Price Predictions Bitcoin BTC Ethereum ETH and Ripple XRP

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What is going on snipers, Nighy mallow baby here I hope all of you guys are having a wonderful day today let's go ahead and just dive right into our daily cryptocurrency, analytics. For today this is a live stream if you're watching this after its published feel free to use the 1.25. X in this description. Below it's actually in the settings below but, we're going to be taking price predictions, from our audience. Today we're gonna be looking at different coin prices and see where prices are headed and why, the market, is down I would do want to address the tethered controversy, as well with, all of the different things happening, with their auditing, side of the, equation, alongside, with if this, is the end of the bubble a lot of people are asking whether or not this is the end of the bubble so I definitely want to address all of those questions today we're gonna be doing a book giveaway here giving away the Internet of money as well, as doing a roo being above night out for all Ruby patrons and above all those links on the description below, then we're also gonna have a little bit of a discord, night out today, it's gonna be a little party in our discord, chat so let's go ahead and just dive right into it's gonna be an awesome night and let's go ahead and check out these prices. So. Currently looking here at our trading view chart this is our Bitcoin, USD. Chart, as you can see we don't have any indicators, as a trading view chart the links in the description below we're gonna be inserting a couple different indicators, here being that we're looking at this correction, and how steep, it's gonna head we're gonna be utilizing, the autofit today alongside, with the average here. The moving average exponential, the RSI, the three moving averages the volume and then we'll go ahead and start looking at these price zones as you, guys can see if, you guys looked at my previous prediction, I do want to pull that up here we, actually are now hitting that buy zone that we initially started, to, talk about in the beginning and you can see we're starting to enter that zone here where we're.

Heading, Towards this 200 moving average which is actually right here in blue so, looking. At price levels in a technical, standpoint once again the technical analysis, isn't an end-all, be-all the. Technical analysis, is just, a gauge, of a risk and reward pattern, that has occurred previously through, psychology, right because, most, of trading is the psychology, of humans. And and really how they react with risk and reward and that's what these patterns are really for. So looking, at where we're headed we're heading into this buy zone that I've set out and now, we're heading towards that 200-day, moving average, which is actually right here in the bottom of the Fibonacci line, if you guys actually pull up this other chart that, we actually took which, was actually. Going through the different waves that bitcoin was following you can see we had this ABCD. ABCD. Hoping. To get another a way but that actually, did not work out we was trying to go back up you can see it started to crash back down so that went ahead and broke this whole pattern now, heading back down you can see that moving average once again is right, alongside with that Fibonacci line of course it's not exact, but, we are heading towards there so the, only next. Rational, support level, is that 200 a moving average which is currently right around eight thousand, eight hundred and ten dollars so that's, really where the prices, are looking, like it's heading right now and if it does hit that level I'm sure we're gonna find some sort of support there but the real question is are we gonna maintain support. At that 200-day, moving average, and that's a question that a lot of us would like answered, up sure you can see RSI, is not, even, below, just yet so it's, definitely not oversold. In terms of the RSI, and if you pull up the MACD we can actually go ahead and see where we're at in terms of these crossover. Momentum, pushes, you can see we've now just started, to cross together with the MACD line at the fast enough slow line now, heading, down and. You can see this is an indicator that we're still gonna see a little bit of some down and some, downside with the prices over the next couple of days so. You. Know my opinion with Bitcoin of course, there's a lot of factors here the, tether controversy. Is something a lot of people have, really brought up recently as you guys know I actually have this article pulled up here for some of you guys that aren't familiar with a tether controversy, but so, tether pretty much is a way, of hedging against Bitcoin utilizing.

The U.s. dollar valuation. Which is with the USD T ticker, symbol, stands for and you can see the, Friedman LLP is actually the company that audits tether because in tethers website they actually claim, to, have all of their coins backed by actual US dollars, and this is really where the controversy lies, so, if you pull up the website as you can see they've got the CloudFlare pull, it up here you can see down here it's 100% backed quote unquote every, ten there's always back to one, to one by traditional currency held in our reserves so 1 USD T is always equivalent to one US dollar now. People, are questioning the fact that tether, is able to really create. Or come up with all of this actual, US, dollar fiat currency, to back their coin in such, a short amount of time you can see how they went from almost, nothing to, over two billion dollars, as a matter of fact 2.2, billion dollars and people, are questioning whether or not that's even. Possible and, you can see the tethered price is not at $1 right now where it's supposed to be now on some exchanges, it is at a dollar as you can see oke, oke, oke, X, BitFenix. At, least in the USD, two USD, t, evaluation, it's a dollar but for, most other pairings, you can see it's. Apparently under a dollar and I think that has to do with what's happening here with Bitcoin, and, people. Are very worried, that you. Know tether is not able to maintain its dollar valuation. And as. You can see here the. Last time they got audited by a third-party company which is Friedman they were actually, held, up they were told. To have, 142, million, dollars in reserves but. Recently, they've actually just, now. Kind. Of stepped away from this auditing company and they don't actually have a relationship as you can see tethers, relationship, with the auditor Freedman LLP has dissolved according. To a Saturday report from research and use intensifying. Concerns, about the platform's transparency. So of course, not having an auditing, company. To, actually verify that you have those US dollars for, consumers, like us using, the USD, T tether. It's, concerning. And you can see the most controversial allegation, against tether is that its coins are digitally, minted to purchase, Bitcoin on the. BitFenix exchange. Which in turn drives up the price in, the world's number one crypto asset drawing business as the cyber unit climb so this is a little bit more of a extreme. You. Know acclimation, against Bitcoin, and USD, T and how USD, T, can manipulate bitcoins. Price and I think that is also a big concern for a lot of people people. Are also talking about the Bitcoin bubble, right people are looking at this bubble chart saying this looks exactly like what.

We Saw here, you. Know in. The past couple of months with Bitcoin, if you actually make, it look like that you can always manipulate the way the chart looks you can see people are saying man this looks very similar to how the Bitcoin or the internet bubble was but, you do have to understand there's a lot of difference this year the internet bubble here pretty, much peaked out at about three trillion dollars and that was at current valuation, so if you look at today's valuations. Of you, know the inflationary, value, and how that has affected that, price that's probably looking at about 10 trillion dollars is really where this peaked out not, only that this was about a two year time frame so you can see the, real run-up started here around 1997. To eight and then it shot, up and then pretty much peaked out right there in March of 2000, where we really saw that pop, and what's. Interesting about this bubble is you can see there there was corrections, along the way so you can see this was probably the biggest correction, here there was a correction here there's a correction here there's a correction here and you can see throughout this time there's been these periodic Corrections so it could also very well be that we've only seen, this part, of the correction, and we have all this to go right and the reason I say that is if you, look, at this valuation, hitting. Trillian today's market, valuations, were under, 1, trillion here with bitcoins. Actual, prices, so you, can see we haven't even hit a trillion dollar market cap and that's total market cap Bitcoin itself has, let, alone in itself, hit half a trillion so looking. At bitcoins, valuation. In my opinion, this, could very well just be one little, step, one correction towards. The. Real big, correction, that may occur because this is really minut, compared, to the internet bubble and what occurred there so, I'd, love to hear you guys his thoughts on that I know we have a live audience here so let's go ahead and take some questions and see what, the live audience has to say about that because I'm sure some of you guys are, you. Know talking, about that in some way shape or form so let's, see here, somebody. Said, next. Year don't worry yet interesting. Somebody. Said. What's. Up what's up what's up tether. Connect. That. Is hilarious somebody says bleed. So. What do you guys think about the tether drama, let's hear let's hear what people have to say here about tether it's answers some questions maybe, somebody. Said Elliot waves, somebody. Says I told, everyone about tether issue two days ago everyone was laughing oh yes Sebastian you know the, the tether issue has been, pretty ongoing, for quite a bit now to be honest with you I mean this has been an issue since November, right I mean this is really November was when it really came to fruition when, they had that. Huge run-up in their market valuation, and people are like man how do they print all these points out.

What's, Up Josh get to have you Josh, is in the house and egg. Conner. Briggs mark decal, de Cal the sipping coffee and. I'm sipping this from Lacroix, here, Eric. Gutierrez, that's. Nice the, fact that the auditor could not verify cash speaks volume 100%, Eric I agree in the fact that they've, dissolved. Their relationship, with Freedman LLC I mean the, fact that they're dissolving any relationship, number one is a little bit of a you. Know concern, in my opinion and it's definitely concerned for me now. For me personally you. Know I would say that, I haven't put all of my assets and back into the market of course since. You know this career began, as, you guys know i liquidated. My profits, I took what I could and. You know I did put a position, back in around eleven thousand three hundred which I haven't sold just yet being the fact that yes I'm worried in some regards about the tether you, know incident how that can affect Bitcoin, but, at the same time I know that Bitcoin, itself has its own valuation, you know I was actually with the co-founder, of Manero and the, chairman. Of Kodak, yesterday, they, were actually, speaking, at one of the events. That I attended, and you. Know much. Much, optimism. Is, still apparent, in the market right now I'll tell you that right now I mean it wasn't even a facade I mean you can tell that these guys are, you, know they're, tunnel. Vision is the, the forward thinking path. For Bitcoin and cryptocurrency it's, not necessarily, looking back at what happened or what is going on they're looking at the forward vision looking, at what's, gonna come to the market what are the new technologies coming up looking. At different projects, talking about different projects and you know you can just tell that they were very optimistic about the future which, I think was very assuring. For, investors, like me, and and the community of course like all of us so. Somebody. Says aren't both tether and BitFenix non-us, entities, how. Can our government subpoena, them what. Does that even mean Markus Nemec yeah, well you, know of course being, the fact that these companies are outside, the US there's. Little. That the u.s. can really you. Know do, in terms of legalities. I mean there's, always things that can happen the US does have some sort of control outside. The border but at the same time you, know a lot of these companies like if you take bit connect for example or how people were talking about the big connect Connor to controversy and comparing, it to this tethered controversy, the big connect controversy, I mean big connect they registered, the company under, many different individuals.

Quote-unquote. Promoters, and at. In that case you know there's different liabilities, I mean in the u.s. you can pretty much sue for anything so you, know it's really a sensitive, topic topic there somebody said there's actually one still for me a cup and handle the tether room in it so. He's a stay lit fam tether straight, wacky, Oh for real yeah wit guy what keep, it real name one true love thanks, dude thank, you. Thank You Ben so, he says name I watch the crippled millionaires video yesterday they were very sour on xvg, a coin we have discussed on this channel many times you grew their dislike of that coin Ryan, Steinberg um you, know I think that they were. More so. Dissatisfied. With the pump that these coins received like Tron and Virg I think they just weren't as you. Know fond of these coins having such a huge run-up out of nowhere I think, that was more of what their concern, was because they're really big on value investing and that's something that I learned yesterday you, know these guys are extremely. You. Know diligent, with the trades and the the. Coins that they invest in to. The point where some of them are only investing in four or five coins I don't know if you guys heard one. Of the individuals I think the CEO, of coin watch which is a huge, entity. In this market, he, talked about you, know only having four or five coins so it. Was you know it was uh extremely. Eye-opening for, a lot of people but for me it was something that I've always talked about you know I think it was kind of like you, know something it was just almost like repeating what I've talked about before it. Was very general, I think I got more out of the other sessions, behind. The table you know really meeting, some of you guys that was awesome you know it's talking to some of you guys but, more importantly, talking with some of these experts, that you. Know are now having icos, for example, or even experts, like even, having the co-founder. Of, Manero. There I think, those, conversations. Last night we really want to impacted, me the most hearing. A little bit of what they have to say about the current market and you know really their their, perspective. Is instead. Of investing, in a coin you want to invest, in a person, because it's, almost like playing football right if you have a quarterback, that's good and the quarterback is gonna get you to the endzone then it doesn't matter if the quarterback gets tackled along the way right this is a little bit of a tackle right now you know you see the market and the markets all red it's, kind of like everybody, feels a little bit you know disgruntled, and not, as good as they were feeling when everything was green and everybody was making money so it's, just another tackle, right well. It's in sync it's the same thing in football right you know I played football and I know in football you know you do, have good place you have bad plays right if you're playing, a screen if you're playing a Hail Mary, whatever, your play is. It's not necessarily, how you get to the end zone it's all about getting to the end zone and I think getting, to the end zone is important, but the most important, aspect of that is the quarterback, because the quarterback can do it in many different ways you can play it you can do a run he can do a pass you, know he can run himself. If he wants I mean there's, so many different ways he can do a lateral like there, are a lot of different ways to get to the end zone and I think having, a leader, an. Individual. Leading. A company like vitalic, beuter and for example that's, paving. The way for the, smart contract blockchain. Capabilities. I think, having that is the most important aspect of where you're gonna invest your money because, no matter what they can what, I call. Divert. Right, divert, diverting. Is such an important aspect of business because. Diversion. Allows, you to move. And become adaptable. Right it's, not about who, is the fastest, who's the best it's about who's the fastest. That adapting. To new environments, and new technologies, and I think, that's being that's, really the most important, thing about this, whole cryptocurrency.

Revolution. And. Then looking at these coins once again you. Know my belief system, these coins are completely. You know, unfazed. By what we're seeing in the market the reason I say that you know I woke up today I logged, onto my phone and I actually I was actually trying, to send my mother some, some, money for, some stuff that she helped me with and she's you know across. The whole country right now for me and I, logged into my phone and I went onto my cash app to send her money and I, don't know if you guys realize this but if you open up your cash app right now you, go to cash app this wasn't like this before by the way cash app is owned by square, you, open up the cash app look. You go you go into the cash app and then you literally, can. Click. You. Can right, you, can click your profile, go down and says Bitcoin. Look. At that Bitcoin. And I, was like what are you kidding it. Literally says Bitcoin and I click Bitcoin it says buy sell enable, withdrawals and I click buy and it's, up to $10,000, a Bitcoin I can just buy up to $10,000. A Bitcoin just like that and I'm, like this is awesome you know not, only that you've got Robin Hood Robin, Hood's coming out with Bitcoin, capability, so you. Know I'm not saying I don't have any concerns, but I am saying that there. Isn't necessarily, anything. That, in a fundamental, standpoint that, is you. Know going. Backwards, for a Bitcoin right now there's. Just all of this stuff. Kind. Of hitting it from the side and you. Kind of have to take a step back and say well is there anything really like changing, for Bitcoin is anything going backwards, because at one point it was worth $20,000. But. Now you've got all of these things matter of fact not only is it not going backwards but it's going forward, right you've got Robin have you hacked the cash app you've got all of these different partnerships, all these different companies, enabling. The technology, utilizing, adapting, it, adopting. I'm sorry so, you know I Warren. Buffett actually, is one of my you. Know most, inspirational. Investors. I guess for me as an investor you know he inspires, me greatly. I mean he has over 200 billion dollars, of cash, assets, and you know that's real. Cash that he hasn't me he's got, a lot of money and he's invested, a lot of money all he's done is invest, and. You know I love his teaching style you know if you've ever watched a Warren Buffett video, I would highly recommend it or if you've read one of his books you, know I've personally dived, into his mindset, because I want to know as an. Investor. What is the right mindset he's a very, very pure. Value, investor, you know he's not a day trader he's not a swing trader Warren Buffett is a value investor does, it invest in technology, matter, of fact he doesn't have the best things to say about Bitcoin, but he also criticized, the founder. Of Tesla. And SpaceX Elon, Musk, and said that Tesla. And SpaceX weren't, going to do anything and so he's. Not necessarily that right in every aspect, but in investing, he definitely, knows what he's talking about and you know just one example of, something that he, actually said, you. Know at, one point in Warren Buffett's life he invested, and made a lot of money in coca-cola and. At. The, time coca-cola was at a you know really low price it actually crashed, right and when. It crashed Warren, Buffett, bought, a ton, of coca-cola shares, and he. Was interviewed and the interviewer said well Warren Buffett you know why are you buying, much coca-cola right now when everybody is selling it and it's crashing, right now he's like well I woke up today I went. To the store and they had coca-cola on the shelves and I. Bought some coke and then I went to the restaurant and they. Had some coke and inside the restaurant I ordered some coke and last. Time I checked nothing, has changed with coke coke, is still being accepted everywhere and when. It was valued at that price the higher price it was accepted, at the same places it's accepted now a matter of fact it's probably being accepted at more places right now even though prices are lower here's like so in a fundamental, sense coke is still a valid. And I mean it's a valid product, it's a valid you know in other cases it could be a service and, because. Of that I'm going to invest in it and if, it's at a lower price for me this is a discount, so. I I. Relate. To that with. What happened to me today when I logged into my phone on my whoa so the cash app accepts Bitcoin, now you know this is after coming from a cryptocurrency.

Conference. With the co-founder, of Manero and the chairman of Kodak who's just now having an ICO and their stock tripled, by the way after the announcement of their I seal which Kodak kind, of needed, so. You. Know this. Is this, is really you know I'm not saying I don't have a concern, guys I definitely have a concern I think tethers, complete. BS. You. Know and the reason I say that is I don't think they have 2.4 billion dollars if they did why the heck did they dissolve. Their relationship, with their auditing company the one person, that could verify, and validate their, company and what, they're trying to do it. May ruin that relationship, why they don't have enough money to pay them I mean you got 2.2 billion dollars you should be able to pay them so, that, I understand, but you. Know aside, from that I think that, there's all this other, there's. All these other nuances that we have to take and concert' into consideration. Super, duties said, this is why I come here love naive thank you man I mean I'm just speaking the truth that's. It I mean you know I'm just speaking the truth. Somebody. Says, if. You don't find a way to make money while you sleep you will work until you die yes. I, agree. So. He's, testing. Says yes name the QB. I was, not a quarter I loved playing quarterback, matter, of fact quarterback was my favorite position however I, ended, up you, know playing, other positions, when I was actually playing football but when I was playing street ball I've been out play quarterback all the time old-time QB somebody. Says is do, you ever move your money to USD team that market is red crashing, mainly beats it CUSD T Matt eye on if you use Gemini, you don't need to use guys you know you don't even need to use tether anymore you know the real reason people use tether, for the most part is because they wanted to avoid taxes. Because. At the time both prior to 2018. Utilizing. Tether was another coin and you weren't being taxed, on coin to coin transactions. Therefore you were avoiding, short-term. Capital gains that's, why the majority of people used tether now, you don't really need to use tether you can just liquidate back into u.s. dollars like. It really isn't that hard to sell your Bitcoin for USD, like. Seriously. You're not gonna get taxed any lesser anymore it's the same exact tax now I mean they've. Enabled short, term capital gain taxes, so you, know there really isn't even a use for tether to be quite frank with you at this point I mean in certain regards there are you know for people outside the country some people have special cases there's always special cases, right but, for the most part for an investor like me I'm speaking for myself I don't need to use tether you, know I don't need to use it to avoid taxes, or anything because I there's no taxes, to avoid in reality, right now so. Yeah. Somebody. Says good work Nayeem bless you thank you Dean Akkad somebody. Said Nick II love, your channel very informative, thank you brother appreciate. That somebody. Says I appreciate your honest and personal opinion of the market as a whole this is the whole reason I watch your videos thank. You Kyra Knight appreciate, that somebody, says King hyeme Eduardo, Bennett ease you. Guys are giving me too much credit, seriously. I'm just throwing my two cents, somebody. Says, what's. The quarterbacks favorite meal the. Raw the, Roethlisberger. That. Is hilarious, somebody, said haha waterboy I wasn't a waterboy actually, no I was never waterboy I was, thinking if I was I, think, I was injured once I may have done something like that but Saudi, says watching from Ghana West Africa I'm sure you are at this time right, so. Does this make Bitcoin great, again, guys. Make, Bitcoin, great. Again, we're. Not gonna go ahead and do that did. You use or can you recommend a programmer to keep track. Of our date rates for tax purposes I would use coin, tracking, coin, tracking, you. Can use coin tracking, there's also a coin. Folio. Or some. Yeah coin folio I believe. And. What's a better place to buy Bitcoin and transfer it to by Nance I would, do Gemini, or, something. Of that nature. Gemini. You can you can liquidate into USD. By, the way guys don't be dumb and. You. Know like. You. Know don't don't be written irrational. In this market you know like. At this point. Jyothi, at, this point what I would say in the market is you know for me personally I am not buying, or, selling much. I haven't. Put in my excel in position you guys a lot of you are asking me here see, me just ask me about an excel M position.

I Haven't, put it in yet because of what's happening in the market you can see we. Did follow exactly, the path that we actually have. Drawn out by the way some. People are freaked out of these USD valuations, the Bitcoin valuations, are not that bad to be really honest with you look at the Bitcoin valuation, since the toshi value, satoshi, value have, you guys noticed that if any of you guys taking the like. If you guys are looking at satoshi value on these charts have you guys looked at the coin market satoshi, value which is what I primarily, look at it's, not that bad a matter of fact there, are some performers, right now like aetherium you, can see a theorems up litecoin. Is staying. Strong, you, know go. Litecoin go, iota go. Liske look at list taking off V. Chain proud. Of each chain even, stellar. Only, 3% down in satoshi value not bad you. Know it's the handle is still there I mean if you look at the Excel M. Chart. That we drew out I think that was the excel on chart that we draw is there the one with the buy zone no that's it so you can see the xlm chart the handles formed exactly where we expected at the Forum which is right around this area. Remember I drew out this line for you guys there. Was a reason I drew that exact line out so. The. Fact that we're forming. That handle right there you can see that it's now some green zone some. Green prices but I'm just being very cautious about this market that's just the truth guys, you, don't, want to lose, money when you. Know the markets in a fragile form, right now you know this, is something that happened, in, the stock market back around 2008. You know 2008, there was a huge crash, you. Know if, you guys don't know you know this could really help you with. Your trading right now if you actually know the, the. Past you, know that could always help, right so, when you look here you're, looking at past prices you.

Go 208. You. Can see Oh 8. We. Had this huge crash here so, this is the Oh a crash. Some, of you guys remember, this some of you guys lost money this might scare, some of you guys but. This is Apple, stock in 2008, and, a lot like many other stocks there was a huge crash here's. Something. That you guys might not know about the traditional markets I have a lot of knowledge of the traditional market so I can teach you guys some things on the traditional markets that's where I started so, the. Best days in the traditional, market always happen, within, two weeks of the worst days in the traditional, market so, that's one, thing in the stock market that a lot of people don't know. Matter. Of fact the. Average S&P, 500. Portfolio. Will, have around, a seven - sometimes. A little bit higher than that percent, gain over the year sometimes less than that. But. If you don't take, advantage of the four to six good. Days of the stock market that, ratio, goes, from around 6 to 7 percent down to like 4. 3, to 4% so, the. Majority, of your gains in the stock market, happened on very specific days, and those specific, days those really big days typically. Occur after, within, two weeks of the worst days in the stock market, so. This. Right here is, you. Know some of you guys went through this crash, but. This, for, the stock market this is a big deal you can see we, were on a constant, run you can see there was another crash a little bit of a crash here too this was, 2000. So. This. Right here was, as. You can see this. Is the dot-com, bubble, that's, how Apple held out on bubble so you. Can see how it had this run up this. Hat had this huge run up and then it crashed. So. You. Can see now though this, crash, in 2000. Was. Nothing, compared to what ended, up you know happening, to Apple, and you look at where. It's at now, if. You bought at any point of this. Price. Like, of this uh you, know of this stage. Of, Apple's. Shares. Or stock you would have been fine look I mean we are at all-time. Highs now right we've been in a huge bull market, over, a nine year bull market now so, you. Know looking. At bitcoins, prices, you. Know this, doesn't necessarily, scare. Investor. Like me that has, seen this time. And time again and you know at this point it's become commonplace for me you know I mean you, know I've seen this before I've seen this many times before and all this tells me is that sooner or later we're gonna see some positive upside, right because what, is it gonna go negative right it's gonna keep going down that hit negative, you know I mean, next, thing you know we're at negative 200, like that's not gonna happen right and yeah I could correct 880 600, it can correct the 6000 it can correct the 6570. But, regardless, of where it corrects, the, point is do, you still believe in Bitcoin and if you don't I don't know what you're doing in this market I mean if you just want to make fast money on something that can potentially make you fast money that's fine but, the real money's gonna come from the, ones that hotle, right, like. That's. Really, the, most. It's. The safest, I guess you can see safest, play. Here especially if you're only investing money that you're willing to lose so. Hopefully. That helps let's take some questions. Somebody. Says. Strong. Hand people yes. Marianne, 4/20, huddle. Okay. How about for long-term holders. Yep. Somebody. Says CNBC. Hit, Apple past few days sin, feud, or fun. On BTC. Somebody. Says he doesn't like me oh I actually. Was, pretty. Surprised. By neo I was, listening to the. Neos CEO. You, know anytime I do my research my due diligence I'm only looking at the actual you, know the actual things that the CEO or the founder of the co-founder are.

Talking About the coin I'm not looking at CNBC, I'm not looking at coin watch I'm not looking at any of these new sites highly. Recommend, you guys do the same thing by the way that's. Really where I've been able to make my best decisions, and neo you. Know listening to the CEO it surprised, me quite a bit you know it made me realize that neo is very different than aetherium in a lot of ways you. Know neo is actually set out to be able to really handle. A lot of transactions, per. Second it's it's actually got the, ability to handle millions of nodes apparently. So you know he's you know that's something that I didn't even know about but, he says that the scalability. On Neos is. Very. Big and, it, has a lot of potential in terms of scalability so, there, are some things that I'm, starting to really, understand, about neo that I never really understood before and just to be honest and I'm. Starting to really look into neo, as a potential, investment. Long term so you guys know I love my investments. Long. Term you know like about, you know as a value then value investor side of me is you know the funnest, part for me because that's where you're really optimistic, for the long term because that's where big money is made so. Hopefully. That helps Thank, You Claude for the super chat brother ten bucks. Somebody. Said present evil Donald Trump will be a two-term, president, that has nothing to do with this I guess, right. Somebody. Says al, blah, name I can sense your humility from all the way in Florida keep it up man love to watch these informational, livestream do you think bitcoin will hit that 200 day moving average, I think. So you, know I think we'll bounce off of that you, know being that they were in this Fibonacci level we're in freefall mode right Bitcoin, think of Bitcoin right now with some goggles, and a parachute. And just, imagine a little coin looking like pac-man just flying, down from the sky right now like wow, that's. Kind of what bitcoins doing right now I mean. That's, can it that's that's literally, there's no support, level. 100. Days gone the Fibonacci, were right in the middle it's open air for Bitcoin just saying. Name. Would it be prudent to sell the negative hype and buy the negative, news good, re-entry point, um. Funny, you say that Claude I've, got my buy position, set up right here I got my buy prices right here man 10 10 I'm gonna buy it 10,000, I'm gonna buy it 93, and I'm gonna buy it 88 86, 85, around. This level I might, raise this up a little as if 200 a goes lower. But. This is my buy zone man I mean any time, I've, seen negative, price movements, we've only had positive price, movements, after that right like, you can actually go back and see Bitcoin. When, before. The huge, hype, really came into play Bitcoin. Has had this happen to it many many times you can see here you. Know this I mean this one looked just like right now right you, could see we, bounced, off of the 100, day moving average, clod you. See what I'm saying dude so it's. Following technicals, guy's technical. Analysis, was made in the early 1900s. When the markets were actually volatile, because volatility. Is actual, emotions, and emotions, are what create patterns, patterns.

Are Actually a it's, it's a risk and reward pattern, of the human psychology. That's what patterns are made by, and for so, you. Know it, that's. Why we use patterns it's because it's you know you can see it like a double top right you go you go to our discord, for those of you our discord by, the way we are doing a roux being above Q and a night out tonight because of the conference I went to last night I'm. Not gonna be able to do a full-on Q&A, in the voice chat with everybody cuz we already have over a hundred people in our voice chat by, the way guys oh my, gosh I got a message today let, me read this to you I hopefully. This, lady doesn't mind me reading this but she said I just got a message today she says good. Evening Nayeem, I just, want to extend my gratitude I'm, very new to crypto only a month in however since watching your videos I've consumed so much knowledge for, most on chart reading I've, read through many of your resources, and amazingly caught on very quickly I really find so much satisfaction in crypto, love to learn more on day trading and making this my full-time job I'm currently a personal trainer and going through a lot my personal life at the moment so my income is a little low for now but I'm able to become a patreon however, I'm looking for a mentor to help guide me I want to absorb all that I can learn, and outs of this business and create a YouTube channel you've, really, inspired me and I can't thank you enough keep doing what you're doing because your impact surpasses anything you could even imagine very respectfully, and then, her name and I'm like wow, that. Means a lot and all, that, have you know comes from the discord, you know and. I'll show you exactly why you, join in one of these chats let's, listen to these people. Look. At that I mean they're. Talking. About liske just, slop through you. Know so I highly recommend you guys you, know get yourself in the community but, we are going to be doing a roux being above night-owl for all rubies and above we'll do a Q&A tonight, that's gonna be in the Ruby Plus so. We're gonna end a stream fairly. Early and. Then. So, you know this was a this was back, here in 2013, I was actually around when this happened this is really when Bitcoin peaked, out went, up to around thousand, one hundred and two hundred and it dropped, down I mean this was the time that I was trading Bitcoin, actually. I think this was right before I started trading but, I was actually buying and selling here I wasn't trading I was buying and selling though I remember, it was a 300, for a very long time you can see stayed. Here drug, it stayed around three hundred two hundred, before. That it was right around 100, less, than one hundred stayed, and around that price level stayed. On that 50-day 100 a moving average jumped. Up and then you can see I mean, it, was down for quite a while from these all-time highs some. People thought that it was never gonna go back up but, then, 2014. Came it. Went back up you. Can see 300, back up starts. Going through a thousand, breaks through a thousand, and then. Now, where we're at so this. Doesn't look that scary, compared to what we've seen before or a matter of fact that, what we saw was Moore's us it was more traumatic it, was more dramatic and steeper. So. Let's. Go ahead and uh somebody. Says this channel, blows, you, guys want to blow this guy off the watch this AK see watch oh. Look. At that he just got blown away from the channel. We. Got space, for haters, so. He says how much you even know about these coins if you didn't know about Neo moon. Renato. That's. Not I mean you. Can say what you want I mean I'm I mean I don't care like I didn't, know about Neo because I knew about Neo I just didn't ever hear about that, I didn't hear from the CEO so, you. Know stop, assuming something that's not true you. Always have great advice name love your videos thank you Wendell appreciate, that. Name. What's up can you look at litecoin, we'll. Look at like coin, Nick, Bannister said, hahahahahahaha. So, he says by AXI, how. Do you how do you since in making profit trading all comes in down a rocket a nos Edney well I'm gonna be honest to be my my I I have not hit my target yet you know I was actually trying, to hit at least I think it was like 43%, profits. This month, based. On the calculations, that I typically do when I plan my portfolio, out every month and you know this month alone I haven't you know gotten.

Near The 43 percent mark yet, thankfully. I'm not down because I was labeled liquidate, I am down a little bit on the eleven three purchases, that I made a Bitcoin, but, other than that I mean you know for me personally I, am very strategic. With where I put in my entry and exit points and I make sure that if I, have a feeling that something is going to go down I make sure to get a position either, at a profit or. At. A loss but my profits, typically cover that so in. Terms, of how to make a profit, in a downward, market the. Best thing you can do a lot of people were talking about this today and they were talking about using USD, valuations, versus BTC valuations, but you, can make a profit in this market by just making profit on coins, like aetherium right if you were holding a theorem in the past 24 hours you'd be at a two point nineteen percent profit right now so that, right there is pretty stout look I mean you go to this chart, you can see there's a ton of coins here that are at a profit right now against Bitcoin and that's if you were looking at bitcoins evaluation, if you go to USD it's a little bit different there's not as much obviously, you've got a very, select. Few that are up right now compared. To USD valuations, but in Bitcoin valuation, you've, got some green right so take advantage of these green or. The screen and. Then you can see the negative isn't that bad I mean it you know well there is some negative of course but, it's not as bad as the USD. You. Know downfalls obviously. You can see the USD valuations. Pretty. Bad the one, hour is green but the 24 hours you can see pretty much all red. Erik, a Veritas is glad to be a patreon, yes by the way I'm gonna be posting some new patreon, content, sooner, maybe hosting some stuff from the conference the, panel with the Monaro co-founder, that's, gonna be exclusive, of course because that. Was, recorded. Professionally. And. Then not only that I, have the Ruby and above night owl that I'm gonna release that went really good it was a really good Q&A and. Then we'll also do a Ruby and above night owl tonight, and we'll do a Q&A session, for what I learned at that conference you guys can kind of pick my brain and. I'd love to answer questions on that too so, now. How does the weekly B to C chart concern you at all does it differ from what happened in 2013. Not. At all 2013, was actually worse in my opinion like, if we were to do a week chart. You. Know you can see it's bad but you can see here even. This, right here in 2013. It was pretty bad too so, you. Know I'm not really worried I mean I've seen this before right so, it. Doesn't differ too much in my opinion I mean this looked like it was only going up but guys, you, know when you're going down you. Only can go down so far until you're gonna start seeing this right you're gonna start seeing some upside so, you. Know don't don't, get caught here, when, everybody's gonna make some extra cash and, then you're like oh well I was worried and I was scared to get into the market no you, know you want to be in. The market when this type of stuff happens but obviously you can see it went down for a while before it caught, back up so this. Is obviously a correction now. The real. Question is when. It does start to find support, because, it might start to find this type of support but in my opinion with the amount of volume coming, into the market this year this. Is gonna be a very different ball game than, what we saw here you can see the volume here was my new it was very small compared to what we're seeing right now like if you were looking at this volume compared, to this volume compared, to this volume that was you, know just. Trumping. The volume that we saw a year then, you can already tell that you. Know what we're gonna see eventually with. More volume coming as the market is gonna be a lot more substantial. But. The one week chart does not scare. Me at all this, is why, this correction, was completely, necessary you, see how the RSI, here was so high, now. You don't typically wanna look at our sign a week but look maybe. Our silo let this speak, some sort of volume and. Now we're finally, back down you can see anytime we hit this level look. At that right there Wow. This right here check this out look. At this RSI, support, on the one-week. This. Is actually pretty big this, is a big deal guys look at that this. Is technical. Analysis, look at that we, have a very strong RSI, support, right here around 50. 51 you, can you can there are RSI, support levels for those who that don't know that our site, support levels are existent. People. Don't realize that you can use this. If. You guys look here. I'll. Show you exactly what an RSI support is so if. You google RSI, support, you.

Can See there's our site support levels too so, people. Don't talk about the RSI support levels but. That's. Definitely, true. You, can always look at our site support levels. Even. Our size look that you can, go. Ahead and draw lines on those so. You. Know that's, interesting, right. I'm not gonna call this the end-all be-all but, it, pretty much lines up with exactly what my prediction is a big coincident I doing this by Zone in Korea and start to bounce back up so you. Can see right at that our side down here right when it hits 50 ish it, usually bounces, back up so, there's. That potential of that bounce back does, that mean it's not gonna go any lower I think I'll go a little bit lower but I'm expecting, some bounce fashion that's why this is my buy zone right, this is something I've strategically, put in place about two three maybe two weeks ago one week ago and that's, what I'm expecting so. Somebody, says your name can you be, my mentor. Al-ahmadi. You. Can go on the patron man if you want to look at stuff. Somebody. Says. Hopefully. Recover as fast I. Just, came from there. Somebody. Says uh I. Hate. Your analysis, tbh, Sean Hicks, well. You're a hick, somebody. Says after, watching a conference, video one of the speaker's made a very passionate remark, there may. Be only five to eight solid crypto currencies I'm curious what do you think these five coins may be. Bitcoin. Aetherium for sure. I think. Another. Coin was AOS they, were big they were pretty big on EOS I. Heard, them talking a lot about other coins we'll, pull up this coin market cap, um. You. Know they. Did have some stuff to say about mineiro. Obviously. The co-founder. Was there so they. Weren't gonna leave that one out but other than that I mean I couldn't. Tell you what coins they were specifically. Talking about but I know for sure Manero iOS Bitcoin, aetherium rip will are not rip on aetherium, and Bitcoin, were. The ones that they were primarily focused on didn't, talk much about rip or Bitcoin cash or card on or neo, or litecoin. And. I don't typically, hear them talk much about that you know from the time that I've been with them so. Somebody. Says if. You're here for the long term then nothing to be scary yeah, I agree what are your top icos, in. Terms of I SEOs I do got a couple that I'm looking at right now you know I'm looking at titanium. Right now I'm looking at Omega 1 it's, actually done by Ray Dalio Steam, or. Some, individuals, from his team ray Dali ran one of the largest hedge funds in the world over. 175 billion dollars, and, there's. A couple other ones the Odyssey protocol, I'm gonna be looking into soon, and.

I'll, Be posting that for our patrons and our trading alert so we're, gonna be enhancing, our trading alerts as well for all patrons we're gonna be doing more icos and stuff too and I'll be doing my summaries there so somebody. Says Oh name is getting lippy. Does that mean. Jeremy. Bates. Anyone. On here use any good IP stressors, stressors gone, again, I'm. Not getting a lippy his name was hick that's, why I called him a hick that's his last name so I mean just, calling him actually being a little bit respectful, to be honest with you calling, him by his last name you. See what I did there though. Sometimes. You just gotta smack, some people on the face cuz they needed a little bit of reality sent, inside of them has. A OS bottomed out tonight let's, pull up yo ass good question Jeremy Bates. Let's. Do a OS y. OS, BT see. Somebody. Says titanium, is on a good price Zi Xiao Zi. CL is a good coin in trade somebody said. Um. I mean. I wouldn't call this a bottom out look at this RSI. It's. Definitely not bottomed out. You. Know so. Somebody. Says thanks bro you. Should be drinking vitamin, juice that's. Funny. My. Man Nike what up Dave, McCormick. Wraiths you. Got the Wraiths protocol on your last name bro that's awesome, now, you're awesome man don't watch the haters that guy is a hick. Crypto. D yeah that's, how he's not talking anymore we scared him away. That's. What haters do they come in they criticize, and they leave and they go back to their Hickey life ha, ha so. I, I, don't think this is at the bottom yet you, can see our size in the, latter part of this so it's at the top looking. At the 50-day if we were to actually. Calculate. This pretty, much around 20 30 percent away from the 50-day moving average. What's. Interesting about this is the EMA starting a curve but it looks like every time they make curves it seems, to run back up so this, might start seeing more of a run-up and a BTC valuation, I mean these coins are holding strong in my opinion most of these coins are all been strong look at these I mean you look at the BTC, valuations. These. Coins are green you. Know this has been a pretty interesting. Market, recently the coins. Being affected, by this in my opinion are ripple card. Ah know has been affected just, minutely. Nem. Has been pretty. But beaten, up over. The past couple of weeks, but. Coins. Like Tron Tron got. Beat up, even. V chain is still 16% down over it was seven days ago but you can see it's starting to see some some gain the, past 24 hours up, but the coins that are really prosper at prospering, right now aetherium. Has just been killing it guys, don't don't. You know don't waiver a thing out of your your. Vision. Right now like you need to watch a theory of I mean if.

You're Looking at a theme it's it's gradually, going up and up and up no matter what I mean for, the past 70s, the past 24 hours in the past hour it's been positive so, I would. Watch aetherium matter of fact why don't we do a quick etherium analysis. Here, and. Check this out and see where prices are headed here so broke out of this just. Clear everything out here let's do a refresh, this to a 100%, fresh, analysis. Year. Services. Why you naming all my coins that's the Sasha just set, interesting. What. Do you do a video on indicators, we had a couple videos and indicators by one of our analysts, Marcus he actually just made another video we'll be posting that soon. Somebody. Says. What. Do you think about Excel and I love stellar you guys know me and, stellar, stellar. Is one of my favorite coins I. Think. Looking, at their project, really set, my standards higher, than ever. Somebody. Says uh glad. To see you're working on your social skills. What. Do you mean. Somebody. Says that how's, the u.s. devaluation, decided on a coin that can only be attained via BTC. / ETH. You. Don't have, a u.s. devaluation. Other than the fact that you would want to transfer, and do a crossover so it's. Kind of like when I used to do forex trading some. Currencies, you would do a double valuation. On so that, means let's say you're doing a, for. Example if you're doing saya, coin versus e th e th versus. USD. On whatever ETH you get from that syuko and purchase so it's, just cross. Referencing. Somebody. Says yo, any thoughts on Rebane haven't, heard of repay so he says you drink a lot of energy James Tony this is actually sparkling, water it's called McCoy. It's. Just water you know you can drink this before you go to bed, what. We'll go up tonight wine weirdos, we got a couple coins going up I think aetherium guys let's. Watch aetherium for a little bit here because check this out we've. Got this huge run up it's. Not being phased by Bitcoin, let's, do it side-by-side comparison. Here but look. At that training it's updated their chart I like.

It Trainee of you stepping up their game. Wow. Look. At that so. We can do uh let's. Do a side-by-side comparison here. Or a top by bottom comparison. In this, case here BTC USD. Check. That out isn't. That interesting so looking. At this chart. This. Is going from March so. We'll go to March here as well, and. Then you guys can actually see the. Exact. So. Look at that ever, since bitcoin has been going down the theorem has been going up you guys noticed that. Maybe. A lot of guys aren't paying attention you just focused on bitcoin look at that aetherium, is going up I. Don't. Have any trash cans around me anymore. Somebody. Says any chance you've seen the ICO criterium, yeah I've seen that al Bob haven't, done my due diligence yet. Wine, weirdos I very much notice so, he says how many hours do you sleep I try my best to get some sleep I was up until like 6:00 a.m. last night after the conference we, had a little bit of a night owl afterwards, like a real night out. We went to the W here, in LA, Hollywood. Somebody. Says that's why Neal was going up. How. Do you get involved in an IC oh yes good. One morale so, mr. Gandhi noted. Something very interesting so Chinese, aetherium. Right neo that's what it's touted, as that's where people talk about it as and, that's why Neos going up apparently, because, of aetherium and I can definitely. Validate, that in a fundamental, sense I mean there's going up people are gonna want to invest in anything that's comparative, to that right so, it's. Kind of that you, know it's, that it's. Almost like the fear of missing out inside of people. That are like oh my gosh well if theme is going up let me go to the next best coin. And. You look at coins like stellar. You. Know you've, got several icos if you guys don't know like kick you, know the Kin coin the. Company. Everybody. That uses kick they're. Having their own coin and you. Know they went from aetherium to stellar so they're not gonna do it on the ERC 20 platform gonna be doing on stellar now so. Somebody. Says LaCrosses fire Lucroy. Now. I'm considering a thing is so much more than just a cryptocurrency do you think it's like leo surpassed bitcoin and market cap with the next couple of years amid. Savvy um i would say if theorem is a different type of coin you know aetherium can. Create 18, million coins, pretty. Much every single year so they have that inflationary, system, set in place and not. Only that Atheneum is meant to be a reward or a gas, for. Developers. On the etherion blockchain, so it's. Not necessarily, like Bitcoin, where bitcoin is limited in value in. Terms of market, supply, and it's also limited and you, know how. Its created, it's, all through proofs proof, of work you, know there's no proof of stake in Bitcoin if, their name is gonna be kind, of changing, its approach. Over, the next couple of years and especially as it develops you know that's why I talked about the quarterback, you're looking for the best quarterback, right and vitalic. Buted in my opinion he's the one individual, in the market that I think has, the the know-how, or the genius inside of him I was, watching an interview behind, the other day and the. Interviewer, was like. So. Vitalic, it was at the end they were just like so is there any social media platform or, where can people find you he's like just. Google my name and that's fine you know like he doesn't even care about promoting, his Twitter or social media, or anything like that he's not looking, to do, any of that he's solely, focused, on the development and the future of aetherium and I think that's awesome I think that's a great quarterback I think that's it you. Know not not to get any sort of hate, on this but I think that's the Tom Brady of. Cryptocurrency right, now so if, I Talia Turin is one you know Satoshi Nakamoto, I don't. Think he's the best quarterback, he, was definitely a, quarterback, at a time but you know you he's, kind of in the Hall of Fame now so. Somebody. Says can you please look at Genesis. Vision there. Is a, FX, Expo Asia 2018. I would love your thoughts, on gbt, going, thank. You for mentioning III. Could definitely look into it if, it gets a little bit more traction. It's. Definitely something that I can possibly look into I. Can't. Do a technical. Now or a IC. O---- analysis, right now I'm guessing that's a new coin. So. Maurice is the Aaron Rogers of crypto, Samuel. Sands. That's. Fine too somebody. Says David Poe I think you have a great show no problems, here Thank. You Man somebody. Says he was the coach. Yeah. I. Love. When you get nerdy and geeky and specific, and stop dumbing it down, he. Has already done LTC, so. He says I've addicted. To buying TRX, I've bought 25 bags built. Up for an it was 30 cents, nice man, interesting. Satoshi. Was Joe Montana, but ETH guy is Brady. Yeah. So this, is an interesting chart here you know you can see the.

Coolest Part about this is the MACD, on Bitcoin is low while the MACD, on aetherium is high so. That. Could certainly indicate, another. Reversal. And this, trend, what, I mean by that is if you look here the. MACD, for aetherium, when it was on the downtrend, was. Under, while. Bitcoin, was over, so. Bitcoin was high while, aetherium was low and then. It flipped a theme. Is now high prices, rose, while. Bitcoin is low and prices. Dropped. So. As, you. Can see this initially. Started, with aetherium. Dropping. Bitcoin. Rising. Dropping. And then what, would be next well maybe. This and, this so. Maybe, the. Next phase, of this is Bitcoin, rising, Wow theorem, maybe drops or levels down so nothing. Just goes up for other forever. And some of you guys have learned that lesson finally, and. That's, something I've talked about since the start of this channel and since the start of our live streams nothing just continuously, goes up forever and, that's something important, to notate right so. Hopefully. That helps some. People let's. Look at our ripple somebody. Wants to know what ripple is doing here XR PBT, see. It's. Go ahead and take ripples, price into. Consideration. Here as well some, people will have a lot of money. And ripple I, have. Some good news sir ripple here's. My news here so, it. Looks like we're finding some very strong, support here on this 50-day moving average you can see we had a huge bounce back here if pull up the one hour you can see a better view of that you. Can see as soon as we touch that level we bounced right back up so that, 50-day. Moving average really, hit right down here right down there and we bounced right on top of that so. Ripple. Is known to find some, sort of stability you've, seen the past ripples, had quite a bit of stability. These. Run-ups kind of sporadically. Pushed, ripples price back and forth and kind of, shook it up a little bit and that's typically what happens with these parabolic run ups do that volume and now, you can start to see ripples starting to stabilize these prices it has a head volume for a while sometimes. Not having volume for the for, this amount of time it can lead to something good because now. This. Can, only go up right, so. Expect. Some more volume soon, here for ripple and that could possibly these prices higher and not only that we're. Right on that 50-day moving average so I think that's a strong support, at least a psychological, support line right now for ripple as, long as I can stay on top of that if it breaks below that then I would watch what I'm trading with the ripple because it'll, most likely correct, back down to, this either.

Either That or I wouldn't say good, go to that 200-day. Or that 100 a in, my opinion if, we put the autofit bond, what. You'll see. If. There's auto fit will go, on here what. We'll just have to draw let's, do our manual, Fibonacci retracement, here so if. You guys want to ever do a manual Fibonacci, just go to the top level draw. It down to the lowest point of the, wicks. Yep. And you can see here. Okay. There you go so. Within, Fibonacci, levels as well you can see we found a little bit of support resistance around that Fibonacci line now, we're really following that 50-day I think, if it drops below this we, might go down to this level but. Most likely in my opinion, will find support down here, around. 64,000. Satoshi's if we drop below this and the reason I say that is, there's. Something interesting happening, here where if you look at the green. The. Green right here is the. 100 day and the blue is the 200 day and for. A little bit of time the 100, day was under the 200-day, moving average, now what's interesting about that hat that phenomena is now. That we've intercepted back, together the 100 and 200 a are so close together that it, almost doesn't act as a strong. Support, level the way that Bitcoin acted. Against, its 100. And 200 day moving average, and the 50-day moving average, because. They were so separated they had their own clear, concise levels, of support so, you can see we found support on the 50-day and then we found support on the 100 a and now we're dropped under that, heading. Towards that 200 a so. Hopefully. That helps out a little bit. Somebody. Says, the. Patterns only work on a long time skill or also in a minute skill for example yeah, you can use it on a minute scale if you're doing day trading it's a little bit of a different ballgame so. For day traders let's say you're day trading a volatile. Currency. Like this is pretty volatile right now a litecoin, day. Trading is pretty simple you can first. Of all draw. Your support level so I, probably. Draw support, right here and, this is a u.s. devaluation. Cuz this. Looks to be a little bit more volatile right now but. You can see. We're. Pretty much at these resistance, levels so we're most likely gonna start heading down. So. This is the channel I would trade on right now if I was a day trading now. I would watch this channel I would trade upon this so you. Know you can even remove that autofit so you don't have to have. That kind, of distorting, your perspective, and then, if, you just watch this channel here like this you can see exactly where price levels are headed as, they go up and down it's, almost like a ball right so you just watch it so.

Ball Bounces, on the ground hits, the roof balances. Again hits the roof so it, just kind of follows this pattern and that means that if it starts to head down you, can see every, time the RSI hits a certain level - it bounces. So. You. Can also draw these support lines here so, if you're day trading. There's. A lot more lines. That are going to be drawn that's just the truth of day trading so. If I was day training I would probably draw it out like that you. Can see there's that sending support level you've, got this channel, forming there's, a lot of different channels forming here so we've. Got another support level right down here, you. Want to draw all these lines out when you're day trading because, you can make money in every, single aspect here, like. Especially, if you're trading a couple thousand dollars within this all, you got to do draw, out these lines and literally, just trade, within different channels, different support. Resistance lines you, can make you. Know a couple percent and here and there and that adds up over time. Yo


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