We. Still have a few minutes before we start so I just wanted to introduce myself my. Name is anna sheikh i am, part of core, services engineering. Which, is the internal Microsoft, IT team and. What. I'm working on along with my team is the upgrade, from Skype for business two. Teams, for, our company, which is Microsoft, and we have about 200,000 users we, have a lot of challenges this. Topic is not focused, on that but. Since, we have a little time I want to know if you have any questions, in the meantime about, teams, or how, to upgrade I'm, happy to take them before the session. Yep. So, it's just just from your. Guys experience. The. UX and teams if you're, used. To Skype the UX and team is very very different. What, did you guys find the biggest blocker, was for users on on. Upgrading and then how did you overcome that. If. If, I'm talking specifically. About the, UX the, biggest blocker for our users, and I think this would be for a lot of customers as well is no, multi window support, yeah. See. Is that coming I, don't. Have, a perfect, answer on, if, the perfect answer is yes but. Yes, that's. We. Have an internal user voice, website. Where all our internal. Employees go ahead and say what, is it that they like the most that's, the number one item we. Also have a customer. User voice where customers, can go ahead and vote on what they like most I don't know if it's number one but if I'll be surprised, if it's not so, make sure that you, go ahead and vote if this is something that you like we've, been having a lot of communication. With the engineering team for that the, challenge, that, I know of, is if. You, want to have multiple, windows support, teams. Chat. Is persistent. So, if you have to separate, a certain, chat with an individual, out into. A different window we. Have to think about how. Much chat will we bring in this new window that you just pulled out also. When, you have a chat with someone in a new window and then when you close it we, want to make sure that everything, that you had this discussion goes back into the.
Actual Chat as well same, applies with meetings, same applies with file transfers same applies with everything, so if we actually separate, windows, we, need to make sure that anything that happens in this new window goes, back to the original window when you close that window so that makes it a little more challenging but, we, do hear that feedback a lot so I'm I'm really hopeful it'll happen soon. Any. Other. Questions. II. I still. Have about a, few, minutes so if, you have any other questions, let me know. Is, anyone, in our audience working. On migrating. Their users, from Skype to teams. Any, questions, that you have that might help make you decision. Okay. Yeah. Interoperability, is. A is. Is. A tough topic. What. We mean by interoperability. Is basically, the, ability of a user who uses Skype, to. Be able to chat with, a user who uses teams, and vice. Versa now. Yes. We can achieve that if we want to, but. It's, not going to be that, seamless. If two. Users are on teams and when they talk to each other that, is a seamless process you. Can chat, you can call you can share file you can share gift fees you can share emojis, you can do whatever you, want when, one of them is Skype for business the. First hurdle you have to cross is how. Do you make a Skype for business client. Send. A message to teams that's just one problem, once. You do that you, have to think about several, other problems okay you've managed, to send your message, across how. Would you manage sending, calls, across, once. You cross that then you have to think about how, do you manage sharing. Desktop. Sharing. Files. Because. Remember, files, and teams is all, sharepoint files, share in Skype for business was, peer to peer you share your file with someone, that gets saved on that person's, local computer, there is no share point there so, these are two separate, systems which, weren't designed to, operate, that way which, is why interoperability. Is something that we have to be careful, about when. We plan for it everything, can be done but. There, will be some user training, I'll. Tell you what we are doing let's. See how much time we have in. Our company we. Have. Rolled out teams and Skype, for business to. Everyone, so every user in Microsoft, has both the. Challenge that we are now running into, is users. Who like to use teams, use, teams, users. Who like to use Skype for business, do, not use teams, and when. That happens, the. Steams user, when. They try to send a message to the Skype user they. Have no message of sending a message directly to escape because. When they send a message it, goes to the Skype users, team's, client, which, this person, never signs into right, so. What we have to do at some point we have to find a solution on how do we make the seamless for a user how do we take the guesswork out of, the users and the only way to actually do that is to. Decide, what. Is the preferred. Client, of any, user, within your company that. Can be done using, the different modes that are available one of them is the team's only mode what, basically means that as an, administrator, I can say that, John. In my company, is the team's only user what, that means is no. Matter what, client. I am using to, send a message to John Sean. Would always receive, that and team's John. Doesn't have to do any guesswork whether I'd send it from Skype whether I send it from teams John, gets it in teams right. If. John. Wants, to talk to me John. Unfortunately. Doesn't have the ability to know what client, I am using which is why it is the administrators. Job to make sure that. They've. Configured. The company in such a way that every, users preferred, client, is their default, client right, for people who prefer sfb they, can use the SFB mode for, folks who prefer teams they can use the team's mode in, Microsoft, we are using teams mode for, a lot of users and the. Rest of the company will be in Islands. Mode which, means when, a team's user wants to talk to the user who uses both clients, it is, important, for the user who uses both clients, to log in to both clients at all point. Think, we are at time. So. What. We wanted to do today was, talk. About, how. We are using teams, to. Improve some of our processes, around incident. Management how. Do we use teams to better our processes, around, helpdesk. And providing, support. So, live. Incident, management we. Offer a lot of services through, office 365 SharePoint. Skype. For business exchange. Customers.
Who Use these services, may. Run into problems, where something. Isn't working. When. A customer normally. Runs into a problem with any of our services, the. First thing that they may normally end up doing is they reach out to us through, our support, teams they. May open a ticket with our support engineers, the. Support engineer that works with the customer, normally. Would try to ask customers for, logs they, will try to troubleshoot, the issue they. Will try their best to resolve it but oftentimes, a support. Engineer is not able to solve the problem because in, order to solve that problem the. Engineer, may need logs not, just from the customer, but, also from, our site our. Support, engineers don't have access, to, logs from, our servers, from our service, so, what they do when, they end up into a situation where, the customer, logs don't help them and they, need something from our service site they, end up creating a request for our escalation. Teams this is a group of, embedded. Escalation, engineers, that, sit within the, product team that, have access, to the servers. Our. Support, engineers would reach out to these embedded, escalation. Engineers, the, embedded, escalation, engineers, I would have logs from our service side that. Will try to then. Troubleshoot, the problem with. The support engineer, now, there. Are often times when even with the help of logs, from our service side we, can't figure out what the problem is because maybe there is actually, something wrong with the service that's. When we, have to go straight to the engineering, team and. Then the engineering, team would, get involved and they may find that a there's a problem with the product maybe the bug, that's affecting, this and no. Matter how hard you troubleshoot, you may never be able to correct it, this. Is what happens normally when a customer. Runs, into a problem we. Have several internal users as well they may run into a problem and all, our internal, helpdesk and the. Internal hell des does the same they troubleshoot, the problem and, then they eventually reach out to engineering, if they can't fix it now. This works fine if it's. A one person issue or if, it's an issue that's affecting only, a small group of users but. Often times. There, are problems, that are affecting multiple. Customers. Something. May be wrong either, on our side or on the network side that, just doesn't affect that. Single, user who's creating. The case it could be affecting, everyone in, such scenarios, let's, see how the process, is prior. To a few, months ago that we used to use now. You are a customer, who. Has a problem, and you do not know why you would end up creating a case for our support engineers, your, support engineer works with you and they are not able to figure out why. Is this problem happening, they reach out to the embedded escalation, engineers, who then also try, to take logs and try to find out what's happening and even they don't have a clue eventually. They'll reach out to the engineering, team the, moment, the engineering, team gets it which is the, actual folks who actually wrote, the code the product developers, they, may identify yes. This is actually a bug and it's a problem that can affect, multiple. Customers, it's not something, that's affecting only this one user as. Soon as the engineering, team realizes, that they, create what we call is severity. One incident, and, a. Conference, bridge is set up. Once. This happens, it is the responsibility, of the engineering, team to notify, every, customer, in the world every. Support, engineer, in Microsoft, that we have a problem, that, you could be affected, by it and, I'm. Guessing. When I see smiles we're not doing a great job at that okay. So, let me tell you how we do it at least, the. Process, was the. Engineering, team who's supposed to make everyone, aware now. Tries to find out how do they start the, first thing that they have to do is, they have to find the DL for. Our incident, management team. So. They have to send an email to the incident management team, which is a group of that are responsible. For updating any, problem, that's happening on the, service health dashboard. Once. The engineering, team tells the. Incident, management team that we have a problem then, the incident management team would go and reach out and. Update, the service health dashboard, this is when the customers, would, start seeing that hey this is a problem right now.
Notifying. Just the incident, management team is not enough, because. What. May happen is you've. Updated the dashboard, the. Engineering, team has sent an email also to, all the support engineers around the world saying hey, we have a problem but. Not, every customer, is diligent, enough to read the dashboard, not, every, engineer, who's working with customers will, read their emails, because they have a rule in their Outlook that sends, that email straight to a folder that they never open right. Which. Shop because of that if while. All this is happening if you, have more customers complaining. Those. Calls will go to a support engineer the. Support engineer would again troubleshoot, ask, for, logs spend. A lot of time keep. Asking for logs if you. Don't have them they'll ask you to come back again when you have them and then, the process just never ends, and it's, multiple, customers, we, also have internal users who may be affected by the same problem, that. Goes to our internal hilda's again, they don't know that this is happening because they didn't read their emails either right. Our. Internal, users are also then waiting, for a solution where, in fact we know that they won't be able to solve this because there is an incident happening. This. Is what happens, when a customer. Initiates, an issue. But. It's. Not always that we have to rely on customers. To tell us that we have an issue we, have telemetry, that also. Tells us that that. We are having a problem right, normally. When we see an alert the engineering, team knows about it first it's, the responsibility, of this engineering team to go ahead and again create that save one bridge, send. Out an email notification. To the incident management team who, then updates the dashboard, but. The. Engineering, team will also send out an email to every support engineer in the world saying that hey I just found a problem you, need to know about that, again nobody reads that email, right. At, the same time customers, keep calling we. Keep doing the same troubleshooting. In spite of knowing that there is something, that's going on that probably. We need to fix first right so, there is no effective. Way for. Our engineering, team to notify, everyone in, the support teams around the world that here there is a problem nor do we have an effective way of notifying the incident management that. There is a problem even, if we notify, how do we get updates how, do we know what's happening exactly. Everyone. Who, needs to know what's happening, has, to join that severity, one bridge ask. On, that bridge can you give me an update and trust, me you don't want to join that bridge just to ask an update because there are people who will not. Be happy when you're disturbing, them when, they're actually working, on a problem you, don't like you don't want to be that person who joins every five minutes and asking hey can I know an update right not, not does not go anywhere. So. That's. How we, used to do everything, and to some extent some teams within our company still do this we, somehow get it done not, the most effective way, one. Of the things that we've changed now at. Least on the Skype for business side, with.
The Help of teams is we. Now have a single team in, Microsoft. Team this. Team has all our incident, managers, this. Team has all the, support engineers, around the world this. Team has all our internal, helpdesk, and it, has every, developer, from the engineering, team part. Of it so now you have a single team and, everyone. Who is responsible. To run a live incident, is part of this one team, okay. Now. Let's. Run through our scenario, again a customer. Calls up with an issue the. Engineer, tries to help them figures, out it's this problem is bigger than me Ike fix it they, send it to the engineering, team the, engineering, team realizes, hey we have a problem we. Need to solve this this is a severity, one problem the moment the engineering, team realizes, that they. Come and post that in this team saying, we. Have this problem, here. Is the severity one incident, for it this, is the bridge you can join in case you want to but. Everyone. Who, was, supposed, to be notified is already, part of this team and as long as they follow that channel they, should be able to get to it even if they don't the. Next time when they get a case all they, have to do is at least come here and check hey, is there a problem going on they don't have to go and dig through their email all they have to do is come to this team and find. Out do I see something, that's happened, between. Today. 3 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., this. Incident. Management, everything that's, posted in this team is actually, live. So whenever the engineering, team, works. Through this if they have an update they posted, here so the incident management team doesn't have to join their bridge to find out what's happening the, support engineers, don't have to join to. Find out what's happening if a. Customer, calls in 3 days later and says hey you know what 3 days ago I had a problem and I don't know, what was causing it can, you tell me if there was an outage so as an engineer I at least can go back to this team because, everything, is persistent, in teams I can go back to that day and see if anything was posted, because if there was there. Would be information, about what the ins or the incident, was what, was done to solve it and. What. Time did it happen yes. And, for actually a good question so the question is doesn't. It just transfer, the problem, from teams to email and yes to some extent we can definitely think about that because previously. All, you, were doing is sending emails, to the. Incident, management team you were sending emails to all the support engineers, you were sending emails to the.
Different Managers, the account managers, now. All you've done is you've combined everything into a team and you're posting it here so yes now if the responsibility. Of the person is to check this team what if they don't check it yes I do agree it's, not the perfect solution but the. Few. Things that are better, at least with this solution is when, you do send that email out right. If. Somebody, has a question or if somebody wants to know something what. Would they do they, may respond to that email now, when you send that email out you, are copying at least four or five distribution. Groups in that email each. Distribution. Group, will have hundreds. Of users in them if even. One percent, of them responds. To that email asking. Something it's, going to create a sprawl, of thread you won't even know which one to respond which ones later so it is a problem which, does make, it simpler, if you have teams because everything, would be in line. Do. You post all the stuff. In team regarding, single incident, is, a one conversation. Or it's a bunch of different messages you know until like you know. The. Question is when, you do post it in team do, you actually do, it as one, conversation. And everyone, around the world who wants to know do they just reply to that or do they create a new conversation. Some, who are not familiar with how to use team would create a new conversation. And the, people who are responsible for maintaining the team would tell them hey don't create a new conversation. Just reply to the existing, one that we have so we always want to make sure that if we post saying. That we have the severity one incident, anybody. Who wants to know anything about that would come to that team's thread and just supposed to reply, to it instead of creating a new conversation. So. That that, is how. We are using, teams, today to, at least better some, of our incident management I can understand, it's transferring, problem from one platform to another but.
At Least this gives me one place where, I can just go and check at any given point of time if I wanted, to with, email, if, I. Was a support engineer and, if I am working on a case now I have, to go and find out who the incident, management team, is because now I have to tell them that I have a problem and I, need this to be updated, on the dashboard, with, having a team nobody has to do anything all, you have to do is post it here and it is now the responsibility. Of those, teams to come here and find out what's happening and then do it. It's. Definitely, less than 2500. That's the limit right. So. Normally. It, is 2500. But we have to understand, that not all 2500. Are active at a given point of time so if the incident, happens during North America, hours the. Hundreds, of Engineers, in emia the hundreds of Engineers in a pack are not really looking for. An update. In that team, similarly. The incident, management team, may have over hundreds of incident, managers, but only one of them might, be actually, working during, the time when the incident happened, so we have to put everyone, into, the team so, that they are aware but not everyone is actually virtually, working. At every, point of time. When. You create the conference, bridge for the color you putting it into the actual channel or the thread or you separate, and then put in the joint information in the conversation, I. Don't. Remember but I don't see any reason, why we won't be putting the conference, information, in that same channel. Or the thread as well because that's not a hidden information everyone. Should have it it's already there in your email you just didn't read it so, I don't, see a reason why we wouldn't be I have, to think about it but we should we definitely, should be putting it there, well. This is an internal team so only Microsoft, employees will be able to see it customers. Wouldn't but might be a good thing to investigate. How can we do it so. That was just the incident management like this I don't think I have enough time but there are. Several. Different areas where we are doing the exact same thing for example. We. Have. We. Have support, teams across the world right we have teams in North America, we, have teams in I don't know a PAC which teams in amia, every. Team would, have an engineer, in that, team who's. An expert in some or the other area. Every. Team. Creates. One, notes creates, documentation. Creates, training. Creates, material. No, matter which team you approach, in what, country, with what continent, the first need for that team is training training. And every. Team believe it on works. Really hard to, create their own documentation on, what they should do when they get a case unfortunately. The. North America, teams creates, this document, stored, on someone's, laptop, shared, through. Folder. On their computer, same, is the case with every other support, team in the world and if. I who's an engineer let's say in North America, and working. On a case let's say with unified, messaging, and I have no clue how unified messaging, works I know, there, is someone in the. APAC team who is an expert in that but. I do not know how to reach them or I do not know I heard, that someone, in a pack team that knows this well but I have no idea who that person is, what, we do today is we again created, a team which, has only the support engineers, let's say for Skype for business from, every, country or in every support team as.
Now. If I'm working on something and if I don't know what I am doing and, if I need help I could, go into that team and I could just paste hey you know what I see this I don't, know what I'm doing can someone please help me, if. There is someone in that team who's really good at that topic they may be able to actually read it they may be able to actually help, you because. They are doing it in a team which is an open forum their. Managers, know that they are doing it it creates, accountability it, gives them the visibility. That they deserve, because being. Someone in that spot for a very long time I can tell you that if you know something there, will be people that will be reaching out to you a hundred times a day and you just don't have bandwidth, to do any other thing but to help people and you never get any attention for you don't get credibility. For it that's, one, way of making sure that everyone, who actually is doing this to help the community, gets, recognized, because your, work is shown right there in teams everyone, can see it right it, also creates inclusivity, inclusivity. Because. If there are teams in a pack that feel that they're normally, left out now, they have a chance. To go ahead and show that yes they are part of the same support team these. Are the documentation. That they have done all we have to do is create a single file in, that team where. We put all the documentation, that you've created for signing, all documentation. That you've created for calling, meeting. You don't have to have three different copies on someone's, three different computers, running so there, are things that you can do to improve your processes, with. Teams it's not always. Like. Email, but. It's. Not that straightforward as, well it requires adoption. It requires, someone to use it as well any. Questions. There's. A lot that I have I don't think we have a lot of time was 20 minutes so we're right at 1 minute mark but if. You have any questions, around anything we're actually I'm working on the transition, for our company, as from, Skype to teams so, there are a lot of challenges, that we're dealing with and we're trying to make sure that we'll work with the engineering team so we take care of those problems so, that when customers, try to go through it they don't have that issue as well but if you have any questions, if. You think there is something in teams that does not work which, is preventing, you from moving, from Skype for business to teams please let me know because part. Of internal ID it is my job also to know what are those problems because we will have those problems as well and I just want to make sure that, we didn't forget about it. Any, questions. No, problems, when migrating to teams I like that. The. Ones in windows support yes. There. Was one question with regards to the availability. Of the recording feature in, teams, I was asked this question earlier I couldn't answer that I was wondering if you know if, you have n inputs from the product team yeah so. Someone. Please correct me if I am wrong here but we, do have recording. Available, in teams at least for our company, and sometimes we get it sooner which is why I don't know if it's available for customers yet but. Recording. Will be available for. Teams it's, slightly. Better in my opinion because recording. In Skype was always, on your client, you recorded, you save it on your computer and, then you look for it when you need it and you never find it in teams, the recording, is normally, happening, in. Streams and it's available online you, can actually whoever. Was in the meeting all they need is a link, to that recording they can go and check and view, it whenever they want so in my opinion it's a little better and it should be available I don't know if it's available yet, but I'll be surprised if it's not. It's. There. Okay. It's there now. II. You, know whiteboarding. Is also something that i think is missing in teams and part of our incident, management process, used. Whiteboarding. Because what we would do prior is we. Will join this bridge there, would be a whiteboard open, on the sky for business meeting where everyone, would post what's happening, now that we've moved away we don't miss it much but my, understanding was native, white boarding was, going. To be released for teams I don't know when it where it is on the roadmap it is not available yet there's, a third party app through envision, that we can use when, we're working on a native whiteboard for teams.
Oh So. You download, a whiteboard, application and, then share it okay. Hmm. That's. New. We are we are going from teams only option, to Island option so do you have. Okay, so, so, the question and, you can keep the mic in case you have the. Question. Is you. Have 50%. Of, your company, using. Teams only, and. When you say teams only do you mean teams only mode or they just don't use Skype no. We, do not have Skype yet but we, are using teams and they are using teams for the chat between them, so. Half of your company uses, teams for, Chad the, remaining, half uses Skype for business we. Have a jabber as our, song shuts off there and we are trying to go from Jabba to either, teams or Skype for business or basically Skype for business, if. You have jabber. As a. Solution. With. A, good portion of your company, and the rest of the company is using teams, I mean, I would strongly advise, that if you want to move to one platform and keep. That as teams, instead of Skype and teams because, you, are in a perfect state your users are not exposed to either Skype or teams, so, if you introduce them to teams it, would be a shorter, learning curve whereas. If you introduce them to Skype first they, would have to learn how to do things in Skype and then if you want to decide to go to teams at some point now, you would run into a challenge where now you have to do adoption, and training again so, if it's a fresh green field installed you, should probably stick, to just teams, but. What can you give me little bit more about island model what, I let you do so. Island. Mold is for. Companies. Like us so we launch teams about a year ago and we rolled it out to everyone in our company without thinking, of the ramifications. And I can tell you what those are if, you want to stay with me for some time. Island. Mode is when as a user. You, have Skype. As well, as teams both. Available. To you you can chat in teams you can chat in Skype, but, both. These platforms. Operate. Completely. Independent. Of each other your, team's client, does not know, that you have a Skype client your, Skype client does, not know that you have a team's client, this, means that when. You send a message from Skype to, one else, that. Person, will always get, that message in their Skype client they, will never get it in their team's clan because they have both clients, in Islands. Nord they, don't know about each other so when you are in Islands mod skype. Messages. Stay. In Skype teams. Messages, stay. In teams they don't interoperate. That's, Islands. Mode. The. Challenge, although, it's a good thing to have both clients, and then use it and, if everyone, is, trained. And educated or. Enough. If if they have enough knowledge to understand, that these, are two separate platforms, you probably won't have any problems, but we, roll this out to 200,000. Users in our company, and it's. Been live for about a year and a half now and what, we're starting to see is there. Are users, in the company everyone, is an island mode right everyone, has Skype and teams now there are users in our company who like to use teams and they, use teams there, are users who don't like to use teams and they use Skype for business let's, say for any XYZ. Reasons because. These, users, are using Skype for business, the, team's user when they send a message to the Skype user the. Skype user is an island mode which, means, teams. Goes. To teams. Which. Means the, Skype user who's not logged into teams does. Not get that message they get an email later saying you are missing messages, and when, that happens, and when. That happens, they. Come up with the idea that Skype. And themes are the same product, they we, just are transitioning. Them from one name to the other like we always did with OCS, and Lync and Skype, for business so, according to the user these.
Are In two different products, so they don't have to sign into two different clients the product should be intelligent, enough to find, out what client I am using today and just send my message is there so today I decide, to log into skype I should, get my message in in Skype I don't have to worry about who's sending me a message tomorrow, if I log into teams I should get everything in teams that's unfortunately. Not how it were it, works only when, you decide, what is, your preferred, client, in, islands, mode you don't decide, a preferred, client, you, are using Skype and themes independently. Of each other right, so Skype AIIMS go to Skype teams I am goes to teams you, do have the ability to decide, a preferred, client and when you do that you. Can decide where you get messages, you don't decide where you send, messages you only decide where you get it so, that's, what we're doing we were transitioning, everyone, in our company to team's. Mode only and only. Give them teams client, don't, have Skype for business and, that, way everyone. Will get messages, and teams and we have about 20, thousand users within, our company who are completely, migrated, to teams don't, use Skype for business anymore, and we plan to update the rest of our company, by, the end of this year. How. To enable Island mode so Island mode you don't have to enable as long as you give a team's and a Skype license, to someone they are by default in island mode if you, want to change them from Islands mode then, you have to do something. Let's. Say you want, to. Put me a user. Into, teams mode basically meaning, you want all. Messages. That are sent to me go. Only to my team's client, right now, the. Way it is done is you have to go to my skype for business profile. So you have to login to office 365 via. PowerShell, you, have to connect the Skype for business online and, you, have to change my Skype for business account. And make. It such, that everything. Goes to teams so there are two commands that you have to run once called the team's upgrade, policy, you, have to set it for me two teams, only and, there's. Another command called team's intro policy, which has to be set to disallow override, calling, team's chat teams what, this basically means is that on my Skype for business. Front-end. You, are saying that I am a team's user so if anybody, in the world sends. Me a message from Skype the, way it works by design is. The our skype client, sends it to dr skype front end their, front end sends, it to my front end server in Skype for business my. Friend and server of Skype for business looks, me up and says here you have an internal policy saying all your chats go to teams so, my front end will send it to the team's chat service, which, will then send it to my team's client, so, it's controlled, through Skype for business. SAP. Makes sense. You. Had a question. Yes. The team's only mode you can do it in the admin portal as well as opposed to PowerShell. Your. Team's only. When they go to IM them it's still good stuff yeah, because there's. No way to do, the opposite, right which says that they're skyping. Not. Yet yep. So. There is no Skype, for business only. Setting, available. Today but there's documentation, saying, that it will be available it's. Being worked on I. It, definitely, isn't available right now I know that but it will be available so you will be able to go to the portal or go, to a user and say Skype, only team's only that way it doesn't matter who using what everyone, will get the I am on their time. Exactly. Yep. True. True, a simpler. Solution that a lot of teams are proposing, is don't, install teams directly, put. Rollout, teams but do it using, the collaboration. Mode basically, meaning, that you roll out teams but. Chat, and calling will not be enabled in teams only, the teams aspect, of teams will be available, that way users. Will continue, to use Skype for business for, chat and calling they, can use teams for all the channel communication. And then, give it over a period of time and you think everyone, is familiar with teams you can turn off the, switch and move everything to teams that's a good approach as well. That's. The tenant level setting just like the mode but, it's also not available as far as I know now, apart, from within, the inner ring but it will be available soon. No. Problem.