People Doing Stupid Things - Part 2

People Doing Stupid Things - Part 2

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since the last installment of people doing stupid things i've been studying the stupid people of the world and boy have i found a lot from those with tongues stuck to icy poles to those wearing face masks with holes i've rounded up the biggest buffoons and hopeless goons who have so kindly blessed us with their sheer stupidity so join me as we delve into this stupid verse in people doing stupid things part two ah and here we see a wild caron found in russia seen communicating over a cellular device as is often the case with this species she is likely attempting to communicate with someone's manager though this distraction causes her to hop back into her automobile having left the gas nozzle in her tank [Music] left seemingly baffled at the concept of her inattentiveness having actual consequences the karen is left wondering how the gas nozzle dare be so rude as to break off like that but this stray airhead is far from the only instance of this particular brand of dim-wittedness gas stations far and wide have seen their machines snapped and tugged over by folks who'd probably forget to breathe if it was possible a bit like this fellow who was snapped looking desperately around the inside of his car for his keys which were of course in his door all along truly a modern genius back in 2020 at another gas station employee joseph saman was approached by a karen while she dutifully wore her face mask her comprehension of its purpose was questionable take a look here hello how are you doing pretty good i need 10 on one please where'd you get that mess from well since we have to wear them and it makes it harder to breathe this makes it a lot easier to breathe cutting it yeah i'll do that too thanks for the advice appreciate you safety first right yep this lady genuinely cut a hole into her mask so that she could breathe better and seemed to see no problem at all to paraphrase the words of the great intellect forest gump stupid really is as stupid does deep in the streets of sheffield uk one man spotted a bunch of airheads back in 2014. it seemed the family had managed to forage a free sofa though attempting to squeeze it into their tiny skoda was probably not the brightest idea they'd had all day even with a collective six eyes and three brains they seemed unable to comprehend basic measurements of available space 44 year old graham london who captured this hilarious struggle explained how they pushed and pivoted the sofa for an extended time their determination spurred on by the sheer power of ignorance he rushed downstairs to get a better view though in that short amount of time they were nowhere in sight seemingly having miraculously scurried homeward with their new sofa rest assured these aren't the only maniacs loose on the roads check out this video captured in 2018 as the guy filming drove along in newport richie florida he noticed something slightly askew [Music] um yeah it goes without saying that you shouldn't drive with a missing tire or film while you're driving for that matter but as i'm sure most of us know tires are an essential safety feature for cars they provide a tactile material that aids the car's handling and braking but if someone's dumb enough to actually fire up the engine knowing they have a missing tire then you can probably assume safety is the least of their concerns to successfully pull off a crime takes brains but more often than not those with brains choose not to commit crimes which leaves mostly the brainless to recklessly commit crimes and not fully consider the consequences in 2021 tick-tocker dj dave 68 caught some interesting footage on his home's surveillance system of all the things to steal some numbskull had their eyes on dave's lovely flower hanging baskets though his grand heist didn't pan out as he anticipated [Music] i see london i see france i see some knuckleheads underpants yep while he managed to successfully secure the prized flowers the same unfortunately cannot be said for his pants but even with his great speed it wasn't long before the law caught up with him for this and two other crimes don't worry pal i hear prison uniforms have elasticated waistbands in july 2003 another chump was caught in oklahoma attempting to shoplift clothing jacob wise had a cleverly devised plan where he would remove the security tags and steal the clothes without sounding the alarms yet as he made his way out of the store the alarms still triggered how could this be well that would be because he hid the security tags in his pockets and forgot about them yep the surname wise sure has a heavy burden to carry when you're this wisdom deficient changing gears now let me welcome you to restaurant a la disaster the no star restaurant serving only the most disastrous meals possible and coming up i have the most disastrous of all the three-course meals in all the land for starters allow me to tantalize your taste buds with a bowl of fried rice only this fried rice is fried in all senses of the word the michelin chef responsible for this mess seemed to seriously misunderstand how to use a rice cooker inadvertently melting the whole thing as she sat it on a hot stove to cook if rice and melted plastic doesn't wet your appetite you can always just nibble on the coasters as one guest staying in an airbnb did when they mistook them for biscuits for our main course it's an italian classic plastic only pizza fresh mozzarella on a stone-backed base infused with the plastic chopping board that it was thrown into the oven with a red-hot disaster we also have beers available to wash down your terrible meal with most of our diners at the restaurant a la disaster like to swirl it around to really get the full experience refreshing right i hope you have the room for something sweet as dessert is coming up our head chef expertly uses a state-of-the-art iron to disastrously melt a whole bag of marshmallows the melted sugar and plastic intertwined resulting in a truly abysmal attempt at dessert that was shared in shame on twitter in the mood for the worst three-course meal of your life come on down to restaurant all a disaster you will be disappointed some of humanity's greatest discoveries were made by people who dared to think dared to experiment and be curious about the world however when you're how should i say not the sharpest tool in the box it's probably best you stay away from the lab coats and test tubes in 2016 budding genius tom agnew had his breakthrough idea he hypothesized that if he filled his iron up with flavored water as opposed to plain water it would result in his ironed clothes smelling fresh and fruity just like the flavored water sounds like a nice idea right well as he got to experimenting it soon became clear that the sugars of the flavored water had burnt and caramelized from the heat of the iron resulting in both his iron and t-shirt being ruined i mean what are the chances in a facebook post tom even went on to implore how irons should come with a warning to not fill them with flavored water because lord knows how many others have played victim to the cruel misunderstanding another numbskull making moves on the scientific landscape is seth dameron being the inquisitive mind that he is seth wanted to find out once and for all whether tongues really do stick to icy poles why well that why is a question science may never be able to answer but nevertheless seth went ahead and did it so let's see how seth's scientific experiment panned out yeah it works guys it works oh my god mom shocking results huh seth's tongue became firmly stuck to the pole and legend has it that he's still there today uh jokes aside the reality is that the moisture of your tongue will almost immediately freeze when stuck to a pole if said pull is below 32 degrees fahrenheit and because metal is such a good heat conductor it essentially robs your tongue of its heat meaning the tongue will quickly freeze to the surface and while a simple google search will tell you that seth regrettably found out the hard way technology is another thing that can be particularly challenging for those with fewer brain cells in fact in 2015 trevor thomas headed to reddit to share how his brother had been complaining that his car's music dock wasn't working not only that but it was also scratching his phone's screen sounds outrageous right well this so-called doc was actually a cassette player you know the way the ancient civilization used to listen to music yep trevor's brother had allegedly been shoving his iphone into the cassette player and expecting it to play his phone's music there really is no hope for future generations is there although considering how hopeless my parents are with technology it looks like there isn't much hope for older generations either and while we're on the topic of technology it seems this dummy wielding a pair of scissors didn't consider that they risked cutting through the wire when they cut through the plastic casing safe to assume they'll be needing another new charger though on this occasion i'm willing to forgive them that dastardly clamshell packaging can be a real nightmare to open it's a whole breed of stupidity in and of itself as for you though well it's another story i mean look at you sat there deftly using a smartphone tv computer or smart fridge to watch the brain boosting content i provide you must be quite a smart individual and heck while i'm at it i bet you're incredibly charismatic and good looking too and with a great wit and intelligence comes great responsibility so why not drop me a like subscribe or even a comment down below you all done great now let's get back to this stupid verse like many living organisms we humans instinctively feel the need to groom ourselves in order to appear more attractive to a potential mate though for our bird brain buddies beauty regimes can more often than not end in complete disaster in 2021 tick-tocker abigail attempted to soak up the sun's rays and top up her healthy golden glow the only issue was she totally neglected to protect herself with sunscreen [Music] shockingly abigail ended up becoming a hot sizzling shade of red with gorgeous white patches from her bikini and sunglasses personally i maintain my ghostly shade of white by avoiding sunlight at all costs in the pursuit of beauty choice of garment is crucial too however a person's choice in clothing can sometimes be indicative of their intellect and not in a good way for example this t-shirt clearly shows asia right um wait a minute yep yeah some genius t-shirt designer actually mistook africa for asia what's more it's likely that some other dummy is out there wearing this unironically completely unaware of the geographical error they are sporting sunglasses and other accessories can also be used as fashion statements but it seems there's a time and a place for them as kim kardashian found out in 2018 she played poker at a charity tournament in texas though it appeared the only person kim was double bluffing was herself as she opted to wear reflective sunglasses to hide her poker face just to reiterate reflective meaning people can see exactly what cards she had been dealt the price we pay for fashion eh another way in which we might attempt to enhance our beauty is with piercings piercings have been a common body modification for around 5000 years and in moderation they can look great though all things considered it probably isn't a great idea to wear a tongue piercing when you have braces why well i'll let tick-tocker mia carter do the talking or at least try what it's like i can't get out it's talk to you what oh my god oh god all right [Music] yup in a nightmarish turn of events mia's piercing somehow got tangled in her braces leaving her barely able to talk as too much movement could have ripped the whole thing out i don't think i've ever seen a more literal representation of the term tongue tied similar to piercings tattoos have been around since ancient times though as we see time and again they don't always come out great yikes which is exactly why it pays to shop around for a great tattoo artist that said before you start checking out their portfolio you might want to check out their iq allegedly this poor chap went to the parlor and showed the artist a cool dragon design on his phone though it seems he didn't realize that he needed to clarify that he wanted just the dragon and not the whole phone tattooed on him as unfortunate as this may be it seems like an unlikely story and closer inspection makes this seem more like a terrible photoshop job than anything else for one thing the tattoo appears to be too flat when you take into account how arms generally tend to you know curve so the question is who's the real dumb dumb here the person responsible for the image or their subpar photoshop skills or anyone online who believed this pick was real but if you want to see a real life tattoo fail then check out this guy's chinese character's tat our dumb buds often get foreign language tattoos and neglect to double check their actual meaning which is especially apparent with languages using different alphabets now i'm not exactly sure what the guy originally wanted tattooed but when translated into simplified chinese his ink actually meant turkey sandwich there's always a chance that he really loved turkey sandwiches but i'm betting he was hoping for something a little more profound the world of work is full of folks that leave you wondering how did this schmuck ever get a job those with pea-sized brains eventually make themselves known in their places of work as we can observe here with the person who painted this wheelchair access symbol while most of us are aware that stairs are the wheelchair's natural sworn enemy it appears that obvious conclusion didn't dawn on the dummy responsible a similar lack of working proficiency can be seen here either the dingus behind this is blind or just has their head on upside down either way they managed to post a full billboard upside down but then again perhaps this was an intentional marketing ploy to stop people in their tracks and notice the billboard which would also lead countless people to seeing it in this video many others have done the same intentionally to stir up interest but i can't help feeling it's a dumb tactic in itself after all anyone quickly passing by will probably only remember the fact that the billboard was upside down rather than the actual contents of the billboard's advertisement the designer responsible for this hair salon's window sticker meanwhile didn't seem to comprehend how the implications of their design might scare customers away ah nothing like a 45 caliber blow dry to the back of the head it appears that starbucks employ a large concentration of dummies too which is especially apparent when it comes to spelling people's names we've all had our fair share of hilarious misspellings but when a guy called mark told the barista that it's mark with a c they seemed to misunderstand and put the c at the beginning of his name trust me i get it kark be amazed is a problematic name in starbucks too surprisingly the knuckleheads of the world often try their hand at diy and what could go wrong well it just so happens a lot which is why i've created my own newscast to keep up with all the dumb diy mishaps of stupid people all around the world i think it's about to start hello this is be amazed and i'm here with your 10 o'clock diy news report the news feed dedicated to people of idiotsville who definitely shouldn't have done it themselves in tonight's headlines an area woman has reportedly attempted some diy on her old wardrobe but has ended up painting stripes on all of her clothes scientists have confirmed that stripes are in fact so last season the fashion police have remanded the woman in custody until a full investigation can be completed updates soon to follow in other news groundbreaking studies have found that gen zers are increasingly shoving hammers in their mouths for dramatic effect this bizarre epidemic comes after a 14 year old girl from louisiana kaylee went viral for getting a hammer stuck in her mouth the girl who is now able to talk since removing the tool from her mouth claims she was discussing with her friend how the korean pop band bts are so beautiful she could shove a hammer in her mouth not quite the proof of concept i'd go for but i'll allow it it took around 10 minutes to dislodge the tool leading evolutionary biologists to conclude that gen z may be the leading cause of human extinction on to bathroom news now and have you been thinking about calling in a professional to fix your soap dispenser well it turns out it's probably not broken after all for years now residents of idiotsville have been confused as to why their soap dispensers don't work well new research shows that filling them with bars of soap is actually 100 percent ineffective for better results scientists recommend liquid soap the study similarly found that when refilling salt and pepper dispensers it's advisable to use loose product instead of sealed packets the reports come after last year's discovery that you can actually replace a clock's batteries as opposed to the old method of just taping a new one on top researchers are now looking into whether there's anything else we've been doing wrong here in idiotsville now for the weather then it's looking like yet another rainy day here in idiotsville we're back checking in with local resident who has been trying to wash his car for the past three days during our monsoon season will there be an end to this pointless wasteful yet oddly endearing car wash well tune in tomorrow where gail will be reporting live at the scene and finally this week we asked our viewers to send in diy projects they've been having difficulty with one family can no longer poop in private as they fitted their door without considering actually being able to shut it it's reported their house does not smell great elsewhere a man has developed a chronic hunchback as due to shoddy measurements he now needs to crouch every time he wants to go upstairs another diy are successfully managed to install their satellite dish though it seems unlikely that they'll be getting their ladder back and lastly it's unclear whether this was done by a diy-er or more concerningly by a professional though what is clear is that the person didn't understand that they were meant to specify what date they had installed the alarm not that it had been installed on the ceiling d-i-y-o-y and that's all for now i've been be amazed and this has been your 10 o'clock diy dum-dum news update stay stupid out there and that brings us to our journeys and through the stupid verse what's the stupidest thing you've ever done let me know down in the comments below and as always thanks for watching i'll see you in the next one [Music] you

2022-08-18 10:42

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