Rapid Development of Data Rich Web Applications with Sencha and RAD Server

Rapid Development of Data Rich Web Applications with Sencha and RAD Server

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Hello everyone. And welcome to our webinar: Rapid Application of Data Rich Web Applications with Embarcadero RAD Server and Sencha ExtJS. Today, I have Andres Villalba with me. He is the Sencha pre-sales consultant and myself, Alejandro Ruiz, I am, uh, an Embarcadero sales consultant. Hi, how are you doing? Hi, Alexa, doing.

Yeah. Great. And I'm really happy to be here presenting, like you said, a RAD Server and Sencha ExtJS. Definitely. Yeah.

I'm really excited about this webinar. We have done this webinar for other regions and this is the first time we did it for the U S so, uh, let's get started. Okay. We're going to start first with, uh, what, what is RAD Studio? Uh, RAD Studio is really one of the best ideas for building applications, um, for multi-platform that are going to be high performance native applications in Delphi and modern sheep, less. Plus we have, uh, a wide range of, uh, visual design tools that are going to allow you to create really the fastest applications in any of the platforms that we target. We target windows of course, with, uh, VCL and FireMonkey and we have, um, also capabilities.

To do mobile application development and Android iOS, uh, that's of applications, of course, in MacOS and um, lately we have added the capability with FMX Linux to create desktop applications for Linux. We can also create server side applications, and that is why, what I'm going to be showing you today. And this is going to tell you everything about the website of things. So really what you have. It's a full range of applications that are going to allow you to create better rich web apps. Uh, what's great.

And RAD Studio in RAD Studio. Uh, we have developer productivity tools that are going to allow you to create applications really five times faster than, uh, our competition. Um, with Delphi fancy plus first builder, you're going to get native applications that are really fast with native compilers. There is no interpreters here.

There is no, um, packaging of, uh, HTML applications. We really have native compilers that are going to create, uh, applications that are first class citizens on all of the, uh, although the platforms that we go RAD Studio really give you. The really gives you, um, uh, speed and performance for, for your applications. Because again, they're native, they're going to run on the hardware or each of the platforms that we go, uh, we're going to give you also of course, database access.

That is one of the, um, greatest characteristics of Delphi. And you're going to be able to connect really with, um, any, uh, database, uh, that server. We also have additional, uh, connectivity options with, for example, with C data, you're going to be able to connect, uh, to enterprise data sources, even, uh, some, uh, additional ones that are going to allow you to connect to, for example, social media feeds, uh, and many of them. Sources of data that, that, that are going to be, uh, connected to as if they were databases.

Uh, we give you also powerful C++ library platform, API access to every, uh, platform that we go. Uh, you ha you, you actually get a platform, API access, uh, on all of these. So if there is anything that we don't allow you to connect to directly with, uh, with our frameworks, with our RTL, you're going to be able to connect to it, uh, using the, the native API APIs. Of course, we have visual designers, don't worry about creating prototypes rear applications. The UI UX is going to be a very, very, it's not going to be a very similar, it's going to be exactly what you see on your screen.

It's, it's actually, it's a wig. What you see is what you get when you take our applications for. Uh, one platform are actually from the signer to, to the platform. We also have a really strong community.

The number of people who registered to this webinar is great. And remember, we make the community. Of course, one of the main characteristics of Delphi is that backwards compatibility. Really, there is no other tool that matches what we can do with, uh, with RAD Studio, with Delphi C++Builder. We have a lot of customers in, uh, older versions of Delphi, Delphi, uh, seven, uh, for example, one of the most popular versions and really, uh, a tool that was created some 20 or 20 years ago.

Uh, the applications that you build with that are still active are still working. So that, that is that it's great. And unmatched.

The migration to, uh, for, for these, uh, applications is much simpler than that, where you think we have, um, weekly workshops to allow you to, uh, to, to work with us directly on, um, on, on migrations. I actually, I personally give these, uh, these workshops, or if you're interested, please send us an email and, uh, we'll invite you to, to the workshops that are completely new free. And, um, again, they're, they're open, uh, workshops that are going to allow you to talk to us about, um, any, uh, any of the, the, the, the topics that, that, uh, that make up, uh, a great.

As we mentioned before, you can target many multiple platforms with a single source code. So basically you can take your applications, windows 11, IRS, 15, Miko as 12, Andrew 12. And like we said before, you can also do Linux with FMX Linux. So basically we give you the best in class windows support with 64 bit compilers that are going to be focused on high-performance high memory usage, um, all from a single. Source code. Okay.

So that's it for a studio now let's move on to RAD Server. RAD Server really is the perfect backend for Delta and C++ applications. Plus what we are going to show you today, you can create backend for pretty much any type of, um, of, of application.

Any web technology can use, um, are the, the, the backends that we create and you're going to see how easy it is to create your, um, your backend with, um, with, with alpha or C++Builder. When you Mount these on RAD Server. Now, the great thing about RAD Server is that you can deploy RAD Server to any cloud provider. You can really take your, your, your backend and put it on a Docker container and, or, uh, put it on IAS, Apache, really? It's it's going to give you.

A lot of, a lot of flexibility when it comes to rest endpoint, endpoint publishing, which is what we're going to show you today, um, is going to allow you to do that very easily. We have, uh, several components that take, uh, basically the, your database structures and publish that as endpoints. We also have API analytics, we have access control, and of course you can access all of this from desktop applications, from mobile applications or from web applications. Um, additionally, uh, Server allows you to do integration with a middleware integration. You basically can take iOS, smart devices, uh, cloud services, um, and really it's going to allow you to, uh, to utilize, um, your or to actually to power your, your middleware. We also have core application services.

We can use, uh, push notifications, Jason. Data store user, group management. And, uh, very interestingly you can use, uh, use your location proximity with, uh, with B console. Really rats server is much more than what we are going to be showing you today.

Uh, we're going to be focused on the rest endpoint publishing, but you can do so much more with a RAD Server. Uh, so with that, I'm not going to bore you anymore with, um, with, with, uh, what a candle, let me actually show you how to, uh, how easy it is to do this. So I'm going to move to a quick demo. I actually have created, um, a. Demo for everyone out.

And I'm going to switch to my rice. That's studio 11. And, uh, I'm going to show you how easy it is to create these applications. So I'm going to create an other, uh, I'm going to go to RAD Server.

I'm going to create a RAD Server package, this RAD Server package. We're going to create it, create a package with the resource. So I'm going to go next. I'm going to call this rad demo.

I'm going to create a. I bet a module I'm going to use it then a module. And here is where it gets really interesting. We, with the RAD Server package creation wizard, you can create sample endpoints in case you want to return, um, data that you are building directly, or we can create database endpoints. So I'm actually going to be select this. Um, it also allows you to do API documentation and I'm going to show you that as well.

So with the database end points, we are going to be able to take any data source that of the ones that I have configured right here. Uh, and it's going to allow you to publish this. So this connection is going to be using fire deck.

I'm just going to take, um, Local database in the demo that we're, that I'm going to do together with, uh, within the, this, we actually were using, uh, interface. Let me see if I have my interface that this year, and I don't have it configured. So I'm just gonna do this one, uh, for simplicity sake, with a local database. Notice that SQL lights it's a low, a true local database is a small footprint database that it's not meant for a server deployment, but where the rats are, where we can make it, uh, and take it to the next level. So I'm just going to publish, uh, these three, uh, data elements that I have on the database. I can actually take views or anything that would return, uh, data.

Uh, I'm just gonna take these three tables and I'm going to finish and really that's it. That's all we have to do to create, uh, an application that it's going to publish, uh, what we need, basically, this is going to take, or it's going to give us, um, a fire that connect. To a local database, it's going to create the queries that are going to publish this data. So this is, this is going to result in a dataset notice that we can with this simple database that we can parametize. Um, and, uh, what is actually the star of this, uh, of the, uh, of the demo.

It's going to be the TMS data set resource. Is this basically going to take that data set and it's going to answer to these, uh, HTTP verbs that make up, uh, arrest the lists, get put in. Posts and the lead with that, you're going to have a full crud that you're going to be able to, uh, to publish. And again, this is going to turn the data set and, um, and, and, and, and convert it into Jason. Uh, you can also do a paging in case you need to, you can do prime parameters here that you're, that you can pass on to, uh, to the query in case you need to return different set of data. So I'm going to run this and this right now, it's going to run against the development server.

So I'm going to open a browser and with the browser, I already have the demo. So I have this customers here, notice that we have right here, uh, all of the data, if I want to return a specific, um, To actually to do a, uh, a GetIt. I can just pass that as, uh, as, um, as, as part of my, uh, URL and that's going to return everything that I need. I can use this, of course, uh, from postman or from any other tools that it's going to allow me to communicate with my restful server.

And it's going to read that Jason here, we also have, uh, well basically we have everything that we're, that we're publishing. It's going to give us, um, the paths. Uh, it's going to give us everything that basically all of the endpoints that we, that we have. And now I am going to consume this, um, am going to consume it from a different application. So I'm going to go a little bit into what Andres is going to show you.

Uh, but before that, I am going to use a fully configured, uh, application. And so I'm just going to do the trick that cooking shows do. And I already have here, I have a, uh, an Asher, a VM, and this is the URL that I'm going to use. Basically. It's exactly the same thing that I was showing you. It's a data module.

I'm going to have all of these data sources returning, and these are the data sources that undressed is going to consume in a minute. Okay. I am going to show you very quickly before we show you ExtJS. Uh, I'm going to show you, um, another flavor ExtJS that it's, that it's going to feel more, very, very familiar to Delphi developers.

They'll say developers are used to, uh, visual, the signing of applications. So century architect, which is part of the ExtJS, uh, family, uh, of, of, of products. And it's actually included in, uh, in, in the pro version, it's going to allow you to create applications visually. So I'm just going to create a blank project and I am going to consume this service. So let's run this. This is the remote server.

This is the URL that I'm going to use. It's already running. So let me close both of these and run it again, running. There you go.

Okay. So again, I'm going to run out, open the browser to make sure that we have this working. And, um, it seems to be working one thing that I haven't show you actually, which I haven't shown you is console. So this is the part that I was talking about on the analytics. So I'm going to have the analytics, um, Uh, so when somebody starts doing, um, uh, requests, we're going to be able to see the API calls.

Um, this is where also where we do authentication. Uh, we are able to do, uh, groups. We're going to be able to check installations, uh, the edge edge modules in IOT that I was telling you about are going to be able to be used from here. Uh, these are stats that actually are going to tell us. About how we're consuming this, by the way this, uh, console is also made with, uh, with Sentia, uh, Sencha really allows you to create visually stunning web applications that are data intensive and that are meant to use, uh, by enterprises, their enterprise grade.

All right. So everything seems to be working correctly. Let's go back to the local machine and now I'm going to go to the browser, to the local browser that I have right here, just to make sure that I can hit that server all the way from my machine. Okay.

So I have that right here. You can move that over and let me do rat server at there. It is. Okay right. Servers south central cloud app, and I'm going to query the employee. All right.

So again, I can, uh, I'm actually hitting, uh, the, the server that I have in the cloud, uh, running on the development version, uh, we could actually be also using the rats server light, uh, version, which is very similar to, um, to that RAD Server development that I was showing you. Uh, so this, we are going to import on Sencha architect. So I'm going to import the Jason web service. I'm going to put the URL right here and I'm going to import all of the fields.

Now, all of the fields that we are publishing from that end point are going to be shown here. So I'm going to be able to generate a quick, very, very quick. And this is going to create everything that I need. It's going to create a model.

This model has all of the data that we have, and it's going to create a model right here that it's just the full UI that it's going to allow us to do a full crowd. We can add, edit and remove records from, uh, from here. And we can also, um, get details and get an editable form that we're going to be able to save. I'm not going to, uh, uh, build and compile and deploy, uh, all of this, but basically this is, um, what you can do very easily and really in minutes, uh, with rats server and send chart, get that.

So now let's move on to, uh, addresses part of the presentation because he's going to show us how to do this and, um, in a way that it, that. In my opinion and a little bit more to the younger generations of, uh, developers, which is using, um, basically, uh, uh, source and command line command line and, uh, source code source code editors. I'm sorry. Um, that are going to allow you to create applications using that model and this take it away. Thank you, Alex. Yeah.

I'm going to be talking about sanctuary extra. Yes. Uh, basically, uh, how it works, how to create an application from, uh, from the command line and also how to consume the data, uh, with, uh, St. John application. So let me just talk a little bit about, yes, I do. Yes.

It's a JavaScript framework and it's perfect for building enterprise and data intensive wave applications. It is great to maintain these applications. They can be alive for several years without doing much to them. St. John has a lot of tools, a lot of grades that can be useful to create your own applications. We can say that it is business critical, meaning it is stable and reliable.

It is prepared for changing business requirements. It is, uh, it is prepared to work with a lot of. And it allows for product development. Uh, what are the, we mean, uh, when it's alive for several years? Well, we mean that it's really easy to support, uh, to maintain and support meaning, uh, it's based on, uh, object oriented programming it's really useful is to work with, uh, it also use a declarative form using something similar to Jason while it's basically Jason will, we can embed a JavaScript code there. Um, uh, it follows all modern technologies.

Um, it works with all new browsers and devices. We can say that our motto is that St. John provides everything a developer needs to rapidly build data-intensive cross-platform enterprise web applications. Uh, how does it work internally? Well, basically, uh, it works with JavaScript, HTML and CSS three, uh, as a developer, all you have to do is work with, uh, extra. Yes.

Which basically, like I said before is just Jason and JavaScript. It will create the HTML code and the CSA scope for you. It doesn't mean that, uh, that you cannot get inside the HTML five code. It's just that it creates everything for you. But if you need to, you can also add HTML and CSS. If you need to, uh, we actually have a, uh, tool that it's called femur, where you can change the complete, uh, environment of the, of your application.

And you don't have to go into CSS code. So, like we said before, it's just an, a front end, uh, technology. Meaning we need something on the backend and on the front end, this is, uh, St. John running can run either on a desktop, computer and mobile tablets or anything you want to, as long as it runs a jealous.

Uh, so basically we can say that it has a lot of components that I'm going to show you in a couple of minutes. Uh, it has an advanced data package, which, uh, basically uses a data model. It's a view model controller or view model, uh, view, uh, it's cross platform. Like I said, it has theming, it has architectural patterns. It has, uh, tooling and it has, uh, it uses some of the modern wear features. Let me show you what I mean, my oldest, we have here at Sencha, a kitchen sink, where you can see all the tools we offer.

Um, as you can see, we have buttons. We have data, mining, data view, and different other, uh, options. Here. We, we have forums, layouts panels, uh, charts, Colliner people threads. What's more important here in a.

The next day. Yes. It's how powerful our grid is. Um, is gonna load pretty much anything from basic data takes numbers, um, buttons, but it can have a lot of information in it. We can group the grid. We can have checkboxes.

Um, we can have, uh, row numbers and many other different options. Uh, for example, uh, well we have a role expander. We have an infinite grid, self having paging we can load and have a St.

John, uh, request the data as we sprawl. Um, not only that, if you go to the essential kitchen sink, you can look at the code. And just like I was explaining before, basically you can see here is just, uh, Jason, basically we are creating a, a grid here by using an object and extending from it. And then we're adding all the options, key and value, key and value. Um, that's how it works.

And, um, like I said, we can have a view. We can have a store here. We can see that by using this story, it's going to load the data from this URL. And we can also, if we need to, we can have a controller where we can have a JavaScript code. So even if a century is new to you, we have this powerful tool here where you can get examples.

Okay, let me get back to the presentation. And, uh, one of the, uh, main advantages to ExtJS is that it's a tool that has everything built in. As you can see here, ExtJS has its score.

It's UI components, layout, theming, package management, testing, deployment, support, and training, everything built into it. If you were to using another tool, let's say angular, you would probably need to get the UI components from somewhere else, some extra components. And then the layout's the same deal.

The theming, you will need to use something else like SAS or less and so on and so forth. So that becomes a lot harder to maintain by using NGS. It's a lot simpler because everything is there.

Um, okay. Now I'm going to, uh, continue with the. What we're going to be building right now, it's something similar to this. I'm going to use the, uh, command line to create a basic application. Like this one, you will see that it has everything you were seeing here. All these options created as, as a, as a guy, you can take them out and put your own, uh, options there, which I already did.

And I created here an example for employees, for other departments, customers, and countries. This data that you're seeing here comes from, uh, the, the work that, uh, Alex showed you before. So this is basically the same data, um, before I show you how to create it, as you can see by default, it's giving us the option to hide and show columns, to filter by any column. Let's say that I want between five and 10. Sorry. It's the opposite between five and 10 like that.

Okay. My, uh, Majlis is a little bit buggy. Okay. Between five and 10 there. And I can take the filter out or I can search by text or by date. Sorry, I have that one, uh, disabled.

Okay. Give me a second. Or I can have filters, uh, a combo box here as, as a filter. So we have plenty of different options already built in. So how does this work? Okay.

First things first of course, I need to download, uh, St. John. I can either buy it or download a trial. So, um, I'm not gonna go through the process of downloading the trial person version right now, but if you want to, you can go here. Uh, or if you already have a license, you can go to this four page and download it from there. And one thing that I would like to add, uh, there is, uh, are red, uh, RAD Studio customers that have, um, uh, the architect version, the architect version does include, uh, the pro version of Sentia.

So chances are, um, a lot of our audience already has, uh, uh, Sencha uh, or has essential license that is going to allow them to, uh, to, to try this out. Yeah. Thank you, Alexi. I forgot to mention that. Yeah, it's quite likely you already have a license. So, uh, what I'm going to do basically is that I'm just going to create a new.

As you can see here, I have three already created. I'm going to create a third one fourth one, sorry. Uh, so basically what I do is I use a PowerShell. I want to show the window I'm here.

I basically just tell, uh, St. John to, uh, to generate an app, depending on the version I have, uh, is what I have to type. If I have the trial version, I will be typing something similar to, to this, uh, here, when I'm telling a Sencha to download the application from, uh, from the server and putting it on a folder called women, not a demo, I'm putting it outside the current folder. That's why I added these, uh, this option here, however, right now what I'm going to do. So I'm going to suppose we have, uh, an actual license.

So I'm just gonna use the. Sorry, I'm just going to use these template templates, uh, that I already download. This is also on this port side. Um, what I'm going to do now, it's just say gravy app. I'm going to name it, whatever I want. Let's say example webinar.

It will take a about five minutes or so on depending on your computer. So I'm just going to live it CRE uh, sorry. I'm just going to create it and leave it there.

I'm not going to wait for it because I don't want you to wait five minutes doing nothing. So I'm just going to click enter and just leave it there to work. So basically what I'm going to be doing right now is work actually with the, uh, first name. So let me just get, uh, Miko here. Um, once, uh, the app is. What you will get is something similar to this.

And also to the admin dashboard that I showed you a couple of minutes ago, you just get the actual version. Give me one sec, something similar to this. I don't have the examples option here anymore. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to create an example section here.

I'm just going to put, uh, one option there to see the employees, but this is what you get. As you can see, you can see charts, you can see data at grades and everything here is an example. Uh, it right now, Right now it shows me, us Delphis made is this is just an example, but putting your own, uh, password protection is really simple. A is not part of this webinar, but it's something we can do in, in another webinar. And it's really simple.

It's already created, I just have to activate. So basically what I'm going to do now, it's a create the menu. So how do I do it? Well, the, the options of the menu are inside the store, the app store, sorry, and inanimate an option and a file that is called navigation three. Here.

We can see everything that it's in the menu. So I have a dashboard, I have emailed profile and as you can see them here, dashboard, email profile, and so on and so forth. So.

Right now, what I'm going to do is create a new option. I love this comment for me, just so that we knew where exactly I was. So if I wanted to create a new option, I can just say, uh, let's call it something.

Let's say text, I'm going to call it a webinars. Examples. I can use an icon.

This icon is based on a font. Awesome. But not to spend a lot of time on it. I'm just gonna for now just got B uh, another item. Let's say it's, um, uh, usually here what we do, it's uh, we, uh, given an action.

Which is the BW type. Uh, since I'm going to create this option here as a main notion option with several sub options, I'm not going to do that when I'm going to create here it's list of children and inside of it, this is where I'm going to put the main options. So let's say, um, just call it text, let's say option one.

I'm going to put an icon there, sorry. Uh, let's say a scarf. I'm just going to put there a second option.

Just copy and paste Stan a little bit less time on it. Say a briefcase, um, something else. Uh, but it's a good idea. To put here is that I don't want this option.

The, uh, the webinars, examples to be selectable. I just want it to be able to open and close. So it's not selectable and it's not open for now. So I'm just going to say, and I'm going to pest it.

And if it doesn't work, it means, uh, you have an error there. We can diva. But right now I just wanted to try it like this. And there it is. Okay.

As you can see here, it shows like it has several options. It doesn't. So I'm just gonna add something here, uh, St. John, that this is not, uh, uh, container. I have to call it.

I mean, I have to add the option leaf and call it through. So it means that it's a leaf from the, uh, from the navigation three. Um, I'm just going to add. Have you type this view type, we'll link it to a class. So I don't have the name of the class right now.

I'm just going to call it employees for now. Let's call it employees. You okay.

And then what else do I have to do? Well, I have to create the view here. Uh, what we have is the app and say the app, like I showed you before we have the stores, but we also have the abuse. So basically you can create it here anywhere. I want, I already created an examples, uh, folder.

This is what I had. The four examples you saw before. Some, what I'm going to do is just create a new file there and I'm going to call it employees B. Okay. So then I don't spend a lot of time with it for now. I'm just going to get the basic, uh, IDM.

Um, this is what we usually do in set up of a class. We define it. Um, sorry, I'm just gonna ask some state, uh, what do we do here is define the name of the class. Uh, it usually has the folder name, so it's app view examples, and then it's the, the name of the class, which should match the name of the file. Employees, view employees view.

And then I have a class where it's going to extend from I'm going to extend from a grid and then I have a name and next type name. That's the one that has to match the view type. So I'm going to put it. Okay. Uh, I know there's been a little bit of information that I have been going through right now.

Um, but it's a lot simpler than, than it looks like. So by having this right now, I can get it to work well, right now I have one mistake though, but yeah, I can get it to work how, uh, the, the navigation is calling employees view, but it's not going to know where to load it because, uh, it's not loaded yet. So I have to include that file. And I do that by adding a requires, sorry. And when I, what I do there is just include the, uh, the path to the actual file. So we said it's app example, sorry, view examples.

Um, the name of the, uh, the class employees view employees view, and it's here. So if I take a look at it, uh, what is it? I try it again. We can see now that it doesn't have the, uh, the opening, the open icon and click on option.

It's gonna be empty because I didn't do anything. All I did was create the title. Okay. So what's next.

The next part, it's a quite simple too. So what we do is create a column array this as are the actual columns that we're going to show show there. So, um, let me just put it like this.

That would be better, uh, there, and I'm going to create the first column. There is some to tell you through them, just going to copy and paste to spend a little bit less. I want to load the employee name and then I'm going to specify a with, um, then I can specify the beta index and what's this, what's the, uh, the, as data index. Well, it's the actual name for, from the database? Uh, it's a case sensitive. So that's why I'm living, living like that. Actually, let me just create a second one.

Um, let's say this is first in may. I'm just going to say 200 for now. Um, let's see.

First me on if I take a look at it again, this is how it looks like employee and first name. Uh, it's not loading any data there. It's not loading any data now. Why? Because I haven't created the store, but, uh, right now it's green in the columns. If you take a look at it, you can see that this is a hundred pixels and this is 200 and we can see that by default, we have these options here.

Uh, it's not a big deal. We can use flex values instead, or both. I can say the employee number should be a hundred big salts and the first name should be flex one. What does that mean? But you will be a hundred pixels, um, uh, flex. We'll get the rest from the, from the year.

Excuse me. Okay, now what's next. Well, what's next is the, the store.

So I'm gonna, uh, go a little bit further ahead. So I'm going to require. Uh, actually, it was a little bit look at that. I'm going to require the store, which is the employee grid demo that I already created. This is the fi for the store, and this is the actual, uh, alias or X for the store. I have already created that as you can see here, it's admin store examples.

So it's the app. This is the name of my app. That's why that works up. Store examples, an employee greet them. And I already have this created.

I will go through Irina in a couple of minutes. Let me just show you how it works before I do so. Okay. I think I didn't.

Yeah, I live even safe. Okay. Let me show you how it's going to be. And there it is. This data is the same that Alex was stating from a rat from a breath server.

So of course this will take a lot more time than actually going through St. John architect, but here we can, uh, code whatever we want. Let's say that I want filters.

Well, all I have to do is activate the plugin. Good it filters, and then specify the kind of filter. The first column is a number. So I'm just going to say the filter should be a number, the second column, it's a string, so same deal. And, uh, I can continue through it right now.

I'm just going to copy and paste the other, uh, columns that I had. Okay. Um, let me show you how it now looks. Let me stay case here. As you can see everything is here right now.

I'm not going to go through it, but I can also add a, in to have a paging down now here and to refresh the big grid. But let's see now that I have filters, as you can see, now this is working, so let's type over and as you can see it doesn't search the whole column. So if I type R it's going to return anything that has an hour, this is Don on the backend. Of course, if I'm creating the backend, let's say PHV or.net.

I can, uh, specify how this is going to be a searched. Okay. We already saw these two. Okay. And, uh, let me show you, so the, uh, the store, so basically the story is the same idea we have. Uh, we have.

The name of the class, which we define, we're saying from a beta store, we give an analysis, Elliot, sorry, we gave it an alias. We, uh, we can specify a model. We can escape it if we want to, but it's not, uh, the best idea.

And then we have a bunch of options right now. I have out to load in on, through, uh, I don't have the patient size, uh, the remotes or the remote filter are false, which means that it's censure the one that it's doing, uh, the filtering and not the backend, but I can do it in the backend. If I said this to the true, uh, then I'm specifying the IB property. They should be like this. And then I can specify a proxy.

And as you can see here, I'm doing a rest call. This is a URL where I'm getting the employee from, and I'm telling the reader that it's a J. And under the root property is going to be self Asara, a variable named Russell.

Um, that's basically it. I mean, I do have them all here. Like I said, uh, I mean, novel it's here, uh, where I can specify each of the fields, uh, is not a hundred percent required.

It is good practice to have it, but it's the same idea. I create a class, I extend, I specify the ID property, and then I specify the, uh, the actual fields. And, um, that's basically it just to create a grade. Of course we wanted to edit this. We have a bunch of options.

Uh, just like the example that Alex showed you, we can have a secondary panel on the right and have there the option to edit. We can open a window when we all click or when we have a button on the right to edit. Uh, oh, let me show you that on the kitchen sink. So, um, we have the option to have sell everything.

So for example, we can have the option to edit right here. We can have the option to delete right here. Of course we can put here, I confirm box. This is just a basic example.

We can edit the whole role step. Um, this is just a basic idea. Okay. Uh, so basically that's, uh, the demo we wanted to show you. I hope you, you guys, uh, liked it.

Um, Thank you so much on this. Uh, again, you showed us how easy it is to use it using that model, um, using the Sencha command, which is at the center of, uh, of the century tooling. Uh, I asked you, you said it's a one-stop shop to do everything that many other tools that, uh, that you would need to, uh, to use. If you were building your own tool chain, um, you get a magnifier, an ugly fire, something that it's going to compress, uh, basically your, your web application, everything is, uh, is, is, is included, is integrated and you can use it. Right out of the box.

Once again, this, uh, St. John century pro, uh, which includes architect is, uh, central said chart. It is included in, uh, our higher, uh, skew, which is, uh, rats are RAD Studio architect.

Um, so you may already have this wonderful tool that it's going to allow you to create web applications that are enterprise grade and data intensive. All right. On this, um, let's go to the questions now. Okay.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much this, and, um, let's go to the questions now. Uh, we have, uh, several questions and, um, more greetings from, uh, from our attendees. Uh, there are a couple of questions that I really want to, um, to, to go over. Um, we have a question that says, uh, if I have.

RAD Architect, license, uh, is ExtJS included, and how can I install it? Um, that is the question from Andrea Andrey. Uh, when you got your, uh, let me see, what is the name of this email, the order confirmation and the order confirmation for a Delphi. When you get your, that, that email in that email, they're seeing information and how to get the license. Um, it says right here, actually the license for both the rats are multi license. It says your purchase includes a rats or multi licensed deployment license to learn more, go to RAD Server. And basically you have, um, your, your license.

Uh, you get a separate email, uh, with the license, uh, for route server, multi license. Additionally, it also says. Uh, it also mentions, uh, Sencha your purchase also includes a per user perpetual license for Sencha ExtJS pro. Uh, you will receive a separate email containing your Sencha license and that email, uh, look for it. Uh, it's going to say thank you for your central order, uh, dash licensing information.

You are basically going to get all the information and says, uh, thank you very much for order. Uh, here's your license key, your purchase, date, client name, um, activation code and everything that you are going to need. Okay. Um, Neil Armstrong says, uh, this is not included in an enterprise then known agile. It is not included in an enterprise, but, um, you should contact, uh, sales set of archuleta.com. Uh, if you want to do an addition upgrade, that is a possibility.

Um, so. Yeah, that's that's that's, that would be the way to, uh, to get the additional licenses. Uh, apologies. We have a couple of, uh, comments on the screen being a little hard to read. Um, yes. We realized that we should have, uh, done some scaling, uh, increase the font size, uh, for, for you to see a clearly, again, this is going to be published in our YouTube channel, uh, for you to review.

Um, we get some, um, additional comments about, uh, how handy this is and how interesting it looks, which is the license model for Sentia. That is a question from Alberto Alberto, the licensing model, uh, as we have mentioned the Sencha, uh, you get a Centure pro license, uh, directly when you, uh, purchase. Our, um, the, uh, our highest skew, a Delphi architect.

If you need to provide the tool for the rest of your team, of course, there is a separate licensing, uh, please go to central.com there, we have everything related to the licensing. So very important to go there and see it. I can actually take you there. The com.

Um, okay, so here is our. Um, licensing, basically what you get is a perpetual license. Uh, you get the pro version. It includes, uh, what I was showing you architect. Uh, there is, uh, an additional, uh, skew, which is the enterprise, uh, skew. This one includes additional, uh, components, for example, our calender and several other, uh, features, uh, for that.

Uh, so again, yeah, just go to, uh, to essential.com and you'll be able to see. Basically are all of our licensing, um, options. Um, Jason asks, uh, uh, he says, great presentation. Thank you so much.

Jason is century responsive. Of course it is responsive. We have two frameworks, the classic framework geared towards, uh, legacy, um, browsers and, uh, our modern, uh, toolkit, but the modern framework that is more geared towards a more modern, um, browsers, uh, mobile, um, at that the cemetery, uh, classic does not do what responsive or mobile that the, uh, the, the, the, the, the newer one, um, The newer framework, thus, uh, have, um, a better look and feel, uh, again, uh, as Andres was showing you, um, you can go into the kitchen sink and see the different options that we have, um, how easy it is to, uh, to do the theming, uh, to modify, uh, everything that you are going to, uh, to need for your applications. Um, yeah.

So again, uh, several questions about responsiveness, um, Um, and there is a, this a question for you. Could we repeat the command line to generate the project within the, that with the dashboard templates? So please, um, you can post it in the chat, uh, for, for everyone to see, um, you know, I'm showing says, um, uh, I noticed that you were using vs code. Is that the preferred editor? And are there any recommended extensions to use with it really, Neil? Uh, you can use any, uh, code editor.

Um, I have a personal use that with sublime, um, and Adam, um, right now visual studio code is, uh, becoming, um, very, very popular, uh, given the, uh, cross platform capabilities that, that it allows not that, uh, Adam or sublime donuts, but is becoming very popular. Uh, it is not the preferred, uh, editor. That's just the one that that is, uh, was, was using, um, perfect yet.

Undressed just posted a reply to and there is please post that in the chat as well, or actually he posted it for also perfect. That's that's great. Uh, let's see if we have any more questions here. Um, there's there are some questions about the support.

That rat server has for other frameworks, of course, RAD Server is going to allow you to create, um, uh, a very easy backend that we can, that can be consumed from anywhere. We actually have our, um, famous, uh, two minute demo that we're where we consume rat server from a mobile application created with Delphi. Of course, you can use it with angular view, uh, react, uh, or, or any, any other, uh, language to, uh, basically that it's going to take, uh, Jason, and it's going to add a presentation layer, basically the front end. So yes, of course you can use it pretty much with, uh, with everything, um, that we see, we have, uh, more things.

Um, Andre says this, this posting here that, uh, he usually uses, uh, vs co. BAS, uh, visual studio code or PHP storm. Um, let's see if we have anything else. I'm not, I'm going to review some of the earlier questions, promise that it was going to read a couple here out loud. Um, let me just review and make sure, okay.

This is about the licensing and how to get your license. Um, Nope. I don't see anything else. Nope. All right. So.

That's our webinar. Uh, we try to keep it under an hour. We started a little bit late, uh, apologies for that.

We were, uh, hoping to get all of the attendees, uh, in our session. Once again, this will be posted in our YouTube channel, uh, to everyone that was, uh, attending our webinar. We appreciated a lot. And, um, please, if you have any questions, once again, you can, um, contact us directly at thatReese@embarcadero.com or@undressedviaalbaatsentia.com. And with that, um, I will just like to thank under this and this again is a little bit under the weather.

Um, so he, he has been, uh, very actively posting answers here in our Q and a panel. Um, Thank you. Thank you on the today's and thanks everyone for attending our webinar today.

Um, Nigel says a very interesting, um, and he says we have, uh, we might have gained a customer. Thank you so much, Nigel. Again, there are several, um, promos going on at the moment.

Uh, so please make sure to contact sales in Burke there.com uh, for, for any, uh, quotes again, um, some of our attendees were asking about, uh, Variation, uh, includes, uh, Sencha and RAD Server. Uh, RAD Server is included in enterprise, um, with a single site and RAD Server light and architect includes a multi-site license, of course, uh, RAD Server light as well. Um, and that one also includes Sencha pro so very, very good package that you get with, uh, with the architect edition.

All right. So once again, thank you so much for attending our webinar and I hope it was useful to you guys.

2022-06-10 10:18

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