Powershell Scripting & Automation For Beginners Powershell Road Map Powershell For Cloud azure

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hello everyone good evening and welcome to this session so this session is about the windows Powershell scripting and automation my name is Sheikh dawood let's have a short introduction introduction so I'm a Microsoft certified trainer I have more than 14 years of experience in the industry I've worked as an administrator so I have I have corporate training experience as well so I've done Powershell scripting on different Technologies like Office 365 Exchange Server active directory and also Azure so this is my experience so today we are going to get started with a new batch and today is going to be the first class so it is open for all so you can you can continue with it so today is going to be first class we are going to go through the first day topics directly so that is the plan that we have it so let's get started and just move on to the next slide Okay so so before we learn a technology it is very important to know that who is The Mastermind behind this Technologies The Mastermind behind this technology is Jeffrey Snover so he's called as the founder of Powershell or is called as the father of Powershell so he holds a designation as Microsoft technical fellow and he is the Chief Architect for Powershell and also Chief Architect for the Azure infrastructure and the management group so he is serving in Microsoft for more than 20 years now and he has a total of 30 years so uh if you want to know more about him so you can go to the channel9.msgn.com and you'll be able to view the view the speeches from Jeffrey Snow White all right so let's get started about Powershell so Windows Powershell is a native task automation scripting language so why do we why do we say this as a native because like it is available rightly on the Windows operating system itself you don't have to install anything extra you don't have to install anything extra to get the to get the software it is available rightly just after you install the operating system and it is used for the task automation and it is a scripting language so what is a script you collect all the commandlets and you make it as a script so that becomes a script so we will be writing a lot of scripts so this is a scripting language and then it is a command line interface it is a CLI it is a command line interface over here okay and then before 2016 before August 2016 if you want to use Powershell then there was a dependency that you need to have a client operating system or a server operating system from Microsoft what happened after that is like Microsoft has made Powershell as an open source Microsoft made Powershell Ascent open source they have given it to the whole world so now Powershell is a is a package it's an individual package which is not dependent on any operating system it can be downloaded individually as a package and you'll be able to install it on any operating system even the windows or the non-windows uh the MAC machines the Linux machine Solaris machine so anywhere you'll be able to install the Powershell application as a individual package okay that is the idea and it is all built on the dotnet framework so though this line says it's all built on the dotnet framework it's not necessary that you should be knowing the dotnet framework language to to develop this node without that also you'll be able to learn it in a much more efficient way okay and from the version 6.0 it is built on the dotnet core which is the which is the latest technology all right now let's get started with our practical so I want everyone to Launch the Powershell application so before that okay I could see there are many people joins anyone has got any questions quickly I can answer the questions and then we can get started anyone has got any question feel free to unmute yourself and speak up are you able to unmute in case if required okay now you should be able to unmute so go ahead unmute yourself and go to the question uh I I don't have any basic knowledge on Powershell uh it will be uh you are giving going to give this uh basic I'm starting starting yeah so there is no prerequisite required to learn Powershell so only thing is that if you know how to manage things on the GUI you will be able to do it on Powershell with no prior development knowledge also you are you are good to learn and also we will be starting it right from the scratch from the very very basic we are going to get started so that even if you have never ever written a script in your Environ in your lifetime also you'll be able to learn it in the right way uh the Powershell automation means can you explain it how it is useful uh if uh if you learn this course on how can we make a automation of scripts and all these things in my announcement Powershell is available on all the applications from Microsoft and also from the third party vendor also you take active directory you take exchange SharePoint team SQL Citrix you take any application Powershell is there you take VMware which is a non-microsoft you take AWS non-microsoft you take the cloud technology anywhere in everywhere Powershell is there so Powershell is not an added Advantage anymore it is now a mandatory requirement for an administrator if you're an administrator if you know how to manage application you should know Powershell is how things are changing okay okay thank you uh hi there my name is pankaj and I work for Citrix technology okay so uh so the command will be remain the same for the Linux server also so for the Linux server command will be the same yeah just the installation concept will be different okay okay even I recently I've started my career in IIT so I had I don't have much knowledge on the Powershell okay that's what I told you even if you don't have any knowledge on Powershell also it's totally fine you can you can start it and as you said like you just recently started I would say that you are lucky because like I know people in fact I also started after after six years seven years in my career only I started Powershell now that you are saying that you started early which means it's a good thing I think and under recording closes are you going to share on daily basis or like yes so as you could see that the session is getting recorded once after the session is completed so the recording will be shared with you all I mean not not with all but yes whomever is enrolling that person will get the recordings and that recording is going to be a lifetime access and you will be able to view it any number of time but you cannot download it thanks for just one question information so in this course what we are trying to automate windows or it's kind of generic thing so we will be we will be talking about active directory okay yeah so because like active directory is the base for all the applications right so and also the language is what we are learning once you learn that language you'll be able to implement it in any any technology you can implement it so we are going to talk about the logic which yes we can implement it anywhere and everywhere okay how long does it take to be proficient in Powershell no not required so if you know the administration via the GUI we are going to convert that knowledge into Powershell so there's even if you don't have any proficiency on publisher also which is totally fine hello yeah look yeah so I know I know about this Miss Power Cell which means basic one Powershell means what yeah this is how it see how I works on Powers and Powers command line Windows line yeah Android lines correct yes see you you will be able to work I'm here to teach and if you follow my steps you can work on it easily just you have to follow that I'm giving I know I know yes okay thank you okay thank you okay so I think we are good let's uh get started so you can launch Windows Powershell okay so go ahead launch Windows Powershell and keep it ready so that we'll be able to do it uh you will be able to do it parallely with me I'll just close this PowerPoint okay so how to launch Powershell either you can click on this windows and then you search for Powershell and then you do right click run as administrator you can do it or else on the Powershell window go ahead right click and say Windows publisher okay so what is that we are going to do the very very first thing with Powershell is that we are going to initiate a conversation we are going to talk to publishing okay how we are going to talk to Powershell is by writing in commandlets so the very very first commandlet that we are going to write is called as this get hyphen command so the so this Powershell is all not only Powershell the whole i t whole information technology is all about uh it's it's all about replica of a real life thing so if you try to relate it if you take example of a real life it will be very easy for you to understand so the command that I typed in get iPhone command is same as in a real life what we do is like we log in I mean we walk in to a restaurant okay we walk into a restaurant and then we ask for a menu card what do we get so we get the menu card so that menu card is going to get the complete list of all the all the items that is served in a restaurant that's the same thing happening over here so can you type in get iPhone command and tell me what is the result that you see oh so many mm-hmm yeah you will get a long list of all the commandlets functions aliases everything listing up over here that is what you will get it you type in get hyphen command so I just typed in get iPhone command so we are going to get the long list over here so one more thing I would like to tell you saying that every time we meet up in a class so I will be taking notes parallely like I'll be writing down notes for you so as as in when I'm forwarding the recording this notes will also be shared with you all so that you will be able to refer to the nodes and you will be able to refer to this so you will be able to refer to the nodes and you will be able to refer to the recordings as well together so that is the that is the way how the classes will go so let me just write down the notes over here so what is it I typed in I typed in something called as get hyphen command I typed in something called as get iPhone command so the idea of get iPhone command is that to list all the commandlets all the functions all the aliases everything we would like to list out over here that is what we we saw as a result over here now when you look at the complete list of commandlets over here there is a design structure that is followed okay that is a design structure that is followed over here that design structure is this saying I call it as a command structure what is the command structure is the verb hyphen noun so any command let you take it let that be a commandlet from active directory or let that be from the Azure Cloud let that be from the VMware or any technology or any technology for that matter it will follow the command structure for sure okay every commandlet will be in a structure of a verb hyphen noun that is how it will do it and then this is the structure so now what is it we are going to do is that as I told you we are initiating a conversation we are initiating a conversation with the machine so question here is that how to talk to the machine and get more and more answers from it so what is it I'm going to do is like whatever we have we know how to do it on the GUI same thing we are going to replicate it on the Powershell so we know that there is a Windows Services console available services dot MSC so we have the services console on the GUI same thing we would like to view it on the Powershell that is the requirement over here okay that is the requirement so what is it I need to ask Powershell is that hey give me all the command lets that talk about the service okay so what is this asterisk that I typed in over here what is the star that I have typed in over here is that the star that I typed in is called as the Wild Card character which is what we always use it onto our onto our Windows saying that if you want to search for a PDF file you typed in you type in star.pdf when you want to search for exe file you search Star dot exe that's what you do right that's the same thing over here with the wildcard character so there are three pattern of searching they are called as the starting with containing and ending with there are three pattern over here saying that starting with containing and ending with okay that is the idea so how does this pattern works is like starting with you write down like this if you want to search something with the containing you put up star on both the sides like this if you want to do an ending with you will write down star and then you write down the text so here what is it I did was like I am I am trying to do something called as a containing job I'm looking for something called as the commandlet containing the word called as service when I do it so I want everyone to do it parallely so try the command parallely and we see a long list of it so as of now don't care about the application don't care about the function don't care about the aliases concentrate only on the commandlet so concentrate only on the result of the commandlet Okay so here we did this and we got a long result so if I do like this what is the patent that we are trying to do over here the pattern that we are trying to do over here is called as something that is starting with get okay something that is starting with get and containing the word called as service okay do you all agree so it what is the pattern of search that we are doing is like anything that is starting with the word get and containing the word called as service is what we are doing so when we run it we see a result probably you might be knowing the command so the command is get hyphen service so run the commandlet called as get iPhone service and tell me whether you are able to see the result on Powershell or not run the commandlet called as get open service on your Powershell and then so so when you run get an command start service okay it should list all these Services which is same like service.msc service.msc is an application

yeah what I'm saying should we see all the list of services which we see in service.lc that you will get it when you type in get iPhone service don't type get iPhone command and then get iPhone service you will not get it when you type in just get iPhone service you will see all the services the way you are seeing on the GUI you will see it on the Powershell okay okay so get hyphen command is to look up is to search for the commandlet okay so try this get iPhone service and you should be able to see the result of the services over here okay hope you're all trying yes yes okay good so now as I told you that we are trying to replicate what we are doing on the GUI so I want to open I want to look into the list of processes on the task manager what do we on the top on the task manager what do we see is like all the running processes we see it on to the task manager okay same thing I would like to do it on Powershell so what I'm gonna do the keyword matters the keyword matters saying the keyword is process I'm searching for searching for something which is starting with the word called as starting with get containing the word called as process okay that is the idea over here and then I run it so when we do this we see the result called as get hyphen process let's run the command now that we have found it let's run the command called as get iPhone process and we should be able to see the same list of the processes that we saw on the task manager we are able to see it in fact more than that also we should be able to see it over here on the CLI can you all try get iPhone process do you see the result okay he has got it all right good now what is it we are going to do is like this I would like to open the add or remove programs from the GUI I would like to view all the list of softwares I would like to view the add or remove programs onto my GUI so I'm going to type in app with DOT CPL application wizard dot control panel so now I saw now we are able to see the list on to the Gua same concept now you are going to tell me what is the keyword that I should try to search for the add or remove programs what is the keyword that is running in your mind that you want to search application okay application anything related no nothing related it's all relate to Azure so I'm actually saying software I type in software nothing you want to try app s also nothing related ad remove program add remove program commandlet you want to try here okay add remove nothing came up so yep what is Erp add remote program okay no not that one so tell me what does an SCCM what does an SCCM person call a software Hardware Center no package package yeah it is client deployment no no no package package okay so there is a commandlet called as get hyphen package so I say get high so you try it you try get iPhone package and tell me whether you see the result or not okay so Ramesh check on this particular place first if this is empty when you type in get FN package that will also give me empty foreign list all the updates as well it will list all the security updates also okay yes okay so probably that's the next question how do we see the Windows updates on the GUI go to the settings and check Windows updates okay from if you if you look at my screen yes yes so we can click on this view installed updates yes so by seeing this view install updates we can see the list of updates available now the same question what is the keyword that is running in your mind so that we should be able to see the updates only the updates on the Powershell or fixed okay very good I got the answer you are talking about Windows update or what update Windows updates only so w a double p no not hot pictures so there is a command called as get hyphen hotfix that will give you the result okay so there is a command called as get iPhone hotfix which will give you the list of Windows updates installed so what I'm that is what I'm trying to tell you saying like if you know how to do things on your GUI you will be able to convert that from the GUI to the CLI concept and that is what we are just doing over here okay so one more I'm going to open the Event Viewer I'm going to open the even viewer and it opened it with the commandlet called as event vwr so now I'm gonna search for all the commandlet that talk about the event okay so run this command and tell me how many results you get as a commandlet or okay only the commandlet yes you get don't worry about this VMware yes you get four commandlets one two three I think even subscriber three win event four so the question is which one looks to be relevant get event logs okay why not get iPhone event okay oh sorry get iPhone even get iPhone so run this command and tell me what is the result that you get iPhone event there is the stand so get if an event you run it and tell me what is the result that you see there's not as a when we executing at hyphen event exactly so you need to pass the parameter no along with this command no no not if if there is a if there is a requirement of a parameter it would ask okay okay so now this is raising a question over here saying that why there are no results when we run get hyphen event is the question Okay so excuse me I'll just update the commands that we tried oh good hyphen okay the first question comes up saying like why there are no results when we ran the commandlet called as get iPhone even now I go back over here as you said I'm gonna run the commandlet called as get hyphen event log try the command called as get if an event log tell me what happens asking for log name okay good so now another question over here saying that what is the command get hyphen event log asking for so when we ran get so did when we ran get iPhone service did that ask any question no when we ran get iPhone hotfix no question asked when we ran get iPhone process no question asked so when we run get FN service no question so when there are no questions why there is a question over here so we are going to understand that one okay that is the logic so now when there is a question coming up like this what is it we need to do is like we need to learn and we need to get things we need to get the ideas over here so like the way like in the same real life what happens is that whenever you purchase uh an electronic product we get a user manual so what is the user manual is the best way of using is the best way of using the product same way what is the logic over here is that the developer who has developed the commandlet has designed a help structure for each of the commandlets okay so we are going to download those help structure okay so let's try this so how how did I stop it press Ctrl C to stop it and come out of it so type in get hyphen command start help start so we are looking for a help over here so there is a command let talks about help saying get hyphen help so I say that get hyphen help and then what command that we are looking for is get hyphen event can you run this and tell me what do you see as a result run this and tell me what you see as a result get the invest in the unq does it give you a prompt no okay do you see the result syntax okay good anyone not seeing the synopsis anyone not seeing the synopsis who ran this command yes so you will be seeing the name you will have the syntax yes and you will have I don't think you will have the the you have the remarks I believe directly after that yes uh I have a name syntax Alias and remarks yeah that's it so we you don't have the synopsis you don't have the description you don't have the related links you don't have it so what is the problem is that the help structure is not updated anyone getting a prompt anyone seeing a prompt which is asking you to update the help structure yes I I can see that it's asking for me to update yes or no so I just typed it here okay good so and one more thing uh I had it out like is this course is covering the Powershell scripting or if this is only what I didn't get that I mean like it's we are going to only know the commands or we are getting trained on personal scripting also okay we are going to go to an advanced level of scripting way here you will be able to design a full-fledged help like this that you see over here which a developer has done it you will be designing a parameter you will be designing a complete structure a developer has done it so you are going to go to that level so it is uh it is a complete course wherein you will do a script you will write a script of around 50 60 lines all by yourself and you will know in and out of that script also pretty good thank you okay good so sorry to interrupt you know okay uh this highlight question that so after completing this course so we will be getting a certificate yes you will get a course completion certificate from Joy address yeah and uh from Microsoft side let me tell you that there is no dedicated cert certification course for Powershell no in case if you are asking like can I appear for a certification and get things certified answer is no there is no dedicated certification available from Microsoft for Powershell okay thank you all the certifications that you are appearing will have Powershell as a syllabus I mean to say like one of the other questions will be there related to Powershell but nothing dedicated okay all right uh State one question is a power supply object because of when troubleshooting it's a very tough to uh double sort the power cell so we will not be so our course will deal about the troubleshooting ideas also so when uh when an error message is coming up for example something like this error message is coming up I will also tell you like what is that error message trying to tell you how to read this how to solve this what is the reason for that error message yes we will talk about that in detail so that yes it is part of the syllabus no I just want to know is the password is object oriented language it is it is an object or any language only yeah okay cool this is the language or it is it is a language it's a language right it's a language yes you have a full-fledged uh components like you have if else if else you have for while for each if everything that a language should have it has it yes it is a scripting language only all right good okay so um or okay so this so Powershell is like highly dedicated to the windows environment so a better management of Windows environment is done using Powershell so what I consider python is like using Powershell you pull the data and you keep it using python you beautify the data and you project it is what I would say okay let's see yeah so if you know python yes you can you can present it in a better way using Powershell you can get the raw data in a better way no nothing that's what I told you don't you don't you never ever wrote a commandlet also in your lifetime it is totally fine you can join and you will be able to write the scripts like a professional okay I am not from the administrator background I am purely from the administrator background so I if I can learn you can also learn and do it okay so again we can go with the Q a later so what is the idea over here is like when we are typing get iPhone help and get iPhone event or any commandlet help that you are typing so there are possibilities of three different scenarios the first scenario is this when you type in get iPhone help get iPhone event what is the first scenario that can happen it's like it is going to show a complete help it is going to show a complete help the way that you see on my screen saying that it contains the name it contains the synopsis it contains the syntax description everything in place that is the idea of having having a full-fledged help whereas the second scenario is the incomplete help which is what which is what few of you said that you don't have few of you said that you don't have the synopsis you don't have the description that is called as an incomplete help the third scenario is that it is going to prompt for an update it is going to prompt you for an update which is what one of you said saying that it is going to prompt and say that hey can I run the update for Powershell that is what it is going to prompt and ask you if you say yes it is going to perform it if not if you say like hey I did not get the prompt will I be able to update yes you can update it how to update it is using the commandlet called as this saying update hyphen help so if it is showing a complete help which means that some of the other time I have already ran the update over here that's why it is showing a complete one and also that it is not a repeated job it is a one-time task one-time task you run update hyphen help it is going to be available for a lifetime update iPhone help was Rand before same way why it's showing incomplete help because the same the opposite One update iPhone help was not executed was not executed over that's the logic so prompt for an update must not executed on the Powershell if it is prompting for an update which means that it is prompting to update the publisher okay once you complete your update it is going to show in this structure like a synopsis syntax description so and so and also you will be able to view the examples as well that is the logic okay so this structure first con I'm going to just run through this structure not I'm not going to go deep into it just a hint I'm going to give you so first we have the name and then we have the synopsis what is the synopsis synopsis is a very very short description about this commandlet okay and next is the most important part of it called as a syntax so what is the syntax is that syntax is a technical boundary of this command which means what is the limit what is the boundary that can be set or what is the maximum capability of this command is what it is doing over here okay which means that like the way how we when you purchase a mobile phone yes you can extend the storage but you cannot extend the ram okay I'm not talking about virtual Ram but the physical RAM we cannot upgrade it so that is the limit the same way here also you have a limit that is defined on the syntax that is the idea over here so the next is the description a detailed description about this particular command let's saying what it does how it works it says that it is going to give the complete description if you know if you remember what what is the reason if you remember I told you that why there are no results because that is how the command is designed it's clear it clearly says that this command does not get the event from the even viewer it is clearly saying like this is not the right command to do this particular job is what it is saying over here if you want to get it use this command called as get FN event log what it is redirecting very simple and straightforward that's where you if you read the product manual you will be able to understand the concept in a very clear way so that this product manual is what we are seeing over here okay now let me write down now here so this is not the correct right command to get the events that's what it is saying over here that's the answer that we have it so what else it has it has got related links it is kind of uh marketing thing saying that if you have learned get iPhone event Microsoft is pushing you to learn the other other commandlets that are available so that is available on the related links we have the remarks if you want to view the examples if you want to view in detail so that you'll be able to see it over here so if I if I run this then we should be able to see the examples the same way how it is shown on to the Internet so the whole and soul idea of understanding this help structure is that whenever there is a Powershell requirement you should not jump onto the internet and ask for something no that habit should be gone so as in when you're learning this technology imagine when you're learning Powershell if there's a requirement coming up you should you should know how to approach you should know how to visualize and get the job done so that is how you should be evolving okay so now the second question that we have it over here saying that what is the command called as get iPhone even log asking for so when I ran this Event Viewer let me run it one more time I ran this even viewer just after the Event Viewer is launched tell me do you see the event logs do you see the event locks no no so we will be able to see the even clocks only when we expand the lock container and click on the log container right so which means that it is a two-step process on the GUI that same two-step process is going to happen on the CLA as well okay that is the logic so same two-step process is happening on the Powershell as well saying that when we run get hyphen event log it is saying that hey I have opened the window you tell me where do you want to go I say that hey go to the place called AS application okay I'll give you the result so that is why I'm saying that it's a language you just talk to the machine the machine is not happy if the machine is happy it is going to give in a good font if it if the machine is not happy it is going to give you in a red font okay if it is not happy you troubleshoot and fix it and see how you can fix the fix the problem okay so this is the way to approach all right so as I told you today is just a first class and I will just I'll just Mark emits number so because like going forward we are going to have this class only for the enrolled person so please uh enroll yourself with Amit and I'm gonna give you this number so that you can get in touch with him and get enrolled just a minute foreign hope you all have a mixed number so this is amit's number so he is available on WhatsApp he is available for calls if you are trying to reach him outside from outside the environment so you sorry outside India so hi yeah shake you know I just bumped into the course in the middle of horizon I would say in the end of the course uh sort of a demo which you have done um what is a sort of a you know scope we are looking at for the score of course so this the scope is whatever technology that you're working let that be a Windows technology or let that be a cloud technology Powershell knowledge is now a mandatory knowledge so you learn it and you start implementing you say that yes I also know Powershell I also know automation is how you are gonna add a weightage to your profile is what we are looking for but it's basically in a sort of an end-to-end uh from the in a powerful perspective yeah yes okay thanks because that is what the industry is looking for yeah I am I understand that you know you've got to be prepared for infrastructure as a code all that is an aspect of automation these days I guess true true true oh Shake I just have one question in assume we have Azure CLI right is it CMS so it is not same as that so where this probation is going to be used is like the same Azure task you can also install a module and you can get the job done have you tried that one yeah so that so that place this will be useful yeah okay and one more thing uh because I am a python but uh python is little bit user friendly but here troubleshooting with respect to Powershell is very tough because it doesn't give that fluency with the errors so so that's for my main question here because troubleshooting yeah it's an I would say individual person I would say that Powershell is easy python is tough so as in when we move on that will become easy that's what I'm saying that now if you look at this you will not get a head and tail of this but as in when we go through the class and if I explain to you like what is the error what where it is going wrong it will become like a very very easy walk for you so I will make that easy for you is what I'm saying troubleshooting is part of our learning definitely okay so what is that I am trying to prepare you all is that yes during the course I'm gonna be a trainer and guide but what is that I'm trying to prepare you all is like even after the course also you should be able to learn you should be able to do a self learning you should be able to troubleshoot your own issues fix it and move on that is what I'm trying to do it okay so that's why troubleshooting error handling everything we will talk about that hello and one query is there so right now I'm learning for the offices Department as you would imagine so I have a knowledge on the topics to administrator and I'm thinking about them here I want to go to next step for the Powershell so after that there is a job facilities are there in your Institution so we don't have any we don't give any job guarantee also but yes now the market is open and there is a lot of requirement for Office 365 and you learn Powershell you have an added Advantage so that's what I always tell on The Office 365 course that portal Office 365 portal anyone can learn there is no big deal how can you stand out of the crowd is that if you know the Powershell technology you can be as good candidate for the interviewer because many are scared of taking Powershell when you know Powershell you can be chosen because that's what is the industry requirement now okay yeah okay thank you all right cool yeah one last question uh shake so learning here so we can be input in any module because here you teach a only basically you also take an example of a particular model is like as in when we move on we will start with the active directory modules and we will take uh most of the examples we will go with ad module only because ad everyone knows it right so it will be very easy for us to manage with the users with the groups management will be very easy [Music] yes so that's the learning you take any application if you go through the help structure that is the same one so that's why I'm saying that whatever we are learning is a language nothing specific to a technology so once you learn the language you apply that anywhere and everywhere where you have Powershell the logic will be the same so as in when we move on itself you will be able to get much more idea on to your applications which I will guide you also can I know the duration of this course and the collaboration around yeah the plan is like we are going to have classes on the weekend say around two hours per per day total of four hours four to six hours per week so it's gonna go till say like 30 hours 30 hours around five weeks is the plan so sorry uh so what if we miss any class like that's what the sessions are recorded and the recording will be handed over to you and you have a lifetime access to it so you can view it anytime as I told earlier you don't have access to download it [Music] so my intention is to work for SQL server and get this knowledge towards that so that you perform some automation tasks you know yeah so having said that do not expect me uh even though you've mentioned that it's not going to specifically these courses what the basic understanding of this course how what extent it might help uh to enhance my skills so that we can perform that similar DBA task yeah so when you learn this Powershell first you will be able to understand the concept next you will be able to apply this concept on to your technology which is a DBA next is that after some years or after some months if you decide to move on to the cloud also this technology will help you to understand the cloud and automation on the cloud technology so it's a one-time learning which is going to be helpful for you for the lifetime in terms of automation Concepts so the concept is all the same just that you have to take the concept and deploy it into your own technology is the only thing all right thank you okay so team uh get in touch with Amit if you want to get today's recording not probably start asking him from tomorrow I'll give it him tomorrow so so take the recording from tomorrow so and also tomorrow also most probably will have a class but only for the enrolled candidates so please get in touch with Amit and enroll yourself and we should be able to catch up tomorrow evening at 6 30 pm and continue with the class that's safe yeah please go ahead so basically uh reub also covering some part of like uh using Microsoft graph modules no graph modules what is it yeah this is for chargeable yeah it is so please check with Amit the number on the screen so please check with him and he will he will guide you through the process so this videos will be sent to emails no email addresses I will update onto a Google Drive and you will be granted access to view these videos you'll be sending the links I'll be sending you the link and you will be granted access to you that so I think for that uh everyday videos only one link is enough I think to get uh one link is enough and using that one link I will keep on adding up the folders under that link so that you will be able to access all the data got it thank you yeah yes ISC is it okay so this normal Powershell you can use it for single liners but ISC you will use it for writing the long Scripts so this question is part of us our course content so I will definitely answer it as in when we move on okay we are explaining the industrial constant right server powershello now you see yes yeah we will do the comparison so why I did not open ISC because ISC will help you too much so you don't make mistakes so if you learn from the mistakes it will be very easy for you so ISC will help you too much that you don't make mistakes so that's why I we will take we will start using Isa after after a couple of classes [Music] sorry yes tell me yeah so just tell me the difference between exchange Powershell and windows power service what difference will I get means I use exchange power cell for what purpose and for Windows for personal whatever what extra benefit I will get no extra benefit it's all the same just that on the exchange Powershell you use the exchange commandlets and the logic is all the same Windows Powershell you use the ad commands or any application command that you use it when the logic is same that's it no no difference the language is a language just that the application is only differing okay one one thing to check just uh whenever I require anything so I just write it in a notepad and just save it in the CSV format and just run it through the exchange power so that I used to do what I did means to get all the things done so can I run the same in windows power to log yeah you can okay a sec so do do we cover like infra Powershell like what is variable what is function how definitely those are the components of Windows Powershell we will talk about the data how we can use how we can involve any kind of data so we will cover everything in this yes so after this course when you look at a script you will understand that script in a better way what's going on on a particular screen exactly what is a commandlet what is a function what is a variable what type of variable what is the data type what is what are the symbols what is a DOT what is the question mark what is a hyphen so pipeline everything everything you will you will understand when you look at a script and yeah that is the goal of the course so that like after this course or during this course itself like if someone is giving you a script without learning the script you will not run it that is the mindset you will have it just a small request if you don't exceed the duration more than two hours it will be good for us I totally understand we can see that how we can do it please because we cannot focus more than two hours countries I understand I I understand that yes point taken and we can work on it not a problem then one more thing using this Powershell you will get everything yes you can you can work on the modules ad modules DNS DHCP Group Policy there are so many models available I will tell you so that like you will be able to apply the knowledge over there all right so team uh let's let's cut it down so many questions so so yeah so we are done please get in touch with Amit enroll yourself and I'll talk to you tomorrow evening at 6 30 PM take care bye thank you thank you


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