Preparing for a 6G wireless world Exciting changes coming to the wireless industry Ep 103

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even though many 5G Wireless deployments are  still in progress around the world many in   the industry are turning their thoughts  to 6G Wireless and what it could mean for   applications devices and future Technologies  despite estimates that 6G won't be widespread   until 2030 there's still a lot to learn  about the technology we're going to talk   about 6G and what consumers can expect  on this episode of today in [Music] Tech welcome to today in Tech I'm Keith Shaw joining me  on the show today is Jack gold he is the president   in principal analyst for J Gold Associates welcome  back to the show Jack always good to have you here   thanks Keith good to be here uh you are right in  the thick of all of the stuff that's going on with   6G right like I think you just got back from  a symposium down in Washington DC um when when   you told me about this I was like Wow 6G it's like  that's that's coming uh it is you know and and and   it's kind of under the covers right now because  we don't really expect it until as you said about   2030 usually a decade between um old G and new  G or next G uh but uh people are working on it   right now and we're GNA probably see U some sort  of 6G effort in the probably two to threee time   frame so 06 07 08 kind of of time frame okay  uh and and and that's pretty typical we did we   saw the same thing with five because we saw um  you know some some preliminary uh instances of   of 5G takeoff well before it was deployed to the  world yeah okay let's um let's jump into a little   bit of the overview for for those viewers that  might not uh you know follow it as much as you   do uh or if they're not as technically into the  technology as much as as we are um can you give   me an overview of the the types of things that  we'll be seeing with G uh we can go into some   some estimated speeds and feeds and things like  that or and then I want to talk about some of the   applications so um what are the big highlights  of of what's going to happen with 6G compared to   what we've got now with 5G yeah you know that to  be honest that's still TVD uh a lot of what we're   going to get with 6G uh is is yet to be determined  uh and it's going to depend on a number of things   so number one of course is always Spectrum the  more Spectrum the higher the speed um question   is where are we going to find Spectrum so people  are looking at at at terahertz and and really   really high frequencies um that's one area where  we can expand some uh some of the um the spectrum   that we need but the other area and this is going  to be a big area uh in in in 6G is going to be uh   Spectrum sharing and and that's really uh thinking  about it well think about it this way um in a real   world EX example you know you're you're driving  to wherever you're driving to you're driving to   the airport you're driving your kids to school  and you want to take the the best route possible   and you get on ways and ways looks at what's going  on from a traffic perspective and picks the best   road for you to get there uh we're going to see  a similar kind of capability in 6G where spectrum   is shared with the military shared with satellites  shared with all kinds of things maybe even shared   with TV signals um and and you're going to need a  a significant amount of AI based uh capability to   make all that happen and that's where that's  I think where a lot of the work we're seeing   take place right now is is is is going on behind  the scenes uh the other area that I think will   be very important is uh a lot of 6G capabilities  that we're talking about will be around quality of   service will be around more of the network slicing  kinds of capabilities that we're talking about in   5G now and a lot of it will help carriers be more  efficient uh and and the reason that's important   from a consumer perspective is if they're more  efficient and using the Spectrum then in theory   at least uh they should be able to lower their  overall costs and lower my overall costs for   subscription services so uh it's it's still an  evolving um situation there isn't a lot yet to   uh hang your hat on around 6G uh but we'll see  we're probably going to see more in the next   couple of years uh as this gets uh redefined so  Jack from an applications perspective what uh   can we expect yeah so you you'll see more of the  same uh that we're seeing in 5G but more of more   of the same uh and and what I mean by that is it's  still going to be a quality of service issue we're   still going to want to do um better job a better  job of of for for some applications of making sure   they get connected and and and aren't overloaded  by by you know 3,000 Twitter users or ex users   these days um so that's from a safety perspective  for instance uh you know fire police ambulance   services um you're going to see a lot more iot  capability uh and that's going to be uh because   we're going to be able to slice the networks even  more finely than we can with 5G and in fact for in   most cases um Network slicing which was which was  going to be a major promise of 5G hasn't really   taken place because a lot of the network operators  don't have an updated core Network that they can   make it work with right now T-Mobile is doing a  lot in that space But in Verizon starting to and   at AT&T are starting to in this country and of  course there's stuff going on in Europe as well   but uh that requires a complete redo of the the  um the core Network and a lot of 5G in in in this   country especially and in other parts of the world  are still based on an LTE core Network which which   doesn't give you all the capabilities so you'll  see those kinds of of of situations um you're   going to see a lot more um uh Edge uh capability  um we're starting to see some of that with 5G but   6G will bring a lot more of that online because as  they update update their networks uh the carriers   will be able to put local processing capability at  at the edge whether that's at the Tower or whether   that's at a you know a central point that will  uh push applications towards us uh you'll see   arvr kinds of situations where you need a lot more  um the issue with with arvr really is is latency   right you've got to get it below it at least 10  uh uh uh milliseconds but probably more like five   or or three milliseconds to really you know not  give me a headache for using it so those are some   of the applications we're going to see and there  going to be a lot of other things um um you know   car stuff C2 VX will be coming on on board uh you  know millimeter wave will be extended to terahertz   wave um and and so it it there's a lot of stuff  that people are talking about uh we'll we'll still   have to see where where it all all shakes out yeah  on the on the Spectrum sharing part um is that a   pro is that going to be a problem if they have to  share spectrum because anytime you hear the the   the sharing of spectrum you just start thinking of  interference and potential problems there but is   it is it more that technology can fix it for the  for the sharing part um I'm also hearing things   about Artificial Intelligence being used in within  the network absolutely so AI is going to be a huge   component of 6G across the board it's already  started in 5G uh there are uses for AI for uh   traffic management for for being able to turn  parts of the network on and off when it's not   being used to keep power down to make it more  green uh we're going to see a lot more of that   uh but but clearly AI is going to be a major  component in frequency sharing and Spectrum   sharing uh because it needs to be very fast and  very efficient it also needs to be able to monitor   what's going on so you see a lot more monitoring  of network in theory network sharing Spectrum   sharing can be problematic right if if you're  trying to do something and know it's I don't   know a military system radar um that's trying to  find an incoming missile or something uh you you   can't afford to share Network and not not have it  when you need it yeah uh or or or you're you're   an aircraft you know your commercial aircraft  United or American or Delta or jet blue flying   o over Boston you you you can't uh not have the  network available so a lot of it is going to be   in determining through AI how well we can actually  share the network and and I think what you'll see   is that the government will get involved with  this all governments not just the us but around   the world will get involved and say okay we  really need to have you know a a 99.999% uh   assurance that you're not going to screw something  else up uh and that's where AI comes in can we   achieve that yet to be seen right um yeah so what  I've noticed on 5G for example too is that there   was a survey out that a lot of consumers don't  necessarily understand 5G or feel like they're   they're getting any benefits from it uh it did  feel like that 5G was one of those technologies   that was aimed more for businesses and and large  companies for or industrial applications um are we   going to see a switch back to Consumer focused and  consumer heavy uh applications for for 6G or is it   going to be more more of the same that that we got  from 5G I I think it'll be honestly I think it'll   be more of the same one of the problems with 5G  from a consumer's perspective is that the carriers   really didn't roll out 5G very efficiently very  effectively there are a lot of consumers that were   getting all they needed from LTE from 4G and then  you roll out 5G and and I don't notice any benefit   what is it doing for me will will my text send  any faster no will I be able to to see Instagram   faster no Tik Tok will work about the same so  I think that's what you're you're you're seeing   5G does have benefits for the carriers right  um and and and the consumers if you're doing   really data heavy applications arvr applications  for instance you couldn't do on 4G yeah um some   video you could you probably couldn't do um Zoom  video would have been fine but you know some some   heavy duty uh video kinds of things um so the the  real issue is it's in 5G to a lot of consumers has   has been invisible it it you tell me I've got 5G  and that's great but what is it doing for me that   I wasn't doing before right and I think the the  biggest thing I've seen with some of the marketing   materials that I get or or some of the stats I  see is 5G for Home wireless so it almost is like   5G for home broadband you know going up against  fiber optic or DSL or those types of of broadband   connections for the home I have seen a big push  for fixed wireless access uh with 5G and so I   would imagine that would also then um carry over  to the 6G as well but from a consumer standpoint   if I've already got a good broadband connection  um I don't necessarily think I need to switch to   a wireless one right well and that's true the  there's a couple of issues with that right one   is that the the uh the wired carriers the wired  service providers keep raising their prices uh and   so uh you know companies I mean T-Mobile's been  very aggressive right trying to get everyone to   sign up for Pixel access at $50 a month when  everyone else is charging you know the $ 80   $90 a month for for for their uh connections now  certainly something like FiOS is is far superior   um from a speed perspective and from a reliability  perspective but still if if T-Mobile's got or any   of the carriers have excess 5G capacity and they  can serve it to you on a fixed wireless access   node at at a at a a good price then why not uh  also it's also uh very attractive for remote   areas so there are a lot of areas in this country  that aren't wired uh for you know for fiber or or   or even high-speed coax right right and so fixed  wiress access makes it very attractive in rural   areas where you know the the houses are a mile  apart yeah I do I do feel spoiled by the fact that   I have FiOS at my house um our neighborhood was  very fortunate I mean it's a Suburban is area uh   but you know I I do tend to forget that there are  lots of homes that are still uh connected through   older Technologies right exactly exactly right and  and yeah so I'm spoiled as well I have the same so   uh but but I also do a lot of traveling you know  we go up to Maine often and and there are places   in Maine where you know cell towers are 20 miles  apart I'm exaggerating but you know far apart and   and you're you're not going to get uh a cable run  either because homes are very very sparse up there   so uh fixed roess access is actually a great  example of making uh getting people connected   that that probably couldn't otherwise right now  U speaking of towers do do uh the carriers have   to in will they have to install new towers to uh  provide for the cells or can they can they install   6G over existing Towers um I I'm just assuming  that the cells the cell size is going to be   smaller with 6G than 5G because again as you keep  going up in your frequency your range is going to   go different right or am I am I messing that up  well there there so there's a couple of issues   there number one is that even with 6G 5G won't get  turned off 5G will be around for a long long time   just as 4G is and so can you reuse some of the  cell towers yes uh will you have to change out   some of the equipment probably uh you'll have to  put up new antennas and the like um but in in some   cases you'll probably have to put up a a new tower  uh just to uh keep from interfering with the old   ones um Towers is is a is a whole different issue  because most of the carriers now are are actually   getting rid of their towers they're they're  they're selling them off and re and renting   them from companies that are Tower Management  Companies okay and and so uh that's an interesting   discussion in and of itself but but basically it's  it's the carrier saying we don't want to have to   deal with permitting we don't want to have to deal  with maintenance we don't want to have to deal   with any of the stuff that that Towers make us do  here's a company that's willing to do it you know   it's like a I guess it's like a food management  company and if you don't want to you know you   got a cafeteria in your company but you don't  want to start your own kitchen you go out and   get a food management company right same going on  with Towers so with 6G uh frequency perspective of   course you're going to have to have new equipment  uh if we have higher frequencies you'll have to   have new antennas put up um it's not clear that  we'll be able to uh re reuse the towers probably   we will uh but the equipment that's there now will  be around for a long long time yeah yeah okay and   um so as we go from 5G to 6G over the next seven  or so years uh again not knowing exactly what the   standard might be what frequency they're going to  use etc etc what are some of the challenges that   that you think carriers are going to face and um  or what else you know is it going to have to be   government oversight with a lot of stuff what  are the challenges as we get to 6G so there's   a lot of challenges uh number one is you know  just defining what it's going to be uh because   there are so many ways so many directions can  go the Second Challenge is you know 5G already   has an awful lot of capabilities not not all of  them are implemented yet yeah but uh there are a   lot of things in the standard that are are very  uh impressive from a industrial and a consumer   perspective uh a lot of uh the carriers still  haven't implemented them all and so a lot of   the effort's going to be in getting 5G up and  running fully before you get to 6G right and   that's still probably going to take a couple of  years so uh that's that's a challenge the the the   other challenge I think from a carrier perspective  with 6G is going to be do do I optimize it for me   or do I optimize it for you and what I mean by  that is uh 6G could be optimized for carriers in   the sense that it could be made uh more energy  efficient that it could reduce the operations   operating cost of of the carrier that it could  use AI to really lower um the overall burden the   carriers have in managing their networks which is  pretty significant right um or do I concentrate   6G on giving consumers arvr stuff which is going  to be a big deal maybe right we'll see that's a   whole other discussion um and uh and and and car  stuff or or you know satellite Communications or   whatever it's going to be so it's really going to  take it's going to take another probably a couple   of years before all the th all of this gets  sorted out and it's not clear yet where the   pendulum will swing whether it will be more  towards carrier benefit or consumer benefit   or somewhere in the middle yeah and I think if  you talk to most consumers they'd be like well   I don't care what the carrier is going to get  just tell me when I'm going to be able to play   you know on my virtual headset out at the at the  mall um yeah but but they do care that the prices   are going up right right yes if if if you could  if you could tell me that my price will go down   right then then I would be interested right yeah  well it probably won't go down but it may stay the   same right if their costs go down you know Market  their profits go up yeah yeah nothing ever comes   down right uh what what what were some of the the  big themes from this 6G Symposium that that like   what were what were people excit were was there  a lot of excitement or was it just more of the   same as like okay let's get ready for this next  technology what was the feeling at the show yeah   I I think a lot of it was exploratory where are  we going to go with this stuff what are some the   key Minds out there that are thinking about this  stuff and what are they thinking about so what are   what were the key things that were going on AI of  course ai ai ai and AI were were big theme right   um as it always is and and not just in in 6G but  these days AI is is a big theme for everything uh   the other thing uh and and I did a panel with  some interesting folks from the government we   we talked about what the uh chips and science act  will do for 6G and one of the things that people   don't often talk about uh um you know we we talk  about the chips act as as throwing a whole lot   of money at trying to get chip manufacturing back  to the US but one of the things that was in there   is a significant amount of money to uh invest  in networks including 6G not exclusively 6G but   including 6G and so there's a lot of effort to  on on the part of the government to try to Spur   uh invention uh innovation in 6G before you know  the other guys do yeah across the pond or or or   in in the Far East um and so there was a lot of  talk about what that means a lot of talk about   what the uh semiconductor companies can help do um  certainly from there's certainly software that's   going to be inv involved because all networks  in the future including 5G are really software   defined networks they're not just about Hardware  so there's a lot of uh interest in and how we get   to the next phase of semiconductors how we get to  the next phase of of chips how we get to the next   phase of software uh enablement uh and and then of  course how we utilize Ai and management technology   to manage all this really complex stuff yeah yeah  when you look at all the applications that are   being um promised for 6G when compared to 5G it  feels like whenever there's a next generation of   of things to talk about they have to come up with  with applications that are appealing to a consumer   and I think the problem they've got now with arvr  is that not a lot of people are interested in it I   guess maybe they at some point if they see the  benefit of it then they'll go okay I guess we   need this network to do this do do you think that  they're going to be writing on on those types of   applications or is there something that maybe we  haven't thought about maybe uh a generative AI   type of portable device but technically you've  already got that with your phone like how much   of this is hype when you when you compare the um  the applications that are being pitched you know   based on your knowledge of 5G 4G 3G Etc and that's  a great question and so the question always is if   you build it will they come right right um and  and and we found that it they always have right   as we bring out new technologies people find a  way to use it yeah um arvr is one that we kind   of know about right now we'll have to see how  that all shakes out there's a lot of issues uh   around making that realistic uh for consumers  at least yeah um industrial less so there's a   lot of use uh use cases in industrial that are  that are coming online now that we will be over   the next couple of years as the price comes down  big part of it right now is price yeah um so so   those are the kinds of things that are happening  but uh I I I expect things in healthcare to show   up that we don't know about right now uh you  know I I expect things in autonomous all kinds   of autonomous vehicles y not just cars that we  talk about but you know tractors and far and farm   fields and uh you know robots running around you  know delivering your food whatever it's going to   be um there's going to be a lot of that capability  necessary uh to be rolled out over the next few   years and 6G could potentially help with that so  I I think there's a lot of stuff we don't know   about yet I think a lot of it will will come to  Bear one once we have those kinds of networks in   place and people can experiment yeah yeah one of  the things I was looking at when I was uh doing   some of the research on This was um an article  that said that 6G will be able to have wi wider   geographical coverage than 5G and that 6G will  basically quote unquote cover the whole planet   is that because they can then they're looking at  space-based or satellite based uh Transmissions   that that maybe we're not seeing with 5G yeah I  mean we're seeing it now you know with the Leo   Satellites with with all of the the technology  you know um musk is putting PL stuff in place   with starlink AWS is doing something Microsoft is  looking at doing stuff Google's looking at stuff   it's all you know Leo types of satellites right  um there's no reason why they can't be part of   the 6G network uh and and they probably will be at  some point because again if we talk about Spectrum   sharing and network intelligence you you when I  use the network the network will route me over   the best means possible for my connection right  uh whether it's cost because of cost whether it's   because of of latency whether it's because of  because of speed uh all of that's going to be   managed probably by Ai and it will just put me  on where I need to be whenever I need to be it   now will it cover the entire planet we'll see  uh you know we've heard those kinds of comments   before but it will cover certainly cover a wide  swath if not all of the yeah yeah yeah yeah uh   what's what's the next step then for the people  that are following the industry is there is there   another is there a deadline that people are set  or is there a meeting at some point where they   all the industry groups are going to get together  and discuss it um I think you mentioned we two to   three years out like what's the what's what what's  on your radar yeah so so there there's still a   number of meetings that are going on around 6G uh  on on a semi-regular basis I don't know the entire   schedule anymore but uh there are are excuse  me there are international working groups on   6G uh we will probably see at least a preliminary  spec uh in the next I would guess 18 to 24 months   okay uh as they work out some of these issues uh  that again that's preliminary that's not something   that you're going to go out and build uh Network  equipment yet for but they'll be able to do some   experimentation with it I think you'll probably  see a real spec emerge in probably the next four   years or so give or take uh and that will give  people the ability to go out and say Okay so let's   do some let's build some equipment let's put some  uh networks in place and and and see how well they   work so it's a it's a longer time frame um there  are you know that they're trying to make sure that   the international standards the other problem by  the way is that there's disagreement around 6G you   know talked about 6G available around the world  what is 6G in China versus in in Europe versus in   the US versus in Australia versus in New Zealand  versus in Russia or whatever is there going to be   really a a 6G standard around the world like we  do with Wi-Fi uh you know we're having the same   discussions we had the same discussions with  5G uh and so there's a lot of spectrum issues   around that uh it gets very very complicated  the government's get involved and so the you   know the IU and and other um standards body 3gpp  are all trying to figure out how to make this   standard worldwide if they possibly can yeah that  brings me back to the early days of of 3G and and   what was it uh I can't remember the acronym CDMA  was one of them and you had you had like four or   five different competing standards and finally  they they they figured out how to emerge that   so I thought we were beyond that but but is it's  always about Spectrum right right well it's about   spectrum and it's about companies trying to do  their own thing or countries sorry trying to do   their own thing you know China has issue with we  want to lead in specs you know standards yeah uh   the US does Europe does I mean we even going back  to Wi-Fi I remember the early days of Wi-Fi if you   if you left the us there are countries where you  couldn't use Wi-Fi because they didn't have the   Spectrum right or they didn't allow it you didn't  have a license to use it if you use it you know   you got in trouble the FCC the equivalent the FCC  came and found you yeah yeah uh so there's going   to be more of that um that's going to get sorted  out I think eventually uh but it'll probably take   a while a I think that's more political than  you know technical issues and political issues   are always the hard ones to solve oh boy um is  there always a sense of of that companies or   countries want to be first or want to be seen as  the leaders in this and and why is that absolutely   yeah absolutely it's it's an arms race right it's  a technological arms race I don't mean to you know   say you know who's got the most nukes right yeah  why is that well because it's bragging rights   number one number two it's because if I'm first I  can have companies build the equipment that that I   can sell into the marketplace right okay China  was a a leader in 5G deployments specifically   because they wanted companies like Huawei and  ZTE and others to to be major suppliers to the   world for equipment and and they were for a long  time uh you know there's political issues involved   so we won't get into those but but that's why you  do it and and and frankly there are no leadership   positions for 5G uh companies suppliers in the  US you know ericon and noia are are European yeah   right who who in the US I mean Cisco's doing some  but there are really aren't any uh us companies so   if if the US can lead in the space and they can  get I'm I'm making this up right Cisco starting   a 5G Branch uh and they can get ahead of the  rest of the world they're going to sell a lot   of equipment gon make a lot of money and we're  gonna have a lot of jobs so and and bragging   rights right the US always wants to be first on  everything and they haven't been but that they're   trying to be so do you see that happening or is  that gonna is it just going to be we're going to   just concede to the Europeans and the the Chinese  uh I don't think concede it may happen that way   yeah um we've got a lot of smart people in the  US working on this stuff as well you know again   the chips act put a lot of money in play y uh I  think it was if I remember correctly 1.5 billion   or something along those lines um so we'll see a  lot of companies try to uh even startups try to   try take advantage of that so it it's to be seen  where it goes but you know you've got companies   like they're not small companies right Ericson  Nokia Samsung yeah Huawei ZTE those guys are all   playing in the space as well so we'll have to see  how we can make it happen all right uh Jack thanks   thanks for for giving us this update and overview  I know that we're still a far ways out from from   all of this but um it's a great uh starting point  yeah it's always always good to look at the future   all right thanks for joining us on the show today  thank you Keith that's all the time we have for   today's episode don't forget to like this video  subscribe to the channel and add any comments you   have below join us every week for new episodes of  today and Tech I'm Keith Shaw thanks for [Music] watching


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