Patents of Viktor Schauberger - On the Edge of Science English subtitles

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The epopee of inventor Viktor Schauberger began by building large troughs, for the transport of wooden logs in the 1920s and 1930s, in Austria but also elsewhere. Despite their impressive external appearance, the real secret of the troughs was hiding in their interior. In the way how water is manipulated to whirl in a way that it can carry logs heavier than water. Viktor Schauberger discovered the energetics principles of implosion, which he used in various ways over the next few decades. In fact, it is a matter of fluid vortex regardless if it is air or water. In several dozen patents he used implosion technologies, i.e., vortices, for construction of his devices "Repulsine" and "Repulsator",

for the propulsion of aircraft and submarines, production of spring water, transport of iron ore and improvements to ploughs. In the world based on explosion technologies, implosion technologies are, as they were in the time of Schauberger, here "On the Edge of Science". Good evening. Zvonimir Rudomino is engaged in research and development of biomedical technologies, and technological innovations in general. It is not his first time with us. We already spoke on the topic of wireless energy transmission,

and on the topic of Viktor Schauberger that we shall again discuss this evening. - Good evening. - Good evening. Considering that the idea of today's show is to present a segment of the patents, realised and unrealised technological works, achievements or what should have been.

In the beginning, perhaps we should briefly remind ourselves, who was Viktor Schauberger? Those who follow such topics know that he was a forester. But where was he a forester? What meant to be a forester back then, and which problem did he encounter that started his technological epopee? Well, Viktor Schauberger was primarily an inventor. He started as a forester, as part of the family tradition in Austria. However, in those times, there was a different meaning to forestry. He had a relatively high level of natural sciences education.

Using his knowledge, he observed nature and the flow of water. For example, the way fishes move. Based on that, he was searching for some engineering solutions to implement some of the natural processes into practical devices. We shall see that his technologies, if we must summarise them in a few words, could be called the technologies of the vortex.

Interestingly, in the literature, he is often called "The Water Wizard", because everyone associates him with trouts, forest streams and similar things although he only started from those topics. However, less known is that he has left several tens of various patents, some of which were realised and some were not. It gives authenticity to this somewhat forgotten story, which appears to be hidden, that those technologies indeed work. What sorts of things did he patent? Which technologies did he patent, in his thirty-something years of work, lasting from the '20s until the '50s? A great majority of his patents are related to various methods of controlling the flow of fluids. Primarily of water, but he also worked with air.

He originally started with the first serious implementations in 1922, when he managed to convince investors to invest in building a quite large system for the transportation of logs from mountains into plains. The problem then, as it is today, was the road transportation of logs that lasts long, and when natural waterways were used, the logs would arrive quite damaged. He made an entirely innovative system - the system of egg-shaped wooden troughs. The very shape of the troughs is used to spin the water and by adding cold water tangentially, the bulk mass of water is rotated to keep denser water in the centre and form a vortex along the flow axis.

He managed to achieve flawless transport of logs up to 60 cm in diameter, through the troughs of 80-100 cm in diameter. Of course, we are talking about the logs that are quite heavy and should sink under the surface, but they travelled through shallow troughs where the vortical flow under the surface kept them from hitting the walls of troughs, so they travelled with little resistance. There were other technological requirements because the water is densest at 4 °C at the temperature of the cold water of the mountain stream. It was necessary to add cold water periodically. Indeed, cold water was added. There were stations for such purpose placed every few hundred metres. During the construction, it was estimated how long it would take to heat the water.

Those troughs also allowed for the excess warm water to overflow out, and the cold water was added near the bottom. The central vortex density was retained in such a way, and those multi-ton logs floated in relatively shallow water. They were able to travel for several tens of kilometres.

That system was fully operational, and it was commercially exploited. A few more such transport systems were built. The first one was in Austria. Another one was in Czechia. Interestingly enough, one was built in Bosnia. I did not manage to find out exactly where it was. They were all wooden systems, so it is doubtful if anything survived until our time.

And another system was built in Bulgaria. It all happened during the 1930s. Well, we shall see a few films from 1933, if I am not mistaken. They are not just any troughs, as one may imagine at first. After all, investment estimation is in the current range of 20 million USD.

So, can you describe a bit about what is happening in the film? Heavy wooden logs were transported from the place of logging through narrow channels. We can already see the shapes that he used. Grooved troughs that are round and wooden. Notice that those were considerably large logs that floated in relatively shallow water and arrived undamaged.

They never, or at least rarely, hit the trough walls or sunk. There is a crossroad here. Multiple flows from multiple logging points merged into a single flow, and they also had a pump station for cold water. This is one of the intermediate stations. We can see that there are structures that do not appear to be made from wood. No, this is just part of the concrete structures. Most of the troughs were made from wood and were on the high pillars.

There were also routing stations... We see some steps. They also used cascade terraces to induce vortices, to minimise the damage to the wooden logs. Shown is a better view of such trough constructions that were placed on the pillars. It must be noted again that those are massive logs flowing in the shallow water without sinking.

Below the surface, which we cannot see here, a powerful longitudinal vortex is formed, which prevents logs from sinking. Here we can see the troughs. Someone had to build that. It is not the same reading about it and seeing the impressive size of those constructions. Those were extensive systems. The cost converted into current values would be approximately 20 million USD.

On the other hand, after World War 1 it was not simple to transport logs with carriages and trucks. Before we continue, we shall mention some other technologies that Viktor Schauberger developed during his lifetime. Let us remind ourselves of Schauberger's "mascot", the trout. We can also speak about salmon. What was innovative regarding the shape of those channels and perhaps some technology based on gills that he noticed, and which combined with the movement of snakes? How it all began? What he used here is something that he noticed in the natural flow of the natural watercourses. Mountain streams, if not modified externally, meander on their own and dig watercourses through which water flows optimally. He noticed that the water prefers to flow vortically, i.e. a longitudinal vortex is formed.

Firstly, it allows for the entire mass of the water to spin to provide better oxygenation. Secondly, water is not overheated because it cools itself the entire time. He used those natural phenomena, and in the case of trouts, he noticed that temperature gradients have significant influence on those phenomena.

Which exactly are the phenomena in the case of trouts? For example, trouts can stay still against the water flow with minimal fin fluttering and minimal effort. He discovered that, for the major part, deoxygenated and warm water, exits the gills and flow along the body of trout. The surface layer is disturbed, i.e. the flow of cold water along the body. Reverse flow is developed, which due to the trout's body's shape, pushes it forward, so it requires very little...

In fact, it pulls it forward... Yes, in a way, it pulls it towards the front. Or salmons that jump as high as 3-4 metres over waterfalls in a way that cannot be explained just by their fins' power.

Schauberger noticed that those phenomena depend on the temperature gradient and that even slight variations can affect them. For example, if a bucket of hot water is poured into the water 20-30 metres upstream from where trouts are located, the trouts will be carried a few metres downstream until the temperature of the water stabilises. - In fact, it is that temperature at which the water is densest at 4°C, and it "pulls" into itself. - Yes, the anomalous temperature point of water. Let us go now through more of his inventions and devices. For example, except for the wooden logs, he used the same principle to transport iron ore. How was it done? How was that technological challenge addressed? Well, the principle he used is slightly different because the task was to transport large 10 cm pieces of iron ore from the mining location, to the distance of 64 metres, through the pipe of 27.5 cm in diameter.

Those were iron ore boulders of irregular shape, each weighing a few kilograms. In conventional systems, the pipes would soon be destroyed due to turbulent flow and iron ore boulders hitting the pipe walls. However, he managed to produce and maintain a longitudinal vortex, and it sucked the boulders towards its centre, due to the centripetal force, which kept boulders from hitting the pipe walls.

Such a system was successfully implemented in the 1930s, and there was no damage to the pipe walls. Perhaps it is the best example to explain what Schauberger did during his entire career. He found out the best ways to induce and control various vortical flows, and he used it for various purposes. Perhaps the most straightforward analogue to quickly understand what he was doing with those pipes would be draining water through a large sink or a funnel to form a vortex. If a flame is placed above the vortex centre, a low-pressure zone is formed due to the water volume's displacement, which bends the flame downwards.

There is an optimal water flow when nothing hits pipe walls or gets stuck along them. However, with regular pipes, such an initial vortex quickly dissipates and loses its coherency. So, everything he was doing was to maintain a single long vortex along the pipes' entire length.

For that reason, his pipes were characterised by round winglets that helped the formation of the vortex. For the same reason, the special buoys were placed in the flow of rivers. In fact, he had two systems. One system used winglets radially placed on pipe walls. They induced the cycloid movement of the water around the periphery.

It then serves as a sort of water ball or linear bearing through which the majority of the water mass flows easily. He later optimised such a system and used pipes with a spiral groove along their entire length. For that, he used various egg-shaped forms, which are mathematically constructed. Also, the type of material used is important.

Whoever wants to reproduce the inventions of Viktor Schauberger always faces the challenges of working with copper and bronze, which are hard to work with and expensive. Even those pipes for the transport of iron ore and some others were often made from wood or copper. Other things happened concerning magnetism. What were they?

Sometimes anomalous phenomena appeared and were measured 20-30 years later. Anomalous phenomena appeared, and it took a long time for the theories why it happens. Why is sometimes the resistance to water flow lower in copper, brass and bronze pipes than it is in glass and iron pipes? One of the influencing factors is that water in its rotational movement produces a magnetic field, albeit very weak. Copper and other materials that we mentioned are diamagnetic, meaning that when exposed to the magnetic field of rotating water, they produce a magnetic field in the opposite direction, i.e. in repulsion. So, the water is "sliding" on the magnetic cushion along the pipe's length, i.e. it doesn't stick along the pipe walls. People always first bump into the stories about Viktor Schauberger and Third Reich.

However, during the 1930s and 1940s, he lived in Austria, and the circumstances could not pass him by. There were some revival attempts of some of his ideas, such as the Repulsine, a propulsion system. So, what was he doing and how during the 1930s and 1940s, in which areas and with what results? In a way, his work during the existence of the Third Reich started when Hitler personally called him into an audience. He was introduced to his work, and he tried to convince Schauberger to work for them.

However, Schauberger refused that. And he worked on things that were not attractive for the military. However, in 1940 in Vienna, he patented his first model of the Repulsine - "Repulsine A". Basically, a set of rotating corrugated disks. That first model used the Coanda effect and centrifugal force to produce pressure differences for lift. As soon as he patented it, boys came and knocked on his door.

For some reason, the association of engineers from Vienna sued him and managed to place him into a psychiatric institution. The SS got him out, and they recruited him. So, the question remains, was it all prearranged? What was he doing, and where? He was sent to Mauthausen.

However, he was not a prisoner. He was assigned a team of 20-30 prisoners who were engineers working for him. They developed several technologies for the SS there. In fact, it was not for Wehrmacht but directly for the SS. It is an interesting fact that he never belonged to the National-Socialist Workers Party. Yet, he was one of the rare people who has been given membership in the SS and some privileges by Himmler himself. What was he doing? What about those stories about the flying objects, i.e. the attempts to produce them?

How many models were there, and how was Repulsine used in them? During his work for the military, Schauberger worked successfully on fuel synthesis systems. The reports of Wehrmacht confirm that. He also worked on the vortical engine cooling system for Messerschmitt. However, the military was most interested in his innovative propulsion system. So, the Repulsine A worked by utilising the Coanda effect, while "Repulsine B" was significantly modified and improved. It can be considered a centrifugal air pump.

Describe its dimensions. The diameter of what was done in Mauthausen was around 240 cm. It must be noted that he did not use ordinary but amalgamated copper. So, mechanical sturdiness was significantly higher.

It must be noted that Schauberger stated that he closely cooperated with two engineer prisoners who were assigned to him. One of those engineers was a specialist for propulsions, and the other one was specialised in the analysis of mechanical stresses. So, he was in a position to produce all of that.

These small windows, in fact, are not windows. Slits were made on the rotating corrugated disks placed one above the other. Lower disk rotated with relatively high speed of up to a few thousand RPM. Due to the friction of air and the centrifugal force, the air is pulled towards the disks' periphery.

However, unlike conventional centrifugal air pumps, there is no diffusion of the medium. Vortices get produced that stretch from the centre towards the periphery of the disks. Since all of them rotate and pressure between vortices decreases towards the periphery of the disks, with each iteration of the waves, additional slits are created through which extra air is sucked in. So, the total airflow through such a pump is an order of magnitude higher than classical centrifugal pumps. They had noted anomalous phenomena after reaching a certain speed when the system kept to continually self-accelerate. Were there any flights? How many models were there, and what happened with all of that? There were two models. One was the Repulsine A, which was not further developed.

Namely, Schauberger turned his attention to the more advanced Repulsine B. Official reports state that when they started the device in the workshop, it simply flew up and crashed into the roof of the hangar. How much weight was lifted? How many kilowatts of input power was required? Some of the available data indicate that for 3.5 kW of input power necessary to rotate the disks, it lifted 15-20 tons. I assume that the fast-approaching end of the war prevented further work on such propulsion. But we can look at some other ideas from those military times. For example, the submarine.

What exactly and how did Schauberger envision the submarine ordered by the German Navy? Schauberger again used natural principles that he noticed with trouts. He planned to use a special water pump that produces strong suction at its inlet. Like Repulsine, it also produces strong suction at its front, i.e. at the inlet,

which is then pulled into the media. That is their common characteristic. Schauberger also planned to use such a pump for cooling down and making the water denser. While such water flows along the surface of the submarine, counter-rotating vortical flow is formed. Due to the submarine's shape, which imitates a trout, the entire submarine moves forward in an entirely innovative way. What was he envisioning as a contribution to aviation when it comes to the Heinkel aeroplane, which was also one attempt at developing an innovative type of propulsion? The owner of the military aircraft manufacturer company Heinkel heard about his Repulsine.

They were quite interested in using the Repulsine for propulsion, which would have been ideal due to its powerful suction and airflow. For that purpose, they started developing an aeroplane fuselage named "Heinkel T". The "T" is the abbreviation of the word "Tornado", which makes sense. They envisioned the place for its engine but...

We can see on the drawings that it does not have a classical "nose". It did not have a "nose" because it was intended for air suction. Later, towards the end of the war, the Repulsine still could not be reliably controlled, and, in the end, it was replaced with the turbojet engine.

Regrettably, it was without implosion-based propulsion. Aside from those military technologies, during the 1940s, Schauberger also addressed spring water production technology, if we can even call it "spring water" since it is not taken from the natural spring. It was a device called "Repulsator". What was he doing, and how was he enhancing the quality of drinking water? He always used various egg shapes that support vortices, i.e. not allowing water to settle down or precipitate. In egg-shaped forms, food or fluids spoil more slowly. Interestingly, some amphorae were made in such shapes. Such forms do not allow precipitation because even the slightest movement or vibration cause spinning.

He also made the Repulsator egg-shaped. Clean water was pumped in and passed through corrugated, spherical silver plates. Cycloid and spiral movements were induced, thus structuring the water while mixing in carbon-dioxide and noble mineral salts. It is a close equivalent to natural spring water. At the end of the process, the water that came out was virtually identical to the natural spring water by its quality and structure.

As water has its structure. Also, the way minerals and carbon-dioxide were dissolved was identical, i.e. a certain amount of carbonic acid is present. Their relationship corresponds to the highest quality spring water.

Schauberger is associated with the saying "Learn from nature". He also worked on innovations related to agronomy. Since the end of World War II, he worked on something that he called "Bioplough". It is an unusual plough that somehow worked according to the principles he observed in nature and was named using his terminology. What is "Bioplough", and what are its features? Was it ever produced and used? What was the idea behind such shape of the plough and the materials he used to produce it? Viktor Schauberger tried to imitate the way how moles dig through the ground.

Nowadays, modern ploughs cut straight through the ground and tear out roots. They also do not entirely turn around the soil, i.e. they do not fully expose it to the atmosphere. His "Bioplough" was shaped in a way that goes relatively shallow through the soil and to unravel the soil in two side waves, to entirely expose soil to oxygen and sunlight. Its shape does not tear out roots as much but instead cuts them, which is less harmful to the living plants. Once again, he used copper for the reasons of its magnetic properties. Copper, bronze and even wood.

Today, it is known that the problem with iron ploughs is that they leave a lot of ferromagnetic particles in the soil. Growing plants are not happy about that. After ploughing with the "Bioplough", plants grow better. It has been documented, and it can be verified in practice.

What are the problems in the production of such efficient ploughs, and were they ever mass-produced? Although the earliest prototypes were made in the 1950s, it was never produced in significant quantities. However, some work has been done by Dipl. Ing. Klaus Rauber. Samples were made number of years ago. It is indeed functional, but since it is made from copper and bronze, they are harder to produce, and they wear out faster.

And shapes are not simplest to produce. The shapes are not the simplest ones, but they are producible. I must mention that Schauberger devoted himself to multiple aspects of agronomy. While we are on ploughing, one of the aspects that he recommended was wavy ploughing.

Zigzag. It means that the furrows are meandering to ensure that every segment is equally exposed to sun and shade during the day. It is imperative with sprouts, and less water evaporates from the soil. The reason is that water, in the state of its highest density, rises upwards and reaches the plants. If the space is open to the sunlight, the consequent heating of the water somehow suffocates springs. Alright, let us turn our attention to some other of his inventions - for example, an air conditioning device.

He is not well known for it, but he made a peculiar air conditioning device different from what we use nowadays. Yes, that device was called "Klimator", and essentially, he used toroidal vortical flow to drastically increase the heat exchange rate. In a way, it was a very efficient heat exchanger.

Today, to achieve that, we have to have vast, exposed surfaces to transfer thermal energy from one media into another one. However, he used spiral, i.e. vortical movement of fluid/air in which the period of thermal exchange is more extended, and the process is more efficient. There are no extensive surfaces over which the air slowly flows, but everything is rotated, and everything is more efficient and compact. So, there is no need for larger systems. What was his "Home generator"? The idea was for every home to have its source of energy.

Those are two of the most known photographs related to the "Home generator", but there are others, more contemporary ones. What was the "Home generator"? How did it function? And were there attempts to build it recently? The "Home generator" was something that Schauberger attempted to produce in the 1950s. To produce the device that would use the implosion system to power up the electrical generator, i.e. to produce electrical energy. He planned to use anomalous effects that sometimes appear during implosion processes, to do more work than expected considering the amount of energy that the user inputs through the motor's work.

There are indications that a certain amount of additional energy appears in such a system. That was later confirmed experimentally. What are those photographs of some devices in the advanced stages of construction? Initially, he did it without significant resources.

It was then noted that the device started to self-accelerate. However, due to the low quality of parts, the device fell apart. What we are looking at is the device that survived. It is kept at the family property of Schauberger's family in Bad Ischl. Schauberger himself confirmed that he had problems with the materials he used, and the production was not easy. Interestingly enough, once again, he used those particular grooved pipes, which were also placed conically.

After all, it was also made using natural rules of fluid motion and following certain mathematical rules. But "Tornado generator" would be the improved version. The "Tornado generator" should have been the most advanced version.

The fluid is sucked at the centre, i.e. powerful vacuum appears due to the shape of those copper "horns". The centrifugal force "pulls" everything towards the outer perimeter. So, very powerful suction develops in the centre.

However, the ever-present problem with such things are production methods and used materials. Those are quite complex geometries that cannot be easily produced by machining. There are significant problems, even with the casting process.

There were attempts to produce parts by 3D printing, but the problem is that materials like amalgamated copper and bronze cannot be 3D printed. While we are speaking about his legacy, let us mention something called "PKS". What does that abbreviation mean, and what about the implosion technologies magazine that remains a legacy? His son and grandson founded the so-called "Pythagoras Kepler System", which is dedicated to the research of fluid flow geometries. Who continued his work and preserved that seed of knowledge, and what do those people do? His work was continued by his son Walter Schauberger with whom he cooperated for a long time. He was an engineer. After Viktor Schauberger's death, he continued the research to the end of his life in 1994.

However, he was more focused on developing mathematical models to clarify why fluids sometimes behave as they do. In fact, during the 1950s, both came into conflict with the establishment. Because they started criticising the way waterways are managed, e.g. rivers, especially Viktor, who was publically known. Which causes unnecessary erosion of the soil.

It was arranged that the Stuttgart University of Technology would perform a number of measurements. Professor Franz Poppel was supposed to perform them. In the end, he indeed performed them but with his fierce opposition because he was quite sceptical. However, the administration pressured him to perform measurements anyway. What was measured than is most interesting.

Resistances to the flow of water through pipes of various profiles were compared. They tested and measured it under controlled conditions, and a detailed scientific report exists. They used straight glass pipes, straight copper pipes, grooved copper pipe and grooved pipes, which were helicoidally wounded, i.e. which formed a "horn". The thing that was interesting...

Comment for us those graphs. What are they telling us? - There are more of them later. - Yes. The most interesting thing is that in the case of the conical horn, which was made from grooved copper pipe and helicoidally wound, at particular speeds of water flow, there appeared so-called "negative friction". The resistance to the flow of water went into below zero, i.e. there was no apparent resistance to the flow. Of course, there is a question from where comes the energy necessary for such an increase in the flow. It has been measured in detail.

Three anomalous points were measured, and the fourth one was only estimated. Because at that point, further measurements were stopped at the request of all involved parties except Schauberger. Simply the connotations of that... It is something which is called "Free Energy" in modern jargon. It is called "overunity" - the inflow of energy from the ambient. With the term "Free Energy", there is a matter of how it is defined because energy is not created.

However, since that is an open system, some external factors begin to affect it. You have mentioned "horn" shape several times. Let us speak about it a bit. It may be said that such a horn was "invented" by Kudu antelopes. What is the purpose of such a horn? What is the essence of its geometry? The inner profile can be represented by Sacred Geometry.

But what does it entail? Which examples did Schauberger use? Why did it become such an essential key element of all his subsequent technologies? Schauberger himself said that he arrived at the idea of using such forms in 1922. Two days before the opening of the system for the transport of wooden logs, the system failed to perform as it should. Everything got stuck, and he was quite desperate because he invested his reputation. He sat on the bank of the river, and by accident, he set on the snake. He instinctively grabbed it and threw it away into the water.

He observed the way how snake moved through the water, and it gave him the initial idea. That species of snake did not only meander but also moved its body helicoidally. Later he found the equivalent of such movements in nature in the form of Kudu antelope. Cross-section of that horn grows in the Golden Mean relationship.

Due to the construction of such a profile, and since it is also rotated along the body, it represents a continuous tangential injector that induces rotation of the water mass in the central space. The ideal cross-section is such "truncated egg", which Kudu antelope grows naturally, however, it is constructed by mathematical, i.e. geometrical rules, that are called Sacred Geometry. The central section where most water flows and the smaller section representing tangential injector are in the Golden Mean ratio.

Of course, even when the entire shape goes into a conical shape, their relationships remain unchanged. It has a single, ideal tangential injector that produces a continuous vortex. It is a sort of technology based on fractal geometry. Yes, but he always used special geometries. Vortices are self-organising dynamic systems.

If a proper geometry is provided and conditions for the mass of water to start spinning are right, it tends to maintain such a state once a vortex is formed. Some initial energy input is required to start the process, but once the vortex is stable, the energy input can be decreased. For example, the agitators' rotational speed or something similar can be reduced, and the vortex tends to maintain itself.

Of course, the vortex is characterised by three basic parameters and all those geometries are used to set those parameters into different relationships. The parameters are linear displacement/movement of the entire mass of fluid, centrifugal force and centripetal force pushing everything towards the centre. All those geometries only serve the purpose to adjust the relationships between those three vectors. Geometry can also be expressed through tonal relationships and tonal scales.

Interestingly enough, the exact profile of the Kudu antelope horn is used in the instrument Shofar. We shall hear that tone in the background. What is the link between the sound produced by Viktor Schauberger's geometries, which also exhibits its internal structure? Shofar is used for thousands of years in traditional Jewish ceremonies. Usually for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It is mentioned in Tora and Bible, and it is not a new invention.

Since Schauberger claimed that it was the ideal shape for the fluid flow, I was interested in what happens when the tone is produced. Those instruments are produced by hollowing out of the middle, and they are still being made today. It is not cheap, but they are still being made. At the inlet, there is a mouthpiece that produces a basic tone.

When the basic tone is produced, in this case, 440 Hz, i.e. the tone A4, the horn's cross-section natural shape makes the tone D5. Interestingly, two tones are in the same tonal relationships, with odd and even harmonics evenly distributed and with a low attenuation rate. It means that such shape practically does not exhibit any distortions on those frequencies, and the losses are relatively low. The question is, what is the meaning of the relationships of two such frequencies? In the next few remaining minutes, let us speak about the end of his story. There are two questions. Firstly, what happened to the Schauberger family? Secondly, what happened to those technologies? Which were realised and which were not? I will just briefly say what was happening after World War 2. The Russians came into Schauberger's apartment and took all his documentation.

Americans were also interested, just as they were interested in all German scientists. He was told never again to develop military stuff, so he developed ploughs and civil things, but still, he ended up in America. How did it end? When the war ended, Viktor Schauberger was on the arrest warrants of both the Soviet Army and the American Army. Upon entering Vienna, Soviets managed to seize his complete archive and all other things from his workshop, while Americans managed to arrest Schauberger himself. Very little is left as field marshal Keitel ordered the destruction of the majority of prototypes done by the German Army during that period.

We do not know what was precisely seized by the Soviets. We know that Americans released him after a while and were not particularly interested in him further on. It was during the operation "Paperclip". However, in 1957-58 two American business magnates from Texas offered him to come to America and further develop some of his technologies. He arrived there, but the first thing they did to him was to force him to work in the Arizona desert. The Water Wizard from forests, now in the desert.

The Water Wizard was by that time in his seventies and of lousy health. He was not happy, and in the end, there was a misunderstanding because he was forced to work on some things he did not wish to develop. In the end, he insisted on returning home, and everything happened in a single day. So, after a few weeks, he decided to leave together with his son Walter. It happened that neither of them knew the English language well.

Before boarding the aeroplane, they were pressured to sign certain legal agreements even to board the plane. They did not know what they were signing, and Viktor Schauberger signed the overall intellectual rights that he had. And that he will have. He transferred them to that person Donner.

His son Walter also returned, outlived him, started the magazine on such subjects, but he also died since then. Who holds that "Schaubergerian" torch today? Walter continued with his work, although he was more focused on theoretical work and worked with hyperbolic funnels. Which are the equivalents of Gabriel's horn and Torricelli's trumpet. They were successful in mixing gasses into fluids. PKS was established - Pythagoras Kepler System. They study non-Euclidian geometries and their effects on the flow of fluids.

He also died in 1994. and now Viktor's grandson Jorg manages everything. There are still parts of family archives that are not publicly released. So, they still have not publicly released all writings and works in their possession.

What is released to the public mainly pertains to simpler water processing systems, aeration, and similar things. What happened with all those development directions? It would be erroneous to say that the technologies of Viktor Schauberger are not alive today. They live in some waterways management systems in Austria where they use egg-shaped buoys, but we will not go further into that.

They prevent river from damaging its riverbanks. They are also used for the mixing of fluids and gasses. However, what was abandoned and is not touched anymore and what nevertheless came to life? And the most critical question, what is the real potential of such technological principles, although they are harder to produce? What makes them significantly different from anything his contemporaries did? Today some of his systems of mixing of gasses and fluids are used. Also, vortical systems for mixing of fuel and air.

Some implosion systems are used for exhaust, and they are closely related to his inventions. Loud noises are attenuated, and the exhaust itself creates a strong vacuum, which also sucks exhaust gasses from the cylinders or other systems with internal combustion. Institute of Ecological Technology in Sweden developed a somewhat more modern version of the Repulsator. Various versions of the hyperbolic funnel are used to process water used in the production of ice. It is used for skating rinks because such ice exhibits somewhat different properties.

So, they are used in multiple fields, but the reality is that not everything is attributed to Schauberger. Today much more is done with vortical flows. What is not touched upon and what is not overly complex to reproduce is the phenomena of "negative friction". The matter of negative friction entails an additional set of questions, and it means that... Tell us some of those questions.

The first question is, why does an additional increase in water flow sometimes appear? It is an open system, but additional energy has to enter the system from somewhere. We do not have an exact explanation, and the explanations of Prof. Poppel and his team are also a bit exotic. For example? Since there is a centripetal force in relation to the main flow in such horns and since it is wound helicoidally, there are two centripetal forces in such relationships that the water flows through pipes without touching the pipe walls. So, the water is in the particular relation of the forces which hold it in the centre without touching the pipe walls.

When it is also combined with diamagnetic properties of copper... I presume that negative friction means that with skill and ingenuity, one could access energy in a localised manner. He seems like "water Tesla". Tesla was the expert in electricity, and Schauberger expert in the flow of water. What was done during World War 2 and the fact that Repulsine B flew and tended to self-accelerate with no additional user input of energy, and the fact that the resistance to the flow of water goes to negative values even in relatively simple systems, speaks in favour of the fact that in certain types of vortices and particular conditions, there are anomalous "knees".

There are values of rate of flow where nothing special happens. However, when the transitional phase is reached, unusual phenomena start to happen. It is somewhat similar to Tesla's work with resonances.

Everything works more or less well but only when the "resonant" range is reached, everything starts working as it should. After all, Viktor Schauberger did speak about relationships with the tonal scale. His son Walter Schauberger has further engaged that topic. From the tonal scale to oil and nuclear business and other energy sectors that employ different principles... It is not only that. The banalest example is that today we use systems to transport water where we have significant losses.

The water exhibits turbulent flow through iron pipes and arrives quite damaged as far as its structure goes. With the development of grooved pipes for high flow rates, which can be made from plastic, the amount of energy necessary for pumping is significantly smaller. And if the water is brought in the range of negative friction, not much energy is required for pumping large quantities of water. Similar grooved pipes are made in Austria, in Bad Ischl, on a smaller scale and in smaller quantities. Usually, people use such pipes in their homes since they are pipes of smaller diameter. Simply because the water exiting them have measurably better quality.

Zvonimir, thank you for this summarised overview of at least part of Viktor Schauberger's patents. There would not be enough time for all of them, but at least it was an overview of different areas through examples. - Until the next opportunity, which may or may not happen, goodbye. - Goodbye. Thank you for your attention.

Indeed, behind Viktor Schauberger remain several lessons. First one is to understand and copy nature. And the secret of its efficiency is obviously in the shapes that are colloquially called Sacred Geometry.

The second lesson is that implementing an entirely new paradigm in some periods and some places can find its place. The question is how much of a breakthrough in understanding what is different from the accepted can come to life once confronted with the system's inertia, or even confronted with the interests which encourage that inertia. The third lesson is that there are principles in nature that we could use to provide additional energy, instead of forcing the world to save it by implementing so-called "smart technologies" under the green flags. But there is still a fourth lesson. Life always goes on, and with it, so do we.

Let us hope it goes as easy as "good night".


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