The Expanding Role Of Search In Media And Entertainment - Mike Brady - SearchAndMedia3205

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I. And in, December we have digital living room so that's our events, for the rest of this year we, are also looking next you're doing a conference on changing, business models, for the advertising, industry with. A ad agency, partner called advertising. Innovation, Summit and in. Between we do webinars we, have one coming up next, week they're free you. Can sign up on our website, on digital rights management so. Let us know if, you want to participate as a speaker and, our events or have ideas for programs. I'd. Like to now introduce our, keynote speaker and. He. Is Mike Brady senior. Director, business development for, fast. So. I've got the post lunch spot. You. Know the comments, bear. With me I am. Excited to be here very, actually. Interested. In the topics, and. The. Concept, and capability. Of fasts, are slightly different from a lot of what we've talked about already i think the dialogue has been terrific well. I'm going to try to direct a little of my. Conversation. Around some of the questions and things that had come up but specifically. There's three points at the end of this brief. Presentation and. Any questions we take you you can take out of this is is fast. And actually, the industry overall is so much in its infancy and. Michael. Made a good point really, when it kicked off its that it's somewhat, surprising, that the media industry in many, ways is yet to invest significantly, because there is so much growth and so much potential and. It's. Still kind of chapter 1 so the point of this presentation. Is really around chapter 2 and what's, going to happen and how can the media companies emerge and embrace this so that they can profit in. The similar ways to the, early entrance which is obviously Google and Yahoo and these guys that are making real, money in this right now the. Other concept, I want to take away which which was, well set up by safa and Piper is, the, concept of searches. The portal I've, got a couple slides on that but it's a really really, interesting. Aspect. And it's actually going to be happening and it's not just the portal online it's going to be the IPP, IPTV, it's. Going to be on mobile its, search being kind of the driver and enabler. Of the, user experience. On. All channels, and it's. A great concept I was glad we led into that and then really, the other piece is search, technology. There, hasn't allowed to talk about the.

Technology That we've been talking about the business models, what. Fast, is is a technology company that provides search and. Kind. Of the best way to perhaps introduce, fast is to introduce our. Company through, the other companies that we work with. For. 10 years now we've been partnering. With some of the biggest companies, worldwide to. Help them use search to solve their most mission critical problems. And each one of these companies on, this slide are using. Surge in a slightly different way but they have all embraced. It as a way to really drive differentiation. Within their business. Whether. Its aspects. Around searching. Into archives, whether its standard site search whether it's crawling the web and and adding. Complementary, content. To what they already own all of them have recognized there's a lot of money to be made and there's a lot of capabilities, within search and they're, using fast as their partner as their search technology, for, them to drive on top. Some. Other just, a little more background on fast we are a global company we're, a public and a slow while. You haven't heard of us it might be because we. Partner. With these companies in a white label manner or. But there were the power behind their search but we always promote our customers brands, we've, got about 850. People worldwide, all. Of them focused, on on, bringing. Search into the business. Its. Next slide it's just a real simple one, around, you. Know a lot of what we're talking about is the concept of keyword, search and search. Is evolving, so much beyond just, the, simple keyword, where. It's really the entire portal, as I'll get to but, other examples, of how, search is being used in the environment is around things like IP protection, being. Able to crawl the web and look for, pieces. Of content that you have rights to and seeing if it's being used appropriately. On different sites. Think. Of that as an, aspect of search and people say okay there's, there's a component, of that which we can deliver on our business but it's not a cost Center it's a revenue provider, because once you've identified these, sites. That are appropriately, using your content you, go to them and you say hey okay here's your opportunity to now, pony. Up for these pieces, of content that you've been using and if it tends, to be a very good way to get people to start actually, adhering. To your right standards, some. Other interesting aspects, of search. Apart. From what people traditionally think about it would be being, able to crawl blogs so, we've talked about the launches of new TV shows today. Being, able to crawl out blogs, a day after a TVs TV. Shows launched and see what they see, what the the masses are saying about it and not just having to read through each each link but having the search, technology. Analyzed. The context, of what people are saying and be, able to give it a thumbs up a thumbs down a mediocre, so, you immediately have an interest in real, time around, what people are saying about shows these. Are the types of things that are much beyond. Just, the simple capabilities, of search, and. The, types of things that fast works on with our partners. Now. What I want to talk about is really some of these new search components, though on the consumer facing side and. There. We go. It's. Easier. To, think in some ways of searches a matching, engine you. Know rather, than having someone to actually put in a search term and get content. Back you know a lot about your users and being. Able to understand, what it is that they're looking for when they come to your site is important. For when you're building your search strategy so. Why. Would someone want to go to a. Site other than Google, it's, because they understand that when they go to the your site that they're going to get a better relevancy, you're going to know what they're looking for and you can better match their interest so.

One Of our big customers, is Reed Elsevier, they have a site called Cyrus it's. A science and medical site when someone goes there and they do a search on a medical term the, relevancy, model needs to match much more closely what we anticipate, they're looking for than something in Google this, is what you do with a search technology, company this is how you build search strategies, within your business as you think about what your customers need and you match it with what the types of content that you have. This. Next topic is exactly, what. Is. Encompassed by the search, driven portal. So. It's not just delivering, algorithmic, results when someone does a search it's. The pushing. Out the discovery. Of new content it's helping to navigate, if you're not sure exactly, what they're looking for you, can provide navigators, of information, you can do merchandising. Of your content, you, can push. The advertising, obviously whether it be your own advertisements. Or advertisements. Your affiliating. From another. Search provider the. Aspects of alerts it's been talked, about a little bit but it should be compass. In your complete search of a portal strategy, pushing, content out to people making sure that they're getting content, you when they're not necessarily at, their computer and, then the analytic, side a lot. Of that was discussed, on the in the last panel you. Know the. Analytics, that you can draw from embracing search within your organization, across all platforms across. All content, sources is key. Personalization. And recommendations. There was a good question, a, couple, panels back about the use of personalization. So. If you look at the search driven portal as a concept, and how you build your experience, around making. Search, your primary form of delivering. Results. Does. Mike brady who lives in New York as a Mets fan really, want the same set of results for. A sports search as John who, lives in San Francisco and as a Giants fan probably. Not so. If you know those things about your users and you know and you know that those, beaches of information, based on their prior behavior you. Can push better personal, personalized, results, and make better recommendations. This. Is why you want to embrace search as a component core component, within your business. And. Lastly. Search technology. Is the glue that brings all business models together. You. Know organizations. Are run in silos, very often and it's effective, ways for them to be behaving, I. Think. That needs to change and, we're working with our partners and, some of those innovators on that first slide and others that, want. To break down those silos and, what I mean by search. Technology, grew across all business models, you, can think about it in a number of different ways but it has the same benefits, whether you're breaking down your online, team from your IPTV, team from your mobile. Team you, want to be able to deliver and provide. Access to the same content, with the same relevancy, with the same intelligence as. Regardless. Of the channel but. You could also break down the silos based on text, based on video based on audio so, that you have a consistent. Way of delivering that experience, and people know what they're going to experience, when they go to your sites or your channels. Chapter. 10 search this has been talked, about but I really. Want to emphasize it's, pretty. Unbelievable right. In a ten year period we've got two companies representing, fifty percent of all on land, tising and that's, only going to grow what. This. Little clicker is not so, agreeable. You. Know what they've been able to do is, really. Create, a, wonderfully. Simple experience, from something complex, right. And the the, the aspect of simple came up in the piper presentation. As well, you. Know taking all. Of the, aspects, around the web and search and making it easily, deliver, to a user is a tremendous, task and it, takes years, and years of. Technology. Development, to be able to do that most. People in this room that's not your business you, know your business is building brands engaging with consumers distributing. Content you. Need to work with the technology provider, that's worked on this for 10 years and can provide these same types of technologies, while you focus on your business. The. Other aspects, around this that they've been so successful with, is they're nimble they're. Nimbleness the ability. For google to launch and, manage different services. It's. Been very very difficult for not only the media companies but the mobile operators, and the cable operators and service providers to keep up so. Embracing, search technology, as part of your business will allow for launching all sorts of new services and those are the types of things that fast.

Works With with our partners. So. While. Those. Major players have been. Amazingly. Successful in, generating and. And, creating. A new business around, search revenue this. Is a terrific study, for a number of companies that are still saying hey has the game been lost well clearly it hasn't and, sue, Feldman released this I think. The end of last year she says we know we now believe that roughly seventy percent of queries on the web or not going first to search engines instead. Users are going directly to websites, the destinations, of the web and are bypassing, search engines entirely, and. Then they're still doing queries, so. She goes on in our paper to give you examples, and it's things like once you've figured. Out where you want to get your office supplies, you. Just go straight to staples, but, then you still type in whatever, it is product that you're looking for and it's. Those queries that if you don't have a good search engine you're not going to be monetized, them to, to, the optimal effect and. Once. People know where they're going to give music information they're, going to go to that site directly and start doing searches so. If you're a music company or a media company you need to embrace search so you can provide, needs and provide that access to, the customers as they expect, to see it. So. Chapter two it's. Really taking advantage of, this. Phenomena, that's who pointed out and it's. Building, it's. Embracing. Searches, and mission critical technology. In your business so. While you might decide, to work with a video. Search provider to provide one capable component, or mobile search provider to do one thing for your business an underlying. Platform around. Search is really core to any media company, service providers, business, you. Need to be able to control access, across. All pieces of content across, all channels and. Consistently. To all your customers and, that's what that's, what we, talk about when we mean a mission-critical, technology. There's. Three pieces I'll, go into them briefly. The. First one being content, this is the one what people are most familiar with. Obviously. You want to showcase all, your content, but that means something different today, than I did in the past right so. You have your you, have content that you control likely, you have, rights. Around pieces, of information that you've had traditionally, for years and years but, now there's things like user-generated content, and there's complimentary content. All across the web that you can bring to bear on your site using. A search technology, go out and crawl that content put it into an index where it's accessible by your customers, makes, for a very rich experience. The. Concept of merchandising. Around. Search. Is pretty it's, pretty. Easy. To understand, any e-commerce. Concept. But it's been brought up a couple times and a good example of what you would want to embrace with, when, you bring search. Into. Your business is is is going. To del calm, and typing in laptop. You. Know or we talked about typing, and ringtone into, a mobile handset what, is it that people are actually looking for well they could be looking for any number of things but what Dell does with fast, is they. Look through their inventory, and they see where their inventory, levels are a little high and where.

The Where the products, are that they want to push out our and so. Each. Day they're changing, the result. Set that will come out as a result of laptop and through. That they better optimize, our inventory and better optimizer, sales to match what their business goals are that's, in that's taking search in internally. And saying okay how do we best optimize, what's going on and you can think of any number of business model examples, within your business is how you can do that I. Want. To talk about the next piece which is community. So. Really now the aspects. Of community have been talked about for you. Know any number of years at this point but what we're doing with community, is helping to drive the relevancy, around how search results are delivered back so. One, aspect of that is obviously personalization. But, if, you were to do one. Purchase, of one, CD. You. Wouldn't really know much about that person to be able to do some recommendations. But if you were able to understand that if that person within your site has. Now blogged with someone else has now searched. For other certain terms has now navigated. Around your, search driven portal you have a lot more information about that person you can make introductions to him or, her, to other people with like-minded interests, you, start driving new applications, that are much more sticky within your business that are all search driven these, are the types of things that that. Come. From having a community focus from search. The. Last one is is the big one right monetization. And. Primary. Monetization, and has. Been through advertising, but it's not the only monetization. Model right, we've talked about e-commerce, subscription. Services. Optimizing. Those through your search experience and making sure that with each search up someone puts in you're making the best use of that query. But. Let's not forget, about the, power. Of advertising now, within major media companies, within major service providers you have the ability to create, a. Keyword. In bidding system within, your business you. Can charge a premium for the certain clicks that people are coming to so to go back to that example, with Cyrus where they know people are looking for certain pieces of content advertisers. On that site would be willing to pay more for those clicks you. Can you can build those models yourselves, bring that capability in, house and then, farm out the queries, and the clicks that aren't appropriate for, your business or aren't going to drive it a larger, piece of Revenue how, you do that is off of a technology platform a, technology, platform that essentially is a search platform that, manages, ads ads are, just another piece of digital content that. We can integrate within your within, your business strategy, for, the delivery of content. In. A monetization fashion, right, so. When. We talk about owning. The ad relationships, those are core to some of our customers that are that have been partnering with us in the past so. The I white the internet Yellow Page companies, the newspapers, and the emerging media companies, these are all companies that have ad relationships, and need to own those to. Maintain their their position. Of strength in the market rather than giving up those advil ation soups to the major search engines and. The. Last piece around the monetization, is of course the the multi-channel, side whereas today you can start. Managing, those, relationships, online, but. In the very distant not-too-distant. Future we're. Going to be pushing adds on to the mobile handset, we're going to be putting them on IPTV, under. The gaming devices, those. Relationships are going to become more and more important, and having. A platform, for distributing, for, managing those and then distributing, them on your own is going, to be a key key, competitive, differentiator. So. My last slide. Hopefully. Wraps this all up in a nice. Package talks. About chapter one where the front door of the web was opened up by these major search engine providers, but, chapter two is going to be these media. Companies, embracing. Search is a core component of their business and having. Search driven portals where people come in and are, looking for content. And the most optimal, meet, using. That search box as they would on a major search engine and they're, good and the, media companies will be embracing that they're, going to be controlling, another big piece and then chapter 3 we think will be every.

Company Having their search driven portal all, navigation. On every device, being, driven through search and these, are the reasons why today. If you embrace surge as a topic, within your organization, as a mission-critical technology. Will have an advantage when we get to that chapter three I. Think. I might have some time for questions but, I'm. Not entirely sure we. Started a little late. Yes. Thank you. You.


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