very good morning once again Rafael Almeida from ecoprintq and today we are going to be talking about print Tracker. So we are going to give you a few small minutes so that all the people who are in the room waiting can enter and in the meantime I am going to explain a little what it is what we are going to be doing no So we are going to be talking about the print Tracker application uh during uh we are going to be going During this time to the practical part that is demo so that you can see the demos also attached you can see the PDF document which is a summary of all the eh sections that we have seen so that you can see it later with more eh peace of mind no so don't worry about annotating or anything because we have made you a fairly extensive PDF with eh images of eh each of the sections What are we going to touch on? So let's say eh Ah well I also wanted to tell you that behind it is eh the entire commercial team and the technical team that is going to be answering your questions, that is, you can ask your questions and we will answer them. And also if there is anything that we need to send to you, we can send it to you later because we already have your information, but later you will also receive this link with the recording of this time, we are not going to be talking. More or less, uh, an hour about this product, which It's going to give us time because one of the great advantages that Print Tracker has, as we've seen, is its simplicity. In other words, you're going to find an application that controls all of the printing equipment. And that
's it. Let's say the basics of this application. That is, the detection and device management that 's what print Tracker Pro does, as you know, we have another tool called nps monitor, they serve the same purpose, they serve the same purpose, they are different manufacturers and they have their differences, we can offer them interchangeably. depending on each one, uh, in the environment that needs it and and the characteristics of its of its installation, no, but well, in the case of print Tracker, we are going to be touching on some of the fundamental points and, uh, I would say that we can reduce it to, uh, these Points that are here, no, I mean, it is a very light software, a software that requires an installation and then the administration. It is very simple and
in a fairly didactic environment, I mean, you can, I can give you an explanation, you can imagine the rest. then Windows Mac Linux eh it could be an automatic grouping elimination of duplicates when several agents are grouped eh For those who do not know systems of this type the agents are eh what we also call the dca or information collector the dsa are those devices hey they are capable to capture all the information that is within our facility, that is, this, these systems have been composed of two parts, one part is in the cloud, it is a cloud, it is a web page like the ones you are used to seeing and there is an element or be it an installation that is done in the client's office, no, this can be, we can have several installations, not just one installation, but we can have several installations done and the system is able to summarize and say, "Well, but the serial number logically combines and gives you a report or informs you only one Reading that device is what summarizes everything and you can even have several information collectors. Eh, well, it's going to give you a single piece of information about the device. This is good because in many companies, especially companies that are a little larger, you could want to have several dca or several information collectors that allow you, if one of those machines where the dca is installed is turned off, the other continues reporting and uh And so in this way the system remains stable, not the report. Normally it is done every some time eh We almost always recommend twice a day or something like that or once a day no more than this normally it is not necessary more than this to collect information logically if there is any problem that is coming up then if there is a problem then yes eh that is reported quickly no O be some problem that launches a machine and is captured by the dci, well, the information is automatically sent to the portal, right, we have the implementation options, and I'm going to talk to you about that a little bit later, sending email , local installation, and the command lines okay. So basically, that's what What does
the program do? I'm going to show you some images. Maybe it'll go a little bit quickly in this part. It's just so that you know what you have in the PDF that I have attached there that you can download. at any time but here you can see So
In this case, what I have here are small videos so that you can see how to do a uh and installation, for example in What environment, etc., etc. No, but I don't want them to stop at that part because I'm going to do it. to show in practice we are going to move in a few more minutes to a work environment and I can show it to you there and we are going to do the rehearsal but here is a series of eh eh images that I want you to remember if you need to do In case of a demonstration, etc., you need this part of the Powerpoint, well, if nothing else, you can contact us and we will also send it to you because this has these little videos that are also on the PR Tracker Pro Website, some of which we have made and Others of us have taken it from the Website of the technical part. And you can see, they are small, one or two minutes long, and it shows you a eh, a certain area, not then the capture of information, that is, at the level of capturing information, you are going to be able to have eh. basically the total of those uh black and white color prints total of copies total of print that is pages that were made in copy or that is everything that is capable of giving us The device because uh it is shown in the application we have any of the toner or either in this environment you can see any of the toner And you are going to see in the demo this specific machine, for example this machine that is here when we open with this click it shows us all these options within the machine within this specific machine and from there we will be able to see also all the other machines so we close that one and we can see any of the others no so in case of the entities This is another term that is within print Tracker pro it is a term that is used to define the company True an entity Every time I talk to you about an entity, it's like a client or a company that has made an installation that is called like that.
Afterwards, we can customize it and we can change it, etc. So since I showed you, there are so many other videos where I show you things, eh? details within the installation but Here what I'm going to do at this moment is go to the environment of our demo because it seems to us that it is the best way for you to know each of these um of these environments in a more comfortable way for you, no Okay Well, when you do the installation, the first thing we should know is that this address app print is there where we are all going to enter, right, we are all going to enter this environment and when it comes to entering we are going to have a structure of tree that is, if you have a you have a print Tracker Pro installed you are going to have all your machines and however if you have a client who also wants to have clients below, this is possible the way to do it in this part up here if you look at this part up here Here I am in our company called Eprin Inc, period, and there in this structure, that is, at this high level of our installation, below this we have all these companies, right. So I can enter one of these companies, we have it. structured this way normally when you install eh and eh print tracket Pro does not have any no I mean there is none you are going to start creating it but I can for example enter this one here and I can even this one as you can see this institution that is the top ours has ecoprintq demo which was one that We create and within that we have a series of installations that are in demo at this moment, right, I can enter any of them Or stay here and here, look at me The information that you are giving me is not an additional piece of information that I wanted to tell you, the application is already in Spanish, that is, you can change it in Spanish, in Portuguese, in Italian, and logically, also in English, no. So that is, uh, one of the questions that they have asked us. already eh we have the application eh working and totally in Spanish no so in the case of the installation Now being there the first thing we have to do is look up here to know where we are standing no That is, we are standing at ecoprintq and below ecoprintq in the demo part below this all these eh this information that is here all this menu that is here It refers to this company that is here and the ones that are below right Now That is the beginning the in the case we have the facilities and then we have the devices, logically, the installations refer to the dca. In other words, the
installation refers to installing the dca and in the dca, collecting the information and pushing it to the cloud. This is done in a very simple way in this part here of the facilities I'm going to show you quickly the installations in this case there is only one installation done in this place but I can in this case eh install do the installation of another eh another dca how do I do it well nothing simple is downloaded here eh the print Tracker pro application and once This installation is downloaded , it runs, etc., and automatically, an image will appear so that you can enter the data or what is called the link code in the case of the Print Tracker Pro application. that you download here You can use it for any client. I would always recommend that you. When you download Print Tracker Pro, that is, you always download the installation so that you have the latest version, right, no, no, we would like you to download it and then it turns out that you have some problem and it turns out that another version came out and it's because you installed from a USB where you had an old version, right, always try to do it now if in case you can't do it Well, nothing, you can also download it and uh install it and then inside of the client's environment They enter this part of implementing a new installation and here they have this code right and with this code you put it to the installation and that is what it tells the dca where to report right That is, if we make a mistake with this code and We put that of another client. Well, the report is going to go wrong. The report is going to be done by the DC towards another very important client. Let us know
that this one. This number corresponds to this one. If I install another DCA in this same area, then again I have to put this one. number and he will report to the same place true So once we have done this that we have created our dca it starts to report and you can see in this case I brought you this so that to show you one that is disconnected so that you can see the type of dynamic information Sorry that the type of dynamic information that this DC in this environment can give us in this case. Not if you notice that it is inactive and that it has been offline for 11 days, notice that all the information that you already have from nothing more than entering this environment or be you can see exactly each one of the environments what has been happening with this no and here I can see the characteristics of this eh DC I'm going to go to this other environment here where we can also see the same facilities or exactly eh the same facilities but a little so that you can see what type of facilities they can have, so I'm going to go into one of the companies. Look, you always always look up here because always, what you're working on down here refers to this thing up here, many of them.
sometimes sometimes we get confused and We think that there is information that is wrong or something like that And we are in another area, no. So in this case, for example, in this installation I can see this dca that is installed on this computer, truth is, it has 10 devices reporting, if you look at this one, this one This bar can tell us that there are seven devices that reported in 72 hours and there are three of those 10 that are not reporting. There must be some reason. And we have to find out what version. of the day in which we have seen we are reporting in real Time and we consider that we are online 17 minutes ago that there was a report not this logically if you remember In the previous one that I showed you it automatically goes offline when it has been there for a while and you can enter the environment and automatically realize that there is a problem not within 10 eh dca you can eh See all the features of this computer that has the dca installed that can be used in something else it doesn't have to be something specifically eh if you can being used on anything else is also having the DC and here you can see eh if these eh if these marks are all green eh we are fine I mean but if there is for example this one down here if it turned red we have to be careful and check what is happening because eh the information is not arriving suddenly when the system tried to connect it detected eh an error in the internet connection and it marked red which is not not serious let's say Eh it could be that in the in the Next review that is done automatically will already turn green It could be that it was a transmission error, a speed bump on the Internet, but eh. The important thing is that we see
what happened and that it turned green again. I mean, within this environment, notice that we are still in the install yet, eh. The machines are already reporting, we are reviewing here we can even see the history of, in this case, there is no history of this configuration, the settings are true, all the settings that we can have, I think that eh, it is always good to have this information filled out, there are times. that we do not fill it because it seems obvious to us but eh fill out this information about the email the name the contact number etcetera etcetera here in this part here We are going to tell you how often the reading will be in this case eh we have several options we have four options eh out of 12 aa 6 aa truth in the early morning after 6 aa 12 of 12 a se of six aa 12 truth So we have four uh parts of of the day where we can put that they are going to you with talking to the client When is it It is better to do it so as not to affect the activity of the network. And then you can put it in at dawn, but
if the client tells you, look, what do I know? We turn off the machines at dawn, because they do it at night, they agree not to, and in the case of eh, the search for new positive ones, I can tell you that it's good that you do it only on Monday or I can tell you that you do it constantly, right. So that you are constantly activating it and in this and in this part here I can enable or disable the one thing we call the remote technician that the technician remote is nothing more than a screen that allows us to see in an active way, that is, remotely, the web screen of the multifunctional or the printer, this is this is a part that we think that although other programs also They have it in this specific program in Print Tracker Pro. Hey, it is very effective and it works. Well, very well, no, and it is very convenient because you do not have to
request the remote client. Now, why do you see this button that is here because here is where there is access? on the client's side he can say eh Disable this option and if you disable this option we cannot and no one other than them can remotely enter the environment. This is good to say when we are explaining this is a very good option because it allows us to solve a client problem by entering a to a device and change something on the device directly do anything directly on the screen of the device however the client can tell us maybe you are going to meet with a financial organization, a bank etc. that will tell you Look, we don't like that. It seems very good but we have prohibited it Well, nothing You simply come here and disable it and well, that function is nothing, well, I don't know, it's not activated, no, so eh. In the case of snmp, the versions that we are going
to be able to use, I think I saw a question there, although the engineering is answering questions. I don't know if it was answered but here I answer that in fact the versions that You can use cnmp 1 2s and also the three, that is, it is already eh. You can use the latest version of snmp perfectly. Okay, so in the case of the capture, eh, he can show you exactly what is happening with each one. of those devices that are below it, the reading that has been done and if you see any device, one of these devices that is in oj, then automatically you already know that there is some problem with this device that I don't know that it couldn't be read. at the right time or something like that and then they automatically go to it and they can review it no and here also because it gives them an idea of the topology that is being used and the way that we are going to scan That that network no So that in terms of the installations that we have done or Either there you can see everything, all the installations that we have made, I'm going to come over here to show you a little more of the installations so that you can see, notice that here I am higher up, that is, in cing, I am in this demo and here we have this little button we had it too In the other we always have this little button to include what is below me if I can if I am a distributor I just want to see what I am working with at this moment well eh I have it I have paid however If, for example, I am here in this part at the top and I have all these devices But these are devices that have been in demo testing etc. However, when
I tell it to include them All here I am going to see all the devices that I have below that structure and and normally No, if I want to review the devices that are just below me, then I deactivate it, but just so that you know that this option exists and you can see much further down. Everything that is eh, eh, below us, not the same thing happens with eh. the same installations that the same thing happens with printers and other devices right So we are going to go to in this part here to also mention that you can do the Search that is, you can search for it and you can then include the filter that is, you can filter any of these elements Also in these three little buttons there are also operations that you can do, that is, in any of them you can edit the labels move to an entity What things are entities, remember, they are companies, or this is this doctor, eh Barroso Office, that is an entity, it is also an entity mjp, they are all entities true So I can at a certain moment move an entity that is under this to another place depending on the characteristics of the installation no and here for example eh they can move the entity eh eh do an upgrade etcetera etcetera they can do a restart that is a whole series of operations that you can do with this one here and with this one here which is a little difficult to see but also with this one here when you select a point you get this option in this case you can enable or disable these this installation that does it I'm not going to do it, I'm going to leave it installed Okay, here we have the devices that this installation has here we can see the latest devices that have been installed here there is a view of the supplies. be How the supplies are behaving in each of the devices, notice that it gives you quite detailed information and the levels that you have, not in the case of the levels that you have and the reports that it is below 10% or of 5%, the report on how much we have left of toner can be done at three levels, that is, I can do it at the entity or company level. I can tell you that the entire company is giving me the reports at 10%, but I can say that a machine specifically, also give me a report at 50% to 40% or I can also say that a specific client is eh at 30% or 20%, right? I have three different levels that I can work with now Within this eh environment that we are seeing here I can go eh notice that I am moving here a little so that you can see eh to what extent is the simplicity of the change within the structure not I mean within this structure notice that so easily I have changed from one structure to another and I continue to see the same screen which allows me to change from one structure to another and make comparisons and see different environments of the Dealers with whom you work or simply of the clients with whom you work. Or this is an application that logically is made
for for the Dealers for the distributors not so much for the end customers But you can have several levels of distributors various levels of eh of Dealer right so here we can see eh In this case the devices in this case there is a single device and we are going to take advantage to look at this same device that is inside of this eh eh library that is here right So in this case notice that again there is this switch I quote but that behind this structure of the library there is no longer any other under that is why when I apply you see there is none eh under the structure and it shows me the same eh information in this case I can eh Show more Fields notice that here I am putting nothing more than the hostname the source etc. But I can add more eh Fields in the images that I am seeing I can exclude the ones that They are disabled So I can [ __ ] one of these devices point to it and come here and disable it if I disable it well I just keep seeing it but eh It's not going to give me dynamic information, right it's going to give me, for example, the information once every TR months to see so that you continue to see it but it is not going to give me the dynamic information And of course you do not pay for this, that is, you do not pay for that eh information that you are seeing but that is information that is refreshed only every 3 months or Either way, it's not interesting from a practical point of view, it's nothing more than so that you know that this company has that device, right, so that's one of the things you can do, let me select. Here you can also increase the meters, or eh? In this case I can press this button and force the meters and the counters and everything to go up, that is, it is going to go to these devices that I pointed out and it is going to force them to upload the information. We also have the Search field as the same as had shown then Inside this device and now we are going to see exactly a device take advantage of this screen that does not have so many devices so that you understand a little and do not confuse yourself with another another environment let's say what we have here Well what I had shown you in the slide the total of eh impressions this is a machine that is already a color machine So we can have the black The sayan magenta Yellow and other other parts that are also the transfer the toner Collection the the fuser etcetera that is all these devices and also gives a y more detailed information on each one of them here below. So yes, they are informed and you can see it in addition to the final report, but if you want to see it dynamically, you can enter this part, not in the case of the meters. that are in this case eh These are the things or the information
that is being brought from the device or we can select What is the information that is brought from the devices in some cases we can deselect some part so that it is not brought that information and here dynamically You can see what the health of the device is. In other words, the serial number reading was done, that nmp that is active, that there is no problem, in the case of the pin, that the Pin was made and that it responded, etc., etc., not this. This is the information, let's say that it's most important for you and in the case of let's go, what I did was Within this same device I'm going to change this is another another menu that the device has Here you have all the the the supply or that is everything that toner levels reading that It has been done, notice that in this case a reading has been done and the estimated time. It's true
that it is where the toner is supposed to run out. This is something that we have also been asked about and, uh, notice that there is something interesting here, which is that It is clearly specified that the time in which it ends is being calculated, that is, this time is not being delivered by the multifunctional There are multifunctionals that deliver it and others do not, but in this case what is done is an analysis and then what is done is to bring that information and it is calculated according to the way in which work is being done these days in this month so far this year and then an estimate is made of when it may end here all the alerts that that device has delivered will appear, that is, the entire history of the alerts Here the part will appear of the settings and if you notice They will say but we already saw this page well it looks a bit similar but eh Actually what you see here is the configuration of this specific device that we have here and here you are going to give you an explanation of each of the eh general information that we can put add notes etc. To that device in case of the alerts if you remember we can configure the different alerts we can enable or disable it and remember that we are working on uh specifically within a machine within this uh this company or this entity right we can also within this configuration we can change the way we talk to this machine the snmp which is the way to talk to these machines and eh the details about the vile preferences that is I can configure the preferences in this case I am using the equivalents Remember that I previously showed you the different forms that are available, let me jump here a little bit so that you can see it or the meters as I know the way in which the meters are brought and we can use any of these uh configurations in In general, when the installation is done, the default is used But there are times when the client needs something different, not in the case of labels, you can put labels with information, in this case history, we do not have a history of this device and again This switch, which is very important, we can see what is happening with other relative devices. Here it gives us a history, that is, a history of that same machine. Notice that what is down here are true dates and here it can give us a history and if I stop some in some above some of them see I can see the number of pages the volume eh And in the case of copies eh prints etc. it gives you
a fairly general graph eh eh but eh we can also see it from a detailed point of view that is, on each of these dates and logically This is to do a certain analysis we can enter this device and what we have to have It is a story that is, this device H has been connected for several months and therefore we can see this, no. In other words, if you have a device connected very recently you probably do not have information eh enough neither of the pages of the amount of pages or in the number of eh of the supplies, I don't supply them with black toner, the saan magenta and all this, but it does give you an image that you can eh, let's say copy this image and take it to a report or something like that okay then in the case of Remote technician Remember that we talked to you about Remote technici as a great virtue of this software that we find very interesting that hey we can connect remotely this has to be authorized by the client This is something that we have to tell you that in any case the client knows that this is done to help you him but as I said there are times when it is not possible to do it, not then but when the client accepts it you can enter remotely by pressing this button you connect remotely to the device And this is a great advantage that will allow you to connect and make changes within that environment, not the system, in this case what it does is try to find different ways to enter logically we have a port that this Port has to be in the environment it has to be open if that port that in the technical information eh We can share it with him and logically he will try but that port has to be open so that he can connect in case it is not open or the client says Look, I can't open this port because the application No is not going to be able to access the institution, no So We're going to look at it, I'm going to go back and show you some installation that we have in another environment that allows us to do it because it's something that we would like. We would like you to see it because it seems to us that it is. quite quite good quite good option no Although there you have it cí in the same thing let me see Here let's see I'm going to go to this one here and uh try to enter this configuration so that you can see a little bit What is the configuration Okay and uh Let's see if This does not give us authorization to enter into this. In most of these cases, what we have to do is talk to the client, as I said, it is very likely that they have it blocked and these are not the ports that you normally have. configured in in this case it is an additional port
and it doesn't let me either Let me see if any of the facilities that I can show you I would like to show you this option If no yes yes no if no let me let me show it to you anyway eh I can do it do it later but this part I would like you to be able to see it, let's say no because it seems very interesting to us. Although it is obvious that what happens, we say but nothing. We would like to see that you see that you can really connect, you can't connect to anyone. environment Let me enter one of these
here and if not then I will tell him but it is done this way specifically it is not done with this configuration he tries several forms of input that is, it is not that he tries one and then returns he tries several forms of input and If there is authorization, be careful if there is that switch that I told you I sent remember that that switch is in the back and if not then you can go back to the video that switch has to be active allowing the port to be enabled but if you look here we have entered from the application directly to the installation of this multifunctional that is, in the In the case of this multifunctional, you can see eh all the configuration, you can make changes directly eh eh, yes, the internet, maybe it was another of the questions I saw, the internet is maybe a little bit complicated, maybe yes, maybe that's it. the connection is difficult but eh it is possible or there are times when you have to wait a little longer and it is possible eh that the connection is made but look at the great advantage you have in the case of the technical part you will realize that being able to enter from an application directly from the application to be able to access this to the installation of the multifunctional is not very useful for us to be able to make any changes. It has not been very useful for us to access the devices to be able to help the client by making changes to the device so that it can be can report truth So this is something that seems very well other software has it but in this case it seemed to us that the connection is very fast logically when you have uh authorization not then and fundamentally in this time uh we have been quite slow but I think we have covered in the case of the installation and the devices This is the most important thing, that is, once you have the installations done, that is, the dca installed and the devices reporting already, the rest is part of the Software organization. So in this case, for example, we can see all the jobs that We have sent to do truth That is, yes, we send do a reading of a device a reading of information well it will appear here here it says ad but when you send a job To be done that is a reading of a device a search for something that you do well you can enter it on this screen and you can see the history, that is, what has been completed. Maybe if I can enter some of this option and look at the level of detail it gives us, indicating that of course it was completed, well, we're not even going to look at it, but eh In case it was not completed then no It is very useful because we can automatically enter one of these options that was not completed and without having to bother the client we can see if there has been any error regarding the registration connection, that is, the Internet connection or the State of the device that is something with the configuration of the machine. Here I am going to give you a very detailed line by line of each of the things that were done and the response that I know is being given and this logically as I told you if everything is fine No, there is no need to look here, but if there is a problem, it can help you know what is happening and remember that we are remote, that is, we can see this remotely within the client. The next step is the
reporting part. that is, the reporters in the case of the reporting we can see uh all these reports that you are seeing and you are going to see them most of them you are going to see them when you open a new uh facility because they have been shared with you these people who have created these reports are sharing them with so that you can use them why because they have been useful to them at work, logically when you see this report. For example, I can see this sport that this person has created here. Let me see if he has created any that I have created. Well, let's go. let's make a one created by me to not use V we are going to use we are going to make a report I am going to put it like this and it is this one that is here right and any of this report look at how it is It is a little more complicated if you want to see it when you see it But It's actually very simple, look here is the configuration of what is being done, that is, this is the name that I gave the type of report that it is doing and once you take out the device Well, it is going to give me these Fields that you Come here I can put the installation and it will give other Fields, I can put the meters in them. Look how the sequence of the reading that is going to be done in the database has been changing.
If I have some knowledge of reading database commands, then I can come here change this and make a modification And that is the report that I will get, as you will realize, that is, having some knowledge about reading databases, if you do not have any knowledge, then you simply go directly to those who are already there, eh eh enabled of those that exist but I can [ __ ] this device and I can modify this this statement that is being done this is being done to the database And that way we will be able to see the different uh configurations in the case of this I am going to do it run and when I run it I will simply have the information down here and from there I can export it, the same I can export it here I can download it or I can put it on the calendar and say make a new one here and say that this report that I send every first day of every month or every c day eh, every day, weekend, as I want, right, the same down here in that report, I can tell you to include the children. In other words, include the children who are below my structure. This could be that I want it or it could be It may be that I simply want to know what those belong to my Dealer but maybe I want to see all the information that is below. I can also decide this in this part here and here are all the fields if you look here are all the database fields that correspond to that report and that you can see it, you can capture the information and use it within this uh within this uh uh of these commands that are here is simply a command that is, it is a Select that is made to the database can be very big or it can be small but in reality it is only one and when you run it it shows you this information that is down here, for example I can't change it here, notice that here I am changing it This is another Command I can change that Command when I run it Well it's going to show me other information corresponding with what I am asking you, that is, it would seem more complex if you compare it with other software, but in reality it is much better, it is much simpler when you know what is being done in this area, here I simply define What am I going to do in this in this part here the Select is done which can be automatic or I can configure here that is I can if you look here I can write whatever I want Not logically, if I run it, it will give me an error, but if I put something correct, some information that I am bringing from here from the database Well, when I run it, it will give me the information. You can modify it that way. No. And that way. You create your own reports and inside
and these reports that are here, for example, this one has been created by this person, yes, I run that report, it will give me information about my environment, it's not that I, that, yes, I run this report, I'll to see the information that he sees in his true environment here what it tells you what it wants to tell you is that this one that I created I created here in this environment however this one is created for this other environment and if I run it I may not see anything Why Because it is created to show information about this environment that is here, right. So in this case that we have here, if you remember the include children button, that is, it can show you all the reports that include that are below us, not in the case of mine, as I do. I did it, I can delete it, I can't delete someone else's but mine Yes, I can delete it or I can duplicate it, let's say no, I can also duplicate it and I can [ __ ] this report that I liked that Gary did But I can [ __ ] modify it and make it mine, that is, make a report mine using uh the same information from him and we can do this by nothing more than copying right. So that's the case of reporting uh we think it's very comfortable once we learn it in other software we've had the the the the question of How do I can I do to add a field for remove a field that I don't like what do I know eh In this case you can do it with let's say basic knowledge of eh sql that is, commands towards the database so in the case of administration and and this let's say the last the last eh area that we are going to last area that we are going to see in case we can manage the entities remember the entities that we have created the entities where they are created up here right when I see the structure where I want to create an entity there is no uh you don't have to pay anything or add for create an entity Simply It is the way you want to organize it. I add an entity and give it the name I want. In this
case, the only thing that is necessary is to give the name this one that is here. We recommend putting more notes, so that later not only us but others. people can know exactly what eh eh is eh being configured No And in this case here you can put the entire address of that company etcetera etcetera at the entity level you can configure eh the default for eh the settings if you remember in the installation that as We already saw it in the network that we are going to discover. In other words, what network is going to be discovered, what Range are we going to use to discover, is it going to be everything or is it going to be nothing more than in this case, this one is being discovered and this one is being discovered.
making the discovery of these three options again the snmp at the level of the entire entity right here We can add tags at the entity level and we can also see the history and if I also activate this option always Look at this option sometimes we do not realize and we think that there is no information and having This option we can see a lot more information as you can see this one is quite simple in the case of users we can create users I am going to show you here so you can see the creation of users well eh in this case logically it will be active because we are just going to create the first name last name email eh eh the office This is the name of the office within the distributor it is mandatory But it can be any number but not an office number and you can put the telephone number and the and the time that they are not mandatory but I want to show you I can't show this permissions part because I haven't created the user here in this part, however I want to show it in some user, that is, manage some user. Let me see if I can show it in the user administration part. in some of these environments, for example, this same one of mine in this same uh user that I have here, notice that I have these two roles, I can uh modify this and here with the pencil I can modify it and I can go to the permission part and I can configure different user levels if you have a user that you just want to give him certain permissions for example a buyer or he is a normal user or he wants or you They want a technician who only has access to Remote technician. In other words, he can make remote connections, so they put it in, however, if you want him to have all the options, then you select it here, eh. I'm not going to stop at each one of them. I give it to you as an example so that know that it exists, you can see it in the manual, each of them What are the levels that it gives you of eh information and what those people can see and what those people cannot see, right in the case of permissions and then Within this environment Within this same environment there is something that seems very interesting to us that at least we have not seen in other software and it is the part of eh impersonating another person. In other words, let's say I create a user and I
tell them because It has happened to me, that is, I have a client. It asks me to create a user to do this and this and this but then I don't have How to test it and the user is the one who has to test it or I have to use the user's password to enter and look and then change the password Well, all that You can avoid it when you eh enter this part here, which is to enter as if I were that other person, right. So for example, this person who is here, I just created him and I can press this button here, of course, I am the administrator. And you When you are
administrators in your area you can do it do and I can see what I mean, what I'm seeing here is what this user would see, it's the same environment, I can move around and see all the settings, but the good part is that this orange strip appears up here indicating that I'm prevailing. So at that moment it could be that the client called me and said, Hey, you know what, when I enter, I can't see such a thing. I simply enter here, I enter his user as if I were his user and that's it. there I can see everything as if it were him who is seeing it, right. So there I can tell him, Look, I, uh, I entered as if it were you and here I
see that the report, look, here it works out for me or here, for example, it's giving me red, there I can do it. fix it because I can review it because it is giving you red, etc., that is, any configuration that the client tells me is wrong, because I can see it by simply checking it by clicking on that little button that is this part here where it is to impersonate another person or be enter as if it were that other person, logically it's not in mine because I don't have it, that is, I don't, I'm not going to personify myself to put myself, no, but but you can do it if you are administrators of this environment under any other person, no. so you can also edit here I can edit my configuration you can edit the configuration of any of the other administrators at this level and the status of the account, not very important if it is active or not active or this part I wanted you to see I think that fundamental points that we liked a lot is the remote connection What I showed you is that it is quite easy When we have access logically and eh this part of personify also seems good to us eh eh interesting no So that is the route and I am going to detect now make a pass to our presentation because I have seen several questions about USB and the control of USB devices to show you, eh, what is the approach, that is, what is what mps monitor is doing, not nps monitor, we already saw that while we already know what this company is doing about it and what does it tell us? looks very good and even Now in the tests that we have done, it has turned out to be very interesting, so I'm going to give you the presentation here, basically it's the same thing, or I could do it, it's an installation that's the same as it is done, but I want to show it to you in a presentation that I have for you. made so that you can see exactly how he is, not how he works because I put a little video in that part. Let's move over here. Let me see.
How far can I go here and show you in the same environment, let me lower this part so that I don't go directly into the presentation. It's very big, it has 36 slides, but hey, so that it is useful to you so that you can see it and remember each one of them. the environments but the most important thing is to see it in practice Okay this is the part of eh How to control USB devices that is, when you control USB devices there are two options, one is that it can be read directly from the USB device and the other is by purchasing and installing this device that is a USB to Network converter, that is, an ethernet adapter called This is something that we sell. You can also get it normally. What I recommend is that you use it and then I'm going to give you the print tracker link so that you can They give you a couple of addresses there, for example on Amazon, it doesn't mean that buying the most expensive one, that is, we don't recommend buying the cheapest one either because it could fail but forgetting about that part of whether it works or if it doesn't work because the ethernet adapter is good or is it bad Yes it is very this configuration has been very useful to us The idea is to leave the device connected to the USB and continue printing using the normal USB but in the connection and logically it has to be a printer that has both connections No that it has the USB to continue printing there and And then we also connect the Network we connect it to this to this network point and then we connect the USB to the computer what is going to happen with this Well, simple in the devices connected like USB it is going to try to read the information you have through simply of USB but look here at the little table that I am putting when you do a configuration and a reading using the USB you can only read the meters and it is limited the the the the supply eh here it says that we have not seen any but really very little information Of course, the remote technician cannot be done and the alerts will only be about volume, that is, all this configuration that you see here in the column on the right is the configuration if you install it, you can do it, however with this device we are talking about something from 10 15 20 or This device is added to this one to the environment because they are going to be able to use this column, which is what we call the USB plus the USB plus it is going to allow them to see the meters, the supply, they are going to be able to enter remotely. this device and you will be able to see
the alerts. Here you can, I am going to leave you the link so you can see the detailed explanation of each of these configurations but basically you are going to have these two options within the configuration when you are going to install the dca Okay then in the installation of our dca two of us go Let's see two or three fundamental points when you do the installation, it will be created in the local Host on that port 131 because it will create this configuration. In other words, if you lose the configuration, you can see it this way after the datalink code What thing is the code. Remember that I mentioned the code of the eh eh of that company. Do you remember the big Nero
that belongs to that company? Well, they are going to put it here and here you are going to decide if this dca, how is it going to work, or is it this? dca is going to work for for the normal network this is the installation this first one up here is the normal installation that you are going to have in a company all the machines that are networked in this case we are going to put it with the ethernet adapter And in this case the USB cable okay. In other words, this is the normal configuration, which is the one I mentioned, which is what is going to give you basic configuration things, whatever that printer is capable of giving you, that is not always the same in all printers without However in ethernet adapter when you have this option Well Yes, it's going to give you everything as if it were. The machine, for the purposes of the system, is connected to the network. Even though you are printing via USB, right? So basically you're going to get a screen like this one. And you're going to press this button. find my adapter Why Because when you set the settings he's going to give them eh eh If you realize what you are doing at this moment is creating another network but that is a network that is only going to be the adapter and the and the printer. So you When you give it Search for the adapter it automatically He is going to find an adapter He is going to try to connect And then when you do the search, look here he is showing you I found this adapter that is here He is telling you I found this adapter you want to use it It could be that you have put several you want to use it you select it and from that moment on it goes to you to say what IP you want and with what IP you want to call that machine pu And you are going to Generally accept the IP that it has that is being offered because it has just communicated with the adapter and the adapter in turn is already connected you connected it to eh the machine if at that moment it is not connected or he cannot see it, it could be that this configuration itself tells him eh Please disconnect and reconnect the adapter so that we can see it so we can capture it And you are going to do it physically disconnect connect and now he returns to search again until he finds and It proposes an IP and automatically the user can continue configuring that way. No, then I'm going to show it to you here because
we had this captured so that you can see it a little bit. At this moment, the big code of the company is put in. I'm going. to select the ethernet adapter which is the option we have Now remember the others are for network at this moment what we do is Search in each of the areas that we have eh In this case it is only one that we have an adapter and I am going to search the adapter , that is, I am going to ask you to find the adapter inside of the network Remember that I am doing the installation at this moment, this is not done just once, he does the search at this moment, it may take a little while doing that search for the adapter, the adapter has to be installed there, he already finds it in In this case I say yes, that's what I'm going to select, make a proposal for the IP, the IP that it's going to have, eh, so that it can be configured at this point in the configuration. That's not the network that you are using, that's their network that they are using. just created 10000 254 remember that number to show him later at the end So he makes the connection after you told him yes that's all fine I don't know what he's going Sorry he's going to try to make the connection he's going to try to start bringing information automatically And if it is connected, if it is allowed, it will pull all the information. If you lose this connection, all you have to do is re-enter the Host 1301 location and you can try to do the installation again. No, and here you can also delete the configuration and try to do it again or that's it You can do it without a problem and if you look here you remember the number 10254 if you look at this machine that eh at this moment now it is not currently being read yet we have just finished the installation so eh in a few minutes it will do it but Notice, look at the remote technician on a machine that is connected via USB and I However, I can call and bring the remote technician. Notice that I am showing you the machine that is
connected via USB. Where can you do that? I haven't seen it. Okay. remotely Okay This is one of the big advantages if you remember that the USB connection in our region is quite necessary there are still many companies that work with many devices connected to USB and so that is very useful. remote connection part in general, not only for this case but in general we found the print Tracker part to be very good. How the connection is made and the other thing is simplicity. I mean, you have seen that it is much simpler if you know other software . You will realize that this is uh much simpler but it does what it has to do that is, it does what our client asks us and what and in the case of the client what the dealer needs to uh maintain the state of all the devices working So I think that uh eh it's something to keep in mind it's a software that you should try and you should use it for a while at least Compare it with what you have right now you will realize that it is not one of these very fancy applications that has many buttons or many colors, but it does what it has to do, that is, it does what we need to do. Okay then. I spent a few minutes
but eh I think they have been answered eh thanks to the engineering support and to the sales department for answering all the questions while we are here but and yet Anyway if you have any more questions contact your eh eh with your channel and you ask us. We think it's a very good application that you should try and work with it and then we can even do demos to certain groups we agree and you in addition to having your work area Well, you can also ask some questions, what do I know, but as I tell you, it is an application that seems very simple to us and having the logic of what it does, you yourselves will be able to realize what can be done and what can't be done. Okay then. hey thank you very much for having been in this presentation and send us to the what
you have thought What you think what else you want to talk about and uh see you then in the next presentation to uh the entire region Thank you very much for the participation see you later
2025-01-11 15:29