Partners in Technology (PiT) – 2 June 2023

Partners in Technology (PiT) – 2 June 2023

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foreign welcome everyone on this uh this beautiful morning my name is Darren Bond I work in the customer and digital group in now the Department of Transport and main roads and Chris will talk to us more about that uh this morning I'd like to begin to acknowledge by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet and pay my respects to Elders past present and emerging uh we meet on the jagera and tourable people's lands can I just mention um this week is reconciliation week so hopefully you've had the opportunity to get out undertake some activities understand more about our real history about First Nations culture I'll give you some interesting information it goes from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June now that isn't uh their set dates so it's not always a calendar week but they represent the 27th of May is the 1967 referendum for those old enough to remember that sorry I don't remember it but I was here uh and uh the second one on the 3rd of June which is tomorrow uh the high court decision around the marble uh case so tomorrow is actually Marvel day and there is a call to make that a a public holiday so we'll see whether that eventuates but just some interesting information for you uh housekeeping emergency there's exits at the back here and out here we meet out uh there's some grass area outside so please go towards there if you need to use the bathroom it's straight across the hallway and I think most of you saw where the sort of uh patio is out the side here we'll have um a little bit of a catch up at the end of The Briefing so today I I will keep the speakers on track we will finish at 9 30. There's an opportunity as I said for networking and a morning tea out out the back there's also a live stream so um for those online hello uh and it is recorded so you'll be able to go back and see it sometime in the future if you wish um so it is a beautiful morning today it's a beautiful maroon morning so obviously we won the men's state of origin and last night the ladies state of origin and I say that for a specific reason and we'll hear from Chris in a moment uh so today our format we're going to hear from Chris he's going to talk to us about the digital economy strategy and some of the great things that we're doing at the moment uh he he and I will then uh top and between us we'll talk about some of the detailed initiatives that are going on and then we'll have a panel session so it's an opportunity for you to ask questions I'll be the moderator but I'll have some of my colleagues uh Andrew Spina and Dallas star I come up and join me on stage so uh let me hand over to Chris Chris obviously has has extensive private sector experience uh International experience and brings a new Focus to to government I'd say uh he's been in the role for just over 12 months we actually started on the same day and uh yeah certainly there's a new energy a new Vibe around what we're doing in the group so that's been very welcomed and really exciting to work with Chris so can you welcome Chris McLaren please [Applause] yes give me okay is that working I should have known Darren would start with a reference to the state of origin no no surprises there thanks Darren you are nothing but predictable um yeah so not a good week for New South walesmen as far as the football goes but anyway we live to fight another day best of three and hopefully is the next one up here or down south Our God that's not going to be good yeah so thank thanks for joining us it's good to see the room nice and full it is a beautiful sunny day in Queensland um So today we're going to do a couple of things I'm going to do a little bit of a what have we been up to I think it's been almost three months since we had our last pit which was the first that we'd had in quite a while uh uh during coming out of covert and then we'll spend a lot of time talking about the digital economy strategy which we launched on the 27th of April and then we'll allow plenty of time please come with lots and lots of questions this is a perfect opportunity to ask us anything and everything about what we're up to um so yeah a little bit about what we're being up to and I think that's important to me to talk about you know one of the things I've learned since being in the role it is it is a big group you know we've got 1600 1700 people and we just do so much stuff and we just keep knocking these things out of the park and I love talking about it uh because you know if nothing else I've known nothing else I've learned since coming to queenslanders at queenslanders over the exception of the rugby league a humble humble people very welcoming just get on with it get the job done they never brag about winning or anything like that so anyway we the team does just amazing things the commitment to Excellence the commitment to to Output the commitment to making a difference for the community in Queensland is just phenomenal and I love talking about that what we're doing the other reason uh I I just I think it's helpful for you all to understand the things that we care about and that we're focusing on I just think that gives you more texture and more color of what actually happens inside the world of CDG and it also like they'll take the opportunity to put a put a spotlight on a few of our key Partners who are really leaning in to some of the broader digital economy goals and objectives that we have uh about the morgue so yes on um two weeks ago today two weeks ago so there was a cabinet reshuffle uh customer digital group was moved from communities housing digital economy and now we've been put within transport and main roads so Minister Bailey has now picked up the Digital Services portfolio I've had the pleasure as Dallas and Andrew and Darren are spending quite a bit of time with Minister Bailey since he's picked up the portfolio he's jumped in and just shown an incredible amount of energy willingness to learn he's already been out to our security operations center it was at ACS last week just very engaging we've had some carrier meetings and I'm really looking forward to working with with Minister Bailey and the leadership team across TMR I think logically it makes a lot of sense we've just got this incredible customer facing footprint the biggest customer facing footprint across all of government as they look to deliver better more Digital Services and then I also think about this other incredible marriage between the digital driver's license and digital identification all that great work that's happening in TMR and all the work that we're doing within CDG through Telus once and our you know efforts to re-platform and offer more Digital Services they just go hand in hand so I'm I'm really excited about the move uh it's onwards and upwards for us no real changes in terms of the group you know we will you know be still a contiguous group we're actually going to grow a little bit which I can talk about at some other point but we will continue to have that same whole of government Queensland digital government and digital Queensland Focus um since a last meeting we've had our second Forum building digital Equity Forum so this is an initiative that we kicked off last year working with all the peak disability groups Queensland queenslanders with disability Network Queensland advisory Council research institutions as well as some of our our friends and and partners from the digital sector Amazon Apple Microsoft many of you are here we had a second Forum it's actually where we launched the digital economy strategy and I just want to acknowledge everybody in the room any of you are here who are leaning into that we're doing some great work across I think it's seven work streams now looking at accessibility awareness affordability uh device availability and just a broad inclusion agenda to make Queensland the most digitally inclusive state that we can possibly make it for our friends out there in the community who have are dealing with a disability and you know many of the partners in the room have said to me there's nothing really like this happening in other jurisdiction any other jurisdictions which you know I think is is good it's something we can be proud of also the negative I guess is you know we'd like to think that these sorts of things are happening all over the country to help people who have a disability uh Leverage The Power of digital for employment for literacy just for staying connected with friends and family so that that was a big thing we had in April we have these quarterly we've got another big one coming up if you want to get involved we'll provide details later on if you'd like to get involved in that program uh digital Workforce action plan is rocking and rolling we've now trained over 5 000 queenslanders on how to undertake a digital career a very diverse group of people we tend to over index on excluded cohorts whether it's seniors whether it's veterans I think I'll talk about veterans in a little bit people with disabilities First Nations people but that program is is rolling that program will run for another 18 months that's under Darren's leadership we've released our cyber Hazard cyber security has a plan that will be published I think any day now and that kind of gives confidence and Clarity on how we'll respond in the event that we do have a a significant cyber hazard digital First Nations program continues to roll we completed our first Nations digital audit we had boots on the ground in all 16 of our discrete First Nations communities across Australia who who are some of the most disadvantaged communities in the country full stop and then they're also the most digitally disadvantaged communities in Australia I think recently the latest list of the most 10 disadvantaged communities in Australia was was released queensland's got six of of the 10 the the bottom ten I think we actually share it it's like six in Queensland four in Northern Territory and they're all First Nations communities you've got sherburg warrabinda I think would you would Joel um maybe dumagi um yeah there's they're all the First Nations communities there so we we obviously have a lot of work to do to help these communities move up and have a better uh better opportunity for their their community members and one of the ways that we can actively do that is through the power of digital uh sherbeg We've extended the uh cherberg digital Business Center we've now just about to complete training for another I think it's another 17 people and that really is just an amazing uh success story we've been going on for a year now uh we're putting some of our services into sherberg Fujitsu is an anchor client and we've got more clients on board you can see some of the team there and just amazing to see the life-changing impact of people having a good safe well-paying digital job Dignity of work center place in the world sense of purpose it really is just an amazing piece of work and we couldn't do it with without some of our partners and we've also signed an agreement to launch a digital Business Center in Palm Island which I'll talk about as well and then back on the First Nations audit we'll be we've got some announcements and some releases that will be coming up with the minister in the next month or so I'm hoping to get that out um we complete a consultation on our Queensland digital infrastructure plan thanks for everybody who who participated in that this is our 10-year Horizon out to the Olympics if we think about the Olympics this will be the most digitally enabled Olympic Games ever 500 000 more times the digital power uh compared to what Sydney had in terms of you know the the digital capacity that we can leverage and we obviously need the right infrastructure in place to be able to support those Olympics uh we completed consultation on our 10-year cyber security cybers cure Queensland strategic plan we kicked off our second cohort of First Nations digital careers participants we've got 30 people going through cert three insert four in partnership with Microsoft and they'll all uh have guaranteed jobs within government or within industry in this cohort they come from all corners of Queensland it really is amazing we supported two Community recovery events fires in the western downs and then Monsoon and flooding up at the top end and this is probably something that people don't realize the critical role that we play in times of natural disaster within Queensland whether it's supporting the infrastructure whether it's mobilizing Workforce and Technology out to the right locations whether it's taking calls from people who need assistance CDG actually plays a critical role in in supporting natural disasters are we train another 45 insert four cyber security across government another 54 graduates I think we've brought in some something over 500 graduates since the Inception of that program uh 87 retention rate which is pretty amazing so when people go in that program and to undertake a digital career within Queensland government they tend to stay with us which I think is just a testament to the opportunity that people get and then as I mentioned digital Community Skilling pilot a lot of work up in Townsville 119 enrollments they're helping people transition out of the military and into a digital career really really important work major technology transformation happening in ssq under Andrew spina's leadership and Craig Newell so that's really exciting that's going to open up a whole raft of new capabilities that we can deploy on top of our already award-winning ssq function so that's really exciting customer Summit many of you are involved in the customer Summit next year that's going to be bigger and better this is our first 40 I think we had about 200 participants half a day I think next year it'll be a full day the the aspiration is that we want to do a customer Summit at the beginning of the year a cyber Summit in the middle of the year and then a digital Summit at the end of the year we're going to ease into that a little bit I think this year we'll do the half day customer Summit aspiration plan is for the end of the year we'll do something like a digital Summit that'll be part digital part cyber and then hopefully next year we'll we'll be fully up and running full day customer Summit full day cyber Summit and full day digital Summit so just watch this space customer sat 94 this is for the last quarter 94 customer sat in ssq 90 in scitec and I think it's worth noting in in scitec that and Dallas's leadership and Vickers and Connie you know over the last five years in particular we've gone from you know something in the 50s and the 60 customer sat up to 90 it's just been a remarkable transformation within that commercialized business unit that really does some very important things for Queensland government and then Queensland shared services 88 the reason the Asterix is there we measure a few things across qss and you know four measures I think you know it's anything from 84 to 96 uh so I've just done a bit of an aggregation there so it just gives you a sense of the importance that we place on uh customer satisfaction not only with our internal government clients which is predominantly scitec and qss but also with customers who call us looking for help you know we do 260 Services across uh ssq which is pretty mind-boggling the number of services I was actually out at Mount gravatt yesterday spending some time with the team understanding you know what what's going on what are the services we're doing what can we do better getting their feedback and they are just an amazing group of people that come in every day and you know take calls from customers looking for help connectivity completed eight Leo trials in our most remote locations that's obviously an area that we're looking to explore we are the most geographically diverse state in the country anywhere between 500 000 to 750 000 people within Queensland do not have access to sufficient connectivity uh it's you know no other way to put it it's just unacceptable and we've got to do better uh to make that work and that's why you'll see some of so much of our Focus because you know it's the foundation that the whole digital economy builds upon we can't talk about anything up here if people don't have connectivity so we spend a lot of time on that we'll talk about that uh soon we've expanded our Queensland government Regional Network to 580 locations across the state this is scitec a really important thing that scitec does provides connectivity to councils government organizations other entities that aren't able to get sufficient connectivity through typical commercial methods uh we're very heavily involved in rcp3 so the Government Federal government's out with 150 million in this round we obviously want to get our fair share so we're fighting hard for Queensland to get to co-invest so part of the digital economy strategy we'll talk about we've got 120 million to invest in to co-invest with with carriers communities and federal government last time we did this in rcp2 we got about a a five to one ratio for every dollar that we put in we got five dollars worth of infrastructure really fantastic return for the taxpayer and the people of Queensland and we want to continue to do that are we always going to get five to one probably not um but you know we're fighting for for the right level of uh funding from the feds and the carriers to uh get connectivity into our most digitally uh disadvantaged areas uh we kicked off a big piece of work looking at whole of government data sharing and analytics really important piece of work our customers tell us again and again and again they want to deal with one government they want to have a connected joined up experience uh you know 360 views single paneer glass all those sorts of things and to be able to do that we've got to be able to join up our data whether it's transactional data or operational data that's that's critical we have to be able to do that in in our most recent survey customers have told us that they they trust us with their data four out of five times and three out of five times they're happy for us to share data between agencies they just want to know when we're doing it so that's a really important important piece of work and we're mobilizing around gen III I'm sure everybody in this room has probably been playing around with chat GPT and Bard and Claude and all the other things so we obviously need to have a considered position on this both in terms of what it means for public servants you know we've got hundreds of thousands of people now that now have access to things that they didn't have before what's the right and appropriate use for that uh we'll be initialing draft guidance across the public sector for what we think is appropriate make no mistake there is incredible power in these tools and we should capitalize on the opportunity that it can give to us but we need to do it in a way that's considerate of the risks that might might present themselves so a lot of good collaboration with other jurisdictions and the federal government around what we're going to do in that space we've established a data center Management Service a brand new shiny data center out by the airport partnering with I seek with commenced the development of our digital identity strategy that will be whole of government digital identity strategy so we'll have a public-facing strategy we'll have an internal policy that sets the rules and and protocols for how we want to use digital identity across government this is obviously for customers coming in to access services but it's also for accessing the broader economy and this is something we've advocated very very hard at the national level that um you know digital identity is not just about citizens wanting to access government services it has to work in the real world as well you know you have to be able to use it to apply for a mortgage or a loan or or something like this and it also has to work in the online world as well as the offline world and we've also got 64 Services now plugged into our Telus once platform which is the you know platform that basically connects all the stuff behind the scenes so when the customer presents himself with their digital identity we can ensure that they've got access to the information that they're allowed to have access to you know allows us to get away with information sharing agreements and all those other complex bureaucratic things we can now use technology to kind of facilitate that brokerage I just wanted to call out a few a few Partners who I feel have really lent in I think last time I was up here I called out Fujitsu for being our anchor client in cherberg and who else did I call that last time prominence for the incredible work that they did in helping tell the story of CDG you've all seen the the booklet and the profile of of Queensland government our service catalog so prominence a good Queensland small business really jumped in and brought some fresh thinking to help us do that I haven't asked anybody if I get for permission if I can use those logos hopefully uh no one will be upset Microsoft really a key partner in our our first Nations careers program and they've also linked in with their expertise obviously they're a major major player in the generative AI space with their investment in open Ai and the work that they're doing to embed their Pro their their um uh gen AI capabilities uh they've been very very uh a great partner and then Telstra Telstra is going to be our is our anchor client for our Palm Island digital service center uh I'll be up there later on this month with the Telstra board and you know watch this space there'll be more news coming out on that one but you know when you think about cherberg we've eventually created at a thin air so to speak a a First Nation small business that employs 30 plus people many of whom have never had a job before and then kind of in the same mold in Palm Island we'll be creating out a thin air a small business that will initially have 25 First Nations employees again many who have never had a job before aspirations to make that 100 plus and the plan is we'll be doing similar things in all First Nations communities I want to call it debate results so they're the next uh anchor next client who's jumped in in cherberg and I think we should we should celebrate when you know we've uh we've got the small business they call on Saul sherberg digital technology they've landed a new client and that's DB results and we really appreciate can't just be government we need our corporate Partners to lean in and help us do this and as I say it up to all of them it's not a handout it's a hand up you don't really need to do anything different um you're not looking for money you just got to commit to providing a job that someone can deliver on country we're trying them out we get the facility ready we get the connectivity ready we do all of the other stuff and then you know we provide to you a a trained ready to go eager employee who's just looking for an opportunity and then better life mobile I don't think better life Mobile in the room we're doing some really interesting things with better better life mobile and they've just been leaning in helping provide uh different uh different methods and mechanisms for First Nations people and actually people with disabilities to get access to devices and affordable plans that account for unique circumstances such as not having traditional forms of ID or being on a special payment plan because of Centrelink payments and they've just been fantastic Adrian and the crew and helping us kind of break down some of those barriers that keep people off of the digital economy and then of course we launched the digital economy strategy that was a a big thing that we've been looking forward to for quite a while we did that on the 27th of April and yeah Vision creating a thriving digital future for all all queenslanders and there's really three three big buckets so Digital customer we want to make our customers have told us resoundingly we want more digital you know we've got uh five and a quarter million people in Queensland our last customer sentiment survey eighty percent of them were resoundingly I want to deal with Queensland government online through apps through Digital Services through the web 10 including the bucket of no I like going somewhere I like talking to a person or like getting a receipt I like dealing with cash you know all those sort of things that's fine we obviously need to need to support that particularly for you know people in rural remote areas or people who don't have access to to the right level of connectivity that's fine and then we've probably got another 10 who are a bit you know in the middle but either way we need to do better at providing access to efficient seamless frictionless services online so that's a big Focus uh then we've got a digital Market I think if I could have my time again I'd maybe call this digital Queensland this is all the real world stuff you know helping make Queensland a thriving digital economy so helping businesses you know small businesses uh be more digitally Adept and digitally equipped helping businesses deal with Queensland government more easily reducing red tape all those things that help enable the Queensland economy be more digital and then the last piece is digital government you know uplifting internal digital capability so that we could we're spending money on the right things in the right way we've got digital skills we've got digital capabilities and we're harnessing the power of digital to uplift the capability of Queensland government so that we can offer better Services better places to work better Employee Engagement higher productivity more efficiency etc etc and then we've got a few things that kind of underpin that we've set up uh I think what's going to be a world-class digital economy program office that will manage the overall action plan um I think we might even be leveraging a Queensland small business to help us with some of the tools I'll let Darren talk about that um we're going to be setting up an office of innovation which is going to be looking at Over the Horizon stuff as well as the cultural aspects and how we embed Innovation functionally whether it's data Innovation application Innovation all those sorts of things so that's a really exciting space and then we've got our new First Nations digital strategy group and we'll be developing a plan that will come out later on this year I I hope or early next year so with that I'm going to hand over to Darren I think I'm right on time woohoo and he's going to go into a bit more detail yeah I think you said 529 Chris you told me five you told me five past nine my tip to anyone is don't try and manage your boss up on stage um and look for for these uh Focus areas there are six priority areas and uh I'll just work this through but we might go to the details so the strategy is supported by an action plan so sitting um below the strategy as an action plan with a number of initiatives we've pulled out some of them primarily the ones that we'll be delivering against but there are a number of other departments involved in delivering uh these initiatives uh Chris did speak about the uh what we call the depot digital economy program office we are selecting a tool I won't mention it here because we're still in procurement so uh um but that that that is coming to a completion very very quickly so if I look at it closing the digital divide so how do we make sure that all queenslanders can participate in the digital economy what sort of things do we need to do to make sure that people don't miss out so whether we've spoken a little bit about first Nations people with a disability we've started some initiatives around those spaces but what about Rural and remote people uh what about getting more women into our digital economy into into stem and things like that what about seniors and a whole heap of other cohort of people so we'll be developing a number of strategies undertaking a number of initiatives to try and encourage more and more people into that into that digital economy some of these will be targeted at people already in the workforce some will sort of be looking at the pipeline and we've already begun discussions with education Queensland about how do we get that that pipeline a lot lot stronger so that we can get more kids young men young women into a digital career if I look at the First Nations digital strategic plan so we're really excited about this we believe again will be the first jurisdiction to have a dedicated First Nations digital strategic plan focused on how do we close that Gap to First Nations people how do we make sure that they can get a great job in digital and wherever possible do that on Country so you don't have to leave your community you don't have to come down to Brisbane very daunting for a number of people you'll be able to stay on country and get a great digital job Chris spoke about sherberg and palm and the work that we've already done there well Palm we're just starting to do but we're looking at other communities as well so we're starting to work with other communities to start to prepare them and gear them up you know there's not just Staffing accommodation leases connectivity a whole heap of things that need to be prepared to allow those communities to be able to deliver services to all of us and another shout out following from Chris's point we can't do this alone we will be putting a number of government services in these communities showberg already has some um Palm will have some but we can't do it alone so if you're able if you're willing if you're Keen to put more services it doesn't have to be huge numbers in these communities then let us know reach out and we'll work closely with you we're also working with the State library of Queensland people from here and there's Regional development offices so this will be through local libraries again to include more people into digital work getting more capability helping people with technology we will develop the deadly digital communities initiative so this will be to improve literacy particularly in First Nations communities and the last one growing indigenous knowledge centers so many communities have these knowledge centers First Nations communities have these knowledge centers we want to expand that and strengthen it so that people can go to a place to work to learn to be able to be included so it's not just your traditional Library we want to have great technology in these places great connectivity so people can come and use and learn that technology um from a customer perspective we also want to have great contemporary Digital customer services uh we'll put our hand up and say it's not always easy so a lot of our current access points our websites they're somewhat inconsistent they're sometimes hard to find information if you know what you're looking for it's probably okay but you know you can sort of find yourself having to navigate quite a few places to try and find information we want to clean all that up so we want to have a very strong digital channel product and platform strategy that will provide our consistency across the channel so if you're moving from Mobile to web to to face-to-face phone whatever it is you can get a consistency of service and a consistency look and feel about how that works that'll be supported by that digital design system that we're currently developing right now and the enhancement to Queensland Governor so Queensland Governor you will be the the entry point if you like for anyone wanting to get a service from Queensland government all government services is our vision of of where that will land um and that will be uh as I said that consistent entry point building on the franchise model so we do have a franchise model where probably one of the first states to do that but we really want to enhance that and make that a lot easier to use and be more from a focus pointer of a customer as opposed from government you know we're very good at structuring in our government silos we need to we need to have better accessibility for customers based on their life events uh leads to the digital priority life events so we're working with the federal government and other jurisdictions on um what about some consistency across Australia for some of these priority life events examples include uh birth of a child so when when a child is born obviously it's not just a case of um advising state or you know birth deaths and marriages and things like that but you want to go to Medicare you might want to go to Centrelink you might want to get a whole heap of services that are at different levels of government and how do we make that easier to to Traverse the complexities of different layers of government and so we're working with the federal government at the moment on making that as simple as possible and also link to that is a digital birth certificate so enabling that maybe sometime in the future looking at how do we incorporate that into a digital wallet uh that we're we're working with TMR or we are Tema the old team are that we're working with TMR and I'll talk about that in a sec the last one there is Keegan Queensland to say so how how do we improve the way that we support queenslanders when they're undergoing hardship how do we help them with Community recovery uh and how do we make accessing government support as easy as possible now this links to the digital license uh Chris spoke about the digital driver's license that's being rolled out now by by uh our department by TMR it's in Townsville at the moment but we'll roll out Statewide underneath the license so the license is the credential underneath the license is your identity we want to use that identity for a whole heap of government services and make it really easy for when you come to Queensland government you don't have different passwords you don't have different logins it's all consistent and all all um you know a regular or consistent interface for you to work through let me go into digital Market so Chris spoke about uh improved connectivity so obviously with all these Ambitions that we have you have to have connectivity and we are the most regionally diverse State we've got um the greatest number of cities and towns across the state no other state has has this and we need to make sure that all queenslanders can participate that they can participate where they live that they don't have to come down to Brisbane to get a great job that they don't have to come to Brisbane to study that they don't have to come to Brisbane for great connectivity or good connectivity that they can stay in their Community they can stay in their home they can stay with their family and friends and still learn and still get a capable job uh there's the Queensland digital infrastructure plan Chris touched on that but that will identify areas of where we need to have effort and investment to make sure that we do have that great connectivity and then there'll be a co-investment process with the Commonwealth with industry to make sure that we identify you know address those identified areas they'll also be local government import and investment to make that as great as possible uh I'm touching on Industries and businesses how do we make it possible or easier for smes to do business with Queensland government we're working with a number of agencies at the moment we're trialing a little uh rig Tech pilot looking at how do we make it easier for when you're dealing with Queensland government to do business with Queensland government not just to get set up but to address compliance issues we're looking at Food quality food transport Etc at the moment and how do we make that simple easy understandable and keep the process as fast and agile as possible the faster we can make those processes the faster businesses can stand up the more encouragement there is for new businesses to get going in Queensland so there's multiple benefits around that the second one is how do we support businesses in adopting new technologies so these aren't necessarily digital businesses they're all businesses across the state how do we help them picking up new technologies and Chris spoke about some of the AI um you know improvements and new products that are coming out how do we pick up some of those products blockchain nfts a whole heap of things some some businesses will be sitting there going I I just don't have the bandwidth the capacity to understand that how do we support them how do we bring them into uh the modern era and help them be as competitive as possible both in Queensland but also across internationally the last one is getting more businesses into Queensland so we want to attract as many and this is more focused on digital businesses how do we get digital businesses into Queensland how do we get digital businesses headquarters in Queensland so we're working with a number of agencies around strategies to look at making Queensland as attractive as possible so it's not just rugby league it can be a whole heap of other things as well the last one here in digital Market I want to touch on is talent for digital careers so we want to create that pipeline you know unemployment's very very low at the moment people can find jobs but there's a there's a shortfall um of capable people in Queensland who can take on a digital career how do we help those people transition into that digital space again the pipeline starts early so it starts with school kids but it might be people mid-career it might be people in industries that are starting to close down and while there's probably a bit of an upturn at the moment you know we probably say mining particularly mining of of coal and things like that we'll see a gradual decline of that in the coming years and so how do we encourage those people to take on a career in digital how do we train them educate them promote it and we're investing in our digital professional Workforce action plan as Chris said we've trained 5 000 people already but our goal is to uh train 10 000 people to be ready to take on a new digital job and that'll happen over the next 12 months or so the First Nations digital career program that's in partnership with Microsoft so that is targeted very much at First Nations people who come in uh work with us work with Microsoft to be educated to be skilled and then to actually be placed in a particular job the goal is that we would look at a hundred per year we're working up to that at the moment but that that program we see is extremely successful to get those people into those careers again some of the careers might be located in different locations some might allow them to stay in their communities and the last one up there explore alternative career and education Pathways so this again is us working with education on looking at what the opportunities are for for kids to make sure that they're getting trained in a big challenge in education for us is that uh it's very hard to get great teachers in community to be able to teach digital finally digital government I'll touch on this very very quickly because I do want to get the panel up core and common digital assets we want government to be more efficient we want to focus on the important customer facing outcome type things so we want our back ends to be as efficient as possible we don't want to reinvent the wheel so we're developing a framework for how we consider core in common these will be solutions that we reuse and share across government and there are already some examples that we're running up workplace health and safety e-invoicing time and attendance so some of the core functionality of government will make that as consistent as possible so that we can then invest a lot more in those customer facing Community benefit digital outcomes Chris touched on the enhanced data sharing and analytics capability how do we improve data sharing across government there's probably a consideration of what sort of Frameworks we need to put in place policies legislation Etc the cyber security Queensland strategic plan and program Chris touched on that will develop a shared services strategy so that we've got a consistent pathway towards shared services as well as a a platform strategy for shared services and for the delivering of shared services across government um improving government digital capability so this Builds on that pipeline of talent I spoke about before we want to look at new ways of attracting people into government so we do have a graduate program at the moment we want to enhance that make that more possible for more people to come and work in government and the final one is innovation Chris touched on that but we will spend a lot of time on what are the key Technologies coming up that we want to innovate that we want to leverage for the benefit of Queensland government making sure that we've got that social consideration those those risks well managed information privacy well managed those sorts of things and that we can leverage those Technologies so we will need your assistance in looking at those but we we want to set up a bit of a hub so that we can look at those new technologies and how we innovate with them so I'm a little bit over time myself but I might ask Andrew Dallas and Chris to come up on stage so Andrew Spina he's the deputy director general of Service delivery and operations uh he's in the the third chair I'll call it and then Dallas Tower he's the ddg of transformation and enabling Technologies uh in the in the far chair so Andrew looks after qss and smart service Queensland Dallas looks after a whole heap of things scitec cyber security procurement data and analytics and a number of projects so we're going to open it up just if there are any questions that anyone would like to ask who's got the first question great thanks very much look Andrew Dallas Darren Chris thanks for sharing your time today uh earlier Chris you touched on the digital games Darren you talked about cyber secure Queensland and the strategy we're one year into the green and gold decade with 3 300 odd days from The Greatest Show on Earth we've got games precincts across eight lgas we've got the involvement of key state and federal agencies we've got critical infrastructure elements if you love to hear your views on what that alignment looks like who drives that alignment what do the next 10 years look like we're going to deliver secure 32 what does that alignment across that look like it's not it's not the Commonwealth heads of government meeting this one is the greatest show on Earth yeah I might just start off from a from a cyber point of view so um as we mentioned there's been consultation on the Cyber secure Queensland strategy that's in the process of being curated at the moment and also the process of approval through government it does look forward through to Olympics 2032 and looking at how we can deliver a digital game and how we can do that in a secure way a number of focuses in there and that is around how do we work with building up capability not just within state government but also State authorities local government and also industry generally on a number of occasions around digital capability and what I can say in terms of before that's released without preempting it there's a strong focus on skills development or um more broadly skills not just from a people point of view but just a broader uplifter capability because the view is that we're only as as safe as our weakest link so to speak and so in order to deliver a um a a successful Olympic Games for example is we need everyone to be doing that safely and securely whether it's the local governments involved in that process whether it's any of the the digital calm in community or citizens Etc and state government and federal government as well operation on a day-to-day basis my cyber team worked very closely with the Commonwealth government I'm also very mindful of where the Commonwealth government are going to in terms of their broader Investments around cyber in particular and also recognizing that the the risk threat environment is only getting worse it's not getting better and so it doesn't matter if there is a Cyber attack in a part of the the industry it affects all of us and we've seen that through the Medicare example we've seen that through the Optus example as well so that has permeated and has a required action of governments to sort of deal with issues around um identity information for Citizens so I hope I've answered your question Andrew or Chris anything to add there was covered the bulk of it yeah that's good great okay any other questions in the middle maybe say your name and which company you're from as well hi thanks for your presentations this morning they've been really interesting my name's Simon Warner I'm from tactiv we're a local SME based in Brisbane here one of the things we've heard a lot of stuff going on today that is of interest to us and we'd like to participate in but how do we build those Partnerships with the Queensland government so that when we talk about digital identities and we talk about things like providing operational activities to First Nations people and those sorts of things we can't do that by ourselves we're you know a small 30 people we don't have the resources to be able to do as much of that development as we'd like we'd like to work with the Queensland government more to make that happen so how do we do that I guess I'll take the first step at that one um look I mean we've got names up there or email addresses I try and make myself as as accessible as possible to provide guidance on you know how do you get involved and provide Direction I think Andrew Dallas and Darren try to try and do the same thing so I would just say if if you think if if you have a proposition if you want to get involved reach out um that the more you can say here's us here's what we stand for here's here's what how we can get involved that that makes it easier um you know we obviously have a lot of people that approach us and you know we have to do some level of prioritization on that but you know again I will always over index to supporting Queensland small businesses you know businesses that represent some sort of underserved or disadvantaged cohort uh you you won't have a lot of problems finding time in my in my diary maybe it's not a time that works for you it might be a little bit earlier a little bit later um but yeah we try and be very supportive of Queensland small businesses and as Darren said you know part of what we try and do is help small businesses get access to decision makers and and tenders and processes so that they can participate because we realize that we play an important part in creating a thriving digital economy through the businesses that business opportunities that we give to small businesses I might add there as well as um you know getting in contrast directly if there is a specific thing you're interested in within my ICT strategic sourcing team we've got Matt roses here this morning that has a role for industry engagement so if you want to if you've got specific questions around how you might get on government panels for various things and that's probably a fairly good entry point to go to what's the other thing to do we do Dallas we have an SME participation scheme so in order to support small business there is a provision there to accelerate the procurement process from smes if there's an Innovative solution without having to go to the whole extent of government's exhaustive process sometimes of going out to and getting multiple quotes or a formal process so Matt can also talk to you about how you might be able to to utilize that as well what about the the spotlight the Showcase program I can't think of the name of it yeah we call it um that's it talk it up again where it's an opportunity for small businesses to come in and provide I guess what they do to a government audience in terms of of Solutions and services Amelia one you want to use the microphone Cardell Matthew rose up the back here is in the team that organizes a lot of these industry facing events in court including talk it up which Dallas just mentioned and we also do around monthly Supply information sessions we've just started it's a relatively new program where often many hundreds of government buyers and procurement Specialists will listen to a very short 30-minute discussion of what offerings you can bring to government so we're always looking to expand our touch points so that we can put business in touch with government with a view to working together so do reach out to Matthew you have his contact details all through our ICT strategic sourcing mailbox where you probably got your invitation today thanks Stella thank you thanks very much there's also a question online it's very very similar theme so we may have covered it but hi great presentation oh there's more um is that is there room for additional technology Partners to support the digital group if so can you kindly advise the onboarding process thanks Vish that's from Vish so room for additional uh technology Partners Chris do you want to touch on that one uh yeah look there's all there's always room and I I I'm inclined to kind of turn this back to to you all as a collective you know we will be the first to admit that we want to find better ways that's not always easy to engage with government and I might also say coming from the private sector um I'd like to find better ways to engage with you all so you know it could be round tables we've just we've moved into some fantastic new space in triple one we deliberately designed it to allow us to collaborate more with industry um but sometimes you just don't have the think time to actually get around to like okay what does this look like and how could it work so it takes takes two to tango so to speak and we you know we're open to ideas and it'd be great if we could get those ideas from a collective standpoint you know what are ways that we could engage and collaborate and experiment and try new things in partnership with industry you know we talked about Innovation before the way I see Innovation there's really four components to Innovation there's the I don't know I'll call it the research-based Innovation what's coming strength and weaknesses sorry opportunities and threats Looking Over the Horizon what does blockchain mean what does AI mean what are other jurisdictions doing that's one piece of it I think there's the functional Innovation driving Innovation deep down into the way we build apps the way that we do data and I think there's the the um cultural Innovation how do I build a cultural Innovation from the bottom up across 16 1700 people and then the fourth pillar which has a lot of question marks over it is an innovation ecosystem that involves our partners that is respectful of all the rules and the probity steps and processes that that we have to follow being a government organization and I have lots and lots of questions and I think there's lots of opportunities and I'd love to get your your opinion on how we might do that two other questions thank you guys it's uh Dave Beckett from working Mouse um I've got a question I think is going to go to you jealous And in regards to what Darren was saying in regards to uh the ReUse of core and common assets um it sounds like a bit of a wicked problem uh that you've got there in regards to getting the ReUse across multiple departments and franchising do you have any best practice that you've seen in that or do you have a current worker so that's a good question for actually Andrew who's uh yeah who's doing the strategy around he's feeling a bit left out so it's good so um look there might be different ways that you can talk about core and common right so I'm going to go a little bit back to work that we've done within Queensland government over many years and so shared services for example was was born on a quorum common framework way back about 20 years ago and you know looking at you know HR systems and financial management systems and so on like that but really we're we're looking across the entire domains of what we use within Queensland government and the the key to using core and common is we shouldn't be wasting our effort on fragmenting our our um uh our dollars our scarce dollars within government in in looking for variations on the same thing particularly when a lot of cases these processes should be standardized at that at the back end like you look at Finance Management Asset Management help procure to pay cycle so back end is one thing but then we're also looking right through our back-end systems through to our customer facing Solutions as well and making sure that we've got a best practice Arrangement that agencies can leverage off smaller agencies in particular that don't have the necessarily the the um the capability to look at what's available from best practice point of view so that's part of our role from a core and common perspective so we're having a look at that whole core and common area with renewed Vigor looking across all of those domains and looking at where we've got it right now and um you know there's a lot of work still to go there's no doubt about it but our bed fellows in this is treasury of course because they'll be saying well we actually are going to be scrutinizing all of the digital dollars that are spent within government and we should be sharing what's already in existence so we're putting a framework around that the criteria under which you will actually determine whether something should be um mandated and used by all agencies or whether we've got a range of preferred Supply Arrangements um or whether really it's it's um the opportunities there for agencies to just do what they they need to do so a lot of work still ahead in relation to that but it's a big Focus for us and it's the only way we're going to be able to deliver I think on this whole digital economy strategy is if we make sure we put our dollars in the right areas yeah thanks Andrew and I think also to us there's a cultural piece so it's bringing agencies on board and getting a lot more collaboration and since Chris has come on we now have the digital leaders group who are meeting very regularly they meet every week that's the CIO cdos across government and there's a lot closer discussion and collaboration of how we can go forward so um the you know previously you may not have known what's going on over in other departments but now just with that group coming together there's a lot more banter and chat around what's going on so I think there's a cultural piece as well there was another question over here yes thanks hi um Tom Raymond from extension I'm conscious I'm probably standing in the way of morning tea so I'll keep it quick um so you mentioned earlier the the results on people's Comfort sharing data with government which is great and then Comfort again share and sharing more broadly across government are you seeing with some of the the items that you mentioned a trend in that is it sort of leveling and there's active work to keep it level or is it dipping or is there any Trend in that sort of data uh you mean in the in the survey results what customers are telling us yes yeah look I think um so this was our last as a yearly survey we do we're actually just about to do a new survey about to kick that off we do something like 5000 or so citizens across Queensland we also do small business and we're going to other jurisdictions as far as the data sharing aspect of it look I I don't know I don't know that we've got any real Trend data on that I I there's definitely an upward trend of we want more digital particularly after covert people realize what it meant what a significant impact it was on their life if they didn't have access to Digital Services so that is that is you know a sharp uh Trend up and to the right and then if you just follow from that they want Digital Services they want interconnected Services well what have I go

2023-06-15 22:24

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