Robotics Software Engineering

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I'm very very happy to meet you on this auspicious Christmas day uh we are uh we have been starting this uh chent student awareness Initiative for the past 14 days we have enth with different experts from various disciplines today I have with me one such expert from our own V uh Akash p g completed his Bachelor from EC he done did his masters from V Bor and after that he has worked in various uh uh companies he has worked in EC he has worked in robot T he has worked in right now he's working in Aerospace company and he has wide variety of experience across all the various disciplines that is there he's a role model for all the EC mechanical Aerospace and software Engineers to Aspire for right now he's working on a very cuttingedge project which takes a lot of his time and I'm very happy thankful for Akash pel to spare the time for the Lions of VI Bal to gain experience and to emulate him and become like him a thanks a lot for taking the time off your basic schedule over to you thank you sir thank you sir yeah so uh first of all I'd like to thank viit Bal and uh all the uh concerned people who has actually given us an opportunity to talk at this uh this plat platform over here I'm really happy to connect with uh my uh you know the the Juniors who are right now uh in their in their college days who actually have a dream to get into a uh industrial exposure pretty soon uh and uh definitely we like to I'd like to extend my experience uh towards them so that they can actually uh have uh better insights of what's actually needed in in the complete uh uh you know scope of work in robotics what's actually happening right now we like to touch base on that so uh basic guys basically I don't have a formal presentation for this uh since uh actually invited me and said it can be a candid talk so just I wanted you guys to have a open interaction like whatever doubts you are having definitely will clear it up in first phase let let me first uh give a b basic insights Insight of my uh complete journey and then I'll take up the question and answers from uh rest of the uh the people who are who have actually joined the call so uh guys basically I uh completed my uh schooling from Maharashtra Pune and after that I completed my bachelor's in electronics and communication from P University uh post my bachelors I was uh actually uh in last year of my bachelor I pretty interested in uh embedded systems and uh you know was working on multiple projects over there along with my uh colleagues uh and my friends in my college days uh that interest in embedded systems uh was actually you know I wanted to uh pursue my career in the same stream uh since I was uh I like found out with time like okay I was pretty good at logical thinking and uh you know writing code for smaller embedded devices on microcontrollers initially and then on microprocessors as well so that that spark actually uh drived me towards my master's journey and before entering into my master journey I was actually working as a uh you know as a as a fresher project traine in Pune itself uh in one of the companies who was a startup at in those days and uh after that while while I was pursuing with my journey I also applied for my masters in viit and got selected in vit well in embedded systems Branch that's where I started my journey in viit well embedded uh system stream okay so uh post that uh I think uh I was pretty clear when I went into my masters and that is one of my uh strong message which I actually uh give to multiple uh folks who interact me okay what to do when to go for a masters and actually that is allog together a different session but I would definitely like to spare two minutes of my time over here like uh Whenever there is a decision point to actually go for Masters when to go for a masters so what my uh personal uh experience was gain some experience from industry first and have a very good clarity about what you want to do and then pursue your Masters in a very specific stream and in inside stream also very spe on a very specific domain where you want to focus yourself onto so that is that has been one of the I would say a key uh driving force for me okay uh like in terms of what I want to do what subjects I really like and I would I can focus on that like for example C++ programming OS and rest of the things uh which were very much uh core to embedded systems where my first preferences when I was in VI and uh those subjects I studied thoroughly uh not like other subjects uh were not important they were also important but you have to you know put your focus onto few things so that you can actually excel in them that was one of the key uh I would say uh challenge for every student who enters into Masters and then pursues his career ahead so uh while I was actually in the the the robotics like the embedded systems Masters I had a inclin strong inclination towards robotics since robotics was just I would say a growing Branch uh in 2015 like where there were there were a few good companies out in India but not you know uh we didn't had a pretty much good uh you know long long site of what actually can come up in robotics in India at least we we knew uh in abroad countries like us Europe there was there were lots of companies who are working in the Stream but specifically in India the market was quite short but still uh I was quite interested in aial robotics so I was working on uh a self-made like a drone basically which I was actually I did it I made uh assembled the complete drone from scratch wrote it software wrote the control system for it that was the first time when I was actually when I actually got exposed to the drones on or the aerial robotics part of it uh and actually after a prolong uh you know uh what I would say perseverance into that into that particular domain I was successfully be able to hover the Drone uh in air and then actually navigate it across the complete Campus of viit so that was one of the uh significant spark which uh you know ignited me in in this direction in the direction of Robotics Engineering in general and embedded was very pretty much I would say core uh inter interrelated Branch to the robotics part because uh when you're when you're are actually working on a robotics related projects you have to work on processors controllers which are the inherit core uh you know we can say the soul to the complete system right so uh that has always been there so uh Ed Masters helped me definitely to navigate in in that direction post 2015 2014 I entered into my masters in 2015 uh in 2015 after one year I got an uh internship at uh uh in Mumbai uh one of the uh very early stage startup uh formed by it Bombay graduates the company name was Leaf Technologies private limited this opportunity was not into robotics but still I wanted to pursue this because there as I told there were very handful of opportunities in robotics at in 2015 so I anyways took the job because uh I wanted to pursue further either in robotics or in embedded whatever uh you know comes to me and gives me a better exposure of what industry actually wants so after 20 2015 I joined Leaf Technologies in Mumbai and went ahead uh and actually got shifted in Mumbai over there and after one to one and a half years uh this company actually got Aqua merged into gray orange robotics gray orange India private limited which is which is ay company based out of guro Delhi near toh Delhi NCR basically and uh that was my first step into robotics because after the acquisition we were directly given a problem statement to work on uh onto autonomous pick and place based application using uh robotic arms and uh to write uh the complete software and develop the complete Hardware also for it so we were like seven to eight selected Engineers from Leaf Technologies who were actually Aqua merged into gray orange and we after that uh carried on with our journey over there in gry Orange so I worked in gry Orange for around three and a half years uh over there I got exposed to lots of uh you know um I would say professional uh motion planning navigation Frameworks inside robotics a very standard way of actually uh you know interact in uh standard way of developing the products I was also part of uh uh us-based R&D team uh so we I was I was the one from India team who was actually interacting with us team so gray orange had a you know um R&D lab established in Boston in USA so I was the one who was actually handling from India India division uh the complete R&D work for our project specifically and uh I learned a lot of things over there uh in terms of uh you know project management as well as product development uh like in the right way how what we can do uh and how what we should do and why we should do uh those were the very very important two questions which we were trying to always you know gain some answers against and uh after that journey I think uh after three and a half to four years postco times uh again I think somehow aial robotics uh got uh you know uh I got a like uh few uh calls from uh you know I was actually interested in aial robotics so I also approached few aial robotics companies based out of Bangalore and uh new space was one of the most promising startup uh at that time and it is right now growing as well so uh I got a call from uh newspace and I was pretty interested uh gave an interview the interview was went very well and I enter into aial robotics now the aial robotics Journey was very different from what I used to do at gray orange because in gray orange I worked on robotic arms and you know ground robots uh specifically uh into wehous automation where the envirment around the robots are pretty much structured so the solutions can also be developed in certain bounds but uh when when I came to new space I first of fir hand got exposed to a defense ecosystem and uh the challenges in Def defense ecosystem are pretty much higher I would say because we operate in a unstructured envir M like you know it can be under Forest canopy it can be in urban envirment situations where you you have to develop products and uh you know they have to do some autonomous jobs uh uh using drones so uh pretty much I think uh nowadays the community even the younger Engineers uh like you are well vered with multiple Platforms in aial robotics like you know the flight controller to use and how to actually assemble a drone quickly and get it flying but to get it a a professional touch uh actually that was the journey which I even even I uh you know got first time exposed to it in uh after coming to newspace so it has been a good journey with newspace right now I completed my three years approximately and uh now I'm actually uh you know uh moving out of newspace as well uh I'll will be working on something else which uh will be a part of my journey in days ahead but yeah that is a that is a brief uh you know about my journey uh as of now and i' I've been working in this space since last eight years uh I would say uh met multiple people uh in this community also attended a there is something called as Ross in robotics robotic operating system Ross uh is a is a basic framework a software framework on which multiple products have been developed nowadays and uh for that I attended an International Conference also in Spain where I met multiple people in the industry what all what products they're working on to and uh how's the development happening over there in in abroad uh countries as well like in Europe us so uh guys that is a bit about me and my journey uh I would like to have more uh interaction coming the way like uh if there are any questions specific qu specific things which anyone wants to ask me or anything uh specifically over there then definitely uh I can take it up thank you sir there are multiple questions that have come from the students where have the queries and from the YouTube live Channel stream uh the first question is from EC student s amazed by your journey uh what is the he's a first year student so what is the road map I should follow as a core e student to get into robotics okay so uh in terms of Road app I think there are two major Pathways uh when we talk about robotics hardware and software Journey so uh initially when you are pretty much uh you know uh want to pursue your career in robotics uh you you'll have to first of all answer a question for yourself like okay am I more interested in Hardware designing or into software uh those two regions are altoe uh very different uh from each other and it doesn't matter from which branch you're coming coming into uh in robotics like robotics is a uh you know I missed this point actually robotics is a fusion of multiple different streams coming together like EC mechanical and uh even the uh you know EC mechanical and computer science so uh where mechanical first of all comes into picture is where if you want to design a robot like in a in a you know using some kind of a cad design softwares like Autodesk and ktia there are multiple such softwares over there right so using that kind of software if you want to design then that comes from mechanical engineering stream if you're interested in uh you know electricals uh or you know assembling the things together uh probably going Beyond it and designing a printed circuit board PCB for a robot uh that comes under Hardware engineering core where I think AC also has multiple uh you know uh topics or multiple multiple common points where people actually enter into Hardware engineering from ECE that's where Hardware engineering comes into picture and third major stream is the computer science or the software so it doesn't matter if you are from CSE or not but you can certainly enter into the programming side of the robots like you know starting with microcontrollers start writing small smaller code for microcontrollers understanding more about let's say if you want to understand more about aial robotics there is a pretty good open source Community which can support this so you'll have to first of all answer for yourself like okay what I want to pursue like is it software which excites me or is it Hardware is it mechanical design and what is the exact future because all the three are the pillars on which robotics uh you know engineering completely stands so you'll have to first of all start with one field excel in that and then probably navigate further so you can even who whoever have asked me the question you can even reach out to me on LinkedIn for any you know specific things if you you want to you know pursue your career in one of the streams definitely I can guide you give you a few more points into it uh that's great sir So when you say Hardware software and uh the uh uh micro controller part they have to focus on their take up courses on n and relevant course subjects and then work on projects and then they can excel in that is that uh a wave ahead specif yeah so uh basically in robotics most of the things are all open source so if you let's say if you want to pursue uh career in software okay because I come from more of a software background so I uh there are multiple you know open source Frameworks like for example Ross which I talked about Robot Operating System it's a one of the best Frameworks to start your kickart your journey into Robotics and it can you know within half an hour to one hour you can actually start your you know you can get everything installed on your system and actually start a simulation of robot so you don't need to actually build a robot so always think in that perspective you first have to do simulations understand the algorithms first understanding is very important and understanding the principles is very important and after that you can go on with the building part of it actually developing the uh you know designing the robot and probably assembling all the in uh electrical parts and controller and everything together and then uh going for a physical you know evaluation of it so definitely uh there there is a good road map for uh if you want to establish yourself in software engineering part uh for Hardware also yes there are so like for example there is one very famous uh you know PCB design software there are pretty much like not only one there are one two three softwares over there LTM is one of them who can actually give you good tutorials also as a starting point okay how to start designing a hardware uh how to start designing a PCB for a robot for for a robot or any non- robotic applications also it's uh it is valid actually but uh that is one of the software which you can actually explore uh that's a professional software which has a good industry uh acceptance also so when you work on LTM industry definitely accepts you as a professional Hardware engineer and when you work on Ross Robot Operating System yes industry again accepts you uh as a standard practitioner of robotics software engineering so you can start with Ross as a you know uh basic framework but again you it will it would it depends on what exactly uh what exactly you're looking for in robotics because robotics is again a very big stream in which you'll have to focus on few robotic algorithms first probably and then Excel yourself ahead right ground robots there is multiple simulations which are available open source just you can Google it you'll get it that's how that's simple that's how simple it is uh in today's world thank you sir Ana Batar is a third year student of ecce she says which particular scope has more score which particular field has more scope from the point of view of placement she's talking about embedded robotics or vsi which one should I pursue okay so Ana basically uh see this all the streams are uh you know uh rich in themselves I would say uh scope for all of them is quite Rich uh but practically speaking I'll go by more uh practical examples over here not to give you a very uh generic answer uh vsi uh I'll start first with vsi so I uh even when I was pursuing my masters I had lots of friends in vlsi stream as well in India I think the fabrication and the vlsi stream uh there are pretty good companies like Intel uh Nvidia and multiple other companies who work on VLS side domain like who actually work on Ax which is like application specific integrated circuits and they do the in do in-house R&D and Designs over here but uh when it comes to embedded and Robotics the market is quite large for embedded specifically robotics again it is not very large but you know there are selective companies who are working in this in this field uh in India so scope is quite good for all of these branches but depends on your career interest again so even for me there was always a choice of going to vsi versus embedded but what drives you is your passion what you actually want to do so uh probably uh ask again I I'll repeat again ask yourself this question again what I'm passionate about what I actually want to where I want to see myself uh 10 years ahead that's what will give you a more clearer answer all these branches do have lots of scope ided systems out of Robotics also there is huge scope for it like in every other company like for example Automotive industry has large amount of embedded involved in it then uh you know if you go to Medicare companies also there is embedded systems involved then if you go to General you know applant Electronics like uh any any kind of mobile even mobile phones uh mobile phone itself is a embeded system so there is lots of development which happens in India and as well as abroad in embedded specifically so embedded is one of the largest market I would say out of all those three streams secondly vlsi and Robotics will take a equal stand iord in uh in my opinion uh but in India I think robotics Market is uh much you know I would say larger than vlsi core vlsi core vlsi you'll find multiple companies outside India if you want to stay back in India I think embeded and Robotics can definitely uh you know uh guide your journey ahead in career but again uh at the same time you'll have to ask this question to yourself first like what what actually you know excites you as a as a engineer what you actually want to pursue please follow your passion that's what I would like to mention over here again uh thank you sir the next question is from the YouTube live stream uh I am a mechanical engineering student in third year good at the 3D designing and modeling what should be my approach to get a good placement chandan Singh chandan Singh is asking this question okay so uh chandan actually it's good to hear like you started already designing uh in your uh third year of your engineering and uh I I actually meet and I take lots of interviews uh you know uh in My Stream So in newspace I'm actually I I am actually leading a team of around 20 Engineers uh who in which there are around four Engineers who come from Hardware background so it's like um you know I know them pretty well uh you know even I can uh I can ensure like I can connect you to them via LinkedIn who are actually working on cat designs so the road map and you know a hit for you should be to actually look at and contribute to some open source project if it is available and uh there are multiple such projects available in terms of you know you can start if you're interested in aial robotics there are multiple things which you can do in terms of designing your own uh drone probably uh and in drones there are two different categories multi-rotor fix swing what you can do is actually design a drone from scratch uh you know on your uh by your own do a proper simulation and Analysis of it like uh there is I think uh you also have uh you know analysis of around what's the strength of the material or uh even I think uh strength is one of the things then again after that you know component placement electrical component placement onto the complete Cat design which you have developed for a drone I'm considering drone as an example over here you can actually applied for any kind of robot in general so you can consider electrical architecture also you know uh embedded onto the your complete design so you can actually incorporate multiple cads of controller and different different other pcbs onto your same CAD design and you can actually show how you have placed the components and uh what you should do is in fourth year when you will be actually facing the placements you can take a time out for around 5 to 10 minutes with your interviewer to show your design skills over there that's what actually interviewer is looking for from a fresher student perspective so uh actually you know coming back to your question you can definitely you continue to your uh continuing your CAD design Journey but pick up a practical problem from the community okay uh so that your CAD design skills will get some Direction like even if you design a drone from a scratch and uh also think about electrical component placement onto it and embedded everything together and show that design to a interviewer in your fourth year that's going to make a significant uh you know remark on your uh CV like uh you have done some practical work that's what we look for when we are actually recruiting uh in the in the you know when we actually go for drives placement drives or we are actually looking out for some freshers to come into our team that's what we are actually looking out for so do that and uh then reach out then uh take a you know go for placements so that's that's what you should be actually looking at thanks we have a student from a query from a student we drew Drew is saying sir I'm unplaced I'm from 2024 batch should I go for mass or should try still in placement okay so uh Dru again uh you know uh this in this case you'll have to uh first of all understand not getting a placement and going for a masters is not a right equation uh okay so uh you know first of all you should question okay why am I not getting pleased is there something wrong there there there can be some shortcomings everybody face faces them in uh you know initial part of your uh career Journey so you have you should first of all work on those parts which are really lagging probably in terms of when you go for a placement and uh something uh boggles you and you can you know even interviewers are pretty you know good these days like they will definitely give you a feedback of what's missing uh when you are actually giving giving an interview it can be interpersonal skills it can be technical skills uh you know not going in much more details uh probably a fundamentals and few subjects can uh you know which are which are something which industry is looking forward for or the particular interview is looking forward to is not very clear so get those feedbacks first ask for feedback from interviewer and then try to understand what's actually missing uh see what happens is when we uh not get placed and we go for Masters even after Masters you have to face the placements so if there is a gap somewhere in terms of you know handling the interview and that Gap is not cleared or if you don't know what exactly is missing over there then it will lead for a gap again after your Masters okay so it's best way first to figure out what's the core root cause of your uh you know placement related problem and then probably go out for so if you are passing out next year okay and if you not yet faced multiple interviews then first of all go for interviews and then you know go ahead after that and then take a call uh and you know uh giving interviews and probably succeeding or failing failing again this is not failure this the even if you are getting rejected or something is happening it's again a learning uh to you okay ask for feedbacks and get a make yourself a better version of yourself every for every next interview that's how you actually can do talking about Masters again it's a personal choice if you really want to uh you know uh not stop your education over here and want to go right now right after your graduation you can do but as I said at the initial part of of the video as well take some industrial exposure first before going because that will give you that will you know keep you much pretty much focused towards what you want to actually achieve uh it will boil down from 10 subjects to two subjects what you actually are looking for and that from that part on you'll be much more focused and you'll be you'll be you know uh you know exactly what you want to do after even after Masters so try to gain some experience good experience after your ma graduation for one or two years and in in the field which you want to uh pursue for your Masters as well and then probably go for your masters that will also have a significant count in getting if you want to go abroad I think people definitely give uh you know good uh uh I would say uh points or you know they definitely take this into consideration that you're coming from an industrial exposure perspective so that you'll stand out of multiple other you know freshers who are just out of college getting into Masters uh to add to that uh through we are open pretty much uh every day Saturday Sunday Monday every day if you are a student of just bring your and we'll have a look at it we'll give you an must feedback into what going on if maybe we'll connect you with the alumni who can sit with you and tell you where you lack and what you need to do give you your own personal road map and after that can take a call on this so that brings us to the end of the question answer session uh Akash p s it's been a pleasure talking to you and uh we hope to be connected in the future in your new Venture and in new space we request your help we have some passionate students of EC Aerospace and mechanical engineering who are unplaced so we request your help in terms of recruitment from our EST V Lions the lions are passionate they are the best students that I've ever seen and look forward to your support again thank you for sparing this time on a Christmas uh day on your holiday in spite of your busy schedule thanks a lot Akash sir thank you sir likewise I would say uh even I was pretty happy to to uh connect with the uh you know uh the young Engineers uh in this field and who are pretty much interested to get into this field so uh definitely sir we'll definitely uh help on this part as well uh regarding the recruitments uh we'll definitely keep in touch uh I would like to uh get few like if there are some profiles who you know want to uh who are pretty much interested in this field and uh uh who are looking out for job good job opportunities they can direct reach out to me on LinkedIn we'll I'll personally uh have a look into their CV and uh if there is a feedback and if we can get ahead uh get their profiles ahead into the recruitment process we'll definitely get that done as well okay thank you sir that's a great offer from you and thanks a lot sir thank you have a good day sir have a good day same to you bye


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