Top Ten 360 Cameras In Mid 2018

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Look at, them they, are beautiful. Oh. Hi. Well these, cameras are here so that, must mean it's time to do my which camera should you buy video and it's, been three months since I made the last one and I'm gonna be honest with you not a lot has changed my. Hierarchy, from last time is more or less the same with, the cameras you should and shouldn't buy however something I've never ever done in a video is rank these 360. Cameras from 10 to 1 and look there's no one answer, for which is the best camera because, everyone's different everyone, has different needs, from a camera so in this video I'm going to tell you exactly what, each of these cameras is best at and who they are for because the best 360, camera is different for every person so. This video is going to figure out which is the best 360, camera for you I'm only going to talk about consumer, and prosumer, cameras that are under $1,200. If there's a camera you have your eye on that isn't here it's likely I've knocked it out in a previous video so check out my previous camera comparisons, to see why this camera hasn't, made the list starting with number 10 it's the gear 360, 2017. Video. Now, you're bringing it back yeah I know I did but 2 things have changed since last time 1 the price the price has gone down to around, $100. As long as half the price that was before which puts it back in contention, for people that only have $100, to spend this is a basic 360, camera and it does everything ok. But for $100, yeah I think it totally delivers for that price also, they've added stabilization. Finally, built, in 6, axis stabilization it's. Not as good as the other cameras but it stabilizes, if you're considering this camera do check out my review of this it's got a lot of flaws it's got some strengths, but personally, I don't really recommend it anymore unless you only have a hundred dollars to spend oh forgot to mention this is the cheapest camera that can do live-streaming, 360, number nine is its older brother the gear 360, 2016. And this is still an OK camera in mid, 2018. It's probably just on the verge of being acceptable, given all the amazing innovations. That have happened in the last year the reason this camera continues, to stay on this list is the price this is the cheapest, good quality 360, camera you will find end of story it's around $70. Right now and if you have a samsung phone and a low budget then this is probably the camera for you one of its biggest flaws is definitely, compatibility. It's only compatible, with a certain, line of phones you will want to check out the Samsung website if you're considering, it but I can't use it I'm on Mac and I find so haven't. Used it in about a year but it's a great camera if you're on Samsung one amazing Pro of this camera is it still the highest resolution, 360. Camera under, $1200, of all of them there are $1000, cameras that aren't as high resolution as this one so although, it's cheap and the dynamic range is nowhere near as good as some of the other cameras, it does have resolution, on its side should you buy the gear 360, 2016. Only if you have a budget of $70, if you have more then you'll probably want to consider the other cameras on this list coming in at number 8 is my newest, 360, camera of all of them and that's, Devoe's. Plus, 3d. 360. Camera this is an 8 lens, 3d. Camera, and it's. Been pretty good so far this is the cheapest, 3d 360, camera out there aside from the previous, Foods model from the few shots I've taken so far it's looked pretty good, not amazing however, I haven't viewed in 3d yet, 3d is actually, amazing I can't wait until 3d, takes off it's going to be absolutely incredible and it's gonna bring that immersion factor, of 360, photos and videos to the next level 3d means you can essentially see depth in the image if you remember those old viewmaster headsets. Where, you put in slide and you can see these 3d photos, I used to play with these a lot when I was a kid it's just like that you can see layers which create depth, in your photos and videos they're still working on the app they're still working on the software so this is an almost complete camera and that has the potential to be amazing the, biggest flaw I found that so far is the stitching, it's so easy for stuff to get cut off with this camera as you can see there's a massive blind spot on the top and on the bottom and even between the lenses, standing, about two to three feet away you're still, going to get cut off so this is a camera you'd need to use in wide open spaces where, nothing, is going to come anywhere close to the camera or risk getting cut off in the seam line of.

So, Who should buy it anyone with $1,200. Lying around that wants to play with 3d and see what it's like knowing, that most people aren't going to view it in 3d it's. Cool but you're gonna be one of the only kids on planet earth playing, with this toy coming in at number 7 it's the. Garmin. VirB yes, the camera I like to make fun of the most is still a contender, in mid 2018. And why is that well, something it has above all the other 360, cameras is this is the most durable 360. Camera of all of them it has replaceable lenses, and it's shockproof so, it can withstand a, fall from, 1020. Feet up like I did that one time I don't want to talk about it. It's. My Garmin VirB. Still. Have nightmares about that but. If this were any other 360, camera I would have had to buy a new camera, with the Garmin VirB I went straight on to the Garmin's website and, I saw they had replaceable, lenses it cost about $40. And I had them in the mail within about five days and that's saved me $700. So there's that because someone that likes taking risks with your camera you do extreme sports or you're just clumsy then, this may be the camera for you because it's, very likely it's not going to break since I made my review of the VirB they've added the ability in their desktop, software to, stitch 5.7. K video and I tried it yesterday and it works flawlessly many people forget that about the verb that makes it one the highest resolution consumer. Slash prosumer, 360, cameras money can buy the final thing has about the others is G metrics so if you're into racing or extreme sport it will create all kinds of cool overlays, that will show up on screen as you navigate your course and make your video look kind, of like a video game that's cool completely useless to me but I can see how be totally, useful for those people the verbs a great camera and maybe I was too hard on it last time by putting it on the math list but the reason it's on the math list is the price this is, $800. And for only offering those three, things above all other 360. Cameras it's just not enough and most cameras on this list are less than half the price of the verb coming in at number six is the camera I love, to hate and that is the. Yi 360. V and I hate, the fact that I love to hate this camera but it's only because I'm an that guy and this is not a Mac friendly camera, or iPhone, friendly at all it is 5.7, K however I can't process it doesn't work on phone it doesn't work on computer for Mac so if you're a PC owner this, is going to be the highest resolution video, camera under, $500, the year is 399. Right now so, PC. Owners this is a serious, option and if I were a PC, reviewer like some of my good friends I'll be putting this way higher like maybe 3 2 or 1 but since I'm a Mac guy this camera is basically, unusable, for me which is sad because I, thought this camera had a lot of potential and maybe it will one day when, it does become Mac friendly another issue I have with it is its dynamic, range it's really, not, great it doesn't handle highlights and shadows well, at all in the same image so if you're one of those people it just loves, resolution, ones much as possible regardless, of the look of your photos and videos then the Yee is a camera you should consider but, something that's way more important, to me is that dynamic range it's just so important, and I know I'm going to go with the cameras higher than this on this list ok we're down to the final five of my favorite 360.

Cameras Of mid 2018. And coming in at number five, is the. Rio, 360. Camera and why, low is a camera that I'm liking more and more every, time I use it if you saw some of my Japan videos you saw I shot some awesome, hyper lapses, with the Rilo which involved me holding this camera and walking for four minutes speeding, up in the app adding, the hyperlapse effect and bam I've got an amazing b-roll, shot which once would have taken hours, and hours if not days and, I, can do it in minutes there's no question the Rilo is a b-roll machine, and I can see myself using this for the next year, at least because. It's just so good at that yes it's draw cut is it's hyper lapses and stabilization, the, rila is still the best 360, camera for stabilization, it's, got amazing six, axis stabilization and, it's. The best for Hyper lapses, recently they've added a motion blur effect within, the app and it just gives those hyper lapses that next, level, cinematic. Look it just feels, like something that was shot really professionally, even though it wasn't and when you're filming you look like a complete idiot walking around with this thing like. People think you're some kind of pervert, but I don't even care because, as hyperlapse is look so on another, thing it does better than the other cameras, is the button layout it's ridiculously. Simple to use this camera there's literally two buttons on off and record. On the top and that's it you just press record take, your photo take a video and bam, you're done but hold on though the Rilo also has lots of flaws, this is far from a perfect 360. Camera the first and biggest flaw is there's no Wi-Fi connection, which means you can't connect wirelessly, to your phone and preview, your images, or download. Your footage you need to physically, use a cable connected from the camera to your phone the final major flaw is the Rilo in my opinion, is the price this is a $500, camera and I don't think it's really, worth $500. I mean yes look there's hyperlapse shot work amazing, and I would pay $500. For those no, question, so if you're someone that likes the hyperlapse effect and you don't mind the idea of having two cameras, then the rila might be a good second camera for you I wouldn't totally rule it out though as a main camera it would only be a main camera if you're someone that really values, stabilization. If you're someone that's into extreme sports or maybe you exclusively. Shoot handheld then you absolutely a thousand, percent should consider, the rila coming in and number four is the, insta. 360. One. About. That look, I still totally stand by everything I said in the last video however, the, last video wasn't ranking, from ten to one this is still gonna be the best 360, camera for lots and lots of people just not everyone something I feel like I could have clarified a lot, better in my last video is this is the perfect 360, camera for big beginners it's really, easy to use it clips onto your phone and you can do everything on your phone in minutes no question instead 360, had the best app and that makes the whole workflow, a breeze, whereas with most other 360, cameras you have to use several apps bring, to your computer, and it, can really drag out the process, insta 360, are all about simplicity and, I really have to give them a round of applause for their amazing, app, however. That, does not mean that this is a camera for everyone this is for a beginner, if you're a beginner or you're into live-streaming this is also the best 360, camera for live-streaming, but if you're a semi. Garen's photographer, and you want image quality you want dynamic range you want beautiful colors, then you want to consider the cameras above, the one on this list I've always had issues with the look of the photos and videos that come out of this it's not great for contrast. And the colors aren't always accurate to, what you see in real life for, me as a more experienced, photographer, that means the world to me so if you're someone that's never owned a 360, camera and you want something that's Buber easy to use you just plug in take a photo download, and then upload to social media this is going to be the camera for you however you probably will, need an iPhone yes they do have an Android adapter, but since I recommended, it in my last video I had so many people reach out saying this is less than perfect it does not work great with Android at all some, people is working fine but a lot of people it's not so, therefore, I've withdrawn my recommendation, if you're an Android user I wouldn't really consider this because you're probably going to experience issues basically.

Every Other 360, camera on this list is Android, friendly so you might want to consider one of the other options coming in at number three and not one, but, two 360. Cameras the me sphere and the may adventure 360, before you ask there's still no difference between the two so it's up to you which one you want to buy personally, I recommend the me sphere just because it's usually cheaper the me sphere has been high on this list for probably the longest of any of the 360, cameras this has been one of the best options for over, a year now and it's still an excellent option, in mid 2018. Why, is that well, the me sphere is just a great all-around camera. And everything. It's a great photo camera and has excellent resolution and, pretty, good dynamic, range it's got lots of manual shooting, options it's great for video it's got stabilization. And the image quality and sharpness is as good if not better than most of the cameras on this list the best part is this is one of the cheapest, cameras on this list it consistently, comes in around, the 200, to 250. Dollar mark which makes it the best camera by far in this price bracket do check out my review and the 6,000, other videos I've made about the me sphere but I still like it it's not my number one favorite but it will always have a special place in my heart and why isn't it my favorite you might ask well I do write it really highly however I found as someone that is experienced. At photography I'm always having to color correct, the photos, and videos that comes out of the Mexica they never come out perfect, or not, even perfect I don't expect perfect but, just good enough to post I find, the meso is always really contrasty the, blacks are really dark and a lot of the time it has a blue tone that needs to be fixed this is a minor issue but it's a major issue for me because I care a lot about color and in an ideal world a camera will take a photo where you don't really have to touch it for it to be acceptable, enough to post online and again I'm being really picky and most people don't color correct their photos and figures that come from the mesosphere and that's okay too otherwise I rate the mesosphere super, highly and can confidently, say this is the best 360, camera for under $300. Number two and it's. The theta V this is one of the cameras I've been using the most over the last six months and the. First reason is I just love the design this thing no, question this is the best design 360, camera money can buy it's the perfect size, it's the shape of a pocket, and that's really so important, when you want to take around your 360 camera and not feel like you're carrying around a full camera kit and or do something bulky in your pocket you don't want to look like you're getting excited, in public when you have a 360 camera, in your pocket which is why the theta V is a much better alternative so, there's, that also the theta V has probably, the fastest, workflow, of all of these 360, cameras maybe other than the one however, download, time two-way fast on the theta V you can download a photo like that and the file sizes are small enough that it doesn't fill up the 19 gigabyte, SD card, this is one of the big flaws of the fate of V is there's, no expandable, memory and you're stuck with 19 gigabytes, however, the file compression is really good you still get decent quality, photos and videos look they're not amazing, and it's not as high resolution, as a lot of these other 360, cameras but because the dynamic range is just so good it makes, it look sharper, than it actually is, the theta cameras have always been amazing for dynamic range and the look is far superior to, every other camera I've discussed so far the theta V also has the best built in HDR that I've seen from a 360, camera it almost doesn't matter how much contrast, you have in your scene how bright the highlights are how dark the shadows are the theta V is probably, going to expose them correctly if you use hex tearing, you will need to put your camera on a tripod to do this or your shots may turn out blurry no-questions, sharpness isn't the number-one strength of the theta V however if you're shooting for social media this is going, to be one of your best options now the flaw is there's no replace of all battery so if you're someone that likes filming for a long time this will probably be an issue for you if that only leaves one camera, left and if you've been following my recent videos then you know what it is it's the GoPro.

Fusion, And as of mid 2018, in my humble opinion the GoPro, Fusion is the best all-around camera. For 360, photos and 360. Videos it's definitely a prosumer, camera, and not a consumer. Camera meaning you need more of an advanced setup as in a phone you need a fast computer, with a fast graphics card and lots, of RAM in order to use it but if you have those things this will be one of the best 360. Cameras you can get your hands on firstly straight out of the camera the photos and videos just look amazing and they barely need any work done to them also it's, so sharp this is one of the few 360, cameras I've seen that when you look in any one direction it, looks legitimately. Like high-definition. Video most of the other cameras on this list look more like 720p. When reframed, the stabilization, on the fusion is second only to the Rilo and it's really close the fusion stabilization, is incredible. And if you're someone's into extreme sports and you can afford the fusion over a thousand, percent recommend, the fusion because it beats the Rilo in every other way well, maybe other than that cool hyperlapse effect but if you're someone that's into sports moving, around a lot and stabilization, is important, you're going to get amazing looking 360, video from the fusion and it's also waterproof which makes it the best 360, camera for using underwater look for stitching sucks underwater, which is why you need a housing regardless, of the 360, camera you own and whether it's waterproof or not it doesn't matter because what it causes issues with unhoused 360. Cameras so if you wanted to take this swimming and say, use it out of the water it would be a great waterproof, camera for that application. The fusion shoots raw the fusion has voice control the fusion has spatial, audio and the fusion is the best 360, camera for video in low-light it really is a great all-around choice, if you, can afford it which most, people can't some, hundred dollars is a lot to spend on a 360 camera especially as your first camera so this is more of a second, camera if you've already bought a camera before and you're fully boarding the 360 and the fusion is going to be a great upgrade now would recommend it a thousand percent however, the biggest floor of it is the workflow and this is the number one complained about thing is the, workflow on computer. A lot of people are using really, really, slow computers, and expecting. My point 2k video from the fusion to work on it and it's not it's crushing their computer or fusion studio crushes and they, blame GoPro. But really the issue was their hardware couldn't, handle it so I would say you need a minimum of 16, gigabytes of RAM and it likes a 2 gigabyte if not four gigabyte graphics card to make the fusion run smoothly, and not take days to render, a single clip do check out my fusion review to see all the pros and cons but this is something that's unanimous amongst, all the 360, camera reviewers, and the 360 pro community, right now that the Fusion is the best prosumer, 360, camera oh by the way one thing I need to and really quickly is I saw the Kendall, bucum and, it's, amazing, I think it's gonna be one of the best 360, cameras of late, 2018, it's not ready yet but I have complete confidence so, it's going to be in the top three of this list by the end of the year I'd strongly recommend joining, the Facebook groups as the camera you own or the camera you're interested, in to see samples, to see user questions you can submit a question so definitely join as many of those Facebook groups as you can and hey I'd be interested to know what's your number, one 360, camera right now and why leave a comment down there and you know what choosing a 360, camera is one thing but really knowing how to use and how to get really professional, results, with your 360, camera is a completely, different thing you can buy an amazing camera and still, your footage can look terrible, which is why I made my video course a beginner's, guide to 360, video why do things the hard way when you can learn from all of my mistakes by, getting my best tips and tricks in something, you can consume in under, a day I'll put a link to it in the description and this video course is my best content yet by far finally. I've got some news to share this is going to be my last video that I'll be filming here I started, on YouTube, about two years ago posting. Serious, tutorials, and it's been an amazing ride and this backdrop has been with me for the vast majority of, videos I've shot however I'm now at a point in my youtube career where I'm ready to take things to the next level and the place I'm living in now it's just not doing it for me it's too small I found, an amazing new, place there's gonna be so much better for YouTube, so with that said.

It's. Time to say goodbye. Had. My wall like this for eight years so I feel like I'm tearing apart a piece of my soul. I'm. Sorry mr. Kubrick. Wait. A minute I could. Have taken them to my new house, oh. Well. It's, been fun. See. Ya.


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