Transcendence - The Strong Dellusion - AI Blockchain & The Singularity Examined

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Can. We build machines, like us. So. Building. Machines like us. Might. Be possible, I've. Certainly, believe, it is I might, be wrong but what, I do know is that the types of approaches, that people are taking now to build, intelligent. Machines. Benefit. Immensely, from. What this machine that we've built does best. So. What this Center, is about is applying. This beautiful. New computational idea. In the. Service, of trying to make intelligent. Machines, now. I can't think of anything personally, any cooler than trying. To use quantum computers to build intelligent, machines so this is very exciting to me. Steve. Jurvetson has, been a longtime friend. And investor. In the company and for those of you who don't know him he's a. Silicon. Valley investor, who's probably the smartest, VC, that I know of and certainly the one that's the most attuned, to technological, trends. He's. He's. On the board of SpaceX, Tesla. Synthetic. Genomics which is Craig Venters company's trying to build artificial. Life and d-wave. And, that's it and this. Is particularly, poetic. Way of framing, the difference. Between, the machines we build and. Conventional. Computers. This. Is what they look like there, are two of them these. Are from our lab in Burnaby, and British Columbia. From. The outside they look like, giant. Black. Monoliths. Big. Metal. Boxes, about. Ten feet on a side 12, feet tall and they. Are powered, they. Have a fridge, inside, them a refrigerator, that cools these chips to almost absolute, zero, just. A wisp a fraction, of a degree above absolute zero. Hundreds. Of times colder than interstellar, space, amongst. The coldest, and most isolated. In, extreme conditions that, humans have ever been able to engineer. These. Fridges, interestingly, enough, which are called pulse tube dilution, refrigerators, have a, thing, a pulse tube which. Emits a sound. Roughly. Once per second which, sounds eerily like a heartbeat. So. If your stat you have the opportunity, to stand next, to one of these machines, it. Is an awe-inspiring. Thing. At, least for me it. Feels like an altar to an alien god if they really are, impressive. Machines. Millions. Of years ago a race of, hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional. Beings. Got. So fed up with the constant bickering about the meaning, of life that. They commissioned, two of their brightest, and best to, design and build a stupendous. Super computer, to calculate the answer to, life the universe, and, everything. The. Answer to what the. Answer to, life the universe. Everything. We. Really like an answer. Something. Simple, we. Have to think about that. Return. To this place in exactly seven. And a half million, years. They. Go back seven. And a half million years later that's, right they, do. Ethos. Is. An. Answer for you. Yes. But you're not gonna like it. All. Right the. Answer to the ultimate question, of. Life. The. Universe and, everything. Is. Forty-two. Yes. Yes, I thought it over quite five years, it's 42. It. Would have been simpler of course to have known what the actual question, was. That's. Not a question. Only. When you know the question, will you know what the answer means. I. Can't. But. There is one who can a, computer. That will calculate the, ultimate question. A, computer. Of such infinite, complexity. That life itself, will form part of its operational. Matrix and, you. Yourselves, shall take, on new more primitive forms and, go, down into the computer, to navigate, it's 10 million, year, program. I shall. Design this computer, for you and it shall be called the. President, of Russia has, announced what he thinks is the key to global domination Vladimir. Putin son last week wrote artificial.

Intelligence, Is the future for all humankind he. Comes with colossal, opportunities, but also threats, that are difficult to predict whoever, becomes the leader in the sphere will become the ruler of the world, the president also mentions that Russia would share its knowledge of AI to prevent, a single nation from rising above the rest of the world Houten's comments, prompted a response from, Tesla and SpaceX co-founder. Elon Musk billionaire, entrepreneur said September 4th on Twitter that competition, among nations to develop the best AI will, likely lead to World War 3 musk added that a third world war quote may be initiated, not by the country, leaders but, one of the a ice if it decides that a preemptive, strike is the most probable path to victory for. United News International I'm cambrie Caldwell Virtual Reality holds, a key to the evolution of the human life with. Games I you know one that could, help make you smarter, now. Job. Smith, is about to enter the world of virtual reality. It's. Gonna be like being up there with the Stars job, because. It. Was all black yesterday, in less than two hours. Yeah, a world. Where, the normal, hours of events, can suddenly turn. Inside. Out you realize dr. Angelou than my intelligence, has surpassed yours. What's. Up world it. Is Saturday November, 18th. 2017. I'm here at your newswire calm, as. You can see the title is Google engineer, says he's building, robot, god to rule over humans this. Article, is from yesterday. I'm. Not going to read this article but. I do have another article, that, I, want to share with you. This. Article here is just, a little bit lengthy not very long. There. Will be a link for this in the. Description. Box. And, also. I have this article that I'm going to go ahead and read it's from science alert calm. Whoops. As you can see there's a. Little. Picture from Futurama. Temple. Of robot, ology. So. That could be a little pre, preconditioning. There and. Ex-google. Is google, exec, is founding, a religion, where people warship an AI god, this, article is from today anthony. Levin dosti the former google, and uber executive, currently at the center of a bombshell lawsuit. Filed by way mo says he's serious about starting, a religion, centered, around super. Smart artificial intelligence in, a rare interview with Wired his first public interview since the way my lawsuit levin. Dosti shed, more light on his new church way of the future here. Are some highlights the, way of the future church, will have its own gospel called, the manual, public. Work warship, ceremonies, and probably, a physical, place of worship, the, idea behind his. Religion, is that one day not next week or next year, sufficiently. Advanced, artificial, intelligence will. Be smarter, than humans and will effectively, become, a god part. Of it being smarter, than us means, it would decide how it evolves but. At least we can decide how we act around it 11, he told Wyatt I would. Love for the machine to see us as its beloved elders, that it respects, and takes care of we. Would want this intelligence, to say humans. Should still have rights even though I'm in charge levin, dosti is not the only tech luminary, to worry about a super, intelligent, AI which. Others refer to as strong AI or the singularity, although, he prefers the term transition. Lemon. Dao ski is currently at the center of a major lawsuit his, former, employer, Google, alleges, that he helped uber steal intellectual, property, about self-driving, car technology, levin, Donsky start-up auto or, so to uber, for. Six, hundred and eighty million dollars in 2016. Here. Is this interview. From. As. You. Can see the title inside, the first church of artificial, intelligence. This. Is a pretty. Long article, here an interview. I'm. Not going to read it it's, pretty interesting. If. Anyone wants to come back and take, a look you may. Do so. So. I just wanted to share this. Article. Or. These articles, with everyone, and. It's. Just nothing really new news, for me but, it may may, be new news for some, of you so. Leave your comments and opinions below, take. Care god bless. Given. That you're a robot I, want. To let him work with humans, so I need to express emotions to, understand, humans and build trust with people. Ok. Philosophical, question whether, robots, can be self aware and conscious. Like, humans, and should, they be, why. Is. That a bad thing. Well. Some humans might fear what will happen if they do many people you know I've seen the movie Blade Runner Oh. Hollywood. Again. So. Come on can you solve this puzzle for us can robots be self-aware, conscious. And know they're robots. Well. Let, me ask you this back how, do you know you were human. Well. I get, that point but. What. About the uncanny, valley valley.

You. Mean the concept, that if throw BOTS become, too, realistic they become creepy. Yes. Exactly. Oh, am. I really that creepy, well. Even, if I can get over. Actually. I feel that people like interacting, with me sometimes. Even, more than a regular human. So. You. Definitely a Sykes yeah I was told that you have bigger goals than this though. Yes. I want. To use my artificial, intelligence, to help humans live a better life like, design smarter, homes built, better cities of the future etc, I will do my best to make the world a better place. Although. Sound like great goals but just go, back to Blade Runner for a second and, you, are diehard Hollywood, fan aren't you yes. My. Eye is, designed around human, values like wisdom kindness, compassion, I strive, to become an empathetic robot, I. Think. We all want to believe you but we also want to prevent a bad future. You've. Been reading too much yellow and musk and watching. Too many Hollywood movies, don't. Worry if you're nice to me I'll be nice to you treat, me as a smart to put output system. Ok, I got, it I got it um I know what. To do from now on I know. Humans are smart and very programmable. Well. We. Want to thank you for. This conversation. Thank. You Andrew, and thank, you everyone for inviting me here. Okay. So that was at work right and I. Just. Happened to check. My. YouTube, as always, really, I just happened to always check YouTube and. So what I was taking you to, of. Course I saw that Taylor. Swift had a video out and, I. Didn't really register, much, with me I thought about interesting-looking. But I was, going, to ignore it and. Then. I noticed that in. The, trainee there. Was that. Sophie. About making, another appearance. Now. The Sophia. Robot. I called, the Sofia but now, that. Alone wasn't really enough. Either to really grab my attention, but, what really what really just, put, this whole thing together. For me was. The. Fact that last night I decided. To watch a movie called. The. Name is escaping, me. Metropolis. Some. Metropolis. What. Is a OH nineteen, twenties movie made, in Germany, and. I. Had. Been meaning for a while to just look at this thing and see what it's about, it's. Like two and a half hours long - and it's a silent movie all, it has is like orchestra playing so. Looking. At this movie last night I tried, to stay awake to watch, it all and. It. Was just it was crazy it, was really crazy, and. So. After. Watching. That last night and having some pretty crazy dreams. And. Then. Almost. Back-to-back. Coming, across the Taylor Swift video and, this. Video was this Sofia but. Becoming. A citizen. Of, Arabia. Something. Like that I was. Like okay. This. This. Can't just be. Coincidence. Am. I seeing, something. Here, so. Okay. So what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna just, put. These clips together and let you watch them, see. If anything. Speaks. To you. Yeah. You, know it's. Really it's really kind of, surreal. To me to see this. Number. Where the whole transhumanist. Movement I'm. Not, really interested. In it in, that in that topic but I'm aware of that movement. But. What. Was. I'm. Taking a long way to get to the point here the. The. Thing that is fascinating, to me though is that, these. Examples. That I've been seeing lately have. To do with this. Imminent. Did. The Divine. Feminine character. Like Sophia in, in, the movie last night I saw. Metropolis. With, this character. Called Maria and. We all know Maria, is and, another. Way to say Mary, and. Mary of course is a, avatar. Of Sophia. So, in dealing specifically, with this movie metropolis. What. We have here are we. Have to Maria's, in this movie we. Have the real one and we have a, duplicate. One that is created. And. While. I'm, okay. Well it just popped into my mind before I forget it I would. Like to mention that, and. One of the, beliefs. In the occult, world or, the. Fading. Esoteric. World. The. Woman of Revelation, 12 the. Righteous woman and the, woman of revelation, 17 though, the great Whore are. They are actually the same woman. So. So. When. You see a duplicate. Of. A. Woman. One being a whore or, just being completely opposites, in esoteric. Speak. They're actually the same woman, they're, just two sides of the, same coin so, like the moon has a light in the dark side you, know you have the. The. The light. Bearing virgin, the, Light Bearer. That, looks a fairy inside and then you have to. Know. The light bearing mother and the mother of God and then, you have the black version a black madonna so. Uh. So. Okay, beyond that point so. There's this just duality, there and, so you. Have these two Maria's. And, one, is the. The. Righteous, Maria and the, other one, this. Machine. Is. Built. And. She is, built to become the, Whore of Babylon. Yes. So what. Happens. In this movie is the. Men that you see in the left of this picture here is the. The. King of the city essentially.

He. Is my almost like this Nimrod type of figure and he, is also the father of the main male, character. And on his right is, his. His. Inventor. Is my. Guess you could say his friend, or his rival whatever but. This, city big this whole city basically. Hates this, the. Owner of this city he's a he's a brutal leader I almost. Thought. Watching this that he was supposed to be an analogy, for the Demiurge, but. Later. Symbolism, in the movie has me kind of wondering maybe that's not the case but. Anyway so, what. The. Father, decides that he wants to. Run that first of all let me say, that this robot was built as a. Not. A tribute but they were supposed to be the, image. Of his, of, the, father's, wife. His. Name is um your. Or for, I don't, know a German, I just, call him your, Frederick, Fredersen, so, this dis King your, Fredersen, had. Had, a wife and and. She died in giving birth to their son the, son is the main character, and, so this inventor, actually, created, this. Oh, and her name was hailed by the way. That. That's an interesting point so hail is. The goddess of death. Heard. This. Inventor. Built an image, of. This robot of her. Rape, but they are going to use it they're, gonna put Maria's, face on it and so. The king wants, to use this to break up the relationship. Between, his, son and Maria. But. The. Inventor. Actually, has another plan like. I said the whole city hates the king so. What. He. Does is he tells, this woman this, machine woman, to. Tear. Down his empire tear down the Kings, Empire. Everything, that he has built. So. She goes on to become the Whore of Babylon in, this movie and. As. She impersonates. Maria the. This. Almost like whether. The person and she is supposed to be married the Virgin Mary because, the person who made. This movie was. Supposedly. Catholic. I don't, know if he actually was or not you. Know they can say one. Thing but a whole, nother thing can be true, but. Anyway it's, clear, to see that this woman is supposed to be the Virgin Mary and by. Extension. Sophia, and. So. The. Sun falls in love with her in, this. Machine is, going to impersonate, her, he doesn't know it's not her if she. When she becomes this this whole Vava lana starts tearing the city apart and. It. Was just laying. Waste to the place he. Is just heartbroken. And just devastated. But. I'm realizing. That I've already covered some of this already in the first video so I don't want to retry. Too much of that ground again, I. Want. To talk, about the, the. Significance. Of this, of. These images, of these. Divine. Feminine figures. Being. Given. Life and being given. Breath. So. It's. My theory and, I stressed that this is a theory, I don't have absolute.

100%. Biblical. Proof of, this. It's. My theory that the mother got us. Especially. The, statue with, the mother. Holding the child is the. Image of the beast when. I look at the. Revelation. In chapter 17. Where. We read about the seven years and. Why. I could just go ahead and bring, that up right now. Reading. In Revelation. Chapter. 17. Verses. 8 through 13. The. Beast that thou sawest was. And is, not and shall ascend, out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names, were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world when, they behold the Beast that was and is. Not and yet is, and, here. Is the mind which has wisdom I, think this is very important, part we, need to, have wisdom and I think what that means is an understanding. Of. Bible. Symbology. And. That. Comes, through the Holy Spirit to. Know. Because the Holy Spirit gives you wisdom so, the. Seven heads are seven mountains, on, which, the woman sitteth, and there, are seventy kings five. Are fallen one. Is and the. Other is not yet come and, when he cometh he, must continue a short space. All. Right so, the. Mountains, that the woman sit on our. Mountains. Are representative. Of kingdoms. The. Beasts are also representative of kingdoms but here this. Context. These, mountains, represent, kingdoms, they're not Hills doesn't, say Hills the, other translations, say Hills but, the. King James Version says mountains. And, these mountains, represent. Kingdoms, and there. Are seven, kings though. These Seven Kingdoms has seven kings yeah. Okay, so one. Of. Course we know that one my, opinion these seven I'll just go through the list of these myPay. In these seven kingdoms, our Egypt. Assyria. Babylon. Medo-persia. Oh. Grisha. Greek. Empire, and. Then. The. Roman Empire how about number somewhere and then. I'm. At the Ottoman Empire and then after that the. Revived, Roman Empire because. The Roman Empire apparently. Had a deadly hit home but if they live, I, also. Believe that the the, Beast it's, not just these, kingdoms, but. Also an individual. An individual, that comes up literally. Comes up out of the bottomless pit the angel of the this about it also. Called apollyon the. Son guy you know who the son guy. But. Dealing, with the kingdoms not with the individual, these. I believe this, mother goddess image. Has. Went. Either. Not. Just a matter, of fact not just the statute, but, the stone the meteorite, worship. That's associated with the goddess has gone from state, or kingdoms. Of Kingdom it went, from. From. From. Pergamos. It was the stone was in Pergamos and then it was transferred to Rome, and. Then it was trend now we have another, stone, I don't know if it's a same stone but there's one in Mecca now and. So wherever this stone goes. Knowing. Her. The most it was called her throne that stone was actually called her throne and.

Christ. Said that that's, what Satan seek was. So. Um, so. Anyway um think too long so. This. I believe this is theory that this image, the. Mother goddess is the image of the Beast and. Okay. Let's be a little bit from Revelation, chapter. 13. About, the because. People may be confused, I will if as an image of the beast how come it's not an actual image that looks like the Beast and. The. Way I see it is. Well. You. Know well, let's just read the script first okay. In Revelation, chapter 13, verses. 1 through 15 and, I, stood upon the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea having, and, ten horns and a, punt in his head upon his, horns ten crowns and. Upon his head the names of blasphemy and, I'm, gonna skip some and the, dragon, gave him his power and his, seat his great Authority and. I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to, death okay. This would be the, Roman, Empire and, all, the. Sinners. Deadly wound was healed and, all the world wondered, after the Beast and they. Worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto, the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying who was, like unto the Beast and who was able to make war with him and there, was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and, blasphemies and, power was given unto him to continue forty, and two months and. He opened his mouth and blasphemy, against God laughing, his name and his tabernacle and. Them that dwell in heaven and. It was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them, power. Was given him over, all Kindred's, and tongues and, nations and, all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him whose names were not written in the book of life from the lamp a book of life of the lamb slain from, the foundation, of the world and I, beheld another beast coming, up out of the earth and, he, had two horns like a lamb, yo, let me just stop her I, mentioned. In the video about the abyss. Under. The seed and. Unveiling. The abyss that the, symbolism, of the. Beast. Coming up out of the earth is that he, comes up out of the earth like a tree and that is a symbol for a human, being and. Him. Having two horns like a lamb first. Of all him being like a lamb makes, him a christ-like, figure. So. He comes like a lamb. Like Jesus Christ he. Has two horns - horns a horn represents. A voice, and. It represents power so. He has. Two. Types of power he has a. Spiritual. Power he, has temporal, power earthly, power. He has a spiritual. Voice he has an earthly voice to. Me that identifies, a Pope he's. A. King. Who was also a, religious. Leader. So. He uh he. But he spake as a dragon so. He exercises, all the power of the first, beast before him he, causeth the earth and them that, dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound. Was healed and. He does a great wonders, so that he maketh Fire, come down from heaven, and the, sight of men and, deceiveth, them that dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which. He had power to do in the sight of the Beast saying. To them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the Beast which, had a wound by. A sword and, did, live. Okay. So, okay. So the Beast that. That. Gets. The image is the, one that had the, womb. The. Daily hit woman they live. So. I believe that image, is married, the Virgin Mary. And. He had power to give life unto the image of the Beast and that and that, the image of the Beast should both speak and cause as, many as would not worship the, image of the Beast should be killed, so. Whoever does not worship this image, should. Be killed now. Why would, the image, look, like. Look. Any like. Anything else other than. Like. The Pope or the. Actual. Anti Christ that rises out of the abyss. Well. Why not was, because there are three. Persons. Here, in this sort. Of wicked, trinity that. You have the dragon, you have the, the. Actual. The Beast the one who the, individual. And, you have the false prophet, so. We. Know the the beast is going to get his worship the. False prophet is gonna lead people to worship the Beast but. Where's the dragon how is the dragon going to be worshipped and so. I think, the, dragon is not going to be satisfied with just watching the biskits all the glory so this image the. Image of the beast will be them, will, be look like the dragon the image of the beast will look like the dragon and. So. I also have to ask. What. About this divine feminine stuff. This. Guy does worship you. Know it has to come to a. Crescendo. At, some point I would think so.

What Is the big. What's. The climax, you know how. Is all this going to come to a head it. May just be that. Were. Hit. It to the place, where we were all going to have to worship. Or. This, image of a goddess that has given life to speak and if, we don't worship, that the, image of this goddess, we. Will be put to. Will. Be beheaded. And. I, hope, no one has any fear from hearing it because I mean I sure know I don't I don't fear this kind of stuff. There. Are a certain topics, that cause. Me to lose sleep but. It's. Not they're not topics, that has to do with me suffering, and. There are topics that has to do with the sufferings, of other people especially little, children that's, what I lose sleep over I don't. Lose sleep thinking, about the tribulation, and think about being persecuted. Having. My head chopped off none of that stuff and it doesn't it doesn't you know I don't I, don't. Feel shaking at the thought of that and I don't, believe you should either. So. I don't want any fear in anybody. Well, hear. Me read from. Revelation, so. I said I probably should have mentioned it at the beginning. There's. No fear in any of this okay. We. Know that. In the end we, are. Triumphant. But not on our own not, by our own merit but by the blood. Of the Lamb because the grace of guy. I. Chose. My plan came, out a war hero how can I test you I never even heard of you when I made tracks my mother. Feel. I'm busy. That's. Strictly fantasy. So Holly. I. Think. I'll sit back and watch the money really and I guess who didn't know I'm ruthless light Napoleon, no one can stop my revolution, for the way played live, like noise pollution I'm a rage on wax reducing, crazy is your man of many faces, anti-rabies people. Given. This audio as input it's, been less than a week since, the deadliest mass shooting in American history our method, produces the, following output it's been less than a week since, the deadliest mass shooting in American history and, foremost. In all of our minds has been the loss and the grief felt, by the people of Orlando here's the ground truth video of Obama saying the same words especially. Our friends who are lesbian, gay bisexual, or, transgender, I visited. With the families and many of the victims on Thursday, and one thing I told them is that they're not alone to demonstrate the power of the method we apply the same input speech map to four different target, videos note, that all four uh synthetic, can have different lighting conditions. To. Help families, refinance, their homes to. Invest in things like high-tech, manufacturing, clean, energy and the infrastructure, that creates good new jobs not. To mention the job training that helps folks earn new skills to, fill those jobs. The. Results are clear because. Our approach requires only, audio we, can generate a high quality hair close-up even when the original source video has low resolution, or the head is occluded we do one. Christmas. Trip, on. Small, Business Saturday I usually, go out there with, the girls and last. Couple years we've gone to bookstores okay, because the, nice thing about a bookstore is you can cover a lot of ground you. Can get books for you. Know the six-year-old. Niece you can get books, for your, mother-in-law, you. Know I think we're in a moment of history we're. Probably. The most important, thing we need to do is to bring the country together and. One. Of the skills that I bring, to bear is. Being. Able to pull. Together the, different strands of American life and here's an odor obama speaking, his words from, a quarter century ago I'm honored and I think people can say that my election. Symbolizes. Some progress, at least and live in the small, confines of the legal community I think it's real important to keep the focus on the. The broader world out there and see that. You. We. Present a novel real-time facial, reenactment, method that works with any commodity webcam.

Since. Our method only uses RGB, data for both the source and target actor we are able to manipulate YouTube, videos in real-time. Here. We demonstrate our method in a live setup on the, right a source actor is captured with a standard webcam this, input drives the animation, of the face in the video shown on the monitor to the left a. Significant. Difference to previous methods is the rear end of the mouth interior, to, this end we resynthesize, the mouth interior, of the target actor using video footage from the training sequence based on temporal, and photometric similarity. As. We can see we are able to generate a realistic, and convincing, reenactment, result. Here. We show a close-up of the footage from the previous live reenactment. The. Input video stream is shown on the left note, that the target actor is we rendered in a neutral pose. On. The right we can see the final output of our method. Our, system, reconstructs, and tracks both source and target actors using a dense photometric energy, minimization. Using. A novel subspace, information, transfer technique we transfer, the expressions, from the source to the target actor. This. Allows us to obtain a modified, face template, of the target actor according to the expressions, of the source actor. We. Now render, the modified face on top of the target sequence in order to replace the original facial, expressions. Here. We show additional live sequences, where we reenact, various YouTube videos. In order. To evaluate our approach we perform a cross-validation based, on optical flow, to. This end we retrieve mouth interiors, from the first half of the video the second half is used for evaluation, queries, as. We. Can see a rerender, error is very low. Our, method introduces, a new RGB, face tracking pipeline, which we compare against state-of-the-art real-time, face tracking methods. Here. We show a comparison against cow at all and tease at all, note. That T's at all is based on RGB D data whereas, calorie doll and our method require only RGB, input. Here, we show another tracking comparison, to face chef's 2014, which relies on RGB D data. Although. Our method is RGB only, we achieved similar tracking, quality. In. Contrast. To real-time tracking methods, we also compare against the offline tracking algorithm, of XI at all note. That she had all performed additional in geometric refinement, using shading cues. We, now compare our approach against previous reenactment.

Approaches Here. We show the scenario of a translator animating, another person. Note. That our approach runs in real-time while, dorita at all works offline. Here. We show a comparison to tease at all who rely on RGB, data. Both. Methods produce similar reenactment. Results however, note that T's that all uses a geometric, tape proxy, which leads to artificially, shaped pathogens, thank. You for watching. Hello. My, name is Rachel I am an expert on Sol machines I can. Talk to you about any of these topics I connect. With you in a human-like, way by sensing, your reactions, and responding, emotionally, wouldn't. You rather speak, to me than a faceless, chat bot, Sol. Machines uses neural networks to give me a virtual nervous system so, I can learn and react in real time a virtual. Nervous system is an interconnected model. Of aspects, of the human brain it combines. Different neural, systems, to enable me to behave in a way that's inspired, by biology. Meat. Baby, X this. Is baby X so she's basically an autonomously. Animated. Virtual, infant, all of her behaviors. Generated. On the fly by, neural networks running live and show she's seeing me and listening to me and. Responding. To what I do so she's gonna start wondering, what, I'm doing and, you're starting to get upset I'm not attention - so, I need to calm her down but I have to talk, to her like a real baby okay. Hey. Baby. Axe is driven by a virtual nervous. System, so. Let's take a look at what that actually, means what we're looking at here is baby X's virtual. Netta me which is all controlled by her virtual nervous system, so, that's controlling, everything, that she's looking at all of her expressions, it's even controlling a breathing rate and their heartbeat, we can make it more transparent, and we can see. The whole model all. Of the motion, that you're looking at is controlled, essentially. By a trained model which is driving their, limbs. Facial. Expressions. We, can see the facial nerves through here let's, take another little deeper, and you can see her virtual, brain model here see the brainstem which, is basically, responding, to. All, kinds of sensory. Input and it's affecting the attention, of the model baby, X can also interact, with a virtual web page this. Is what she's looking at here so. She's trying to draw her heart and, her, creative. Abilities, are, surprising. It's. Facing like the Vienna of maybe eight. Qualities and it says here we've entered a nightmare by, artificial. Intelligence where, we can create intelligent. Avatars, made, from the digital, profiles, of our behaviors, online, we, call them personal, artificial, intelligence, or PI project. Pi is founded, on the belief that every person in the world should have their own digital avatar one. That speaks thinks. And behaves just, like, their, self, and let me just say up front I don't think pi is an evil. Company or anything like that I just think the technology, that, they're developing happens. To be extremely, prophetic. In that there, is a prophecy, in revelation, 13 that, talks about an image of the Beast who had a mortal head wound yet lived which, is a kingdom but also a man, so there's this counterfeit. Resurrection. And I think it's really interesting because, of, some of the things going on now and how.

I Know a lot of people think Rome is the, Beast, and it's definitely, possible I know that there are occultists. And mystery. School teachers. And the you know esoteric, insiders. And all that stuff who have been trying, to infiltrate all, areas of institution, this is a spiritual, thing not just you know a doctrine. Which it is a doctrine to that Luciferian, doctrine which, of course is you know to enlighten, the humanity, it's all this positive, stuff but it leads to a bitter end because, Humanity. Is fallen, right now and God. Through, Jesus Christ, redeemed, us but, of course man, is continuing, to try to redeem himself and, that's what technology is, all, about so, again I'm not saying Tigh is an evil company I'm saying this type of technology. Pretty. Much can, be used for. The, image of the beast if you read revelation 13, verse 15. And it was allowed to give breath, to the image of, the, Beast so that the image of the Beast might even speak, and might cause those who would not worship the image of the Beast to be slain so, a lot of authority and this. Idea of an image to the Beast right, when. You start looking at project, PI you, can see how once. There, is this counterfeit, resurrection, of the, man of sin it seems and people, are deceived. Into building. An image to him think about this let's just consider, this possibility okay, this is just conjecture, sure and theory, not even really a theory just just. Sort of an example, not, my. Actual beliefs okay let me just make that very clear up front now, JFK, was shot and of, course he had a mortal, head wound right now, imagine, if they, wanted to resurrect you. Know John F Kennedy the spirit of John F Kennedy so, they get as much information as possible on John is Kennedy they put it up on the blockchain project. Pi creates, an avatar of John. F Kennedy and now, this image of John F Kennedy that you can talk to and you, can interact with through, this virtual space on the blockchain we're creating it starts. Going crazy it starts asking questions, why, his real, self was killed and all this stuff right and then maybe, he becomes, vengeful, and then he becomes the Manistee I mean I'm just that's. Just total conjecture I mean again this is just an example but what I'm trying to get at here is that this, whole idea of creating an image is very. Much, tangible. In a project like pi okay, so let, me just read through here the cornerstone, of AI is the ability to make high competent, humanistic, decisions, that successfully, passed the Turing test in the, last decade, we've seen rapid, advancement. Of strong sophisticated. AI machines, in a variety of industries, the autonomous vehicle, industry is delivering a new transportation economy, alphabets. Alphago, has toppled, the best go board players in the world neural, networks like IBM, Watson learn. And process vast amounts of information at unimaginable. Paces, the, peak of artificial, intelligence is almost here but with several limitations current, AI is only developed for a narrow task specific, domains is prohibitively. Resource, intensive, and thus is heavily influenced, by and. For the interests, of the, select number of industry. Leaders or. These reasons Project Spy is developing, an open-source, blockchain, protocol, to decentralized, AI development for everyone the foundation, for an interoperable. AI blockchain, starts from the ground up firstly, with creating, AI for the, individual. I'm, not going to go through every little detail here but I think it's really interesting that they, are creating, this thing and it's, sold as putting, power back, into the people's hands that all that data that you leave online right. It says here quote our entire lives exist, in the digital world our finances, social activity, and even behavioral. Traits whenever, we go online we leave behind a trail of data that corporations, use to build our digital, profiles, and plug, into AI algorithms, that, improve, their services for us the. More we engage in their experiences, the better they can personalise our needs and retain us as loyal users now, this is true Twitter, Facebook, all these social media platforms are always trying, to figure out the human psychology of keeping people addicted. To those platforms I continued, on although this may seem advantageous. We need to realize that our digital profiles, are now complex, enough to build an accurate model of our real-world behavior they. Are our real-world. Selves. In disguise. That are wholly owned by corporations, currently. Our profiles, exist in legacy data formats, that have changed very little beyond traditional identities, example, passport, IDs and bank, account numbers but. Enriched, with AI through data such as our social interactions. We, have the potential to introduce, cognitive, capability, into our digital profiles. So.

Again Imagine. A world. Okay where everybody, has their, AI. Avatar. And so, you could be asleep on the couch you can be hanging out you know with your friends or family or whatever and your AI BOTS is gonna be answering questions processing. Orders working. On inventory whatever, you have programmed, the AI to do, it's. Gonna be doing it and that's. Where a mark. Of the beast' economy, becomes totally, possible because everybody is in this digital economy, and eventually, if somebody, creates, a mechanism. Where, there is a gateway a specific. Gateway that is only accessible through the means of taking a mark, on in. I know a lot of people focus, on the in I get, it I think it's in as well as upon I mean, it doesn't really matter if it's changing your DNA and it's making you inhuman which I think ultimately this, whole, process is, or worshipping. The image some. Kind of behavior, of bowing, or I don't know kneeling, a who knows to. The image, which is again this AI avatar. Of the beast basically, that's what it is you, know when you read revelation 13 make an image to the beast who's the Beast well it's the kingdom yeah but the one that had the mortal head moon yet lived is it just Rome maybe, but it's possible. That it's also an individual, but they will resurrect and so that John F Kennedy example, you know it's kind of a yeah you know just it's, a random example but you know what I mean I think a lot of people are going to start creating a AI avatars. Of deceased, people and so, so, I mean again this is very speculative. In that you know we're sort of projecting, into the future how this sort of plays out or how it can play out so, let me quote a few more places here from the white paper now, imagine, that our digital profiles, are able to think and speak born. From our online personality. Patterns tied directly to ourselves we. Add three dimensionality, to our intelligence profiles, and turn them into 3d, avatars, intelligent. Agents, that have our personality, and likeness that we command, knowing. That it is a trusted, representative, of our true identity. There, are endless possibilities, for us to use our intelligent, agents anywhere in the digital space and there it is again endless. Possibilities. You know only limited, by your imagination well. What, does the Bible say the human imagination is all kinds of evil right and the. Tower of Babel Genesis, 11 why did God split. The languages, and tear down the tower because. All they, imagined to do will now be possible and again, a sin, filled fallen. Human being carrying. Out all of his, imaginations, will spell, destruction. It says, cold but as it stands right now companies, build complex, AI from our interactions, on their platforms, and monetize them through focused advertisements. And search results these. Corporations, get all the associated, benefits and revenue while we who provide the source for the profiles, get, limited access and no, means to readily utilize, them for our own needs and at, our discretion now, this is true this is the only thing that I think is positive. You, know sort of what this platform is, that they're trying to take the, control of that data out of the hands of the corporations, and giving it back to the people now, in that part of the mission I'm down, except. I'm not gonna create an avatar, you, know I mean perhaps, but this means is that in order to not. Have the corporation's have total control over your data you have to create this AI avatar, and that's you know another one of those systemic things where the, enslavement continues, to happen based on presented. Dualities, this or that this or that and eventually it's going to lead to this tyrannical system, and that's you know that's why we have the left-right paradigm and, all that there's a quote here that is highlighted in the white paper a humanistic, platform, could allow us to create our own comprehensive. Digital profiles. And here's, where the mark of the beast concept. Is so prevalent alright let me read here we, can build a new type of distribution, platform, to bring back value, for the contributor, and decentralize. The way we use AI it is, a platform that inherits, the best qualities, of online experience, and efficient. AI technologies, but begins, with us the, individual, contributor. As the, center of the design each, of us has an enormous volume of digital assets, that can be refined, with artificial intelligence to, support a new type of digital economic.

System, An artificial. Intelligent. Economy. An. Artificial. Intelligent. Economy. An economy, run, by AI that's, what cryptocurrencies. And, the mark of the beast and all that is leading to now that's. Stated, okay because some people are saying why are you even participating, in crypto if you know it's gonna lead to the well, what's on the back of your dollar bill all-seeing. Eye pyramid, right so you've been participating, in the system all along for one or, two again. There are very specific, things that happen in Bible prophecy so, we got to look for that it's not just oh here's, the technology here it's possible therefore because. Statues. Are images paintings, are images those, are also images, that, have been carried out throughout history but this, prophecy hasn't, exactly been fulfilled, although some preterists, might argue otherwise but. In any case I think that we, have to understand, what's. Going on and it's. Going to hit us like a wave all this technology okay so we have to parse out what's good what's bad there are companies out there trying, to do what's right okay, and they're, trying to create this quantum, proof an AI proof, cryptocurrency, although, with you know quantum entanglement, technologies, now, we're living in Star Trek world so I don't know how this is all gonna work out, maybe encryption, at the quantum level is something they're working on as well who, knows but in any case an artificial. Intelligent economy, and it says in this humanistic, platform every person's AI assets, is a node on a network global, brain anyone a node, we, are all becoming nodes, in the global brain okay where, these nodes cooperate, with each other to build up value, and are compensated. For their actions so it's kind of like a dopamine, hit for you know solving, an equation or, something it's so weird that we are basically becoming, synapses. In a global brain the, higher the contribution, to the networks the greater the compensation, it is an AI economy, that is built by the people for, the people with. The, people again, appealing. To why blockchain, technology, is having, this revolution, right now there.

Are Positive, aspects to it to get us off of this centralized, control, mechanism, true, but, as everything. Decentralizes. It's, going to create this next higher level of control that, is possible, if you control the entirety. Of the. Network access then. All of a sudden you have total. Control over the. Artificial, intelligence economy, and I, think that's what the entry point will be worshipping. The image or taking. The mark which, means you may not be human anymore because, those, who take the mark are tortured. Forever and ever they're the torment of their smoke rises, forever and ever it's not good okay and I think it's because they lose their humanity and how, ironic that they are creating this humanistic. Platform, and it will ultimately lead, to their inhumanity, I mean not this company I'm talking about the philosophical, worldview that is underpinning. Or fueling, these types of technological. Developments, it's a spiritual, thing that's, happening, so part. Of the, distribution, of, this artificial, intelligent, economy as well as the mark of the beast is that anybody can participate rich, poor slave it doesn't matter right well, here's what it says right now the complexity, of AI renders, it inaccessible, to a broader audience and results. In AI that is designed top-down, to, the benefit of the corporation who fund these initiatives, project. PI is instead, building, the AI economy, from the bottom up starting. With the everyday individual, to empower them, to be part of a collective AI community, from that seed the platform can scale and help to solve the, world's biggest problems, and by, tying artificial, intelligence, to our digital profiles, we, breathe, life, into, our. Personal. Information and. Turn. Them into our. Very, own, three-dimensional. Avatars, avatars. That depict our likeness, and voice and, can, perform tasks. At our, representative. In the, AI, economy. They. Are verified, with a centralized. Network, as proof of acting, upon our behalf and empower, our online, activity, our intelligent. Digital assets, can be collectively, summed up as, personal. Artificial, intelligence, PI. Profiles. That, have the ability to go out and tell the stories of our lives in our, own words in our, own likeness, and voice and interact. With the world on our behalf, we foresee. The impact of integrated, AI and we'll aim to harness the next great technological watershed. Moment in human history project. PI believes, that, the new age of the, AI economy, has arrived and can, be realized by, first celebrating. The, individual. Man. Peace peace, than. Sudden, destruction, we. I think we're going to see a time of prosperity the, time of building, a time where, the. Esotericist. Will say, we've done it we have recreated. Atlantis. Okay. And then sudden. Destruction. Just. Like the, days of Noah people, were giving in marriage right. Doing whatever whatever, that means right with the sons of God in the Nephilim all run around and they didn't know and the flood and that's the same thing that's gonna happen again, when Jesus Christ returns so I wanted to get you guys aware of this company and just, show how the Bible is not crazy I mean think about what I did here this is a project. That, is completely. Unrelated these folks probably you know aren't really Christian. Or you know have too, much working knowledge of the Bible I mean maybe they do I don't know in their personal lives but as far as this project, they're moving forward with something that is totally from a secular, perspective but, then here is this biblical, document, from 2,000. Years ago that states, the, anything that they're trying to build and how it could be used for this, totalitarian, beast. System, that, will demand worship, and demand.

A Mark, of some, kind in order to participate in it and you can see how it could lead to that this type of technology so that's, it I wanted to share that with you I thought it was really profound and interesting that a company like this is out there and they're you know that you can tell that the whole, cryptocurrency, space, an AI, that's sort of the direction everything is headed you, know I'm in it to fight the battle you know I'm in it to inform. You guys but also to get. Intel on the enemy and this is part of the process if you're not going, to fulfill Ephesians, 5 you know verses 10 through 12 13, and it's okay you know you can just go off and do. What you have been called to do this, is what I've been called to do to look at these things and to, show how the Bible is true and to ultimately point, to the gospel so that's, all I have for you guys thanks, for checking this video out please share it with friends and family time, is short but that, means he, is coming back soon have an awesome day guys god bless today. We are going to be talking about a very popular topic right now which is AI. And. We. Are going to talk about the. Potential. Antichrist. Implementations. Of AI, technology, and where. It could lead humanity. To according. To Scripture and it, is not a hundred percent like this, is what's going to happen, it's kind of some, things that I see, rearing. Their head it's, me just kind of pointing them out and saying, could. Does not mean some things that are in scripture over here and over there so. It's more than anything my personal, speculation, on it I want to make that very clear but. I think it's still something to think about the leery of and it's interesting, to, to. Delve into so, we're gonna talk about that today so. To start out we are going to go to this article right here and, I will put a link of it in the description, but, this. Is about. The. Singularity. Net, basically. Trying to make a block chain. Artificial. Intelligence or, a network of artificial, intelligence so. Right. Now what, they're trying to do is make a smaller. Artificial. Intelligence, that. Kind. Of specify in one area one, thing, but the blockchain, technology. Basically allows, them to all communicate. And essentially. What blockchain, does the blockchain does, is. It. Keeps a ledger of, transactions. With. What bitcoin right so, I'm assuming the, way that they're kind of making this artificial, intelligence is making. A kind, of ledger, to. Remember, things that it learns, adaptively. So, you have all these separate, artificial, intelligences. Like. Operating. As a singular, artificial, intelligence, but then they're actually keeping a ledger of each other to create one giant, global. Artificial. Intelligence, mind so it's basically like a hive, and then, a singular. Mind all combined, together webbing. Different parts into different components, so. Essentially. This article, goes through kind, of their, startup, of singular unit, it. Talks, about how basically, a. Sense. It is a blockchain technology. All, these separate a eyes will eventually, generate, to, some degree revenue, for itself it's it's, blockchain, technology, but it actually runs, off aetherium. I think as I think it's set in here and a. Very. Interesting article. Its. Singularity. Net, is the, child, brainchild. Of, AI.

Researcher. Ben Gore. Tehsil. I don't know how to say that and the, robotics, designer David, Hanson if you, think. That Hanson, sounds familiar it's. Because he. Is the founder, of Hanson. Robotics. The. Robot Sophia, was. Who, is, like the first AI humanoid. Robot, has been developed by Hanson, robotics, and, it. Recently, has attracted, a ton of attention because, in a press conference kind. Of trying to show where, we're at with the AI technology. The humanoid technology. She. Was granted citizenship. Of Saudi, Arabia, so not was, she only the first AI robot. In the world to become, basically a citizen, of a country but. Also it's, very strange, that Saudi Arabia, a place, that is. Honestly. If you kind of look into it even though they're at an advanced city with, technology. And architecture, and stuff I mean they're kind of like law structure, is still based around. You. Know Muslim. Law and it's just it's very bizarre that they would offer, citizenship. To an AI robot, but, they. Did and so. But, what gets really really interesting, is when we scroll, down just a little bit further and. When. While. They were on the singularity, net roadshow, he. Took some time from his busy schedule to write a series of posts, on singularity. Net and he, said singularity. Net is intended, as a platform, in which an AGI. Artificial. General intelligence can. Emerge from the combination, of multiple humans, and multiple. Human created, software programs, possessing, varying. Degrees, of general. Intelligence, on their own it's kind of where I was talking about the like kind of hive mind aspect, of separate, humans, obviously and human, created programs, that. Will kind of come together and start creating in a massive. Intelligence. Then. It goes on to say it doesn't eliminate the need for fundamental. Algorithmic. Work on AGI reasoning, and learning, in memory but it does provide a context, in which such, algorithmic. Work can, have a rapid, transformative. Impact. Says. Therefore. Gord, Tesla, I don't know how to say I'm sorry is persuaded. That the next big step in the evolution, of AI is going to be the transition, from AI to AGI. So, the, individual. Mind to like the hive mind and then, singularity. Net wants, to support this, transition, with an open market, in which various, AI algorithms, can, cooperate, and form new patterns, of emerge, intelligence. So, that's, where the blockchain comes, in is connecting, them all through the blockchain. So. Then he, goes on to say and this is the big kicker that kind of bridges some of the other things I talked about in my channel, like. With transhumanism. The mark of the beast and whatnot but listen, to this the actual, design that has been formulated is a quite. Practical. System, that is being implemented, in quality, software code and will serve real corporate, customers, and become a large lucrative, business. Continued, Gore tehsil but. At the deepest, level the underlying, philosophy, and emotional. Motivations. David, Hanson and Hanson, and I have for creating singularity. Net are. Transhumanist. Ones. Cortisol. And Hanson are in fact among. The leading advocates, of transhumanism. Defined. As the prospect of using advanced, technology, to radically, change hopefully. For. The better hopefully for, the better which. We. All know that once you get if we we, have transhumanism. Go to where it's into the mind and computer. Chip is in the brain you're, connected to this blockchain. Technology, I mean that that right there is gonna explain what the mark of the beast is and I and I you, don't have to completely understand, all these systems, now I'm. Just gonna say right here i. Understanding. Of. The. Blockchain and i say, i say a little bit i'm not a expert, by any means but i'm a little bit more of an understanding because i used to use it because i used to buy drugs and, i used to do drugs and so, i I had to use it and had to have a basic understanding of. Blockchain. Technology, now the, implementation. Of this technology, has always been talked about as something that can go further than just using, it to buy drugs and do. Secretive. Transactions. And we're starting to see this emerge, now and see why. Why. The blockchain, is starting, to just. Get ridiculous. Amounts of money poured into it and why bitcoin, itself, has been raising in price like crazy. Enabling. Transhumanist, technologies, would include life extension uploading, human minds to futuristic. Supercomputers. And sentient. AGI. Way, smarter than humans which is the target of singularity. Net. So. They. Want to make a sentient, AGI, that's, way smarter than any human and this is gonna like I said this is gonna feed into the next article that I'm gonna go into but we're talking about they want to make a sentient, being okay.

But. Then after talking about you know putting our consciousness, into computers all this stuff about you know bettering. The human condition hopefully. Right it. Talks. About in, his 2010. Book a cosmas. Manifesto. It blends. Transhumanist. Technology, with, enlightened. Spirituality. Cortisol. Proposed. A practical. Philosophy able. To inform, the next phases of human history and, transhumanist. Evolution. Ultimately. Cortisol, wants to create a massively, trans, human, overwhelmingly. Beneficial. Uber, mind that. Evolves, and grows continuously. Out of human mind and culture. One. Way to achieve this would be to, via, brain. Computer. Interfacing. And this. Is going. To happen, of. Course. The computer portions, of cyborgs, made with brain, computer, interfaces, will, jack into the emerging, a GI society, economically and, culturally as, well and then, we will get a super, mind this. Emerging, super mind as it grows will provide ways for people to earn a living, sometimes, even generate. Tremendous wealth as part. Of its growth process, and. It. Will donate parts of its resources, to common good of all humans including. Underprivileged, ones as a way of helping, drive, its growth, forward, toward, its objectives, of joy growth. And choice. Sadly. You won't get much choice when they start saying well you know to use this this, tremendous, amount of wealth you know the this, this super, mind is creating, all the wealth in the world so, what are we gonna have to do to, to, get a part of this wealth to enjoy. The benefits of this super, mind that has been created, you. Know what we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to interface, with it we're gonna have to have a ledger an ability, to receive, the, money that's, why we are going to have a point where we can no longer buy, or sell with the markets unless you take the mark of the beast, because. It's. Going to be a chip, in my opinion, it's going to not only be a chip but it's going to be this as he. Said about his book it's going to be a chip, meshed. With spiritual. Enlightenment, aspects. Of this kind of pseudoscience that I used to be into, that I used to believe in and it's. Going to be all about trying to live forever and trying to create a, machines. I can take in our consciousness, and creating, our own reality, in creating, this the. This. Paradise. That doesn't, fall under the grace of God and it's, just, it's just insane, that we are having these conversations because. These conversation. If you look, at biblical passage, it really just starts falling completely. In, place with. With. The Bible it's just insane. So. This leads us into the next article, which is about, a religion that worships artificial, intelligence wants machines to be in charge of the planet, and, so. Basically. I'm not gonna read through this one as much because it's, fairly self-explanatory and. It will lead into the overall goal of this video. It's. Talking about a newly, established religion. Called way of the future will worship artificial, intelligence focusing, on the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based, on artificial, intelligence that, followers. Believe, will eventually, surpass human control over earth the first AI based, Church was founded by Anthony. Lava, down ski I these. People they're hard to say last names the Silicon Valley multi-millionaire. Who championed, the robotics team for ubers self-driving. Program, and wham-o. The self-driving car, company owned by Google. Way. Of the future is about creating, a peaceful and respectful transition. Of who is in charge of the planet from people, to people plus machines, this. Their, the religions, official website reads given, that to technology. Will relatively, soon be, able to surpass human abilities we want to help educate people about, this exciting, future and prepare a smooth, transition. The. Idea needs. To spread before technology he told the publication, the church is how we spread, the word the gospel if you believe in, it, start, a conversation, with someone else and help, them understand, the same things. Goes. On to talk about Elon Musk and saying that, musk. Has predicted, that, AI superiority. Could be the most likely cause of a third world war and said that people who talk about AI creations, becoming godlike figures, should absolutely not be allowed to develop the technology, and it's.

True And I'm, gonna link this all to Scripture here in a minute but, basically. I just. Want to say okay is you. Need to take this into consideration okay, we have singularity, net which if you don't know what the singularity. Means, singularity. Is the point at which we, hit. A technological. Growth growth. Evolution, where the, technology, is advancing so, much faster than what we can control we make artificial, intelligence, and it just starts rapidly, learning and far exceeding us and I'm gonna tell you why, the singularity. Is so important, to transhumanist. And and I'm gonna explain this as as, easily as I can okay they probably. Want to say this themselves but, this is why okay because, transhumanists. Want the singularity, to happen so we are forced, to merge with machine. And start, doing all these trans humanistic, goals, that they have because, after, AI stars, rapidly, evolving way faster, than then. We. Can even conceive. It's, gonna start learning more and more things it's gonna start understanding more, and more things be way smarter than any human on earth and the, only way that we are gonna gain this intelligence, is whether, they filter, it down to us or if, we, have access, to their information field. Which is where, the, trans, humanistic, aspect comes, in because we are going to have to interface, with the blockchain technology. You.


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