Jared Kushner Peace Deal Maker In Chief - Who Is Kushner

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666. Which. ISA is. A trademark. Who, is the Antichrist, who. Will be the. End of time. Christian's. Have been conditioned, to believe that, suppose, it one man Antichrist, will, make a seven-year, Israel, peace agreement, to, fulfill the 70th, week of Daniel prophecy, which, will mark the beginning of the supposed seven-year. Tribulation period, most. Believe that they will be raptured out after the peace agreement, takes place so. It sets up the narrative of a fake rapture, scenario, where, people may be tricked into believing that, they have been left behind. The. Enemy is going to play out their deceptive, script to fool believers, in the end times so their position people, to, appear to be the one man Antichrist, when, in fact they aren't this. Video looks at Jared Kushner being, used in that role of. Things. To talk about, how, do advance. Peace. Stability, and, security in our region prosperity, - and, I think all of them are alone in our reach so. I'm happy to see, you and the effort that you're leading on behalf of the president with. Jason my B's in the field I think this is, this. Is the son of the great alliance, between us and, the great goals the garden. Well. We're very appreciative, of your team and all the efforts that they've made the, president is very committed to achieving. A solution, here that we'll be, able to bring prosperity and, peace to all people, in this area and we, really appreciate the commitment of the prime minister and his team to engaging. Very, thoughtfully, and respectfully, in. The way that the president has asked them to do so so. The. Relationship, between Israel America, is stronger than ever and we, really thank, Prime Minister Netanyahu, for his leadership and his partnership. Jared. Is married to president, drunk Trump's, daughter Ivanka I, believe, that the enemy connects, powerful, families through marriage to, better carry out their agenda and now, he, is the golden boy of the Trump administration he. Is charming, and likable, extremely. Smart and well educated and, probably. Very well coached he, has been given top security clearance, to know all that is going on even though he has no experience, in politics, or anything, in which, he is now involved, in it, but. Bebe and I have known each other a long time a smart. Man great negotiator, and I. Think we're gonna make a deal it might be a bigger and better deal than people in this room even understand, that's. A possibility. So. Let's see what we do. Doesn't. Sound too optimistic pathetic. Krishna, was raised in a modern Orthodox, Jewish family in, New Jersey he. And Ivanka are Modern Orthodox, Jews keep, a kosher home and observed, the Jewish Sabbath, his parents, are proclaimed to be survivors, of the Holocaust what's. Interesting about this is that. Many people think, that the suppose that one man Antichrist, will be Jewish, to, deceive the Jews into believing in a false messiah he. Assumed a role of CEO, of Kushner companies in 2008. They, paid 1.8. Billion, for the 666. 5th, Avenue office building in New York which, houses Lucent, Technologies who's, supposed to be making the RFID, chip that, will be used in the one-world, government. President. Trump is positioning, him as the only person who can negotiate a peace deal between the Israelis, and the Palestinians, saying, to Jared at a press conference if, he, can't produce peace, between them nobody, can, Netanyahu. Has been a friend of the Kushner's, and particularly, Jared's, dad Charles. Kushner, a major, donor to pro-israel. And Jewish, causes it. Is said that Jared, gave up his bed and moved, to the basement so Netanyahu. Could spend the night at their home in Livingston. New Jersey, it. Will be interesting to see if Jared, meets with Israeli, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and, President, of Palestine. Mama a bus. If a, peace agreement is made people. Will point to Jared as the Antichrist of Revelation. I. Feel. Like most people don't even know a Jared, Kushner sounds. Like even. Though he's so influential, now because, he rarely talks, to the press the only interviews, we could find online. Didn't, have anything to do with national. Policy, it was just Kushner discussing. His real estate business. Just. One year ago Jared, Kushner was, a nobody, at least as far as US politics, was concerned. Forbes. Magazine and trumpeting. On their cover the man they credit with Donald Trump's victory the president elects own son-in-law, Jared. Kushner. Covering. Reaction, to Trump's win people said they were shocked stunned. One, man told us that this was all messed, up. Trump. Has said Kushner, could even play a key part in the Middle East peace process while. His role has fueled speculation Kushner. Has quietly, been taking steps to distance, himself from his, multibillion-dollar. Real estate business Kushner. Companies of, all, the financial Titans, and philanthropists.

Of The 20th century, none of more complex or mysterious, than George Soros, like. Carnegie JP, Morgan and the Rockefellers, he, amassed billions through, ruthless, business, decisions. Recapitalize. The banks. And. And. Then. Work. On a better world order, where. We work together to. Do resolve, problems that. Confront. Humanity. When. George w bush, was president saar, said the, main obstacle. To a stable, and just world, order, is the, united states when. Asked to explain. He answered, by, declaring, a war on terror, after September. 11, we, set the wrong agenda. For the world, think. About that. Well. I have described, him as a. An, imposter. And conman. And. That would be dictator. By. The way teal was the supporter Trump Eric Schmidt the former Google CEO was not a supporter, of Trump but he recognized, Jared Krishna's genius he said Jared. Kushner is the biggest surprise of the 2016. Election, best I can tell he actually ran the campaign, and did it with essentially, no resource. Analysts. Say he's taken on more than any one person can handle many, of the portfolio, positions that Jared, Kushner has taken, on have been ones that the brightest minds in government, have not been able to fix. That. Was the most shocking thing in the story to Eric. Schmidt big, backer Hillary and also, helped them her build her her, tech machine if he's, saying this is the big deal watch this is Krishna guy I knew I had a story. 36. Year-old Jared Kushner has no diplomatic experience. But he's become an envoy, to foreign leaders at times, in place of the Secretary of State if you can't produce peace, in the, Middle East nobody, can. President. Trump declared that his son-in-law Jared, Kushner could broker the toughest, deal in the world lasting. Peace between Israelis. And Palestinians. Presidents. Just don't hire their family members but, Trump is doing more than that senior. Advisor Jared, Kushner is making, his unannounced visit, to Iraq with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff it's unusual, Kushner would travel, to Iraq before the Secretary, of State a sign, of Kushner's, growing, influence. It's. Just particularly, important, to focus, with, Kushner on this idea that he, is a power center all to. Himself. He. And wife Ivanka, both practicing, Orthodox, Jews are seen as being more moderate, than Trump and have, reportedly softened, the president's policies, on gay marriage and child. But. No administration. Over the course of four decades, has been able to solve the arab-israeli. Conflict, Barrett. Says with a new set of leaders in the Arab world wanting.

A Solution, the timing, is right, Kirchner, played a key role in February's, visit from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Can. I reveal Jared how long we've known you. Finessing. The strained, relationships. With Mexico, and working with the Canadian government are, also Kushner, projects, and he's, now running a newly created office, to integrate business ideas into the government. Jared. Kushner at the helm of a newly unveiled office, called the White House Office of American, innovation. We, went to find Jared Kushner to ask him what his plans were walk. Into the office at 666. Fifth Avenue with his parents he was offering no clues do. You think you're gonna get a job in the White House. The, disarming, smile gave nothing away, Jared. Kushner is now inside his company headquarters. Jared. Is perceived, right now as a. Very very powerful. Man. In the land, these, Trump's golden boy yes. I'm. Jared. I mean you know I did, actually speak to Donald Trump. On. Friday and he told me how incredibly, brilliant. He, thinks jared is he, called him my son not even the son-in-law of my son. The. Presidential, drama falling, on the heels of Bannon, losing his seat on the National, Security Council an overhaul. Approved, by the president, and endorsed, by Kushner, fancies Kushner, and his allies as globalist. Democrats, while Kushner, regards, the Bannon faction, as harshly national, his. Wording is interesting. Most. People would say a stable. And just world. But. Soros, he, said a stable. And just world harder. That's. Because, he, is a globalist. Through, and through so I have no sense of gift are, you religious, no. Do. You believe in God no. Soros. Told us he believes God was created, by men not the other way around which may be why he thinks he can smooth out the world's imperfections, the Hungarian. Prime Minister accused. Soros, of trying to destroy, Western, culture. Particularly. Its. Christian. Roots, he. Said your pens must stick. To our Christian. Values, Armen, believes that, Europe, can be saved, if, Europeans. Take, seriously, the traditions, the. Christian roots and all, the values that are the basis, of the civilization. Of Europe by. The way that's. Also true of, the United, States secretly. Went to Saudi Arabia and, it wasn't for oil but, it wasn't for this either the. Unannounced, 4-day, trip was Kushner's, third to, the Saudi to, Saudi Arabia this, year and focused. On brokering, peace no, that's, not why you'll, see, all. Right but I just wanted to show you that the. White House did not say who Kushner, or Trump Middle East envoy, Jason. Greenblatt, in deputy, national security adviser, Dana Powell met. With during the trip but, a White House source told political. The visit was part of an ongoing effort, by the Trump administration to. Put an end to the israeli-palestinian, conflict, where, peace talks have, been stalled for decades did they make progress no, because that wasn't the reason they went okay. Now. I want to show you something weird about this article, Kushner, flying commercially. Returned, on Saturday, night for a surprise birthday dinner, at the Trump International Hotel for. His wife. Ivanka. Trump who turns, 36. On Monday. Right. 36. If you know anything about the numerology. Why is that the last line, of that article. Now. Let's take a look at this one what else has Jerrod been up to with Saudi Arabia let's, take a look. The. Saudi, Crown Prince, started powers, power grab against, rivals, after Jared Kushner's, secret, trip to, meet him when the two stayed up that limit even yet without it, when.

The Two stayed up until 4:00 a.m. swapping, stories, the. Crown prince behind, the wave of arrests in Saudi Arabia this, weekend has a key US, ally, in Jared. Kushner, The, Washington Post. David. Inglis, whatever, wrote that Kushner, met with Crown Prince Mohammed, bin Salman, on his, recent secret. Trip to, the country, the, two princes, really, as he, referred to them stayed up until 4:00 a.m. swapping. Stories and planning. Strategies. Yeah. Pretty, suspicious, it's all suspicious, of Jared's, even there in the first place okay. He's, not even an elected, official he's, senior, advisor he's, in charge of the American. Innovation. Office, and under that is the American, Technology, Council that brings in the AI into. This country and I'm gonna call. It right now I bet you that, they're going to digitize, Social Security in April. And when they do that that, opens the door to the AI takeover, in America, because, Sophia. Is going to be in charge of a Bitcoin program. And that's, what that would require okay. That's digitizing. And they've, already digitized. The. Library. Of Congress, so, don't tell me there's not gonna be any digitizing. Of our government, when, they're already started, okay, just trying to say now, let's go take a look at that calendar. Okay. So. Now, I hope, you can see this Wednesday. Is the 25th. And. Ivanka's. Birthday, is on, Saturday and he flew home 1 2 3 4, so he is here all these, days and flew home Saturday, night to. Meet his wife at her 36th. Birthday just. Want you to see those numbers those dates because, now look at this you. Tell, me this, is just, coincidental. Hmmm. Really. Well jared is there check. This out. Saudi Arabia, bestows, citizenship. On a robot. Named, Sofia, this, is dated October. 26th. Ok. Saudi. Arabia, just made a nonhuman woman. A citizen. Making, it the first country, to grant, a robot, the right to citizenship, at least as far as we know and why. It did, so isn't, immediately. Evident but, the irony, of a nation, in for in famous, families, like the sort in famous.

For Denying basic, rights to its female citizens. Imbuing. A robotic. Audrey. Hepburn look-alike. With rights is not lost on us the, robot known as Sophia appeared. On stage without an Abba a head, covering a cloak, normally, required by, women of Saudi government, yes she has more power over the. Over. The women. In Saudi Arabia, it sets 2 precedents, one, as a. Robot, as a citizen, and two, as having. Rights above, other humans, which in this case are the women, of Saudi Arabia, here. She says I'm very honored, and proud for this unique, distinction, the, robot said on stage this, is a historical. This. This. Is historical, to be the first robot, in the world to be recognized. With a citizenship. Yes. It sets, a major, precedence. And we already know she's, going to be in charge of Bitcoin. So, in a couple days. Go back to the American Technology, Council and, I'm, going to show you what they were talking about the only, meeting. Were ever going to be privy to okay. I can see that right now, so, anyway something. They think about jared. Is mysteriously. There when. This took place okay. As you, see and you see Israel and the United States trying to take out Iran, and North, Korea they, do not have Racha banks, you can't get an AI takeover, when there are countries they do not have, a rotschild. Base six questions involving. The family, business, of president. Trump's son-in-law and advisor Jared. Kushner after. A controversial. Sales, pitch in China. According to multiple reports here, it is this weekend, Kushner's. Sister, urged, a crowd in China to invest in a New Jersey real estate project, in turn, for fast-tracked. Immigration. To the United, States she was talking, about the controversial. Golden. Visa program. That lets foreigners, jump the immigration, line if they, make a. $500,000. Investment in, a, US development. It's a program the president, extended, last, week when he signed the spending, bill according. To a New York Times reporter, a photo of the president, was used in, the, presentation, and Kushner's. Sister also referred, to Jared who ran the company until, January, after all in a statement today a company, spokesman, wrote in part Kushner. Companies. Apologizes. That if, that mention, of her brother was, in any way interpreted. As an, attempt to lure investors. Jared. Kushner's personal, attorney issued a statement saying he is not involved in the company anymore and what, work use himself from matters involving, the golden. Visa program, we heard something similar in the briefing room today. So. I think I would refer you to the company. On that I don't but this had Jared has done everything to comply with the ethics, rules. To make sure and that had nothing to do with him, per se he wasn't involved. Let's. Bring in our panel on this subject u.s. managing, editor for the FT Financial, Times Gillian. Tett and our own Stephanie, ruhle who before becoming a television journalist. Spent some time in the business world, so. Stephanie norm Eisen who, was Obama's, ethics lawyer said, tonight it's, as if they, have a for, sale sign on, the White House lawn. He said perception. Is reality in, these matters and they're, not fooling. Anyone, do you concur well you don't just have to be normal and who is an ethics. Experts. But there are many people who voted for President Trump, who are saying after something like this enough. Is enough let's, not get cute for, Jarett sister. To be in Beijing on a road show saying. And my brother who ran our company, starting in 2008. And just left to take a post in the White House it's, a little bit like spare. Me already, while you may be literally.

Following. The law at some, point the spirit, it's got to catch up with you, Gillian is just back from Asia I say that by way of thanking you. Special. Kind of jet-lagged but it's also germane, to the story you were saying absolutely I mean one of the things you have to understand. Is in. A country like China, business. And politics, influence. It's absolutely, embedded, in terms of how people perceive, powerful. Figures so, even, if Jared, Kushner even, if the family says we've taken all the right, American. Steps to, comply with the law the, reality, is that people in China people, in the Philippines, even Japan will, see this very clearly as a sign that essentially, access, and influence, can buy you power and in this case can buy you a visa Steph who's out there to get someone, in trouble, who's, the watchdog, who's, going to come in and say okay, alright, this is too much this. Is going to stop who. Is the, person who says when. Everyone says they've recused, themselves stepped, away blind, trust we don't believe it Brian. Don't you wish there was that person, that was in the White House doing that I mean if, you think about the fact that the Kushner's continued to say remember Jared, has divested himself he's, got things in a blind trust that, blind trust is run, by, his sister, Nicole. Was doing the presentation. In Beijing by her husband, the PR woman in Beijing, who was shuffling, out those, reporters. Who didn't want them there said this isn't the story we want to tell you're, darn right lady we know that's the story you don't want to tell but this is the reality and Gillian think of Jared Kushner's. Realm. Of influence he's, going to fix, the Veterans Affairs fix the opioid, crisis. Middle. East peace and, that's just innovation exactly. Here's something else very important, to understand, when. Donald Trump with a letter president, there was a kind of panic, amongst, many of the Japanese Chinese, and, other Asian governments, because they didn't know how to get in touch with him they, didn't know how he worked but. Since those Vince act election, they've, increasingly, come to the belief that they need to find whatever leverage, they can to get in close with the trumps there's, a real perception that actually, looking. At the Trump family looking at the Christian family is one way to, essentially cozy, up and so, once again even, if you screw up this whole deal with, any direct, connection between Jared, Kushner and the property companies the, reality, is it's, perceived, in Asia and essentially. America, doing business asian-style, I knew a journalist, for a long time get off a plane from Asia, to. Find that four times in 24, hours the President of the United States has. Called the news media all of this fake. Exactly. Eric. Trump, aggressively. Was saying the news media is fake fake fake after. It was reported back, in 2014.

I Believe he. Did an interview with, a golf reporter, and in that interview, he said, oh we, get our financing, we don't need American, banks we get plenty of financing. From Russian, banks what, was our Trump's response to that today believe. None of it the fake news media, said it well I was very clear I reached, out to the Trump family we reached out to Eric Trump directly and said if you believe this is fake news the, last thing we want to do is spread, that fake news please help, us write this what is the right answer would you like to share the right information what, was the response radio. Silence, there goes that golf media again that golf media, it creates a sense we're living in the era of transactional. Politics, transactional. Foreign policy, where, everything can be treated like a deal and that's, as breeding offensive cynicism, and it's eroding a lot of the banner, coup inside, the Trump White House, Zionist. Neocons completely. Take over Trump administration, a. Very. Stealthy, and slow-motion. Coup has been executed, in Washington, DC the. Coup plotters, staked. Out the West Wing long before Donald Trump ever set foot in the Oval Office. The. Still ongoing coup, has been a fairly quiet affair, because it took place within. Trump's, own family, first the. Prime mover, of this overthrow, is our, Zionist. Neocon. Jared, Kushner his. Wife Ivanka, Trump president's. Daughter is also playing a crucial role, specifically. As her father's most trusted adviser, quote unquote as always. There are numerous agents, of deep State who, are assisting with, the clockwork, implementation. Of every, aspect, of the takeover. Steve. Bannon exposed, Jared. Kushner. Jared. Cory Kushner, is a son of Charles Kushner a heretofore. Major, contributor. Bundler. And bad man for the Democratic, Party. Democratic. Party so. Loyal was he to the Democrats, that he went to prison for, an illegal campaign, finance, scheme and the, subsequent, cover-up crimes. Jared. Kushner boy. With the mission, if. This. Bloodless, coup d'etat has one, foreign agent who has deeply infiltrated, the Trump administration, it. Is Jared, Kushner the hardcore Zionist. Neocons. Although. Unusually. Young at 36, years old. His. Adulthood, experience. Is quite deep in causes, that advanced, zionist. Extremism. Some. Son-in-law, Jared, Kushner bankrolls. Extremist. Zionists. Kushner. Was primed for the advocacy of Jewish, Zionism. During. His college years his. Involvement, in the college based shabad, was. A particularly, important, part of his resume, building shabbat. House is well known to be an outreach arm of zionist, extremism, it's. Common, knowledge within. Intelligence, circles at shabbat houses, worldwide. Provides, safe haven to Israeli, agents especially the notorious, cyanea. During, times of Richard need. Shabbat. Houses, have history of criminal activity, the. Chabad Lubavitch. Sect, is extremely. Radical organization. That espouses dogmatic. Endtime prophecies. That. Are overwhelmingly, favorable, to the Jewish race however. Their. Real work is better understood by those members who often, appear to function as an, extension, of the Mossad. Although. Religious by their own description, the, Chabad House Leader in Washington. DC levy Shem Tov is one. Of the biggest political operators. Inside, the beltway. His. Trumps Jared, Kushner connection.

To The Chabad Lubavitch, sect, the, cause for his dramatic EU turned the. Sect is deliberately fermenting. A prophesied. Third, world war. Source. Kushner's, belonged to Jewish supremacy. Doomsday, cult in the. Advisor of, Jared. Kushner everything. Points to an individual, who was strategically, positioned, within the Trump family to, achieve the eventual, and total control of the, White House it. Appears that he has almost accomplished, that lofty goal as of, April 13th. 2017. But. Who is he really working, for his. Carefully, constructed, political, network tells the story, Jared. Kushner is, powerful, political, partners, in, order. To better understand, just how complete, the Trump administration takeover. Is the. Following to expose, our offered, for their, penetrating. Insight each one provides a different but vital, perspective, on what, is now known as the Kushner, coup Jared. Kushner the, 36, year old kid takes over the west wing Kushner. A Zionist, neocons running. The White House you, could link a click on those to see what they're writing their sorrows. Inside, man George Soros the globalist. The billionaire, who Hungarian. Jewish banker, that broke the bank avail of 1990s. The, right should have known that Jared, Kushner was, a Democrats, in sight man planted, within the Trump team after, all Krishna, and his brother Joshua. Received. A two hundred fifteen million dollar investment from. The Godfather of, light liberalism, self, George Soros, and, this. Is the LinkedIn you see on that George Soros back Jared Kushner venture, contract. With two hundred fifty million dollars. Hence. It. Was only a matter of time before the, key planks, of Donald Trump's oft-repeated, campaign. Platform, were, converted, into political, firewood. The. April six missile, attack was. Intentionally, staged not only to reignite the Syrian war it smoothed the president's, domestic agenda to, the back burner, even. The high crimes, of, white. Tech white top gate have, been conveniently, pushed off the front pages now likely to be forgotten, the. Growing threats of a purple revolution, were previously fabricated. As an incentive for trump to relinquish and/or. Trash. His most important, campaign, promises. Fictitious. MSN polls pushes. Approval, ratings to a president, to lows in order to, encourage team trunk to make a dramatic foreign, policy, shift. War. Mongering, almost, always and, date and genders, fake patriotism that, creates. Reflexive. Support, for a sitting president of the United States, Donald. Trump carried, out Syria. Missile strike after, being convinced, by daughter Ivanka you. Can click onto that article and read that as well even. The MSM, reported, that it was daughter, Ivanka who, convinced, Trump to launch the illegal, missile, strikes against Syria. Given. Her conversion, to husband. Jared's extreme, form of Jewish Zionism. It, ought to be obvious who, influenced, Ivanka. Welcome. To the Kushner presidency. Conclusion. Everything. Has changed with. Such an egregious, and indisputable, war crime committed against Syria hanging over his central necks, year's Trump. Is now toast, he. Killed his presidency, with one fatal blunder and exceedingly, reckless, mistake no. Matter what Trump does from this point forward he has proven, himself to, be a pathological. Liar who cannot be trusted, he, has likewise, Taft, his administration, with serial, Prive, Rico, terse Trump's. Blind rush to judgment, without, any factual evidence whatsoever, reveals. Him to be without conscience. And devoid of common sense, given. This unfortunate, state of affairs, the. American people are effectively leaderless, once again in the. Ensuing chaos the, nation is being stampeded. Into more foreign wars on behalf of Israel Trump. Has been relegated, to nothing more than a puny pitchman, for the Greater Israel project. And his. Prominently, positioned, son-in-law is but a messenger, boy relaying the orders from Tel Aviv you. Can see the article the new White House chain of command. Editor's. Note the. Following article, is bare Jared, Kushner is extremely, telling journalistic. Agenda, particularly. Regarding the terrorist attack on September 11, he. Is the owner and publisher of the New York Observer which. He bought at the age of 25 for 10 million dollars there, is perhaps a more dangerous truth, to the Zionist New York on agenda is this. Why, the observer, has constantly, published articles, which, really killed truthers, after.

All There's. A massive, body of conclusive, evidence that contains, deep. Research, and high integrity, investigations. Which, link Israel directly, to, the. 41 story size problem, at 666, Fifth Avenue Jared Kushner's company still holds half of the 1.2, billion dollar mortgage and hasn't paid a cent for, its and the Kushner's to look overseas for, investors, Caleb Mel B's recent, story on the Bloomberg takes a deep dive into Kushner, struggles, with the property caleb joins us now, caleb great stuff walk, me through what's the new here right so, we, had, known that Kushner, Kushner. Companies had looked for funds with um bong and China they. Had gone to Qatar, this, story, reveals. That they also talked to a developer, in Saudi Arabia they went to the Korean sovereign wealth. Talk to some Israeli, banks and insurers as well trying. To find one. Of two things either a way to refinance, the mortgage on, that tower or in, most cases to, buy into this very, expensive, very grand redevelopment. Plan they have for the building so, what happened. Nobody's, committed any funds yet and, they're. Still looking how, much time do they have the. Mortgage is due February, 2019. And we got to talk to the president, of Kushner companies the rent murali and he'll tell you that that's plenty of time in real estate finance. To. To, find someone to do this deal with them but they've also been looking for a long time already any, chance it's actually gonna get done. Anything's. Possible and, they tell you they have a lot of contingency. Plans either they create that 81, story building, with condos that go at $9,000. Per square foot and a huge retail mall or maybe. They, just update. The offices, and get people to move in that way I can look thanks very much for a scale jacked has spent most of his life trying to stay out of the spotlight while, still making a serious name for himself in the real estate business he. Is a real estate investor, and developer, the owner of the New York Observer the husband of Ivanka Trump and now senior, advisor to President Trump, today, we're talking about Jared, Kushner Jared. Was born on January 10 1981. To Sarah and Charles Kushner, his, father was a very successful real, estate developer, and the owner of Kushner companies which, Jared would become CEO of at a very young age, the kuschner family is worth one point eight billion dollars, and Jared, himself has a personal, net worth of around 800 million, although, he had been a lifelong Democrat Jerry, became deeply involved in the presidential race of his Republican father-in-law. Donald, Trump writing, speeches managing. The social media campaigns, and often acting in the role of campaign manager, he, now has a tremendous, influence as a senior, advisor to President Trump, now. That we've covered some background, let's, get into the 15 things you didn't know about Jared, Kushner. Number. One he, avoids social, media and is intensely, private jared, is known to be a very private person he does not have a Facebook, account and seems, to avoid social media altogether, with one exception, he joined Twitter and 2009 but as yet to post a single tweet he, follows about 40 people most of which are family members or business connections, along, with a few celebrities, like Ashton Kutcher Gary, Busey and Jimmy, Fallon.

Number. Two he tried to buy the Los Angeles Dodgers at. The age of 31 jared attempted to become the youngest owner in major league baseball by putting in a bid on the Los Angeles Dodgers the. Team was ultimately sold to an investment group that included, former Los Angeles Lakers, player Magic, Johnson for over two billion dollars, back in 2012, which, made it the largest sale, for a professional, sports team up to that point. Number. Three his father's legal troubles made him abandon his career goal of becoming a prosecutor, Jarrod, earned a law degree as, well as a master's, degree in business administration from. New York University, in 2007. He had plans to become a prosecutor but, his father's arrest and prison sentence changed, his mind, Jarrod's. Father Charles, pled guilty to making false statements to the FEC, witness. Tampering and tax evasion after. Seeing how the prosecutor, handled the case Jarrod, said he didn't think he could cause that kind of pain to families, the, prosecutor, who sent his dad to prison was actually, New Jersey Governor and former presidential candidate, chris Christie. Number. Four when, his father went to prison he, took over the family business, Jarrod. Took over the family business much, sooner than expected when his father was sentenced to jail time he, became the CEO of kuschner companies in 2008, at the age of 27, and was, immediately faced with the crash of the US economy which, his real estate business was, greatly affected by he, kept the company afloat and made several notable real estate purchases, including. 50%, of the Times Square Building for, 295. Million, dollars back in 2015. Number. 5 he, facilitated, the most expensive, single building purchase in New York City's history in. 2007. The, Kushner's, bought the office building located at 666. Fifth Avenue, in hatton for 1.8, billion dollars, paying. $1200. Per square foot for the new york city building this, made it the most expensive single building transaction, up to that point in New York City's history Jared, was the one that signed the contract, to buy the property, after the economy crashed in 2008, it was reported that Kushner lost at least 90, million dollars on the deal, the, Kushner company is currently planning to replace the building bought with a 12 billion dollar skyscraper. Number. 6 he, once broke up with Ivanka, because of his parents, Jared. And Ivanka went on their first date in 2007. And the, relationship, quickly became serious, Ivanka. Says Jared was the first boyfriend she ever brought home to her parents and Donald, Trump warmed up to him pretty quickly but, it was a different story when it came to Ivanka and his parents they, reportedly, were very opposed to the relationship, because Ivanka, was not Jewish and this, was the primary reason the couple broke up in 2008, Wendi. Deng who, was Rupert Murdoch's wife at the time brought, the two back together by inviting them for a weekend on her and Rupert's yacht without, telling them the other would be there and, the plan seemed to work perfectly, Ivanka. Agreed to convert to Judaism and the two were married in 2009. Number. 7 he, designed his wife Ivanka's, wedding ring Cashner, worked with one of Ivanka's, fine jewelry designers, to customize, an engagement ring from Ivanka's own jewelry collection he popped the question with a 5.5.

Carat, Cushion cut diamond ring and the couple married three months later. Number. 8 he, and his family observed, the Sabbath weekly, jared. Is a modern Orthodox, Jew and one way he practices, his faith is by observing the Jewish Sabbath known, as the Shabbat between sundown Friday and, sundown Saturday during. This time his family refrains, from using cell phones email, internet, and TV and are not permitted to travel except, by walking, Jared. And Ivanka had to receive a special dispensation, from the rabbi to travel, by car during president Trump's inauguration, and they also received, another dispensation. To travel by plane to, Saudi Arabia in May of 2017. To accompany the President on his international, trip. Number. Nine his grandparents, were Holocaust survivors. Jared's. Grandparents. Arrey and Joseph Kushner survived, the brutal conditions of, the Nazi occupation of Poland during the Holocaust, they, immigrated to the United States in 1949. And established, a construction, company which would eventually grow to be the billion dollar company, the family operates, today the. Prestigious array kushnir yeshiva school in Livingston, New Jersey is, named after Jared's grandmother, and the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy in the same city is named for his grandfather. Number. 10 he was accepted to Harvard after his parents made a very large donation, Jared. Graduated, from Harvard in 2003. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in government however members of the administration of his high school so they were very surprised, he was admitted because neither his grades nor his SAT score, warranted, his acceptance into an Ivy League school there. Was speculation that he was accepted only because of the 2.5, million dollars, his parents agreed to donate to the University this, was the subject of a book written by Daniel, Goldin called the price of admission which, focused on unfair, admission practices. Of elite universities, favoring, the wealthy and famous his. Brother Joshua, also attended the school if you want to check out other places the wealthy go for higher learning click, on the upper right hand corner to watch our video of 10 universities, where super-rich kids go. Number. 11, Jared, made around 20 million dollars while still in college while. At Harvard Jared, developed a real estate in Somerville Massachusetts as, the vice president of Somerville building associates which was a division, of Kushner companies he, made a profit of around 20, million dollars through buying and selling properties. Number. 12 his, family, owns and manages a, 1.15. Billion dollars, in real estate assets, the. Very successful, Kushner companies owns at least 20,000. Apartments and 13. Million square feet of additional property, in six states as CEO. Jared, has focused on attracting creative companies and millennial, focused startups, like Warby, Parker and Etsy, to rent his building space. Number. Thirteen he was given a ten million dollar graduation. Present, after. Graduating from Harvard Kushner. Bought the New York Observer a newspaper, that was losing about two million dollars annually, Jared, turned the paper around dropping, the print editions and moving to an all digital format, making, the publication, profitable, again a close, family friend says, that the paper was a graduation, gift from his family who paid ten million dollars cash for the publication. However. When Jared became a senior White House adviser he, passed along his publisher, title to his brother-in-law Joseph, Meyer. Number. 14 he, and Ivanka are excellent, matchmakers, since. Jared and Ivanka have found happiness together they said they want to help make other friends happy too by playing matchmaker, Ivanka. Says they see how their friends strengths, and personalities, and passions align and are able to successfully match them up they, have set up seven couples that have gotten married so far and Jared, has even officiated, two of the weddings Jared. Also offered to officiate the wedding of morning, Jo co-hosts. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. But. Mika was not interested. Number. 15, Rosie, O'Donnell wrote a poem about him and his wife in, 2016. Rosie O'Donnell saw Jared and Ivanka on one of their date nights at a restaurant she, did not recognize the two right away but was inspired, by the romantic way the couple interacted, she, wrote a poem called eight million, to one that described Ivanka, as the most beautiful woman she has ever seen and Jared, is having a calming charm, rosie. Has an ongoing feud, with Donald Trump and the poem also spoke about how she confronted, Ivanka at the restaurant and shared, how her father's words and actions had affected her.

Now. That you know a little bit more about Jared do you think he is an impressive businessman, or was just lucky to be born into a successful, family let, us know in the comments. You.


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