How immersive technologies advance education to create new possibilities for continuous development

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My name is julie smithson. And, um, i'm. Very honored to be here today to talk to you about how. Immersive, technologies. Can, advance, education. So. Who i am, so. Let's dig, deep into, our presentation, today and i want to talk about our learning goals. How immersive, technologies. Can advance education. Advanced, professional, learning, and create new possibilities, for continued, development. Okay here we go. Um, so, my name is julie smithson, and i am the chief education. And learning officer, at metaverse. I'm also the co-founder, of xr ignite, and the producer, of xr collaboration. Um, i'll talk about all of these things in my presentation. But i also, am a vrara. Member, and, part of the education, and student committees. I also hold a position, on the xr boot camp advisory. Building the skill sets of the future. Uh for future education. And, um, i'm also an educators, and vr member so i'm quite involved. With my companies, and within the community, itself. So today we're going to talk about. And highlight, the learning goals of my talk today which is. How can immersive, technologies. Advance, education. Advance, professional, learning. And create new possibilities. For continuous, development. So. In the first introduction. Um i'd like to talk about, my metaverse, family, and how we play a part, in. The community. And its roles. And um metaverse. Is a company where we've done, a lot of. Xr, developments. Uh vr developments, and, um. We've. Taken the last four to five years, understanding, where the technology, is and. Have, developed, most recently, a platform, for 3d web creation, which i'll talk about. Xr ignite, is our community, hub. Creator. And it's also where i produce xr collaboration. We also have xr for business and xr for learning podcasts, where we learn everything. About. The industry. And try to provide value, back, in. Knowledge base of, how this technology, will be. Basically, working within your industry and your education. For the future. Our mission. Our mission is to democratize. Education, by 2040. And through inspiration, and education, of the next generation. We need to help them think and act like entrepreneurs. In an economically. Socially, and environmentally. Sustainable, way. Leveraging, the most advanced technologies. Like xr. And the tools, in the world, so. Starting. To. Give you a perspective, of where we're at the global education, market, will be reaching, 10 trillion dollars by 2030.. The next decade we will see an additional, 350. Million post-secondary. Graduates. And nearly 800, million more k-12. Graduates, than today. The world will also need more teachers. 1.5. Million, per year on average, approaching 100 million in order, to keep up the pace with the unprecedented. Changes, in the edu, in education. Around the world. So where does this come from where did we start, classrooms, from the past 80 years where we left three months ago before the pandemic. Have always remained the same teacher-centric. Facing, forward. In row by row. And with the pandemic. Kovid, has forced us apart, but technology, makes it, makes it possible. For us to learn and interact with one another, while remaining, physically, distant. So what does that mean. What is immersive, learning. An immersive, learn, immersive, learning. Is. The use of accessible. Xr technologies. Like virtual reality, augmented, reality, and mixed reality with ai software. Allowing, students to become, present, in an interactive. 3d learning environment. Exposing, them to, possible, scenarios. Learning skill sets or unique. Or unique, techniques. Let's review the immersive, technologies. We've got vr. Ar, and mr, and for those that don't know vr, is by. Fully immersing, yourself, into the environment with a headset. Like an oculus, quest, or a pico neo. Augmented, reality. Is, when virtual, objects, are displayed, in your real world. And you use devices, such as your own. Smartphone. Or tablets, to project, digital, images into your space. Mixed reality. Is used when, uh with a headset. That allows you to see digital. Images, in the world around, you and you're able to interact, with the real world.

So Again, vr. Is, totally, encompassing, your 360. Degree space in a new world, ar. You. You overlay, these objects, into your real world. So the benefits, of immersive. Learning. First of all you have access to real world exploration. And experience, beyond the classroom. You learn at your own pace, you have access, to academic, records. And, you learn about collaboration. And communication. That eventually, lead to your individual, learning plan. So how big will ar, get let's talk about that. Ar market is expected, to reach. 61.39. Billion, u.s, by 2023. And that's only three years away. The number of mobile, ar users globally, are expected, to reach 2.4. Billion by, 2023. So you can see already by these trends, and statistics. The technology, is making its way into. Many different perspectives. In a very, short time period. There will be over, roll currently right now sorry. There's over 5 billion, 3d, enabled, devices, globally, everything from computers. Tablets, to devices. To headsets. Let's talk about the, use cases, of immersive, technology, to gain your perspective, on how this technology, will be used in real world cases. Engineering. Product design and collaboration, and delivery. Education, and training, especially, in healthcare, medical and mental health. Retail, marketing. And e-commerce. Through the entertainment, industry they've been doing it for a long time, and industrial, where they start to boost. Efficiencies. Of warehouse, workers, and field technicians. And implement, remote, support. So the learning goals. How can immersive, technologies. Advance education. The best education, and training applications. Come from. A coin. The vr. Stanford. Called dice. So first of all the dangerous, situations. Like pilots. Or firefighter. Training, where, you wouldn't want them to be practicing, that live, would you. So, using. Technology. Like xr. You can put these pilots and firefighters. In situations. And immersive. Situations, where they can respond. And be trained upon their response. Impossible. Impossible, situations, like body swapping. Body swapping will be used, huge when it comes to building, empathy, tools. Through, training, applications. For, many different industry, perspectives. And time travel, is another one, time travel. We could never go back in history, but time travel, through. Use of, xr, technologies. Certainly, will help us get there. Counterproductive. Situations, are also used, a lot because. Of. The purpose of. Not wanting to. Become. A part of a car crash, in practicing, distracted, driving. The use of. Having. People yell and scream, at you. At a customer, service counter, is not productive, in a real life setting, but using these technologies, to help train these situations. Is certainly, going to be beneficial. To industries. In, improving, their. Performance, factors. Expensive, and rare. That's where it comes into police, training, and. Perspectives. Of. What could happen, and what might happen, in these situations. And being immersed, while, police, are being trained in these perspectives. Allows this technology. To. Evaluate. Their responses. And field trips where they're rare. Going to coral reefs or caves that may not be, accessible. To everyone. For multiple. Multiple, different reasons. So. If we start, there, in these. Subjects. And these applications. Of education. They will be most applied. Um, on impact. So. Let's. Take another step sideways, here and talk about the convergence, of technology, because everything's kind of coming together, i'm talking about vr and ar. Um i'm talking about ai, and tracking, everything. Um. You know. It comes up to, uh the fact that a lot of things are becoming, automated.

Um, And, there is a book by joseph. Aoun, called the robot, proof. Higher education. In the age of artificial, intelligence, and there's a quote in there, um that they state that if a problem can be reduced to train. A, yes or no question, no matter how complex, then a machine, can resolve, it, so how do we train the future. The next generation, of talent. To think. And act. Um, without. Those yes or no answers. So. One of the terms that joseph ion talks about in his book is called humanics. And, that leads to a really interesting, term that i once i learned about it a couple of months ago, i've actually used it in, great many deal, a great many ways of uh explaining. How. We have to become. We have to understand. Both the technology. And data analysis, that's happening, with the technology. And, our interactions, with it but also remain, and have that social, in, social communication. And the ability, to. Have those one-on-one, communications. That don't lose the humanics. Part of who we are. Um, we need to still continue, to communicate. Engage. And intellectually. Engage with each other, um. And, uh to, to be the best of who we need to be, and this technology, is a part of that, so understanding. That is the humanics, of it, and if you use that term. And how you apply. Best practices, moving forward. I think that you'll find. A great, beneficial, way to, understand. How our. World is transforming. Using digital, technologies. So. Introducing, new literacies. And understanding. Technologies. And the basic, principles, of these new technologies. Like 3d. Coding and math and engineering. Understanding, the data and measures, measurements, of the analytics, that are taken from you. And, also, including, elements of the arts, that, include that humanics, portion, of digital, communication. And socialization. I'd like to. Now jump to. Why 3d, learning is important. And why i put it first on on the importance, list. For the longest time we've heard of these technologies. And we've been dealing. And, learning, in 2d. About. Xr. Technologies. Like vr and ar. And, um, now is a time where, we are all remote, and we're working off of 2d screens. Immersive, technologies. Allows us to step into these worlds, and become, immersed. Become, part of, what were. Uh, the environment, that we're around, and inside, these worlds, are, our assets, where, we can interact, with them we can see every single, side of them, so it allows, us to. Interact, and. Gamify. Things inside these worlds, we can, we can build teamwork. And. Um, you know build. Lessons, about learning through practice. Things can simulate, the real thing and it can support, the mobile, workforce. It makes learning and fun and interactive. And, we do live in a 3d world already, so. Why, are we not. Learning. In about 3d, in our education. Today. So. I revert back to the fact that we've been living, in a world where we've lived about, within. With pixels, on our screens, and, blackboards. And and whiteboards. And books, and and. And computer screens but now it's time to learn in voxels. So when you're in vr. Or when you're using. Xr, technologies. There's three degrees of freedom and then there's six degrees of freedom. And, three degrees of freedom you can move up down left and right. Six degrees of freedom, where we see the future of this technology. You're able to loot, to move. Left, right up down, you can roll, you can pitch, you can. You know step back you can step into. And this is where the interaction. And the immersive, learning, starts to begin. And, it's called spatial, learning, because you're in 360. Degrees. Of being immersed into this new world so it allows, for the depth and, dimension. And, you actually, feel that embodiment. Of being, there, um so the impact, that you have in the response, and the retention, that you have from this is, is huge, and this is where we're starting to see this trans. Translation, of roi. And rox, which is the return on experience. So 3d learning, as an immersive, language, and understanding, what that is is kind of that first step, that. Builds the concepts, of. Of what these environments, and interactions, are going to look like, and understanding. 3d language, to describe. Elements, in the environment. Um. Also understanding, how these assets, are going to play a part in, in. Not just the worlds, but, in a monetization. Sense and, and um and a presence, piece, of interaction. I'd like to now um address, our. Metaverse, 3d engine and give you a description, of what, um 3d learning looks like, with immersive, learning, what you're watching right here, is our 3d, web platform, where we've built. A blood machine, for the company, siemens.

Through Our 3d web platform. And. Through taking some photos, of their new blood machine that detects, the the type of blood, and. The synopsis, of, covid19. Through the digital, screens. We're building now a training. Ar, application. For their. Uh for, their, product so that it can be shipped out to hospitals. And. The, augmented, reality, technology, can, be used. To train, the staff on site on how this machine works. So the 3d, interactions. That you're using, now, in different processes. Like training. Can also be used for marketing, commerce. Education, and training. So. 3d assets are going to play a big part of how we're going to, 3d, learn. Um each asset is required to have a mesh around it in order. For it to be. Translated. Into these virtual, worlds. Just like a shoe, you would put a mesh around it and then. This would allow the computer, technology. For, you to interact, with it in different ways. And. Leading to, something like our 3d, asset configurator. Where, you can. Manipulate. And. Um, change the. Everything, from the laces, to. The tongue of the shoe, to, you know the toe strips, and and that sort of thing and it allows the user to interact, with their own design. And that's a huge translation. Piece for commerce, in trying to sell their products whether it be a shoe. A couch. A piece of clothing. There's so many different use purposes, for, for having a configurator. That has that 3d, component, with it, it can then be used for people to create their own shoes and purchase them on the spot. So i'm, going to hold the screen here for a second and i'd love everybody, to grab their devices, and take a screenshot. If you pick up your phone and you pull up this, barcode. Scan. It will open up our demo, showcase, page where you can interact, with our different, 3d. Templates. That we've created. Um, you can put the mercedes, in your driveway. And, change it to the color that you would like you're able to. Change the wheels, and, open the doors, take a look at that steering, wheel. And. Put it in real size in your driveway, the shoe you can also put, right into your space. And, a room configurator. Please feel free to put the couch in your space and, send me the photo, um also take a look at the siemens. Machine that i. I also. Uh described. And you can put that into your space through ar. And interact, with it play with it and. Understand what that machine is about, so i hope everybody, has that i would love everybody, to share with me afterwards. What they've uh what kind of background, in where you placed uh your dem uh these objects, in your space. So why is 3d so important. Um here's some pretty high numbers, uh that you can just quickly, glance at take a screenshot, out because these are real. We're seeing, inbound, numbers, that are overwhelming. Enterprise. On the return, on investment. In commerce. They're already seeing.

Six Times. More. Time spent on the pages. And um, the conversions. Of sales are already starting to increase. In marketing, they're already seeing, you know ten times higher engagement, times, and training is already being seen as 70. Increase in retention, rates. So if enterprises. Experiencing. This type of investment, they're going to be throwing investment, back into. Into, improving, all of their efficiencies. And systems this way, and this is why the next level of education, is so important to understand, these technologies. And how they're being implemented. Into. Into. Processes. Um, and. And. Processing, plans, today. And, this is why education, needs to change so quickly. So another, learning goal advancing, your professional, learning. Um, advancing. And. Kind of wrapping your head around the higher order of mental, skills. Which include entrepreneurship. And as, many people have, experienced. There's a growing number of people that are starting their own businesses, and understanding, how that, that community, works is really. Uh, really. Impactful. On the way that you, move forward, yourself. Um. In. Being engaged, within different communities, of your own interest. Understanding. Different systems, thinking, and different processes, out there, is, is, important to build your own personal. Efficiencies. In your space. Cultural, agility, is, important, now more than ever understanding. Who's on the other end of your connection. Who is um, you know what they're going through, who they are as a person. Do they have accessibility. Challenges. Um, are they. Are they mentally, well and understanding, that. By being able to be connected, and starting to have those connect. The connections. Of uh humanics. You'll be able to translate, that, into. Being, a responsible. Human, as you connect, through. Our technosphere. As you call it. Critical thinking is really important, being able to solve problems, and encourage, others to help think that way. Um. And. This is, leading to soft skills thinking. Of collaboration. And. How we need to develop that, just like we need to develop, empathy. From, many different perspectives. And, um. Thinking about, again, who's on the other line of your connection. Um our most powerful, skills, are unique to the ability to be creative. Um, it's the process of having original, ideas, and that's who we all are as individuals. Thank you sir ken robinson, for saying that because i think this is where, um, you know we start to build out who we are as an individual. And, and what we what we have, the power, to. Uh, to how who we have the power to be, and, how we can impact, our creativity. Of who we are into. The humanics, of the systems, and finding out what our passions, are. So. It does relate to a little bit of different thinking. There's two different. Types of thinking. There's convergent, thinking which is very factual. Um with only one answer, and, you know for sciences, technology, and math where, um, where, you know there is only one factual, answer. That's one way to think and and for, the longest, time education. Has, has really only thought that way, and um. We also have divergent, thinking where it comes up with a lot of ideas, and, and um, you know that lives a lot inside of that creative side of us of. Whether the arts and humanities. And, and um, how can we, us, you know create. Different types of responses. Um that will support. Um us solving problems, in, our present day. So how do we, shape humans into more divergent, thinkers. Um trying to solve these different problems, and and um spark curiosity. And um. The hows, the whys, and. Discovering. Solutions. That were never there when when they started. Steem is a really, important. Term. Right across the board and it already, is in, education. But there's one, course that stands, out more than others, and it's the sciences. The sciences, that teach soft skills. Soft skills, of collaboration. Critical, thinking. Problem, solving. Empathy. And. Being able to be, a. Good. And, and, understand, what the other human is thinking to be able to determine, how you respond, back in your life. Um, so a focus on sciences, and education. Is super important, and, it's, been slightly, lacking. In school systems, for the fact, the fact that our school systems, have been so, focused, on convergent, thinking. Um so really, changing, that. The way education, systems, approach the thought process. Leads to. To why we need to teach these soft skills to allow more divergent, thinkers, to help solve problems. Quickly, and efficiently. With, the tools, of xr technologies. Um. And as we teach these there's, uh you know there's so many roles out there that are starting to come into play, everything, from, uh 3d, printing. Printing, technologies. To. You know voice assistance. And, nanotechnologies. Uh, are huge. Health technologies. Are massive. Um, and. As we introduce, more, 3d technologies.

In Spatial learning. You know geospatial. Tech will. Start to take over there's, you know, ai, obviously, internet of things, um blockchain. And big data, um being able to visualize. Many, of these um, these situations. Beyond. Even their operations. Is where these technologies, will start to take place and we need to educate our next generation. To be able to support. And be talented, to build these out for enterprise, who, who will need to implement their systems this way. So how do we create new possibilities. For continuous, development. Um, there's, so many things out there and it comes down to lifelong, learning. Online, courses. That allow, accessibility. To create ideas. Using, 3d, to, search the web and and create, ideas, of, for interaction. Um are taking place like our metaverse, platform. Um. There's, token systems out there to start assessing. Um, values, of ideas, and things like that, corporate, standards, and certifications. Are starting to be built but we still have a long way to go to try and figure out what those, um you know those best practices, are. Um, sustainability. And programs, and recognition. Are starting to take place and but we need to do more. Um, the the fact that we're all, we all move to remote learning, and and working, from home, has accelerated. This in enterprise, now so we're starting to see movement, there, um, student ideas. Generated, through marketplace, the students, are, are the key to our future, the key to everybody's, future, and we need them to be a part of, of um changing the world and solving the world's problems. Introducing, students, into, adult conversations. As soon as possible. As soon as, as soon as they. Have that idea, should be welcome, and. Encourage, every. Educator. To, to, inspire. More voices, in their classroom, to help inspire. That movement, of, solving, problems. And. You know immersive, learning, and professional, development, does lead to individual, learning programs, and using this technology, to assess. Where you are at within a program where you need to improve, where you failed and where you need to improve. And encourage, that, failure, process, so that, you know where, you can. Build your strengths, and you can build your superpowers. And, maybe focus on those that you need more help in. I'd like to uh, um present, uh the xr collaboration. Um. Uh. Initiative, and coalition. That i was a part of just most recently, moving into covid, and a remote work. Deutsche telekom. Qualcomm. Accenture. And, clean box technologies. Metaverse. And. The area. As well as the vra. And awe. Have supported, us in building out the website, xr Where we built out a 65-page. Resource. Guide to immersive, collaboration, practices. From a complete unbiased, level i encourage everybody, to. Visit us at. Not only to, take a look at the guide you're welcome to download, it as a pdf, or we do have it on the website. And you can take a look at how we're going to be working with avatar's. Digital, presence. Um what to do in their first meeting. Of, uh collaborating. Online. And, um, with. That resource, and how we're going to move to this immersive, collaboration. Of meeting and, and collaborating, together.

We Actually built out the directory, of over 70, different. Collaboration. Platforms. That are used for different, use cases, and purposes, in different industries. So i encourage, you. If you do go to our directory, you can take a look at the different filters. Um, you know that, highlight the different hardware, support, the collaboration. Type, the different platform, that you're working, from the features, you're looking for and the industry, you're working, working in, um i'll lead to, a, variety, of different. Collaboration. Platforms, that you you can check out their profiles. See what they're about, who they, um. Who they represent, if there's a particular, industry, depending on what you select, and choose. Um, there's over 70, there and, you know i i look forward to, to a welcoming, floor here on on this platform, as well. The the website, also provides, you with. An audio podcast. Of. Of the. Guide itself, so that you can. Learn bit by bit chapter by chapter, on, how we're going to come together, and work together. Solving. The world's problems, working together to, implement these technologies. Into, our education. Systems. To help build the talent that enterprise, needs. So. Essentially. Immersive, learning. Only comes with lifelong, learning, and understanding. That, every day you need to learn something a little bit more things are changing, so quickly, in this industry. Of uh immersive, technologies. Where. Headsets, are changing, every six months, new platforms, are being introduced. Schools, are, are slowly, starting to take in, and understand. What it's like to remote, learn because they're being forced to, and so very quickly we're going to start to see all these different platforms. Make their way into our edu, into our class. Our classrooms. And we'll start to see what benefits, each of the features. These platforms, have that provide. Great use cases. Of retention, and learning, for our students, in the classroom. So. One of the other highlights, um i wish i did a slide more on this but is learning about. Accessibility. In xr. And um, i invite you to go to the xr Website. And take a look at the. On the top. Left side of the screen. There's a blue tab, and. You can actually, adjust your screen. To. The visual. Impairment, that, one may have. Challenged with an accessibility. To adapt the 2d screen, to their visual. Preference. And i think this is a great, path, on the way to. Inclusivity. Uh for those who are visually impaired, we do have a long way to go to address, all of those different, um, uh, all of those different, uh, uh, challenges, of immersing. Um. The accessibility. Uh group of people, who. Need, the, who can use the technology. To, enhance, superpowers. Where they may not have them in the real world. So, um, that's another. Great big perspective, that i'm going to be working on in the next couple of weeks, and, through my podcast, i will be releasing. Some uh, some insights, into, how, someone who is blind. Is dealing with, remote, learning, and collaborating. And how they see the future, of, of immersive. Presence. Being in. In digital communications. So best practices, and global standards, uh first and foremost, healthy mentality. Um, you know if you don't have that you just don't have the rest on the list, um, you know inclusivity. Diversity, and accessibility. Absolutely. Um, uh you know becoming. Empathetic, and that cultural, agility. Uh with compassion, and kindness, on the other end of your connection. Um, will only build that awareness, of humanity. In your life of understanding. And being able to perform to the best person that you can be, um, you know understanding, the software and hardware, innovation, and, the pace that it's at of change is really, really important. Quality, checks, um, you know with your. Ui and networks, and always making sure that things are up to date, um, that's, you know just a behind-the-scenes. Practice but it's one that's really important, to, to kind of maintain, the change that's uh, that's, happening with exponential, growth at this time, and then of course social and sustainable, responsibility. Right across the network. Um from all different perspectives. Is, so, important. Um. I learn every day. These are some places that i do learn and you're welcome to take a screenshot, here, um, these are some, places where, uh. You know. Just start listening, to, uh to the ways and the use cases, that industries. And, and um. Organizations. Are starting to use this, the technology, for good, uh for, transformation. Uh for building efficiencies. Saving money, saving, process.

Um, You know we're in the time of of, uh. Kovid, where. You know a lot of people have lost their jobs. But there's also a lot of. Jobs being created. Through the transformation. Of remote learning, and working. And. I inspire all of you to kind of take a take a step back and see where your passions, lie, and what kind of, digital. Digital. Learning that immersive learning that could be applied, to, what your passion is and get involved there to be able to make a difference. To be able to sustain, yourself, as. In your own personal. Uh, you know work space, and, and um, you know continue, to love to learn. We do need to change the way that we learn and we teach. It is through immersive, technology. It is through, understanding, of, of humanics. And. 3d learning is that first step to. To step in and have that relationship, with technology, so that you can be that best person. Uh that you can be. So, um, thank you so much. My name is julie smithson, and, you can reach me on linkedin. Feel free to reach out through metaverse. And. Thank. You. Big. So. Big. You.


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