Ponsse Studio Transforming Technologies

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Hello everyone and welcome to the Ponsse studio broadcast! For a very special programme: - On the way towards tomorrow's harvesting technology. My name is André Noël Chaker, - and I have the great pleasure of being your host. Today we are offering you a ringside seat - for a close look at how technologies are evolving - to benefit both loggers and society. We're going to be looking - at the increasing sustainability requirements of the industry - as well as technology advances - that are continuously bringing new solutions - for the forest industry. And I have the great pleasure of having with me today - Ponsse's Sustainability Manager — Katja Paananen! Hello, André! Thank you.

Listen, I understand that you are willing - to give us a tour of sorts - around the issues of responsibility and sustainability - at Ponsse, isn't that right? - Yes. Yes, I will. Well, let's go into the forest! - Okay. Let's go! Sustainability has become an important success factor for companies. And every company needs to decide - where they put their focus on - and what they have the biggest impact on. And also, what they get excited about. We at Ponsse get excited - about serving our customers in the best possible way.

And also providing them solutions - that are enabling sustainable logging. Innovations are always based on customer feedback. And our customers are nowadays asking - for more environmentally-friendly solutions. We need renewable raw material - like wood. And yet, at the same time, we have to be able to do logging - in a way that is not harming the future generations - of forests to grow.

or the trees left standing after logging in the forest. We also need to minimize the carbon footprint of our machines. We revised our vision last year - to include also sustainability aspects. And we were also asking our stakeholders' opinions - about Ponsse: our products, our solutions, our future.

And, based on this feedback and our new vision, - we have decided to have four different focus areas - in our sustainability work. First, we have to take care of our people and their well-being. And also, this includes our customers - and their employees when they operate our machines. We need to have solutions that are respecting the nature. And thirdly, we have to operate manufacture and service - in a way that is not burdening the nature.

Fourth, last but not least, - we have to be a trustworthy partner - and also a trustworthy part of the society. These new goals and a new way of thinking, - they are not changing Ponsse into another company - or a different company than we are today. But they are outlining our activities in a totally new way. We still are a company concentrating on our customers' needs. And we still are a company - striving to reach the best possible results in our work.

Based on our values. For the environment. Over to you, André. Thank you, Katja, - for that inspiring opening presentation! We have now moved indoors with the two gentlemen - that could probably go on and on for 12 episodes - of this Ponsse Studio - about responsible harvesting technologies. But we only have this one episode, gentlemen, so let's make the best of it. Well, we have Juho Nummela who is, - of course, the President and CEO of Ponsse.

And with him, we have the Managing Director of Epec - — Jyri Kylä-Kaila. Welcome to both! Thank you, André. - Thank you. I think Ponsse is well known to probably everybody - who is listening today. But Epec - probably a little bit less. So, could you tell us more about Epec?

So, Epec is a system supplier for many OEMs globally. We have over 200 customers and we are delivering - proven technology to enable zero emissions. So... Is your technology now already in use - in Ponsse forest machines? - Yes, it is. We are manufacturing many components for Ponsse machines. Collaboration, you know, continuing this...

...this way forward or how are things going? Absolutely. We are strengthening collaboration at the moment - to develop the next-generation machines. Yeah, also they are 100% owned by Ponsse, - so they are forced to support. - Yeah, we need to do that. But they're working also for others. We're going to be talking... We're going to be talking about that soon.

So, we've just heard from Katja, and she has painted a great picture - of how, you know, how much Ponsse is doing - to provide state-of-the-art technologies - for sustainable forest management and so forth. But I think that, because of all this, - we seem to be at the edge of something quite transformative - for the industry right now. Would you say so? I would agree. I guess, we are living - through some disruptive times at the moment.

So, this is interesting. So, could you give us some concrete example - of what this, you know, transformation means at Ponsse? Well, as Katja was saying, responsibility - is on everybody's lips, everybody is talking about that. And I agree that everybody needs to have some clear solutions - to support those ideas as well.

Basically, it's related to the reduction of CO2 emissions - and getting rid of fossil fuels and types of things like this. So, you know, I think... And the technology is changing fast. So, this is giving us a lot of possibilities. And together with Epec we can make a difference.

Absolutely. It seems that innovation has been in the DNA of the company - throughout the years for over 50 years now. It's required a lot of testing that you both do, - a lot of development work, R&D work, but also a lot of experimentation. Yeah. - And that's something - I'd like to hear more about from you, Juho.

What does experimentation mean for Ponsse in practice? Well, I guess, first, we are very close to the customers, - we try to understand their business quite deeply, - very close to the customers. And then, you know, we have always been experimenting - with our customers and the new technologies. You know, this is a buzzword these days, right? Yeah, co-creation. - Co-creation, experimentation, etc. But when you go back and look at our history a little bit, - you know, the same type of things have been happening - all the time. - All the time. Just to give you an example... You know, harvester heads, mid-80s. - Yes.

You know, it was not total success in the first place. But working together with the customers and finding the ways, - doing the co-creation, experimenting. That was still the case, already at that time. And that's the way we have been working continuously. And that's so inspiring. But do you guys have like a process...

are there boot camps, seminars, workshops? I mean, what is your way of working with customers in practice? You know... It's our culture. The way we work. That's the most of it. - Continuously.

I guess it's in... In our DNA, in a way. And, you know, it makes a difference. And it certainly explains your success over the years.

If I take a look at your strategy... I did take a look at it. So, it says that your strategic purpose - is to provide sustainable solutions, we've heard about that already. And that's for the benefit of your customers - and also for the environment. - Right. Again, could you develop on that with examples? What does that mean in practice? First of all, every time when we start explaining this to outsiders, - we always start with the customer closeness. Customer closeness for us is a way of life. And that makes a difference, right? And then, we are also extremely proud of our partnerships - that we have been developing over the decades - and years that we have been working - with the cut-to-length forest machines.

And then, the other aspect is related to sustainability and responsibility. So, the well-being of the forest is very important, right? And we want to be a part of responsible forestry. And that word "responsible" makes a difference, right? So, providing technology for the needs of responsible forestry. So, in this way, we believe that, as we work daily, day in and day out, - you know, we make a difference. And maybe, when the forests are doing okay, - we have the right way to manage the forests. And we are a part of that technology, providing that technology, - so we leave the forest in a good shape for the generations to come as well.

So, it makes a difference. And then, you know, finally, - the most important thing is together with the customers we succeed. So, together we go. And it seems to be a difficult balancing act. I saw, again, from your strategy - that the inspiration are these megatrends - that we're seeing in the needs of the customers and so on. But how do you balance this in practice, - the daily needs of your customers, what they need today, - and also the long-term drivers of the market? How do you do this balancing act? - Right.

Well, I guess, when we started to study these megatrends back in 2016, - it was clear for us - that the technology change was one of the issues for us - and the climate change was the other one. And they have quite nice synergies between two of them, right? But then, you know, balancing with the daily business, - I think what is quite important - is that with the forest industries - and with our customers we do have a strong - mutual understanding for the future - and the impact of responsibility to our operations. And I guess the mutual vision is clear.

So, then it's easier to make decisions based on the ideas that we have. Based on the megatrends as well. And you seem to have done so well - on this topic of responsibility - because, in principle, everybody agrees, responsibility is a good thing to have.

But it's not always easy to put into practice. So, how has Ponsse turned this word, responsibility, into action? Was there a process involved or the culture you mentioned? What else has affected your ability to do this so well? I guess there is always a process. So... - Especially for you guys. But the thing is that, you know, responsibility... We feel that it's one of the success factors for the future. And then what is important in these cases as well - is that it's part of our daily work.

You know, part of the strategies of our operations. Part of the strategies for our product technology. And then understanding that we need to be doing it responsibly, - also considering the product technology. So, I think, when that is part of our daily work, then it's working.

So, the big picture, the megatrends, making the most of it - with the available technologies and being forward-looking. But what approaches, from an industry level perhaps... What approaches has the industry been looking at - to operate both in a productive and sustainable way? Is there anything you'd like to highlight? Right. I think the basics -

are related to the cut-to-length forest technology. Right? So, that itself is sustainable, there is a lot of research and all that. But then, you know, we can also see the movement - from our customers and from the forest industries, - you know, giving us a great possibility in R&D to react as well. So, the AV-related technology, autonomous vehicles, - EV, electric vehicles. Then we have digitalisation and then, you know, - also the sustainability-related issues - under the impact that we live for the nature. So, as we are working - with renewable resources, as the forest is, - it's very important for us that we do it sustainably.

I guess, for our R&D and for Epec too - the drivers are extremely clear. And we're going to see some results of that during this episode. We will. - Indeed. And, moving on to you, Jyri, - again, I'm referring to Ponsse's strategy, - your mother company if I can call them that. It says that Ponsse's strategy is that technology - is enabling the change that is taking place.

So, as a technology company, part of the group, - you're pretty much in the driver's seat for Ponsse's vision - and bringing that into reality, isn't that right? Yeah, that's exactly right. Being a system supplier for Ponsse and many others - creates the great opportunity now to develop something really new - for the market and for the customers. We always listen to customers and we try to develop things - that really make our customers' machines and products better.

So, that's the most important thing. And, as you mentioned earlier, you guys specialise - in electronics, in control systems for the industry. I don't think I'd be overstating it to say - that electricity and electricity management - has a major role to play. Isn't that right? It's a major role. Especially electronics, controls and software define the future machines. That's the most important thing.

You know, all the customers, they need connectivity, - they need more efficient machines, they need more accurate controls. That's really important. And it creates big business opportunity as well.

So, I'm going to ask you a similar kind of question. In practice, how do you take all the innovative work, - the innovative thinking that there is at Epec - and translate that into solutions - for sustainable development in the industry? Here you can see a completely new brand - which is an example exactly on this one. So, today, we are launching our new electromobility brand — Epec Flow. And under that brand, we are selling our systems and components - for global OEMs, - and this enables our customers to create machines - that are really efficient, really powerful and really good. I like the name. - Epec Flow. Epec Flow. Tell us about the flow, from now into the future.

What are your milestones that you're going to be looking at? We are looking, at the moment, in the future. We are building this in a sustainable way, forward. And we are expecting, long-term, a significant amount of our business - to become from the Epec Flow. So, this is something we are making at the moment.

So, if we bring all of this together, - I think that we're coming to the heart of today's broadcast. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment we've all been waiting for. We will now take a look at how Ponsse is taking us, once again, - and leading us into the future. Let's take a look!

Wow, guys! A historic moment. I think very few people were expecting this. Tell us now, what does this mean for Ponsse, - for Epec and perhaps for the entire industry? I think the biggest issue right now is to understand - that this is a 100% electrical platform that we have. The diesel is range extender, you know, running the generator. And the diesel is only loading the batteries.

So, all the force... The diesel has been detached. The power source has been detached from the system, right? So, that is a big thing to understand. And this is a big thing for us - because this gives lots of possibilities - related to the power source as well. - Yeah.

Jyri, a little deeper into the electrical engines - and motors and... - Into the technology. So, briefly, to explain the concept itself. So, we have a smaller diesel, of course, - but the machine still has more power. So, pulling power from this machine is much more - than from a traditional machine with a bigger diesel. And also, in this machine, we have four electric motors: - one for the front axle, one for the rear axle, - and then we have one for the hydraulics, to control the boom, - which is actually also more accurate - than a traditional diesel system in this kind of machine. So, it's really good for the customer to operate it.

We also have a very advanced battery in this machine, - it's 31.5 kWh capacity, - a battery which we are using really efficiently in this machine. And basically, at the moment, the system works so - that diesel runs only 50% of the time. So, considering the machine hours, in this concept, - there is much less service for the diesel engine - than in a traditional machine in which the diesel is always running.

The diesel is running with the constant load. Constant load, always. And with the best efficiency point. And also, the electric powertrain is actually really efficient - compared to any other. So, we can really control it, very accurately. We also expect some benefits later on when the software development goes further on, - we also expect a lot of benefits from the productivity. Yes. - Yes.

This is a very clever solution for sustainable forestry. Congratulations once again! And since we've been talking about co-creation, - working together and talking about our customers, - let's listen to a few customers. You know, these are forestry experts that have had the privilege - of seeing and touching the EV1. Let's give them the floor! Alright, hello everyone! We are launching the EV1, our first machine with a - fully electric drive. And here we have Kalle Pitkänen, one of our customers, hard at work. Kalle, how’s the new machine looking? - It’s great.

New products are always great, but this one is - a particularly good one. It came as a nice surprise. I believe that it will - help us make our work - more environmentally friendly. The thing is, I’m interested to see - when we’ll be able to really - put the product to the test. That’s great. Sustainability and the carbon footprint -

are important - for your company. You’ve worked to improve these - at your end as well. Yes, that’s right. I’ve spent some time in Germany - and I’ve seen what - climate change - can do to the environment. So, what we’re trying to do - is to conserve Finnish forests.

So... I don’t know if we’ll succeed, but we’ll do - everything we can. That’s right! Now we have concrete examples of - how to contribute, and how to improve. In your opinion, does the product have potential? I believe - there’s a big market for it.

Well, yes. The time is right for it, and there’s a need for it. Fuel prices are - at an all-time high, and we’re struggling - with the costs. This would help with that. - That’s good to hear.

Right! The EV1 launch continues, and here we have - Stora Enso’s Head of Wood Supply - Janne Partanen. Janne, hi! Hello, hello. - How’s the new machine? Well, it’s great. I was a bit surprised to see - that it’s so ready to go. I looked under the cabin, and already now it looks like it has been built to work. Right, right. Were you surprised -

to find out that is has - a fully electric drive? Did that come as a surprise? Yes! At Stora Enso, we’ve been - electrifying our timber terminals. We bought electric - processing machines, but at a terminal - it’s pretty simple. Power is easily available. But I’ve often heard it said - that surely the last place where - we’ll turn to electricity for power - is the forest – but apparently that’s not true! And that’s a good thing. A positive surprise. So how about... I’m sure sustainability and - responsibility and - other similar things, like striving towards - carbon neutrality - are important to you - in the forest sector. Yes, they’re among our key drivers. And of course, biodiversity is important.

But carbon neutrality and reducing emissions - are number one. So we really welcome - innovations like this. That’s great. This is a concrete example of - technological advancement. In your opinion, does the product have potential?

Apparently, there is some... - Yes. I think it has great potential. And based on what I’ve heard people say, usability seems to have been key in the design, and life-cycle costs - has been considered as well. The design is based on - the product being cost-efficient - to use. - Yes. I believe that contributes to the goals - and that it has been a driver in the design as well.

That’s right. So, I believe the response will be good. Exactly. That’s great. Well, we’ll make some more of these, and see how it goes. Great job with the interviews, Juho! - Thanks! Well done! Well done. But hey, happy first customers. What else could you ask for.

It seems that you've read their minds - before the product is coming on to the market. But were you really expecting such an overwhelmingly positive response? We have been working with this - for three years now. - Over three years. So, this has been our daily work continuously, so... I'm a little bit surprised that the customers are so surprised.

But that's good, you know. - Absolutely. Even though we have been discussing continuously - that this is the way and this is the trend... So, then, when you have a real machine and the solution out there, - it's great, you know. Great that we can surprise. And now we have some tech-savvy, - some technology-savvy customers - that also got their first encounter with the EV1. And let's listen to what they have to say. Okay, and here we have Paulo from Suzano.

How are you? - Very good. A pleasure to be here. Was it a surprise? We just rolled out EV1. So, what do you think? - I think we're making history here.

I think it's the first time that we see something like it. And especially the solutions that we have - for the crane controls and everything else. I think you are in the right direction. - Yeah. And for sure, there will be advancements - in terms of how to generate this electricity. But you have a machine that can be powered 100% by electricity. It's exciting. I think the future is coming.

Shorter and faster than we thought it would be. So, that was a little surprise for you? - It was, it was very surprising, - things that we've heard, things that we read about. But today we saw it rolling. So, it was very good.

And you have been learning quite a bit about Epec. Right. How do you see the technology company Epec - as part of our whole package? So far as I can see, it's fundamental for that - because my understanding is that companies like Ponsse - have so far been the best that they could - in the mechanical standpoint and all its innovations. But we know that digitalisation, electrification - and all those things are a big part of our world right now. So, to combine what you guys have in terms of mechanic knowledge, - and being technology leaders in the forestry business - through your mechanical capabilities coupled with electricity, - coupled with digital systems and etc, I think that's the way to go. What do you think right now about responsibility as a huge issue? All the climate changes are challenging every one of us.

So, how do you see the impact of EV1 - as a future technology to your operations? Absolutely. I think, being a forestry company in Suzano, - focusing on pulp, - we also feel very responsible for changes in our planet. I think, to improve our operations and make them more efficient, - but also provide wood-based products - that can substitute whatever fossil, plastics, etc. So, Suzano is very committed - to their long-term goals in terms of sustainability. So, we have already committed to the 2030 improvement - of our sustainability status, - social responsibility, and also environmental one. So, I think things like EV1 - will definitely get us there in a shorter period of time.

And I think it's our responsibility to do so. So, we are committed to being leaders in terms of this. And I think EV1 is a great step towards that direction. Great words. Thank you, Paulo. Together we go forward. Thank you! - Thank you!

Hello, Teemu Tolppa. The EV1 just rolled around the corner. What are your thoughts on it? We’ll it was quite - unexpected. There were a lot of rumours - flying around here this morning - but... I was still surprised. So, a fully electric drive - and system.

The chassis there and... diesel is - only used in the range extender mode. So, what do you think? How could this concept - help you - in the future? I’m sure we’ll find plenty of use for it. My first thoughts are... I’m wondering what opportunities - using electricity will bring. Often with electricity, we think too much about - how much the battery will - restrict the use of the machine, compared with using - diesel fuel like we do now.

What comes to mind are - all the new opportunities - that we can leverage now - that were impossible before. Just a bit of code can take care of - what previously required - valves and - hydraulic hoses. Now we can just use software. So many opportunities. Can you elaborate? It was unexpected.

The diesel powers the generator - and the battery everything else. So the concept may be a bit surprising. - Yes it’s a bit unexpected. When you think about battery-powered machines, what comes to mind is - that the battery needs to be replaced - and that the system must require a lot of work. But this system seems smart, and - the diesel power source - that keeps the battery charged - can be replaced later - with another system - when one is invented.

Right, right. With new technology... It’s true that the power source - can be anything. A fuel cell, even. Right?

That sounds smart. The fact that - it can be replaced - once we have the necessary technology. Exactly. Otherwise it’s a good concept.

So will your company - focus on - responsibility and sustainability - more in the future? Absolutely. When talking about forestry, things like responsibility and - sustainability come up all the time now. And in general, in terms of corporate financing - and other such things, all businesses - must improve their sustainability. Then again, since we are a big player in this sector, I think we should pave the way - for others. Exactly. - So, taking steps as the trailblazer. Exactly. That’s good. We’re in it together!

Thank you! - Yep, together! Okay, Claudio from Klabin, how are you? - I'm very fine, thank you. This is warm here in Finland right now. - It's warmer than Brazil for sure. Almost like paradise. - Yeah. But what do you see... EV1 behind us. Any thoughts? - Yeah, I'm astonished.

It's an amazing piece of work. Because I think it's not yet there - but it's really the right direction. And I think you have done a big part of... The hard work of electrifying the machine. And now you can plug in any solution that is pretty ready.

Everything else is done. - Yeah. I think it's a great initiative. And I really think it should be going forward and supported. And I think, you know, the technology is changing fast. We can see from the supplier network that the components and parts - are getting ready for the serial production.

And, as you said, we are getting ready. And that is totally true - that different power sources are possible. What do you think will be the future power source from your perspective? Well, I see forests and agriculture - are generating a lot of biogas or this type of thing. Something coming from the forest would probably be a very good thing - because those machines will be surrounded by trees.

Yeah. And there were initiatives already there. So, I think it's a good plan to do in parallel. You're doing the technological solution - that, of course, took many hours, a lot of effort and money to achieve. And you're doing it in parallel because somebody else is working - on the friendly fuel approach. - That's right.

And then, together, we could be ready, and that will make a big impact. It would be great if the forest company had their own green fuel, right? To support it all. Then it would be basically zero emissions. Yeah, and I think, in general, - all the forest companies want that. - Yeah. They will be willing to collaborate in achieving that. We are in the full agreement, I would say. In general. Everybody is in the full agreement: - the consumer, the forest company - and the technological and machine provider like you.

We just need to get the job done. Yes. - That's it. Congratulations! - Thank you! Once again, happy customers, tech-savvy customers. Let's say that we've got something historic here. How does it make you feel? Miltä tuntuu, as they say in Finland.

Tuntuu hyvältä, feels great! - It's really great. And Epec is making all of this possible. Great products from you guys and a big strategy change for you, - you know, during the three years or so.

Yes, in 2019, we completely changed the strategy, - and we wanted to invest a lot into this kind of new technology - that enables customers to create something totally new, - which is better than ever before. And it seems that you caught - even the most savvy customers by surprise. Again, I'm going to ask you: how to explain this surprise? Even if they knew something like this was coming, - but still, they were saying: "Wow, what a smart solution!" Well, it's always so that if you really focus - on making a better machine than ever before, - then the result is like this. And together we go. I guess we are surprised ourselves, too. Yeah, we are. - But the point is - that we have been developing the capabilities of Epec.

Yeah. - Big time. So, your business model is changing, - and, you know, we are listening. And we have a great opportunity - for outside customers, OEMs also, - in Epec's environment. - Yes, to deliver components - and systems to other customers, not only Ponsse. But what is a big advantage is that we can also test our systems - and products in Ponsse machines, - which is the most demanding environment existing.

Yeah. - Absolutely. It was well worth the investment. Definitely. Definitely worth it. - Yes. And we made it happen. So, we are proud of our people, -

we are proud of Epec, we are proud of Ponsse people. And you can see that this type of cooperation, - as the companies are working together, is really paying off. Yeah, and we had a huge team - from Ponsse and Epec to work on this one. So, this was a really big project for us in terms of money and resources. So, it was really big, big effort. And you could be really proud of the result.

But now we have some experts, some colleagues - who focus on the topic of sustainability. And what is this new technology going to enable - in terms of sustainability? Let's hear what they had to say. Okay, here we have Linnea from Sveaskog Sweden. How are you?

I'm fine, thanks. And you? - We are doing great. You know, launching EV1 and having this event over here with you. How do you... Was it a surprise? - Yes, it was a real surprise.

Amazing? - Yeah! So, you didn't have any idea when you came over here - that we would have a... I got a little hint before I came here. - Yeah. But it wasn't what I had expected. It was even more than I had expected. - Yeah. So, really good. - But this is good. So, right now, we have this 100% electrical platform - and we can build on top of this.

So, you know, this is a great thing for the future. Yes, very great. And what do you see... We are following the great job - you guys are doing in Sweden, Swedish forestry, - for responsibility and sustainability. So, how do you see the impact of EV1? We would like to have some machines - that have lower fuel consumption, - and I think this is the one. - This is the one, yeah. So, the fuel consumption goes down, the CO2 will come back, - and then, you know, also the fact - that the power source can be something else than the diesel.

Right? - Yes, exactly. And this will be a big impact for the Swedish forestry, also. Yes, I think this will do perfectly in our forestry. So, really good. - Yeah. So, we will start producing - and we will send you these machines. - Yes, good! Let's do so. Thank you, Linnea! - Thank you!

Okay. So, here we have UPM guys: Sauli from UPM Finland - and UPM Uruguay, Gustavo. Welcome! - Nice to meet you! Good to be here. Good to have you here.

We just rolled out EV1. Any feelings? I think it's awesome. I couldn't believe that you are such a strong player in that. So, looks nice. - And Gustavo? Lots of feelings. And I must say -

that we celebrate this kind of development. We are highly committed to sustainability and environment, - and this kind of improvements shows us new opportunities, - and we are with you to celebrate. Congratulations! Thank you very much! It's great to have you here. How do you see this? You are developing quite nicely in Uruguay.

So, what kind of possibilities does EV1 give you? Well, actually, we've been working for a long time, - looking for new opportunities in harvesting, but also in logistics. And these kinds of things are really compatible - with what we are looking for and what we are trying to implement. So, for sure, we will be doing something in Uruguay, - maybe here in Finland as well. - Yeah.

What do you see the future technologies... You know, the power source right now is diesel. But what do you believe is the future? Well, I think this is very flexible, - depending on the local conditions and the possibilities.

In our case, I would say that hydrogen is the way. And also, the local conditions - that the government are pushing in that direction. So, it is really probable and achievable, - the good results, in that sense. Now we have the electrical platform, so we can go ahead. Yes, for sure! - What about Finland? And UPM as a whole...

You also have, obviously, huge pressure for responsibility and sustainability. So, how do you see this as a concrete solution - to suit your needs? I would say this is really the concrete solution for that. So, like Gustavo said, we are committed - to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. - Yeah. So, this is an example - of how we do it in a way that really shows - that, by helping with your machines to our entrepreneurs - and by having it in that way, - we reduce the emissions. - Yeah.

So, I feel that we are in the right track right now. We believe. - Yeah, me too. Yeah, let's make it happen. Thank you, fellas. Keep it going! - Congratulations to all Ponsse team! Thank you! - Thank you! More praise from Uruguay, Sweden, Finland. And they're saying that Ponsse is walking...

The sustainability talk that you've been doing. And it's a great praise. And it's exciting. You asked the question many times, - how compatible this is with other energy sources.

We talked about hydrogen, about biogas. What do you see - in terms of that development - for even more sustainable solutions in the future? Yeah, this is a great possibility because we have these avenues - opening up for us. And, you know, the power source right now being diesel, - operating the generator, reloading the batteries. You know, that's one possibility. But then we have a lot...

You know, many things are happening, and technology is changing. So, the hydrogen is very interesting as well. It is really interesting. And now we have, - first time in this machine, we have a high-voltage system - that enables many different power sources. We also have a very advanced cooling system, - we have a very advanced control system. So, it makes possible to install, - also later on in the future, - a fuel cell to Epec flow platform which is used in this machine.

Isn't that the solution's genius, though, - to be power-source-agnostic in this way? Whose idea was it? His or yours? I guess its coming from the team. It's coming from the team. It was a big development effort. So, we used a really huge amount of simulations - to develop this machine. - Yeah. And really a lot of effort on component design, - on system design, on machine design. So, it was a big team effort.

But this is a big issue. We gave the possibilities - for us and for the organisation, for everybody to learn - and to develop the future capabilities. - Yeah. And we have been... You know, it's a big team in Epec nowadays. It's quite a big team already - that now we have for the e-mobility - and other control systems and everything, so...

Yeah, and the product offering from Epec right now - gives us the possibility to support other OEMs as well. Yes. - Get the volume and... Right now, we have the understanding, a real machine out there, - we are testing and we, you know, get more understanding continuously. Exactly. And some components, which were not existing on the market, - we developed here, like the PDU. - Like the PDU, yes.

So, we can connect these many kinds of devices - like batteries, electric motors, etc. - Yeah. And we can variate from customer to customer as well. You know, to be honest, we are extremely excited about Epec. So, we are having fun... - We can see it! We can see it, we can feel it.

But I think what people are feeling at home right now - is: "When can I see this?" You know, when is it going to be available, - what are the conditions for purchase. What can you tell people, who are watching us now, about this? So right now, we are testing. - Yeah, this is a concept. This is a concept. - But, of course, the components - are available already now. So, we can deliver prototypes and soon — serial products - for customers to create this kind of machines. But the machine... It will take a little bit of time to make the saleable machine.

In the next coming years, we'll come out with the product, for sure. And this product will be seen in FinnMETKO this year. So, in a few weeks, we'll be in Jämsänkoski, - so we'll show the machine over there. So, be there, everyone who can make it. But I'd like to ask you a specific question if I may, Jyri. Of course, this is a great example, what we saw earlier.

You know, the Epec Flow... A great innovation in itself but, of course... I think you mentioned this to me earlier, - when we were talking today, - that Ponsse is not your only client as it were.

You know, you do a lot of things in other industries. In the mining sector, for example. Can you tell us more about that? Yeah, exactly. So, Epec is also a supplier - for many global leading companies in their own business area. So, we are supplying, for example, to mining, to agriculture, - to automotive, to construction and many other industries.

The big audience doesn't see us that much - but we are inside of many... Our technology is used in many global OEMs already today. And now, this Epec Flow is something totally new for the market. So, we expect there to be quite interesting times ahead.

Well, what an amazing episode this has been! A truly historic moment. We've learned so much about how technology - can transform the forest industry - for the better and for more sustainable solutions. Thank you all so much for attending - but, even if we recognise that the EV1 is a great step forward, - it's only just the first step, wouldn't you agree? Yeah. - Exactly. It's our first step towards a much more sustainable world. Ladies and gentlemen, we want to thank you for attending. We want to thank all of our customers who are here to see it live.

We want to thank you, gentlemen, for talking to us about this. And we want to wish you all all the best. Please stay tuned - for further technological advancements - that are coming just around the corner! Take care! Thank you very much. - Bye bye!


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