Professor Michio Kaku & Ross Coulthart interview IN FULL UFO UAP News

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[Music] [Music] camera 10122 what an incredible experience to meet such  an incredibly brilliant man as mishio Kaku he's a   a professor at New York University but one of the  fathers of the theoretical physics concept called   string theory mind-blowing stuff he acknowledges  the reality of the phenomenon in a way that   very few scientists are prepared to do publicly  Professor Kaku the debunkers the the Skeptics they   say there is no evidence of anomalous phenomena  that really the the gimbal the goast the Tic Tac   videos they don't prove anything what do you say  to that I'm a physicist we live and die with the   data we go where the data goes even if we have to  be drag Kicking and Screaming into areas that we   feel uncomfortable with we go where the data  goes and the gold standard the gold standard   for the data is multiple sightings by multiple  modes now think about that throughout history   people would say look look Martha look I see  something up there well maybe you did or maybe   you didn't that is not reproducible and it's  only you and perhaps you were drunk that day   or perhaps you really did encounter something  it's not conclusive what we need is multiple   sightings by multiple modes meaning more than one  person has seen something up there independently   verified it with multiple modes that is radar  infrared sensors Optical sensors multiple ways   in which we can then triangulate and then give  you the data of what was up there and that's   why those US Navy sightings from firstly 2004  and more recently right through to the present   day are so important because they're getting  multiple data on different platforms the recent   pressure by Congress on the military has forced  the military to own up to the fact that it's   sitting on hours hours of videotapes of something  that is up there in the sky and that many of the   military men who've seen these things were told  not to make waves don't make waves if you want   to like make sure that your career is on the right  track and so now the floodgates are being open in   other words the burden of proof is now shifting  it used to be that the burden of proof was on   the individual to prove that there was something  up there and that he wasn't drunk now the burden   of proof is on the military to prove that these  objects aren't extraterrestrial what do you say   that though why do you say that the burden of  proof is reversed I mean your detractors have   suggested you're going a bit far there why do  you say that we go where the data goes and the   data goes in the direction of s we follow the  data and the data indicates that something is   out there that can be tracked by radar infrared  centers tracked optically that can travel between   Mach 5 five times the speed of sound up to mach  20 now think about that for a moment up to mach   20 this is far beyond commercial aircraft and yet  here we have sightings that can be triangulated   and analyzed using these videotapes we have  gone frame by frame over the trajectories of   these objects and we now realize that they can  exceed the capabilities of our aircraft they can   drop 70 80,000 ft within just a matter of a few  seconds they can zigzag and we physicists now   have calculated the G forces inside these whatever  they are the G forces are in the hundreds of times   of the force of gravity that it turn any human  into PE soup in other words it would crush the   bones of any object any any organism that we're  familiar with and so these objects are probably   uh drones of some sort uh because they can exceed  the capabilities of our aircraft and put pressures   on the pilots that would crush their bones now  the two intelligence experts from the US defense   department who gave evidence on the 17th of May  to Congress Ron maltry Scott Bray two of the top   officials in the pentagon's intelligence section  they suggested very strongly that these were   drones these anomalous objects to your knowledge  though is there any known terrestrial human   technology that is capable of what these objects  have been seen doing well if these objects can   do what the data seems to indicate then they  exceed the capabilities of even our drones we   have Hypersonic drones that can go up to mach  20 but they're unstable the United States had   a very vigorous Hypersonic drone program up to two  years ago but abandon it because when these things   begin to maneuver they spiral out of control and  then crash that's why the Russians are pushing   this technology because they want to evade a Star  Wars program by having maneuverable Rockets but   you see that's the problem once they start to  maneuver then small oscillations build up until   they spiral out of control and then crash so so  far no one's been able to create a Hypersonic   drone that can that can duplicate the Feats that  we see on videotape do you see any evidence to   justify a conclusion that these might be foreign  adversaries well when you look at the pentagon's   um statement on these objects it lists the various  possibilities weather anomalies and so on and so   forth and at the end the last option is other now  what does that mean other well we realize that   the Chinese have a Hypersonic drone program  the Russians have an operational Hypersonic   drone program that they're using in the Ukraine  the United States is now re reinvigorating and   refinancing see is Hypersonic drone program but  these are all experimental and the track record   of these Hypersonic drones is not very good and  you realize that these sightings go back decades   decades before anyone even conceived of hypersonic  drones so what are they so we're left with the   last option and that is other and other includes  well maybe a renegade country just like if you   watch James Bond movie there's always some Smur  or Spectre out there that has a secret program   with access to Advanced Technology maybe a James  Bond type uh secret organization and for the first   time the military is not immediately excluding the  possibility of their being extraterrestrial this   is new in other words one military official was  quoted as saying quote they are not ours and if   they're not ours then whose are they if they're  not the Chinese if they're not the Russians if   they're not us then what's left could it be  ET so we're left with the possibility now and   the military is now owning up to this that they  could be extraterrestrial and this is new before   the military would try to debunk these things  saying that maybe they're stealth bombers uh   maybe they're Chinese or the Russian technology  the but the military is now admitting that yeah   they they're not ours do you think the United  States knows a lot more than it's letting on the   question is is the United States hiding something  well of course I mean we pay spies to keep secrets   not to divulge secrets we pay generals to win  Wars not to lose Wars of course there's going to   be a stockpile of stuff if I was in the military  and I was in charge of this material I too would   be stockpiling lot of this material but the key  thing is is much of this data is now slowly being   revealed and the data you go where the data goes  and the data points to a technology that seems to   exceed our capabilities even today you are one  of America's most highly respected theoretical   physicists I reckon you've got networks are you  hearing anything in the traps is there a a program   going on are there physicists who are working for  some secret government program that you know of   well there are physicists who do work for secret  programs uh one of them is Jason for example some   of the top physicists that I knew personally have  actually worked for Jason uh but to my knowledge   working on flying saucers and stuff like that is  not part of their of their mandate however working   on extraterrestrial modes of transportation is and  so these organizations have in fact looked at what   it takes to create an object that can can exceed  the speed of light are they anywhere near it do   you think no I've seen a lot of the proposals  uh by people from Jason and by other groups   like DARPA that have looked at this in fact NASA  had a 100-year Starship program a program whose   official title was the 100e Starship and they  said that within a 100 Years nope we're still   not going to be able to approach a going faster  than the speed of light but is it possible to   exceed the speed of light and the answer is yes  now sorry just for a moment sir I mean I thought   Albert Einstein's theory of relativity made it  absolutely impossible to exceed the speed of   light people forget that Einstein had two theories  not one theory of relativity the first Theory says   yes Einstein is the cop on the Block you cannot go  faster than the speed of light that's the special   theory of relativity but later he created a more  powerful general theory of relativity ity that   showed that space itself is like a fabric a fabric  that can be stretched and perhaps even ripped and   if you could rip the fabric of space and time then  we're now talking about hyperdrive Technologies so   there's a chap called miguell aluer who came up  with this hypothetical concept of the aluer drive   can you explain to us what the implications are of  his theoretical possibility there are actually two   ways you can break the light barrier consistent  with Einstein's theory of general relativity the   first was actually proposed by Einstein himself in  1935 in 1935 he looked at a black hole which looks   like a funnel a funnel Things fall into the black  hole and then you put two of them two of them back   to back so that if you fell into this funnel you  would come out the other end and that's called   a wormhole which Ein worked out with his student  Nathan Rosen back in 1935 and you can actually go   faster than the speed of Life by Going Through  the Wormhole now you've seen this before as a   child you've seen this before the first reference  to a wormhole in the English language was done by   Charles Dodson otherwise known as Lewis Carroll  in the book Through the Looking Glass the Looking   Glass is the Wormhole Alice sticks her hand  Through the Wormhole and her hand goes to   the other side of forever which is Wonderland so  that is the first way that you might exceed the   speed of light using Einstein's general theory  of relativity as proposed by Einstein himself   in 1935 and what's the second proposed way the  second proposal to exceed the speed of flight   is to stretch space let's say you're walking on  a carpet and you crumple up the space in front   of you and expand the space behind you and  then all you do is hop over the carpet so in   other words you don't go to the Stars the stars  come to you you are literally yanking the stars   in your direction and then you're simply hopping  over the distance now I want to take you through   there's some complicated ideas here but I've had  the privilege of interviewing the former head of   the pentagon's UAP program a guy called Lou Elis  condo and he uses this term the five observables I   think he talks about instantaneous velocity uh  uh massively High velocities um positive lift   stealth and transm medium travel so there are five  things that these objects have been recorded doing   shown by the data is what these five observables  are showing consistent with cubia theory is if   somebody's flying a craft that's operating using  that stretching of SpaceTime and warping of space   time if you like is that is that what would  explain what we're seeing with these objects   in the sky well I'll be honest there's a catch  there's always a catch always catch or else we   would have had hyperdrive technology yesterday  right what's the catch the catch is energy you   need fabulous amounts of positive and negative  energy in order to propel yourself so that you   could exceed the speed of light for example the  Wormhole solution we find wormhost soluions when   we analyze black holes but a black hole requires  the the energy of maybe uh 10 to 50 stars so   we're talking about Stellar amounts of energy  and the same thing for the ALCO beer Drive in   order to create a warp bubble a warp bubble in  which you can then hop over compressed space   requires fabulous am amounts of positive and  negative energy uh the latest calculation that   I've seen says that you have to have energy  comparable to the mass of Jupiter not a star   but just Jupiter in order to drive these things  so in other words what we're talking about is a   very advanced technology which is not for us we're  talking about energy on a scale that exceeds the   energy of the solar system okay but somebody's  doing that aren't they I mean these objects do   you think that what these anomalous objects are  they do appear to be intelligently controlled   don't they when you talk to the average physicist  about going faster than the speed of light you get   what is called the giggle Factor their eyes kind  of like roll up to the heavens and they start to   laugh and giggle and they say look the distance  between stars is so great that it would take   thousands of years to reach the nearby stars and  what what uh saying extraterrestrial civilization   ation is going to invest thousands of years to  reach the planet Earth it's just not not common   sense however that assumes that the aliens are  maybe a hundred years more advanced than us open   your mind to the possibility that they could be  thousands millions of years more advanced than   us then new forms of technology begin to open  up we're not talking about the very edge of   our understanding of the quum Theory and general  relativity at that point new phenomenon start to   enter into the picture phenomenon that allow you  to exceed the speed of light Stephen Hawking the   late great cosmologist even said that yes with  wormholes it may be possible to break the light   barrier using Einstein's theory and the quantum  theory and so open your minds to the possibility   that they could be millions of years ahead of us  so that's the theoretical possib possibilities   that you say are plausible possible something's  doing that though isn't it in our atmosphere   under our ocean in Orit when we talk about going  fast in the speed of light you have to leave the   technology of the planet Earth we physicists rank  civilizations by energy a type one civilization is   planetary they control the weather they control  earthquakes volcanoes anything planetary they   control sort of like living in the world of Buck  Rogers or Flash Gordon then there's type two which   is Stellar these civilizations control the power  of a star the output of a star like for example   a Dyson Sphere which envelops an entire star and  uses that energy to propel its machines and then   we have type three type three is the energy of  a galaxy they roam the galactic space Lanes now   Star Trek for example would be a typical type two  civilization you can colonize a few star systems   but not much more than the so-called Alpha sector  of the Milky Way galaxy that's Star Trek Star   Wars would be type three where you roam across the  galactic space Lanes now these civilizations that   we're hypothesizing about can they have hyperdrive  and the answer is possibly yes by the time you're   type three you can access the plun energy the plun  energy is the energy you find in the heart of a   black hole the Big Bang it's the point at which  space becomes unstable wormholes start to emerge   is this also what they call Zero Point Energy this  is beyond Zero Point Energy this is the ultimate   energy of the universe itself the plank energy  that's the energy that I work with when I publish   papers I publish at the plank energy the energy at  which space and time become unstable for example   let's say I have some water and I heat it up what  happens it starts to boil bubbles form that expand   and you get what's called a phase transition  now let's talk about empty space empty space   that's heated up heated up to the plun energy  what happens bubbles form little bubbles these   bubbles are wormholes gateways to perhaps other  parts of space and time and so these bubbles is   probably how our universe got started our universe  was probably one of these bubbles floating in the   vacuum and one of these bubbles expanded to  create our universe so if you are type three   you can begin to play with baby universes you can  begin to play with the plank energy the energy at   which space becomes unstable that space becomes  full of Bubbles and these bubbles are gateways   statistically knowing the incredible awesome size  of our universe there's every likelihood absolute   certainty really isn't there that there  are civilizations non-human civilizations   out there far more advanced than us when you look  at pictures from the web Space Telescope and the   Hubble Space Telescope realize that many of these  pictures are just one little pinpoint one little   pinpoint in the night sky magnified to give these  gorgeous pictures you see on the TV right well   that little dot that pinpoint of light contains  trillions of stars each dot in that photograph   that you see on National Television each dot  is a Galaxy that's a 100 billion stars in each   Dot and how many dots are there in that pinpoint  billions what we're talking about is a photograph   of trillions trillions of stars think about about  that for a moment the probability that we're the   only game in town is a fraction the inverse of  trillions and so you begin to realize that of   course they're out there of course why should we  be special for example look at what we're made out   of we're made out of proteins and amino acids we  find them in the heart of meteors we find amino   acids in gas clouds mbula thousands of light ears  from the planet Earth we see the ingredients of   light the amino acids everywhere we look in the  universe so if I ask Professor mitaku are we alone   what do you say people ask the question are we  alone my attitude is of course what took you so long let's look then at the phenomena as it's  being recorded on all those sensor systems that   we're describing let's just focus for example on  the 400 incidents that the US now admits formally   to the Congress a real unidentified aerial  phenomena they can't explain them Professor   they appear to be intelligently controlled  do you agree so far the evidence seems to   point in the direction that if these objects are  extraterrestrial and I'm not saying they are but   if they are extraterrestrial then it requires a  level of intelligence that exceeds what we have   exceeds the technology of the plan planet Earth  the implications of that then are that we're   being visited you can't um I'm a physicist you go  where the data goes and when data point points in   the direction that we might be visited it's a  possibility that we cannot neglect I mean are   we the only sensient beings in the in the universe  I don't think so let me give you then the uh the   classic rejoinder that you get from the Skeptics  they say come on what why would aliens be visiting   this planet why would anybody care a toss you know  I mean we're probably an insignificant bunch of   carbon related to everything else in the universe  why would they be bothered taking an interest in   humanity let's say you walking down a country road  and you encounter a forest and you encounter a   squirrel do you go down to the squirrel and talk  to it well initially you may be curious about the   squirrel and you want to like say a few things but  after a while you get bored because the squirrel   doesn't talk back to you but do you encounter  these squirrels yeah but for the most part you   leave them alone we are perhaps the squirrels in  the forest and any intelligent civilization that   can span across Stars would simply say well yeah  they're curious they're interesting let's study   them but for the most part we'll leave them alone  but if that is the case if really they're not that   fuss about us they do appear to be taking  a close interest in things like uh nuclear   weapons facilities whatever they are there is a  high prevalence statistically of uaps that have   been witnessed over nuclear weapons facilities  nuclear power plants places where the United   States develops and processes uranium there are  two theories as to why we have an extraordinary   number of sightings at military installations  one Theory says that they're curious about how   advanced we are I mean at some point Point can  we destroy ourselves what happens if a war breaks   out is our civilization unstable so that's one  possibility but there's another possibility and   that other possibility is that's where the cameras  are that's where the seasoned Pilots are that's   where we have aircraft not in the middle of the  ocean but no next to weapons facilities where we   have a concentration of electronic technology of  course we're going to see more sightings there   because that's where the technology is not because  they're more curious ious about us and our weapons   program so do you think it's quite plausible  that there is an alien civilization that's been   taking an interest in planet Earth for quite some  time there are some people who claim that perhaps   these visitations go back thousands of years  not just back to World War II if you look at   the Bible for example there are sightings in the  Bible uh Ezekiel talks about the wheel the Wheel   in the Sky for example in the chapter on Ezekiel  so then the question is where we visited in the   past well I'm a physicist we believe in data  that is testable reproducible falsifiable and   it's not testable it's not reproducible whether  or not we were visited uh in biblical times but   it cannot be dismissed there are a number of  philosophers commentators scientists who've   indicated that they've been approached privately  by the US government sections of the military   the intelligence services to prepare America for  the possibility of extraterrestrial life the the   philosopher Sam Harris said as much in a podcast  last year have you had any approaches from the US   government yourself you'd be a perfect person to  explain it I personally am a little bit skeptical   about plans of scientists and politicians to  prepare for an encounter with an extraterrestrial   civil ization cuz I've talked to the C people and  the S people are the people on the front lines   they are the ones taking all the flak they're the  ones in the front line talking about this and I   asked them what about the protocols what about the  press releases what about governments the United   Nations what role are they going to play where  are the plans and their attitude is they don't   exist there are no plans do you believe that yeah  I believe there are no plans because politicians   always drag at the tail okay very rarely do you  have a politician who farsighted and see the   future no they see the past and as a consequence  they don't want to have the giggle Factor thrown   at them they don't want to have people roll their  eyes every time a politician starts to talk about   these ancient civilizations uh basically they hide  their rear so so what do you one of America's most   eminent theoretical physicists say to people  watching this who might be thinking you uos   uaps they're just a bit of a giggle seriously they  don't need to be taken seriously if it turns out   that we have in fact been visited by an advanced  civilization this would be this let me take that   if it does turn out that we have been visited and  it could be proven by an advanced civilization   then that would be the greatest moment in the  history of the human race it would be a pivotal   event in the history of homo sapiens on the planet  Earth the realization that we are not alone and   then of course we have to begin the process  of analyzing the question who are these people   what do they want how can we relate to these  people these are cosmic questions and so this   is perhaps one of the greatest questions facing  the history of the human race what happens if we   make an encounter have you coped criticism from  your professional colleagues to the way in which   you're putting yourself out there conceding the  possibility that this might be extraterrestrial   in the early days if you were a scientist and you  begin to make statements about public policy your   friends would shake their heads and say oh there  he goes again uh that's passed uh because of the   fact that so many times the people that have  raised these criticisms were correct so many   times the naysayers so many times the people that  were skeptical turned out to be right and so times   have changed there's been a sea change there's  been a change in the way the scientific Community   looks at this why do you think the Pentagon  probably one of the most secretive organizations   on the planet by necessity why do you think it's  suddenly becoming more open and transparent about   UFOs uaps we're witnessing a sea change in the  attitude of the military and the establishment   they're now owning up to the fact that there are  hundreds of hours of videotapes that our Pilots   have now stated that for days for days they  would see these things flying around military   installation not just one encounter but for days  and hours they would see these things happening   why is the military owning up to it because the  politicians are now beginning to say hey maybe   there is something there that is a national  security threat and why are these people the   politicians beginning to say these things because  of pressure from Below that is the average person   is now beginning to say hey wait a minute maybe we  should spend a little bit of our taxpayers money   to investigate these things that puts pressure  on the politicians who then put pressure on the   military the military is owning up to these things  Kicking and Screaming they're owning up to these   things because of course for them secrecy is the  name of the game I wasn't ready to understand   until I looked at the old documents going right  back to the Robertson panel that started 1952 the   year of the Washington flyover over Washington DC  of a whole cluster of alleged UFOs I wasn't ready   for the fact that the documents show very clearly  there's been a deliberate policy of disinformation   of stigmatizing ridiculing public discussion about  UFOs for the last 50 60 years are you aware of   that and do you think that explains a large part  of the kickback that you get from talking about   this subject the fact that there's been a lot  of so-called debunking especially in the early   days uh my attitude is of course of course you're  going to get debunking okay because we're talking   about Cosmic questions that impinge upon National  Security our role in the universe or understanding   of who we are of course there's going to be a lot  of debunking going on back then I would have been   one of the debunkers too realizing that hey are we  ready for this information well are we ready let's   assume this is is extraterrestrial which even  I noticed ail Haynes the Director of National   Intelligence conceded was a possibility if this  is ET are we ready I there's been a change in   public attitude because Hollywood has pretty much  created the new mythology it used to be demons and   and Gremlins and leprechauns that people dreamt  about at night and feared now it's aliens from   out of space and some of them could be friendly  like ET and so I think the American public is   ready for information about an encounter with an  extraterrestrial civilization however I draw the   line when it comes to advertising our existence  to alien civilizations there's some physicists   and scientists who say that we should beam into  outer space messages saying here we are we are   located in this quadrant of the mil Way galaxy you  can visit us cuz you can triangulate our location   this is the level of our technology come and get  it I think that is fool hearty because look what   happened to uh monuma when he met Cortez montazuma  made perhaps the biggest mistake in ancient   history he assumed that Cortez was a God in fact  he was a bloodthirsty pirate but what did Cortez   have he had steel the Aztecs had bronze weapons  they were a Bronze Age civilization Cortez had   the horse the Aztec had never seen a horse before  Cortez had the written language the Aztec had a   pictoral language Cortez had Gunpowder the Aztec  had bows and arrows and within just a few months   the entire Aztec civilization crumbled so I think  it's a bad idea to advertise our existence to any   alien civilization out of space until we know who  they are what they want and how advanced they are   back in the 1960s The Brookings institution did a  paper that suggested that the world wasn't ready   America wasn't ready for the whole idea of the  possibility of extraterrestrial life because of   religious beliefs do you think that the notion  of extraterrestrial life is incompatible with   conventional religious ideas in the year 1600  there was a former monk Geodon Bruno who was   burned alive in the streets of Rome because  he said they were aliens in outer space and   if you go to Rome today you can go to the plain  of flowers the very spot where he was burned   alive and there's a statue of him a statue of him  pointing to the heavens and it indicates that hey   maybe civilization has grown up a bit that in 1600  we burn them we don't burn astronomers anymore we   don't burn scientists anymore like they used to  in the year 1600 so I think that the people are   more accustomed to the idea that the universe is  huge that our Earth is not the only planet out   there that can sustain intelligent life and so  I think the public would be more welcoming the   idea that there could be other civilizations out  there let's talk about what's the most plausible   explanation for the apparent intelligently  controlled technology that we're seeing this   anomalous phenomena represent if it's not foreign  adversaries if it's unlikely to be some kind of   James bondan Dr No character that's concealed  their incredible developments away from the rest   of humanity isn't the most plausible explanation  that this is some other intelligent life looking   at all these videotapes okay I've come to  two conclusions one conclusion is you have   to be very careful some of these sightings are  optical illusions so you have to eliminate them   very carefully the other possibility is they are  not ours that they represent a technology that is   hundreds thousands of years more advanced than us  and if they can go between Stars it means they're   up to maybe a million years more advanced than  us so the idea that some of them are caused by   optical illusions that has to be looked at very  seriously because an object that moves very slowly   across your field division if you don't know how  far it is you could think that it's very far away   and zipping along like this when it's actually a  piece of dust or an insect that just slowly flying   across your field of vision and that's why I  find I get sent hundreds thousands of videos   from people who've held up their mobile phones and  filled some filmed something flying across the sky   nine times out of 10 it's a waste of time because  there's no refence point to make a judgment as to   how far away that object was the difference here  though is that we now do have incontrovertible   data from the US Navy in particular there's a sad  story that set the pace for the 1980s and 90s in   1986 there was a Japan Airlines flight going over  Alaska three seasoned Pilots they saw something   they saw three objects tailing them and it was  not just these three Pilots visually tracking   these things it was tracked by radar and they  communicated with the ground controllers they   were tracking this thing what happened afterwards  these Pilots were demoted they were given desk   jobs and their careers were pretty much over but  you see here we have a new gold standard emerging   multiple sightings by multiple modes three season  Pilots visually locking onto an object tracking   it with radar ground radar as well and they were  just given desk jobs now that Japanese Airlines   story you're talking about is very important  because there was also a cover up at this end   in the United States there was a chap called  John Callahan in the FAA your federal airports   Administration Aviation Administration and he  described how the CIA your Central Intelligence   Agency came in and ordered that it would take  possession of all of the the radar data all   of the recordings the audio recordings of what  transpired during that sighting between the air   traffic controllers in Anchorage and the pilots  in the aircraft why would the US want to cover   up this kind of interesting data why not just be  open the question is why did the military cover   up all these things and the answer is very clear  it was the Cold War because of the cold war the   military did a lot of things that in hindsight  seem kind of silly for example take a look at   Roswell let's not get into the details of what  happened at Roswell back in 1947 but why was there   this massive coverup of the Roswell incident when  it was maybe a weather balloon or who knows what   it was it was because the United States military  was conducting secret unauthorized experiments   releasing radioactive materials into people's  backyard now today that would be considered Ed   outrageous we would be suing people left and right  if looking at cancer rates going up but back then   we did not know exactly how radiation spread  in an environment because Hiroshima was only   just two years before therefore the military  authorized weather balloons to then release   radioactive materials into people's backyard okay  that's why the military had to hush up this whole   Roswell thing regardless of whether or not they  were real aliens there because of the Cold War   that's why there was so much secrecy but the cold  war ended supposedly 30 years ago and yet we're   still covering up why uh well I don't know you  have to ask the military about that one I mean   the fact that the military had covered up these  things for decades is clear because of the cold   war we didn't know what the Russians had we were  doing experiments on our side that were considered   unethical because we thought the Russians were do  it uh there's something called MK Ultra MK Ultra   was this incredibly large program to develop  hypnotic materials drugs hypnosis psychics uh   in order to win the war against Russia crazy  experiments that we would laugh at today but   they were authorized and funded generously at  America's top universities for decades and so   the military definitely was in the business of  covering up and authorizing incredibly stupid   experiments I asked you earlier about religion  and the impact that you thought the revelations of   potential alien life might have on establishment  religion you've written a book yourself recently   uh about God you've engaged with the possibility  that the theoretical physics that you're exploring   isn't incompatible with the idea of God now one  of the people you've named Steven Hawking he he   suggested that God didn't fit in to the Big  Bang Theory there was no room for God why do   you disagree the late Stephen Hawking had very  sharp opinions about God and the creation of the   universe according to Einstein's general theory  relativity the Big Bang was almost instantaneous   and therefore Stephen Hawkins said aha there  was no time there was no time for God to create   the universe it just happened just like that and  therefore before God could not possibly exist but   you see that's an old Theory we don't necessarily  believe that anymore because we now believe that   the Big Bang was a Quantum event and in a Quantum  event if it happens once it can happen again and   again and again creating a Multiverse of universes  so instead of one universe expanding which is the   Big Bang Theory we have a bubble bath a bubble  bath of universes bubbles being formed out of   the vacuum because we're now exceeding the  plunk energy and these bubbles create entire   universes and so we begin to realize that there  was plenty of time for a God to create a universe   because there was not just one Universe now I'll  probably get my head put on a stake by some of   the religions for suggesting this possibility  but is it possible God's an alien I mean is it   possible that what we are is some kind of genetic  experiment by a much more advanced civilization   because at the heart of it isn't what say the  Bible or the Quran describe something that   involves a highly advanced intelligence coming  down to planet Earth imbuing us with Knowledge   and Skills passing on understanding isn't that God  isn't that alien well if an advanced civilization   were to come to the planet Earth in the year 1500  for example we would consider them to be God now   does that mean that they are God that created the  entire universe no it just means that our level   of technology in the year 1500 would suppose  that they are in fact God but whether or not   there is a God is independent of whether or not  an advanced civilization were to meet us in the   year 1500 these are two independent questions  one question is simply are they Advanced enough   to appear like God the other question is are  they God that create the universe these are two   distinct questions now sir you like I am sure have  seen the news media reports where key officials   both former and serving have suggested that the  United States government is in possession of quote   exotic material the possibility is being openly  discussed that the United States has recovered   alien technology which was laughable a few years  ago but you'd agree it's being openly discussed by   people like Lou lazando Christopher melan Eric  Davis other people who've basically claimed to   have inside knowledge what's your response to  that do you think that's a possibility that   somewhere in a dark cave somewhere there  are us scientists working on recovered technology well look at it this way I get a lot  of emails from people that have claimed that uh   you're barking at the wrong tree the aliens are  not there the aliens are here they visited us   they're here and I say what proof do you have that  the aliens are here and they tell me that they've   been abducted they've been kidnapped by aliens  in out of space well I have a word of advice if   you have ever been kidnapped by an alien from  outter space for God's sake steal something I   don't care where there's a paperclip an ancient  an alien pen an alien calculator steal something   because afterwards you can say aha look look  look proof proof you want to see the evidence   I'm a physicist we live and die by the evidence  maybe you saw an angel last night maybe you did   we'll have to like go through the evolutionary  history of what it would take to create an angel   and so on and so forth but afterwards where's the  data where is the reproducible experiment that we   can create tests on it's hearsay after that so  in other words we can speculate this afternoon   until we're till we're blue in the face but all  sorts of fantastic possibilities right and what   have we gotten nowhere we've gotten nowhere  because there's nothing tangible but frankly   if I was the US government and I was in possession  of Technology like that I wouldn't be revealing it   either would you I think the probability that  we have a captured Flying Saucer someplace at   area 51 or whatever is very very small but let's  assume for the moment that it's true let's assume   that we do have alien bodies alien Technologies  and so on so forth would we keep it a secret of   course we're not stupid I mean you don't want  to blab to the whole universe all the secrets   that you can get from a damaged Flying Saucer  but that doesn't prove anything either in other   words maybe maybe not Science is based on things  that are testable reproducible and falsifiable   anything outside of that is disconsidered  here a professor Kaku thank you very much


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