Heavenescents meet June 7 2022

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hey guys okay i'm trying to um stream it to our facebook page too because we have a lot to talk about [Music] all right hold on that's mine all right enough okay it should be getting ready to work let me share my screen [Music] all right everybody how are you guys doing i know we're gonna have a lot of people in here tonight i also streamed it onto our facebook page we are going to be covering um the first 20 minutes or so we're going to be talking a little bit about what we talked about the last time just to kind of recap and to talk about some other forms that you can use and ways that you can set your goals that we're going back to the basics and then the last part of our meeting annette and i are going to share things that we did whenever we went back to basics so good evening everybody i'm so glad you're here so let me go ahead and record this so we will have it um [Music] oh you know what i've got it on here so i don't need to all right so we're good so you guys can hear me okay and everything all right awesome okay so if you guys remember we're just going to jump right in all right i don't see a way to record it but being that somebody just asked me am i going to record it it's going to be on my page so we should be good and i can download it from there i don't want to use my zoom space anyway we're going to jump right in and we're going to talk about really quickly um the things we talked about last time we're going to jump right in and we're going to tell why that happened okay so if you guys remember correctly we were talking about mindset we were talking about the stories that we tell ourselves we were talking about affirmations we were talking about ways that we can actually change our mind to be able to connect to our subconscious um to be able to look for positive things in our life right so is there anyone on here you guys can put it in the chat that you can actually see that working in your life once we did that you could kind of stop correct your thought change it and go for the positive because did anyone see anything that they did to be able to change your business at all i just want to give you a second to share that if you did do anything yes awesome i'd love to see that i think it's uh i'm not sure but there are a couple of you guys that are posting things on your facebook page affirmations that i absolutely love seeing those affirmations every single day because whenever you start out with an affirmation is really going to help you if you start out saying you know oh my gosh i overslept the day is going to suck your mind is going to look for every single way in the world that your day is going to suck that day right but if you're like okay i've ever slept that's okay maybe god prevented me from getting in a wreck and i'm gonna have an amazing day i'm gonna talk five new people today your mind's gonna start looking for five new people today so remember anything that you focus on is going to be what your mind is going to look for okay awesome okay when you felt overwhelmed i went back and focused on affirmations i love that the way i message my vips and friends in a more positive way fantastic so something that i have been doing for a really long time is i told you guys about this program that i've been taking i've been taking it two years but i've also been working on mindset um program with a friend i've got something in my eye anyway i don't know what it is but this here i don't know if you can uh that's blurred i'm gonna put my background anyway i'll show it to you in a second there it is i have a notebook and it's basically what i have on the screen right now this is something as you guys can see i printed it off and i turned it into a notebook for me on vistaprint because i have this with me at all times when i tell myself i can't do something when i look at my circumstance you know maybe it's something that maybe somebody lost their job right or maybe someone's sick right now i'm trying to find the if you guys can mute yourself that way everybody can hear that'd be great um it's all there we go um because i don't want to take away from anyone being able to learn anything okay so i made this into a vistaprint um thing and you guys can see it on here where i can stop myself in my tracks i have it in my purse i take it with me so if it was something that i was sick i'm like you know what i feel so bad today i'm not gonna get anything done and when i'm thinking about that my circumstances that i'm sick my thought process is that i'm not gonna get anything done my feeling is gonna be like i'm depressed and i'm overwhelmed because of how bad i feel um my actions are gonna be that i'm not gonna do anything and my results are gonna be like i'm not gonna accomplish anything during that day now i'm talking about being so sick that you can't get out of bed i'm talking about the little things that we tell ourselves like oh i have a headache i don't like doing it oh gosh i'm supposed to go to the gym i don't feel like it so it's those little things that can take our mind and just hold it captive and telling us that we can't do the things that we know we can do because everybody knows that when you do things whenever you don't feel like it that is whenever the magic happens that is when action happens that is when you see something positive that comes out of it like every time i go to the gym probably ninety percent of the times i go to the gym i don't feel like going but when i leave the gym i'm like i am so glad i went i couldn't believe how much stronger i was today or maybe i don't want to do my reach out it's my follow-up you know sharing the opportunity but then once i talk to that one person it was i want to do five more so you've got to look at your circumstance what is it that you are telling yourself what is the circumstance you're in right now that you are letting affect your business right so there are so many people that have come to me over time and i'm going to give you a great example i talked to a friend the other day she has been in cincy for 15 years and um she is a star director still and i say 15 years because that's a really long time she has been a star director i think for almost 10 years now and we were just kind of going back and forth about the red light stories that we tell ourselves and the circumstances and i asked her you know what's going on to where she's not growing her business because people underneath her are growing but she's not growing she's not recruiting she's not hitting her um she's hitting her 500 but she doesn't have her active consultants underneath her she's not hitting her team wholesale volume for star director to get paid at title there are a lot of things that are going on with her so i had to ask her a question of like you know when is the last time that you did hit title when is the last time that you were growing your business and she went all the way back to like 2015 and i'm like okay how did you feel about your business then when's the last time that you felt proud about your business and she's like shannon it has been a really long time then what circumstance happened that made you stop your business and she told me that her circumstance was that she lost her job being a teacher and that when she was a teacher she saw so many people so the red light story she told herself was because she had to stay at home with her little kids because she wasn't getting out in the work world that she wasn't going to meet new people and i'm like well here i am to bust your excuse because i have been a stay-at-home mom i've brought my kids to me with me to the park to chick-fil-a to the library to um the mall i mean you name it i have brought them there and i always had cincy on me and i said so what how did you feel the last time you had a recruit how did you feel the last time that you grew your business and she was like amazing proud so i said did you stop asking and she's like yes because what happened is i told you last time how many times it takes for somebody to shut their business down remember what i told you about three times you asked three people you hear no so you've told yourself the whole world is telling you no and she said about three people in she quit asking and so she's been coasting along for years and years and years putting in her 500 just you know watching her team build she has like thousands of people underneath her but because she's not hitting those requirements as a star director she's not getting paid anything like she could and it's it's on her so we had to go through this whole process what circumstances the circumstance she said was that she's been home with these kids now i think that they're now i think nine or ten now um and she hadn't been able to get out and meet new people and then covet happened and that really messed her up thought she was having was that she was a horrible leader she didn't deserve the star director title she didn't deserve to lead a team of all this many people and she started telling herself those stories the feelings were that she was getting depressed she was not liking her business because when you are doing something that obligation you're going to stress yourself out when you're doing something because you love it that's passion that's going to be whenever you grow that business so we had to go back and find that passion and find that moment of when she felt proud and how we could go and duplicate that and she messaged me and told me that she has already gotten some babies with joining with the 25 she's already got some people who want to do some sessions but we had to change her thought process of saying yes she is staying home with the kids yes she is having to um not get out in the world like she was but how could we change that through social media through you know the platforms that she had through her situations that she has every day how did that make her feel what actions was she going to take and what was her result so every day i wake up i go through this with me how do i feel today what am i telling myself if it's raining oh no how am i going to work my business i'm going to work my business a different way because it's raining then i would if it wasn't raining i mean that's me as far as going out so you got to figure out like what your circumstances are so i want you guys i am going to put this on our page so you can print this out and you can go and you can say what is the circumstance that i'm having today and how is it controlling my business what's the thought around that circumstance how is it making me feel what actions am i taking because oh i didn't put the right words there what actions am i taking because of this and what results am i having because if we believe a certain way like i told you before if we would believe that we are a horrible leader then guess what we're going to feel less we're going to feel like we're not enough we're going to let all those stories of all these people on facebook who are doing all these amazing things for your team get to us and make us feel like we are not going to be good enough for them right so therefore our actions are going to be like we're going to have a meetings we're going to quit doing recognition we're going to quit doing shout outs we're going to quit doing coaching calls we're going to quit teaching everything that we're learning and our results are going to be we're not going to grow right but if we change it around we can just take our mind and say i'm changing the circumstance i am not hitting my numbers but it is okay because i am allowing myself to feel bad but i'm not staying here i am a good leader and because i'm a good leader these are the things that i'm going to feel i am going to be proud of my team i am going to recognize my team i am going to do these actions and your result is going to be incredible okay so i will put this on our page so you guys can print it off because it's very very important whenever you're going back to basics when we're going to teach you these things that you say okay i can do this i can do this we built this business a certain way with the foundation of getting sentence in front of people's noses when we went through all the pandemic and covet and we went to all the instant gratification amazon i mean i kept amazon in business i'm sure you guys did too everybody going into our websites because some people are like you know people aren't going to my website like they were over the pandemic well they're out they're enjoying themselves they're taking vacations again they're at baseball games they're enjoying life again they're not going to be scrolling like they were right so now it's up to us to actually work this business all right so um you are welcome i'm trying to see what people wrote um one thing i have to remember is that i'm not asking answer no negative right exactly um i definitely have to get out of my head yes you have to get out of your head and this is going to be how you're going to control it so our next slide is something that um i made here okay i have been in a program and we have our own um growth action form so i made us one for our team and the way that this works is there's something very very very important that we do to ourselves and a lot of people don't understand there's a book called gap in the game you guys know that i read a lot and i read a lot because i believe as a leader that i always have to be teachable and i have to learn more and more you can't be the smartest person in the room like i've talked to you before but one of the things that i have learned is a lot of people don't look at the gap they only look at the game they don't look at the process they only look at the result so if i tell myself i'm going to have 25 reach outs this week i'm going to have 25 ways of sharing the value of cincy with all these people and then i only reach out to i don't know nine people what am i telling myself if i'm looking at that result if i'm looking at that result of that i did not hit 25 but i only did nine what do you think i'm telling myself i'm gonna let you guys um tell me what is it that we tell ourselves when we don't hit our goals whoops work harder tomorrow that's a great that's a positive mindset right there but most of us default to man i'm never gonna hit it i can't do it i can't do it i set this goal and i can't do it i'm going to teach you something tonight that's going to change your mindset this form is going to change you like i said i use it and i want you tonight to come up with we're going to go through basics and we're going to go through different things um somebody raised their hand do you want to share something or did you accidentally okay i think she accidentally did it did you want to share something okay all right cool um anyway we're gonna go through this and i want you to find four activities that are gonna help your business grow a lot of times we use the word income producing activities when i tell you what income producing activities you're doing you automatically go to oh what made me money right you automatically go to well i gave out the samples i didn't make any money well i closed that party i made money there but i didn't get any bookings off of it so i'm not going to make any money this week you always go to what's making you money and that's that's something that we have to do in a business but if we change our mindset into growth actions instead of income producing we're going to figure out how much we're growing each week instead of having to focus on the income producing things that did not come in right because we know that if we go outside and we plant a seed in the ground it is not going to bloom overnight it's going to take watering it's going to take sun it's going to take you know making sure that you do it consistently and that is what this business takes so i want you right now to come up with four activities that you need to do in your business that's going to help you grow we talked about that last week we talked about you know following up with people and you know booking parties and being better at maybe your happy meal or whatever you need to come up with something that is measurable okay so we also want to use words that whenever we hear them they actually make us excited about working our business right so if i say i'm gonna follow up or i'm gonna reach out to three people well reach out follow up yeah that's business terms what if i say i'm gonna share value with three people this week that's something that when i hear it it's a positive word of sharing value who can i share value with instead of who can i reach out to right so you might want to use words in these places of the one two three four that is something that makes you feel good instead of something that feels like a business because if we feel like we have to do it we're not gonna do it and yes we have to do things whenever we don't feel like doing them but a lot of times it's that mindset it's the words that we use to be able to do that i have on mine sharing the opportunity with others to be able to help them find freedom um share value through our products of solving problems through our products i have a lot of different words that help me book sent sessions instead of book a party right book sent sessions and then um referring a friend so i'm gonna go through different ways that we can do that but these are things i'm gonna do but here's the difference if you put down and i meant to put this on the page and i can't write on this but just follow me if i write down and i don't think that my computer is going to let me do this nope it's not i don't know why it's doing that but anyway i think it's a setting in my zoom but anyway for my share the opportunity for that week or that monday let's just say just for that monday i had three people that i wanted to share the opportunity with okay this is a example here that i'm gonna get you to understand three people i wanted to share the opportunity with that's my minimal baseline that's something i feel like i can do and it's something that doesn't scare me too bad if i put 10 it's going to scare me because i'm going to be like oh my gosh i don't know from 10 people today i might when i do something that i'm like okay three people is definitely something i can do sometimes i do ten but let's just say that on that day i said i was gonna reach out to three people and i only reached out to one right so at the end of the night i could be like gosh i said i was gonna do three people today ah that's not good well i'm gonna show you something at the very end of this form at the bottom it says percentage and this is something i want you guys to keep up with out of that day if i only talked to one person and i had three that i wanted to talk to if we divide one by three i moved 33 in my business i really didn't do nothing i really didn't say okay i didn't do you know i sucked today no i talked to one person i did 33 percent of my business then underneath it i have shared value of the products i want to talk to three people today about you know how these products can change them you know their um life how it solves problems how you know maybe you hate doing laundry but you'll love doing it whenever you have our scentsy products and maybe i did one there too right then the next one i have book sent sessions i want to talk to three people three conversations about having a sense session getting new scents under their noses let them spell the bring back my bar um you know really targeting on those catalog sense so that i know the scentsy club will be something i can offer them later because whenever those scents go away i'll be able to go back to it and create monthly clubs because they'll make it for them for life maybe i just talk to one person right and the last one is like referrals which was like blessing bags which i'll go back to that too in a minute i had three maybe a thought to one so that whole day i had set to do 12 different things 12 different conversations i needed to have that day but i only had four but if i were to divide the 4 by 12 i did 33 that day so if you keep up with your percentages and you do this every day and you add them up and you get to 100 you worked your business maybe three days out of the week or four days out of the week or maybe you exceeded it with your percentages and i'll put this on the page as well but it's something that we focus on that's positive we want to look at the little things that we do the process that it takes to get there and that we are actually moving forward instead of focusing on that we didn't do this this is something that i'm learning is about slowing down it's about doing things intentionally is about doing things thorough it's about learning something and really mastering it before you do something else so maybe that was a little bit you know um too basic for me i could easily up it according to what it looks like my energy's going to be but i can control this but as long as that percentage is going up i know i'm working my business does that make sense to you and i'm gonna also like i said put another um form on here now at the very end of that week whenever i keep up with monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday i might not want to work every single day and do that every single day i might just want to do three days or whatever it is at the very top it tells you what's your 30 day goal my 30 day goal is going to be to have 2 000 in orders and to have two new team members that i can share how they can have financial freedom in their life right that could be my 30-day goal my 90-day goal would be maybe a three months that i could promote someone to a higher level incensie that i could really work with a few team members to work intentionally with them instead of just working with all these people because one thing you learn is that you work with people who deserve the time not demand the time you work with people who are really working their business and the people that are saying hey i've got a question hey i want to do this you know what they're hungry for it you don't want to just keep working with people who are constantly not doing it and i know that sounds ugly a lot of times i have to go back to the people who aren't doing it and find out what is the circumstance they're telling themselves right and what's the thought because me working with someone who's working their business is going to look completely different than someone who's not working their business with someone not working their business we got to go through all that mindset stuff we got to figure out why they're stuck with someone who is working their business we can go ahead and put activities out we can show them the percentages that they are actually meeting and we can set goals for them that's the difference okay so at the very end of this week you can write down what were your wins of that week you can go back and look and see where did you work more in what is it that you did what conversation did you have more that you can say you know what i had one girl that's gonna be joining my team i have three basket parties that are going out next monday um i was able to you know hit 500 before the 15th of the month whatever it is you can use this in your personal life you can also use this in your business life and then you have over here notes that you can take that maybe you could carry into the next week so like i said this is a form that i use to be able to help me measure my percentage of how well i'm doing because a lot of us set these goals that are so heavy that we just can't get to or when we do get to them we celebrate them but it's so short-lived that we go right back to being stuck again because we don't understand how to keep duplicating it over and over and over again and that is what this is for so i'm going to show you another form it's not even a form it's a chart i made like five four years ago maybe and um i'm going to explain it to you because i'm trying to keep up all right so some of you guys are like oh yes i remember this from like four years ago but um this is basically how our business works and i think that a lot of people don't understand that i'm going to go back to what i said a long time ago which was if you have a business you're gonna have red apples you're gonna have green apples and you are going to have rotten apples okay in a barrel of apples if i go to um a farmer and said just give me a barrel of apples most likely he's going to give me red green and rotten i have to go through them and pull out the red that are ripe the green that maybe if they're not a green apple that's ripe it's a green one that's almost bad that still needs a little bit of time to become red and the rotten ones i'm gonna throw away now this is exactly how our business is so in the very very beginning and i made this thing that's why you guys can see this but in the very beginning of your business if you go to the very top this is your invite this is whenever you meet someone and you tell them about cincy this is whenever you have a facebook um chat with them and you're telling them about cincy this is whenever they comment on something on your page and you contact them and like hey can i get you some happy meal this is the invite however it is that you are introducing scentsy to this person this is your invite the next thing that goes from an invite and we're going back into real world now we're going back into meeting people i'm i'm talking to you about basics i'm talking to you about how i built this business how we all have been here for a while have built this business before the beauty of social media and all the things happen because it is amazing that we have social media and we have all these other opportunities to build our business right but if we get this foundation and we get the way that we built this business by basics under control and we start doing that and then also have the icing on top of the social media things just amazing help and and just be incredible how big your business can get okay so when you have this invite there's two things you can do number one you can invite them to an event such as a coffee date to be able to smell the scents an open house to be able to come and you know have a party you can invite them to um book their own party you can invite them to a um become a consultant night that's something that we used to do a long time ago was we would have people to come over all the teammates would invite one person we'd come over to one of our houses we'd give them little bags for coming we'd tell them a little bit about our story and show them a scentsy compensation plan tell them why it would work for them fill their gap right and then you know they would go and we'd be able to follow up with them so there's different ways that you can do this now maybe it's not an event it's a tool and a tool is going to be like a basket party it's going to be your bring back my bar samples it's going to be anything you can put in their hand it's going to be like try a load of laundry let me do a load of laundry for you let me give you a cleaning bag that you can use our bathroom cleaner and our counter clean and our dish soap and get back to me and let me know how you like it the tool is going to be the products and the way that you're going to give it to them okay so from this event that you have this meeting you have with them you're going to be able to tell are they red are they green or are they rotten right so maybe they're rotten maybe like you know i'm not interested well guess what they know people who are maybe they're allergic to the sense but not everybody in their family are allergic to the sense their mom might not be their neighbor might not be somebody in their church might not be so you can't be afraid to ask for referrals maybe they are green well green means they need a little bit of a push over the edge right so that's whenever you can ask them things like on a scale from one to ten how much do you love your job how much do you love your life and they're like i don't know seven okay well what would make it a ten maybe they say more time maybe they say if they had more money maybe they'll give you a reason well if you look down here and follow it from on a scale from one to ten six to nine means and i put help with upline because a lot of people will say hey can you help me answer questions for this person will you get in a three-way call with me will you meet with them also it means inviting them to the team page being able to see that we have a support system being able to see that they are not alone that's one of the biggest things because a long time ago when there was you know mary kay started parkway and all these things we would join i'm telling you because i was there and i was alone i didn't have anything unless i went to a meeting and then we didn't have social media we didn't have ways of asking questions so i felt alone and immediately i felt defeated so something that is very important is some people need to know that they're not alone then you can see down here when it goes from help with upline it goes to like a live event maybe that would be world tour that's why since he gives us chances to have guest pass to be able to bring somebody as a guest let them experience it if they love it they can join right then they're red let's go if they are green and they're still on the fence guess what you can circle all the way back around to the top give them a basket party let them collect orders if they get 500 they get the kit free and we go on and on and on right so this whole thing is like a pattern if you go on the other side and you're like on a scale from one to ten how much do you love your job i don't know three gosh you know what that's not a lot what would make it a ten well a lot of times it's either money it's either freedom or flexibility or it's time if i had more time what kind of tool could we give them to help them maybe that's the opportunity kit maybe it's a basket party maybe it's an online party maybe it's something to show them that you can make money with this business and then the live event might be live doesn't have to be in person i'm talking about facebook live i'm talking about um you know putting visibly together and scheduling out posts i'm talking about having a unique shopping link i'm talking about getting them in front of other people to let them smell the scent because it's the coolest thing in the world to give people sense just to say hey what do these remind you of and then for them to be like oh that smells like my grandmother's kitchen oh my gosh that smells like this that smells like that and those memories that it triggers that are incredible and then all of a sudden you can say are they red are they green if they're green we got to go back to them circle back ask permission to be able to follow up with them again i know you're not ready for this but do i have permission to follow up with you when we have another join special do i have permission to follow up with you whenever we have a new catalog so i can get you the new sense do i have permission that's all you got to say to people and you're going to have repeat hostesses every single time i tell my people all the time i know you're not ready this may be for you it may not be for you but i would feel crazy if i did not at least offer it to you do i have permission to follow up with you in august when all the new fall cents come out maybe if you have a big enough party you'll actually want to join then so it's always asking permission if all that doesn't work guess what you got referrals you got your blessing bags that you can give out which we'll talk about and you've got people who are just not interested and guess what they're rotten apples too many people focus on those rotten apples too long too many people think this person said they joined they're not doing it let me go back to them oh they didn't do it again oh they didn't do it again they keep standing them up that's a rotten apple throw it away do not follow up with rotten apples do not waste your time on rotten apples eventually if you are posting things on facebook if you are working your business consistently and they can see a change in you and changing your business and you're positive and you're attracting people they're going to come back around but until then do not waste your time on them okay does that make sense okay so those are the um forms that i wanted to show you but i want to also talk about basics so there's one more thing i want to show you and then i'm gonna um bring a net on here so let me bring it up give me one second all right this here it should come up let's see if it comes up um i don't think you'll be able to see it very big i'm just gonna go i'll put it on our page this is super old guys like super super old um there we go 82 ways to get bookings in your business 82 ways this is way back whenever i joined that i pulled this up because this is where we are going and i got all these files on this side of my computer just so that i can uh keep everything on here i'm gonna delete it as soon as it's done okay so let's think about it you can send a catalog to a co-worker that is moved is there do you know how many people have told me that um they lost their cincy consultant because the cincy consultant left i mean there's some people that were at my dentist's office that left and there are a lot of people there aren't being served anymore and i actually called the girl and was like hey are you still sending things to your customers there because they're still going to buy from somebody whether it be you or somebody or maybe they left your office now they're gone are they out of sight out of mind you need to make sure that you're following up with them send a catalog to your other network marketing friends because guess what some people are not excited about what they do anymore we've had people jump over from other network marketing because it did not satisfy the need that they thought that it would and a lot of people will not talk to their friends that are in network marketing because they think because they're doing another network marketing that they're satisfied and that it would be wrong but no it's not i have people all the time asking me hey have you ever considered kohler street i'm like hey i will support you all day long but i'm super happy with cincy and if someone from color street if i were talking to them and they told me i'm super happy with color street i'd say hey you know what you never know unless you ask and they respect that but i have so many friends that were in tupperware that were in something called blessings that was in on pampered chef that was in tastefully simple that joined our team and they didn't join under me they joined under someone else but they might have been my pampered chef rep but i did not ever think to even ask them have you ever considered cincy and if they tell me they're happy where they are that is fantastic i want to support you but if you ever do want to leave i'd love to have you on my team if you think about the teachers lounges on the lounges that you work with at putting um catalogs in there samples in there you know salons groomers you ask people if you can do that i was at a place this weekend where they love the camper warmer and they are all about the patriotic side of things and i asked them if i could put a camper warmer in there with a whole bunch of scents and she was super excited about it um put a catalog in the lunchroom hold an open house book a it has have a booth at a school fair a lot of people don't think about that but school fairs every single year they're going to start having them again ask them if you can have a booth there um you can advertise in little newsletters that don't cost money you can give a receptionist a catalog at your doctor's or dentist office when you go tomorrow if you don't have a business card you can go digital you can add people on facebook you can add them to your vip page you can create qr codes call your past hostesses um put current catalog or business cards in your not in your neighbor's door we don't want to like put things in people's doors if we don't know them but i know my neighbors pretty well that i could leave something and send them a message and say hey i left you a new scentsy catalog and they'd be okay with it but our neighborhood has changed so much i don't know some of these people i need to have another open house to let them know there is a scentsy consultant in their neighborhood so i'm going to put this whole sheet because this is how we built our business way back when how we asked for bookings how we got sent sessions booked how we were able to drop off things because i'm getting ready to um get a net on here but do you see this this is a tester well let me get it there this is a tester this is what cincy had when i joined 84 of these this is super big right here this is all i had and i had 84 of these that i put in a basket and i took it to a friend's house i let them smell it for three hours i picked it up i took it to another friend's house i picked it up i took it to another friend's house because my why and the reason that i wanted to do this was it made me feel incredible knowing i could serve these people make their houses smell better know that i was solving problems and giving them an opportunity to join me just through cent but these things are huge so today if you guys joined and they gave you these and 84 of them and that was all you had you'd be like oh my gosh what am i gonna do maybe i can go on facebook and smell them all and everybody will join you had to get creative you had to go out of the box so what i started to do was i took a spoon and so many i have so many of these but a spoon and i scraped them into a little bitty container and i got my daughter from school early and we would put them in the microwave and we would melt them and give them to people and create our own testers because i was trying to figure out how can i get more of these in people's hands without giving them the big ones and i would scrape them scrape them scrape them and we would make loads of testers if you could see the testers we made over time that was crazy but that is how we worked our business was we saw a need for people to be able to smell them and what is the easiest and the fastest way that i can do that was i created testers i thought i was a genius i went to convention in 2010 thinking i was a genius and found out that everybody else was doing it too we just didn't have social media we didn't have ways that we were sharing things i had the chocolate molds that i'd made things out of wax i had little stamps with the wax thinking that i was just a genius and people were telling cincy they were doing it and cincy came up with basket testers so basket testers came out then we ended up getting the smaller testers and then we ended up getting another size tester and now we have our party testers and they don't have all the sizes anymore but it took me moving it took me knowing that this makes a difference these products make a difference this opportunity makes a difference and if we don't go out there and believe that we make a difference in sharing this stuff then our business is going to be stuck okay so there's more you can see on here and i will post this on our page but mailing out samples is huge look i'm going to explain something to you i mailed out i showed you guys last week i don't have anything with me right now but i mailed out 50 samples for my customers 50. it was one stamp and i did 50. so what is that about 28 dollars worth that i spent sending out samples well guess what i ended up getting 300 worth of orders on my website that means people paid shipping right so don't tell me people won't pay shipping on my website from what it was i sent out so i spent 25 dollars i got three hundred dollars in orders i'm gonna get thirty percent because my goal was always to have two thousand dollars that's ninety dollars that i made if you wanna take out the twenty five dollars i'd say i was in the positive right so that is why it's so important to mail out samples and get sense under people's noses by doing basket parties by doing pouch parties by getting blessing bags out there the more and more you ask the more you're gonna find those yeses you're going to hear no's but those are just maybes they're not no leave me alone in 13 years i've never had any i had one person who was really rude to me over 13 years but most people are maybe and some people are joining me now and they're like oh i wish i joined ten years ago when you asked me but i believe it's a reason for the season that people are in i believe that this business is going to bless you whether you buy from me whether you join from me whether you refer me it is going to bless you and remind we'll go back to blessing bags but annette are you on here she should be hold up i am here i'm going to um put it over to you and because i want us to make sure that you know we're mindful for time and i'm going to let you show some of the ways we built our business okay all right hold on okay stop share and let me find you there you are all righty can everybody see your good okay go ahead let's start first shannon can you hear me yes i hear you great okay i just wanted to make sure because my good okay um some of you may know me but that's okay okay walk you're kind of blurry but that's okay that's okay that's all right um some of you may know me some of you may not but shannon and i joined in the same year back in 2009 and um with our creative minds try to come up with different ways to share scentsy i love basket parties because i'm a full-time nurse so i work 10 to 12 hours a day so i don't have time through the week to do home parties i'm in the operating room by 6 30 every day so my my guru my thing was basket parties and when we first started it got so busy with us that we would get together on fridays and make like she said these little samples and um put them in baskets and literally we had baskets at that time now you come up with different really i always and shannon can tell you this i always had 12 baskets working all the time all the time and it got to the point where i would take a basket i'd write it in my thing and say okay i'm gonna pick this basket up in two weeks so in my car i had fluff meaning i had more bars i had more uh whatever that i put in my basket so that i could refresh it because guess what i'm carrying it two miles down the road to drop it off to the next person so it got a little erected off too and what i dropped off but that has always been my thing and i spoke about it at reunion one year and um i had a lot of positive feedback from it but you guys can come up with your own way and especially if you're new you don't have to do full-size products but i'm gonna show you what janet i don't know if you'll be able to see this can you see this basket not i'll just tell you what's in it okay can you say it yeah okay okay basically this is one of my baskets that i just got back like last week so this is what i hand out you can't come up with anything and everything okay what i put in my baskets is full-size product and the reason that i do is because i want them to experience it i want them to have the product in their hand so in my basket this is what i put and i'll show you my forms as well okay i put a full-size counter clean why because that is like the best product i truly believe that scentsy makes is our counter clean okay um i put in a warmer especially during the wintertime i like to use a warmer during the summer time i found myself using our mini um diffusers which is right here why because wax won't melt you know it doesn't melt in the winter time in a sense you know so i've been using this and i've been selling a lot of these mini diffusers and i put a set of pods in there so that they can experience it i want them to experience it that's the whole cool thing about scentsy is expecting to say um i also put in washer with i want them to try it if they don't try it they're not going to buy it okay so i always put that in and then as far as testers they don't get all the testers okay because i've got other baskets that i need to be working so i usually pull like two from this two from this category two from this they get 12 testers that's all they get now if they say to me well my customers my friends really want to smell all of them what are you going to do you say okay then have a home party just have a home party so you're flipping that basket party now to a home property okay so that's what it and then um i always give them things like this this is hand cream and i have a little square on it that says try me this one's almost empty um i always give them a bar to try and usually give them a sense of the month because we get so many bars okay and if you don't get the scent of the month you need to get the center of the month okay number one you're gonna sell it number two it's tax write-off so i usually give them whatever the centers of the month i give them a dryer disc they're cheap you know i give them a cent circle and what i tell them is if they sell this amount of money they get to keep the bar if they sell this amount for the party they get to keep the diffuser if that you know so you're kind of up sailing as you go along now as far as my paperwork and stuff that i put in there i have a little clipboard and i'll tell you what i have there is i have a little card right there on the front that says join my vip page that's where all the cool girls hang out so they can click on my there they can click and it goes directly to my facebook vip page okay because they've been a hostess so they get added to my page okay then i have here please make sure that all of these forms are filled out entirely you do not want to get forms back they just have a name on them no telephone number no address because how are you going to follow up with them and then if they do this with every customer you as a host get to keep the wax bar the extra wax bar that's in there so it gives them the incentive um here's how to earn their kit if they decided they want to join [Music] there's all the hostess rewards so they know what they can earn this way i don't have to go over 10 000 things with them about joining get ready for your free stuff that's their list of what they want to get okay how they can um earn whatever their party totals are and of course order forms and highlight the email address um and that's what i give them then i also tell them that if they have someone that they think is interested in joining and it might be them they get a possibility pouch see and that goes in that basket as well and what i tell people is a lot of people say well what about people that live a distance away okay and i haven't done this in a while i really need to get back in my mojo but um basically i get samples size do you see these these little samples this is counter clean okay um let me see the samples oh did i lose y'all all right let me go back up here shannon did you lose me yeah we still got i can hear you okay dang okay i've lost myself so i'm just gonna keep talking but they also get a packet and what this does is i've sent a small box you can get a small box or use the whiff boxes that we get um from scentsy if you do a with box save those boxes and i do what's called a traveling um basket party and what it is it's smaller versions of all anything out of the original container you must include the ingredients there okay um that's a no-no if you do that because you never know if somebody may be allergic to something so you please just make sure that you have um a minute let me go up here here we go okay okay trying to find myself okay just make sure that you label everything that comes out of the original packaging okay so then i package all this up i put a return label i use pirate ship okay i know how much that box weighs because i'm sending it to that person i'm gonna print out a second label to return it to me so it doesn't cost anybody anything i tell them as soon as they get their party together i send them a packet because i'm gonna put everything in online okay but everything's gonna be shipped to that person in new york i don't want to have to ship it here and then just package it up and ship it to them so it gets directly shipped to them okay and what i tell them is um i'm gonna send you an envelope with labels with a cent circle with some extra goodies for you if you will label everything that leaves your their hands because york okay then i tell them if they want they can share that box with somebody else but i need their information so now that box is traveling i had one box and shannon can tell you i had one box that never came back to me for six months and i had party after party after party off of it but i never touched the box for six months because it was traveling and anytime that they needed something filled that person i'd mail it to them so basket parties can be your guru that is my thing because it works for me um and like i said if somebody says to you don't well i want to smell all this stuff well fine just have a scent party you know let's just get together one afternoon we'll sit by the pool doesn't matter you make it whatever you want you know you don't even have to serve food just have something to do drink that's all as it possibly can be but like i said basket parties are my thing that works for me um i do great home parties when i get a home party but and i've been slow and i'll be the first one to say it i've been super slow the last couple of months i've got other things going on but um you can work it any way that you want to any way that you want to but basket parties are my thing and it and it works for me and don't be surprised because somebody's gonna say oh i saw you gave a basket party to that one can i have one that's why you don't give out all your testers okay don't give out all your testers separate them because you can have three basket parties and guess what you get two hundred dollars off each one of those basket parties guess what you made your 500 and you can do that in one week so to do 2 000 but you can do it that way does that make sense to everybody i hope and it helps hopefully so you know but um but that's about it shan okay i also want to show you guys um this really quickly um see if i can get it to come back over here uh hold on all right here we go okay i'm back okay so another way she was talking about basket parties and things but maybe you just have one set of testers right you're like how can i get all those to everybody nobody wants to smell 84 cents no one does promise you so why don't you take your testers divide them up into maybe a couple of bakery a couple of fresh a couple of citrus a couple of fruity a couple of manly and then you can divide up maybe four sets that you can get to different people and if they do want to smell mystery man because maybe you didn't put it in there because bonfire beach was in there instead you can let them know hey i will get back to you another thing i do and um annette will tell you about these possibility packets when i do events whenever i'm out and about i keep a couple of these in my car now i'll show you this too because i just found them these are called centipeels way back whenever we joined we had sin appeals i used to give these to people so if you think that testers aren't working yeah you try these and i used to have really big parties but there are centipedes to wear and they still smell but you could lift them up and then you could it still smells you could smell them and so people would get these i would leave them with them and i would get parties off of these and this was just the classics this was just like black raspberry vanilla luna clean breeze camu camus skinny dippin and if they like these i could tell them what they would like out of the catalog yeah shannon wait a minute don't you remember we took um cards and did the rub and sniff stickers don't you remember we did that one time yes yes did all the robin sniff stickers and we just to mail out and and people would rub them and smell them and that's how we did our business back then too yes i remember those exactly i've got all kinds of things going on in here but yeah so let me just show you this too that i always put in all of these little bags so let's say a possibility packet is when i have information about winning i have the scratch and sniffs that since he gave us i might have some different testers only like six of them like i have order form and i have a catalog also these i think i got these from like dollar general i made my own testers and went back to the old school where i made my own testers from different bars and then we have the ones that we have now that maybe you just have like i said 84 cents you can separate them into four different sets but one thing that i have in my um and these i'm going to show it to you hold on let me get to it it's this right here can you guys see this okay it's the one a scentsy at a discount and i print it off and i give it to everybody in their little pouch all i told them this is how easy it is guys if you find eight people that want six packs that's 240 worth of orders you get a half price you can also get some free stuff and you'll get something from me and i just fold it up i put it in this little um pouch and then they're on their way and i've set them up with a pouch party so i don't want you guys to get stuck on the fact that like i don't have a clear tote i don't have a basket i don't have this you have every single thing that you want who gets the pouch any single person that wants to know more about scentsy if i'm at a gas station and somebody says hey um i see a scentsy you have cincy in the back of your car i do i have it in the very back of my bumper it says scentsy i might give them one of these like hey yeah smell some of these scents if you want to smell the other ones let me know if you happen to share it with eight friends you get some free stuff and half off stuff and i give it to them but i don't get this back i really don't care i got like 25 of these for like 12 these little testers don't make any hardly any um difference whether they keep them or they don't because i have so many that i can make from a bar and then the scratch and stiff stickers are eventually not going to work anyway my catalog is going to go away but people always always say to me man this is a really easy way to be able to get orders i drop them off at dennis office i drop them off the doctor's office i drop them off at the veterinarian i drop them off with my um past hostesses just to say hey i got some of the new scents you want to smell them if you want to do a basket party i can bring you more i can bring you full-size product we even have these little bags that um annette and i put a lot of vinyl on i found them the other day and that there's like 50 of them in my garage but they were like little lunch bags and we put like cleaning bag on it and we put like a laundry bag on it and what we would do is we'd make samples of just the cleaning stuff of just the laundry stuff and we'd say who wants to do a load of laundry on us who wants to try the cleaning products guys you can target market different products if you want to do a flower then just pull out the scents that cincy has that goes out in those flowers and give them to people and say hey here's a flower here's all of a sense they come collect 200 in orders you get free stuff and half off stuff and a gift from me if you want to give them a gift because that perpetual party reward we always have that to be able to st


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