Reason why Boris sending Ukrainians to their death,Biden showers with daughter,Gas LNG supply issues

Reason why Boris sending Ukrainians to their death,Biden showers with daughter,Gas LNG supply issues

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biden should explain immediately why  he inappropriately showered with his   own daughter he should be asked that at his next  press availability his chief of staff ron clain   who runs the country should be asked you work  for a man who showered with his own daughter   and by her own account distorted the rest of her  life because he did how do you feel about that   and at that point joe biden should  resign and at the very least spend   the rest of his life trying to repair  his own children who need it badly   so here once again are the words from ashley  biden's diary quote i've always been boy crazy she   wrote hyper-sexualized at a young age i remember  somewhat being sexualized with a family member   i remember having sex with friends at a young  age showers with my dad probably not appropriate   so ashley biden wrote this in the context of her  struggle with sexual compulsiveness in later life   and she attributes those compulsions to the  fact that her father took showers with her in   a way that was quote not appropriate now we have  no reason to doubt that what she wrote is true   now if you are the father of daughters  ask yourself is there any explanation   for that behavior that is justifiable and  there's not it's sick and it's horrifying good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to my  new video so some shocking revelations there about   biden and in his own daughter's words in her diary  she was talking about having showers with her dad   which is really really shocking and definitely  biden needs to explain what's going on   probably explains why he gets really close to  children and touches them on inappropriately   whispers things to the ears and kisses them really  really inappropriate behavior so um let's park   that for another discussion let's uh carry on um  talking about the geopolitics around the world   so those of you who've been watching  my videos will know that i basically go   through some of the top stories of the  day some of the funny stories of the day   i'll give you my thoughts and opinions on these  pieces if you like what i do and you want to   support me you're welcome to join my patreon  or you can buy me a coffee or even if you can   just do a simple thing like like the video i'd  really really appreciate it my first story of   the days is about boris going to kiev to meet  zielinski and a lot of you may or may not know   macron draghi and schultz went over  to to see zelensky a few days ago   and a lot of papers are saying they basically  asked zelensky to resume negotiations with putin   so first of all the fact that zelensky met macron  and schultz and draghi it shows that the europeans   are very united in what they want so they  obviously had a chat with each other and they   went to see zelensky and it's very plausible  that they went to talk to zelinski and ask   him to try and come to a peace agreement  with russia try and uh see some territory   it's for the good of ukraine long term is  for the good of europe to try and come to   a peaceful negotiation or peaceful solution to  all of this so um so you see mr boris johnson   he uh immediately jumped on a private jet  flew all the way to kiev gave zelensky a   book which zelinski doesn't even want and  didn't offer zelinski any weapons didn't   offer the landscaping money and he's telling  zelensky we will be there with you till the end   we will fight with you you will ultimately  win we will train 10 000 of your soldiers   and um it's a very very strange behavior the fact  that boris leaves everything behind in uk you know   there's a lot of issues happening in uk there's  literally rail strikes happening right now the   whole whole of uk is at a standstill there's rail  strikes which are going to be going ahead there's   protests going on in london i mean all over the uk  as well as you can see uh there's protests about   the rising costs rising costs of living and i've  been waiting for these protests i was wondering   when and how these are going to happen and right  now this is a start these are starting to happen   and it's happening all over uk london and there's  thousands of thousands of people so this is just   a start and it's just going to get worse much  much worse um there's also um a potential trade   war going on with europe as well uh the fact that  you know he's basically tearing away the agreement   brexit agreement they made with europeans uh  he just wanted to get the brexit done he'd even   look at the rules and regulations just signed  all the papers because he wanted to be the   prime minister who signs off on brexit he just  wanted to be in the record box unfortunately   for the rest of us he didn't look at any of the  rules any of the small print he just signed it   and now he's regretting it he's  like oh no hang in a second i want   um can i turn back on this decision let's uh  pull out and you know it's absolute mess and not   an absolute mess so the fact that you know the  europeans you got the french you have you have   the germans you have the italians going  there united talking to zelensky together   it just shows that the europeans are united and  the british are going along with a different   narrative if the british was going along  with the europeans they would have boris   would not have gone the next day boris would have  endorsed macron and and schultz and the draghi   or even went with them uh as a show of unity and  the fact that boris went the next day dropped   everything that's happening in uk dropped  everything and he just flew off to ukraine   and it just shows that there's  definitely something sinister going on   and when i say sinister i think he's working  for some sort of neocon or military industrial   complex because if you think about it you know  these neocons want this war to carry on going   and i think what they're doing they're pushing  boris to keep this war going as long as possible   the americans are not going to come and  meet zelinski because uh zelensky's took a   liking to boris so these neocons know that  you know zelensky is going to listen to   boris rather than these neocons which are going  to be flying all the way from america coming to   ukraine so they're using boris as some sort of  uh tool or a puppet and they did this during um   you know istanbul when zelensky was having  having peace talks with with the russians   and they nearly came to a piece of peaceful  agreement and then next thing you know you have   boris flying over to kiev and telling zelinski  don't do it don't sign the papers whatever you   do we will support you we'll give you money  we'll give you weapons you will win you will win   and um zelinski went with it and now after you  know macron and and um the silly chancellor   karma by his name schultz you know uh oh he's  useless absolutely useless and um so the fact   that they went and trying to persuade zelinski  to come to a peaceful agreement with with putin   um you know boris has basically um panicked uh  the neocons in america are probably panicking   uh they don't know obviously what's been said  behind closed doors so they sent boris across and   they're using boris um as a tool and if you think  about it you know tony blair had the same thing   done to him when he was following george bush with  this iraq war the neocons got to tony blair and if   you think about it tony blair is a billionaire  right now you know he's got so many properties   around uk he's got so much money you know how  did he make that much money not on his salary as   a prime minister you know his his name is on the  pandora papers by the way same way zelenski's name   is on the pandora papers and these pandora papers  you know have been released on public so the fact   that neocons got to tony blair and they would they  were telling push this war in iraq will make you   a rich rich man and that's what tony blair did  and now obviously he's a very very rich man and   boris johnson knows his days are ending he knows  this is the end of his uh prime minister rule so   i think boris is trying to make as much money as  he can before he gets either kicked out or leaves   and this is why he's running around the world  running around to kiev as a priority rather than   looking after the uk interests so this is why he  drops all of his guns in uk and and jumps on this   first private jet across to the kiev and this is  why he's putting all of his priority into ukraine   rather than uk because he knows that if he does  everything these neocons ask him to he will end up   being a very very rich man um probably richer than  uh tony blair so this explains exactly why boris   is doing everything he he does he just makes  total sense you know absolute total sense think   about it guys this is the only reason there is no  other reason for it for his behavior the way he's   behaving know what the reason think about it you  know you know it's true so let's talk a bit about   ukraine um so this guy arakamia he says 500  soldiers are being killed in daily battles   and not only that he says something very very  um disturbing up to 1 000 ukrainian soldiers are   being killed or wounded each day in the donbass of  eastern ukraine with 200 to 500 killed on average   and many more wounded he basically says so  he's an mp of the ukrainian side so obviously   this is not coming from the russians this is  coming straight from the ukrainian side and he   wouldn't be making up these numbers uh just for  the sake of it um and you can see the amount of   destruction that's happening in dumbass you know  these soldiers are being targeted with missiles   with uh airplanes you know airstrikes with  artillery uh you have these special um military   offices going in and and killing them and you  have these tanks going in as well and there are   obviously deaths and injuries on the russian side  as well i'm not going to discount that this is a   war so there's going to be casualties on both  sides but the casualties compared from russia   to ukraine is a big big difference out of every  one russian soldier killed there are probably   a hundred or maybe more ukrainian soldiers being  killed it's just these numbers are not sustainable   i'm also hearing stories that only ten percent  of the people um that have been asked to join the   ukrainian army have have joined so the ukrainian  army is basically knocking on people's door door   by door and trying to get them signed up to the  army and these guys probably are giving giving a   day's training a few bullets and they are sent out  in the front line and they're just sent straight   to their deaths and like i said before you know  this is um really really bad for the future of   ukraine the the killing of all of these young men  you know young able men they're killing them off   they're now um they're now also adding a lot of  women in them army as well they're also adding   disabled people in the army nobody's safe they're  literally sending everybody there even old people   and yeah there's a lot of deaths happening and  there's also a lot of injuries if you're injured   that's it you know if you get your legs blown off  or your arms blown off you're going to be useless   for the rest of your life i mean you're going to  need other people to look after you for example   if you have your legs blown off you're going to  have to be in a wheelchair who's going to pay   for the wheelchair who's going to be pushing  you around yeah you can do that yourself but   you know people with wheelchair need help  at times you know sometimes you have to   climb up stairs or sometimes you might need help  going into the toilet or other things and you know   you need people to look after you who's going to  pay for your care who's going to look after you   you know it's just people don't think about things  like that they are destroying ukraine and a lot   so many people leaving as refugees and ukraine  is making literally no money no money at all   and every day this war goes on more and  more infrastructure of ukraine is being   destroyed more people are being killed and  you know russia is taking more territory   so sooner rather than later you know zelensky  works out peace deal the better is for ukraine   and they've probably got like a month i  believe after this donbass stuff is going on   russia is going to head straight to odessa and  take odessa as well and take all of the southern   part of ukraine and they'll keep going you know  special military operation putin's owns words   is they want to denazify ukraine and demilitarize  you ukraine they can't do that just in the dongbas   reason they're gonna have to continue moving all  the way to odessa and probably um you know take   out these military wherever there's uh wherever  they are stationed so um each day this goes on   this it's not looking good for zelensky and the  quicker he sorts this out the better to be honest so the americans are sending  helicopters um you can see this um   sometimes i look at this website it's a kind of  defense american defense website and so they're   sending these helicopters today um to ukraine  i don't think they're going to be much use   because if you look at the stats of the russian  ministry of defense they have destroyed so many   you know aircrafts and helicopters and they  just take them out with their anti-aircraft   missiles s 300 f s 400 s 500 even they have  got no chance no chance whatsoever so these   um helicopters that they're sending they're  not going to make any difference i mean look   at them they're only like 10 10 of them and  how long are they going to last seriously so we'll talk a bit about this american fighters  who got who surrendered in in donbass i mentioned   um in my last video that one of the guys he  was a native indian i think i read somewhere   he was a native indian but actually doing some  more research i found out he was um vietnamese   which is even worse i mean yeah fine if you think  you're american and stuff you're born in america   and stuff like that but you know you still got to  understand your roots you know you still got on   you you know where your parents are from  you can understand your roots you're gonna   you know study your history it's all about knowing  who you are where you come from so this guy if you   did any kind of um you know the stuff that america  did to vietnam you know you can't they kill so   many people in vietnam kill so many civilians  completely destroyed the country they bombed   vietnam to smithereens um they dropped agent  orange in there they dropped so many cluster   bombs there so many people have died with mine so  many people have died with radiation with agent   orange poisoning you know they have done some evil  evil stuff in vietnam and now you have these this   guy who comes from vietnam going to a foreign  country and and trying to do the same thing   it just beggars belief i'm actually shocked and  you know yeah it's actually worse than being a   native american i think it's you know he's  just you know vietnam was not that long ago   you know it was in the 1960s or more you know he  wasn't that far behind so you know he should have   that fresh in his memory or his parents should  have you know reminded him absolutely shocking so russia assesses results of the recovery from  sanctions the collapse of the russian economy   is predicted by the west failed to materialize  putin points out i want to talk a bit about that   and as you can see you know the west has been  using sanctions as a weapon for years now you know   and they've been putting sanctions  on iran on venezuela cuba you know   all together there's about 80 countries around  the world america has placed sanctions in   and from the years 2000 to 2019 sanctions have  increased by one thousand percent one thousand   percent they've increased in 20 years almost less  than 20 years you know that that's ridiculous   so the fact that america is sanctioning all  of these countries i mean this is proper   human rights uh abuses because you know when have  ever sanctions ever affected the leadership of a   country never they have always affected the people  who lived in the countries the people who are the   ones affected and america's way of thinking is  if you sanction a country hard enough if you make   people's lives such a misery or people's life  so hard people will rise up and basically   cause a coup or take the government off you know  take a government off the power and i don't know i   think that's the thinking behind it and he's never  worked he has never ever worked to look at north   korea look at iran look at venezuela you know  they've been sanctioned these countries to death   have they have the north korean regime collapse  have the north korea of the iranian um leadership   collapse no it just makes them stronger the  people right you know people actually actually   rise up against the west rather than their  own governments you know this is complete   misuse of human rights you know while america  loves to kind of um talk about human rights and   stuff you know the fact that they're sanctioning  these countries and killing off so many people so   many people are dying because of these sanctions  so many kids are dying because they don't allow   medicines to go into these countries and  you know if if uh if if someone's dying   of a certain disease you know you can't even  import these medicines from the from the west   is absolutely sickening absolutely sickening  you know so many babies have died from all these   sanctions so many poor people have died it's the  people that suffer in the other day you know the   doing such sanctions should be legal and then  you have america doing their south american   summit of the americas and i'm so glad that biden  basically got snubbed in this meeting and and   america had completely failed in this meeting  the way america has been treating south america   for years you know they've been brutalizing  dictatorships and killing so many people in   the name of human rights when they play  sanctions on venezuela sanctions on cuba   yet they support governments like in colombia  who are actively have human rights abuses there   but because these colombian government support the  white house you know they kind of get away with it   and all of these people you know basically  and they want their own lives um they want   their own freedom uh they want to have freedom of  selling their own resources to whoever they want   you know so the fact is america wants to rule  the south american countries and basically   they want to take away their resources i'm talking  about oil i'm talking about rare earth mineral   minerals and mining uh gas other commodities like  agricultural agricultural stuff and you need to   let these american companies in you've got to  give them make let them have all of the profits   and while the dictators make all of the money and  the american companies make all of the money and   the people suffer and that's what americans want  and if there's a country which refuses americans   companies to come in uh steal all the wealth still  all the resources then these countries that get   sanctioned or they get pushed for regime change  and it's absolutely sickening what america is   doing around the world and this is why they push  democracy around the world because democracy is   an easy way for america to have regime change  so if there's a leader which they don't like   they will basically give a lot of money and  resources to the next person and they'll make sure   the next person wins in the in the next general  election in whatever way possible and that's   how you know that's why democracy is good for  america because if the country embraces democracy   um america can find a way to get that per get  the leader replaced if they don't like him or   or they'll organize a coup now coming up to my  next story indeed europe is absolutely screwed   so freeport lng terminal in the united states  basically there was an explosion there was a fire   and this plant is going to be closed until late  2022 and this plant provided between 20 to 25   percent of lng gas to europe so imagine the  amount of issues europe is having right now   especially after gas prom has cut north stream  one pipeline to 40 percent of its capacity   and also there is um they have suspended  a gas supply by turkish stream as well   so imagine all of these issues together what's  happening to the gas prices and i'll show you   and you can see from the gas prices in the  first of june they were around 20 25 and and   look at the look at the gas prices now 15th and  16th of june so they've gone from 25 to about 45   40 to 45 so that's almost double and they're going  to keep rising especially with all of these um   restrictions and and all these cuts uh to  gas through nordstrom one and it's just gonna   be bad bad news for europe because they can't  save enough gas um to help them through winter   uh it's just not enough for them they can't  get enough lng gas from the united states   because to create new lng gas terminals and new  tankers these need time and somebody has said that   to by the time they built these new lng facilities  and for them to be um you know for them to   for there to be enough tankers available  and enough sites that will process the lng   gas into proper gas for for you to do all  of that it's going to take between five to   ten years so it won't be ready till about 2030 so  that's a major problem it's not something you can   increase overnight it's not something you can do  very very quickly europe needs gas now not by 2030   and also a lot of these lng facilities  need a lot of funding to increase capacity   and they're not getting the funding because  they're worried that a lot of these european   customers will probably use a lot more  renewables and by the time they finish   building upgrades to all of these lng facilities  europe might turn around and say no we don't   need as much now because we have all of these  renewables to give us power so we don't really   need as much lng so it's a huge risk for all of  these lng companies to invest money to expand it   further and and expansion is not a quick thing  like i said it takes between five to ten years   it's not anything that can be switched on  immediately so europe is pretty much screwed   um they have not thought about this before  they started sanctioning russia before they   started coming up with all of these ridiculous  claims that they're going to stop using russian   gas by the end of the year they're going to stop  buying russian oil without having anything else   in terms of replacements now they're having to pay  a lot more prices for gas and the fact that gas   from has reduced its gas output via north stream  one they are making more money now than they did   when more gas was flowing and this is why the gas  prom ceo said commodities are more important than   money because you could if you control your  commodities you can make more money and the   so by reducing the gas to germany gasprom is  making more money because you've seen how much   the gas prices have increased um just almost  double just because of them shutting down that   gas pipeline or not shutting it down but reducing  the gas pipeline so europe is in big trouble and   i just don't see how they can save enough gas  for the winter i just don't see how they can make   they can have alternative solutions to russian  gas or russian oil and i just don't think by   the end of the year they will have anything  in place to get away from russian gas or   russian oil i think they're going to have to beg  russia for that oil or and for that gas as well   um it might be too late by then because  there's a three pipelines which have been   built towards china and one of them is taking  gas from the gas that is being supplied to europe   and if that pipeline is finished by the end of  the year or by next year europe can say goodbye   uh to those gassy gases because um russia has had  enough of europe as a customer to be honest you   know if you run a business and you have a really  really you know rude and destructive customer   sometimes it's easy just to let that customer go  you think you know what just let them go they're   just too much trouble for your business too much  trouble for its worth so you're better off finding   new customers where at least you won't have  as much headache yeah you're not going to have   that much issues or drama you'd rather just get  rid of that nasty customer and just find some new   ones because commodities like this gas from ceo  said commodities are more important than money   why should russia deal with an ungrateful  unappreciative unreliable partner   but like the europeans you know when they  can just sanction russia whenever they want   you know cause all of these issues threatening  about cutting off russian gas threatening of stop   buying russian gas and then you pay all of that  money to build nordstrom 2 and finally by the time   it's finished they play sanctions on top of it  it's absolutely ridiculous you know the amount of   embarrassment that they are putting russians  through and the europeans deserve it you know this   is not real pain at this stage you know as you  can see from the graph the gas prices are going   to carry on rising oil prices are going on  carry on rising don't forget china has just   come out of its lockdown uh so there's going  to be a lot of pain happening over the next   few months where everything goes up in price so  now i'm going to come to the chinese section i'm   going to talk about stuff that's happening  around china and also related to russia as well   so a lot of the russian planes have had sanctions  placed upon them which means airbus parts are   boeing parts um they're not being supplied um  because they have been sanctioned so china has   come on board and they said they will help russia  give those parts to to russia and help them out so   this is because american you know america has  basically sanctioned a really massive chinese   company called comac and they've put comac on the  blacklist and they are the company behind the c919   and recently the c919 had done some test  flights and it's ready to be sold off to   um the local airlines and they've got hundreds  and hundreds of pre-orders so come back are gonna   do really work really well so unfortunately  because these americans had sanctioned comac   comac had had no choice but to build their  own factories building their own parts   and they had to find their own suppliers and  recently they are building a huge you know factory   in shanghai which is gonna just purely deal with  air airplane parts and um and and all of that so   so they have a huge huge stuff happening  at the moment and they're going to build a   lot of planes over the next few years they're  going to supply their local industry in china   and who knows what what may happen after that  there's also a joint plane being made by the   chinese and the russian as well and they're  doing that working on that together so between   themselves they can help each other provide these  parts provide russia with whatever they need so   russia doesn't really need parts from boeing  or airbus anymore you know china and russia   are happily there to help each other the  c919 can be also sold to russia as well   and vice versa and you know these two countries  can help each other in the technological side   as well and i want to also go to this story  where china is being blamed uh because russia   is winning so they're saying here ukraine  valiant efforts to defeat the russia   is being undermined by chinese technology so  this article is basically talking about a chinese   drone company called dji and apparently russia  is using a lot of dji drones and these drones   are really really good you know technologically  they are probably some of the best in the world   and again djr has been sanctioned by the americans  they put dji in the blacklist so they're not   allowed any you know advanced technology from  any western companies but dji doesn't really need   any of these western technologies to be  honest they have their own technology   this is a very much home-grown company  and dji have been providing a lot of help   to the russian military as well providing them  drones and the americans have told the chinese   can dji stop supplying drones to the russians  and and and the chinese like why should they   you've basically sanctioned dji a few years ago  you have sanctioned them and now you want their   help can you see how ridiculous that is you  sanction a chinese company and then suddenly   you want their help because you want them  to stop um helping russia why should they   help the americans they've def sanctioned this  gjr company so the dji company can't sell any   drones to america and the west so who else are  going to sell it to obviously they're going to   sell it to their friendly countries like russia  and other friendly countries so why should they   listen to america when america sanctioned them  get rid of the sanctions first then ask for help   absolutely ridiculous and the blame game to  the chinese has already started by the way so i want to talk about this good piece of news  um china test technology that could beam solar   power from the space to the earth so china has  recently tested uh technology where they can have   solar panels in space and these solar panels will  be able to beam power back to earth in terms of   some sort of radio beams or electronic beams and  these will provide power to to earth the good   thing about having solar panels in this in space  is because in in earth these solar panels only   take in about 10 percent uh because first of all  you can only have them while the sun is up so that   means 50 of the time when it's dark you can't use  them and also the atmosphere blocks a lot of the   uv rays and sun's rays as well so it  cuts off about 90 percent of the sun's um   sun's rays that comes it comes into earth  so having them in space you basically   get 100 of the power of the sun and china has  already tested equipment which will be able to   beam that power back to earth and this means  that they'll be able to get unlimited power   day or night and which is a really really good  way of making getting that power and if this   can be um implemented and sent out you know sooner  or later this can be power this isn't known this   can not only power up china but you can power up  the rest of the world as well so imagine having   all these solar panels up in space where you  can power up the rest of the world and the world   won't need to burn any fossil fuels or things  like that it will help the world a great deal   so it's a really really good thing i think it'd be  really good for humanity so let's hope this gets   sent out as soon as possible so now i'm going  to be talking about some of the foreign firms   um who have left russia so there's a lot  of stories about mcdonald's leaving russia   even netflix and every single company who has left  russia they have basically made losses so you can   see here netflix shares tank 35 percent after  his first post first subscriber lost in a decade   you have 700 000 accounts in russia plus with all  of their woke programming they have also lost a   lot of um viewers as well same with disney  uh same with many other companies as well   but this article basically tells you that yeah  more than 1 000 companies have left but almost   250 decided to stay despite the ukrainian crisis  and the thing is the companies who decided to stay   you can probably assume that they  are clever uh they are still making   money from the russian economy and you  know as long as they can stay in russia   they are fine because companies that leave russia  you know they're not making any money they're   just going to lose money first of all you what  happens to all of that investment when you go to   open a business in another country you need a lot  of investment right you need to uh basically buy   some land you need to build your factories or you  need to build your shops um you need to obviously   set up all your business tax stuff  with the government and work out   what percentage of tax you need to pay  for them you need to hire your staff   you need to obviously pay for all of the raw  materials and you know there's a lot of investment   that needs to go in when you open a company abroad  and if you're a company and you walk out of all of   from all that investment you're the one that loses  not russia so you've basically gone there spend   all of that money and then suddenly you're leaving  russia you're not going to get all that money back   if you're leaving russia you're not going to say  to russia oh can i have my money back please all   of the money i invested in russia can i can i get  it back what do you think russia is going to say   screw you that's what they're gonna say so all  these companies who are leaving russia they're   just bunch of idiots seriously and there are some  big companies who have left russia and muslim are   actually regretting it you know they have lost  a lot of money in this [ __ ] in their share   prices just by leaving russia apart from shell  and bp they'll always make money you know the   gas companies oil companies uh with the price  of oil and gas at the moment they'll always make   money so it's not real big deal to them but all  these other companies actually are losing money   so it doesn't give me a list here of um of  which ones are staying but it does say here   amongst the 247 companies that continue activity  in russia 116 originate from eu countries   including prominent brands such as benetton diesel  giorgio mani lacoste this bank as well to name a   few some american companies such as hard rock cafe  tom ford tgi fridays also featuring the list of   companies and i just continue to do business as  usual in russia so you see all of these companies   they are clever um they might they may be kind of  on the down low at the moment not making too much   noise obviously they don't want to make too much  noise and tell people that they're operating in   russia they're probably doing it in the down low  also there's a com indian company called infosys   which uh rishi sunak's wife is a shareholder  he's actually she's actually the owner's daughter   so she's got a lot of shares in that company  so she's making a lot of money through emphasis   infosys is still working in russia and a lot  of people are basically not happy in uk because   here is rishi sunak and boris tending all of the  british companies to leave russia while rishi soon   ex-wife is profiting from the business in russia  and she's not even paying any tax by the way she's   a non-domiciled which means she doesn't have  to pay any uk tax so it's absolutely ridiculous   um proper double standards and completely  sick of it guys but i want to show you some   companies who have actually left i'm  just going to give you a quick list   you can see here consumer goods and retail you got  adidas uh british tobacco canadian goose h m ikea   ikea has really bad furniture anyway i'm you  know i hope they close down because i hate   ikea furniture h m nestle nike unilever energy  companies bp exxon shell they'll always make money   finance american express who needs  them anyway bank of america city group   um deutsche bank goldman sachs gp  morgan mastercard visa western union   you've got food which is carlsberg you got  obviously mcdonald's pepsi starbucks um media   bloomberg netflix walt disney warner brothers  uh you have all these consultancy companies tech   apple ericsson google ibm intel microsoft nokia  sap airbus obviously is sanctioned all of the   planes you have these hilton hyatt stuff as well  fedex ups not delivering to russia um siemens   can you notice siemens here so  siemens is the company which   where the problems are happening with  with the gas this is why nordstrom 2   nordstrom 1 has got 40 capacity because siemens  has sanctioned russia um so that's the problem   and as you can see all of these companies pretty  much sanctioned themselves really i don't see   any benefit for them for leaving russia's market  uh they probably got a lot of um heat from the   government to leave and that's probably why  but you know it doesn't make any sense for   them to leave because of political reasons  you know business is business end of the day   um so all these companies you know they're all  pretty much making a loss from it and you can   see how the american stock market is doing right  now american stock markets do not doing very good   um you got crypto which is crashing at the moment  um stock prices are going low american dollars not   doing well um the us and the uk economy is going  to go into recession so will the eu so all these   companies leave in russia they are leaving an  emerging market a strong market and this is   only be going to be good for china you will see  a lot of chinese companies moving into russia   and all these other probably uh middle eastern  companies moving into russia asian companies   moving into russia and that's going to be a good  thing for asia in general asia you know asia and   russia will trade much more with each other and  while the western economy is basically slowly   collapsing they this is like a major major on goal  and this is really really gonna cost them big time   anyway i'm coming to the idiot of the day award  and the idiot of the day ward goes to this article   putin faces mutiny as russian troops  joined kiev forces to crush invasion   oh my god can you believe this [ __ ] so this article is saying that russian troops are  basically joining um ukrainian troops to crush the   invasion and i just had the biggest laugh of my  life just reading this article and it's absolute   propaganda and absolute bs anyone heard so  much crap you know when the russian troops   are absolutely destroying the ukrainians at the  moment in battle so many ukrainians are dying so   many ukrainians are being injured uh surrendering  russia is winning you just have to look at the map   the amount of territory they've taken and uh  and this article says few pewter faces mutiny   oh my god it's absolute idiot  of the day the daily express   anyway that's all i have time for today guys  let me know what you guys think and i'm looking   forward to reading your comments don't forget  to like share subscribe whatever you can to help   promote the channel you'll be absolutely amazing  and what be even more amazing is if you can buy   me a coffee or you can join my patreon which i'll  really really appreciate so without further ado   i'm gonna go now guys so thanks for listening  and i'll see in the next video take care for now

2022-06-22 17:12

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