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Next. Up, deputy. Secretary of Georgia poly it's going to give us a little bit of a inside. View, into. PennDOT, 2018. Operations. Though George is. Guy, that understands, the importance, of working closely, together, if. We're ever going to accomplish anything we're going to do it collectively not individually. And, I think he also understands, the importance of trying to identify those, people that are going to be sitting in these chairs conditional. We've. Got a we've got to open their eyes and get them to realize that these, opportunities are real. Or two folks. To go along with the opening. Theme of the day. Most. Of the people that develop. Made out of western, Pennsylvania. It's always touted, that I've had two favorite football team. My first favorite of course is post. Stealers. The trophy in the wall. My. Second favorite team, is always been everything, it's. So. I know that may have said a few, but. My second favorite team won a Super Bowl. Now, it's also nice to hear that industry. Is talking about. Invigorating. Their efforts forward. Of. A forward to year, Super. Bowl for a. Certain. Lumiere. I want to talk about a number of things today. Give. You a little background of where and I is where we were advanced some things in last year how we're trying to do some things along a little bit set the pace. Some. Opportunity, forward, relative. To innovation. Developed. At the sustainability, of work. Technology. Work. Very, excited, about the opportunity, to grow, partnering. Relationships, with the industry. The Department, Highway. Administration, working. Together to. Try to improve, transportation. Assets, that all work, so hard to live. Listing. Here a, lot, of initiatives. Involved. In Future Leaders started. In the past year or so. It's. Good to hear that concrete. Industries. Interns. For the future program, aligns. With those concepts. Well you watched me step up on stage or television. Easily. Tell that calisthenics, are something that's in my daily ritual, shake. That I'm in and the job that I do but, let's, please, all stand. You, think anybody thought he'd be sleeping today but this this is a little different exercise, you, got over 30 years in. The business I've. Seen. They're like me your old retired investor. Over, 25, years of a seat. I hope you're watching the crowd. Over, 20 years. Books, that just sat down or carrying a torch. The, folks that are still standing of the force carriers future. Olympic. Torch needs to continue forward, folks. Those that are sitting or. Your mentors, you. Folks need to leave this initiative into the future through that's brood. Transportation. For Pennsylvania. Since, you were the most resilient I thought I'd make you stable so you can have a seat. I'm, very excited about all the efforts, to try to evolve relationships. That we've put together you try to build on those relationships president. Stefan said I'd say on many occasions, our, best opportunity, for success as far as it's all in relationship. Anything. Our secretary, put forth a relationship. Scenario, that's, outside, of the actual construction arena, plays. Heavily into what we do. Label. PennDOT connects, building. Relationships, with our. Disability. Partners, local. Communities, as we're. Scoping or prior to scoping projects, understand, what their plans are, and. To make sure that we're accommodating for, those in our projects. What. Folks in the room need to understand is that our. Engineering districts went through a huge effort over, the past year to. Really advance this program, every district reports that they caught up on every project that was in the pipeline, picked. Up that type of communication, for, local communities. And that will be the path forward for every Friday, for. The first year, that was new stuff and everything that was in the pipeline had to deliver it's a huge, effort, reports. Are they're getting a lot of positive, feedback from all over communities. Recognizing. That they didn't understand the whole concept, and they. Were very pleased with the relationship, opportunities. To recognize, opportunities to, incorporate. Planning. Partners, welcome. Miss pouty one of you is there with agreement, between the photographer. It's. Been an exemplary efforts been, advancing, very well. Department, has that a focus on improving diversity within transportation. And I, just put a lot of effort into developing programs. Reach, out to colleges. High. Schools now the elementary, school level as far as recruiting, folks the. Business that were in of. Course we particularly focus on your business partners. Involved in. Many, of those discussions go to all, transportation, related discussions.

They're, Also looking for improving. Way.we. Mentor. Folks we, know, sustainable. Organization, so that folks could see if we're path, such. A plan. I'm sure there are industry, efforts along those lines that are parallel we talked about those to some extent probably. More opportunity, to urge those. With, disadvantaged, business contracting, perspective, last year was the first year for Pennsylvania, and not put, together three, regional outreach sessions, to try to grow opportunities. Maybe. Contractors. Participate, and work that we do. Industry. Was very supportive in that effort attended, those sessions have folks who spoke in each of those sections to recognize, the type of work we do Department. Explain how to become business partners how, to be aligned to be able to be successful in, building. Relationships with contractors. As a, sub, out. Of work to do that type of work computer, the. Great sessions, now we're looking at the opportunities, to involve that to the next level. I've asked folks to take a very hard look at how we manage our assets. Trying, to work to develop much better predictive, models on how our transportation. Assets are performing, respectively. Performing the future. In, the past most, of what we planned on was based on what we physically see. Reactionary. Type of approach. Prediction. Based on age. Working, to build opportunities, to understand the technologies, that are in those assets, to know what the future looks like for that type of an asset forward try. To go further and around that to be not. So much reactionary. But more proactive. Approach of planning a program trying. To make sure we're doing the right projects, at the right time. Peyman, asset management system has been under development and we're looking at a upgrade. To that system later this year help. Get it more in alignment with that type of a program we've. Been developing a bridge asset management program. It's, very similar. It's, looking for about a 24, month deployment but we have a man's life there, Jess it may be consistent, light to give us some, meaning. As your two. Recognize. Our bridge conditions, and plan our programs, around bridges, the. Partial, day up as. The system is being developed all. This is being driven to support. Formitz. Metrics that are driven by the federal highway administration, of course their focus is on the federal aid system, we. Will be making the entire system, these, programs, are putting together all. Of our assets. I was, volume secretary. Couple slides about PennDOT, maintenance, it's, the largest part of the organization, and I get to oversee. Safety. Is, one of our primary focuses, it's been a renewed effort. Over, the last several years to try to improve, the safety culture. I'm sure safety, is the number one things in each organizations, work. It saddened to have to the court depend on lost one of our workers.

Saturday. Setting. Flares it's, no schooling for you too. Something. To go through. It's dangerous business that we're in to, do all we can, lard, ourselves, from a safety perspective. Workers. And, the traveling public working fewer looks. Safety. Needs to always be the first over school. Our maintenance organizations. Have always been focused on quality and productivity. Looking, at new tools to measure the productivity and, show them opportunities. To prepare and improve. Also, working on driving different, ways of enhancing the quality of minutes every asked. Me to build quality control, program very, similar to what the industry uses. Generating. Data that we can pull up and show quality. Outcomes of achieve. We're, always looking at cost effective practices trying to do the best we can with the monies that we have. In, an effort of equipment sharing he's been doing one over the past several years and opportunities, forward to improve upon that fleet. Size can be reduced we get the same amount of work from each air. Is to give you an example of that. In the past it was view. Every, piece. Of equipment is owned by a particular, County. Nobody, would run a business with that small of a pocket. Organization, trying to be self-sustaining. We're working to build regional, approaches, to, help reduce. The fleet and still get the work on Lightfoot the chariot, I've. Always asked our mooner our folks and paying out maintenance to recognize that there's the three main categories of what we're there for when. Our maintenance is our first effort and we must be effective, at maintenance in, the wintertime. That. Involves, industry participation, of course and we're looking for opportunities to expand that but. We are as an organization our, structure, of our organizations. Established, based on being able to be successful with. We, come out of winter our first first focus and our planning efforts need to be taken care of Corsica for maintenance activities, for assets I can. Tell you that that has been slipping. The last several years, put. An effort to reinvigorate that through the last year then, you forward, actually take care of the Foreman's activities, first before we plan to do our, type.

And, When we do have capacity, left over which we will have, to. Be very cost, effective, and efficient what we do. So, over, the past couple. Of years each. Of the 67. Counties went through answering hundreds, of questions about how to run their business, trying. To involve their business model forward to be successful. From, that the, 11 different districts each came to central office that presented a business plan on. County transformation. County accreditation, Fabio. Recognized. Opportunities. To improve your business and where their best practices share. Those, mr.. District, County to County we can help each. Of those 67, counties involve, their structural forward to be successful. Let's talk about innovation for a few slides here. Innovation. Opportunities. About, transportation. One, of the earliest, things that I want to point one, to point to as I started this position. That I mean is that we have. A system that's gly acceptance. Wise in construction, industry on, random. Accepted sampling. A, little, bit of Africa Dhaulagiri quality control, we. Don't as, an owner rely, on the quality control data that, comes out of delivering. Your project I think, we're missing a huge opportunity there. Our. Means, and methods forward, as to how, recognize. Consistency. Of the products that we create because. That would add. To and, increase the longevity of the product. Ample. Reason to not just do. Random except, random, sampling for acceptance to understanding the entirety. Our rapper, bridge replacement, project was, the first p3 approach to 10 Pennsylvania, it's. Been, struggle. At times, on. Their way through suggest hurdles. And we're advancing the project. We have a hundred and six weeks on bridges left to build of. Course of this year Simon Carrie. From, that effort we also added, to our knowledge of understanding if there's quality control program today's, technology, and the, track got electric. Chair we can run things faster and improve doing. Tastes a call we're, taking those concepts, forward and how we help. We're, always looking to continuously, improve. Then focus, future, in my view. Performance-based. Outcome. Recognizing. Consistent. Products. Only, to get to understanding, how to deliver consistent products, if you ever see a classic. Kuki works you to study or honor. That'll, focus on trying to improve the pace. Innovation. Within transportation. Industries, in Pennsylvania. Our D&D, is the label we've given it research development. And deployment honestly. The last. There's, still opportunities, to improve how we do research, working. Better together today, than we did many years ago as far as working with industry who recognized these police, research, and putting the focus on things. You come. Out of that the, pilots testing, proof, things that work and then it's kind of. Like, time we're really successful at deployment is if we take away the old ways. That's, a problem. This assuming nature to continue to do we know how to we. Want to go to the next step we do continue, to evolve an, innovation, prophetic perspective we. Need to deploy there's. New concepts, grow, that into our further. We all recognize that a new process, or a new procedure might cost some money when you're piloting it can't. Let that scare us off and what the future is of how we should be affected with that in future you drive that cost back now. As long as the innovation. Reasonable. Risk is. Understood, through a pilot scenario, to, deliver better performing, product longer, performing assets. 40,000. Miles of road in Pennsylvania. 25,000. Bridges, the. Law of opportunity, and, the cash flow is not there even. With that day t9 do. Everything he needs doing to renew everything, that we have. True. So, there's new approaches, under underlay. Currently. As. Was mentioned earlier, base. W a supports performance, to engineer mixes. Funding. To support that old, fun studying departments, participating, in it good, to hear that the industry is also, it's.

A Dash forward anticipated. I'm talking, more about that your notes of my slides about this you see later. Do, you have a session, on that. Super, air meter is a tool, that's out there now the department, has been taking around to plants, particularly. Precast. He plans to build. Some knowledge of what product. To give us not. Just. Snapshot, what we have. Trapped, in the drain combination, here and a lot of assumptions what that means for the longer term, you. Could do a lot of in-depth. Testing with that fresh coffee. Talk, a little bit about out. Of cycle pavements, in general. As part of that. So, the department's give, you some perspective, of, just. Pardon, me well my, age. Remove their seem distant, fastest way. The, statistics, a little bit surprising to me today I'm. Sure a lot of that has to do with work we've done since back 29 but, longer. Story because to right. Now our interstate system is about, 9%. Out of cycle as far as. But, it's still out of cycle that's 90% of that Network. In the next 10, years we, expect. This, is basically, predictions. Based on age. 1,135. Segment. Mouse. We, out of sight before reconstruct. So, that means we need to pick up pace as. The system is aging and I mean be able to replace, opportunities. For the industry, to recognize. Forward it be ready for the. Align with, market. Needs to put plans. Together to be able to deal with these things that we need to have industry, folks on board with how we're going to do that. Just a little bit of what we've done since act 89. 49. Miles have been reconstructed. Interstate. About, half of that 25. Miles were concrete. So, we've been doing some work we, kept it at that nine percent rate, there's. An opportunity to the future. Lots, of work, to. Deal with our aging infrastructure. I wanted, folks to understand, that there's funny, of opportunity, forward. The industry has an opportunity to understand how they can be engaged with. The department, plans to address. Been, in Pennsylvania, for 30 years. The transportation, industry. It's, always been collaborative. Approach but it's so, so, much, better. Of a collaborative approach, as. Of late very, fresh. Transportation. Quality initiative, that was on the way whenever I came into this position has. Been evolving, over the past year. Took. Away some of the redundant, efforts all technical. Side of things that tequilla I was focusing, long. To try to help recognize. The, quality improvement committees, that we have and there are opportunities, to carry those persons forward, so, the restructuring. Of the tqi leadership, area is going to pick up on those technical. Opportunities. For innovation improvement. Pick the right pocket to send them to whether it's a Quality Improvement Committee whether it's a research brother try, to keep tabs on things work, with stick. Biggest. Effort has been all the evolution, of partner. The past year much, more at the pace I think that was recognized, initially, as TQ I was developed one. Of the needed opportunities. Within an industry and there's been a great movie and all of our organizations, to try to improve partnering, relationships, down. To our destruction winter schools having industry involvement, have their district, across the state. If he see folks pointing out to each engineering, district having. Very, high-level strategic discussions. With the districts about opportunities, forward. Raising. Evolution. There's, quality improvement, committees they. Through the irony group copy. Payments. And fixes groups. We'll, have the challenge of taking those opportunities. Forward. Rebecca's, perspective, and looking to a point where we can say here's. Here's. How this new, concepts, can be evolved, into our program and all, by the way here's a recommended, deployment, procedure so. We can carry that out. As was, mentioned earlier works out safety is of great concern, the. Industry and Department. There, is legislation, being. Developed. Automated. Works down and speed enforcement the. Department deterrent like the industry all supports this effort. As. Long as we can align things with it being enforceable. From what state police perspective, they, get somewhere with this get. Folks to slow down reduce, those risks, I don't want anybody hurt through, our work zone that's, traveling probably go away that's all workers. We. Have had opportunities, over the past to build more. State. Police and local police involvement in our projects. That. Helps to slow traffic down we can't turn. This entire ball over to State, Police with the local place Eric, for. There's, merging, works. Own intrusion, technology, devices, that have had been used in Pennsylvania, that are great. Start in, certain industries, we, heard of the APC conference some organizations. At the Gulf cutting-edge. Technologies. Were signaling. Works own intrusion issues, key, for for safe we. Need to all keep our keep in mind opportunities, to bring that into the fold as we go forward.

So, Since act 89, you can see how the program wasn't we, have to back up. Two, point five six, billion dollars last year construction. Work contract. What. Our projection, is 2.4. Billion dollars at least forward. So, that's sustainable. Opportunity. To build sustainable, organizations. The carriers without interview. Last, week governor. Two, weeks ago the governor announced a 300 million dollar program, over. A five-year period. To focus department for his efforts on secondary, roads. And that trickles up to, the larger program, Department. Forces are out doing paving. Work now and we can do lower-cost treatments, on secondary, roads with pasady, we have to do only so much time this. County funds become available for, paving, projects, baby. Project, money's coming in to highlight. Gives, us an opportunity to affect me more the assets. Also. Focus, on local bridges. Five. Years we've. Worked hard last. Ten years to bring our structure deficient bridges numbers, value six thousand plus range just. Over three files state. System. Thirty, percent of local systems still structured efficient so that's the. Helped them bring. Their local bridge system. This, slide shows you how the workloads been distributed, over the last few years and what the projection, is for 2018, into approximations, or, highway versus bridge, miscellaneous. Contracts. There. Will be fluctuation. As we move forward but you're looking for an. Expectation in the future of 55, to 65, percent highway. Here. Will be a little bit different. We had a sustainable, growth. And every year the scrapple, look different it fluctuates, from range and you read. Levens. Area is very large. Volume. Of blue Bridget. Some. Areas don't want to focus on. Zero's quantities projections. Shown. Here. Again, those numbers will fluctuate from year to year but one thing to note is that the concrete lines. Fading. Right. Now it's. Not been sustaining, number. That it started out a couple of years ago it's tapered off. So that's opportunity. For our districts, recognizing, you put together programs. Balance. Keit a note. About 13 projects, in 2018, are going to be. 20, plus million dollars. Investing. In specific, projects and notes. For this. There. Are some larger projects, in the pipeline. While like off. Repaving, perspective, two projects, are planned to be let. 20:18. For advanced on. Life applications. We've been several on the past improve proven success with successful, employment. You can improve our quality efforts to make sure that we keep that recognized. As a good. Tactic forward. Both vestigation, Foreman's, recommend, enough that seduces just. One, thing we've noted though the projects have not been huge, well all my favorite perspective, project, have been running about 20%, over. They as we grow the program forward I expected that now, we're. Also going to need tout is. It's the investment, working. Are, we stretching, the life of our assets by, what we're doing with long life approach. We are. Engineers, state. How, we are but the maintenance efforts awkward. How, cycles. Will change. One thing at iski to note though is that the apartment, has a lot to learn about maintenance. Site. There's out of cycle networks, as far as my ceiling is. Out of sight the part of the network. Baba, Replacements. Achin scenarios. Catch. Up on also. A lot, of that's reaction. Say that forward the, existing, system and for all new five. I'll feed overlays. Pulling. The two blocks that are under deployed in, my view. It's not new, concepts, if, you, were here last year and save it. Over, 30 years ago before it came back Pennsylvania, always working these days. Not, technologies, we're using today. And we've learned a lot over time and. Occasionally. We trip over things. Lately we need to practice. A program forward so. Don't, paint a bad picture. One flaw design. Process. I think, the department has an opportunity consider offering over. The, just to give you a little bit of an explanation, reverse composite, something, labor. It's, very similar to the property whoever they wanted to asphalt instead. Of taking a bass boat roadway system knowing, surface, Laden, concrete to it. It's, interchange. Type construction. Over, there you. Asked for. Phases. Ask, yourself. With. Something, worth considering. A CPA. Has a website that indicates, where olney overlea locations. Are what types they are they're not familiar with that go take a look see. The dots between the ground. - a little, fruity. Sark to perspective precast, concrete pavements, are another, tool in the toolbox there's. Opportunities, for pulling, them of course they are more costly, than regular construction that they are click, in and out of our location, for the.

The Project, in the pipeline district. Six area that's targeting, some. Precast, concrete pavements. Struggling, on. The street this. How, people's going to get a project cover letter. The old kind concrete smoothness is another technology that's out there as improving, the effective opportunities. For industry to recognize, how we can follow that into part. Or, our secondary road system, cement. Pirate industry has an opportunity to be involved before the site completely. Reconstruct, gravel. Or, we, weren't out in. Asphalt. Roadways. Conventional. Gas and oil folks couldn't quite a bit of it over the last few years. Which, stick we ran. Through a pilot, scenario, that gave us a very positive. Outcome with a cement slurry application. Recycling. Approach. Politics. Lag. Got, an interest in that. Organization. Can, you dig it alarm. You know you're gonna have further details. On the boss tutorials, coming up for the western part of the state this year later on their presentations, they. Get a chance to come through your one I. Speak. After. The tour maybe this time I can get myself lined up, boss. Those, are great opportunities to learn. Network. Look, for ways to evolve, how, we do business for words take, advantage of those. So, that thank. You for inviting me opportunity. To open up the presentations, here today. Appreciate. In, the industry. Again those were the last folks standing, up. To those. It's. Okay to Jalen. You, may tell you what we know just. Don't, just take that as the only way to do.


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