CBC News The National Céline Dion’s health Iran execution Harry and Meghan docuseries

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tonight's Celine Dion posts to her millions of fans the news of a rare neurological condition these spasms affect every aspect of my daily life why her career is on hold for a one in a million disease for it to intend intimidate defiant protesters Iran turns to the terror of execution this is really the last tool they have in their toolbox Megan and Harry draw a tell-all documentary but is their Royal narrative the whole store it's expected it to be much more Hollywood much more glamorous this is the national with Chief correspondent Adrian Arsenault thank you for being with us Canadian Superstar Celine Dion has shared the rare medical diagnosis that has kept her from fans for months in an emotional online video to them she described a condition most have likely never heard of before it's called stiff person syndrome Dion explained that persistent muscle spasms just one of the symptoms are affecting her vocal cords and she told fans she's pushing back her tour dates some all the way to 2024. so exactly what is this condition and what could it mean for Dion going forward Eli Glassner takes us through it I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reach out to you fans Love Celine Dion for the way that she connects with them but today's message was different recently have been diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder called the stiff person syndrome because the symptoms present subtly at first stiff person syndrome can take years to diagnose many neurologists will only see a few cases in their lifetime symptoms it could be quite variable as well but the common ones there's a lot of rigidity so a lot of stiffness uh and uh sometimes people get a lot of spasms as well these spasms affect every aspect of my daily life sometimes causing difficulties when I walk and not allowing me to use my vocal cords to sing the way I'm used to the result a raft of cancellations for upcoming shows some now push to 2024. this music critic isn't surprised is taking a break there's a lot of things that happen in the Celine Dion show it's not just simply her there standing and singing she's moving around and also she's using her body to project and her lungs and her vocal cords and those things clearly she feels are not up to stuff right now the name does not do the disease Justice those with the same syndrome are now applauding how the singer is using her voice hopefully this will validate the disease and and wake people up to it and help you know raise awareness shorten the diagnostic time put it on on medical providers radar for this autoimmune disorder there is no cure only treatment combining therapy with medicine Dion is focusing on Rehabilitation but it's a battle I'm working hard with my sports medicine therapist every day to build back my strength and my ability to perform again but I have to admit it's been a struggle one she's now sharing with her fans I love you guys so much and I really hope I can see you again real soon Eli Glassner CBC News Toronto there's new evidence tonight of this country's Hospital crisis this time it's in New Brunswick the deaths of two people in emergency rooms one just last night and a near Miss in another Kate McKenna shows us how anger is growing and Trust in the system is shrinking part protest Part Memorial in Moncton dozens have taken to the streets to voice their anger about the death of a man in an emergency room and the government should be held responsible CBC News has agreed to only use his first name Muhammad to protect his family's privacy he spent five hours in the ER with chest pains allegedly warning staff he thought he was dying he left a wife and five children behind he was a very nice sweet guy I know him personally and ever smiling whenever he will come in in the mosque or you see him in any event always smiling friends from his mask say they'll do what they can to make sure no other Canadian suffers the same fate I want to request all Canadians to come forward and raise their voices against this Health Care system which is failing New Brunswick authorities have launched a review into what happened to the man at this hospital but Moncton is not the only place in the maritime's experiencing crises in emergency rooms New Brunswick Health authorities are investigating the deaths of four people in emergency room since June critically ill patients at our main ER were waiting over 10 hours for care while lawmakers and pei and Nova Scotia have raised alarm Bells over critical ER overcrowding I believe that the current crisis is the worst out of all of Canada Bianca golant says her doctor told her she cheated death he said I was literally minutes away from death and I was one of the lucky ones and I was lucky I was alive last month she went to another Monkton ER with stomach pains she waited 14 hours she says doctors found massive internal bleeding requiring surgery she says the whole ordeal left her traumatized I'm scared that if one of my family members have to call 9-1-1 that I won't have an ambulance show up I'm living in the most extreme fear so Kate I think if we look at the rest of Canada New Brunswick's ER problems are not necessarily unique but but how is it planning to tackle them well Adrian you're right ERS across the country are swamped we've been hearing uh similar stories in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island there are just not enough doctors and nurses and also there's an aging population and a swirling cocktail of viruses now the New Brunswick government says that it is working to recruit more people it's also working to make its Health Care System more efficient but it does warn that there is no quick fix for this problem all right Kate McKenna thank you for this the Ontario coroner's office is investigating the sudden and Unexpected death of a child at a hospital east of Toronto an office of the chief coroner says it cannot share details of its investigation at Lake Ridge Health Ajax Pickering hospital and the hospital itself says it cannot comment due to patient privacy Ontario's Health Minister said she is saddened by the news and will wait for the results of the investigation a man is in custody tonight after a frightening daylight knife attack at a Toronto Transit station two women were stabbed one of them has died Tyler cheese looks at what we know tonight police were called to High Park subway station in Toronto's West End at 2PM to deal with a man armed with a knife who is behaving aggressively shortly after police tweeted that two people had suffered stab wounds and a man had been taken into custody the victims both women were rushed to hospital where one was later pronounced dead no other details have been released locals now say they'll be taking extra steps to remain safe on the TTC or maybe I won't have my headphones on I'll be a little more aware of my surroundings but it won't stop me from using the TTC I'll just more cautious of my surroundings I guess Toronto's transit system has seen a number of violent attacks this year in April a woman was pushed onto the tracks at Bloor young station and in June another woman was set on fire at Kipling Station she later died from her injuries the TTC says it's taking steps to protect people we've put extra staff out this afternoon just to give people more comfort as they're riding the TTC so that means there'll be some additional special Constable patrols there'll be some additional uniform staff that work in stations in a statement Toronto mayor John Tory said our transit system should always be a safe place for everyone at all times we will simply have to sit down again with the TTC and police officials to see what more we can do police are still investigating another seemingly random attack Tyler cheese CBC News Toronto calls are growing louder for Winnipeg's police chief to resign it's to do with the decision not to search a Manitoba landfill the remains of two indigenous women are believed to be there victims of an alleged serial killer cat Macintosh has the details looking down from the air it's clear how big an undertaking it would be to find human remains buried in this Four Acre landfill police say that the remains of Morgan Harris and Mercedes Myron were buried here some seven months ago they ruled out a search then here you are once again creating unmarked Graves of indigenous peoples that's wrong and it needs to end now the victim's families along with indigenous leaders are demanding a search start now and not only that I'm standing here today to ask for the resignation of the chief of police for the Winnipeg Police Service Chief Danny Smith didn't respond to that but earlier this week police explained the decision last June not to search saying too much time had passed between the discovery of the murders and the time the bodies were disposed it's to a depth of about 40 feet and you can see it's you can't really see the garbage it's underneath that wet heavy construction clay that's been packed and bulldozed and manipulated by heavy machinery for for 34 days estimating 10 000 loads of refuse including toxic compounds and animal remains were dumped in the meantime all of it compacted packed down and covered with Clay the circumstances combined with the safety hazard form the basis of a difficult decision not to go forward Jeremy skibicki is charged with four counts of first-degree murder including Rebecca kondhua whose remains were found in a different landfill and a fourth unknown woman identified by this jacket now referred to as Buffalo Woman the charges notwithstanding the families and leaders are alleging racism in the decision not to search the message that you are sending is that our women do not matter now the premier and mayor of Winnipeg are involved getting the landfill to pause operations not promising a search but saying the feasibility of one will be examined I think it's very important that you know for right now we take this pause and we we get this right now neither the premier nor the American actually order the police to go conduct a search so if one happens it's unclear who would do that in the meantime the chief of police was called before the police board tonight to explain the investigation we expect more on that tomorrow and cam would the police not want to have those remains for their investigation well certainly they can see that would be much better but the crown has authorized three first-degree murder charges here in the absence of those remains that's not common it's but it's not unheard of either in the meantime the police aren't saying what their evidence is while they do say they understand why people are upset Adrian all right Ken McIntosh and Winnipeg tonight thank you Kim Chiefs at the Assembly of First Nations have passed an emergency resolution to oppose the federal government's gun control legislation it has to do with our customs you know our values our Traditions you know what we do as a people to prepare our young boys no government has a right to take that away from us the resolution calls for the list of long guns commonly used by First Nations Hunters to be removed from the bill an amendment an amendment to bill c21 is currently being debated by members of parliament earlier this week the Prime Minister who spoke at the assembly today said legitimate gun use would not be targeted tonight U.S basketball star Brittany Greiner is heading home after being sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison Colony her only hope was a prisoner swap and she got one Katie Simpson has Grinder's Freedom the price the U.S had to pay and the canadian-born

U.S prisoner who is not coming home yet Brittany Greiner waited nine brutal months to start this journey shuttled from Van to plane the only thing she says she knows In This Moment is that she's on her way home what's your moon Russian State media released footage of her Trek including the prisoner swap itself Greiner is the one in the red jacket her Freedom secured when the U.S agreed to release Victor boot the man holding the large envelope the Arms Dealer known as The Merchant of death is now free from his 25-year prison sentence getting a hero's welcome upon return in Moscow moments ago the U.S president made the final decision himself I'm glad to be able to say that Britney's in good spirits she she's relieved to finally be heading home and today it's just a happy day for me and my family so I'm going to smell right now um thank you as griner's family celebrates another aches for the same relief there had been hope Paul Whelan would be included in a swap the canadian-born U.S citizen was jailed nearly four years ago on sham Espionage charges I'm greatly disappointed that more has not been done to secure my release I don't understand why I'm still sitting here my bags are packed I'm ready to go home I just need an airplane to come and get me the U.S says Russia isn't open to including wheeling in any deals this was not a choice of which American to bring home the choice was one or none while Whelan's family is happy for Griner they're devastated their own Journey drags on it's a matter of helping Paul to survive until and if the US government is able to find a concession that the Russian government wants and it's not magic it's just a ton of work some Republicans are criticizing the deal saying boot is a threat to American lives Greiner was given preferential celebrity treatment and that this encourages hostage diplomacy Katie Simpson CBC News Washington Iran is once again drawing worldwide condemnation this time for carrying out the execution of a 23 year old protester it's the first in connection with sustained protests now in their third month Katie Nicholson has details and reaction to the brutal action of a desperate regime cries of Anguish believed to be from the family of mozen shikari echo through the streets in this unverified video the 23 year old the first protester of this most recent Uprising to be put to death in this highly produced video on state TV shikari appears to confess to stabbing a security officer everyone that observes Iran knows that these videos are obtained under torture that the victims have no choice in the matter that they're forced to say the things that they say the charge used to execute shikari was moharabe which means enmity against God this lawyer and human rights activist says it's been used before anyone that has spoken out that has fought the regime and the regime wants to put to death it often uses this incredibly vague charge from the Middle Ages from the Dark Ages to put them to death the execution seen by some as a sign of desperation by a floundering regime this is really the last tool they have in their toolbox so I think they're going to try to escalate it but I expect a very harsh reaction from protesters on the street their protesters have been sentenced to death many others like rapper tamush salehi whose lyrics criticize the regime are awaiting trial un was quick to call for a halt to all executions in Iran as condemnations from France Germany the UK and Canada piled up obviously Canada condemns such an action and we stand with the brave people of Iran it's not yet clear how this execution will impact protests within Iran but already it has sparked rallies like this one designed to put more pressure on the World to take harsher action against Iran Katie Nicholson CBC News Toronto Alberta lawmakers have passed the controversial sovereignty act with a significant Amendment so the bill gives the provincial government power to ignore federal laws deemed harmful but it no longer has a provision allowing the cabinet to bypass the legislature and an amendment ensures that it still has the last word on lawmaking the federal government has suspended its contract with Sinclair Technologies that's the company with ties to a firm in China which is facing Espionage charges in the U.S as Ashley Burke

explains that would have been a red flag during a Security review if anyone had asked for one the government attacked for a second day over its awarding of an RCMP contract to a firm linked to China the Liberals literally handed the keys of our national security over to Beijing how could they be so incompetent the Prime Minister made very clear today the minister of Public Safety and I yesterday also share these concerns Sinclair Technologies got the contract last year to keep the rcmp's radio frequency secure but its parent company hyterra is accused of Espionage in the U.S now the government is backing away as of this moment the RCMP have suspended the contract with Sinclair the minister responsible for the mounties says the RCMP has been installing the equipment itself and is now double checking it our top priority in awarding these contracts is to guard against National Security uh in in any way in which they may manifest as a threat that's why we developed a national security screening protocol but Radio Canada learned that protocol isn't mandatory and in this case the RCMP didn't ask Canada's electronic spy agency to conduct a risk assessment the RCMP is the entity which is responsible for investigating Espionage and we do know that you know China is a major Espionage Target so if a chinese company has access to RCMP Communications it's it's a concern right she says the fact the RCMP installed the technology itself doesn't completely Shield it from risk while it is hard to basically crack encrypted Communications I think there's some concern that if there was some kind of back door on this technology that you know an entity would be able to get the metadata of the conversations which would still reveal a lot about a potential investigation the public safety Minister says the government is now reviewing how the contract got the all clear and has promised to make changes to the procurement process if needed Ashley Burke CBC News Ottawa reaction is mixed after Harry and Megan release their side of a story [Music] a promise of a tell-all but did it deliver Canada's auditor general pointed out the flaws in ottawa's covid support programs we found that overpayments of 4.6 billion dollars were made to ineligible individuals Rosie and the at issue panel dissect the government's response and one man's dog goes on a shopping spree most of this was ordered from your machine and I'm like it's just me and my dog here we are back in two the Keystone Pipeline is estimated to have leaked 14 000 barrels of oil near the border of Kansas and Nebraska the leak was discovered Wednesday initializing an emergency shutdown the operator TC energy says oil is seeping into a creek and response teams have been mobilized that pipeline moves more than 600 000 barrels a day from Alberta to U.S refiners the yeas are 258 the Nays are 169. the

motion is adopted there it is U.S House of Representatives passing Landmark legislation to protect same-sex and interracial marriages there's been an urgency to pass the Bill since abortion rights were overturned by the Supreme Court earlier this year the concern was marriage equality could also be at risk members of the democratic party were joined by 39 Republicans in favor of the bill and it now goes to President Biden to be signed into law now reaction is pouring in tonight to Prince Harry and Meghan markle's Netflix docu-series three of six episodes are out promising and revealing tell-all Margaret Evans looks at what they say so far londoners enduring a cold snap just as the cold war between Harry and Megan and the royal family they left behind heats up an opportunity say marketing experts for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to shape their own narrative they have been through quite a difficult time with the British media because there have been quite a lot of negative stories but if people were expecting a gloves off dragged down name names fight they won't find it here at least not yet it's a much more subtle Affair here's Megan on a first impression of William and Kate Now The Prince and Princess of Wales I guess I'd start to understand very quickly that the formality on the outside carried through on the inside there are no Bombshells like the allegation of racism against an unnamed member of the royal family made in their Oprah Winfrey interview but Harry describes what he calls unconscious bias Within in the royal family pointing to a lack of sympathy for Megan and some of the members of the family is like right but my wife had to go through that so why should your girlfriend be treated any differently and I said the difference here is the race element if direct aim is being taken the target is just as much the British tabloid media as the monarchy on the level of hate that has been stirred up in the last three years especially against my wife and my son I'm generally concerned for the safety of my family critics dismissed the Netflix series as just another chapter in a long Continuum of morbid fascination with the Royals not surprisingly the Tabloid press so often accused of fueling it doesn't readily accept that racism forced the sussexes to leave the UK and there was a great outpouring of joy for this couple I think the real problem is she expected something quite different she expected it to be much more Hollywood much more glamorous but others say the couple have opened up a long overdue discussion there was a blatant racial harassment of a you know of a biracial man that has entered into the the the the highest level institution in the United Kingdom King Charles was out and about business as usual there's been no official comment Margaret Evans CBC News London and after the break Rosie's here with that issue hey Rosie hey Adrian tonight we're going to talk about the auditor General's report on covet spending we found that overpayments of 4.6 billion dollars were made to ineligible individuals what is to be made of it simply liberal overspending or necessary supports for unprecedented times Chantal El Amin Althea and Andrew will join me to talk about that and more foreign [Music] Barton here's what's at his shoe this week we found that overpayments of 4.6 billion dollars were made to ineligible individuals the auditor general released a report detailing covid spending while the report praised the government for the speed of its response and support it also found billions of dollars of Aid sent to ineligible recipients the liberal government defends the supports and say they have a plan to try and recoup some of the money we have a strong plan to conduct post payment verification and we are carrying out this work methodically so was getting the money out fast the right approach and is there a lesson for the government with other benefits going forward let's bring in our panelists Sean tally bear element Althea Raj and Andrew Coyne good to see everyone element I'm going to start with you this week what do you make of um what the auditor general had to say and what this does I guess for a broader narrative the conservatives have tried to construct around how the federal government manages money I mean there's really to me two elements of the story one is that it actually seemed generally pretty good for the Liberals the fact that they got 211 billion dollars out the door and then they made an error in 4.6 billion of those you know sure that is a large amount of money but all in all that's a two percent margin of error generally speaking in a crisis as large as covid I would say that's actually a pretty good story for them but where there was an unforced error I would say was hearing um a minister talk about the politicization of this report there's an auto General as just doing her job um and sort of trying to make the point that even calling out those errors was um a political problem I think that was where the Liberals stepped in it because really it wasn't unforced error that didn't need to go in that direction and so they gave the opposition more ammunition to turn this into you know a two-day story a three-day story but it would have been you know I think a one day story maybe yeah that was the minister of national Revenue Minister Le boutier Chantal what did you make of what the auditor general had to say about the speed with which the government did this but also the amount of money overall because it was four point whatever billion for sir but it was a much bigger money when it number when it came to overpayments writ large oh I wish we'd learned from the last time that we shut the country down and told people they couldn't go to work and earn money to pay for their mortgages and rent so I too agree that the speed was more important than accounting at that point I also agreed that the messaging about accounting was not great but I am curious to know what a conservative government would have done in the same place uh would it have put in a lot of requirements for all those people who overnight could not show up for work or would would it not have done exactly the same thing enter I think most people understand in the immediate crisis of getting the money out the door it probably was a good good approach to just ask questions later the problem is they didn't ask the questions later they didn't ask the questions up front and they didn't go after them afterwards to verify why how much the money had gone to whom how much had gone to people who didn't deserve it the auditor general has a figure of 4.6 billion for sure but

another 27 billion dollars that they she says needs to be investigated uh I think that the government's defense now is just were there other lackadaisical approach so as to say well we can't go after everybody to get the money back because it wouldn't be worth it oh okay that's fine you don't have to go after every absolutely everybody but it's not just about getting the money back it's finding out how much did we actually send out to people who didn't deserve it if it's at the 4.6 billion dollar level as awful as that sounds I agree with that let me that's a two percent loss rate if it's at the 32 billion dollar level that's a much worse catastrophe and the other question we need to find out but it's who it went to if we find out that some of it or or some section of it went to organize crime for example as we were warned a year ago that it might that would put rather different color on it so the government's you know unwillingness to poke about in this uh is perhaps not entirely coincidental well is it unwillingness to poke about Althea given they've got some of that money back for for Serb in particular they say they're going to go and see what else they can get back I take Andrew's point I'm not sure how aggressive it's been but but do you think that that's realistic Althea well that's what the government is saying basically I agree with Andrew you have two different visions and it's rather interesting that the argument is being put forward by the AG and not actually by the conservative party or any other opposition party there is 4.6 billion dollars in overpayments then there is at least the AG says 27.4 billion dollars in money that may have gone to individuals and employers who were likely ineligible and the AG is basically saying the government has to follow its own law and it has to go after these people who are likely ineligible the fairness of the tax system depends on it the appearance of being just of being fair of everybody being treated equally that doesn't mean that the government can't put certain people on different payment plans for example not charge them interest but the AG saying you should be going after all these people who likely cheated and the government is saying well we don't have the resources for it so we're just going to go after some people that we think are are grossly unlikely to have been in ineligible so you have two very different Visions one saying well you know some of the people who cheated were probably gonna let them pass because we don't want to put the resources to it but it's not just that the government in its legislation gave itself only 36 months to go after uh people who are likely ineligible nothing is preventing them from giving themselves an extension they can bring forward a piece of legislation that says actually we need more time to do this like the dental care plan for example is giving people or CRA six years to go back after the fact they're saying you know keep your receipts for six years so why can't the government give itself more time like it's frankly really strange that none of the opposition parties seem to be making this argument and it's only the AG who's up there saying hey you're not following your own rules well maybe they will after this battle because that's a broadly good point uh Chantel okay and Andrea than Chantelle Andrew then Chantel just to render a point we need to know the amount if it's anywhere close to them higher end if it's 30 billion dollars out of a 200 billion dollar program if they misspent 15 of it that's the greatest fiscal catastrophe in the history of the country that that would just be extraordinary I I hope and pray it's nowhere near that amount but right now all we know is that the auto General said at least that a much is suspicious and needs to be investigated chateau I've always been under the impression that the cre does pick and choose and doesn't go after everyone that it suspects not because there are not more than the people that it catches but because it would be a squandering of resources I don't disagree that we need a better accounting but I am mindful of the fact that this is a non-precedented event and that the remedies would require unprecedented resources maybe that's where uh all those resources should go within the federal government maybe not last word to you let me know this uh I'm with Chantal on that I think but mcgovernment's larger problem is impressionistic rightly sort of the notion of are They seized enough with this issue to pursue it or not and I think right now um given the approach of saying you know we're going to pursue some of it but we're not really concerned um with following up on this entire amount and sort of bringing the whole account um to the table I think that is the bigger problem and that is the opening that they give to the opposition parties to attack them on this and the conservatives are rightly of things teasing on uh that uh that laid-back attitude about it okay we're going to take a short break here but we'll be back with another round of that issue the by-election from Mississauga Lakeshore is underway what does this mini midterm mean for the federal parties that's next on the national [Music] welcome to another round of at issue the Mississauga Lakeshore by-election is set for this Monday the riding was previously held by liberal MP Sven spengeman who stepped down in May and the conservatives have not held it since 2011. by-elections are often seen as

referendums on government performance but this is also the first test for the conservative leader so what should we expect from the mini midterm that was my friend Aaron weary that coin that term let's bring in at issue Chantal El Amin uh Althea and Andrew and we're sort of riffing off of uh chantal's column this week so I'll start with you Chantal on on why this by-election um is so important to both the Liberals and the conservatives this time important to the makeup of the House of Commons let's agree on that but it is the kind of writing that um the conservatives need to win if they're going to form a government and indeed it is a writing that the conservatives won under Stephen Harper in 2011 when they won a majority government now over the three elections that followed they always managed to get 36 to 40 percent of the votes so they that the the conservatives are competitive in that writing the Liberals want to hold it uh and I think it's a test on two scores yes it is the first test of Pia poliev's uh tenure as conservative leader so at the very least he has to do as well or better than Aaron O'Toole did but it is also a test of his communication strategy the under the radar let's not talk to mainstream media as part of his campaigning for the by-election he held a press conference in Toronto but invited none of the star Globe and Mail uh CTV CBC so maybe that works maybe that doesn't I don't think it does but uh for sure one way or the other the leader who wins on Monday will get uh momentum at least within his own party and the the loser will have to deal with a bit of a morale issue and and Althea when you talk to conservatives and liberals what are they telling you about Monday and how it might unfold and their concerns about some of the things Chantal saying that it will mean a lot if they win but mean nothing if they lose yeah right point about the communication strategy is really interesting and one thing that was notable this week is that Pierre polia actually uh came out and did his second scrum with the Parliamentary press Gallery um part of Mr polio's strategy is to depress liberal voters and you can't depress liberal voters if you don't talk to them so if you're only sending out tweets and Facebook posts to people you've already converted or people you think are receptive to your message but you're ignoring the other part of your calculation which is making sure Liberals are so disgusted by politics that don't jump to the polls um it's a failing strategy so it was very interesting to hear him take advantage of of that issue right before the by-election and just after something I had written that story um to make that point maybe it was because of it who knows yeah I hadn't thought about that point about how you also talk to mainstream media to to affect your opponent and and turn out as opposed to just your own message um Andrew what are you going to be watching for on Monday well I frankly think much more of the pressures on the Liberals in this this is a writing the day of 189 of the last 10 elections true not by huge margins but nine of the last 10 is pretty telling so if the conservatives are unable to take the riding that will be a disappointment to them but it wouldn't tell you a huge amount unless they drop a fair bit in the popular vote if they don't do as well as they have in past elections that would tell you it's one thing but if the Liberals were to lose these elections the conservatives were to win it uh I think that would be quite a signal that there was actual discontent out there that manifested in people's willingness to come to the polls not just in the poll numbers and if I were the Liberals I would take that as with a great deal of concern bearing that in mind of course one by-election is not necessarily A Bellwether of anything but it would certainly be a warning bill yeah I mean both sides are telling the Liberals and the conservatives I haven't asked everybody uh say to me it's it's still pretty tight at this stage um so I mean that's what they would say I would suppose but um Ella mean what do you think it says about uh you know being a test for either of those leaders I mean I think we are at a moment where we are Desiring a test right we're Desiring evidence as at least like people who talk about politics or desire some kind of evidence that suggests you know the winds are blowing in One Direction or the other but unfortunately it is not the kind of by-election that even will tell that the Liberals are uh by all means of running a star candidate in this case I think if the Liberals lose then yes we have a lot to discuss about the kind of writing that this is and the way that this opens up an opportunity for conservatives to gain the same kind of grounds that they gained in 2011 when they want the story because yeah but if the liberals do indeed um end up winning this with Charles Souza as their candidate I'm not sure that we can draw enough conclusions with that I'm not sure that we can actually walk away with anything that is particularly satisfying about Pierre poliev or his potential or his performance in the GTA would it should tell that yeah go ahead although yeah go ahead well I think we will be able to draw a lot of stuff no matter what happens right like what is the vote for the PPC what is the vote for the conservatives this is the friendliest Mississauga writing towards the conservatives if you think back uh after 2011 when the conservatives won it for a long time it was held by a man named Paul Zabo and Paul Zabo was to the right uh like a blue liberal a social conservative a man who once told me that women shouldn't drink because you never know when you might be pregnant this is a particular writing so um it will be interesting you know those people that we talk about who feel like maybe the Liberals are too far to the left have they progressed to Pure polio has Mr probably have been able to reach Beyond you know the Convoy type and reach towards you know the center-right voters I think we will be reading in the tea leaves a lot more than um we're probably successful yeah those are also good points yeah Chantel and if you can't win uh in a by-election in in a conservative friendly writing how are you going to form government because that is the writings that you need to win and if you can't do it when people are hurting with inflation then you need to rethink your approach to how you're trying to make your attempt bigger or realize that maybe the attempt that you like so much is full of people who already like you and there are not enough of them Andrew I entirely agree that this is the kind of writing the conservatives have to wait in the general election in the by-election Liberals win is the dog like mandatory conservatives win is the man bites dogs yeah I I would say that there's a there are some conservatives that I've spoken to seem concerned about the lack of momentum from from pierre-pauliev that that because he's talking to chantal's point to a particular groups in Communications that he's not um out there everywhere and they're a little bit worried that he's running out of steam so does he if something happens Monday Chantal does he adjust the strategy me I think from where I sit and I with no knowledge uh that what happened yesterday that's from is part of a reset that you wouldn't want to do on the morning after a defeat in a by-election element I think that's right I think like the idea that they are they're poised to at least at a certain point begin to speak to mainstream media because they're realizing that the base is already locked down uh they have very effective ways of communicating to them but that's not the people that they need to reach this is the kind of by-election where you do test that message and tests that um a broader approach to how you reach new people I don't know if it's going to work but we'll find out on Monday Althea yeah I I agree with that I mean I think people will readjust I remember Jenny Byrne who's one of pure polio's advisor but used to work for Stephen Harper um you used to tell me you know by elections don't really matter they're just a referendum in time and people are always upset with the government and they take advantage of by-elections too um moisture disapproval but uh I'm I'm sure that that is not the messaging that we will get on Monday if Mr polio manages to win this okay but but to Andrew's point just to go back to that it's a liberal held writing husband for a long time so uh absolutely it's the liberal service to lose yeah exactly okay thanks everybody before we go it is that time of year when we want to hear from you so send us your smart political questions about the whole last year what you want to know about what happened or what is to come you can email us at the national at cbc.ca or messages on Instagram at CBC the national we will put them to this smart group in the next couple of weeks and with that I will throw things back to Adrian in Toronto thanks Rosie after the break a good dog with a bad spending habit and I start getting all these thank you for your purchase thank you for your purpose emails from Sony Zoe goes on a shopping spree in Our Moment just look at that face that is Zoe and obviously I think you can agree she has the face of a very good girl but behind it is a puppy full of mischief and also a puppy with a knack for online shopping so her owner Dave Murphy noticed strange multiple charges on his PlayStation account and when he found a chewed up controller it all clicked Zoe's holiday shopping spree is Our Moment Zoe was a gift for my daughter Open Your Eyes Open Your Eyes and he surprised her with her on New Year's Day a year ago and they've just been amazing ever since I left one of the PlayStation 4 controllers out and she had just chewed the buttons off chewed the triggers off it was toast I came back to my desk and I start getting all these thank you for your purchase thank you for your purchase emails from Sony and uh I panicked I thought I was like oh man I've been hacked I go on support they confirmed my serial number and they're like no sir this was ordered from your machine and unlike impossible it's just me and my dog here and I went back downstairs and she was chomping on that x button she was ordering funny enough add-ons for a game called Watch Dogs she's been watching my daughter play stray cats so a month ago I left my daughter's room open and I was in a zoom meeting and I go check on her and she's got half a Barbie hanging out of her mouth but I went on my social media and I posted I tagged it rest in peace Barbie Barbie wrote me back and like details of my death were greatly exaggerated and they sent her a note from Barbie and like a couple of collectors Barbies and yeah it was crazy okay so two things Zoe I need a little help with shopping so call me uh Dave has figured out a new password he thinks that he thinks that'll do it but I have every confidence that Zoe will crack that too that is a national for December the 8th thank you for being with us have a good night [Music] thank you [Music]


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