Roles of Technology In Research

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okay okay so what you can do  is you can do some citation   okay so when you install the mendeley so the most  important thing is you can see in the reference   maybe some of you family with mentally but  never mind i just recall okay maybe some of you   are not familiar so you see i have a  mandalay and also i have endnote over here   and this is a microsoft this is not a very  friendly one okay this is endnote and this   is mandalay so let's say you want to cite what you  can do you can insert citation and go to mendeley   and whatever citation you want to cite you can  choose and just click site then you can see   citation over here okay and if let's say you  want to add some more you can insert citation   and let's say you want to add another article  another two article like this okay i just click   shift and choose to article and site so it's  going to be like this but i have to merge this   one so what i will do i will much like this i  highlight and just click this one merge citations then okay then i can create a reference list  just click insert bibliography   oh so it's over here so quickly i can generate  the reference if let's say you're not using apa   let's say your university asking you to change  the style maybe you want i triple e so just   click i triple it will change accordingly so when  you write article or tc's it's very easy for you   so it's going to be automatically changed  if let's say you want to change some more   let's say nature it will change like this  so whatever style you want to okay change   you can change not only this size you can  click more styles and you can go like this   and you can switch over here if you don't get  it you get get more sites okay like americans   okay uh this one may be sell okay the  american journal of physiology okay install   okay done okay then i can  choose okay it's already there i can choose yes now american general of  physiology right some generals   specifically ask certain style so american general  or physiology they ask this style so you don't   need to worry to change accordingly  you just use this one use this style   okay done so now it's american general of  physiology so the style is almost like a ieee you see ah no different okay it's bold and  it's quite different so this is one of the tool   wonderful tool you can use for your reference  management reference management mean not   only site and creating a reference reference  management mean you can create a library okay   bulk of articles over here and you can read the  articles even you can highlight the articles   like this highlight articles you can put the  endnote at node okay and also you can put a   lot of things over here this is a technology  you can use highlight at node and so on okay so you can put notes here also for  your article so you can manage library   you can do some annotations in  your article and also you can do   quick citation from the reference  manager this is one of the important so this is one of the tool that you can use for  the reference manager so i just want to touch uh   mentally and no i don't want to charge and  others i don't really use this one but i just   introduced to you again the first technology  you have to remember reference managers   okay management softwares because reference  are very very important i'm very particular   when my students write an article uh and i will  particularly check the references okay first i   will check that how they organize their reference  and what are the references they are really cite   that is very important you cannot simply cite  any article okay for example you are doing uh   you know research and your problem statement you  have to cite the articles from the top journals   not simply cite you know any general like simply  from refrigerator because you are doing about   you know a problem and you are citing about the  problem statement and suddenly you are talking   about you know common generals so you have  to go for the good generals okay q1 q2 q3 q4   or we call it f50 generals or tier 1 generals  okay top generals then only you can convince your   examiners because examiners they are they do  have a certain criteria i have seen you know   certain criteria i have one professor he said when  you check the general must make sure 70 of the   generals are top generals 30 it can be anything  70 percent top generation q2 and q1 okay and q3   something like that okay so you have to be very  careful so technology first reference manager ah okay and one live stream okay when you do the  research the most important tool you have to   know is you know how to get the article okay  you get the article okay and there are some   surface okay i can recommend to you it's like a  summarizers okay summarizes main it can easily   can create a literature matrix literature review  matrix and also it will give some points to you   okay before you read the article it will give  the important points okay let me tell you summarizes okay if you have any question you can  interject you can ask immediately also no problem   okay article summarizer two okay i don't know  whether you are aware about this one okay   for example we have a tldr now actually there are  so many tools but i just pinpoint few   tools only cld are this this is the one  of the summarizer you can use to summarize   certain things quickly it can summarize but  i'm not sure how good in terms of summarizing   but i don't use this one okay but it can give  you quick understanding about certain articles   but anyway you have to read the articles okay  because very important to read their full articles   okay okay another one is a quillpot quillbot  is also a summarizer but actually this one   people mostly use okay i have seen you know even  my students uh they're using will board for the   parapraiser but it's not really paraphrasing  correctly because sometimes you know you   will get the different uh contents but i just  want to share with you uh by using quillboard   you can use a paraphraser drama checker  summarizer and also citation generator okay   these are the function of the cool board grammar  checker grammar maybe if let's say you are good   you know in english sometime you know we make  an error also so you can use certain tools like   grammarly and so on okay but this tool is more to  the paraphrasing but i want to focus on this one   because scholarly scholarly is one of the  tool it's very good tool uh if you register   you can get 14 days free okay 14 days  free you can try okay you can try   if you want to keep on using 14 days or  change your email okay it's up to you   okay but i can show to you what you  can do with the scholarship okay okay just go to colossae this is a another refresh tool   you can use okay still i have  an account for the scholarship okay okay what you can do is you can  create a library okay you can   create a library so for example i  have three documents over here okay so what you can do you can create a library  for example you can create a library   my library 3 then you can change okay class okay sorry i just okay you can  import uh certain articles from here okay so what you can do you can import  let's say i have articles over here okay let's see how many articles  i can choose okay then i can upload files so i import seven document over here  which means i'm creating a library then i can see   you know important points from each articles it  will summarize but not really uh okay wait uh okay it will take a time a bit okay it's all done it will take time okay so this is one of the way but  never mind i can try in another one   okay i can cancel this one okay because this takes a lot of  time you know okay so let's say   for them for example this one my  library so i can click this one i have   three documents okay let's say i want  to add one more article i can add okay okay okay for example like this here okay i click  this article it will give a points like this main   highlight okay it will give oh this article  is talking about what or differences between   participants who learn through problem-based  learning so this is the most important point   in this article okay and key concepts it will  tell you okay and also abstracts of course   and scholarly highlights so it will highlight  the important point from the article so you can   get a quick picture about the article instead of  reading the full article okay so it's mean after   you get some point then you read the article  oh because i don't want you waste time reading   article in the end oh my god this article is not  related to my research it's a waste of time okay okay so not only this you can get the scholarship  scholarly summary from introduction what are   the summary objective methods okay and results it  will give the things so you see what is the result   okay discussion and conclusion it will give  points it's like a flash card okay this is   a full text actually okay full text you can  read also this full text mean full article okay and also how many tables okay you can download  the tables in excel as well okay this software is   good i'm using okay and also i'm not recommending  oh you just copy and paste these points and you   write an article no that is not a way this  is just to get quick picture what all about   particularly that article okay and another  beauty thing is okay you can go this one   another one is what you can do i go to my library  okay then i can move export okay export document okay sorry import personally okay i have to choose all the articles  which one you want to choose you just   click click click click one by one now three i  choose all three okay and i move export documents and i choose here okay in excel you can  work uh these are different file but   let's say i go to the excel i export  selected you see what will happen so i go to this one here is one of the tool that  you can use it will give the matrix for you   it's a literature matrix partially literature  matrix okay then what you can do you just   highlight all of this uh what you can do is uh  wrap text okay then you can do like this okay then you can get this one you see it  will give all the things for each article okay for each article it will give this first one  second article okay maybe i can put a number here   easy for me okay maybe i can  put a number insert okay one two and three let's see so this  is the first one second article   and the third article so you can get  the quick picture okay title author okay then you see keywords okay funding  so whatever necessary funding disclosure   ethical compliance you don't want it just delete  okay contribution so what is the contribution   okay limitations if it can be extracted it will  extract so contribution uh so you can check the   contribution of the article okay particular  article and highlights what are the highlights   from these articles okay then you can see  results and so on okay but it's not really   accurate but it can give uh uh how to see here  it can give some uh preliminary understanding   about that particular article so second tool you  can use okay so i cannot go in deep everything   okay so first reference manager second  is article summarizer tool okay in order   to get article there are some techniques expand  okay so first you have to get from the you know   right database right article that is very  important by using that technology okay   okay what are the academic database available  right now academic database you have to uh   split into two one is uh databases  that you can look for the thesis   another one is a article journals  okay general articles okay and you have to understand  is not an article search   it's not it's just a bibliography database  okay bibliographic database okay so uh sorry   this is in malay actually some of the things in  malay it's okay i will give it to you later okay okay these are the some academic databases   uh i can delete this one okay you see there  are so many academic databases jstor science   direct web of science acm okay advanced computing  machine cch clg law data screen ebscohost emerald   is a management okay you can get a lot of articles  and eric directory of open access and so on okay and also we have a thesis databases okay this is  database i can go one by one also but i will show   to you no worries i will share that uh this slide  you can check later okay you see there are so many   electronic thesis and dissertation websites okay  the most famous one is a proquest second is ethos   okay british another one is the canadian disease  these are very famous one okay and also oatd   these are famous thesis databases but the  problem is this is sometimes you know when   you download the thesis from uh different country  or different universities maybe the standard is   not similar to your university standards so  don't we get caught with that you see some   students you know they will come so how  come this thesis contains a 7th chapter   okay maybe that university uh focus on seven  chapters like university uttara malaysia uem   only focus five chapters maximum you can go  for six tc six chapters and also the content   is quite different okay even you know  if you come to uem if you look at the phd disease it's almost most of the  dc is 200 pages okay 200 and above   but if you look at certain pieces from certain  industries it's only under 10. that is maybe   partially it's not a uh full partial okay  so that's why you have to understand the   difference between two type of disease  okay sometimes they call it descendations   okay maybe i can show it to you this is one  of the tool that you can use okay like myself   i will use the um portal we have i think better  use your own unicity library access because they   already subscribe most of the article so easy  for you to get the article that you want okay okay before i move on about the search articles  and looking up the databases i can show   okay i can tell about the book search books also good but uh these are the some websites you know  i found you can get some books okay books main   uh some text books and some other books  you know it's maybe fiction novels and   so on okay you can go here also okay  like a library genesis and so on okay okay i go here like uem library we can access from  e-resources okay maybe you have access okay   from your university because when you want to  based download or we call it science direct okay   if you want to utilize the exact features of  that particular database you need an access   otherwise you cannot get it except google  scholar google scholar is a different   story okay google scholar you can get a lot  of things also okay but you cannot access a   paid article it's been uh open access article  you can access but if let's say that article   is a gold access and you know you have to  pay to that particular article you have to   go through your innovative databases which has  been subscribed by them okay like um we are for   science direct and so on so maybe i can show to  you like and also signs direct and we   have taylor and franchise and we have a request  okay i go to the proquest dissertation okay okay okay this is a uh request so if you click all   this this it will give everything you know  books scholarly journals video and so on   if you want to search broadcast proquest is not  only for dissertation you can search there are   some scholarly generals as well okay we go to  the dissertation you just search okay and you   have to click full text and let's say you want  to search about technology adoption let's see if you search like this you will get this is  which contains technology and adoption as long as   there is a technology and adoption  anywhere it will search for you   so try to avoid that so in order to search  specifically you have to put like this sorry okay so you go here and you search  you can click the search tips also   okay so whatever together okay the word together  okay like a praise you know technology adoption   so it will come it will pop up like this and you  can specifically can search uh some disease by   using filter function for example you can filter  from here custom data range then you can choose   maybe you want to choose let's  say you want to choose only uh   2019 or you want to choose some more maybe  one only 2016 okay january until okay   let's see so first january and until uh  october 31st okay let's see then you apply so you can and so this these are some latest  disease so you can download for example   this one and also you can uh filter uh you  don't want master thesis you want uh you know   uh only the tcs from the you know phd level  or dba okay you can filter as well okay okay but i'm not sure whether it's available  or not last time it's available that function   okay and you see 5 315 results  about technology adoption   okay technology adoption somewhere here  you know okay so you can click this one   like this then you can download the  article sorry i download the thesis you see this is from one university so this is one of the tool you  can use okay for that this is   okay similarly you can go to the scopus  corpus is a bibliographic database okay and if you want to find out the full  article uh you have to go to sciencedirect this is one of the examples only actually we have  a lot of things okay over here like emerald these   are databases okay these are databases you  can find out there uh a lot of articles okay   for example let's say i want to search about  social commerce i just click social commerce   or you want to go for the advanced  search also can add one search   this one uh you can customize but this advantage  is not uh up to the standard of the   okay i will show to the scopus better okay  to find out the article then you can find   out somewhere else okay social commerce and you  can this is one of the tool that you can use   okay it's very good and you can filter out  you know you can filter out okay let's say   you want to search you can put and you  know and malaysia let's say pakistan okay so let's ah now only 20 results only here you  have to know how to use and not all okay let's say pakistan but not ah you can put what you want no one not so it will switch like this   okay so i can download the article it's from  pakistan iding okay you can see this article is it from pakistan or somewhere  they highlight the pakistan okay the author from the pakistan  so i know let's find out okay okay this is not uh one of the tool you can use  to find out article okay when you go to scopus uh   scopus it's a wonderful search engine to explore  the articles specifically okay you go here okay uh   even you know uh you can check you know  affiliations okay applications let's say uh   what is the full name of the university superior  um what is the full name of the your university is it superior university full name sorry excuse me may i know the full name of  the okay superior of lakhu   we can check you know who is the top author  in the google i'm sorry i in this corpus okay this one right okay you can check you know okay you have 383 authors from your  university actively published in scopus   when i click this one who is the top author  maybe your friend you can check all of this   okay okay if you don't want  okay i click i'm back okay so i can check here 576 okay so  superior still then you see others okay you see who is the top author jafar mohammad arfan   under 15 documents half of the documents  contributed by jafar your friend anyone you see and each index is  19. you can check all of this   okay and you can why i'm telling this one  because you know who is the top author of the   university and also the author of the particular  refresh area okay we can click there jafar arfan   okay the supreme university lahore okay  then i know about him okay then i can check   about his profile as well so it's more  to the competitive detection okay one so maybe your friend okay you can check this one okay so here's the uh how to say a hero of the  lahore university in the scopes database okay okay talking about the research for your case  you can switch the documents and what you can   do is advance documentation don't simply search  like this you go and search the article okay   like this let's say you want to search  let's say smart retailing or social commerce so what you can do you can use the  function over here searching tips   role of technology here okay you can  click and okay and pakistan let's see and you want to put more but i don't want to go in  detail because this is a one-day training you know   it's around two hours training how to switch  article only okay you can use the function or   malaysia it's mean i'm giving instructor  to the database you search about social   commerce and pakistan you don't get it you  go for the social pakistan okay pakistan or   malaysia i think you know about this mathematical  operation we call it boolean search okay okay okay so there are 1250 documents okay so what's  the difference between this one all open access   main this one you can download just like that  all of this you cannot download you have to pay   but can you download from here cannot download  it's just a bibliographic database okay   and also what you can do is you can analyze  the result if let's say you are doing our   social commerce about pakistan or malaysia so  you can analyze who is the top author what are   the topics what are the keywords available  you just go here analyze the search result okay then you know that who is the top author okay you see we kb is my friend actually we can go okay  and malaysia and pakistan okay malaysia is   leading actually because a lot of people  are publishing about social commerce   and you know their top authors okay if let's say  you are writing an article okay writing an article   for social commerce okay and you failed to cite  these people top authors it means something wrong   it's mean you did not read fully the research  papers that's the meaning so we can analyze   okay and this one can tell you the trend it's  mean if anyone say social commerce is a you know   outdated research no it's a ongoing research  that's why you can see the trend of like this you see that this trend showing okay shows that  the social commerce research is a ongoing trend   and is a not declining rain is inclining you  know it's going up okay and even there are   eight documents will be published in 2022 okay so  this will give you the idea okay of the research and also uh sorry you can download the detail of all of this also  you can all you can download also you can download sorry not download that's already  export okay you can export   what you want to export maybe you want to  export author year authors years uh source title   volume issues let's say if you don't want no  problem you want abstract author keywords or   not all they give us index keywords okay you  just click download okay it's mean export okay okay you click click like this document title not  source title documentator and you click what you   want you can download directly to the mendeley as  well if you don't want you can download in a csv   csv file okay then you can see for your literature metrics so i just uh i just uh you have you know only  one hour so i try to cover it within one hour   okay so it's downloading a lot of articles  right around thousand two hundred fifty   it will get in the excel format  then you can see everything together if you know how to use address ti you can analyze  the keywords and you can publish the article okay so that is the beauty of the  one of the technology which you cannot avoid  

when you are doing refresh okay okay it has been exported  okay you just click this one   because literacy matrix is very important  to understand a quick you know i see if you don't want uh this one okay i  will analyze the index keyword you know   to get the quick b point so if you don't want  i can delete this one then i don't want link so what i will do i will do like this okay so i can wrap the text like this okay so i can  quickly can read author name uh so title is   uh you know customer loyalty or  something right then you wrap text   you can wrap text wrap text me it will within the  column let's add text okay if you know how to use   then you can quickly read this one abstracts there  are 1250 article has been loaded in this action   so you can get so just read abstracts  remember title is a title is a two line   of the research two lines of the research  abstract is a single paragraph of the research   okay so if you want to understand the article  if you want to read before you read you have   to read the abstract first whether it's  really related to your research or not okay   so you can get this one easily one of the  tool you can use in your research okay   so i have covered uh about this one scholarly  academy databases and you can switch all of these   but i cannot go one by one okay i have shown  to you i have displayed to you sign direct   okay web of signs i have access but it will take  time okay um and another one is uh tc's database   the another famous database is ethos for the tcs  you can access this one also it's free actually it's free you can go here and you can search also  let's say smart retailing okay you can search okay smart retailing zero records found  oh my god okay let's see technology ah okay you can get okay but you  have to register okay this one so you can limit the things okay and  you have to down if you want to download   you have to register this one  i have an account okay sorry talking to me i can get your point maybe you  are talking to your friends   okay so you can get from here as well  okay this is one of them actually these   are looks like a fundamental technologies but  if you do not know all of these technologies   you you can you know you will have a problem i  don't want to touch about you know data analysis   okay smart vls spss amos and these are tools  after your uh you know proposal defense okay   so i don't want to touch about that one okay  but i'm using a smart pls a lot okay even i   learned from the kasim okay kasim is one of my  teacher for smart pls okay i attended his class   good class okay wonderful class okay and again  if you look at this one academy databases apart from this okay book search uh another  one every day you search article you know you   get tired so what you have to do is you have to  create a led function let function mean whenever   people publish any article related to your topic  it will automatically notify through email okay   so you can get something like this you can create  an led from google scholar okay google scholar   alert and also scopus elect okay i can show you  to you how does it looks like my scopus ellen okay like this i see i always really receive this  one you know scopus ellen like this i see whenever published article because i have created  a island function for their keywords innovation   performance and so on okay you can go to scopus  alert as well okay go to scopus like this google scholar you have to go like this google  solo ln i think you know google scholar okay   and you click the google scholar and you have  to create an led like this but i don't use my   personal account because uh it's already  junk a lot of uh things so that's why um   i can show it to you i have a special email just  for the elect okay just for the ln so once you   create ln over here just click create let and you  just put the led like a big data create element okay so like this or you want to see immediately  the elect you can see the let's say cloud kitchen   update result there are some oh there are some  people publish about cloud kitchen so let me get   and tell it so when when you create an led you  will get something like this i have a special   email you know for the alert function this is an  s you see every time i will get ict adoption lot   of article i will carry so i don't need to search  every day every day i will get the articles in my   image it will send so i just click and read so i  can make sure myself up to date about my research   area okay this is the entrepreneurship and this is  one of my research area e-commerce social commerce   big data electronic commerce so you see every day  i will get a few few emails you know so even one   article you will elect google scholar as well  as okay this is uh how you create   and scopus lf you can click here you can go and  get over here search okay let's say you search okay social commerce and pakistan okay then you  can set alert over here set alert and you have to   sign in i have an account so i will sign in  because it will recognize you through email so i continue okay i signing okay so something wrong okay never mind so i  don't know maybe something uh wrong with the   technical things so this is the way so you just  click and create an alert that you will receive   uh something like this okay when you create a scopus alert you will  get but i will recommend google scholarly   better scope is also okay but google scholar  you will get more articles okay this one thing   see one of their tactics you  can use okay hello tools okay so reference manager academic search engines  okay alert systems and also the tc database   and how to export and also summarize the tools  these are the some technology that i can share   with you okay last one let me uh take few  times a few minutes okay so you can go some   search engines as well search engines okay like  google scholar search engine microsoft academy   search engine semantics caller wonderful one  try this one it says get also mentally also   you can search okay mandalay will give you  a wonderful thing actually mentally search okay mentally search you just go ww okay if you go to the mendeley actually  mentally connect to the you know uh lcv   okay smart italy then i can go like this it will  give the lot of articles then i can directly   add this one into if let's say i click add to  library it will automatically go to my mentally   if i want a related article let's say  this is a gen z consumer okay znz consumer   i want related article about this one i can  click related it will give more article about   this topic just click related i see in order to  search you know it will recommend to you sorry you see it will give recommended article over here   you call it backtracking okay  you click this one related you want get full text just click  get full text it will go directly but this one uh you can click and get it so i can sorry i can download so i get this article okay i think so or something wrong this one ah  yeah okay i can get it so this is the way to   get the articles from okay and also  you get code you can go to the semantics caller  

smantiscola is one of the  very good database you can get you see 176 million 19 or 19  million okay i can't figure out okay   let's say i go to this one okay technology  uh let's see i go to the social commerce okay and you can create ln as well okay  over here you can create a led as well explore topic you can explore the topic then  you can see there you see when you export topic   which one is a highly cited article for the social  commerce so you can read this article highly cited   okay and you can click the pictures without  reading the things okay read the papers you can get a lot of glossary okay and you can figure out general conference you  only want general okay field of study data range   you can filter out and you can see you know the  trend of the social commerce is it increasing or   declining okay decreasing no actually it's a  ongoing trend it will give you the point that   your research is doable research and you  see last 10 years let us see last 10 years   so it will give last 10 years so this is one of  the wonderful tool you can use in your research   okay hi i have lot actually okay you can check  one by one okay because i cannot go one by one   and also okay as i mentioned semantic scholar this  one okay synapse okay and also you can go to the   data search this is one of the good okay data  search by lcbr the last one i can share with you   because we don't have enough time don't know  whether it's available or not okay uh yeah okay this one let me search okay uh this one is okay this website is another one okay because sometimes they change their  websites because of certain reason or they switch to here okay   so you can click this one and you can get some  information as well okay this is one of the you   can get that uh you know datas you know okay  you can get the data from here mentally data   okay this one is helpful for your research  to know what are the data sets available okay last time is different now i don't know why  it's quite different compared to last time okay okay uh scholar okay academic i think you know persistent  is one of the wonderful we when you have a   question you can ask them and also baidu this is  for from china okay and okay and this   one i don't want to talk but i just want to give  you the notes i think you know our site hub okay okay uh so i have you can use some  are not available some available   okay you can use this one okay to  download the certain articles okay   uh since i have given only one hour  so let me wrap up just in one minute so basically technologies is one of the important  tool important thing that you cannot avoid   in doing research okay starting from reference  manager academic search engine method of search   the article and you can export the literature  and you can quickly can get understanding of that   particular article and also i have introduced some  summarizes it's made you can summarize the article   and get the quick picture about the quick picture  it's been some overview about the article and also   i've i explained to you some of the databases  especially scopus database which you can do to   analyze particular topic whether it's  still relevant or is out of date ready   and you can see the trend of the research and  also you can see top authors okay and also i   displayed to you about your universities as  well who is the top author of this corpus   in yours you know in your university  okay so thank you very much from my side   i think i have covered just a little bit  about that technology that you can use   in your research if you if you do have any  other opportunity maybe i can explain in detail   each and every technology that i'm using  and you can use okay thank you very much thank you so much sir for sharing the wonderful  information i would request the participants   uh if you have any question please share in the  chat box okay i can check the sharing session sir   where is it okay yes lights will be shared if  you have any questions please   maybe slides i will share with  the kasim then yes yeah okay okay   no problem okay i think you have explained in  such a way that nothing is left unanswered so okay thank you so much all the  participants thank you sir for your uh   wonderful session and precious time and thank  you participants for joining the session   okay i will share that's right as well thank  you for the opportunities if you have a blessing   definitely we will see again meet again i hope you  will be having more uh fruitful sessions in future   inshallah okay and also i welcome your researchers  to our university to share your experience email or contact number please  ah you okay i can put my number   in box yeah yeah i'm typing right now mail id okay  thank you i forgot to write down my detail okay and phone number mobile number okay great that is my email id and my mobile number   malaysia you have to put plus six  uh like this international code okay great okay sir thank you so much for your time thank  you thank you everyone mr mohammad i have given   the my number and my contact details mail id  my tiwan at uum and my mobile number yes yes   yo are you sharing in the chat box yeah yeah yeah  okay we don't see how come we cannot see that one for everyone because i cannot see   i think it's not visible for everyone  okay okay okay okay let me it's only four yes okay now visible now it's visible oh just now  you know i just choose the job it i think   wrongly choose only one person yes okay thank  you okay okay thank you take care thank you


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