Pre Bid Webinar PON 5322 – Clean Hydrogen Innovation Co Funding for Federally Funded Opportunities

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Before we get started, I just wanted to just myself and our team members will introduce themselves as they present. So, my name is Craig Connelly, I'm the Director of Innovation and Research at NYSERDA. Our team includes the Hydrogen and Clean Fuels team that you'll be hearing from today, but multiple other teams that work on buildings technologies, the grid, and multiple other areas that I'll lead towards our total sort of focus at NYSERDA, which is climate tech and clean energy. I'm really excited to introduce our team and be passing it over to our Program Manager for Hydrogen and Clean Fuel, Haiyan Sun. Haiyan, I'm happy to pass it on to you. Thank you Craig. I think we're just.

Give another 30 seconds probably, to get other people, John, please just wait for a little bit. Thank you. Okay, so let's get started, good afternoon. Everyone, this is the webinar to support the recently NYSERDA released hydrogen solicitation PON 5322. So let's get to next page, John. Please.

Before we start just a couple of housekeeping rules here when you join this webinar, you are muted. So, throughout the process, you are muted, if you have any questions or comments, please use the, Q&A section to submit your questions. You can submit now or any time during this webinar. We will address the questions at the end of this webinar. If you have any technical questions, either use Q&A, or other buttons or how to join etc. Please contact John. His email is here on this page. Next page please. So, here's the agenda for today. We'll talk about in general, what's New York's belief on hydrogen opportunity and its role, then we'll focus mostly on this PON. Overview first, and then talk about the challenge areas covered under this part. Then we'll save time

for the Q&A, at the end. Again, a reminder if you have any questions or comments, please use the Q&A button, which you can find at the lower right corner on the Webex window. Submit the questions, and we'll address them at the end. Next page please. Okay, so you don't have to use a screenshot or jot down any notes that we talk about today. Today's slides will be posted on our hydrogen program webpage, NYSERDA dot NY dot gov, backslash hydrogen.

Today's webinar is also going to be recorded. The record will also be posted on the same website. We will compile a frequently asked questions list. It will be posted on this PON 5322 solicitation page. That's the same page you will find all the solicitation documents, as well as the link how you submit your proposal. If your questions are not answered today, or if you have additional questions after today's webinar, please send your question to this designated email, PON 5322 at NYSERDA dot NY dot gov. We will monitor this, this email account and respond to your questions properly. Additionally, if you want to be connected with us to get a future announcement, please go to that clean hydrogen website and subscribe to our email distribution list.

Next page please. So I would like also take this opportunity to make announcement, if you are interested to become NYSERDA's Hydrogen and Clean Fuel program as our technical reviewer, for either this solicitation or the future solicitation, please fill out online form, which you can find on that clean hydrogen website. We'll post it in a couple of weeks. At most. If you are selected, the technical reviewer will be assigned to a scoring committee and will be responsible to review the R&D proposals submitted to NYSERDA. Keep in mind that technical reviewers must sign the NDA and has to have no conflict of interest before you can access the proposals. if you are going to submit a proposal to this PON, then you will not be considered as technical reviewer, just to make that clear.

Okay, next page please. On this page, I briefly talk about on what we believe New York's hybrid opportunity. On the top right hand side you'll see that New York has been committed to very aggressive Climate Act. We sometimes call it 70 by 30, 100 by 40, which means by 2030 we expect to get 70% our renewable electricity on the grid. And by 2040 we expect to have 100% zero emission electricity in New York state

and accompanied by other specific renewable targets for solar, wind, and energy storage. To achieve this kind of aggressive climate goal, we believe that hydrogen will potentially play a critical role in New York, in terms of decarbonize partly electrified sectors, ensure that we have a reliable grid and provide resilience solutions when we need them. By 2030, we expect the initial market adoption of clean hydrogen in several areas, such as medium-, heavy-duty, fuel cell electric vehicles, high temperature, industrial process. We also expect additional end users, including district heating, non-road transportation, such as in aviation and rail.

In addition, even though with aggressively managed, electrical efficiency, we expect that New York state will convert to a winter peaking system by 2035. Those are the time that when we would expect to have lower renewable generation and they will be days in a row that the renewable output may not meet the demand, especially in the colder winter in the Northeast region. So our analysis shows that New York will need at least 18 gigawatt of zero emission carbon in this, will have zero emission dispatchable energy storage, by 2040, at least 18 gigawatt of that capacity is needed. So, with that, we expect that, by 2050, New York will need probably in the range of 5 to 11% of our final total energy demand is going to come from hydrogen, so that's, our estimation based on the integration analysis, which is the comprehensive analysis that we conducted to support our final scoping plan, which was published last December. So you look at the chart on the lower right hand side that shows, hydrogen may be used in various sectors. In order for hydrogen to play such an important role, we expect that continued R&D will be the key for enable this, kind of roles for hydrogen.

Next page, please. On this page I'll briefly talk about, in addition to the integration analysis and scoping plan that were published and finalized last December, NYSERDA has also been conducting the comprehensive hydrogen strategy for New York state. That effort has been going on for more than a year. It includes 3 work streams, uh, with various consultants that we've been working with. So we work with NREL on the hydrogen market and technology analysis that includes understand the hydrogen role in production demand and storage distribution along the entire supply chain, understand R&D capabilities and the gap and opportunities in New York, understand the cost and performance for the production and application and how to optimize the hydrogen ecosystem in New York. Secondly, we work with E3 to understand policy options, which include to evaluate different policy established in different regions, and evaluate the strengths and weakness for different policy options. In addition under that work stream, we also analyze the

air quality, and the emission reductions that are related to hydrogen. Certainly, we work with Energetics and IEC, to, understand the economic and supply chain development associate with the, hydrogen, including the different companies, currently, or in the future that can play a role in hydrogen space in New York. What are the jobs impact associated with the hydrogen growth here. So, let's go to the next page page please. So, now, let's switch to this particular, R&D, solicitation, PON 5322. A quick overview here, we are committed to have at least, up to 10 million

Dollars for the proposals. The goal is to provide cost share for the proposals, for whoever is gonna provide...apply federal funding award, either you are in the middle of the process, apply the federal award, or you have already applied the federal award in the hydrogen space.

I want to point out, the final NYSERDA award is contingent upon the proposals successfully secure and executing the federal funding contract. So that means, even though you may get award letter from us, if you don't secure the federal funding, or your federal contract is not signed and executed, you will not be able to get NYSERDA funding. The proposal for this PON is due on June, 28, 3 PM, Eastern time, that's a firm due date and time, after that 3 PM, the system will not be able to accept any proposals. So please be on time. This solicitation include 4 challenge areas as I listed here, 1, the hydrogen application to decarbonize industrial process heat, 2, clean hydrogen production and integration with renewable energy.

3, mitigate the NOx emissions, number 4, hydrogen storage technology. We will have pages later on to talk about each of the challenge areas in detail. On the end of this page, I have listed here, some examples of federal funding. They, all of them, we believe, have some of the challenge areas as listed on this page that's supported by this solicitation. However, there may be other, federal funding opportunities that may also cover the, some of the 4 challenge areas. You are encouraged to again apply for our PON if, you have proposals, sent to this federal funding or additional federal funding that covers the range.

Next page please. Okay, this page talks about the funding categories for this solicitation. Um, we provide funding for 3 categories, says A,B,C on this page, um, feasibility, um, studies, product development, or demonstration project, each of them have different range of technical readiness level and the funding, the maximum NYSERDA funding per award is based on the, the technical readiness or the funding categories. Here on this page, we're showing the maximum NYSERDA funding in the Dollar amount. Please keep in mind, that this solicitation, we do not specify the funding, minimum funding by NYSERDA in the percentage. It is specified as the maximum Dollar amount, as shown on this page. Next page please. Okay, I'll talk about the eligibility requirement for this PON. So first, you have to apply for federal funding, either in the process, or already applied for, there's a funding contingency already mentioned. Second, there's a New York eligibility. I will explain here.

So first, if you are a New York entity, it means you have a physical location in New York state, then you can apply to this PON, either as prime, or sub-recipient, and for any of the 3 funding categories that I just mentioned on the previous page. If you are not a New York state entity, but you are working on the pilot project, demonstration project, and that project site is in New York state, then you can apply to this PON, either as a prime or sub-recipient. If you don't fit in any of these two categories, meaning you are not a New York state entity, and you're not working on project with the site in New York, then you're not eligible to apply, um, as the primary, but you can apply as a sub-recipient with somebody else that fits the first two, uh, requirements.

All right next page, please. Okay, required documents, so this has been clearly marked in the solicitation. I just want to emphasize here, um, on top of this page, we're showing the mandatory document that each proposal has to include. The most important is the attachment A, that's the proposal narrative and that is your opportunity to explain to us your project,

in a holistic way. Please respond to the question in the narrative, keeping in mind the evaluation criteria that was laid out in the solicitation, make sure your answer...clearly differentiate yourself according to the evaluation criteria. Attachment B is a PowerPoint for executive summary. We mostly will just use it for our internal evaluation. Make sure you don't include confidential information on that executive summary page.

And then please attach to the technical readiness level, or commercial readiness level, calculation sheet. As it says, this is a cost share for federal funding so please include your concept paper that you submit to the federal funding agency. If your proposal has been awarded, or you have passed the concept paper stage, and you got the encourage or discourage notice from the federal funding agency, please include that. We also have a requirement for Executive Order 16 acknowledgment.

There are some optional document, if you do have any conflict of interest, you would disclose that and attach it. If you have additional supporting document that you think would differentiate and make your proposal stronger, such as litter of commitment, a letter of support, etc, please attach them. But don't attach more than 10 pages, total under this, supporting documents. Next page please. Next, I will pass it to Fernando from our Hydrogen and Clean Fuel team. He will talk more details about the challenge areas. Thank you. Good afternoon everyone, it's a pleasure to be here today and it's certainly an exciting time to be working in the hydrogen space, given all the movement at both the state and federal level on this front. As my Program Manager Haiyan mentioned, my name is Fernando

Villafuerte. I'm an Empire State fellow who's working on the Hydrogen and Clean Fuel team, and I worked on helping to define the technical scope of the solicitation. And I'll be walking you through the 4 challenge areas in the solicitation, providing brief context, and examples of the challenges we're facing and the problems we're trying to address. And potentially eligible projects for the, for our solicitation. So I'd like to begin by taking a look at our first challenge area, hydrogen applications to decarbonize industrial process heat. And a very quick primer, in New York, industry accounts for about 9% of our state's greenhouse gas emissions and a lot of this is oh, too difficult to electrify industrial key processes. We have a breakdown of these processes in the state by grade and figure 1 here on the right. And the split is between high-temperature processes, which we define as above 500 degrees Celsius, mid-temperature processes, we define between 100 to 500 degrees Celsius, and low-temperature processes, which we define below 100 degrees Celsius.

And together these mid- and high-temperature heat grade applications, which we're interested in, constitute 60 percent of the total heat consumed here in the state and the difficulty and decarbonizing these sectors in the absence of any robust electrification solutions boils down to finding a substitutes for the fossil fuels currently used to generate this heat, namely natural gas. But this is where hydrogen could play a natural role. The gas, much like natural gas, it can be deployed and combusted to produce the necessary combustion heat in many of these industrial processes, and do so without producing carbon emissions. And, it could potentially serve, this niche. There are certain challenges related to the deployment of hydrogen that preclude it from being used directly as a drop-in solution in many processes, and these are owed to hydrogen's unique properties, some of which include the higher adiabatic flame temperature, wider flammability window than natural gas, and the propensity for hydrogen molecules to diffuse into an array of materials, and embrittlement. So, in light of these, we're looking at technologies and proposals that help address some of these issues in industrial deployment of hydrogen gas, uh, some of these could potentially include novel materials and coatings, that can withstand hydrogen embrittlement, and the operation of industrial processes at high temperatures that deploy hydrogen, new designs for, for instance, ovens and kilns that could safely and efficiently, combust hydrogen.

And, processes that also potentially look at using hydrogen, not as a means to, not only a means to replace natural gas, but also as a decarbonizing process input, an example of this would be something like direct reduced iron for steel making. Moving on to the next challenge and the next slide please. We come to clean hydrogen production and integration with renewable resources.

And as Haiyan mentioned earlier, when she was giving the overview of the challenges and opportunities the state faced in light of our climate and water scoping plan, we expect to have 70% renewable electricity by 2030 and 100% zero-emissions electricity by 2040, and in addition to this, we have very ambitious goals for renewable generation, one example of that being the 9 gigawatts of offshore wind that we're aiming to build by 2035, along with 10 gigawatts of distributed solar by 2030. And this increased footprint, renewables on our grid, presents an opportunity to produce green electrolytic hydrogen, that is hydrogen sourced through the electrochemical splitting of water through renewably powered processes. Now, electrolysis of water has been known for a long time. The scientific principle has been understood since the 1700s, but being able to produce this kind of hydrogen at scale is relatively new and not as robust as currently compared to currently existing fossil fuels-based on technologies like steam methane reforming, and part of the challenges in the space stand from the scarcity of certain materials that we need for hydrogen electrolysis, namely in the electrolyzer technologies that we use to drive those electrochemical processes, that electrochemical process of splitting water, materials for the catalysts that are needed for those processes, those are scarce. there are also questions regarding the durabiluty of electrolyzers, one particular instance, proton exchange or polymer electrolyte membranes, which are noted for their ability to respond quickly to variable renewable input, but because of certain design issues, suffer in the durability department. There also issues to be studied, concerning the integration of electrolyzers with renewable resources, or potentially using curtailed grid electricity,

which could impose rapid demands for ramping up and ramping down production, which are hard on, on the currently existing suite of electrolyzer technologies. So, examples of projects that we would consider in this space would be those that look at electrolyzer optimization and also controls for direct coupling with variable renewable resources, which could have, or make very large physical demands of currently existing electrolyzer technologies. Integration of electrolysis systems with energy storage technologies, like batteries, for example, to be able to produce hydrogen when energy might not otherwise be available from renewables. We're also interested in high-temperature, solid oxide electrolysis systems, that use a clean thermal energy source, the advantage from these solid oxide systems being that at, in their optimal operation ranges, which are at high temperatures, the electrical efficiency for these systems can actually be much high. Also interested in advancement in electrode membrane or catalyst technologies to enhance component and systems durability and lifetime. And finally, given New York's interest in offshore wind and developing that, that particular resource off our coast, there is the potential for producing hydrogen greenly, and through electrolysis, close to that source of energy, and if there are projects interested in investigating saltwater-capable electrolysis, either by coupling electrolysis with water derived, or created through some reverse osmosis process or through direct electrolysis of seawater, those would also be within the scope of this solicitation.

So, next slide please. Now, we come to our third challenge area, mitigation of nitrous oxides from hydrogen combustion. So, though we are interested in looking at hydrogen for industrial application, which does involve its combustion, and while this process is carbon free, there is the potential to produce nitrogen oxide emissions, and this has been a concern raised by various stakeholders, a very valid concern. And though, within the confines of our climate law and our scoping plan, though electrification of renewables will be the path moving forward, there are sectors of our economy that would be hard to abate, like industry, large-scale cogeneration or district heating, where finding electrification solutions will remain difficult and where the scoping plan acknowledges, a limited need, for...a limited potential need for hydrogen combustion technologies, provided that care is taken to manage the production of NOx emissions. And in line of that, even though NOx emissions control technologies are already well understood for fossil fuel combustion processes, there's still much to be learned when it comes to combustion of pure hydrogen gas, and how to control NOx emissions from said processes.

And we're interested in developing opportunities to explore how to do that. So, as far as available NOx control options, there are changes that can be made directly to combustion processes, for example, controlling air-to-fuel ratio, and other parameters to minimize the production of NOx in there, also post- production, selective catalytic treatments, similar to the catalytic converters in our cars that could be deployed for these purposes as well. So, we want these solutions in the hydrogen space. So example projects that would be eligible under this solicitation include combustor technology, more advanced combustion controls or optimization of combustion processes to minimize emissions. As I mentioned before, post combustion clean up and treatment, again, example here, selective catalytic reduction. Studies demonstrating the cost/performance trade offs, minimizing NOx emissions, so it'd be

very important to know going forward, and demonstration projects that test the performance and effectiveness of NOx control and mitigation strategies in actual, real world hydrogen combustion systems. Next slide please. And finally, we come to our final challenge area, hydrogen storage technologies for bulk storage and limited footprint areas. So, as we had mentioned earlier in this talk, and as I had mentioned just a slide or two ago, New York is aggressively pursuing and increasing the footprint of renewables from our electricity supply, and as those goals are achieved, we will encounter potential issues with grid reliability from these variable renewable resources and we'll need adequate storage technologies to bridge that gap. And hydrogen could be an important solution in this front, particularly for long-duration energy storage technologies, and just to illustrate

the challenge we're facing on this front and how hydrogen could play a role in helping us solve this, we have a very convenient, load figure here in the slide that I... it's taken from the energy storage roadmap, where we show the load on the grid and a challenging winter week in 2040. And we'll see that the load here is this black line here, and then these other lines correspond to renewable and other baseload generation capacity during the winter. And this gray area essentially represents the gap between the renewable production and baseload resources that we do have, and what would be needed to meet the, the load, in a difficult winter week. And we could do this with battery technologies, but hydrogen could potentially play a very important role here. Namely, if we can produce it during times of peak seasonal demand, let's say in, excuse me, in periods of peak seasonal production, let's say in the warmer spring and summer months, and then dispatch that in the winter months to meet this peak in demand, hydrogen could be very useful in that respect. And the roadmap also acknowledges this as well, recognizing that in addition to the 17 gigawatts of battery storage we'd need to manage these short term fluctuations in the order of 4 to 8 hours,

we'd also need 18 gigawatts of firm capacity, which, it's modeled as hydrogen in the site, to be longer, longer than 8 hours. So, in order to do this, storing hydrogen becomes of paramount importance, and the challenges on this front are mainly due to the low volumetric energy density of hydrogen gas, which currently requires high pressures, or intensive liquefaction for compact storage. Or, potentially large spaces, for meeting seasonal demand, like, geologic, bulk storage. So, in light of this, in light of these challenges, some example projects to address these issues that we'd be interested in, are assessing the processing...assessing,

excuse me, the feasibility or potential extent and cost of storage and existing either onshore or offshore geologic formations in New York, materials-based storage technologies, I think here metal hydrides or metal organic frameworks, which could in theory store hydrogen gas and much higher percent weight contents or in much smaller volumetric footprints, but where their use is currently precluded by the need to operate them outside, well outside of, of ambient temperature ranges. Demonstration of physical hydrogen storage media, for example, typical liquefaction or compression that increase the volumetric energy density while also reducing the costs associated with materials needed for those high-pressure and liquefaction storage processes. And in addition to that, we're also interested in looking at chemical carriers, for example, ammonia, that could easily and reversibly store, at least, hydrogen for long-duration storage. So, next slide please. And that concludes our overview of the, the technical components of the solicitation, and also the content of our webinar as well, and we'll be happy to move onto answering questions.

All right, thank you Fernando. So I'm gonna just start to read out the questions that have been submitted. and the answer, again, if you have questions, please type your questions in the chat window. We'll respond here with the panel that's available now. So, first question's back to Fernando, how many days in a row, where dispatchable generators need to perform? These questions come from Scott ____ from ConEd. You can address that. Hi Scott, thanks for your question. My understanding of how to answer that comes from the roadmap, and the way they tackle that question, or deciding what number to choose the threshold was by running these loss-load simulations, and I think in the course of running those simulations, in the absence of any firm generation resources, so assuming renewable build-out in the state, proceeding to meet its climate goals, in the absence of that, that generation capacity, or that storage capacity, understanding what the distribution of loss and load events was, they found that to ensure, or that loss and load events greater than 100 hours, the chances of those happening were under 5%, or similarly, the reliability threshold becomes greater than 95%. So that 100-hour mark was chosen as the threshold for the study, for building either battery systems or zero-carbon firm capacity,

to meet long-term needs. Thank you, Fernando. There's another question asking about, is there a cost share requirement? So, for that, we have the cost share requirement in the solicitation, and John, if you could please flip to page 9, I will put that cost share requirement on the screen again. Yes, next, page 9 is a table cost share requirement.

So, next page jumping (John) Haiyan, I don't have the page numbers. You're just gonna tell me where to go. (Haiyan) Okay. It doesn't matter. Maybe. Yeah, so just, this is the table this, (John) Is it forward or backwards? Next, forward, (John) Keep saying go. (Haiyan) Yeah, keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Yes, thank you. Yep. On this page, there is a table basically, it's the same table from the solicitation summary. Based on which category of project,

whether it's a feasibility study or product requirement or demonstration project, we have specified the maximum NYSERDA funding award, um, the, the Dollar amount, this is on this page, as I mentioned before there's no percentage requirement, but that's the maximum amount of money you can get from NYSERDA for cost share. Hopefully that answer the question. There's a question which pretty common, coming into the, the PON email before, um, would NYSERDA fund...the funding be available to match the hydrogen hub award? So, for this question, the answer is no for various reasons. First of all, we require you to send the concept paper that you submit to DOE. Typically, for a hydrogen hub project, because it's part of the, the big hub project, you will not have the concept paper just for the project you're asking for the cost share under this PON. Secondarily, the

hydrogen hub focused on the commercial deployment project, while this PON, we focus on the R&D, technology development type of project. Thirdly, the, the DOE hydrogen hub timescale is not gonna meet this particular PON. You're gonna have to get funding from DOE for the first phase, which will take time before the actual funding for development has arrived. So you won't meet this particular NYSERDA funding timeline. So the answer is, if you want we use the hydrogen hub award, as the, as the project, it won't fit under this PON.

Other questions. So, so there's a, a question, a non-New York entity, and does not currently have a presence in New York, but as part of our project, we plan to build storage facility in New York. Are we eligible to apply as lead participant, or do we need to submit as sub-recipient? So, again, I mentioned this in the, presentation, and also explained clearly in a solicitation. So if you are not a New York state entity, when you submit the proposal, then, your project, it will need to be a demonstration project, and the demonstration project site need to be in New York. In that case,

a now New York-based entity can submit as prime to this PON. If that's not the case then, You need to be a New York state entity, or you need to submit as a primary, or as a sub, so you would have to partner with a New York entity, to submit to this PON. Is this funding only used to cover the cost share for DOE award? In other words, if I have a DOE award, and the cost share is $300K, so I can only apply for $300K for this opportunity, or can I apply for more? Well, this funding is only available to cover the cost share for federal award. If your cost share to DOE is only $300K then you can only apply for $300K, even though our NYSERDA maximum amount is more than $300K. Again, this is because this funding is specifically set up to provide cost share to DOE or other federal agency funding opportunity. The purpose is to,

for New York to leverage federal investment in the hydrogen space, to speed up the development in New York and to encourage the development in the areas that we are interested in the hydrogen space. Is there a Dollar amount on NYSERDA award...going to be less than or equal to the federal funding? Can it be more? Well, I think my answer to the previous, like federal cost share amount answers that, right? You...if your cost share to federal is a certain amount, that's the maximum you can get. Plus there's also a cap NYSERDA can't fund, even though your cost share to federal funding is more.

Our combustion and storage for a regional application...eligible for this funding opportunity? I'll let Fernando answer this question. (Fernando) Was that the question regarding, uh, aviation? (Haiyan) Yes. Question number 9. Okay, I would say that depends specifically on the nature of the chemical carrier involved. I will say combustion for aviation as a topic is outside of scope of this solicitation. But if there's a storage component that would be eligible, but it would have to be a technology where storing or retrieving the energy doesn't involve the production of, of carbon emissions. So something like ammonia would be in scope for us, but something like methanol, would not.

All right. Thank you, Fernando. Next question, are proposals from New York-based entity for pilot, outside of New York, eligible? Let, let us get back to you on this. Um, the way we write the proposal is that, believe the answer is, yes, if you are New York entity, New York-based entity, you are eligible to apply for the funding. The site specifically need to be in New York, is for the non New York entity based,

to apply for this funding. I believe that's what we explained in the solicitation document. We submit our concept hydrogen project to NYSERDA in conjunction with another partner for the DOE hub submittal. How do we find out these projects still being pursued by NYSERDA, or whether it's eligible for this grant? Well, either way, either you include it as a hub project, I explained before the hub project, you will not be able to meet the requirement for this hub, for this PON, or you're not part of the hub project, you're not selected, then you would have to have some other federal funding, that you apply for this PON for the cost share. In terms of how do you find out, and this is beyond the scope of this...

how to find out whether you selected, whether you included by the hub or not that's beyond the, these webinar to, to explain. Next question, can companies partner on this solicitation? If so, would it be possible to receive a list of participants of this webinar, or can we provide an email to NYSERDA that can be distributed to the participants, seeking their interest in partner, partnering up? Well, I will pass this question to Craig to answer this. Generally, we encourage all, interested parties to partner up and think about how they can collaborate, but we would have to check with Colleen and others, Haiyan, before we would publish a list of attendees or anything like that. But I do think that, there are tremendous opportunities across the state to interact with different, partners across the entire supply chain, from manufacturers to research organizations and things like that and we're looking into more and more how we can support that partnering. But, hey, we'll have to get back to whether or not we publish an attendee list or not. Thank you Craig. Next question, does recoupement apply to the NYSERDA cofunding? Well, it's explained in this solicitation that this recoupment requirement is only for the, product development category, which is category B.

For other categories A and C, that's not applicable. Next question, number 15, for Fernando to answer, does the production of hydrogen only include the electrochemical production of hydrogen; would hydrogen from biomass qualify for this PON? Fernando please. Yes. For the sake of this PON, we're only considering electrolytic hydrogen from renewable resources, under that hydrogen production challenge area. So, biogenic sources of hydrogen or anything that requires reforming, of, something like renewable natural gas, yes that's not included.

All right, thank you Fernando. Next question about cost share and partnering. Can this program cover the cost share for partnering university, which are not in New York state; the lead institute is in New York state. Yes, this is one of the scenario we explained, as long as the leading, proposer is in New York, you can include other sub as an, non, other subs can be, can be non U.S., New York state entities. That's fine. Well, there's a question about, can the submission date be extended? So currently, the submission date is the June 28th. We set up this date because that's the date we believe, as far as we understand, the active, federal funding that has these scope covered by this PON to already been due for proposals due, or, um, or concept papers due so, since all we're asking, mostly is what you submit to DOE, with some supplement question that you need to answer for this PON, we think the date, although tight, should work, however, we'll leave that option open if that's necessary. For now, the due date is as specified in the solicitation. Currently it is not the plan to extend it. So please

prepare the solicitation based on the due date specified in the solicitation. For clarification, if you have a federal, fully-funded project, or submitted a proposal currently under review, but have met the cost share, you cannot use this hydrogen PON to increase your cost share to 30%, for example? I'm not quite sure your question. The cost share amount, how much you need to provide a cost share for, that's defined by the federal funding that you're applying for, right? So, if you have not submit your federal funding, and you are in the middle of considering how much you need to go exceed the federal funding minimum cost share, then you probably can consider that. how much you want, but I don't think NYSERDA decides how much cost share you, you submit to DOE. It is your decision.

We only specify, there's a cap NYSERDA provides, and you have to submit to a DOE or other federal funding and meet all this criteria and other requirement we specify in this solicitation. Are any other questions, please submit it to the window and I, we'll answer as we go. At this moment, I don't see any, new, a new question. All right. Question is about, does this existing, does existing relevant DOE or Department of Defense, or Department of Navy funding count, if we can logically use this PON to accomplish additional tasks that extend the original funded work and directly address one of the challenge areas? So please send this question to us, to this PON 5322, we will answer that question there, and also just a reminder, any questions we did not answer today real-time...a list of frequently asked questions...that list will be published early next week,

that's the plan, under this PON solicitation website where you find the other solicitation requirements. So please check back there while we add additional answers to some of the questions we did not answer today or any additional questions come in to our PON email box, after this webinar today. There are questions asking whether national labs are eligible to apply for the NYSERDA PON. Yes, the answer is yes, national labs are eligible to apply for NYSERDA PON 5322. I don't remember...there was a question asking if, the entity is a sub-recipient to a federal funding, can they apply for cost share under this PON? The answer is no, you need to be the prime recipient for a federal funding in order for you to apply for this particular PON to get the cost share.

Okay, please keep the meeting questions, as we still have some time left, a few minutes. Okay. All right, still have a couple minutes left, a few minutes left, but at this moment I don't see any additional questions coming to the chat window, or there are a couple questions we need to get back to you later on. These are questions...what, would funding allocated for the national lab by DOE count as federal funding? Yes, if the funding comes from DOE, and it's allocated to national labs, such as NREL, then that's also federal funding, so we, so that also qualifies. I just want to make sure that I emphasize that the funding that you get from, let's say national lab, that funding needs to be 100% coming from DOE. So, so, this is for the federal cost share.

So, so, if the national lab get funding from some other competitive award, and the funding part of the national labs funding is not the federal agency, then that won't qualify. Please repeat the PON 53 email address. Okay. Get back to that page. So, John, if you could please go to page 4 of the slides today. So, if you don't mind go to the title page and just flip 3 pages down. That is the important page showing the email address, and the website, that attendees today, would like to know.

Yes, so this page here shows that the important, web site or the email address, you want to keep in mind. The NYSERDA Clean Hydrogen program page is the first one on top, you, from there, you can actually find everything else, but I want to emphasize today's FAQ list will be posted by early next week on the PON solicitation detail page. That page you can also find from our Clean Hydrogen program page, but that's also the same page, you find all the solicitation requirement, including a link for you to submit proposals. And the email that you want to submit additional questions, that's PON 5322 at NYSERDA dot NY dot gov.

Again, I want to emphasize, again some people join late, if, you or your colleagues want to see this, today's slides, or want to listen to the video, again, we plan to put that on the Clean Hydrogen website, which is the first link on this page. Sometime next week, you can go there to find the slides and find a recording. Okay, so there's a question about, on the previous page, we list some examples of DOE funding. This question says, all but one of the DOE funding examples shown on the slides today, have closed, with full applications. This means by definition that the cost share requirement would have been met. Can you please elaborate on how a fully submit application to DOE would be eligible, given that it already has met the cost share requirement? Okay so the cost share seems to be confusing. So, to explain that, if you have already submit the full proposals, you already committed some kind of cost share to DOE. What you can do, is you send all the requirement...required document, as laid out in this solicitation, and you apply for this NYSERDA PON.

You ask NYSERDA to see if we can provide you the cost share, uh, up to the amount we specified, up to the amount you sent to DOE. If you get selected and awarded by NYSERDA, that means whatever your cost share you committed to DOE, NYSERDA would cover that. The reason we want to do that, is we want to encourage the R&D development in the four challenge areas that we specified. We want to support New York entities on your project to...for those R&D areas. We also potentially want to use our funding to speed up the development in that areas by leverage federal funding.

I hope that is clear. Yeah, but if you already submit the full proposal, I want to emphasize, read the solicitation again. We're not asking you to send the more than 100 pages of full proposal to us. We're only asking you to submit what is...your concept paper, your additional supporting documents such as you awarded, or at least your concept paper being selected, and other critical important supporting document, like, support, support letter by critical partners, et cetera, or if your contract's already signed, then send award letter to us. All right, two more minutes left, let's see any other questions that we can answer today.

All right, to wrap up today's call, they were quite a quest...number of questions about the, the hub project was this, the R&D project. I would like to emphasize that today's PON 5322, we are focusing on the technical R&D development, the hydrogen hub project, which seems to be a lot of you are involved, those hydrogen hub project that DOE fund, they are focused on the commercial deployment project. That is the hub project focus. This PON is focused on the R&D side. I want to make sure we understand the distinction between these two. That's why, on the previous page, when we share, what are the example of funding, those lists there, they are there for the R&D purpose. Okay, so hopefully that made it clear. Plus there are other reasons the hydrogen hub project will not be able to

qualify under this PON. Okay. One minute left. I just want to thank everyone to join on this webinar. I also want to ask if my colleague, either Fernando or Craig, you have any final words to say to the audience before we wrap up today's webinar? No, nothing else on my part other than thank you for your time, thanks for listening in, and hopefully, if there's anything unanswered we can help sort that out for you in the coming weeks. (Craig) As just said, thank you all for attending today. Haiyan, we'll pass it back to you to wrap this up.

All right, thank you, thanks a lot for your support and, we are passionate about R&D development in New York. We want to leverage the funding, as I said, we leverage the federal funding to speed up and to encourage the development in the full challenge areas that New York state think it's important for the R&D purpose. So thank you all, here, contact to keep connected. Thank you. Bye now.


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