PRO ERTEN #13: Как Аюми Мур Аоки и движение Women in Tech меняют мир технологий

PRO ERTEN #13: Как Аюми Мур Аоки и движение Women in Tech меняют мир технологий

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the girls at school we don't have the  the same rights as boys female support   around you is something that makes you much  stronger female L startups they have much   less money and less funding but networking  alone will not solve the problem I imagine   that to creating women in TCT as a know  Global Catalyst I do use AI for everyday   work because sometimes it helps sometimes I  think oh my God is this like cheating they   will never replace the human how how are you  going to manage your business and your child   tomorrow we're going to be officially launching uh  women in Tech Kazakhstan I found what my passion   was and for 10 years I focus on that growing my  business and having your dream is not [Applause] enough hello dear friends this is episode of  podcast Pro your 10 my name is theed and I'm   CE of this media and here we used to talk about  Technologies I and startups and I'm very pleased   to introduce Our Guest aumi muroki she is a  social enterpreneur and Visionary committed to   driving positive and sustainable changes through  Technologies and as I know you are founder and   CEO of woman in Te Global and this is a leading  international organization supporting women and   girls in science technology engineering arts and  Mathematics and wom into Global has over 200,000   members and aim to support 5 million women and  girls in Team by 2030s yes great goals it's very   yes it's a very big goal but um I'm very excited  about I'm very passionate and I'm very convinced   that we are going to be reaching our goal yeah  aumi so um I um read about your way your as a   person as a woman uh can you share maybe those  like three five tips how you became such woman   and have such great worldwide Mission wow um when  to start so in fact diversity has been in me ever   since I was born because I am I'm half Brazilian  half Japanese and I have a little bit of British   as well in my blood I was born in Brazil but  I was raised in South Africa during aparte it   was a very difficult time because not only there  was um uh lots of difficulties for for for race   um but also for gender you know the the girls at  school we didn't have the the same rights as boys   so I remember my friend and I we were the first  ones to make the first rowing girls rowing team   at school we had to fight for rights and we  trained very hard and at the the end of the   first season we managed to win South African  Champions and that triggered in me um this   passion um against any kind form of Oppression  you know are also triggering me the the love of   of Sisterhood because the girls on the boat with  me they were like my sisters and we feel that um   having this support this um female support around  you is something that makes you much stronger um   after that I traveled the world a lot I went to T  I think I've lived in over 10 countries already my   life and so for me diversity and inclusion is not  just genders and race but also many cultures along   my life I had to um I went to the corporate world  I transitioned into into Tech because I wasn't   finding a personal and professional satisfaction  in my corporate job so I quit everything and I   started learning how to quote by myself that  was back in 2007 200 2008 and for 10 years   I focused on growing my business I had um uh two  companies so I'm an entrepreneur uh on the digital   U digital marketing digital communication um and  we worked with clients from all over the world and   uh I remember I was pregnant of my fourth child so  I've got four yes I've got four children today and   the fourth one the last one was quite a difficult  one you know I had to stay in bed for a long time   and when I finally gave birth I was exhausted  you know physically and mentally and I really   needed to find a place to recharge my batteries  whether it was um you know and and for me the   perfect place was in in Lisbon um during a big  Web Conference and there I knew that there were   not a lot of women in technology because even for  my companies to hire woman it was quite difficult   but I didn't know this was in 2017 that the gender  gap in Tech was getting bigger and bigger for me   things were bad but they were getting better and  not that things were bad but they were getting   worse the figures like one only 20% of female  students um graduates uh are are women right   in in the technology Fields uh if you go to look  at the startups um female Ed startups they have   much less money and less funding between 2 to 3%  depending on the country and that's an average all   around the world also women and girls they have  less access to um to any kind of of mobile or or   digital device and also for for the internet they  have 30% less access than men so many different   things know put together said what are we doing  about it um and I looked around at initiatives   there were lots of networking um female Focus  networking events which are great but networking   alone will not solve the problem and there was  many or a few um initiatives that were working   on the ground which were very performant but they  were isolated and not in a global so I imagined   that to creating women in TCT as a in a global  Catalyst where not only we would be a a global   Community a movement but at the same time working  close to the ground I'm impacting women closest   to where they need whether it's in education in  business in digital inclusion and advocacy yeah   and what about psychological approach I think  you faced with many women who are already COO   of their companies founders of startups but uh  here in Kazakhstan for example women split for   two groups first of them say say that there is a  gender approach others say no I feel comfortable   I make my job and things like this and how do you  think this is psychological issue is it matter in   the worldwide system I think um I think around  the world there many uh and know cultures right   it's not a specific culture um there are um this  unconscious bias that exists and some people are   more aware of them than others and and people feel  more comfortable than others as well that's it's a   very it's a personal thing I think that either way  when you're in the leader of a company uh or or   of any project it's normal to feel uncomfortable  right but you just have it just it's part of the   job whether it's about um gender bias whether  it's about I don't know getting finan talking   to people in difficult things you know I think an  entrepreneurs or or in a Leader's journey is never   easy for many many different ways for both men and  women it's very difficult right so it depends on   how you face these challenges and the challenges  are there every day once again whether you're a   leader or not but specifically specifically when  you're a leader so if you um I think it's more of   a mindset to be able to embrace and say okay it's  tough but uh we have to get over it and and make   it an ally almost but I'm not saying it's an easy  I'm saying it is difficult but you just have to   keep on positive um so that we it doesn't stop  you but you can use it and you aware of it but   you know it will not stop you okay and coming  back to it specification it topic uh your uh   like how to say the division of uh woman in Te  is about steam yes here in Kazakhstan we already   have school which include steam direction to yeah  children like girls and boys doesn't matter and uh   why you choose the steam Direction and how do you  think uh how it will uh maybe change our future   well I think um technology today is in everywhere  right there's no single business or things today   that technology doesn't really touch whether  even if it's in the Arts whether it's science   steam is because it's something bigger than just  technology yes there is a science inside there   maths inside and even the Arts inside because  the creative part is so important in nowadays um   anything that's together with Innovation I think  Innovation if you put it like on the on the top   um whether it's going to be AI technology Quantum  cyber security all these things around digital um   are included and and women they have to be part  of this digital transition and Revolution that's   happening right now because if they're not well  the best paid jobs are there you know they have   to be able to to know how to use they have to  be there being coders today um te AI is changing   the World by surprise and once again you know 12%  of researchers in AI are women and only 6% of AI   developers are women so we have to to be there and  not only not only being there coding writing the   lines but also using I just read yesterday there  was this um uh This research done where women not   only they're not the first they not very present  designing but they not very present they 30% and   they use um AI 30% less than men because why  yes it's very good question and I think they're   looking for it but some say according to the  article that I read um they said that they feel   that they have to do it like the hard way you know  okay it's almost as if they were cheating you know   like they like kind of use it a little bit but  say oh you know if it's too easy they're going to   think and they feel know bad they think they feel  like they it's not hard enough and honestly um   sometimes happen to me I I do use AI for everyday  work because sometimes it helps sometimes I think   oh my God is this like cheating you know yes  you still have this kind of thing like in your   mind um and I have a a friend who who's launching  her business and she says no no no I don't want I   want to really do it by myself I'm not going to  use it this they they have to help right we have   to use these tools they will never replace the  human I don't think because the creativity part   the sensibility this is really what um uh we have  that so precious it will never be taken but you   have to use it as an Ali we have not to be afraid  so if you manage it well asking you know seeing   how it it it's done and also being aware of the  unconscious bias that are there um and and fake   news and everything that you can see but use it  um where it can help you right yeah and not going   to not replace you but it's going to help you  achieve um something quicker and faster yeah did   you make any analysis of critical thinking while  using Ai and especially among women and girls or   not well I think critical thinking is um is one  of those those gifts that you can also obviously   it's most important today in in in in our world  and you know one of those um um I'd say career um   H I'm I'm losing my words in in English um that  we all need and going to be the most treasured   right by employers around the world I think  because technolog is going so quickly we need   these Minds this critical thinking that's going  to be um um the things that um employers once   again are going to be are going to be looking  for because also gives you um this part this   Innovation the resilience you have to be able to  to think fast change ideas and you know how hard   it is when you are an entrepreneur right you have  to be really you know sometimes there's no plan A   a plan B plan C we so already plan M K you know  P um and that's just that's just part of it and   that's Al that's a part of it's fun as well you  know sometimes when things are too easy you know   you you think oh my God maybe I'm not trying hard  enough I'm not not maybe I'm not you know reaching   and dreaming high enough so um okay and what are  those Trends among women entrepreneurs in Europe   in France where are you from now yes um well I  think they there are a lot of women entrepreneurs   in in Europe uh not as much as in Africa I think  Africa around the world is where over 50% of the   entrepreneurs yeah women are in Africa however  very small um businesses right like very like one   or two people those mostly in Africa although they  obviously they are bigger as well the challenges   we have in Europe and in I think in all around the  world as well looking at the statistics is getting   funded right women's startups women Le projects of  hardly they get much less funding um so those are   the the main critical things I remember me when  I I started my company God to get funding um it   was it was so hard so I had to sell fund because  I knocked on all the those reasons why investors   don't believe to woman's ideas or they are not  there are so many different things right so there   many many different things well I for instance I  give you a good example A friend of mine um from   so she's British she's based in the UAE she tried  I don't know funding getting funds all over she's   she's a brilliant brilliant mind um and she's  got four children and every time and she made   them very quickly but she and she has a very good  Balanced Life between you know her family and her   business um but every time she was pitching she  was pregnant and the first question they would   ask they would say how how are you going to manage  your business and your child and that question I   have never ever heard any investor ask a man don't  even know so and that when someone asked her that   she knew right away she was not going to get  funding so there's still um a lot of these once   again unconscious bias about um that the woman has  to be the one that's going to be taking care of   the children alone and you know and if they don't  not going to be working long hours otherwise she's   going to have to get if she gets married if she's  an aged to to get pregnant then she going to be as   effective or because so many different things even  you see the questions that they ask uh questions   asked to a man they're mostly about growth and  about you know and how Brave and and the vision   and the you know how you see your company grow  whether for women they're mostly um questions   that are um like protective questions saying okay  if you face this kind of incident how would you do   what would you do you know so more questions not  on on on growth grti but or on how to handle you   know difficulties um what we can do with this do  you have any plan what can we do so this is what   we're working every day on doing right I don't  have the magic wand otherwise there would be no   more Pro no problem around the world but I think  already you know teaching girls from a young age   that they they can be anything they want to  be you know there are once again research has   shown until 12 years old many girls they dream of  becoming astronauts of becoming everything as one   when they saw teenager things start getting down  they said okay um there there's maybe 30 or 40% of   of girls that don't want anymore to go into these  um Tech subjects and then those who eventually do   go um they many much much less and then those who  come out I know for instance in Europe so they're   only 20% of um undergraduates um from higher un  education universities or that are um from from   Tech from Tech um education and then when I go  to the workforce there's 35% more women leaving   the jobs than men so there's a continuous saliki  pipeline that starts all the way from from school   to high school to University and to the workforce  right so we have to try and help women every time   along the way not not only the women but the men  as well the boys as well so they can know that   you know there's a girl um know to support them  whether it's it's your sister whether it's your   classmate uh we we need mentors we need funding we  need money you know because uh that's how things   are going to be changing and also parents you know  for in underprivileged areas um I know in South   Africa in Burundi in India where we have chapters  and we have local um in uh Learning Centers so   we see with the first right on the on the on the  front end how um for the big families when there's   only one device the girl should going to be the  last one to to use it right first going to be   the father then it's going to be the son for the  shoes then it's going to be the mom and if there   are three or four children and they only have one  device the girl is not even going to touch it so   we have to be more conscious and on investing in  girls investing in women on the potential that   there is everyone benefits from it yeah and again  it's connected with behavioral psychological issue   yeah and as a worldwide organization uh do you  have any strategy how to change the situation   in the world and in specific country yeah so  we work so we work on the four main pillars so   the first is education and we we have programs to  first is to um have role models for girls during   High School also research has shown um we have  empirical data showing that um adolescents when   they talk to role models during those 14 and 16  years old there are more percentage of girls who   have spoken to women um in these fields if they  were inspired they are most likely to choose   those that career choice model so the role models  are important obviously um the the importance of   the teachers and the families there is also very  because they're the ones who guide so we trying   to um to work with um you know job forums not only  for the for the kids but for the parents as well   because if the kids are all excited they go home  and they say yeah I want to do this I said no this   is not for you it's not going to work so we try  to bring the parents alongside with them and also   the teachers you know because education sometimes  in certain countries or I think everywhere it's   quite a slow process until you know all the  syllabus um are changed and they have to uh   also be uh aware of the new technologies that are  happening that's going to be changing the way we   learn and they are the first ones who going to be  teaching our children all along so these three um   are seen and then education all along in life  even if you didn't choose tech when you are in   high school you can do it later in life you know  you can change and keep on learning anytime like   I started learning Tech I was I was 30 you know  so I think you can change and have this mindset   of being curious and learning new things anytime  um along your along your life and your career   that's for education and then so we also work  with scholarships and then we also have um in   business we work for with um getting more women  interns um you know in in the tech roles also   we have a job board uh woman in Tech job board  where um we put up jobs the companies looking   to to hire more uh female Talent uh we also have  um mentoring so that women can go up the leather   as well uh we have a mentoring Global mentoring  program and we have oh God we have got so many   things um we have also a leadership program to get  more women on board and then in digital inclusion   we have um programs digital literacy programs we  have got Learning Centers in Brazil in in Africa   and then um and then for entrepreneurs we have  a pitching competition and we making right now   a crowdfunding platform to fund women because  they need money and in the advocacy side we do   awareness campaigns around the world talking  about glass ceiling talking about the need and   most importantly we also talk to policy makers to  change the policy um to make sure that the AI is   more inclusive um that there's no bias um and that  there are more women um in the leadership roles   yeah and talking about leadership program I think  this is a reason why you came here in Kazakhstan   tomorrow we're going to have huge event yes and um  do you have any recommendations to our region CIS   countries and especially Kazakhstan I think I know  you have chapter here yeah what you can recommend   us maybe also to uh become uh how to say closer  to this division of equal rights between women   and men in it so I'm very decided that tomorrow  we're going to be officially launching uh women   in Tech Kazakhstan um we have our country director  that is a s so she's a think she's very well-known   very well established uh women in it here and she  knows I think very well the situation of of what   the country really needs we are there to support  so I believe that we don't have to reinvent the   wheel every time right we have done things in  whether it was in Georgia in aeran so in countries   here in usbekistan but also in Japan Australia  sometimes if you have a specific um pain Point   uh there for sure there is a specific program that  we've already done that we have learned from what   worked what didn't work how to implement it here  and I think our our power superow is that we are   a global movement and so that Kazakhstan you're  not going to feel that you're alone right you're   going to be if you have a for instance going  coming into the mentoring program perhaps the   best person to Mentor one of the of the people  here it's going to be someone from Peru or in   Japan or in Canada we don't know so opening um  you see how how similar and um how complimentary   everyone is and and so I think it gives you also  more it's more exciting makes opens the world to   Kazakhstan right to the talent Kazakhstan have um  to you know for for for women to be able to work   um from from a distance but also to bring t into  the country to bring investment into the country   uh opportunities as well and what about Mentor  program do our women will have opportunity of   course of course it's already there it's already  there we're going to be talking more about   tomorrow mentors on International yes yes yes yes  absolutely then we just have to see according to   the language you know um and we've got you know  um many mentors and mentees from many different   languages and countries um it depends on what  the person's going to be looking for uh what   her you know what what her goals are and we're  going to be pairing with the best person and you   know one person can also be a mentor and a m at  the same time we can always keep on learning and   can always give back great yeah and you talked  before about your uh private life that you have   four children yes I think it's kind of you are  the result of this life balance right life balance   yes and also what can you recommend to women  who will watch this video how to become such   person who can connect all spheres of life and  feel comfortable I think you have to find your   passion right if you do something that you wake  up in the morning and you like and you're really   passionate about it doesn't even feel like work  anymore so for me that was that what is it that   really means to me something that would wake up  in the morning and even if no one paid me to do   it I would do it anyway because something that's  important so first I found what my passion was and   for 10 years I focus on that growing my business  and and doing that and then at a certain point   when I had my other my my last kid I said well you  know having your dream is not enough obviously you   have to have it first you have to fulfill yourself  but then I started asking another question it's   not what is it that I want to do what's my dream  but how do I want the world to be and what am I   committed to doing about about it and so I think  when you give back um you have this sense of of   I don't know of empathy to the world and and  there's so much um well for me that's that's   my passion today and that's why I don't feel like  it's work although it is um and that makes me wake   up in the morning every time travel the world meet  wonderful people know you're doing something good   and to be able to share this with my children I  think it just it's wonderful I don't think you   have to choose I think you just you have to do it  it's hard I'm not saying it's easy it's very hard   it's hard because sometimes you know I don't have  much family and my husband he is always traveling   as well so who's taking kids like we put you know  to see each other we put it on we've got a Google   Calendar we're all very excited but it's just  Logistics you know if you want something bad you   just have to be organized if you organize yourself  everything's possible as long as you you have the   drive and you're passionate about it every the  rest is Logistics yes great thank you and as a   person in it what kind of uh it instruments you  use to organize your life better oh very simple   so so um I'm just Google I'm a Google go um and  then I really like to write as well so I've just   as long as my my calendar is organized and now I  and I have my EA who also takes in the meetings   the rest is just uh making sure that me or my  husband or the neighbor you yeah and also may   maybe creating a support system around you right  because we don't have family so the support system   it's just me and my husband otherwise we make um  our family has become our friends um and the kids   friends right sometimes they go pajama party when  both of us were not there go to the pajama party   to the neighbor's house everyone's happy plan B  Plan B and then if Plan B they cannot okay plan C   well some someone is going to be coming otherwise  I often bring my kids traveling with me as well in   the beginning it was really because you know got  no choice I have to bring them with but I enjoy   it so much I really do they flexible and they  they learn they travel they see Mom working they   see dad works and you know it's it's just life we  just do and we don't feel guilty about it you know   just you know they will be okay if you're okay  they will be okay yeah great yeah and we talk a   little bit about Ai and uh what are your future  predictions of AI maybe in five and in 10 years   if more people will not only use it but work on  it oh God yes so the predictions 10 years for me   I think it's a bit too much to predict because it  goes so quickly already um but in five years they   say 90% of all content in the internet if not  more is going to be produced by AI right and so   I think we really things are going to be going  so much faster because we used to be taking so   much time in doing things which were pain taking  at the same time which AI is going to be able to   help um I think the uh we are in a crucial stage  where we have to think very carefully about how to   use Ai and about ethical Ai and about how who's  building and how we're building it and how the   laws are there to obviously to make sure that you  know it's ethical it's done in a right way but not   to hinder Innovation because we want Innovation  to continue to grow so it's a very um uh   like a a thin thread that we have to be aware of  and right now I'm doing my research I'm doing my   doctoral research on it and so hopefully in two  years time I'll be able to give you something   with more empirical data because right now all  I'm doing is just um more on on the feeling in   predictions but I like to have data um behind  me to support um all the predictions and maybe   some uh crazy ideas about like flying cars people  living around in Universe uh maybe not in I think   you know we've got a beautiful Earth before we go  out to live elsewhere I think I do think we have   to explore of course I think it's Beauty it's  exploring and that's what you know it's magical   about human beings that we are so curious but I  love our Earth our planet we have to protect it   first before trying to yeah uh and live if it's  yes live elsewhere yes for Science and once again   for innov ation for Discovery but not because we  have to right yes not because we got no choice   than to leave for sure should help us to make our  life better yes should help make our life better   but without destroying the planet thank you and  um what in the end of our conversation what you   can recommend to women who now starting to make  their startup or just thinking about to go to   learn it I think um if there's one thing I'd say  is join women in Tech it's free but the journey   is um first is a difficult Journey when you're  entrepreneur and not feeling alone you know um the   the percentage of of women of people dropping I'm  stopping because it's so hard when it's alone it's   so hard I'm not saying it's going to be easier  because we you you're part of a community but yes   some people that are experiencing the same things  that can help you in other ways it makes things   much easier uh and you can also share good times  you can meet incredible people you can learn   you can make networking because whether you're  starting a business um sometimes and many many   times it's not what you know it's but who you know  I think we don't put give enough importance about   building uh a network a powerful network but  not just a network real relationships building   relationships of people that you would like to  have as friends but also like to have um as it   can be a financial partners or um working Partners  um and you never know how how what that's going to   lead to so I say travel work on your Network work  on your um on your capabilities always be curious   there's always things to learn so continue  learning all throughout your life and and know   that if you fail and you there's many things you  fail just carry on you know if it's your passion   you will go you will you will go far you know yeah  it will be okay okay and I think also women should   start to learn how to support each other yes  I don't know how it's in Europe and in other   countries but here in Kazakhstan like men used to  support each other more and only now in this era   of Entrepreneurship I think women's just starting  to support each other understanding how it's   important it is so important yes you know I think  everything in life it's about human relationships   really and uh the more authentic they are  um that's what takes you far and that's also   the beauty of life you know um whether it's your  family the friends you make the uh the environment   where you work life this is life life is this this  is not some I'm going to have my life when I stop   working no life is every day the things you do in  a routine and the way if you do it with the people   that you enjoy you're going to be attracting the  people you want to work with and then your life   is just going to be uh fun and beautiful and if  you I think I believe in abundance of the of the   universe of energy of of Love of of good things  so the more you send to people the more you get   it and you just have to make sure you put all  the toxic people away you know there are some   and they will always will be but just protect  yourself and make sure that you know you don't   send the same things back you just send love and  light and everything will be fine okay so I think   that's how we can make the summary of our  conclusion thank you very much for your   worldwide experience for your mission I think  the huge Mission which going to change the lives   of Many Many people around the world and we're  happy to be you here in Kazakhstan uh so maybe   your last words what you can share with our uh  what I can sh I I've my first time in Kazakhstan   I've already been up to the mountains 3,200 as  you do know I think it's a beautiful city until   now uh everyone has been very kind and I'm very  excited to see um how this chapter is going to   be growing all the wonderful things you're going  to be doing how it's going to be impacting not   only here but the rest of the region and the world  and so thank you so much for having me today thank   you yeah that was aumi AI she's a CEO of woman in  Te Global thank you very much thank you bye- bye

2024-12-09 10:19

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