Postgraduate course overview for Communications and Media

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Welcome everybody, to the communications. Media postgraduate. Course, um, overview. My name is dr zotonya, suzhou, i'm the program director for the communications, and media program, that. Houses, one of the postgraduate, courses that you're interested in, um and before telling you a little bit more about the program, in the college. Um, i'll tell you a little bit about myself, so, i'm an author, and, um, active researcher. I specialize, in new technologies. Emerging. Um, technologies, emerging media. And social life i've just finished a book called the social media age. And i'm responsible, for running the program, uh, the communications, and media program. Um, and welcome very much uh to this presentation. So, you might be wondering, why. London college of communication, why is this an interesting, place, for, students to come to, so as you can see on the slide, we've got our, you know, our motto, curious. Brave. Committed. And, we believe and i can say this as someone, who teaches and works with many students at london college of communication, this absolutely. Encapsulates. Our spirit. And, the energy, of our students. So london college of communication. Um, is. Also, a, very interesting place because it brings together, all sorts of critical traditions, around social sciences. And mixes it with applied. And industry-leading. Practices. So, in that sense lcc, is very unique. In the higher education. Sector. It's. In one of the things that struck me when i joined london college of communication. It's all communication. Um. In the media school we've got photography, journalism. And communications, and media. But there's also screen based, uh tv film vr. Design, and all you know media orientations. As well. We're based in london which is a hub of innovation. Media, technology. And, creativity. It's where all the big tech and big media firms come to base their headquarters. Uh it's a cultural, epicenter, so you will be well, situated. Uh in london and this is something that we really benefit. From, as, educators. And also as researchers. And media, makers. So to give you a little bit of an idea, of. London college, of communication, and how it sits within university, of arts. London. There's six colleges, that make up the university of arts london. London college of communication, is only one part. Um so there's many. Uh more, there as well. Uh some of those include. Um. London college of fashion. Central st martins. Uh in total there's 18, 000 students, and these students are from over 130. Countries so it's a really. International. Uh, university. It's got. Uh it's ranked number two, in the world for arts and design. And. You really feel, as, when you're here either as a staff member or as a student, but there's a global, influence. Across. The creative industries. We have an amazing. Alumni, network. In students, and staff come from all over the place, and that really. You know. Creates, a. Diverse, environment. Where you're exposed to all sorts of amazing, and interesting. People. Practices, cultures. Um and perspectives, towards the world. Uh we also offer a large range of support, for lcc, students, and, many of your. Tutors, uh, and educators, will know how it feels to be coming from somewhere else. Um so it's a really special place with a really. Creative energy that influences. All that we do. So communications. And media, is part of the media school. Um as i mentioned very briefly before. Uh, and what we offer in the media school is. A. Range of courses. That are, interested, in the creative industries, or focus on the creative industries. With a mix of media studies so, in the media school we have journalism. Advertising. Photography. And in the communications, and media program.

We Have got. Um. Advertising. Contemporary, media cultures, media communications, public relations. Uh and media communications, and critical, practice. You can see as well some of the other courses that are offered as part of journalism and publishing. Uh and photography. Now for you, you are most likely interested in our postgraduate. Courses which are ma advertising. M.a media communications, and, critical practice. In m.a public relations. All very different courses but all very focused, on, capturing, that curious. Brave, and committed, ethos. Fostering that within our students, and engaging, the creative industries. In a creative. Way. So another characteristic. About, our, program. And the courses within them is that they're future facing. And this might be a term you hear a lot. But it's not just about, learning specific, skills, it's about learning how to shape. Thrive and adapt, in, a constantly, evolving media sector technology. Is, very fast-paced. And we often see, technology, changing in ways, that is hard for industries, to catch up with. Uh, and so there's a lag sometimes, between, what it is that technology, and emerging media are doing, and what it is that, industries, are doing. So, in these courses. Um in our program. You'll see a whole range of different kinds of things. That help you. Thrive, adapt. And. Strategize, how to. Navigate, that change. So there'll be things like you know. Learning how to uh use technology, in innovative, ways. We are focused as educators. On developing, graduates, who will shape, and change their respective, industries, so we, you know. Train and support, graduates. To be the kinds of, people. Facing the world who will be able to to, have influence, and not just. Adapt. Um, the courses are informed, by this rapid pace of change, they're closely related to their respective, industries. Uh the other thing too, is that. Because of this future orientation. We train our, graduates. To be prepared for jobs that might not yet exist, that are still, coming to the fore. Um, and this is something that's really, unique, i think and special. About our courses. The other thing is that they're very hands-on. Highly connected to industry, industry, employability. Uh. You know whether that's. Working with, uh, industry, partners whether that's having alumni come in whether that's. Industry setting briefs. Um or whether that's field trips there's all sorts of ways, in which employability. And engagement, with, the professional, sector, are deeply embedded within the courses. So for example. Each of them have a profession. Each of the courses i will tell you about have a professional, industry practice unit this has speakers coming in from all um, different kinds of, roles within the creative. Industries. Uh including public relations. And the cultural sector. Um there's an industry speaker series, and there's, regular, engagement, throughout. Uh as well as placements. So there's many ways in which, uh. We connect, people to the professional. World. Um, and really try to foster that, many students do internships. As well, with, um. Some of those partners. And seek out internships, that are, going to to help them in their chosen field. There's also, a mix, of hands-on, activities, such as media making, so. Um you'll learn about content production, in some ways film tv photography. Podcasting. As well as media strategy. Uh, and what that means, is really thinking about, how. To understand. Analyze. Develop. Uh, media. So, in terms of theory, it will be drop, you might draw from things like political economy. Looking at consumer research and behavioral, insights. As well as specific. Skill sets such as working with the media. And many more. We have a wide range of facilities, we have a 3d workshop, we have a creative technology, lab, there's a digital space which you can see featured, in, the image on the slide. There's, gallery, spaces, and this is one of the other, wonderful things about lcc, is that the gallery space is, also. In large hallways, so you have to pass through them, as you're going to to class. As well as. More. Traditional, gallery spaces. There's a kit room where you can get all kinds of different.

High-end, Equipment, photography. Video, cameras. Um. Uh, all sorts of different kinds of things to help you in your your creative, uh practice. There's a really well resourced library, photography, studios printing and finishing, and print making. And these sorts of resources, are, really wonderful, to have at lcc. And available, to everyone. Now just to give you a sense. Of, where it is that. Our, staff and students are, i want to talk a little bit about some of the accomplishments. Of our staff so gareth thompson, who is the course leader for m.a public relations. Recently won an award, last year 2019. For, an outstanding, contribution, to pr, history, he's widely published, and this has been recognized, by his field, rebecca, brammel, who's the course leader for. The m.a media communications, and critical practice. Has, an ongoing, project on austerity, tax in the digital economy. Which is really about knowledge exchange, and working with um, partners. In order to. Change the way we understand, tax, there are many other, research, and industry, um. Active, course team members. Too many to list here, but we do have, um, an amazing, team. In terms of other staff expertise. Paul kaplan. Is the course leader for m.a advertising. He's a multimedia. Cross-platform. Advertising, practitioner. Sarah mourinho, is author of mediating, the refugee, crisis, and she's an expert on digital humanitarianism. Uh and teaches. Units, on the m.a. Media, communication, critical practice. Barfin, emerseten. Is a newton international, fellow and expert on migration, media. Nessa, kedo. Is a founder. Of. An independent brand called munchfree, which you can now find in whole foods, and is currently writing a book on diversity, in media, so these are just a few, of our staff, experts. There's many more. Who bring a real richness, to. The, courses. And also, to. Their relationships, with you. So one of the things as well that i think is unique. And very, um, special, about lcc. And the communications, and media program, is that students, are are absolutely. Number one priority. So some of the ways that we support, our students, is is through this engagement. The tutors. Are really dedicated. Uh and really care about the students and i think in part that's because our students are very special. The course leaders are also very committed, and available, to students through tutorials, through office hours. We're responsive. And empathic, and we really, genuinely, care about, supporting you. In your studies. And, in your professional, trajectories.

There's Also a whole range, of sort of, formal, ual support there's academic, support who can help you with. Your academic, studies academic, writing, referencing. Research. There's disability, support for anyone who has. Learning differences. Or. Physical needs. Requiring, support, there's technical, support. You know, both within the facilities, that i mentioned earlier, but also within your units. And many more so, there's a lot so there's peer support, um, within the program, as well as provided, through, uh ual. So, to tell you a little bit more about employability. All of our postgraduate, courses, have very strong professional, practice, embedded, within. There's, numbers of guest speakers, there's networking, events there's placements. Um. The, for those of you interested in public relations. Our course is accredited. By the chartered institute, of public relations. As well, as. The. Public relations and communication. Association. As well. Some, students, have. Done work placements, at places like bbc, world service or the british science, uh association. Um, as well as gchq. Fashion intelligence. Grazia. Uh. Nme. Talk radio, united nations and many other smaller, um. Agencies, so, our. Employability. Is not just something that we're talking about it's something that's deep you know deeply ingrained, into the ethos, of each of the courses. Um, in terms of some of our industry links. You know these are some of the places as you can see listed on this slide. Where people have gone on to, have, jobs. Um, in terms of collaboration. This is another important, ethos, within, the not just the courses, but also, the college. So our students collaborate, across courses within the program. So, there's a unit called collaborative, unit, and, uh. M-a-p-r-m-a. Advertising, in m-a-m-c-c-p. That's our. Mayan acronyms that's what we call them, if you were to come here, um, work with each other. In previous years students have worked across the media school so working with students who are in photography. And journalism. And in this unit they also work with external, partners. Uh and this will change year to year but in the past we've had some wonderful, partners, like open rights group. Tactical, tech. Uh refugee, journalism. Uh, and many many more. So it's a very vibrant, um opportunity. To. Learn, not just from, your peers. But also from those who are studying alongside, you, in different programs you might, never otherwise, meet. So that brings us to uh our alumni, now there were many, people who we could have um chosen to feature so i just thought i would, mention just a few. Um so deborah sago. Who graduated from the m.a public relations. Created. An, organization, called black women in pr. And they are responsible, for, um, promoting, the work, of, black women in the industry. Um. And this group came to be, once she completed her dissertation, on black women's visibility. Um, as communications, professionals. Um, deborah still has close, relationships. With, uh the course, and, uh, last year for example came and gave, a session about her organization. And what it was they were doing. Daryl. Wilcox, foundation. Relations, technology, firm response, source. And, um. Uh he. Graduated, some time ago but also from the the mapr. Chorus. Um. And what you'll see as well is that we have many content makers, and shakers, so we have one of, our former students. Is now a producer for the vagina, museum. Others have gone on to do games design for battlecry, and hq, studio. And. There are many who have gone on to accounts and marketing, um. Possible worldwide. Unity, and bowdoin for example. So, to tell you a little bit more specifically, about each course, beginning, with um ma advertising. Um. This is a course, uh, led by dr paul kaplan. And it's really about the future of the advertising, industry, so in this course you learn about, how audiences, are changing how technologies, are changing. And how, to harness your creativity. In this changing landscape. To. Work in advertising. So. Some of the key features for this course. If you're interested, in it it's business focused. It works in partnership with industry. It's future facing. And it's very hands-on, so although there's critical, thinking it's also about. Creative, advertising, practice. So, this course, in terms of your future career. Aims, to. Help you develop the practical, and critical skills. So that you. Have a competitive, profile, in the market. You learn about working with clients.

With Brands. And businesses. Um, focusing, on the hybrid between creative, work and strategy. So as an example, of student work this was, work that was featured, in, um. An exhibition, at lcc. Uh we have these two examples, and it should be on the left, and making grocery shopping more easy. Um there's a wide range of possible, things we could have looked at, these were um aesthetically, pleasing, i thought. Uh, so, the next course, is the ma, media, communications, and critical practice. The course leader is dr rebecca, bremel who i introduced you to briefly, earlier. Um and this course is really about. A critical, approach. To creative, practice. As well as um. That. Bridge, between. Communications, theory. And practice. So, this will, help you find a career, in, um, in the future as a media professional. And. Some of the reasons why the course is really useful, is it's got a really wide scope. So it's about, understanding, media communications. As a general, field, which allows you to situate, yourself in an area, that you, may, yet still be learning about. There's an emphasis, on work related learning through the placement. The, professional, industry practice, unit through the industry speaker series. And it's also about, creative. Critical, communication. So about really. Examining, what's happening, in the landscape, and the field in order to harness your creativity. And it's personalized, to your interests, so it's something. You can use, to focus, on. Those areas you're interested in. And. In terms of your career path, this is something that will provide, a basis for you to go in many different kinds of sectors whether that's based on research. Whether that's based on um. A. Communications. Role within a with another, um, within the cultural, public sector. There's, uh and some also go on to further postgraduate, study. Uh in terms of student work, um i'd like to share with you two pieces. This piece comes, from a group project, henna samuelson, isabelle zins emilia, cullen, helena, kelkai, kat langeau. Madelina, e aposito. Sarah alkaise. And alyssa, chaffee. So this piece, um, was really, about. Looking at, um. Capitalism. Uh, and as you can see it was you know a play, on, the monopoly, board. Um. And the next piece i'd like to share with you was also shown at capital city in 2018. Uh lcc, exhibition. Um. Another group project, and features some of the ways, in that theory was integrated, with a creative, practice. Um in the exhibition. This was produced by nelly zulu. Muhammad. Julia catalini. Ting li, yuki lee and kitty gao. So the last course i'd like to tell you a little bit about, is the m.a public relations. The course leader is gareth thompson. Who i introduced to you, earlier. Uh, noting, his. Um, outstanding, award for, contribution, to pr history. In this course, uh the aim, is to, provide you with advanced, skills. And theory so that you can, be successful, in public relations. Um. As i also mentioned it is accredited, by two of the leading, pr. Associations. So it, is industry, approved. And what this course can do, is it can help you gain a solid grounding in the theory in practice. Both, hugely important for public relations. But also, uh in terms of student experience. It'll also help you develop, your intellectual. Abilities. Such as you know critical thinking. Analysis, problem solving as well as practical skills. Uh, within, the public relations, and communications. Industries. And. As you can see, perhaps, from, the, deborah sago the alumni. It will help you work with industry, and thrive within that. So many students on this course have progressed, um, to a particular. Um, to new organizations, who, have. Progressed, in their own organizations. Um. And, some have, become entrepreneurs. Opening up their own businesses, and themselves. So in terms of student work, um, two of the the recent pieces in 2020. Were. Two m.a students who were nominated, for the uprea, master thesis award. For excellence, which is a very high honor, indeed, and a real testament, to the students. And, how it was that they were supported. By their tutors in this course, as you can see. On the slide. Each of them had very different. Dissertations. Um. Of a very high quality. So, the next thing i'd like to share with you is about how to make an application. So if you are interested, in making an application, and i do hope that you are i would really uh love to see you there. What you'll need to do is include your personal. You know, name, your date of birth your nationality, your permanent, address.

Uh As well as your english, language, level. We'll also need to know what your current, and or previous, education. Includes. Um, and any qualifications. Related to your education. Um, or. Um. Professional, development. Your employment, history. So where it is that you've worked, um, what it is that you've done. A cv, which, would have a record of all of those sorts of things as well as a personal statement. And the personal statement, is is really important, sometimes, people might be a little intimidated, by this but what's really key. Is, that. Um. In your personal statement you're able to explain, why you're interested in the course. What you think you'll get from it and where you see yourself going so we're looking for a. Genuine. Engagement, and interest in the course, and a reason, why, you think it would benefit you. Um. And. Ma. Advertising, students, will also need to provide a portfolio. So, you can, uh get more information, about how to make an application. Um. And all of the details that are required, here by visiting, each course page so on the lcc, website look at mma advertising, and you can look under how to apply and it's the same for the other courses, as well. Um. Yeah. And. The other thing that's probably, very important. For anyone interested in postgraduate, study is scholarships, and funding, so, ual, does, offer a wide range of scholarships, bursaries, and awards, we also have, um, a hardship, fund which is available for students. Um and, this is, you know we get money for these things from donations from individuals. Sometimes, alumni. Uh from companies, from from philadelphia. And from charities. As as well as from university. Funds so some of these include the postgraduate, master's loan, the ual. Uk, eu postgraduate, scholarships. Ual, international, postgraduate, scholarships. And the. Um. The. For thirty thousand so there's two different levels of those. Uh as well as the is. Sh accommodation, award, you can see a link on the slide so please do go there if you're interested in finding out more. And that's all from me thank you very much for your time and attention, please see, some emails, on the slide, one for general inquiries. One for accommodation. Student support, support, and scholarships. And fees. Thank. You.


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