Rob Emsley Dell Technologies Cyber Resiliency Summit

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we're back at navigating the road to cyber resiliency the summit made possible by Dell Technologies I'm Dave Volante with John fer and we're here with Rob emsley who heads marketing for Dell's data protection group and is the Visionary behind this entire navigating series Rob thanks for coming out good to see you in studio man great to be here great to uh finally see this come to uh fruition yeah it's been a long time we've been developing this content program over the years why the summit explain your vision behind that yeah well we got together I think it was probably the beginning of the year and you know my goal was to tell a story you know to tell the uh the community to tell uh customers that we either have today that we don't have today um to give them information about cyber resiliency you know I think and certainly from the interviews we've already done uh today is that it's clear that people are still struggling with cyber security they're still struggling with how do they make themselves more resilient so from our perspective we've been doing this a long time we've we've seen a lot of of uh of customer situations so we really wanted to curate a set of content uh working with yourselves that really spoke directly to the challenges that customers have and the steps that they can take to go on this journey that's how we we really came up with the whole you know the whole topic certainly you know we got together in May did a short format uh three segment um event we did it again in August you know with certainly people from Dell our customers you know you mentioned Keith Bradley from nature Fresh Farms certainly Global Services that you know is always a big part of a cyber resiliency uh uh process and now you know I think we really wanted to culminate with a a lot of content with not only the Dell voice but the voice of our partner ecosystem we wanted to bring analysts to Bear we wanted to have some fun you know you brought up my old friend Mark senson and you know the book that you wrote which just happened to be about the topic of cyber security and cyber resiliency uh and that's really what we really wanted to achieve with this particular program we didn't want it to be a product launch you know there's time for that we really want it to be very educational and that was something that we really set out to achieve and I think we've made we think we've achieved it I mean I think we were we were commenting too on that point with the the at their opening about the road navigating the road to cyber resilience navigation requires Discovery and you know your car you have navigation systems you got GPS waves or whatever this has been the focus you mentioned um learning you had the analyst panel just on I just was over listening to the analyst it's it's a holistic company mandate now and people are struggling to navigate and discover especially under the new architectures emerging with what's around the corner you're seeing jve you see the cloud hype you see that reality matching uh with that so again this is a great concept of road so you know in the spirit of traveling down the road what's the road look like as you guys look around the cor I know you got a road map you really can't tell us about what on the road map but you know this road is going to be an ongoing thing for customers and partners yeah I mean one of the things that we've been doing for probably about the last decade is going out to a fairly decent sample size of customers asking them questions around data protection around their challenges in fact um come January will be releasing uh a a new set of of insights uh so the 2024 uh global data protection research and it's a special edition focused on Cyber resiliency in multicloud you know one of the things that the survey keeps telling us is that customers just haven't arrived at their destination yet they're still staying awake at night worried about can they bring the business back you know after a ransomware attack after a Cyber attack the encouraging thing is that what we've been finding with this latest research that will come out in January is that they are taking steps they're learning that IM mutability of their backups becomes very very important you know as um I think Gil hex said earlier is that bad actors are going after the the backup data knowing full well that if that's gone once they then affect production then it's game over so certainly immutability is is is now front and center customers are learning that they can't go on this journey alone they need help so whether or not it's with um uh Global alliances or global system integrators whether or not that be um you know people that work with Dell or or just um system integrators that can can help customers they they they're going to those sources and and so the good thing is is that we've seen a year-over-year um uh set of changes that customers have stared to realize and that's you know really what brought us to um you know kind of get the message out a lot more yeah and the and the complexity with the within organizations and the challenges that they have with cyber security have to be matched by you know you said we're not it's not a big product you know launch you know series Etc but there's you know we've talked a little bit about products silicon rout of trust with guys like Intel and broadcom but you know through the software but it's really about that ecosystem that's so important because you know it's it's sort of a bromide but it's it's this security is a team sport it involves everybody you know we say that but it's it's really it's true no one company can really solve this problem alone yeah you really have to have you know a company like yours that has the the the global scope to actually bring in the hardware the software the services the ecosystem and the expertise to actually apply it to this complicated situation yeah one of the interesting things is that people often forget that Dell's been doing this a long time I mean one of the things that that came up um in in other interviews and You' brought up about uh the the infamous Sony attack that's almost a decade ago in fact you know next year it will be a decade since that uh attack took place but that was a trigger event for us to really start our own journey to really think about how do you help customers recover you know we started with a a very custombuilt solution in uh the isolated Recovery Solution and we now know Market that and provide that to customers under the name of par protect cyber recovery so certainly you know that's a decade long journey that we've been on and now if you think about the data protection market and the backup and Recovery space there's not a single vendor out there that hasn't pivoted to leave with cyber recovery and cyber resiliency you know I was I was I was thinking of an Oscar wild quote that that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery you know so it's it's good to see we know that well it's exactly so it's it's good to see that the the community of backup and Recovery professionals now really perceives that backup and Recovery is such a close adjacency to the whole world of cyber security I think having that expertise too is it gives you econom of scale anyone who copies and imitates quickly has Dison of scale that's kind of well-known concept but the MGM hack just recently we pointed out on our open to me that's like that that and the Caesar thing get to pay the crypto or try to recover if you look at mgm's recovery Dave that was brutal right they did get back but it was hard Road and then on the last panel Caesars was a lot well they they paid up I mean is they paid up they P up doesn't always work to pay you're not necessarily saying just pay and everything will be fine that's not always the case it well sometimes you can't get it back even when you pay you don't get it back so like sometimes it's a whole I mean it's a whole ball game there but I mean I think that piece the MGM was a highlight that last panel you guys talked about I just made a note here 25% of mission critical apps are at risk that's to me the notable point because now you have the recovery piece has to be Center Stage if you're not thinking about recovery you're can assume you're going to get hacked wait unpack that step because I think it the ESG step was only 25% of organizations say they can recover 80% of their workloads in a in in a in a critical situation that's and and you heard Zas caraval say yeah and that's overstated it's probably less than 25% have that level of resilience so yeah I think that was the exposure 81 to 91% was 10 and then the more than 90% Mission critical apps are exposed as 25% maybe I got that wrong but you were on the panel what was the DAT it's again again essentially only 25% of the companies feel like they can recover 80% of their critical apps if if they get hacked I mean that is it feels like it's getting more complicated and it's going to just again that's why requires you mentioned that earlier on the thing the Tam for the for the bad guys is hug three trillion plus 80% of the apps are potentially available again this is the targets yeah so it's not just data protection but but you know that's that's interesting and I love their thoughts on this Rob because you somebody once said to me you know it's a lot cheaper to to to to to stop the attack or put in better cyber resilience than it is to get hacked right and you think about it security probably you know IDC Garden numbers probably 80 billion a year industry yeah maybe even a 100 but but we're talking about three trillion in economic impact so that's the Delta yeah spend spend spend a little bit of money and you're going to lower that expected loss and that's the key yeah I think you're definitely start to see customers realizing they need to get the balance right I think you're absolutely correct is for many many years uh customers have been investing a lot of their it dollars on Cyber prevention Technologies keeping the bad guys out the reality is that you've got to also invest in how do you recover when those defenses um aren't good enough and I think that uh the research that we'll bring out in January we are seeing customers are acknowledging that they are spending um almost an equal amount now on on prevention as well as recovery and I think that's you know also very encouraging you know back to the the discussion about Mission critical you know one of the things that you know you certainly see in the industry now is that there's a lot more discussion about things like cyber recovery vaults you know quite often you see many vendors promoting hey build a cyber recovery vault in the cloud and it will be um isolated from your on premises environment and it will be available for you to recover from but then the challenge is is that when you have a devastating Cyber attack what's almost the first thing that you lose access to the VA the internet yeah you so one of the things that we continue to see in the majority of customers that work with Dell is they realize that cyber recovery unlike Disaster Recovery has nothing to do with the location you don't need your data to be somewhere else because your primary data center has been obliterated in a cyber recovery attack your cyber recovery in a Cyber attack your cyber recovery data can be in the same location but just isolated and that when you think about Mission critical data if your recovery data is right there and you have the ability to bring back your production systems in an isolated way then that's the best way to get back up and running as quickly as you possibly can and that is definitely the name of the game probably already got your Dr strategy in place so in case there's a fire or a flood you got that covered it's really the other scenario that's become much more front and center that we saw in some of the earlier data that you have to worry about for sure for sure um let's see we've been talking about the data protection the evolution in the in the intersection between cyber security and data protection you said something earlier that was always sort of my percep that's sort of an adjacency one of the things I'm taking away in these last nine months of working with you guys is I'm hearing that it has has to be a fundamental component of of of a cyber resiliency strategy I.E backup and Recovery y you know it's got to be really Central to to that do you agree with that and and how should organizations think about making that a reality yes I mean we we absolutely believe that I mean I think that uh the the work that we've been doing um in uh providing customers with with back and Recovery infrastructure is is it's yes it's for the for the the day-to-day task of of of um recovering from uh human error um recovering from operational failures uh but really the last five to 10 years it's really changed to be that that um storage of Last Resort I mean I think that uh the uh the development of uh of of cyber attacks the way that people have discussed how uh Bad actors are not only going after uh production data environments but now realizing that that the backup Corpus uh is is where customers are going to go to you know it has to be something which you you build uh security into the solution you know we've we've spoken about zero trust Frameworks we've talked about the the pillars that that are important to zero trust things like multiactor authentication things like role base access controls are all things that you need to build into the storage architecture one of the nice things for us is that we've always controlled the endtoend process um you know certainly you know we often get criticized for still being so heavily into the into the Dell backup Appliance business but one of the advantages that that gives customers is that it's an endtoend Sol solution all the way down to the storage device that you're actually um relying upon uh to bring back your data so that's always been a real uh positive benefit to us the interesting thing is that our back of appliances have always been an open ecosystem so you know we've started um um leveraging that more with vendors that that that many times people would class as competitors to us but from a backup Appliance perspective they're Partners to us you know whether it be um you know other um Enterprise backup and Recovery leaders in the industry that have integrated tightly with the apis that we provide uh to allow the Dell backup appliances to be an intrical part even if it's just an intrical intrical part for cyber resiliency and cyber recovery I mean we heard that from drva CEO founder um talking about what he's doing we heard about the cloud with the analyst piece of it we heard um The Edge is emerging again the road is here the question I want to ask you is you know how is the road these days so the road to navigating the road to cyber resilience and Recovery is it bumpy is it smooth was there a corner is is is there a corner you don't want to be doing 100 miles an hour and then you take that corner and then you're off the cliff um so you know people going to want to need to know markers yeah you know what's going on you know how's it look what's the current environment how do you see that obviously you got some announcements coming up next next year you got you te the the the the research you're going to release in January what does that road look like right now for customers as they driving down that road and trying to figure it out yeah I mean certainly when a company invests in a data protection solution it has to have some Basics that have to be covered I mean you have to have uh secure infrastructure straight out of the gate you have to have a mutability of backups as they get created but one of the things that we continue to believe is that the concept of isolation is still a a huge differentiator for us uh that is certainly something which as I mentioned is has matured over the last decade of of us working on that um and what we tend to find and one of the advantages that we have as a company and we've had the number of guests on during the the series is the availability of Global Services from Dell and then our partner ecosystem the uh I think it was Rob stretchy on the last uh on the last segment you know talked about it's not a product um solution it's a product people and process and that is so true when it comes to cyber resiliency you know my perspective is that you see a lot of people that will that will um introduce cyber into their product messaging they introduce zero trust into their product m messaging and that is to me m messaging and also maybe a little bit disingenuous you know we've certainly learned over the course of uh this content that cyber resiliency is a multifaceted discipline um and the belief system that you see in the industry that by this and you will inherently become more secure is I think a um a dis genous message well I mean after the MGM and these other texts we've been monitoring I think the customers are smarter now they have to squint through the the messaging uh and get to the reality because you know they are next I mean this legit ransomware is on fire in terms of Tam there more Tam so so the I think the I think the Market's getting smarter from what I'm was seeing because again we heard from the analysts it's Fight Fire with Fire I think Z said I thought that was a good comment you're going to see more aggressive knowledge that's why I like this discovery angle on this road to cyber resilience because there are new techniques merging but you guys have differentiation that adds to that so whether you're integrating into cloud with drua or have some Edge you got Partners so I think this is a a unique time for that whole Space because the old way doesn't work anymore for sure you got a wrap ra but you maybe give us your last take I'm really excited about thank you for bringing in Mar senson in his book restaurant in Jaffa because this all gets more complicated when you have critical infrastructure which historically used to be air gap now it's connected right so the the world is getting more complicated and we have to take different approaches but I'll give you the last word here please yeah I mean I think you'll see more from us um both from from this type of uh of of content programming you know we're big Believers in in in educating the community um you know certainly as we move into next year you know we'll we'll bring out uh our latest research from a global data protection perspective uh but certainly expect to see a little bit more Dell practical uh uh information from uh kind of our road map as we uh continue to to focus on this as many companies are as the kind of the the tip of the spear for what we do from a data protection perspective Rob thank you really appreciate you coming on great to be here okay up next we have an amazing guest Liz green she's the emia advisory and cybercity Lead at Del Technologies we sat down last week and talked about notable differences between today's environment and the past how regulation has evolved how EU is leading is some of the complexities of crossborder policies we talked about data Sovereign sovereignty data privacy data protection check it out


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