Kitchen Gadget Testing 74

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i just want to see if that makes any difference with less water in there [Music] hello everybody it's barry here hope you are well you you right there uh wherever you are in the world welcome to our kitchen today we're doing another kitchen gadget testing video part of the epic playlist where we review kitchen gadgets that you guys have sent me ones i found online and it's been going on for years and it playlist goes on for absolute hours so if you want to check this out at the end of this video but please before commenting down below as always please consider that some of these gadgets some are novelty some are good uh some are a little bit random and they can generally help people in the kitchen with certain disadvantages and there is one particularly today for the actual reason i'm very excited to share that one but before that we'll jump to something a bit five in one all right first up by zillis which is a brand that i've used a few times actually are pretty darn good actually they make some fairly good stuff uh it's the five-way opener and it does come with a five-year guarantee can you imagine that in the office they're like what should we give like four-year guarantee well it's a five-way opener let's give them five uh i have never actually used a guarantee on any product ever yes the five-way opener look we got five images we've got a beer bottle we've got a jar we've got a plastic bottle we've got a can of drink and a ring pool uh candy thing for a soup wow i've got all five of those things otherwise there'd be no point in doing this video let's go actually some fellow creator creators the other day emailed me and they were like barry just a little bit advice you shouldn't really be showing brands like this in your video you should take them all up and let people uh guess what the brand is and then obviously the brand's getting free exposure and i didn't reply but in my head i was like no anyhow let's uh start with the one i think i'm gonna be most confident with and i can see it there and indeed i did have i think i showed this on a previous gadget video one of the very first ones i had flip flops and they still do actually still got them uh with a bottle opener on the bottom yeah i've had them quite a while but there we go bottle opened on the bottom made by a company called reef so uh yeah cool [Music] boom test number one past test number two is some tomato soup which we will see later and i'm trying there we go i didn't want to use my finger at all on this step so you use the motion of that lovely love it love it good thing good thing all right so for the can of drink this is a really cool thing i've never seen this before it's so simple look at this gap here and my aim is to slot it on there like i just did amazing without having to use my hands at all so it's completely the tool which is the whole point in my opinion of a gadget you don't have to do half of something to do something else which might be a hint for something later anyhow we should just go oh no can we go that way oh my gosh i have slightly slightly opened it that's actually quite disappointing but it could have been me try it again this is peach flavoured tango oh that is not doing it but then can you get this g well it could have been the particular can that i purchased but that part of the five and one drops it to a four in one anyhow jar needed a little bit of force but it did it so last up is the uh plastic bottle which is what i was worried about but as i said there it does slightly go in with this um it's like rubber actually with some indentations for grip i guess so this sits on there like that oh it feels like it's bit it quite well and then hopefully [Music] would you look at that is it easy to get out i can push it from the side that's amazing well this boston don't eat the bottle cat mate in conclusion though the five in one opener which maybe should be called the four in one fluid opener but could be down to my can of choice it's actually pretty darn good i'm just a little bit concerned how that's sheared off that's kind of crazy right i've got a really quick one to show you yeah i've got two of these today i might call them gadget to loads like an interlude with gadgets because i've got something in my gadget box which is ever growing uh that just falls to the bottom like how can i sort of show that this is a cup cover with a straw self-explanatory except it's very dirty it has been in my box for about two years i'm not sure if it's from ikea but uh yeah it's it's it's basically this so we'll put it over one of our drinks that will pour into our glass i don't know how stretchy it is i've got an extra wide glass intentionally and there's no way there's no way that's going to fit on there oh actually is it no it's not i really no this fits very snugly on there look at that so you can slide that right down on there so it's flush with it straight in look at that so that's pretty good that it works the other test of course is oh yeah it's coming out the straw yes uh you can tip it about 90 degrees any more than that whoa that's pretty good there's like a pound all right as always uh i have signed the gadgets look at four rather than five we do a regular patreon gadget giveaway for the top tier patrons that get uh behind the scenes access and other stuff as well so i actually sent off three care packages i just hope i had the addresses right like last month so that was pretty awesome they all get sent away uh so good luck if you're a patron uh anyhow mate let's move on mate this one is called the micro mate it is uh all in one multifunctional microwave aid i've gone for some tools today which are multifunctional to see if they really are this thing apparently can be used as a tray so you've got these handles on it uh where you can carry so it's like a tray uh it can be used as a splatter guard but then the coolest thing that really appealed to me that made me think okay i will purchase this i bought this one myself from a garden center about a year ago get some random thing from garden centers don't you you go in there looking for like i don't know a plant or soil and me i come back with a kitchen gadget and a pair of shoes what we're going to do is take some soup which i opened earlier with a gadget look at this bit multifunction eh i'm now going to microwave this in the microwave and i picked tomato soup for a reason to show you it's splattering yeah so basically i'm going to warm this until it looks like a tomato soup festival in my microwave but we hopefully will be able to prove two things uh that the maiko mate saves you from oh there we go splatter marks are there any on the ceiling oh what a feeling when there's tomato there it is tomato soup on the ceiling ah fudge that is blooming hot so here's where the micro mate comes in i'm going to clean that microwave and we're back in a jiffy yeah i've cleaned that pretty darn good so this is where the micromate comes in as a splatter guard we stick that in and although that soup's still blooming hot we're gonna give it two and a half minutes of extra heat on there with the mate on top no no all right oh wow there is no mess in the microwave this thing is warm so i'm going to take it out by these uh limbs should we call it limbs does that sound pretty cool kids yo let's check out these limbs yeah oh look okay it's done it now the only problem with my mate is the the second uh thing that we can do with this uh now that it's actually dirtied you kind of need two mates to make it to make it work to mate no we're not going down that route to make it work it goes like this and you have it like that and you microwave it on here which would save me holding oh my gosh that's warm ah this was one of the other things with it you can put it in the microwave like that but what is the point of putting it in the microwave like that without your splatter guard yeah yeah that is really bubbling hot but look i can carry it and this is really useful look i'm giving it a bit of movement it's not it's not sliding that is actually really useful for some people that the disappointing thing is look if i was to microwave it to that point where we go splatter town again it's gonna splatter so i feel that mate needs a mate it kind of needs to have like two of these on there that you can fold over so you can lift it out and anti-splatter at the same time of course like we do you can just put some kitchen towel over or cling film but don't put foil but that's probably the thing that's letting it down however mate has another thing double cooking yes so for this one we are going to get chicken noodle soup all over my counter but imagine the scene right you are going to warm up your soup and it goes over to create a splatter guard anyway and there's no egg in this yet this is a ceramic with a little bit of water in it if you pop an egg in there and microwave it it should poach it so i'm gonna part cook the soup to warm it because the egg will only need about 45 seconds so you kind of build up in princess layers oh you're angry you angry oh gosh i don't know what's going on in there something's happened and now i've got the thing with the soup's read out again and i can't use my mate because he's being a platform there's an egg in there and it's sort of stuck to the bottom of the ramekin would you look at that we're gonna set the egg into our budget soup ramen and that's probably gonna cook the egg even more whilst it's sat in there but let's just see if this is a runny yolk oh it is it's kind of slightly set but look at that i would take that but we can mush that up a little bit oh my gosh stonking i do sometimes before i start a gadget video i have in my mind yeah this is going to be good this isn't and that one i had quite low expectations for but i actually kind of like it uh it had quite a lot of uses i mean a splatter guard is fine but like that two-way cooking thing and the carrying thing is awesome it i feel like you could kind of like have the two together and that would just really improve it oh the other one i quickly wanted to show you today that gone to the bottom of the gadget box by the coo which is a cool brand as well then lots of microwave stuff with them uh it's called the cut and wrap you basically stick it on your fridge and it's got a blade hidden up there uh for trimming off cling film now obviously for me i've got the rap master which has just literally changed my life i mean we see these photos that you guys send me particularly on twitter like seeing a rap master in the wild in a restaurant or something oh it's not a magnet it's a it's a sucker sucker pretty the full sucker mr t why didn't they mr t brandt let's try up here this could be quite fun this one my kitchen cupboards press that on like so oh and that is not coming off beauty look at that that's really really going to annoy mrs b later i love it so here we go you walk up put the dirt i don't know if that actually did it i'll get some cling film take it against that blade oh look at that there we go ah that's literally it and i guess it would work on bait i've got baking parchment hang on i went over it oh my gosh it's really good on cling film and that is what it's designed for i think we have no need for this i'm gonna literally leave it there as long as i can see if mrs b takes it off if it makes it to the next video we have one i don't think i'm gonna and on that note if you're not subscribed to the channel please consider doing so and if you are make sure your notifications are turned on and they jolly well tell you about new videos then that's pretty good in it alright folks a bit of a random one uh so i am filming this scene right now it is a 36 degree heat wave in the uk it is half past seven at night i'm just editing that scene hope you're enjoying the video uh and if those of you that are eagle-eyed it's not there now but in the last video on the channel the 4321 it was in the background and everyone was going why is that there chloe particularly loves marmite that much she would literally be like licking that cupboard and i said you'll find out in a new video so i've decided to roll reverse it and put it up before and as you can tell it's gone now mrs b1 all right uh today's gadget video ghetto blaster is literally a fluid special a lot of watery h2o fluidy stuff today uh and it doesn't stop now uh i want to thank you know who you are actually i'm not gonna embarrass you but this one by home craft is called a universal kettle tipper you can buy one with the kettle already in it as one well this actually should fit most kettles now i've only got one uh kettle in the house right back there so i'm hoping it's gonna work it's universal but it's supposed to reduce the strain uh on your wrist it's effectively a tipping mechanism to make pouring the kettle uh much easier so it's got a built-in safety feature that returns the kettle to an upright position even if it's released once it's pouring so it's maybe sort of weighted slightly for that so i guess if you accidentally scold yourself we don't want to do that my big sister did that years ago my mum was boiling an egg i'm having flashbacks i was a horrible day so we're going to do this first of all with cold water i want to i don't want to burn myself and i don't want to burn myself okay so that's a good fit there now and then you've got these hooks here and that's what these straps fit on so they'll go around there almost like a seat belt for your kettle so it's got one of these handle things either side so this goes inside on and then you let it rest and then the motion of pulling this up helps pour the kettle and i just poured cold water onto my worktop the reason i'm unsure about this is that like quite a few kettles this is the base the powers that warms the kettle up whereas the standard one with a cord you know the ones that have base lifts like that it's all in one you just turn it on this right now would be fine all right the good news is the next line down on the instructions literally said it can sit on the base so that uh what is sat on there and i've got another strap so we've got one going round and then one coming around the back there is a third strap but it was just too small even with the velcro adjustments it just wouldn't fit around the kettle at all so i'm happy there's two of them in there i'm not going to too crazy with it we are ready to go now this is what worries me i i guess you kind of set it up and then understand roughly where your poor area is actually it does say it is recommended that you practice with cold water first so you are aware the best way for you to use the universal kettle tipper and to practice the pouring technique oh that's really satisfying [Applause] i just want to see if that makes any difference with less water in there oh my gosh oh my gosh that could have been boiling water oh my gosh maybe i got a little bit more excited on the tip i'm gonna make sure it's extra strapped in now what right having watched that clip back i think i got a little bit aggressive with the handle there and uh as long as you're gentle with it and especially the way this kettle is designed that whole lid just popped out and get a bit more confident with it like that there we go okay i'm actually a bit scared now but anyhow good luck my friend so i hope you'll appreciate that i'm just gonna let it have a couple of seconds there we go no a bit more about there i think here we go i'm just missing it it's like no it's there it's there i'm gonna let go of it there we go all right all right let's finish today's video with a little bit of a sciency fun one uh hopefully a cola fountain uh so obviously we know what cola diet cola and mentos do this apparently will help make a 30 foot high cola fountain get ready to be amazed now this intrigues me when i've done it before you kind of put it on sellotape to help drop them in quickly and then you run like crazy it doesn't seem to have anything for that ah it fits in there perfect well it says to fit seven in so i suppose that goes in there okay oh yes and then we screw that on that is loaded we're gonna put this on and then screw it okay now hopefully there'll be a point where that opens [Applause] oh wow okay that was a practice run i have got to do that quick the first one went and then i needed to do another turn oh no this this is not boding very well folks oh no let's try it it's quite windy out here you might not be able to hear anything [Music] you know when you take the cap off you've got that sort of plastic base bit there this time i'm going to try and snip that bit off so that it gets a full sit on there uh the threads just weren't working to be honest [Music] [Music] what a rubbish hour well i don't know if uh how much of that was really windy out there i'm so sorry um how much of that you actually saw or what i even captured but uh the thread on it just was terrible um but i'm actually gonna keep that one and try again in a couple of other videos just because i don't want it to defeat me i'm covered in sticky cola now but you can see those fans did actually sort of push up as it screwed through except the thread for this it didn't actually have one so it's all relying on this rubber cap and it kept moving off of it as i was screwing it down we have uh certainly embraced the fluids uh probably got way too much on us that we needed to today and there's been i have to have to mop this kitchen again i've just come back in and there's more water back there so it's coming from everywhere real fun video i actually liked the five in one jar opener thing one of the best today but i do feel that kettle tipper is generally helpful i mean they were all pretty cool apart from that last cola one but i hope you enjoyed the video if you've seen any cool gadgets keep them coming in check out the rest of the playlist put in your sweatpants have a parathon and i'll see you very soon ciao for now i'm gonna go have a shower to get this cola off me if i take you to my crib you'll be in for a phil i'll be spitting on the menu chuck some food on the grill i like to do my cooking at ten to nine you can do it anytime and you'll be just fine folks it is uh two days after the gadget video it's been too windy the last two days to do it uh so today's looking very good um i don't think it's gonna work i don't understand what the point is oh my god [Music] i'll take that


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