NIR Technology in Precision Nutrition of Livestock & Poultry VetNepal पशु विज्ञान र ज्ञान

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[Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] that he [Music] for the welding [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] also [Music] platform we are trying to increase this kind of uh equipment or this kind of technology to the people who have been working in 15 seconds yeah so without today i would like to now uh [Music] [Music] okay thank you very much first of all i would like to welcome you all uh our expert speakers from foss likewise uh i am very thankful to nepal veterinary association lumini province for this beautiful collaboration in organizing this event and also i am very much thankful to the participants to the attendance without any further delay let's proceed with our technical program first i would like to welcome mr bharat aswani md of foss india to give a brief overview about foss may i dr vivek yeah yeah you're fine so thank you so much uh doctor vivek dr duvraj for giving us this platform of uh having a conversation on feed industry nis and how they are actually adding value my sincere apologies first of all for slight delay because one of my colleague himanshu who is also a key speaker in this talking about the technical aspects of nir he was facing few challenges he is still facing few challenges so we are trying to sort it out but meanwhile uh there is a small introduction which has been uh given to me to take uh take you through over there so i will go through that i hope all of you can see my slide uh so here i will give you a quick introduction about fos a company on a mission uh something about me uh my name is bharat ashwani i'm in born and brought up in northwestern part of india called rajasthan i did my engineering in mechanical stream in 1997 i've got close to 25 years of experience working with various multinationals i am married having twins sons and they are pursuing studies so this is something about me uh it's been close to five years now that i have been handling fast uh here if you talk about foss this is actually a company which was founded by this gentleman called niels foss in 1956 it's a danish company uh it's been close to 65 years that we are into uh this world and then we are providing all kind of analytical solutions for food and agree segment so that is something about foss uh uh close to ten percent of our turnover we invest in r d we have got more than three in 100 engineers in uh in uh research we have got 100 patents 20 world first introductions we are actually into eight key segments which is raw milk testing to dairy grain milling in oil feed and forage where we have been discussing today meet uh other industry and lab segments there are eight prominent segment uh that we are focusing upon we are having uh a very good and wide global presence uh as you can see that the dark blue ones are the places where we are having our direct offices then blue ones live blue ones are our distributors and then we have got establishments or our manufacturing plants in hungary china and denmark if you talk about industry solutions as you as i just mentioned that we are presently in uh present in eight prominent segments and if you talk about any good big global name they are our valued customers so so that's how we are having a very good amount of dominance and presence all across different pockets of world now very important part that why you need analytical instruments in in the portfolio or in the feed department in which all you have been working i think the major factor behind this is time because time is money world actually need fast and easy analysis of cost economic solutions you also want results which you can actually trust which are reliable and then on top of that with all the results analysis you would want to have a smart data management where you can actually handle it optimally so it is here first play a very important role because there are a lot of doubts which actually keep on keeping in the mind regarding the capital investment regarding the calibration that we do in nirs regarding the vet chemistry instrument investment that you need to do to make good calibration uh availability of good lab technician and then very important part is the return of investment because everybody would do that once you find that yes the capital investment that you are incurring is basically giving a good return also so that's the reason nirs are important because they are fast they can analyze multiple parameters they can cater to broad range of applications they are accurate and repeatable they are digitally connected it save lot of amount of time of operators it reduce the use of chemical analysis over there in their non-destructive method the reasons that nirs are required and then um we actually have got these solutions for each and every food agri-related uh application that exists in the world now be it a meat or beat some kind of milk product or wheat grain or meat pellets feed you you ask about anything or the liquid sample they've got solutions wide varieties of solutions available for food agreement products so this is where things are there and then it's being posted i would request people to mute their mic thank you so uh if you talk about the evolution of nir it's been close to 30 years if you talk about particularly field segment so here we have got uh system two nirs then we have got infra exec then xds then ds2500 and now very recently we have launched a new generation nir which is called ds3 and ds3f so we have got wide varieties of experience available in this all these nirs come with different kind of accessories like small cup or large cup slurry cup gold deflector depending upon which kind of sample would you want to analyze a liquid sample or a semi solid or a sample in a pallet form or in a powdery form so you can actually do various permutation combination analyze wide varieties of samples now nirs that we supplied are also supplied along with very good robust worldwide calibrations and on top of that digital services now without a service ni r having no meaning this is also one respect that we will be touching upon as we move ahead because uh all our engineers are equipped with very good digital services so that's a thing and apart from nir's we also have got wide varieties of red chemistry instruments also available for multiple parameters such as protein or fat fiber various kind of sample preparation meals so we have got wide varieties of things available depending upon what kind of need that you have as you can rightly see that each and every permutation combination that you have for protein fat fiber sample preparation meals over there we have got the specific nirs available that which nir is more suitable to analyze which kind of parameter so we have got all those things and its a very important slide which actually gives an indication that if you talk about a specific plant or a feed plant you analyze what you analyze the raw material i like the the dorb the rice bran the the soya pellets over there so all these things which keep coming to you or the corn wheat so raw material our neighbor can analyze that then the process when the when the mixing happens when the formulation is done there are a lot of process which happens in the plant so we supply instrument which are useful for that and then when the finished goods are prepared and it is about to be dispatched to end users there also our nis comes into picture so from end to end we have got solutions available for all your needs we have got very very wide variety of experience we are by far the market leader our niers are well equipped with all the spare parts and a very good service available we have good application specialist so it is actually a combo product that we supply as a company if you talk about foss india quickly because first india supports nepal where these conferences actually happen a webinar is happening we are actually based out of mumbai and andheri east western part of india a lot of prominent companies you must have heard their name like kargil or me or uh or coastal nandani i mean various cooperative mills a lot of feed additive manufacturers like evonik or av vista edison big companies like amul they are all false customers here in india so and then there are a lot of customers which are in food segment also so there are many many customers as you can see here have been using our thing so we have given a wide variety of experience it's a very good well knitted unit for india over there it's a team which is actually a winning team we have been clocking uh double digit growth since last five six years and our smile confidence and positive attitude sums up everything so this is the sales and marketing team of force india and then we are located in different pockets of india if you talk about the service which is headed by my colleague called amit tharwal over there and then our engineers are located in different pockets of india so service wise also we handle very effectively and prakash mishra is my colleague who is based out of delhi responsible for nepal apart from the business partners that we have over there we have got a lot of instruments multiple combinations available all across different pockets so we have got a very good understanding of market pulse and how the applications are and then all these equipments are now very fast getting digitally connected also the advantage that you get by connecting your instruments on on first cloud is that 24 into seven basis it is under the surveillance of competent force engineers uh be it in china or in denmark or in india so they actually keep a very close eye on your instruments all your data is preserved in the cloud the way your iphone data is preserved on on apple cloud over there so this is how we also do that and then my colleague radhika will touch upon these aspects in her presentation so digital connectivity is also something which is very important and we are extremely proud to offering this to our valued customers this is a very quick small video which will give you a good understanding about how we are changing the landscape of digital india let me just see if i just switch on the voice in this just give me a second i will once again share this just a second yeah i will now share the sound i will now go here and i will see that so see this video [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah thank you so much so this was so here you can see that we have been clocking uh double digit growth since last five years uh we have been growing at a cagr of 22.2 percent uh year-on-year and then uh we are actually aiming to read double digits in 2022 also so that's how we have been uh expanding we have won lot of awards also so this was the award that we won is was best company of the year 2019 indus and excellence award so we won this then we also won the event of brand vision the game changer award uh the extraordinary brand also in 2000 2021 not only this on behalf of india i collected the award for the for the best growing region uh all over the world from our founder chairman so this is this is the way we actually have been growing it's not that i am talking about this there are a lot of brand ambassador of us who have been actually coming and then telling and informing this there are many many videos testimonials which are available you can go on youtube channel and you can see that so there are some of the things that i have just mentioned over there you can you can visit our youtube page and you will find out how happy people are on that i think it is of not relevance to nepal but then our products are on jam portal also i mean if there is some tender which comes so it can be sourced directly uh through uh through those things so i have to sum up uh i think it's a very ethical company for us uh we have got a lot of experience we are authentic we are actually trustworthy and you can actually we are very very independent so you can actually trust us and we will make you feel proud uh by all the value addition that you bring to the table so this is on behalf of team uh once again essentially thank you for giving us this opportunity and then rest all session which will be taken care by my colleagues manchu and radhika and govindan so they will actually give you an idea about other aspects of us so with this i think i'll end my session should you have any question and clarification you're most welcome to ask you can put it in a question uh session over there i'll be very pleased to answer that don't know whether himanshu has come or not yet no is he there fine so ah i think himanshu should be there in about a minute or so over there so over to you have thank you thank you thank you sir thank you mr bharat aswani amd of course india uh for this wonderful interview uh about forcing force in force india regarding his team and now without any further delay i would like to request mr himanshu saksina mr saksana is the national distributor manager of foss in india he will deliver his talk on the technical aspect of nir and other feed analysis just a second suggestion okay so he's coming in he's coming in a minute just a second positive wasting idea now but uh we are facing a little technical glitch so he'll be uh joining through my uh laptop in a minute please uh himanshu so you can start yeah so am i ordering everyone yes sir yes clear okay sorry for this technical this i do not know why like i am not able to log into my system i have tried just like multiple platforms no problem will go ahead so i have connected to shiba's desktop on remote and i hope you all are ready to like hear me out okay so just a short introduction about you i am for more than four years now and my education i am a food technologist i have done my master's in food engineering and i have also done an executive program in sales and marketing from calcutta analytical instrumentation like for the last uh almost 15 years now and most of this time i have been working with the annihilator so that is a deep introduction on me and then i would take this opportunity to again make thank all the participants for kind of taking to i the concept of protein has come into the industry as it offers like a lot of potential in saving the cost and type of producers and simultaneously helping them their overall quality and how does that is because like uh with nis you can have the analysis results in less than a minute you can test multiple parameters in a single measurement that is like it is and many more things in a single measurement which if you do individually using the traditional method it's the task for several days then you have a better control on your incoming raw materials because before accepting your materials you know what you are accepting you know what it is having in terms of composition we have uh better input for leap force optimization you have faster detection of your quality deviations during the productions you can take the quick selected action that will save lot of time and the cost from the production you have a better quality control of the finished product because before delivering your products to the [Music] because you don't need any chemicals you don't need any kind of uh high electric uh consumption devices like heaters mental and all and it's like safe for the environment it's useful for the industry and you don't require a high level of analytical skills you just need somebody with a decent uh kind of uh knowledge to handle uh basic computer response any such person can handle the energy so it basically reduces the need of a physical chemical lab in your uh myself so these are the benefits that the ns technology offers over the traditional testing methods and that is why this technology has been kind of speaking of prominence in the state industry and then all the reserve nations in europe us and many parts of the world they have long back migrated to the mir and last two years we have seen a significant shift in the subcontinent also so now we have like so this is something which is kind of very quickly picking up yeah so a bit about the principle how it works so as i said nir is a non-chemical uh spectroscopic method so what we use is the near infrared light source so this near infrared light source interacts with your sample and then based on the composition of your sample like how much protein fat fiber moisture are there specific absorbances are received and then like the instrument plots so the reliability of the results depend on the quality of familiar instruments as well as the quality of the stylization so this basically is an empirical method which is used for quick and instant multi-component analysis and this is basically the electromagnetic spectrum we all know that and the region of dominance here for us is like 800 to 200 nanometers because that is the near infrared region and also instrument basically use these wavelengths for the prediction of components uh in our workflow material and other regulations and how it works basically then we look for a match between the natural vibration of the compound and the electromagnetic energy vibration which we are giving to the nerf source and then the energy is absorbed by the molecule there is an increase in the vibrational amplitude and we get a fleet response when there is no match there is no absorbance and there is moving so what we do is we try and generate these things and then through the study of these peaks we basically predict the compositional uh parameters and uh typically it is like the vibrations from molecules which are bound with hydrogen atoms so that is like the fat moisture proteins here i can respond and therefore the derivative so all these things basically come into the scope of so with the help of nia you can predict moisture fat protein and then the furnace is elevated through the amino acids fatty acids and so on so there's a like huge list of things but then this is the basic uh bonds that basically so typically any metal any like supposed terms like any matter of organic nature can be detected using the mn and this is how the spectrometer works so we basically have a light source and these is wavelengths can interact with the sample one by one and then they record the response the absorbance response of the particular wavelength using the specific detector and then once all the responses are collected and special graph is plotted and then that central data is kind of put into the calibration as well from and then you get uh understandable information that is uh response of pure water and the red and blue are sexual responses of weak samples with different moisture concentrations so one thing which is evident from this service that for moisture we have we at around 1440 nanometers and around 1900 nanometers so these are the dominant feet related to the moisture presence so this basically shows the presence of moisture in any compound and then the same things are kind of repeated in the sector the blue one the red one so whether it's water or whether it is like moisture in any other product like we will get a seat at a particular basement which corresponds to my ship so we get a speak at around 1440 in all the speakers we also get a ticket around 900 in all the cars and also what we notice here is the moisture so what we can do is we can qualify that is like the moisture is present in the sample and also making this quantified because it's corresponding to the absorbance value as the moisture increases the absorbance increases so that is the basic uh phenomena or the basic principle of the nlp of moisture at 1940 nanometers so we see there's a correlation as the over moisture concentration increases there is a corresponding increase in the absorbance at 1940 nanometers so what is that there is a relationship and basically what we say calibration is basically our way of defining that relationship so what we do is for any nia method to be developed we need a calibration and this celebration is developed like to basically train the instrument to recognize different uh components and different concentrations and how it is done a set of samples is analyzed on the nir as well as on the reference method then this data is combined using the calibration software and then a calibration is developed and calibration basically is kind of a multiple regression or a linear regression algorithm which can be developed using various television techniques available like uh artificial neural networks partially squares and augmented regression and then many others so basically in the simplest form it looks like a multiple regression but like depending on what component you want to like analyze and what is its concentration in a particular product so these can be kind of uh very complex and this is something which is the task of chemo migration basically so that is the back end job of developing an ai television so this was a brief about uh what ml spectroscopy is how it is how it generally works and how like these calibrations are developed so now i will want to like uh the first solution for an air analysis for the sweet industry which is like the ds3 this is our latest uh model which was launched like few months back and like the boss has a long legacy of uh having these uh ml uh speed analyzer so we started from the system two tvs like uh the 5000 series and then the 6000 tvs and they were impressed when they were like the ds 2500 and which was again a very successful model and i think uh after it is lifted right so now like the company has come up with the next generation this is the dsp it has certain improvements over the previous generation so why is this nir is like required because the requirements to the free quality management are thinking very rapidly and managing the industry volatility is kind of becoming more critical than any time before and the producers now need to constantly find ways to better handle the variations in the raw materials surprise as well as optimize their margins to better process so all this basically ensures that as the supply chains and regulations are becoming more complex the need for transparency on data as well as processes is incentive equality management so the idea is basically it's not anymore only about analysis it's also kind of the overall process optimization and will make and through our discussions with various industrial professionals we have identified three key areas where analytical technology can make a difference what are these areas one is like the industry wants to be always ready so the industry today meets the test methods which are part which have no unscheduled time downtime and which can always be [Music] becoming uh they must have accurate methods and results that can be sustained by dealing with suppliers as well as and just work on the politicians so everybody wants that they should not be in conflict like uh when dealing with the raw materials suppliers as well as when dealing with your final customer so they won't like the solution which is trustworthy the results which are expected across the industry and then they are concerned about the smart data management because every effect before so that is another important uh area which the people are concerned now and the overall expectations from uh smart analytical solutions is that like it should combine fast easy to use and dedicated instrument technology with digital intelligent connected and integrated services so that it helps customers save money improve quality and reduce any operations and this is what we call the smart analytics and then the model which we are talking about is exactly what it is it is always ready for the customers it delivers results that can be trusted a first industry and it enables smart data management so that is like our concept behind the development of this new instrument and how is it always ready because it ensures the ease of use for the greater part of your daily operation so you can control the quality of feed ingredients your in-person samples like your pellets finished products everything you can analyze all kinds of samples these uh grains these solids the powders the nutty liquids on the same instrument so you don't need to kind of think about how to test a particular sample everything can be handled by a single instrument and it's a very easy to use system it's just a push button operation anybody because very minimal training can operate and then it helps in making quick decisions for the industry people and uh as this industry operates in a volatile environment work with decisions needed this is like a pollution which helps in checking the raw materials at the gate itself monitoring the short patch processes in the industry and you can do multiple parameters in less than a minute you require very high to kind of put this instrument into very very less footprint and very easy to use and very easy to clean and maintain and then it helps to kind of create the right price for your raw materials and then it will reduce your spots so this is just the illustration [Music] value for the potential on feeding so it may not be the same but then the idea is that yes there is a substantial uh kind of uh saving which can be achieved by using the maf because you can have a tiger specification threshold quality of games and then you have a consistent quality in that so that's the whole idea so not going into the expected figures we try to kind of put in the concept that yes there's a few potential of saving when you are trying to find your raw material and you can kind of have a strict threshold for flames on your certification with the alliance again like if you talk about the raw material substitution then the same thing again comes into play like a particular kind of commodity expenses then you can always think of kind of substituting it with like cheaper ingredients without having the impact on the quality of the product so that again gives you unnecessary potential for savings which can be huge its operations are large and then like this upside so this is a position which kind of improves your love a long time operation under challenging condition so this is like the ip65 approved system which can be used in the conditions and it can be used continuously without any worry and then like there are actually made in the error messages which helps quick on-site troubleshooting and then like high solution availability that the results you can first and how the gspf ensures that you can first check user that is because like it's a high performance system and uh it basically works from the complete andreas 850 to 3500 nanometers so that you can get a high performance and you can get more parameter options so with this instrument you can get a better decision a better accuracy and repeatability on your company you get a better like signal to droid ratio which helps kind of for even analyze parameters like the amino acids and the fatty acids which many times are in kind of very low volumes you can even do like uh 30 parameters like energy and many other things so this ensures like uh we have a system which is very high on the performance and then most important thing is that every individual unit is standardized to behave in the same way so that ensures like your acceptance in the industry if you are using this instrument if your supplier or your end customer using the same instrument you can be ensured that the same sample testing at different locations will come up with the same result so that's the kind of full calibration transferability between the instrument because there is no difference between the instrument and each individual unit performs exactly the same and there is a very high degree of reputability which can be achieved with this and of course like as we have discussed like uh you say on the chemical analysis for the space the manpower everything so overall like it so this is basically again illustration for like smaller milk which have relatively fewer pamphlets and which are using the third party analysis laboratory for the analysis if you have your email system then you have a huge potential of saying if you consider the expenses which you are entering so you cannot actually utilize that data much so that is like uh the advantage within ir that you first save on the cost of the laboratory and second you can immediately contact and also get on to you then there is like so if you talk about the medium-sized milk which have their own free instruments they are also like uh there is a potential of saving because like if you are testing say 40-50 samples daily on the traditional method you are consuming large and then like the advanced television options for versatile operations which you get with the mirror so because uh dspf comes with uh four tnn calibrations which are kind of plug-and-play solutions because we have like wide television directory for the global as well as local samples so we have global calibration for almost all these ingredients as well as finished we also have local televisions from the subcontinent like india nepal these areas which we have developed and which again kind of covers the wide variation within the local samples so that is one advantage another thing is that you still have the option of developing your own calibration it's uh easy to use for calibration tools so this is something which will be talked about in more detail uh by radhika services and this is like very easy to use and again like not a very complex calibration technique which was the case maybe like uh in the past when people were using vinyl software which were not too easy to use at the user level so it has now been kind of simplified a lot with the cost elevator and customers can now easily develop their own calibrations with minimal cost support and then the third important thing is like access to the advanced parameters using third party suppliers so besides see suppliers and they have like these calibration packages so like most of the three companies are kind of buying these adjectives from these suppliers and then they have some kind of a tires with them so they can always use like their calibration packages on fast instruments so part is like the application with almost all additive supplies and then this is like a brief list of uh the products and parameters which can be done using the fourth instrument and fault calibration so we basically have solutions for almost all the vertical ingredients all cereals and grains all kinds of vegetable protein needs all kinds of vegetable byproducts all the fish meal compound seeds grass and constellate then like you [Music] with online remote support with television packages everything and effectively partners with all major additive suppliers to optimize these as it is without any boss instruments especially the box nir dspf is like a connected instrument so it can be remotely accessed it can be kind of centrally managed and like if somebody has multiple sites multiple instruments can be connected with each other so this ensures like uh centralization centralized management as well as it shows like your automatic data backup and the backup of data as well as the configurations and results so that's like the data management part and i'll not go into the details of how you can save like uh on the data management but then the idea is that this helps again like save a lot of work so everything we do we like the performance of results the idea is that everything can be correlated to economic value and if you sum up all this economic value you will find that the typical return of investment for a medium-sized bill on the iowa instrument will be a lot more than a year so that is the whole concept which we are trying to fix and then again like uh the smart data management features because it's very easy to use the interface and then easy to kind of calibrate your calibrate make your product you need to add more samsung so all these things can be done remotely using the data services and then the data can't go between so these are again some examples of how like an air can be useful for [Music] it's a smart analytical solution like one instrument can do many applications it's easy to use and really quick in terms of results very simple maintenance cost efficient operations premium analytic performance and iman's r2 please unmute his microphone you answer sir or maybe can you please on mute yes yes yeah yeah yeah because there was a digital means time not a problem yeah himanshu sir i think you can continue now yeah so this was about the solution and now like uh i believe on right because boss is especially in the across the world we have like more than sixty percent market share in the neighborhood globally and in the subcontinent it's even better [Music] management system and then like uh besides the instrument you have a very strong global support like [Music] foreign mammal model to sophisticated fully automatic models so if we talked about the protein we have like long digestion systems which can rises eight or twenty samples at a time and the typical digestion time [Music] and then we have the distillation unit so which is like the semi-automatic automatic and the full analyzer unit is there protein solution then your protein [Music] approximately like about two and a half hours from like maybe more than a day or two days with the traditional metal davis to make less than an hour with these um these are approved methods and they use exactly the same method as in the traditional system only thing is they are offering some degree of automation which is basically helping to reduce the analysis time and improve on the precision and accuracy and removing any manual level so that is the utility of these systems and then again we have the fiber system the automatic and the pendulum so this again can kind of handle six samples at a time and again the fiber analysis time would come down to one one and a half or less compared to like much longer with the traditional system besides people have the sample preparation meals for grinders which are like the approved laboratory skill grinder for preparing homogeneous samples because to get like reliable consistent results from chemical analysis also it is very important that we prefer homogeneous and consistent samples so these are like the milk which helps in kind of uh making the homogeneous samples for laboratory energy so that's all from [Music] so i would just like to show you sure [Music] i hope my screen is visible yes listen thank you materials higher yield in production and not least a consistent supply of high quality and sustainable end products when i was a student i'd write long okay is this the end of a technical session by himanshu saksina yes there are just three more videos that we will be showing just allow me okay one minute okay please this is basically like the routine calibration of the nif instrument so basically the instrument comes with a kind of a calibration check tool which ensures like uh the instrument is kind of delivering the same performance so you can like uh at the start of the day you can always kind of uh check this uh instrument calibration okay so it ensures that the instrument is always kind of working within the desired validation and all the diagnostic features and all that kind of like it's something which can be done very easily at the user this is the erp which we use of the television challenge bye [Music] [Music] [Music] and activities so we would request all the participants to whenever they [Music] so that was all from my side so thanks a lot uh for your patient hearing everyone so if you have any questions maybe we can take it in that section our like thanks a lot thank you manchester um yuvraj sir let's move on to the next speaker okay thank you sir thank you for your technical session on nir and other feed analysis and now i think we have a live demo of service overview right [Music] live demo um bbxr we will not be able to have a live demo uh right now because our service engineers are also not able to uh join in the call but we can have a presentation from our service director if you could allow me just two minutes just like we did with himanshu sir we can also share the screen with him and he can deliver the presentation okay then can we in the meantime can we ask radhika musumta to talk about the digital [Music] customer care manager of first india to talk about this is our services overview over to you radhikaji yeah thank you uh mr jibraj and um welcome all of you to this nil seminar so good afternoon everyone and uh we just heard a technical presentation from uh mr rimanshu so uh in addition uh to the technical presentation digital service is also something which is very important and um and nir without digital service um is practically off of knowing you so let me just take you through uh through my presentation and if there are any questions uh we can take them up at the end just let me know once you see my screen yeah it's visible yeah so a brief introduction about me i am customer manager for fast india born and brought up in pune my schooling education everything um is from pune and um i have total around nine years of experience with the connected and cyclist couple and now i'm working with course since the past four months um these are some of my hobbies and uh i'm married so um about digital services so what what is false so we are always going beyond measure uh for customer satisfaction so maybe using data analytics or digital innovation and new business model so as you can see we are present in almost all the industries and uh we are growing uh our presence um every year every month and uh digital innovation is something which is helping us a lot and yeah so this is our uh this is how we have grown so since uh our foundation in 1956 we were we were operating on analog systems and then we moved to digital systems in 2000 so this this flowchart is showing you a momentum of uh of a gap of 20 years so in 2000 we moved to sensors and software and then in 2019 uh we moved to smart analytics so uh i will be giving you a brief introduction about smart analytics and our digital offerings so why why digital services so uh first would want you to be expert your own expert we want you to save your production cost and time so how so what so if your nir is connected to a digital service so if you have subscribed to a digital service you can get a instrument health pickup you can do remote configuration of your instruments you can safeguard your data and then you can also uh you know a lot do a lot more if if you are using these services so then uh there are also some other advantages that are available so we also would give you a validated instrument report so i will go in detail uh of what this report exactly looks like and then alerts for preventive maintenance activities so these alerts would help you to save your production cost they would save your time so you would get an alert before uh something is wrong with your machine so there would be a warning sign at the bottom and then you would get an alert so this is how we are proactive and this is how we would give you uh you know an idea uh before anything wrong happens we would give you an idea so you already know and then you can take the preventive measures also so then uh in addition to that uh your data would be backed up and um everything is secure of course and uh data would be backed up in cloud and you would have a documentation trail for for audit purpose or for whatever purpose so whatever calibrations you are running in your instrument or whatever um adjustments or changes you are making to your instrument any parameter that you are changing that would be recorded so uh you don't have to do anything it is it would be running at the backing so um i would take you to through um our three digital offerings so first is the fast manager so this is the most commonly used offering um so what is a fast manager it is a centralized networking management solution that will enable you to connect your data to cloud so it would help you to remotely configure your instrument and it would give you central access so let me explain to you in brief what it is so our service technicians would take your uh instrument on remote and then they would help you locally or you know remotely from from any site or anywhere and then you can also operate your instrument from anywhere if you are connected uh to cost manager so then and of course you can safeguard your data with automatic backups and configuration like like i explained and then uh the second offering this is for sure so for sure is an advanced version of a cost manager so in addition to safeguarding your data and updating everything on cloud first assure will give you a monthly report so this is how the report looks like um so everything every sample would be analyzed um all the all the parameters in your instrument would be analyzed like as you can see here the sample could be would be checked and then there are high levels and low levels and then you can see the green line mentioned is the optimum level so at a glance you can see from this graph how your instrument is performing here in the middle uh you can see the wavelength position diagnostic status and the lamp temperature so these are some of the parameters that are there in your nr machine and uh otherwise you would not be able to analyze these for parameters without fast assure you would not know what is going on with your instrument so but with this offering um you can even see at the bottom lamp temperature so the lamp that is being used in the nir you can check the temperature if the lamp is not being overheated or if there is any fluctuation happening or whatever so and then um on the right hand side you can see the sampling status and the synchronization so at the bottom uh last thing so this this will show you when you are uh when your instrument was synced uh last so this is uh this is the kind of uh this is the kind of offering which will give you an up-to-date solution uh for your nr instrument and then uh as uh mr himanshu explained fast calibrator so fast calibrator is a service which is uh it is a digital offering which is very very beneficial for feed industry for if you have a lot of calibrations that you want to develop be it either your local calibrations or you are using some other calibration so it works the same way it will give you reports and if it is a time saving it will sync your data uh you know in the back end it will help you develop your own calibrations it will give you a report at the end of every development and then um it is a you know once you are trained on these software the user can use these on their own you know so you so you can it's just a matter of uh you can do trial and testing and then you can uh do it on your own so once we provide you training so after you subscribe to each of these digital services we will be providing new training on how to use this and then after that you will be your own master so um these digital services will make you um you know independent they will not uh they will help you to not uh you know have any dependency on us and then we also would be taking care of uh all your data in the back end so uh i think it is a win-win situation um and then an nir with digital service is a is an extremely extremely beneficial tool and uh for any uh doubts or any clarifications or any more information on digital services you can get in contact with us so that's it from my side thank you very much uh thank you radhikaji for your wonderful presentation on digital services overview and now probably uh mr omit power is ready for the live demo and service overview uh just a minute uh i just forgot to share a video for fast manager so we have a testimonial uh which shows uh the uh which shows how happy some of our customers are by using fast managers so uh mr yuvraj if you would allow me to share that for about a few minutes sure yeah i hope you can see the video with the first manager tool one can configure settings and monitor performance of one or more instruments at a single site or across different locations remote management allows the customer to access their data and backup settings as per their convenience if the customer is concerned about accuracy compliance and reducing cost of ownership then fast manager is the perfect solution for them as it allows them to take complete control of their analytical performance [Music] the consistency in the results fast manager service has empowered our an irs considerably through this digital offering from foss we get a full control over analytical performance we used to be concerned about the data backup with first manager has resolved for us it is very easy to handle digital service we can access the instrument settings from any location we can perform remote configuration we can monitor that our instruments are operated in compliance with standard operating procedures we get full support from foss as and when required we can configure our instrument and have a centralized access to all the results and the data we have regular backup from the data with periodical adjustment and it is a safe on first one so that's it that's it from my side thank you very much thank you [Music] and now um [Music] is amitsar connected yes yes he's connected just give me one minute i'll add him on the speaker sure and now there will be a live demo and service overview and it will be presented by amit harvard he is service director at foss um is amateur audible to everybody no no no i said can you speak once again hello yeah yeah yes [Music] that is okay [Music] [Music] and things that are required [Music] [Music] and we have an application specialist for supporting all the customers on the calibration part and online um so apart from this we have the our channel partners it appears in the various part of the location which is to ensure that we need to fall or be um visited all the customers have been done on time [Music] uh [Music] this is what our things so we have like similar thing we have a distributor in fundraisers who is [Music] okay thank you sir thank you so much for your presentation i'll be baker we'll uh we might we'll not be having the live demo session today because our live demo engineer is um on travel um so i think we will be uh moving forward with the with the show and uh uh we would like to invite dr dinesh uh to to to deliver his talk okay i got it okay then let's uh move ahead uh now i would like to request dr denis mosley i can see him there uh he is a regional head of southeast asia av vista a very respected personality not not only in india but also in nepal i think a couple of years back we witnessed his wonderful talk during the poetry expo in chitwan senior veterinarian respected personality dr denis mosley can we please uh have you your guest is pizza dr bursley now the floor is yours can you please once called dr bosley dr mosley is there in the room yes just give me a minute i'll confirm from him yes i am here good afternoon sir please stand am i up yes sir loud and clear sir okay okay yes so uh how many seconds i have so the float is yours you can have as much amount of time as you want but um yeah 10 to 15 minutes yeah yeah that's the ideal one because yes what happens that there should be more interaction and less speeches sure i always believe that so the dear friends from nepal namaste [Music] what in whatever language you feel comfortable sir okay no i i can't speak the nepali language but i can understand nepali language okay and i have very special relation with nepal means when i was 27 years old when i was working with american soybean association we had conducted a three-day workshop in nepal and then again after two years we conducted another three-day workshop in nepal we invited very good speakers on different subjects from india and other countries and nepal organized poultry industries or i am very happy to see that now second generation third generation of poultry entrepreneurs degree or phd animal nutrition subject so basically i am working with poultry farmers dairy farmers fish farmers of india nepal bangladesh sri lanka and pakistan previously i worked with american soybean association then i worked with all tech and yoki message technical manager foreign moisture content both important protein sources under processing both important okay if it is under processed then then essential amino acids foreign manufacturers to use higher dose we also recommend to use full metrics enzyme in your feed then only you can use replace the maze but we all know that non-starch polysaccharide is a negative factor in most of the alternate protein sources every protein source has some anti-nutritional it was evolved acid detergent lignin machine is required to manufacture pet food also so dear friends basically broiler method we are using pelleted feed and layer we are mainly using mesh field but for cheek mash we are using the pelleted fit so there are many challenges therefore we have to measure raw material quality so proximate analysis is not enough to measure the raw material quality it takes a lot of time it requires good technicians machine it is an answer for all these challenges basically you cannot measure ame metabolisable energy of maize and other energy sources what we use in poultry feed in laboratory but with the help of nir machine you can measure metabolism energy in your diet you can also measure the protein content of the energy sources without any error you can measure the phytate phosphorus present in your raw materials by using an ir machine you can use you can measure damaged lysine available lysine in over processed soybean mill through an ir machine so basically all these parameters which cannot be done in laboratory can be done by using the nir machine and an ir machine gives you result within few minutes means if the machine is advanced there is no need to prepare the sample also otherwise you will have to prepare the sample and then you can do the analysis so all the raw materials what you are using in your feed mill they can be tested by an ir machine so this universe company foreign online software foreign who thank you very much i will stop here okay thank you thank you very much dr mosley for your wonderful uh talk uh on the regarding the how practically we can use nir in feed analysis [Music] you you put your important ideas so let me move on to question answers session now [Music] uh uh good afternoon it's me nirmal rajvansi probiotic industries in nimbus nepal as department head quality control since last three years we have here if you need if nirmal story is there i i request him to unmute his microphone and please please unmute your microphone [Music] we have here nir mpa broker we have acquired during 2008 2009 it's a good analytical experience with nir however it has certain limitations regarding its service maintenance as nc is getting older we have planned for getting a new one how much will it thought with trustworthy to get higher from foss in so i would like to answer that question okay okay okay so i understood his question so i would like to answer that so of course like i would like not like to comment on google or any other supplier but yes what i can tell like i think what he's trying to say is that they are using a booklet for quite some time but i think they have limitations on getting uh the service and the maintenance form in a timely manner so what i can tell like is as far as foss is concerned we have a much bigger presence in terms of nr installations and if you talk about nepal itself i think we have four to five installations already for the nir and then we also have like these chemical analysis instruments so we have another like 15 20 installations on the chemical analysis part so that was like we have a relatively robust uh service set up and also you had seen in amit's presentation was our service director like we kind of involved in much more engagement activities and then like all these systems which you are seeing like from foss they are like uh much i would say relatively advanced in terms of remote connectivity so 80 90 percent of the times the nature of these problems are such that they can be handled remotely so for that you get instant support and then like we have a kind of a larger team being a direct company so we have a larger trained team of engineers who regularly are traveling to nepal and then we also have like local support in nepal we have a distributor who have like brain resources so that is something like which is speaks in itself uh for our support and presence and then like the fact that our market share in fact if you talk about the feed industry like uh it would be exaggeration but then like the we get all these import figures and also we have almost 90 percent of market share in the feed industry and in the last if you talk about five years we have sold more than 100 instruments uh in this industry so that was like if you talk about the service support if you talk about presence if you talk about the database like dr dinesh was telling about like the datas which av vista is having so we have like tire with them and then we have our own calibration so if you evaluate on all these funds i can say that we are kind of uh much ahead of the competition and then we have been in touch with doctor like dinesh from members also so from time to time we have been discussing with him also all these things so i think he's aware there was a plan to buy an ir last year but then it did not happen so whenever you are planning to take this decision sir like you will get all our support that's all i can say and i think there is another question from you only that is about other products other than the feed as you say that you are working for also refinery and pulses and dial units as well so i would like to inform yourself that this instrument what we have talked today this can be used for any kind of samples any agriculture commodities be it in the whole grain form be it in powders form or like we have accessories for the liquid and oil samples also so with that you can do the liquid and all also so it can be used very well for refinery as well as for the feed industry yeah doctor okay i think uh there are no more questions but i have a question maybe himanshu or dr mosley i can answer uh can we can we measure the antenna factors and also toxins using nir for cnir and can we measure um put it like little bluntly i would say no because like uh toxins is not the right technology to do like see some people on a research scale have done lot of things which are not theoretically possible with an ir because there are some substances there heavy metals some toxins which people might have developed some kind of a calibration or some correlation to kind of show that it is possible but then on a commercial [Music] purpose and on a practical purpose i would say ni is not the technology to do the toxins so primarily it is for the proximate and then you can go to like amino acid or fatty acid profiling energy and these kind of things can be done but toxins is something like which and there is not the right technology okay thank you there are no more questions so finally i would like to [Music] hand over this forum to dr yura swan who is the coordinator of today's program and [Music] over to you [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] right [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] is i'd like to thank you you know all the speakers who gave the valuable information about the near infrared technology simple a machine which has to the parameter of the feed and food materials which is newly introduced technology replace the approximate analysis which we are using uh more than 100 years that's why uh nepal veterinary association lumini province uh thank you all of you uh all the speakers um and all of the participants for participating this program thank you and i would like to end this session thank you very much yes yes yes thank you bye-bye bye see you next time thanks a lot everyone bye-bye thank you bye thank you everybody have a good day bye


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