PRIMITIVE SKILLS Building Bamboo fence sturdy long lasting

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Hello friends, welcome to my new video Wish you have fun watching the video Today I went to check to see if the cassava could be harvested yet I have also planted this cassava hill for a long time Its tree is also very tall I heard something like a machine working below and a lot of people were talking But I looked down and didn't see anything This is a crack in the ground where the cassava tuber passes through I will dig it up A fairly large cassava tuber Now I will pull up some cassava plants to check if they are growing well Oh no, the cassava tubers are very small and don't produce as many tubers as I would like This plant seems to have a rather larger tuber I just pulled up a few cassava plants to check. I see it growing unevenly Maybe those plants need a little more time to grow Now I will go to the forest above to get bamboo to bring back to the farm There are many bamboo bushes here I will choose old bamboo trees to chop Chop their leaves off Look at such simple rustic bamboo trees But it can be used for many different purposes It can be used to make baskets, baskets, vegetable growing trellises, cots, rafts, plow handles, Hoe handles, rope making... to serve daily life and agricultural production It can also make barns, huts, bamboo panels, partitions, wall panels, Fences, miniature landscapes, etc. serve the architectural and construction industry.

Bamboo is also a raw material used to make tables, chairs, cabinets, bamboo beds, sofas, Bedside walls, kitchen shelves, cabinet shelves, bamboo lamps, etc. In the field of furniture. In the field of handicrafts, bamboo is crafted into bamboo baskets, paper boxes, souvenirs, etc. In culinary life, bamboo shoots are used to stir-fry, cook, pickle, etc., all of which are very delicious. In addition, bamboo tubes are also used to make bamboo rice, imbued with national cultural identity. You see, bamboo can be used in many different fields It is both safe for the environment, cost-effective, and brings an extremely rustic and unique beauty My purpose today is to bring these bamboo trees home to make a fence for my garden The old fence has been in use for a long time and has holes The chicken often goes in to dig So I need to make a new fence Safer and more sturdy I have cut quite a few bamboo trees Now I will tie them into bundles to take back to the farm It's quite heavy, so I can't carry too many plants Keep coming back to get the bamboo This lanyard I also made from bamboo It is very tough and tied very firmly To rebuild a new fence, it is necessary to use a lot of bamboo I also brought all the bamboo back to the farm Now I will make a fire I will choose some cassava roots to grill eat Peel off the cassava skin Wash cassava Then I will place the cassava on top of hot coals I will peel the remaining cassava tubers clean Once the cassava is golden on the outside, I cover it under hot ash so it gradually cooks on the inside This is the most delicious way to grill cassava since ancient times After that, I will chop these cassava roots I will put it upstairs in the kitchen to preserve it I think my cassava roots are ripe Cassava is very soft I will eat it right now I invite you Grilled cassava is really delicious The outer shell is quite crispy, the inside is soft Wonderful After eating, I will now start making the fence Measure evenly to cut the bamboo in the right position Split into small bamboo sticks Now I will hammer the bamboo sticks into the ground I will leave the old fence intact And make a new fence right next to it Next I will use a knife to cut into the joints of the bamboo tree like that To form such a bamboo sheet Continue with other bamboo plants You see, this bamboo is very flexible Now I will use bamboo sheets to fence this fence I will turn the bamboo sides alternately like that To look more beautiful Use a hammer to tap down to tighten the bamboo sheets together The new fence looks very nice, doesn't it? Now I will insert each small bamboo stick on top To prevent chickens from flying in It also looks more beautiful The fence is finished Now I make a new, stronger door Tie firmly to secure the door The door is also complete My work is also completed today Now I will clean up this area Then will rest My video ends here, thank you for watching. See you in the next video


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