift in the CPU Test Section switching to the GPU one we  got a 13% difference with nothing remarkable however what surprised me the most is  the memory one showing a 29% difference even with both devices sharing the same memory  configuration LPDDR5X for RAM plus UFS 4.0 for ROM the S24 ultra achieved a significant uplift  here in tests such as the ram bandwith which is 88746 vs 65283 as for the RAM latency it's almost  Higher by 30,000 on the S24 ultra all of this is really worth mentioning given that faster memory  can often lead to faster apps and games loadings and a lot of different tasks running on memory  now getting to the ROM section there's about 10,000 points uplift while for write 6,500 and  the biggest difference found in the ROM Random Access where we see almost double the score  on the S24 ultra I quite did not expect data storages getting way higher score than even both  CPU and GPU looks like that even with the same memory setup there is an improvement in utilizing  those cutting edge Technologies much better than ever thanks to the new Snapdragon 8 GEN 3 now  getting to the UX section and here we mark a decent 10% uplift with tests like data security  image processing and video editing contributing to this difference and now finally looking at  the power consumption the S23 ultra lost 5% of power juice while the S24 ultra lost 6% as for  the maximum temperature reached it's 40.5°C for S23 Ultra and 42.2°C for S24 Ultra now I also  did AnTuTu storage test and here we got the same performance boost it's faster by 33% on  the S24 ultra which only proves the fact that the new SnapDragon 8 GEN 3 is indeed better at  unlocking the true potential of UFS 4 memory types all that could benefit the whole system  offering a superior experience now let's check the devices surface temperature and here we ref  find the Hotpot to be 47.7°C on the S23 ultra while 50.2c for S24 Ultra about a 2.5°C change however  as we can see S24 Ultra is able to localize the heat mostly around the chip area with a more  confined shape than the S23 ultra it looks more like a rectanglish if you know what I mean  while S23 Ultra leaking out more generated heat across the device as shown here now let's move  on to geekbench starting first with a CPU test here we find the 10% Improvement for single  core and the 23% for multi-core a fairly decent uplift indeed and others have shared  their GEEKBENCH scores previously and mine pretty much align with them checking temps  this time we have 38.1°C for S23 Ultra and

39.8°C for S24 Ultra now running GEEKBENCH GPU  using Open CL API we see a 39% score uplift as for temps 36.8°C for S23 Ultra and 37.2°C for  S24 Ultra while if we use Vulkan as the API for GPU we see a whopping 47% uplift for those  short durate benchmarks temps are relatively lower on both devices let's now shift gears to  pass mark for Another overall system benchmark the total system score shows a 19% difference and  going through Section one by one for the CPU we got a 20% increase with the find prime number  test showing the highest Improvement heading to the memory test we got a 16% change here I  wanted to point out as the fact that the s24 ultra memory latency being less than half of the  s23 ultra for the disk one instead we got a 24% difference with the storage read being the most  significant factor here now as for 2D Graphics the difference is quite Slimmer about 8% with  most result almost on par except for the image rendering test meanwhile in the 3D Graphics  one they are pretty much the same and for a matter of fact in this one specifically called  simple test it's higher on the S23 ultra while for the S24 ultra the open GL test is higher we  could conclude it as they are quite on par more or less when it comes to PASSMARK 3D Graphics  Benchmark now checking the heat image we got 41. 7°C for S23 Ultra and 42.2°C for S24 Ultra  with the 3D Graphics being quite similar here I feel now it's the time to perform a dedicated  GBU Benchmark by using GFX bench let's go for it and here we are after calculating all  scores and averaging them we can Crown the S24 Ultra as it's leading by 12% on  average as for temperature it run hot on both due to how long the test usually last  about 30 minutes roughly so far we've been consistently seeing the trend of the 23 Ultra  having lower hotspot temperature but s24 Ultra manages to trap heat more effectively in  one area as we have seen so far and now we can proceed to 3D Mark where we will do a 20  Loop stress test for all three of wildlife, Wildlife extreme and solar Bay so let's get  started first with a wildlife 20 Loop stress test with the test done we get here a 22% difference  for the best loop score however the lowest loop score is actually better on the S23 ultra along  with better stability now going through the loops we see that after the first Loop the s24 ultra  already throttled down to get somewhere similar to the S23 ultra as loops goes on it's like  the performance of each loop goes down quite more aggressively as the stress goes on the  battery consumption we got is 10% drop for S23 Ultra and 8% drop on S24 Ultra as for  temperature it reached up to 46°C on the S23 ultra and 43°C on S24 Ultra with FPS range  being from 28 to 80 for the S23 ultra and from 32 to 107 for the s24 ultra checking the  thermal image here we see the S24 ultra being a bit cooler in comparison to the S23 ultra  which had a significantly hotter surface even in the middle as you can see here now let's  get over wildlife extreme 20 Loop stress test here this time we got a 24% difference in  the best loop to the favor of the S24 ultra but still with worse stability percent after  about the third Loop the S24 ultra throttled down to a similar performance level as the  S23 ultra for battery consumption here it's 10% for the S23 ultra and 11% for the S24  ultra now looking at the temperatures here we see up to 46°C for the S23 ultra and 43°C  for the S24 ultra with FPS ranging from 9 to 26 on the s23 ultra while from 11 to  33 on the S24 Ultra now finally let's wrap up 3D Mark by trying out some RAY  Tracing in solar Bay 20 Loop stress test now here this time we got a 34% difference for  the best Loop still with lower stability for the S24 ultra just like before this time instead  it keep pushing harder but eventually at the 7th Loop it throttled down to a score bracket  similar to the S23 ultra for battery consumption it was 10% for the s23 ultra and the same goes  for the s24 ultra with temperature maxing out at 46°C for the S23 ultra meanwhile 44°C for the  s24 ultra with FPS ranging from 8 to 24 on the s23 ultra and from 13 to 36 on the S24 ultra now  checking temperature this time we again see the S24 ultra able to keep heat more contained mostly  around the chip area this in instance provides the clearest example of what I was trying to say  the Vapor chamber on the S24 ultra is doing its job to direct heat more effectively than on the  S23 ultra where it's emitting up out generated heat outside the chip area which would result in  making the whole device hotter to touch now the time has come to to put our NPUs under trial  by doing our first AI Benchmark using AiTuTu and with the benchmark done on we get a 27% uplift  with everything from super-resolution to style transfer to image classification and finally  object detection excelling on the S24 ultra and even with a higher performance looking at the heat  image we see the temperature a degree lower on the S24 Ultra another NPU related test we'll now  run is by using AI Benchmark so let's go for it now here according to the app the S23  Ultra is nominated as the master of AI but if that's not enough for you the  S24 ultra is the Die Hard with a 21% difference we see AI speed of 1092 for  S23 Ultra versus 1409 for s24 Ultra with both achieving the same accuracy percentage  interestingly though the CPU speed is faster on the S23 ultra in this one and here are the  individual test done with their related scores as for temperature this time the hotpot  out is higher on the S24 Ultra by 4°C now this time around I would like to  head back to AnTuTu and test out its stress test for 30 minutes to  measure CPU performance overtime now I'm not sure why but the S24 ultra started  with 60% CPU use and kept going that way with a very short peak at 100% while the S23 ultra  started at 100% and stayed there until it thermally throttled I'm not sure if it's an  app bug not triggering the full performance state on the S24 ultra if you got it staying  on 100% over longer period Please let me know in the comments I repeated mine three times  and it's always the same result but on the S23 ultra at least we saw the performance  drop occurring roughly halfway while the S24 ultra maintained the same performance  level with some dips here and there and even clock speeds were on the middle side  throughout the test surprisingly though as for Battery life they both consumed about 13%  now here for temperature we got a significant difference 48.7°C for the S23 ultra versus 43.3°C  for the S24 ultra now the final stress test we have is a BURNOUT Benchmark which going to stress  out all three of CPU GPU and NPU let's head there so we got performance increase of roughly 8% for  the compute score but here it's also indicating that performance under throttling is lower by 3%  on the S24 ultra and checking temperatures this time we got 51.5°C for the S23 ultra versus 53.7°C for S24 Ultra this by far is the most heavy test

we have done as teams are quite high on both  but as you can see in the middle it's lower by 3°C on the S24 ultra I'm quite impressed by  this cooling upgrade we have seen in this year my takeaway from this would be that S24 Ultra  with the Snap Dragon 8 GEN 3 is undoubefuly a leap in performance over its predecessor the S23  Ultra however sustain performance drop is a big issue I repeatedly seen over time we are losing  much more performance than on the S23 ultra all caused by the faster core clocks generating more  heat now even though the new Vapor chamber is more efficient dissipating heat it's still unable  to tame the SnapDragon 8 GEN 3 at its highest performance for long use sessions but still  it was quite cool to see how the new Vapor chamber targets heat much more efficiently  on S24 Ultra so when you hold the device in areas other than the hotspot where the chip is  located it will feel a bit colder to touch and that makes me wonder if you are an S23 ultra  owner or someone undecided between buying the two does seeing the higher performance of the  S24 ultra trigger you to get it after all? or do you think that performance stability is a  big issue enough for you to hold back let me know your thoughts in the comment section and  the next thing I'm currently testing out is real gameplays comparisons between those two  while checking temperatures correspondingly with alternate game performance management mode on  versus off this way we'll see whether it's still a wise decision to turn it on for a more stable  FPS in hardcore games like Genshin Impact Etc.. so we'll find out all of that in the next video  so make sure to subscribe to be updated once it's up I really want to thank you for tuning in  if you enjoyed this video and found it useful please give it a like And subscribe and don't  forget to activate the Bell icon notification to be updated on all my latest content  thanks for watching and see you in the next one


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