AWS re Invent 2020 MAP 2 0 How SI and ISV partners can leverage the updated MAP program

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hello welcome and thank you for joining this session map 2.0 how si and isv partners can leverage the updated map program i am ramit jadhav alid partner solution architecture team responsible for large-scale migration to aws cloud in this session i will provide a brief overview of map migration acceleration program 2.0 to participate in map 2.0 requires aws partners in aws migration competency hence i'll deep dive into migration specific technical programs available for aws partners who are already in migration competency these programs will help these partners technical team refresh their skills on aws migration methodologies and work streams essential to be successful in map 2.0 and also provide prescriptive guidance to aws partners who are already in process of getting competency certified or those who are planning to prepare for aws migration competency for the service integrators i'll cover how to take advantage of apn navigate for migration and migration immersion days game days black belt and map 2.0

specific training and enablement for independent software vendors isb partners i'll discuss aws migration technology competency building integrations with aws service reference architecture and aws prescriptive guidance align with map 2.0 migration phases within their offerings lastly i'll discuss how isvs and asi partners can build complementary offerings to migrating customer workloads to aws cloud and call to action let's do overview of map 2.0 more and more enterprise companies are migrating to aws cloud and there are a number of reasons why while every organization is going to have their own unique motivations common drivers include exiting data centers increasing business agility improving workforce productivity gaining transparency in operation cost and reducing risk map program is designed to help enterprises that are committed to a migration journey achieve a range of these business benefits by migrating existing workloads to aws cloud map has been created to provide consulting support training and service credits to reduce the risk of migrating to aws build a strong operational foundation and help offset initial cost of migration it includes a migration methodology as well as a robust set of tools to automate and accelerate common migration scenarios by migrating to aws enterprise will be able to focus on business innovation instead of dedicating time and attention to maintaining their existing systems and technical debt sacrifices and painful trade-offs no longer have to be made to get something to market quickly instead enterprises can focus on differentiating their business in marketplace and taking advantage of new capabilities map has three phrases phases and 14 work streams assess phase for customer readiness the migration readiness assessment helps you identify gaps along the six dimensions of aws cloud adoption framework business processes people platform operations and security this assessment enables you to identify the capabilities required in migration build a tco model for your migration project map also includes an optimization and licensing assessment which provides recommendation on how to optimize your licenses on aws phase two for mobilize customer resources the mobilize phase helps you build a operational foundation for your customer migration with the goal of fixing the capability gaps identified in assessment phase the mobilized phase accelerates your migration decisions by providing clear guidance on migration plan that improves success of your migration in phase 3 you migrate and or modernize your customers workload apn partners help customer execute the large-scale migrations using the plan developed during the mobilized phase aws also offers financial incentives to help abdullah's partners and customers offset migration cost such as labor training and expense of sometimes running two environments in parallel let's deep dive into programs for aws si partners to participate in map 2.0 partner must

be in aws migration consulting competency the aws competency program validates and promotes aws partners that have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success in specialized areas across the industries use cases and workloads aws partners are validated against aws well architected framework and are required to go through a rigorous technical verification of their technical and business capabilities by aws internal teams aws partner solution architects aws product teams and third party auditors attaining an aws competency help you market and differentiate your business to aws customers by showcasing your skills across these areas having an aws competency designation gives customer full confidence in choosing the right aws partner to team up with to help aws partners to get migration consulting competency we have put in a program that provides a structure and guideline it starts with apn navigate for migration and then to keep your technical teams updated on aws migration methodologies and workstream we have developed programs like migration immersion day game days migration black belt and map 2. specific training workshop these programs are in instructor-led online and self-paced let's deep dive we'll start with apn navigate for migrations apn navigate is aws partner networks enablement program that provides prescriptive guidance from trusted aws experts on how to transform your business on aws it provides a step-by-step path to help you build market and sell on as aws partner we have created two tracks getting started module covers understanding the core concept the cloud adoption framework the aws well architected framework introduced introduction to migrating to aws and aws cloud economics advanced module depends your knowledge migrating to aws business case development migration emergency labs and application migration workshops as of this month over 100 partners have subscribed to apn navigate for migration program over 2500 individuals have completed the program or 2400 are in process of completion and over 2800 individuals have registered in the program now let's talk about specific courses in apa navigate for migration track migrating to aws in this course you learn strategies for planning and migrating existing workload to aws cloud including portfolio discovery application migration planning and design migration execution and post migration validation and application optimization the first part provides an overview of migration planning principles and best practices and second part focuses on migration design and implementation with hands-on lab to reinforce the concepts we are updated content of migrating to aws module early this year we have seen a great success over 500 individuals have trained average 4.95 csat when we launched the next module is migration immersion day workshop is an initiative that emulates an on-premise environment which allows customers to execute migration to aws the migration flow is aligned with map 2.0 best practices and includes work streams from assess mobilize and migrate and modernize phases the content is available publicly and have two delivery models first an aws event engine based and second self-service regardless of model both contains instructions and cloud formation to create a mock source environment partners running migration immersion day will be able to understand the steps required to execute a map project discover environment using application discovery service migrate using cloud endure and database migration service dms and also migrate large-scale workloads using cloud indoor migration factory solution the self-service version is created in may where partners and customers can consume the content without requesting a solution architect to deliver it the self-service version is available in english portuguese and spanish and will continue to add more language supports in coming months in october we also added two integrations related to isv technologies who wants to participate in migration first how to modernize mainframe using cobol and automatically convert the application to java based application using blue edge toolset and second a data discovery and planning using modulized it tool we have ran over 100 migration immersion days train over 20 2800 individuals and over 1000 self-paced trainings with average eight four point eight two seaside let's talk about migration game day it is a gamification of migration scenarios to aws cloud migration flow is aligned with map based practices it has two variants first variant is application migration workshop is an initiative that mimics the migration of fictional three-tier application to aws cloud designed for customers looking to re-host servers use with cloud insurer re-platform database with the database migration service modernize to containers with amazon elastic container service amazon ecs and improve the architecture based on aws well architected framework it can be provisioned by aws or self-service via cloud formation we are updated workshop early this year made a self-paced learning and also added support for nine languages english japanese german italian portuguese japanese spanish french and dutch as of this month aws delivered over 100 game day globally trained over 2200 attendees in these aws events over 4 700 self-paced visits over 2 900 self-paced launches with average 4.5 seaside the second variant of game day is aws migration and modernization it provides competitive learning opportunity it's a deep technical 400 level course focusing on cloud migration and modernization we also updated content of this course in april since the update we delivered over 130 game days events globally trained over 3100 attendees and average 4.46 seaside now let's talk about migration black belt this program has special place it's a long term and has not long ongoing commitment from aws partners resources to be part of the program it has been pleasantly successful aws migration black belt is a partner training where partners technical resources appointed by aws partner development manager meet every six months for deep dive sessions about migrations and modernizations on aws cloud they learn the latest updates of our tooling and practices with hands-on labs immersion days and game days as a part of the black build they have access to community where they can post questions learn about aws updates and news relevant to migrations and modernization each participant leaves the mate with the homework that aim to add value to apn partner as well as the to the individual the participant how to accomplish a few things to continue to be part of the black belt program examples achieve a new aw certification deliver migration immersion day or migration game day for end customer or write a public blog article or video about migration since introduction in august 2019 black belt had three gatherings in latin training more than 200 individuals across all countries with average 4.95 seaside

we have also created custom map 2.0 specific trainings in a form of workshop webinars and hands-on lab let's cover this briefly these tracks are focused on training partners technical resources on map work streams for creating business case mobilizing migrations and delivering on migrations and modernization project we have put this stack in a particular order per the phases to deliver the outcome we are expecting as a part of customers migration and modernization journey as of this month we delivered over 200 map to that a specific workshop train or 6600 individuals from apn partner resources with average 4.25 seaside now let's deep dive into programs for independent software vendors isvs our aws technology partners let's revisit map 2.2 migration phases and work streams within these three migration phases assess mobilize migrate we have 14 work streams aws technology partners provide tools and technologies within this work stream to help create a business case for a change mobilize through experience and accelerate migrations and modernization there are four types of tools and technology patterns we see first aws migration technology competency partners who enable and accelerate customer migrations by providing migration tools aligned with aws migration methodologies second operations management isps have tools and solutions that help customer monitor manage and govern their application and network operational performance and security needs typically they cover both on-premise and in-cloud management they influence customers migration to aws because their incremency and existing relationships third specialize isb with migration practice who are migrating customer workloads to aws without involvement of si partner they offer migration solution inclusive of their tools and professional services with high degree of automation they are delivering successful migrations and outcomes similar to migration consulting competency partners and fourth business application centric isvs with a sas offering on aws cloud these isvs are part of customers business applications and our technology portfolio customers have tightly integrated these applications with their core business and operational processes customer find migrating on premise application to aws challenging and risky hence the isps in this category are accelerating move of their customer workloads to aws cloud-based sas offerings customer want that aws provide recommendation on which isp partner and technology to use during their migration journey to aws hence we have aws migration technology competency as in a case with migration consulting competency aws migration technology competency program validates and promotes aws partners that have tools and technologies demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success having an aws competency designation gives customers full confidence in choosing the right aws partner to team up with we have five categories in this competency discovery and planning total cost of ownership and business case analysis workload mobility for server migration workload mobility for data migrations and application profiling for all these five categories the tools and solution must meet three of the five well architected pillars security reliability and operational excellence in addition to aws migration technology competency customers and si partners are looking for how to guides using these tools and technologies so we introduce apg aws prescriptive guidance apg provide time tested strategies guides and patterns from aws and aws partners to help accelerate customers cloud migration modernization and optimization projects these resources were developed by experts at aws professional services aws solution architects along with aws technology partners based upon years of experience helping customers realize their business objective on aws cloud aws technology partners now build aws service integration with their tools write white papers blogs and reference architecture and isvs are listing their solutions on aws marketplace we have integrated isb solutions in migration immersion day migration game days and migration workshops awsi partners technical teams now gets practice migrating customer workloads to aws cloud using this isp tools and technology in line with the map 2.2 work streams we have launched migration tool comparison helps you find a tool compare tools review and select product or attributes to filter the results based upon your interest let's talk about results and success we have over 143 aws migration si consulting competency partners that help customers with their migration journey these partners have large migration practices and experience delivering large-scale migration migration projects as of this month aws has over 20 migration technology competency partners their tools and technologies are accelerating large-scale migrations projects as you are aware we are excited to pre-announce launch of aws mainframe migration category within aws migration competency five aws si consulting partners are pre-qualified atos delight dxe infosys and tcs and four aws isb partners are pre-qualified blue edge microfocus modern systems and tsri now let me give you a few customer and partner success stories when disco is aws advanced technology partner is shaping the future of data infrastructure with its live data cloud service making data always available always accurate and always protected godaddy chose vandisco live data migrator because of its ability to automate big data migrations without requiring any application downtime our aws migration competency partners in consulting and technology are collaborating and building joint solutions in a form of migration practice and offerings to accelerate migrations to aws eagle trim technologies partnership with cloud checker and cloud charm committed to maximizing aws migration outcomes for new and existing customers these partnerships allows businesses to plan execute accelerate their cloud migrations with immediate results as well as continually optimize post migration here is another example of innovative cloud charm and cloud checker com partnership justin kopi ceo of innovative solutions said innovative's partnership with cloud champ and cloud checker has accelerated migration projects by more than 50 percent in our pipeline it's also enable our technical teams to achieve much greater accuracy in their project estimates without this partnership would be estimating using outdated methods and delivering migrations in 20 to 40 percent longer duration than prior cloud charm and explicitly have been collaborating on customer migration projects player link was in process of analyzing cost of their on-premise infrastructure versus cost of running the same infrastructure on aws cloud iplexity used cloud charm cc analyzer to generate a tc analysis and it showed player link a potential 43 percent saving by migrating to aws iplexity migrated over 120 servers just in one month now lastly call to action we have align migration specific training programs such as ap navigate for migrations migration immersion day game days and black belt with map 2.0

phases and workstream this program has been benefiting aws partners to prepare for aws migration competencies train their technical teams and transform customer workloads on aws cloud customers are choosing aws or other cloud providers because it has a lot more functionality the largest and most vibrant community of customers and partners the most proven operational security expertise and business is innovating at faster clip especially in the areas such as machine learning and artificial intelligence internet of things and serverless computing we are individually customer focused we are pioneers and we are unusually long term oriented contact your partner development manager or partner development representative let's create a strategy and plan to take advantage of these programs aws has developed this will help you build a migration practice setting path for migration competency and if you are already a migration competency partner it will help your technical team get trained and updated on aws migration methodologies let's make our customers successful in our cloud journey here are the web links to the programs covered in this session thank you please fill the survey for this session


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